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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/09/15 in all areas

  1. Sitting Duck

    Two-Tone first gun

    just my own 2 cent opinion get ukara buy cm18 G&G RIF forget the blowback - overated and more crap to go wrong
    3 points
  2. BigAl

    Two-Tone first gun

    You do not have to be over 18 to become a site member. Also if you can prove you have skirmished those ties there is nothing stopping them counting towards UKARA Registration anyway, as long as you are know over 18. Definitely better to sort out a defence first and buy a decent gun straight off.
    2 points
  3. BBrotherwood

    Shoot and Scoot

    I've been wanting to write this for a while but wanted to wait until the everything was finally resolved. Shoot and Scoot make some very nice custom airsoft weapons mostly ww2 related as well as movie prop weapons and equipment. I ordered a Lee Enfield N04 kit from them on the 1st of June. In kit forms the rifles require some basic prep work (mostly sanding+staining) and then the final assembly. There is a cheaper expert kit form which is slightly cheaper but requires a lot more work. Upon ordering I only received an initial automated confirmation email. By the following week I had heard nothing so phoned them up just to make sure they received the payment ok and to get a guideline on when it would be ready. I spoke to the owner of the business and was given a quote of two to three weeks which is what I was expecting. After three weeks I had heard nothing and phoned again and was told that it would be done by the following Thursday. This pattern went on for a bit. I actually met them at War and Peace and was given a definite finish date in person for two weeks time. After this time had elapsed and them some I asked for a refund on the order as it was becoming a joke. I asked for that refund on the 11th August and yet again despite several promises that it would be sorted out and a couple of ignored emails on their part I only just got the refund today... Its a very frustrating experience from a company that I really wanted to like. The staff are friendly to talk to and really know there stuff but their customer service and very basic communication of issues ranges from absolutely appalling to non-existent. Now I have read some accounts of good experience with them and I have also read and heard about several bad experiences. They are definitely lacking in any form of consistency. One other thing that annoyed me was the excuse for the delays on the rifle. They were apparently waiting for some parts for the kit but they never contacted me at any point to let me know there would be a delay. I also cannot work out why you would advertise something as being in stock when you dont actually have the parts to be able to construct the kit. It seems really counter-intuitive to me as they are then at the mercy of others causing delays for them. I would consider possibly trying to order something from them in the future, but I will be going in with both eyes wide open next time. I need about 3 years to calm down first though,
    2 points
  4. For me personally, I'm looking forward to my first milsim event in december I'm an ex serviceman but I'm not doing it to hark back to the 'good old days' (great memories but some really bad ones aswell) For me, its a change from skirmish days. Its a chance to meet new people & possibly new friendships, yes it's playing pretend soldiers at pretend objectives but how many of us do get immeresed in a days pew pew pewing lol Above all, it's the enjoyment, challenges & socialising which I don't get much being a lone parent as my kids come first
    2 points
  5. Just looks like an advert for your YouTube site to be honest as you don't really use the forum much
    2 points
  6. Buy £130 G&G Spend remaining £70 on rail and stock ??? Profit etc.
    2 points
  7. Albiscuit

