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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/15 in all areas

  1. 9 points
  2. 'sup homies
    8 points
  3. No dont say that word they have computers that detect it. They will be monitoring us now. You've DOOMED US remember everybody its Josh's fault I didnt have a heart attack or just fall down a hole its all a conspiracy. Got to go kiss my kids goodbye its only a matter of time till they come for me now.
    3 points
  4. You never know they have been experimenting on soldiers for years, look at gulf war syndrome. Might have been contaminated by chemicals or some sort of drug you could get some trousers and end up growing a third testicle. Dont get anything American for god sake it could be from area 51 and be carrying a deadly alien pathogen or a little bug that could burrow into your brain and take control of you. Got to go and put my anti esp tinfoil hat on now think the feds are monitoring me again. 😒👽
    3 points
  5. dont be silly, its fine
    3 points
  6. Baz JJ

    Advice on guns please

    New combat machine. There is a lot of secondhand crap out there and if you dont know the history and you buy online, youre likely to end up with a dog, unless you know how to fix all the problems.
    3 points
  7. Monty


    Ukara is the defence
    2 points
  8. Really not much those are just a reasonably stock combat machine and a second hand WE glock!
    2 points
  9. danbristow91

    which starter gun

    hi all been on here a while, and been wanting to start for ages now, but finally got a bit of cash and some time, and ive looked at buying over rental.. so i had a budjet of 100 quid for something second hand, that can either do as a spare when i get a ukara and buy something nice, or as something to sell cheap onto another starter ive been offered 2 decent sounding deals both locally to me first CM16 Raider with 2mags and a battery for 100 quid or a Classic Army G36 with 6 High Caps, battery and charger for 100 quid again Local Site will be spec Ops Rock or bloxworth in dorset just asking really which of the two would be the best pick
    1 point
  10. sp00n


    you said "licence" ...... /giggles
    1 point
  11. two_zero


    well, "UKARA is believed to be a valid defence." if we'd be real pedantic - As its a private organisation and as far as I am aware it has not been tried in court. ^^
    1 point
  12. proffrink


    tl;dr - not all defences are UKARA, but UKARA is a valid defence. UKARA was a reaction to the VCRA changes in 2007 that added legislature regarding realistic imitation firearms (basically anything that looks like a real gun). In short, it meant you needed a 'defence' (a valid reason) to buy one. A defence could be many things: An airsoft site membership, producing films or plays, reenactments etc. - anything that you could use to prove that you had purchased an RIF (mentioned earlier) for reasons other than to hold up a post office. This is a very grey area though, so the United Kingdom Airsoft Retailers Association (UKARA) database was created as a way of unifying airsoft site memberships so that a retailer (particularly online ones) could look up players without having to make numerous phone calls to site owners. Bear in mind that an important stipulation of the VCRA amendment was that is was the seller who was liable for finding out if the buyer had a valid defence - retailers were afraid at the time of being shut down (or worse) for not doing their due diligence. UKARA made it much quicker for retailers to sell their items to people that they had some knowledge of being genuine players, reenactors or media producers. 7 years on and not a single airsoft player has ever been prosecuted (nor retailer, to my knowledge) for owning an RIF. Edit: Just in case you're not aware, when people say 'UKARA', they basically mean the UKARA database of players and the sites they're registered at. Basically every skirmish site can approve a form for you granted that you attend twice over a period of less than 3 months. Any retailer that's a member of UKARA will then add your name to a database (along with the address you've provided) and give you a number that you can use for purchases. Many make the mistake of thinking UKARA is a license to own an RIF - it isn't. It's just a valid defence and there are many others out there. In fact if you have receipts for frequently attending a site then there's no reason that this couldn't be accepted as a valid defence too, but most retailers (online ones in particular) won't accept this as it's a lot of effort to verify and not worth it when they're liable for the sale of that gun. If you rob a shop with it and it's traced back to them then questions will be asked about what steps they took to make sure that you had a legitimate (and legal) reason to own one.
    1 point
  13. Doesn't matter, you'd only get £100 to £130 max for it. You don't buy airsoft guns to break even or make profit, you buy them to have fun with them, then when you fancy a change you sell it for a low price to aid funding another gun or swap it. You'd get nothing but £100 guns offered for your CM16 as a trade, it's pretty much the baby blocks which everyone starts with. Nobody would pay access of £130 if you're lucky. Heck, I'd only pay £120, worth about £100. Nobody cares about a fancy stock on it, a stocks a stock, nobody would pay more than it retails for unless you have some "ultra custom" P* build or just a load of magazines, upgrades, batteries etc etc.
    1 point
  14. bought a fair bit to get going with, few bits of camo, eye protection, a G36 and mags.. and this for 17.50 which is pretty good seeing as its nearly new
    1 point
  15. TheFull9

