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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/15 in all areas

  1. After looking at someones bb bottle in the safe zone for about five mins I had to ask " why have you got green tea flavour bb's?" ...as the words left my mouth I remembered mine were in a old Irn bru bottle, but at least got to watch his face as he worked out how to explain it was just a bottle and his bbs weren't flavoured
    4 points
  2. They do. Its called the Real Sword SVD. Perfectly useable out of the box. Not cheap though.
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. Its a fallacy that you have to upgrade everything in sight to have fun in airsoft. Lots of people run stock guns. Unfortunately, things get competitive and players like to squeeze the last bit of goodness from their kit. The problem with sniper rifles is that the concept is to hit a long range target accurately with a single shot. Airsoft rifles dont do this well which is why they need upgrading for power and stability and consistency. Either accept that you will need a few shots from a stock sniper, by which time you might be compromised or look at stock assault rifles or AEG DMRs which are a compromise.
    2 points
  5. Bear this in mind though: the argument that an expensive gun performs better than a cheap gun and so if you buy cheap you will end up buying expensive in the end is a nice, simple, logical sounding idea. As such it appeals. However life is rarely so simple in reality. For eg, no matter how much money you spend on a stock, or off the shelf, gun, be it £117 or £550, its performance, in terms of range and accuracy, will not be as good as a gun which has been upgraded and/or tweaked by an experienced gun tech. It can cost an absolute fortune in upgrade parts, but the difference in performance between merely good and absolutely excellent parts is actually not very much in terms of metres of range and centimetres of grouping size. It's a case of diminishing returns whereby, past a certain point, it costs so much to get any benefit and the benefit is so small that it's not cost effective. Not that that stops many of us, but then to some of us tinkering with our guns is as much a part of the hobby as shooting each other! So you could spend £50 on a very good (PDI) inner barrel, £9 on a Prometheus Soft (Purple) hop rubber, £3 on an Element hop up "H" nub, £5.50 on an SHS air seal nozzle, £10 on an ACM double O-ring piston head, £10 on a Guarder spring, and £4 on Teflon grease (£91.50 inc shipping) and drop that lot into an entry level AEG costing around £120, judiciously apply some 50p PTFE tape, and the resulting performance will not only be better than an off the shelf £212 gun, but also a Systema costing a grand. Note however that you could achieve almost the same amount of improved shooting from less expensive upgrade parts (although the PDI barrel really is money well spent - that £10 extra compared to the 'next best' price bracket TBB is worth at least 5 metres of effective range on its own). Of course you could go further and replace the entire compression chain, so in addition the spring guide, the piston, the cylinder and cylinder head, and the hop up chamber, but the performance benefits you would see, compared to just the parts listed in the prior paragraph, would be so small that it's unlikely they would be noticeable while skirmishing - minute during test shooting even, so unless you move on to sniping it's money pretty much wasted. That's not to say that if you were to just upgrade the hop up chamber of a stock gun that you would not see any benefits, just that the barrel, the rubber, and the overall air seal are the most important things, so if you get those right any variation in accuracy that a stock hop up chamber may introduce will be more than taken care of by a £3 H nub.* *Although it is also worth noting that some guns' design precludes using an H nub, in which case you can use a specially designed rubber such as PDI W-Hold, Falcon Dual Point, or Maple Leaf Monster and get results almost as good. Naturally the compression chain is not the only upgrade path, but outside of a MOSFET, which improves trigger response and protects the trigger switch from damage due to micro-arcing, messing with the rate of fire, the gears and other gearbox components really isn't necessary, especially if you're upgrading just for performance. As someone else said above though, TM guns do not do well if you increase the strength of the spring, nor can their gears withstand much of an increase in ROF for long because they are made of cheese light alloy not steel. Fear not though - the compression chain upgrades i suggested above would increase the muzzle velocity of a medium length AEG by 45-50FPS, so a standard TM spring and gearset would get you around 330-5FPS which is "site legal" and would improve range and accuracy. Of course you would then be paying TM prices + £92 and still getting less performance than an AEG is capable of and one thing i've noticed about people skirmishing with expensive guns is that their hits seem to sting more in inverse proportion the the cost of the gun with which they were shot...
