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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/06/15 in all areas

  1. My TM MP7 AEP fully tacti-cooled
    8 points
  2. Colonel Kurtz

    Not taking hits?

    Airsoft relies on people taking their hits, otherwise it'd devolve into a sadomasochistic event where people just shoot each other until someone uses the safety-word or has to change their underpants. In my experience, everyone who plays airsoft regularly has the right idea about taking hits and how to behave in their mind. However, many people aren't used to adrenaline, or any shade of combat, and many people can behave in a manner they're hopefully embarrassed about once the juices get going. People can get trapped in the moment, and the most common kind of non-hit-taking i witness is those who don't acknowledge the hit until their current purpose has been completed (like the person they're shooting at taking the hit). Then the logic side of the brain takes back over from caveman and order ensues. There's nothing airsoft can do to stamp it out other than turning it into laser-quest, or making everyone use tracers, or have 1 marshal per person like in some those mental Japanese tournaments I've seen online. The best thing the community can do is to make the process of taking the hit seem easier and more enjoyable. This is achieved by all those good-sporting types who congratulate people when hit and cheerfully skip back to re-spawn. Kudos to you all, I try, but sometimes barely able to squeak 'hit' let alone any kind of congrats (the arm goes up with a raised thumb on reflex now, I've beaten the paintball urge to check my clothing for marks finally hehe)
    4 points
  3. Fumps

    Airsoft confessions

    I often let out little farts during a fire fight just to see if I get away with it.
    4 points
  4. If I do shoot a kid I try and follow it with a Nelson "Haw Haw", so they fully appreciate the situation. Did have one jump up and scream 'don't shoot' once after I burst round a corner and shot his mate. I asked but he didn't have any lunch-money so i shot him in the foot
    3 points
  5. EvilMonkee

    Airsoft confessions

    Mine is losing my temper at the Mall a month or two back after seeing my tracer BBs bouncing off someone and their not taking their hits....lost it so bad was pulled from the game and talked to by marshall. Right enough the marshall was a patronising wanker but thats beside the point.... When will people realise that tracer fire means I can see you not taking it?
    3 points
  6. Happy

    Airsoft confessions

    Twice I've caved in and bought an M4 - not proud of that. Thankfully I have usually come to my senses and have sold them not long afterwards. I've also shot out someone's helmet camera lense by accident. Was in a woodland game and I was running my sniper rifle. I happened to see this little red light off amongst the trees so I carefully aimed two feet below it so I wouldn't hit the camera... or so I thought. My rifle had been shooting fine/straight all day so I don't know how this happened, but when I pulled the trigger I watched as my shot drifted ever so slowly upwards and then there was a very expensive sounding "crack" noise. Apparently the camera had only been used twice before I shot it out - it's owner wasn't at all happy so tried to get me banned from the site when I pointed out I wouldn't pay to replace it and was even more annoyed when everyone listening in agreed with me. Lesson learned: don't buy cheap cameras or at least buy a protective cover for it when airsofting. Still niggles at me to this day though. There's also the time I went around shooting people with my ASG MK23 with stock silencer on below the minimum engagement distance for a weapon firing at DMR levels. I honestly didn't know the stock silencer boosted the stock FPS of 300 to around 430 instead. Now I know better but still feel sorry for all the players I shot on that day with it.
    3 points
  7. So my UKARA is sort, first gun bought and pimped (would like some feedback). And over excited for the guns first outing at Holmbush, Crawley on the 28th
    3 points
  8. Samurai

    Gun picture thread

    Externally it's finished for now. Once I figure out where I will use it, I will probably add more camo.
    3 points
  9. No grooming on the forum.
    2 points
  10. Samurai

    Not taking hits?

    That's no excuse. If you can't feel it, you still can hear it.
    2 points
  11. TheGrover

    Airsoft confessions

    Swearing after being hit somewhere soft isn't a sin, it's an expectation. I took a bad shot right in the cockpit on Saturday from a sneaky bastard hiding in a dark room, and boy did he hear about it. Even if you've been knifed by someone, I'll usually call them a sneaky fucker, but it's more a compliment at how food they were at catching me off guard than derogatory
    2 points
  12. Colonel Kurtz

    Airsoft confessions

    So is this like Catholicism? Will the OP be telling us how many 'Hail Marui's' we have to say for each sin? Been playing in the chaos-pit of the Mall for a year so think I've made my way through most the i-spy book of airsoft-regrettable-behavior; mistakenly shooting people; - in the face - kids (they may be armed but still...) - after being hit already - more times than necessary - on my own team my own poor conduct; - sworn a few times ("f*ck! right in the cock" etc) - shot someone already hit in the back of the head with a full-auto burst deliberately (they'd sworn few times at me and tried to shoot me in the nuts before storming-off) - told people they'd been hit rather than telling marshal - almost kick-off at someone recently; http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/26732-the-mall-reading-thursday-night-june-18/#entry202347 Only cliches of airsoft bad-behavior I'm confident in not having sinned in is; - nicking kit (I've even been sad enough to hand in a small bolt that looked like it came from someones stock or similar) - hit-taking; I'm confident in being good at taking hits, I've only ignored ones from people I've hit a decent amount first (the turn and shoot you back kinda scenarios). Never done a cheeky "Ahh they can't tell" or "Sure I hit him too, I'll keep firing and take my hit once he does". Far too paranoid about it really, if anything i take far too many hits that didn't occur, simply as it's quickest, easiest and most satisfying for all (no-one believes they could have missed point-blank, and it's only luck they did miss so fuck-it!)
    2 points
  13. beastmode

