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  1. Normally my response would be 'yeah, sure', before immediately leaning it against the nearest solid object and carrying on with what I was doing. In a jokey way, of course. Unless it was a particularly interesting gun. Then I'd ask to have a few shots with it while I was holding it. Had a guy with a M249 do that when I first started. Many of his BBs were spent. I regret nothing.
    4 points
  2. Your not getting out of it now. Its on the internet for the whole world to see. You have been outed as having an interest in fondling another mans weapon. No one will ever forget. I promise.
    4 points
  3. I keep a special bag of Bulldog 0.12s for just such occasions.
    4 points
  4. Adam3088

    Battery care?

    For long term storage (months of no use) you want to keep lipo's with a reasonable amount of charge in them, but not low or fully charged. They gradually lose a bit of power over time, so storing them nearly empty can kill them outright and fully charged can cause them to puff up. But otherwise just keep them disconnected in a non-conductive box. Used to do RC racing, someone had a metal case full of NI-MH's that they had lined with electrical tape, the inevitable happened and one shorted out. Sounded like a bomb going off, tore the case apart!
    3 points
  5. JackHG

    HPA: to buy or not to buy

    thanks for the replies guys and if u are thinking that it's stupid money for me to spend I have earnt it all myself through my job so it's not a case of "spoilt kid with mommies credit card and no grasp of money"
    3 points
  6. Bloody hell...... Toy Gun holding...... Sharing BB love...... Yoda StormTroopers & Star Wars stuff...... Look guys - I'm with ya on all of this but if our other halves or anybody else from the real world reads this I'm starting to realise how really f*cking sad we all are !!!!!! yup fine by me - carry on chaps
    3 points
  7. Oh crap...bought a Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa 4.3 with 3 mags....
    2 points
  8. He is from a navy town so im not shocked by it
    2 points
  9. murph

    Guns that stand out.

    Marshmallow launcher. And he actually killed someone with it.
    2 points
  10. poor bastid - you will end up probably buying more than "just one more gun dear" alas you sound a little like moi - end up keeping most of your stuff (or crap as the other half calls it) thus to attain true hapiness is to say - ahh wtf lets get another to help make my final decision as to which gun I really like..... welcome to the saddo toy gun club
    2 points
  11. Oh, I'm not miserable, infact i'm quite a happy chappy I have friends that play that take the piss because I always take a good stock of stuff. Makes me pretty angry when people start asking for BB's because they've come unprepared. I've even had a guy ask if he could borrow my rifle AS I WAS USING IT! I think that can be classed as downright rudeness? You can keep your fluffly unicorn flag though, the fact that you have one is worrying
    2 points
  12. n1ckh

    Helmets for BIG heads

    How about a bucket Cut some holes for your eyes & done Depending on how big your head is does SOMETIMES limit the helmet you can use Go into a store & try on there range of helmets if there's one near to you
    2 points
  13. Excuse me but whats that mean in English?
    2 points
  14. If you are booking in as a rental you pay in advance, but if you booking in as a walk on then you pay on the door
    2 points
  15. n1ckh

    G&G L85 problem (SA80)