    Gun picture thread

    On a basic level, just a TM S70 Nickel then google "1911 grips dollar bills" and find some you like the look of. Not sure there's any outside the states so postage may cost a bit, I've not searched extensively. I've swapped the inner barrel for a tightbore that colour-matched (rather than the stock brass one) and added the extended spring guide rod for extra bling factor, but that's just an extra detail and only really effects the look when the slide's locked back.
    1 point
  16. Lozart

    ess ice or v12

    If you can find a pair on eBay for a sensible price get the turbofan goggles and an rx insert. Seriously. As a formerly fat airsofter I know your pain! (was 18.5st)
    1 point
  17. Got myself a TM MP5 for £30 from A2 supplies at the Mall when I was there on the 28th. It had no motor, selector switch, or magazines. Had a spare motor at home, and mags/switch is costing me £30 all in from Hong Kong. Not to shabby imo.
    1 point
  18. If you're looking to upgrade then the JG VSR (BAR-10) actually has a nicer stock and is of course compatible with 100% of the TM internals - it may be the better call. They're kind of hard to find these days though. The TM one is still rather nice though as you'd expect.
    1 point
  19. The G-spec comes with a rail for mounting scopes on, whilst the basic version has iron sights. The Standard one also has a longer barrel, whereas the G-spec has a shorter barrel & suppressor. There's not much in it, as you can replace the irons on the basic with a rail, or get a replacement muzzle on the G-spec to install a longer barrel and/or different suppressor etc. **Beaten to it by Prof!
    1 point
  20. A true American
    1 point
  21. Lozart

    ess ice or v12

    I stand corrected. There is a newer design that fits both. Mine is an X shape that clips in top and bottom on the V12s. The newer vice or p2b inserts apparently fit both. One of them also fits the nvg goggles.
    1 point
  22. sp00n

    Advice on guns please

    i agree with Baz with above, for your first gun, unless you 100% know the history of the gun, buy new
    1 point
  23. Any military surplus will be safe as any contaminated equipment will be destroyed I had to exchange some combat trousers with the stores as I got battery acid on them (never dropped my trousers so quick) & my mate had to exhange his NBC trousers when they got torn on barbed wire
    1 point
  24. Monty

    New guy to the forum

    Welcome to the forums!
    1 point
  25. proffrink

    Gun picture thread

    Jesus man that's a train-wreck. I love it.
    1 point
  26. Deek

    Starting a company

    But that doesn't automatically exempt the site operators from any sort of liability. For instance; the site (probably) won't be liable for a player sustaining an injury from a bb, but they will be liable for a play sustaining an injury from say part of the safe zone collapsing or a player sustains an injury from unsafe structures. Yes, there are risks in this sport, but there are risks in other sports and organisers will have to have public liability insurance. A quick Google search for 'paintball public liability insurance' brings up lots of insurers that are willing to offer public liability for paintball as well as airsoft. I think site operators might be getting confused with the classification as a 'extreme' sport. Lots of personal injury insurances don't cover in the even of an injury sustained during an extreme sport, but companies do offer personal injury insurance for such occasions. This does not mean that a site operator doesn't need public liability insurance as a minimum (as there are lots of other insurance products that a site may need).
    1 point
  27. Is it your first gun? Also, age is important, don't buy second hand if you cannot at least find out if A, the seller was the original purchaser, and B, when the gun was originally purchased. I'll never understand why it's so easily - to be deliberate - left out of almost all adverts. (I am not saying third hand is a deal breaker)
    1 point
  28. Ho-lee-schizer... Dang that thing's beautiful.
    1 point
  29. Lozart