    Airsoft confessions

    My confession is I sometime haven't walked all the way back to a respawn to respawn as Its sometimes a really long way to go. Not proud and I won't do it again honest. Also threw a grenade back at someone Killing about 6 people. Never owned up to that one.
    2 points
  14. i must confess my sins: yesterday, after having feeding issues with my new gun and after a few tests, identifying my PTS magazines as the cause... ... I used a high-cap i felt dirty with every shot, and winding the mag only made the feeling worse i had to caress my 30rd G5 mags for a full hour before i felt better enough to clean my guns before putting them away
    2 points
  15. Monty

    what gun is this ?

    Looks to be a JG, the colour of the plastic body seems to be identical.
    1 point
  16. I don't personally find I have an issue with people not calling hits. Now I have a scope with 4x on it I get to see where my BBs are landing and most of the time I am missing, its either just falling short or the spread at maximum range is a bit too wide due to the wind or whatever that just forces them to miss. Just occasionally you do hit someone centre mass and they don't call it and I strongly suspect that is the gear. I don't think I have actually met a "cheater", all of them have been accidental due to plate carriers and such. When your moving you just don't hear BB strikes, it doesn't take much movement to obscure the noise of an impact and its the main reason I don't like wearing anything on my chest. I don't find at the sites I play at that hit taking is an issue, what I find is that where there is an issue is usually just too much gear and noise.
    1 point
  17. Sniper/bolt action rifles are a useless bollocks 60% of the time
    1 point
  18. TheGrover

    Airsoft confessions

    Its too late. You've gone and fed ikle troll and now it keeps coming back for more treats.
    1 point
  19. what, the principles of capitalism?
    1 point
  20. Samurai

    what gun is this ?

    It's a G3. Probably JG. Lipo FTW. Imax b3 or Imax b6ac are good chargers.
    1 point
  21. MxHaze

    Airsoft confessions

    No he was taking the piss, I was taking the shot.
    1 point
  22. ImTriggerHappy

    Not taking hits?

    The biggest reason for non hit taking is the amount of gear people wear. Some people have so much kit and protection on they just dont feel it. I am sure there must have been times when someone has hit my mag pouches and I havent felt it but others take it to the extreme with thick plate carriers and even backpacks and dont get me started on the hard shell crowd. If people would just thin down their gear it wouldnt be such an issue.
    1 point
  23. Be hard to draw the line, even if you said nothing above retail value, it'd just turn every £200+ M4 sale into a big argument of the OP listing every single little bit they replaced for 30-50 a time. Agree that you just have to leave people to make their own mistakes or apply their own sense of worth. Zero In should let people reply to sales threads perhaps, think over here the current rules, monty's eagle eyes and occasional troll back-up does the required job swimmingly
    1 point
  24. I was in a CQB game using a long Paintball speedball-style zone. It was game on, and we ran forward, and almost straight away I was hit in the chest. I raised my hand and started to stop my run to turn to the respawn, and the Marshall just in-front of me starts yelling "Don't stop - come on, keep going!!!!!!" I thus put my hand down and thought - oh - ok... Then as soon as I got to a barricade, my brain engaged and I realised, he was trying to get the team animated and pushing, not excusing my hit.
    1 point
  25. clumpyedge

    Airsoft confessions

    I went in one the other day, no sooner had I opened the door my vomit reflex kicked in and had to then take a piss in a bush while out in the game area.
    1 point
  26. Looks like your reporting worked as the photoshopped thread is gone! good work sir!
    1 point
  27. Fumps

    Airsoft confessions

    Thats not a sin, it is manditory !!! When people ask how it goes with my 12 year old son. I respond "Kick his arse as often as possible" lets be fair he has entered into a game where shooting people is the point of being there. I say if it moves shoot it, if its small and moves shoot it more!!! so I think your clear on that one. It could be worse, you could shoot a kid in the head at point blank range who is on your team!!!! which is what happened to my son. He copped one right in the centre of his forehead, the guy couldnt stop apologising but we thought it was hilarious my son was chuffed to bits
    1 point
  28. n1ckh

    Airsoft confessions

    I certainly was sir but now they've got rid of the bang rule & it's either take a hit or say 'yep I'm taking it' but now I just shoot At the begining, I was quite happy giving people the chsnce but in all honesty, I can't be arsed anymore as people do it to me & its part of the game Needless to say he got a chewing out for it as a few others saw what he did & backed me up the whole way
    1 point
  29. n1ckh