    It turned out to be the motor height adjustment screw (thanks sp00n you were spot on) The constant vibration worked it loose so a bit of tempory thread locker (blue is temp, red is permanent in my little twin pack) so I can still undo it if needs be I prefer the old look but after image research, not all British army persons had the DD rail attached, nor did they have mtp kit I bought if off my mate (started airsoft together) so I know what he's done including the flat hop mod so gets out to 70m as one guy mentioned when he got hit
    2 points
  16. Team fluffy unicorn all the way
    2 points
  17. I think this forum needs a choose your own adventure series where we get a poll and whichever option gets the most votes wins. If I was to hold a strangers gun I would make sure to wash my hands afterwards.
    2 points
  18. I vote Team Fluffy Unicorn assembles at Snakeeyes' next game and all take turns in asking him for BBs and to hold our guns for us. All. Day. Long.
    2 points
  19. So the question for the forum today is whether you should hold a stranger's gun or not when they ask you to? For example: you have just found a nice position overlooking a route used by the opposition team and a stranger on your team asks you to hold their weapon while they faff around (and maybe borrow some of your spare BBs ). Do you say: 1. Yes, of course 2. No, sorry I am busy 3. Where is your sling? 4. Something else Edit: 5. Can I keep it? 6. Am I wearing my fluffy unicorn and Care Bear patches? 7. Go and ask Snakeyes75 or Matto2494!
    1 point
  20. Im probably going to get a front wired on as there is more battery space. Thanks ImTriggerHappy
    1 point
  21. I think ive found the perfect gun for me the ics cxp hog.
    1 point
  22. ok thanks i can never decide what i want theres so much choice
    1 point
  23. Yeah the Krytac. Wont break after 5000 rnds either.
    1 point
  24. Ok so serious subject here. I love Nuprols! Not in a sexy way but I've never found an equal to the .43's! However... I've now had about 3 bottles, first 2 were stunning! 3'rd one (From Landwarrior) was obviously a duff bottle and is horse sh*t! In a standard Gspec barrel they're ok although you get a few flyers, in a 6.03 they jam ever other shot! I'm now using Gunfire Rocket .43's which are "OK" not as good but probably about the best you can get in white.
    1 point
  25. God no. I hide if I see one, there are some really dubious characters on here. 😮
    1 point
  26. Nuprols are quite good. Think there was some bad ones in first few batch which put people off. The only problem is they are dead on 6mm and a lot of guns get on better with brands which come up smaller. I had problems and and still do with speedloaders but they fly well which for me is the main thing.
    1 point
  27. I've given mine to my better playing son I'm so not worthy of it as I shoot like a blind squealing little girl trapped in an ol' farts body hence I still use the starter guns too.... If I was using a higher end gun I really would have no excuse why I can't hit anything always blame the gun/tools etc..... nah - I friggin' crap at this but wtf I still enjoy it being cannon fodder for pro's ( and rental noobs - jjjeeeeeez I suck)
    1 point
  28. The OP was a light hearted thread and the first few posts indeed took it in the direction of double entendre. Maybe I should have caveated the post with "I neither condemn or condone holding a stranger's gun"h. Like life it is all context related, and each situation merits a different response based on circumstance.
    1 point
  29. Ninja lpr and he said 'tanks start at £40' however I have just looked at beesting and they have some good deals on so I might go with them instead
    1 point
  30. Tippmann's do have a hop issue but it's an easy fix now, there's plenty of ways to fix it. I fixed mine with a simple but brilliant mod and it worked a dream. G&G CM's are generally pretty good for P* setup and i believe so for SMP as well.
    1 point
  31. Oh Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry...
    1 point
  32. oooouch bit harsh - ya AGGA cow (seriously considering a B500A1 hpa project now to bring to Mall)
    1 point
  33. it is worth getting ya hands on a gun - ooh having a touchy feely fondle ahem getting carried away there - hold a gun, point n aim, get to use it if possible wise words from Okto eight..... I was kinda guessing you had maybe hired a G36 to aquire ukara so got used to 'em or liked 'em but many think they want this n that but reality is many find out later their must have gun is not for them (very true with bolt snipers - often many return to regular aeg's) M4's - G&G's are a safe bet but they are the Fords of airsoft - still very easy to just grab n use AK's - Cyma's are very good makes, very popular but me personally find the M4 fire selector easier to use G36 - JG and some others - probably the usual hire gun, good little all rounder and ambi selector for lefty/right handed the above 3 have popular 300-500rnd, heck even 1,000 to 2,500 nearly 5,000 rnd mags (getting silly now) but they have higher capacity mags and usually easy/cheap to buy/borrow a mag MP5's - ambi fire selector - compact mp5k's to the more longer types, slightly lower capacity mags but very popular gun ahh crap - not gonna list all but you decide which gun floats your boat most use either a v2 or v3 gearbox and nothing too major to maintain/service/repair if you choose a more bespoke type of gun or alternative one like bullpup or m14 or a unique model then spares n stuff may be a little trickier to source easily - just pointing this out The import thing is a good option to consider if you feel that at some point you can maintain your own gun(s) Guns do wear over time - depends on quality, usage and a bit of luck - unless you just mount them on a wall for show Most peeps get a decent starter gun - just like ya first car and work upwards maybe over time. Depends on the person themselves - yes you can buy a £300 - £500 gun or an average £150 decent starter gun (The importing of Cyma/JG's at about £100 equates to a usual £150 if bought in UK as Poland heavily discount those from bulk buying) If you buy a G&G M4 or some other make like higher/mid range Krytac's then yes deffo buy from a UK retailer and have some warranty or customer service to fall back on if you are not too techy minded plus helps out local or UK retailers Alas only you can decide what you think you would like as your first gun plus like many things - no sooner you obtain your perfect gun - you see another that catches your eye - damn it Thus it can be a very addictive & slippery slope you have chosen to take up Actually - if you keep your impulsive kid in a candy store cravings under control, it ain't that bad tbh choose wisely and research a bit and you will be fine End of the day - they are just little toy guns that roughly do the same friggin' job some are better than others - some you may like and others you won't but as long as you don't buy ya toy guns from " BB " sites you will be fine (£100 guns from TWG & GF are much much better than £100 "BB" gun sites in UK)
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. hmmm you can read that so many ways ☺
    1 point
  36. jcheeseright

