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  1. He wants to start airsoft and we were talking about guns... " we spend 6 months at a time in the sand pit throwing lead at allybaba's from half mile away and we have to have some stupid permission to have a toy gun that spits bits of rubber, wtf is this country turning to" I thought that was so funny, I removed all the swearing too lol!
    4 points
  2. I say settle it on a plank across a swimming pool and a handbag each!
    3 points
  3. Thats a shame but I understand where you are coming from. If you decide to grab a game someday come down south to the mall. I will join up with you, can even give you a place to crash if you want to go for a beer afterwards. Wife would probably moan but thats normal.
    3 points
  4. Soz being really silly now but reckon you would stand out with the SRC Gundam.... M4 & stand out ??? - best thing is probably off the peg and go nutz on your own bits making it your own (stfu scope - mega spray job - hopefully not balls it up etc.....) Or G36 with M4 magwell adapter ???? rof though snappy response and rof "kind of" go hand in hand to a degree but think I would hope for a 14-ish min rof maybe high teens or getting close to 20 to call it nice n snappy - well is my take on that Can't comment on either guns but think I wouldn't consider Ares personally but not got one but seen a few not so great reviews Get a gun YOU like - forget if quite a few have them - means they are popular they are common as muck when you don't own one make it your own - worry what you think not what others might think go with what you want/like as you are paying for it and you are gonna be using it at end of day you don't say if you are 18 & ukara'd or if you don't mind tweaking stuff but a couple of possibles...... http://gunfire.pl/product-eng-1152191494-SC-01-TAN-Replica.html don't like the golden tan mixture but tin of krylon and make it your own under £120 is worth a look http://www.airsoftworld.net/g-g-gc16-30th-anniversary-limited-edition-aeg-airsoft-rifle-black.html ford transit but consider other options like the black & tan mixture for a tenner more http://www.airsoftworld.net/g-g-gc16-mod0-30th-anniversary-limited-edition-aeg-airsoft-rifle-desert-shadow.html (hmm not sure about colour mix trying to emulate the MK18 scheme a bit but burst fet is on offer @ £10 on this one) or the Wasteland edition but to me is a bit much for extra paint job - its the gun that matters imho http://www.airsoftworld.net/catalogsearch/result/?q=WSTLND but wasteland or WSTLND is vcra so a different 2-toner I guess it really is hard to say or tell you what to buy - they are near enough the same toy guns - some a bit better than others but most of it is just cosmetic really - so have a look and go with a decent make of a model you alone like my guns don't stand out cosmetically or externally at all but I tend to be the one who stands out - normally one of the first in the dead zone
    3 points
  5. Samurai

    MILSIM - What is it ?

    Skirmish is playing paintball with airsoft guns and gear.
    3 points
  6. Cool I hate being lonely I'm the same, buy something thats well built to start with & let it do its job. The hobby is a large avenue with lots of differant aspects, I noticed that on my first skirmish. Some are really into kit & loadouts, some are really into their rif's and love to tinker with them (that includes snipers, M4 modding & also the Gucci pistol collectors). Then there are the reinacters who go for various era's. It's a big world with plenty of space for everyone. I just go for the fun of playing & banter. I will never be a warrior leet operator as my mrs wants me home before tea time I
    3 points
  7. maybe its just my geeky side showing, but this was fairly interesting even if i did understand it right off the bat
    2 points
  8. Or maybe he has a bit of PTSD and doesnt think being in a place where there are flashbangs going off and people aiming real looking weapons at you is a good idea.
    2 points
  9. We need to come up with code words for these things to use on ebay - I'll start the ball rolling: Glock: Shatners Bassoon G17: Seething Fig G18: Fetid Blackberry MP5: Bloodshot Satsuma MP7: Parsons Stomach L96...