    Airsoft confessions

    I had a player Marshall accuse me of blind firing at him, he was crouched in the corner of a building watching the doors, I saw him, drew my pistol & through the window, put my head in and said 'bang' He shot me in the ribs 3 times at point blank & luckily I had my PC on where he hit that, I was shocked which was lucky or I'd have punched him to the ground
    1 point
  30. Can't fault what your saying mate I think probably the latter, it's just the principal of it that pi$$es me off.
    1 point
  31. n1ckh

    Airsoft confessions

    I'll agree with that, my usual site always says in the safety brief 'step away from cover to show your hit, if your in bushes then say dead man coming out of cover'
    1 point
  32. beastmode

    Airsoft confessions

    There's some idiots around I wouldn't pay for his camera either. If you go into a skirmish with an expensive camera with no case you've only got your self to blame when it breaks.
    1 point
  33. Baz JJ

    Airsoft confessions

    I have no background in airsoft and still dont know that much about the internal workings of AEGs above a cursory understanding. I got a very quick run through on my first ever game where I had a rented M4. They briefly mentioned about the need to wind the high cap but not how often or how much. It took me a little while for me to realise that I was engaging in firefights and no BBs were coming out, because I hadn't wound on enough.
    1 point
  34. Dunno about the rest, but for flash hiders in CW I'd look overseas as the selection here is very limited. It's all based upon your own taste so me recommending a particular flash hider would be silly. Check out Airsoft Peak and Emperion Airsoft as they have a fair few flash hiders in CW, but really it's just about some intense Googling to find one that you like. How much are you looking to spend on a holster and which kind do you want? IMI ones are about £30 each and readily available on eBay.
    1 point
  35. Great to see someone else getting into USMC kit! I like the look you're going for will be great to see it come together. I'm looking at doing a Scout sniper loadout in future as I have a lot of gear for my Force recon kit. Jarhead is also a reason I want to do a Scout Sniper kit
    1 point
  36. Some poor bugger was probably looking for that magazine.😒 If a mods reading this ban him for for being a kit thief. Hate people who steal other peoples dropped kit some nob nicked a torch I laid down a few months ago. If its on the ground leave it or inform a marshall.
    1 point
  37. I bought a gun before I was 18 *small smile
    1 point
  38. AK47frizzle

    Airsoft confessions

    I bought an orange double eagle ak47 with a plastic gearbox I broke it within a day I bought a set of proprietary gears, which didn't work and gave off a tonne of metal shavings I bought a Cyma metal hop up, which didn't fit I bought a Cyma metal gearbox, which barely fitted Then, I bought a G&P body with a madbull handguard, didn't fit Bought a G&P specific barrel nut for the madbull... right... ok... Damaged G&P body Sold G&P body A week later... the barrel nut came..... fookin useless now Ehhh my life story, but hey! At least, I picked up a free Dytac M4 magazine I found on the ground at a skirmish!
    1 point
  39. Yup - if playing with different barrels n buckings - it is wise to get another hop unit whilst you are at it if your old barrel/hop is ok-ish then just remove it and leave it, quite easy to tear the bucking/hop rubber if removing get the other barrel assembled with another hop up and bucking - simple swap over if results are crap you still got the old complete barrel/hop to fall back on all still ready to go Tight Bore Barrels can alter - well they usually add 15 to 20fps some hop ups work better than others in some guns and not so great in others buckings - new improved ones can get fitted badly and tear when you strip to re-assemble again hence a wise consideration is to mess with a new setup perhaps before stripping and making a mess of old kinda working ok-ish stock barrel/hop
    1 point
  40. Looked at my photos and there are 78 guns from here that I will one day need to buy...... Better get saving....
    1 point
  41. Monty

    Gun picture thread

    Wtf.. That works really well
    1 point
  42. It all started a few hundred years ago in the Canadian wilderness with 'Rogers rangers' he worked for the brits keeping the Hudson bay company working on the river trading routes He found the natives would blend in with there surroundings & so copied them which was better than the usual bright colours of the British army, like alot of things, the British ministry dismissed it but got back on board after everyone else Khaki green came into being during WW1 when it became trench warfare and made it harder for snipers
    1 point
  43. That guys a cert to be a scammer, Reported the last thread for no picture, now this one with name photoshopped in.
    1 point
  44. Thats a bad idea, half the fun on the forum is winding up the sellers who are trying to rip people off.
    1 point
  45. Oooops OPS Easy Plate Carrier Multicam Black OPS Integrated Battle Pants 3D Multicam Black OPS Gen 2 Improved Direct Action Shirt Multicam Black This is my new loadout i like the dark scheme not really fussed by the Tan and or Forest camo schemes much prefer this hahaha Maybe im showing my age and lack of style. Then on the list is - TM AUG high cycle TM Hi Capa 5.1 TM Scar Heavy Then Im set
    1 point
  46. Right, you've misunderstood - the battery charger is powered by the car battery, you don't try and charge the LiPo directly from the car battery.
    1 point
  47. It is Legal, as long as you can prove your an Airsofter/Reenactor/Film studio UKARA is only one way of providing a defense, there are many others.
    1 point
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