    Helmets for BIG heads

    most FAST/Ops Core style replica helmets only come in M/L, try MICH style helmets instead, you can quite often find L/XL replicas of those.
    1 point
  37. reiver

    Helmets for BIG heads

    I'm not sure if it so the correct style of helmet you are looking for but I use a VIPER M88 and I'm a size 62 hat.
    1 point
  38. One of the few times a gun has stood out for me was when I first laid eyes on a Barrett .50cal someone had brought to a skirmish (cannot remember the brand). Having a deep seated love for sniper rifles I had to go over and have a chat with it's owner. Was a bit dissapointed it was an electric rifle (I prefer spring snipers) but was a nice bit of kit.
    1 point
  39. The next time Im asked to hold someones gun im stealing all of their ammo
    1 point
  40. G&G combat machine, ics m4 second hand
    1 point
  41. It sounds to me that the OP has a bit of a thing for not helping people when they need it
    1 point
  42. With that attitude hes already lost.
    1 point
  43. My reply. Kindly f**k yourself sir.
    1 point
  44. Im comfortable with my own sexuality, i have loving (ish) gf. Id hold another mans weapon in a moment of genuine need.
    1 point
  45. Cant believe this is really a question. I have given bbs, tracer bbs, various batteries, pyro and I even gave a kid my back up aeg because I felt sorry for him even chucked in two batteries and charger. Maybe I am too generous but one day it might come back around.
    1 point
  46. Hegs44

    Airsoft Etiquett

    Great info for newbi me also. I've got my first "walk on" skirmish day next week. I work in the "real" weapon world and I'm quite nervous about messing up and annoying the old sweats at the skirmish with their established tactics and drills. Hugely looking forward to the FUN aspect of the airsoft environment. Thanks again
    1 point
  47. Sitting Duck

    New airsofter

    get ukara'd buy loads of guns n stuff kiss goodbye to your bank balance welcome to forum.... as suggestion - got a working gun - keep it for the moment buy a cheapy starter to learn to tech on rather than pull apart one that works very soon you will build up a collection of stuff/projects (story of my sad sad life)
    1 point
  48. Camo patterns usually have little impact in airsoft and plain brown or green tend to work almost as well. I would however avoid too much black, I find black very easy to spot.
    1 point
  49. I cant' believe nobody has said "All your base are belong to us" ?
    1 point
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