    2 points
  6. Jg g36c £250 plus postage with a few extras but still seems a lot. http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/showthread.php?259170-JG-G36C-Excellent-Gun Around £130 brand new.
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Naaahhhh - I've given up hiding them guns now from her Now I just hide the missus - lot easier
    1 point
  9. Well with your collection you have plenty to choose from, found a new place to hide them from the missus yet?
    1 point
  10. The strange thing is us male species always want crap that is bigger better faster and much more bad a$$........ Even before many people are paying for their first gun they have already gone nutz looking for what "UPGRADES" they can/should get make a gun fire faster quicker longer range etc...... (then go skirmishing at a cqb site - jeeeez) How good your gun is - it isn't measured just by how it performs compared to that £500 gunthat guy has it is measured by how much fun or enjoyment you have with - yes a decent-ish gun helps but £50 or £500 it is still a toy gun that is the bare bones of it you can make almost any gun better if you chuck money and time at it - just like many things or buy a slightly better gun - but then betcha you will look at upgrades for that better gun - jeeez Improve & perform better....... - what the gun or the person using it ? A good player can still kick ar$e with almost any gun, often good awareness, tactics, stealth, player skill etc... have next to f*ck all to do with the gun when you think about it yes a good gun helps - but a half decent out of box does ok - its the player sometimes that needs the upgrades not always the gun This not aimed at OP or anybody with higher end guns but think it is more the owner/buyer or if you like all of us that feel we MUST get our guns upgraded almost straight away - we don't, often just use it for a while and get on with it if it breaks or you feel it ain't as good as you expected or perform properly - then look at upgrade to better gun or getting gun tweaked/upgraded etc..... I admit I need to stop pi$$balling about with guns and actually get out there more and friggin' use them - I will own up to that one
    1 point
  11. To be fair a lot of accuracy/shot consistency gains can be had by doing cheap DIY mods like Teflon wrapping the hop chamber, doing a TDC (Top dead Centre) mod to your hop up and adding barrel spacers to the gun. Not going to suddenly be shooting the wings off a fly with it but you will have some noticeable gains. Or just buy a TM VSR and keep it stock - very effective within it's range and has no minimum engagement distance. Also regular/proper cleaning and maintenance go a long way to helping with a sniper rifle or any airsoft gun.
    1 point
  12. BTW I'm aware that at this stage much of what I wrote above means bugger all, but eventually it will, and besides there are other people reading this forum than those who contribute.
    1 point
  13. dunno wtf it is but gotta likey the colour scheme
    1 point
  14. I fully promote doing it in stages - much like passing ya driving test/1st car etc.... A good starter gun will serve you well and is ideal way to learn how to maintain & repair/service your gun (if you screw up - no biggy) That good starter will serve you well and always handy to have a spare or two or three....... One day if fully bitten by the bug and have become a little more experienced or better player/driver then move onto a better higher end gun if you wish to same goes for loadout n stuff - but this is just my take on it and I don't judge anybody with higher or lower end guns besides that spotty 12yr old kid will get us all with his £50 JBBG in the end
    1 point
  15. Got the we glock 17 today to join in with the trend. Goes nice in my load out. Still prefer my browning hi power though.
    1 point
  16. Flip up covers are naff. Get a polycarbonate one custom cut and fit it to the front by removing the lens retainer and dropping it in with an o-ring to offset it from the objective lens a little: You're looking at a fiver and 15 minutes of your time. Plus no one will be able to tell that you even have one.
    1 point
  17. Qlimax