    2 points
  10. The law is inconsistent really, you can walk into a gun shop today and buy yourself an air rifle or air pistol that can seriously hurt someone and do so with a basic age declaration and a fake name/address. Yet to buy a considerably less harmful toy gun you need to prove you use it for the right things and wait two months.They both look like real guns but only one of them is actually dangerous and yet its the safe one that is covered by the requirements. I do think that is inconsistent, especially the fact that we associate more harm to the look of the item than to its actual capabilities and danger level. That is all based on histeria of the public, they do not like guns despite the banning of them hasn't actually reduce gun crime as a percentage of crime, its just reduced the legal uses of them. Personally I am for basic handguns and shotguns for personal protection and I would like to have available sport shooting with automatic weapons at gun ranges. But I am a gun nut and I love shooting. For now I limit myself to bolt action 22 and 7.62 like the rest of the sport shooters in the UK. That aside beyond the basic distortion of the sales market caused by the UKARA requirements I don't actually think they are overly cumbersome. I would like to see a change to allowing people to validate across multiple sites for their first games and that would solve most of the issue I have with the current set-up that overly promotes bad behaviour by the retailers associated with airsoft sites (like wolf armouries and bunker 51 and their hire purchase schemes).
    2 points
  11. I tried telling him we weren't in 'nam anymore... Wouldn't listen haha
    2 points
  12. No BBs are coming out of the barrel if it's empty. Where are your eyes guys when shooting? I hope you are not like the bad actors who close their eyes when firing a gun. Actually I was amazed when I read about this. Some old time western actor trained himself not to blink when shooting.
    2 points
  13. I think I probably hate the people who hate people that play call of duty more than the people that hate call of duty players hate call of duty players, if you get me.
    2 points
  14. Right update was required. So After waiting ages to get the Vector and starting to worry a little I decided to call them up on 27-05-15, spoke to one of their members of staff and i informed them of my decision to cancel my order for the Vector but send me my other items (some 8mm blanks) that remained on the order. With what i can only call as a "sigh of relief" from him as he sounded like a massive weight (of annoyed Vector customers bugging him because of no Vectors) had been lifted from his shoulders he stated that he was happy to cancel the Vector from the order, refund me the £330 and send the 8mm blanks to me, a day later the blanks arrived Is it OVER! Oh no it wasn't So back in the market for another vector i began scouring Online shops here and abroad, they were either too expensive or out of stock everywhere, eventually i began perusing forums, none here of AF but saw a few decent sales on another, contacted the sellers asking basic info etc whilst waiting for the money to be refunded. Got a few deals going and close to finalizing a sale but was still waiting on the money to be refunded. On 02-06-15 called them back asking where the hell was the refund after 6 days of waiting and was told that they had done it, on the 09-06-15 was still out of pocket of £330 bearing in mind that it was almost 2 weeks since i cancelled the Vector order and still no refund! :@ I called up on 09-06-15 and question the staff there until one of them ended up checking there merchant system to see what stage it was at and then told me that it was pending still, it wasn't until the late afternoon on 10-06-15 that i recieved my money, a full 2 weeks since Vector Cancellation. Furthermore when i called on 09-06-15 and enquired if the Vectors ever did arrived they said no, they were still waiting on them. Sufficed to say guys stay away from them for anything Airsoft related, that said i may still use them to get 8mm blanks but its rare i buy them so dunno if i will ever use them again.
    2 points
  15. Will be banning OP and warning other forums of his presence. Little twat.
    2 points
  16. can't buy PARTS for a TOY GUN but I can buy all sorts of $hit like certain knifes or blades that may not be for domestic use ???? Ebay gets more n more w@nked everyday
    2 points
  17. Back working again as of today, Joiner.
    2 points
  18. Little from column a, little from column b. He was impressed with my WAS based load out and the m249para (which was his weapon in the squad) but very scathing of walts. Well aware of the huge difference between the average airsofter and a Walt though.