    Gun picture thread

    This is me, always reminds me of 90s cop shows or the X-Files
    2 points
  8. First run out in 6 months funny how life takes over sometimes Front Back Right Left
    2 points
  9. Russian winter gloves are a good option. Can definitely depend on keeping you warm(Talking about the OD mitten with the red palm area). However,if you want something more dextrous also check out the german army goretex winter gloves,yet to use them in winter since I haven't had a chance and will not have a chance to try them out this winter in Ukraine,but for Irish winter,they're perfect. If you wear one of those fabric liner gloves from a cleanroom it's even warmer. On the gas- I'm reading and hearing two different things- That WE Nuprol 4.0 is indeed slightly better than other 'green' gases (regular propane with silicone mixed in, and the other,that it's just regular propane and silicone mix that's jacked up marketing and price wise. If there's anyone that actually learned how gases work,what is there that you can do to make regular propane more efficient? I can pop down to the local shop and read the 'ingredients' on it if you want What I do for winter,is just throw on more layers. Long Johns,more shirts over the telnyashka, and grand. Austrian M65 jackets are fantastic for water resistance and cold winds. As long as my feet are dry,I'm fine with having soaked and cold legs since I can warm them up more easily by running about. For boots,just warm them up and slather them with regular old kiwi polish. all those waterproofing sprays I've used on previous and current boots do shit all compared to polish. Sno-seal I've heard fucks up the breath ability of the leather. Also,cotton socks are the devil for wet and cold weather. That's all I can really offer.
    2 points
  10. We tend to factor in an MTP equipped force because so many players wear it and we try to be as inclusive as possible. However, we agree, there are so many interesting camos out there. Next game, we also have DPM, Flecktarn and most of the Russian camos represented. Because people often conserve energy and arent playing flat out like they often do at a skirmish, people tend to be chilled and good natured at our games. We inject a fair amount of tongue-in-cheek humour so people dont get too up themselves and we only play for maximum 8 hours each day.
    1 point
  11. Don't short stroke too much or you'll go blind.
    1 point
  12. BigAl

    Two-Tone first gun

    Best decision mate, though please learn about the defence. You are not getting a 'UKARA' ( UKARA is a Retailers Association ) you are getting a site membership which is your defence, which will then be logged on the UKARA Database. It is also commonly referred to as a license, it isn't. This may seem like nit picking but the more people that repeat this rubbish the more confusing it gets. Enjoy airsoft.
    1 point
  13. SaltyBadger

    Two-Tone first gun

    Thanks everyone! Made up my mind, will wait until I've got my UKARA before I buy the gun I want. Thanks for the responses!
    1 point
  14. Unissued AK915 U.S Night Desert Camouflage Fishtail Parka Z-Tac Comtac II Helmet mount (OD)
    1 point
  15. having suffered a knock on the head sat,,,,don't go into dark rooms first! although I don't remember it last time...anyway...., bloody vandals I reckon!....even some stairs had gone from a previous game im sure...., ive revisited the subject! haha so looked at Emerson for a while and now FMA, and like he dial thing at the back, and thanks to Lozart, FMA will be purchased at the weekend!, cheaper than the Emerson one ive seen anyway accessories i'll get online now! now need some different eye pro instead of my mesh goggles...mmmmmmmmm......back to search!
    1 point
  16. I'd go GHK too. I've a G5 and I'm lusting after the GHK AK74 which has steel and wood externals. The internals are not steel but some kind of decent alloy.
    1 point
  17. Ah, I see what you mean now. It is super dumb, because most cap guns are 80-100% the size of their 'counterparts' and should also be banned by the same logic. VCRA is quite poorly written and the whole bit about guns seemed really tacked-on in general; it was mostly to combat anti-social behaviour outside pubs anyway if one reads it.
    1 point
  18. proffrink


    Unfortunately people will probably still skip it. In an age of lazy typing and even lazier, impersonal interactions on the internet it's all too easy to just ask your question and expect someone else to do the leg work for you. It's unfortunate because when I started out it was just before the whole VCRA changes in 2007 and no one had any idea what it meant anyway so I had to go and look it up myself - I never go on a forum and ask a question without searching first because I get the answer quicker. A nice side effect is that I also don't waste people's time. The answers are out there if you just Google for 30 minutes, but some people can't even be bothered to do that a lot of the time.
    1 point
  19. TheGrover


    Quick question to the afuk community that patrol this particular thread for the benefit of the newer airsofters who ask questions here: Should we make a pinned FAQ topic for the most commonly asked questions? I ask since we seem to be asked the same half a dozen questions or so over and over I propose we make the following FAQs: Can I paint an IF a realistic colour without UKARA? Can I give an RIF/IF to a friend/family member who doesn't have a defencek? Do I need UKARA to purchase an RIF? Can I travel by air with IFs/RIFsk? Can I send RIFs/IFs in the post? Of course, as a community, any other suggestions are more than welcome. I only ask because at the time op posting this, there are four seperate posts asking about painting two tone guns or otherwise converting an IF on the first page alone I think that the given answers to the questions should be produced by a few of us and there should be a general consensus that the answer captures both the letter of the law, and the spirit of the law, and clearly defines the two Any thoughts? additions?
    1 point
  20. It relates to this; last sentence of the first paragraph specifically. These water pistols are clearly IFs by the definitions given, and therefore shouldn't be sold to minors, though they're clearly aimed at minors and would certainly be sold to them. Bottom line: the law in this area is stupid and most people have no idea what it is anyway.
    1 point
  21. yeah got no prob with two tone its the kick and realistic operation im looking for even though its going to be looking a little daft with it green/red haha
    1 point
  22. Sitting Duck