    ess ice or v12

    Just be aware that it's NOT the same Rx insert for the ICE and V12s.
    1 point
  30. Same situation but been airsofting 6 months now, came from Sup Air, No Limit Bridgend, into softing because my knees cant take being driven into the floor anymore. Thought I can strip and rebuild an ego right down to the gasket on the regulators how hard can an airsoft gat be. Ummm. 2 hours to strip a G&G M16 5 hours to get it back together and working via youtube. It gets easier but a bit hairy at times. 3 site visits in over 2 months for UKARA then you don't have to get something that's coloured like a paintball gat. Plus you get to see what everyone else uses and get some hands on time if your friendly Transfer kit all I still use are my knee pads, sold everything else except for a mask. On field I use balistic glasses and a mesh face guard for close quarter stuff. Lets you breathe and see while being comfortable, games are longer than Sup air. 3 mins vs at least 30 mins upto 2 hours at some sites or 48 hour milsim if you fancy. Load out wise get it as you like. Plenty of army surplus all over the UK. I use an osprey load carrier for my pouches, sling for my M16 and holster for the glock. If I can ever get the Sniper working right then I ditch the vest. Cqb i use a £30 spring shotgun and thats it.
    1 point
  31. Don't get a GBBR for your first rifle, regardless of previous experience - that would be my advice. Just grab a decent-ish AEG; it'll perform better.
    1 point
  32. JG would be a better bet, they'll be cheaper plus Ares don't have a great reputation for reliability.
    1 point
  33. M4 and glock 17 - thinking of a metal rail and an eotech
    1 point
  34. Hey goosebaby, I've been to several skirmishes already so im fairly new go to airsoft as well. Most people would agree that AEG's (automatic electric gun) are by far the best as they're widely available, consistent shooting (unlike gas blowbacks where shots become weaker due to change in gas pressure) and you can find many good brands out there for aeg's such as g&g. But your choice of gun depends on your play style, for aggressive CQB you'd obviously go for a short barrelled carbine or pdw (mp5 ump etc) general use in all situation you'd want an assault rifle (m4's are the most popular and most available, the components and spare parts can be found easily online). You'd be best with AEG's for these type of weapons. If you're looking for a sniper rifle, I believe the spring versions are generally more powerful accurate and reliable because of its fairly simple mechanisms. For a beginner rifle, look up the "cm16 raider l" by g&g this comes at around £130 and I've seen many positive reviews on this rifle. It's an m4 variant and comes with RAS (rail adapter system which allows you to customize your weapon with attachments e.g laser sights and optics) One thing to note is that in order to purchase these airsoft weapons in there real colour (black, tan/coyote brown) uk retailers will ask for your UKARA number which is a membership thing that you can get after playing 3 skirmishes within the space of 2 months (don't quote me on that) This membership basically allows retailers to avoid selling realistic weapons to people without a legitimate reason for purchasing. You have to be over 18 to apply. Otherwise you have to purchas in two tone which costs £15 ish and the retailers spry the weapon in a bright colour. This is unavoidable unfortunately. In terms of gear, just where anything that's comfortable. Equipment wise, a decent pair of boots that are comfortable to run in, you may decide to purchase a chest rig but these can be really expensive (over £150) and the cheaper ones are generally less quality knock offs. Though im still fairly new to airsoft, I hope this helps.
    1 point
  35. Some poor bugger was probably looking for that magazine.😒 If a mods reading this ban him for for being a kit thief. Hate people who steal other peoples dropped kit some nob nicked a torch I laid down a few months ago. If its on the ground leave it or inform a marshall.
    1 point
  36. Samurai

    Gun picture thread

    Externally it's finished for now. Once I figure out where I will use it, I will probably add more camo.
    1 point
  37. Lozart

    Non airsoft sales

    I used to spend a lot of time on a motorcycle forum. They allowed non-motorcycle related ads in their For Sale section (albeit in their own sub forum but still). I think it would be a good idea personally to have a sub forum for "anything goes", there's loads of people here that are gamers for instance that might want to shift an Xbox to pay for a new rifle.
    1 point
  38. Berto

    Non airsoft sales

    Cheers esoterick. No need to be a smart ass airsoft_mr b, I was just asking a question. I see like lots of pictures of people in the field and of loadouts etc so though someone might be interested. A simple no would have done and probably caused less offence.
    1 point
  39. New kit all arrived ready for Skirmish on Sunday (shame I only have ALICE webbing at the moment and not M1967)
    1 point
  40. About 90% finished freestyle MARSOC kit
    1 point
  41. Going back to my old US Vietnam era loadout
    1 point
  42. 1 point
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