    1 point
  19. I find ex mil personnel tend to fall into two camps with airsoft. They are either enthusiastic or they think its a bit silly and pointless after doing the real thing. Perhaps he was just being polite rather than disrepect your chosen pastime ?
    1 point
  20. I've ably sidestepped the removing the pressure pad problem by having enough torches and pads to have one each on all my guns....
    1 point
  21. I would buy a Glock but i spent all my money on Cake
    1 point
  22. Despite the fact that I principally play with one company now, I am opposed in principle to having to play with the same site organisers three times a year to keep my UKARA valid. For all their other alleged faults, BAC did try to address this but it all got very political. I have no real issue with UKARA but IMHO it should be transferable between sites in any 12 month period. After all the requirement to play three games shouldnt be site specific.
    1 point
  23. Yeah but they dont get to take the lead throwers home with them ! lol I take his point and it does seem strange that people with firearms certificates cant be trusted to own a toy airsoft gun unless they attend three games, but the law-making in our country doesnt have a lot of consistency or balance. As I said in another thread, at least we have the freedom to own toy guns. Ive got mates in other countries who love it when they come here and see the liberties we have. Some of those are scared of getting shot by their police when they play airsoft, have to pay two or three times what we pay for airsoft guns or just cant play legally in their country. The Aussies call us whingers - quite rightly so I think (except they are bigger whingers lol)
    1 point
  24. Any actual prof this is happening or just hearsay?
    1 point
  25. Right, you've misunderstood - the battery charger is powered by the car battery, you don't try and charge the LiPo directly from the car battery.
    1 point
  26. I really don't think it's that big a deal to be honest. You can get parts and stuff from all over the place an inconvenience maybe but not the end of the world. Just buy a mag pouch from a retailer that sell g36 mag pouches, it's not like eBay was the only place to do so
    1 point
  27. I usually tell by me being the one walking back to the respawn I'm surprised there's no mid-cap mags on the market that have a little LED or similar to indicate when running low or out (seen a few peoples own bespoke creations but thats it)
    1 point
  28. No youre not. I know little about Airsoft weapons. My armoury is stock. I tend to buy reasonable makes with tighter barrel etc and add optics, foregrips, slings etc as I would real steel, but otherwise dont tinker. Theres nothing wrong with wishing to upgrade your toys and squeeze the maximum potential out of it - its just a personal choice. Some do get a little obsessed though.
    1 point
  29. I am the only freak here then. My LR-300 is totally stock apart from a foregrip which I put on because I was holding the mag & my left hand natrually just seem to sit there when I was firing. I know nothing about guns, upgrades etc so I dont mess with things I dont fully understand.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. No, just lock it. If anything with a little sign on it saying "DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS".
    1 point
  32. Its LEND ffs!!! One of my pet hates that. I say ban him just for that alone!
    1 point
  33. Well...shit. That's annoying, eBay was a pretty decent source of cheap bits. I got a lock knife off eBay the other week, but now I can't search for an m4 air nozzle. Ridiculous..
    1 point
  34. It should work but the graphics card might be a bit low spec. If you don't try and run it on the ultra high settings it should be do-able though. ArmA was developed by the guys that wrote Flashpoint originally as part of Bohemia Interactive. When the developers and the publishers split a few years back the publishers continued to make games under "Operation Flashpoint" (Dragon Rising and Red River to be precise) and the developers went on to do ArmA. To use an appropriate set of comparisons ArmA is Milsim, OpFlash is an objective based skirmish, Battlefield would be your average Sunday skirmish and CoD is paintball. If you've played the ORIGINAL Flashpoint games then the almost vertical learning curve for ArmA will be somewhat familiar!
    1 point
  35. It's not cod that makes someone an idiot.
    1 point
  36. I think if nobody ever came across from FPS games to airsoft... there'd be no airsoft. Certainly nowhere near its' current state. Plus it took a lot of lobbying to get our VCRA exemption, if the sport wasn't as big as it is (/was back in 06) there wouldn't have been the people to do that lobbying and all we'd have now is paintball.