    Think after a new member registers then redirect them to the FAQ bit/Ian's guide or something ffs http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/12854-new-player-guides-info/ I like to chat/type but to keep typing same ol same ol crap is wearing my keyboard/fingers out plus on an off day I may not be as friendly as others (soz for grumpy replies on them off days)
    1 point
  23. Been asked dozens of times You technically need a defence (such as UKARA) to paint an IF a realistic colour (or remove the two to be paint) Nobody will ever ask to see your UKARA or site membership at a skirmish because you have an IF or RIF If by a one in a million chance you do get asked questions, you can demonstrate your defence by showing that you used the RIF for airsoft. If you want to keep to the letter of the law, wait for your UKARA. If you just want to keep within the spirit of the law, just don't use the RIF for any crime (especially violent crime) and make sure it is kept in a suitable case or bag when you aren't using it so no member of the puvlic/neighbour will have cause for alarm
    1 point
  24. sp00n

    Sportsman Gun Centre

    so i was looking for a scope for my VSR and chanced upon this place, website, selection and prices looked good. on the 22nd of august i placed my order for a 3-9x50 nikko stirling scope. Which the website said it was on stock An hour or 2 later i received an email informing me that they was out of stock, they had ordered it and they would aim to complete the order in 7-10 days. 7-10 day no problem i figured. by the 2nd of September i had hear nothing so sent them an email asking what was happening. They replied on the 3rd of September stating that there had been a slight delay, they assured me they would receive it by the 9th and dispatch it the next day. i emailed them back asking to be made aware of any further delays, at this point i didn't need the scope until the 20th, i also put it to the back of my mind. On the 16th i got an email to say they had finally dispatched my scope, 1 full week later then they had assured me. unfortunately for me UK mail would not deliver the scope to my neighbors and the local depot is some 20-30 miles away, thus meaning the scope didn't arrive until today. TL;DR This company gets a thumbs down from me, there website dose not accurately reflect there stock, and they are not so forth coming with order status unless you chase them
    1 point
  25. proffrink