    1 point
  37. My thoughts exactly. Airsoft is all about relaxing and de-stressing for me. Growing up and living most of my life as a yank I miss being able to own and shoot guns as freely as I once did. Airsoft fills that void somewhat. Oh... and I love some BF4! :-)
    1 point
  38. Hmm both. They're good because it makes people go out and have fun with the mindset of playing a console or pc game in real life. Also bad because you get a tonne of 10 year olds who claim they've fuked your mom, turn up and expect to go on a 20 kill streak with a orange sniper rifle and 360 no scope everyone.
    1 point
  39. Colonel Kurtz

    safezone playlist

    Wagner - Ride of the Valkeries This zone is safe to surf
    1 point
  40. Good to hear how you're staying on, let us know if the change in style works Alternatively, come and open a cqb site in essex - we need one
    1 point
  41. All this talk is of moot point anyway, Managed to try one out, as I was genuinely considering buying one. Won't cycle with a KJ Green mag, slide is too heavy. CO2 mag, even after bleeding off the first few shots of gas, was doing 375fps in a 20 degree room. Not Skirmishable.
    1 point
  42. so looking back through some of the comments. I've been thinking. My main style of play is assault rifle and get stuck in there but have been thinking maybe to try a bit of sniper rifle something a little different from my usual style of play !!!!
    1 point
  43. So had a game day yesterday to run my Tippmann and SMP at my usual site. Wasn't expecting much and had my Cba mind on. First game ok to long and a lot of standing waiting for something to happen or a lot walking. 2 1/2 hrs of that. Stopped for dinner. Afternoon game started in the smaller side of the site and what a game. Brilliantly setup, plenty of action, BBs flying, pyro going off here there and everywhere, Vatara was in play as well. Has defo made me think twice about quitting or not. More games like that as it was new and I'll defo be staying with the sport. Tried some Nuprol .28s in my SMP & Tippmann which were awesome, took a few top shots which I thought might be out of range but nope hands going up for a hit.
    1 point
  44. Socom Gear M107 shell ejector? Socom Gear Cheytac? Pretty much anything Socom Gear do that costs £1200+?
    1 point
  45. I guess its aimed at real world training to look and feel identical to the real steel. Crazy price as said, probably more than a real one. Airsoft stuff is often overpriced though. I owned an AK74 air rifle some years ago which was real steel Izhmash, built in the factory but with a blank barrel and a 4.5mm bb barrel where the cleaning rod would be, allied to a russian CO2 bb air pistol fitted in place of the normal trigger mechanism, and the lower half of the original bolt cut away to fit over the pistol. Cost was under £400 brand new. Wish I'd kept that one!
    1 point
  46. Why do they think its worth more than a real one
    1 point
  47. I'm after coming back from a 36hr one so guess I'll chip in. It really depends on the site. My local site is 400 acres large and has multiple vehicles in play so it adds a lot to the experience. Everything is in play and an objective. Random team members selected as HVTs,vehicles can be stolen and driven by some players (Got a go myself),rolling objectives- Everything will flow on and change and affect the teams,sometimes an old objective might come back into play.For example we had to keep a town under control,which fell back and forth between sides,robbing jeeps to restrict freedom of movement,capturing checkpoints and MASH tents,capturing ammo supplies,capturing Replica RPGs which can be used to destroy vehicles which removes them from the game for a set amount of time and 'repairs' them at their home base,etc... We also had civvies in play who were in the know regarding who's doing what and going where,you could buy info off them with money which can be earned through various objectives. There was also a drug smuggling thing going on which was quite new,never tried to set up a fake deal by having lads pretend to be civvies and then busting it in an airsoft game of all things. I think we did plug a plan to distract us at our home base allowing the insurgent team to lace our HQ with IEDs. Of course, big key is organisation into squads,with proper command and communication,communication being a massive factor.
    1 point
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