    Went to there guys to get a wide bore line for my DG - they also do the Daytona and Polarstar kits as well as lots of other HPA stuff like tanks at cheaper prices than I've seen in the UK. Service was excellent and delivery was quick. Dispatch was delayed but they apologised and added a reinforced QD point for free to make up for it. Would certainly use them again.
    1 point
  26. Looks like the bit o plastic that should be attached to the end of the spring has come off and now you just got a bunch o bb's stuck inside a spring. Monty's guide should help you repair it, hopefully the plastic spring end bit is stuck in there somewhere and not fallen out and lost.
    1 point
  27. Hopefully this should help.
    1 point
  28. No problem - welcome to the forums. Have you been airsofting before?
    1 point
  29. Krytac CRB or SPR would be a good choice. No upgrading required.
    1 point
  30. Two words GHK g5 It works when it's hot, it works in th cold. It's easy to strip and maintain and even though it's plastic, its better than a cheap metal gun any day. GHK use a really good polymer.
    1 point
  31. GHK everytime, then the Tipmann then KWA lastly any WE.
    1 point
  32. haha, indeed, got some tubagrip stuff to use! ....and bottle of tip-ex!
    1 point
  33. I change... nothing. If it's raining I'll put a thin waterproof jacket (orc industries L5 PCU) over the top of my shirt, if the weather is just threatening rain then I'll stuff it in a thigh pocket.
    1 point
  34. My post wasn't aimed at you, it was intended for ImTriggerhappy, who I quoted, but didn't 'quote' using forum tags. I haven't actually watched the video yet, youtube is blocked on my internet connection here.
    1 point
  35. Thanks for your input ian. I can clarify that both o-ring and cylinder are fine. And while there is no air leaks between the piston/cylinder/head/nozzle and hop i seemed to hit a road block. I wanted to look more into the issue with the sticky piston issue, which AF-UK pointed out I should have a freely moving piston. My piston head was certainly a problem, while it does not leak. The piston head was far to large to fit freely inside the cylinder. As soon as any side to side play is put on the piston as it travels, the sides of the head would catch the cylinder wall and slow it down, or stick if pushed by hand. I foruntnately had a spare pom piston head that fit a hell of a lot better, shame my AO is now out . Not by much though so no worries. Unfortunately while working on the shell, one of the bearings for the sector gear popped little BB babies everyhwhere, ok no worries i got spares... ah wait i have 6/7/9 mm bearings but no 8s ! Typical. Should have bearing by tuesday. Untill then i cant really test anymore. Everything else looks good, so once parts come i will find out how this gets on. As for lubricant, i have been using 100% silicone jell by webbs for air seal parts and ptfe for guides and tappet plate to case. I know the lube cant be my issue here as bulding many guns and fixing a whole lot more,i have never had any issues. I will certainly get some of that though . After all these issues, im bulding a HPA kit to be finished the end of the year. Lets hope i have less issues with that . report back tues/wed Cheers George
    1 point
  36. Also M14s are sexy and not completely generic like some of the M4s you might find at that price.
    1 point
  37. I'm left handed and right eye dominant and shoot rifles right handed. For me I actually find it harder to shoot rifles left handed, but with pistols I prefer my left hand which is ideal for dropping a rifle on a sling to draw your pistol. I guess it comes down to what is the most comfortable for you as I really struggle to aim down sights shooting rifles left handed for whatever reason.
    1 point
  38. You can swap the bolt handle for a left handed one by buying an aftermarket one on the VSR-10. Two things though: Firstly, if you're new you should very much consider other options for your starting gun if you want to skirmish it. Secondly, if you're right eye dominant then is a right hand setup not better? It should be much easier to cycle a bolt with your less dominant arm than have to use your weaker eye. Edit: Whoops - I was thinking of an L96 left-handed handle I'd seen. Ignore the bit about an 'aftermarket part'. It can be done through modding the stock one though. Also, I notice you've already bought the VSR in question (if your profile is accurate), so feel free to ignore the advice about not buying one as a starter too. It's mostly about technique anyhow - there's no brass flying out that's going to hit you in the face so being left handed is fine. I've never had an issue cycling my L96 left-handed, and I've been shouldering it on the left too as I prefer to use my left eye.
    1 point
  39. I just bought a new suppressor for my Mk23 to replace the one I lost at The Mall a few weeks ago. Just £25 from Taiwangun, and it came with a free pistol and magazine too!!!
    1 point
  40. Ultimately it comes down to whatever floats your boat. Some may sneer at milsimers (SAS wannabees, etc) but their having fun doing what they are doing, same as people who just enjoy skirmish games. I do a bit of both and enjoy them for what they are. As to folks paying ridiculous money for kit, it's their money. You wouldn't laugh at someone buying a BMW over a Kia.
    1 point
  41. Ian_Gere

    Gun picture thread

    Not as badass as crossing your wrists with a torch in your left hand and your pistol resting on it in your right...
    1 point
  42. Eat more and get fat for winter.
    1 point
  43. Er, what's your point? You've just said you have no alternative if you can't rent. A lot of people buy new furniture that isn't painted - i.e. new handguard and stock (not more than £50) or use the power spray. Again, it does work even with Krylon 2-tone jobs, but it takes a long time and a lot of people just give up or complain that it's not working.
    1 point
  44. Airsoft skirmishing is for people who want to run around have a laugh and shoot each other with bb guns. Milsim is for guys who became accountants but like to pretend that they are Sas Elite Super Soldier for a day/weekend. Think table top wargaming with real people. 😉
    1 point
  45. sp00n

    Gun picture thread

    could not resist some inert link on my A&K M249 para
    1 point
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