    Tippman M4 HPA advice

    Ano yeah a lot ant it. Took about an hour or so to finish it.
    1 point
  18. made this for my SMP line and doing the same on my Tippy line as well. Little added protection.
    1 point
  19. Baz JJ

    Some advice?

    The VCRA is imperfect in so many ways. It is complicated and few people understand it fully, The legisllation quoted above doesnt even mention Airsoft. Every day I see people refer to it as a licence and the questions that get asked on forums and Airsoft Facebook groups just illustrate the complexity. The shop might be bending the rules, but have you ever considered how many private swopping and sale transactions go on every day? I dont believe that all these sellers, keen to get cash back on RIFs that they now need for car repairs, this months rent etc worry that much about a UKARA registration... Its an imperfect compromise legislation, but it allows normal responsible people to have the freedom of airsoft as a hobby. We could live in a country that just bans it because its all too difficult and for that Im grateful. What irritates me are ignorant airsofters who scream blue murder if somebody dares to talk about painting a two tone but yet run high power radio sets on illegal frequencies at skirmishes, potentially interfering with other legal users and emergency services because they dont think OFCOM can come after them. People who refuse to buy a licence that costs £20 per year. Ive actually seen airsofters say when challenged "nobody tells me what to do - I will do what I like" - these people also own RIFs. Like all things, the shit will only hit the fan once some damage is done. Like often happens in the caring, sharing, theres no blame without a claim western world, there will be a witch hunt post mortem and somebody will have to pay the price. Lets hope its not airsofting as a whole.
    1 point
  20. LMAO ridiculous that one
    1 point
  21. It's a screw. Hold the selector and turn the knurled part of the screw with some pliers.
    1 point
  22. Aunty Pasty

    Vest pouches

    I was speaking to some guy who was kitted out with all sorts of pouches and carrying all sorts of stuff. He said he was like a mobile quartermaster as he ended up carrying all his friends stuff as well. So they're all off running around light and free and he was left lumbering around like a pack mule.
    1 point
  23. Esoterick

    Some advice?

    Aren't the reasonable defences covered in 37:2 of the VCRA? http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/38/part/2/crossheading/imitation-firearms I don't normally engage in VCRA discussions as it ends up being a semantics battle but isn't this part clearly outlined or am I missing something? You could say it's the retailers responsibility but that's dodgy, it's like the shop some of you might know of that encourages people to sign a reenactment form to buy guns from them.... People circumventing the law isn't sending the right message regardless of how enforceable various parts of the VCRA are.
    1 point
  24. just a pair of boots or trainer boots and hire is best advice it ain't as expensive as paintball to try it out for a day bag of ammo is like a tenner for 5,000 bb's - plenty for 2 days shooting don't rush out and buy a 2-tone pile of crap from a website with BB in its name ffs you need to spend £100 to £150 on a starter gun - but try it first stuff like a full face mask will be supplied - probably G36 gun all you need is a pair of boots & a bit of common sense for safety get out there & get shooting
    1 point
  25. Standbystandby

    Some advice?

    Interestingly I visited a shop recently and spoke with the owner. He said he would be willing to sell a Rif to a person with a shotgun/firearms license. He stated ukara is a defence to protect retailers as much a players. He said if a person has a firearms license they have been vetted to a much higher level the ukara and as such he had no issues.
    1 point
  26. Custom made compensator for my G17...I'll post pics once its here and on my pistol
    1 point
  27. sp00n

    Gun picture thread

    no way worth £200 but i do like it, its kinda like getting a AEG L96 ... with a funny mag ... and other funny looking bits would be an interesting idea though a AEG L96 ... or you could just use the mancraft kit and HPA the L96
    1 point
  28. He said he had the gun from new to which is the true oddity
    1 point
  29. http://www.socomtactical.net/sights-scopes/acm-flip-up-scope-sight-protector-with-clear-and-yellow-lens.html You can find them cheaper if you go on amazon or ebay but usually they are from china so will wait a couple of weeks.
    1 point
  30. I'm going to guess that's a no on all counts? You've returned to this forum after posting this and decided not to engage.
    1 point
  31. NV Rhino arm for my PSV 14 clone
    1 point
  32. Baz JJ

    Sniper Rifles

    There seems to be a disconnect in this thread because the OP is coming at the subject based on what rifles he likes from a non- Airsoft point of view. Most of the responders, being airsofters are being practical in terms of what is reliable and works. Largely the answers are different. To the OP: Decide whether you want to be a collector of a specific rifle that can be used for airsofting or whether you want to be a good sniper. Does it matter to you that you will never be a hot sniper - is it more important to own a cool looking rifle ? Another route as suggested by Samurai is going the DMR path. P.S. as you are new to airsoft and maybe didnt grasp the jokes, they are taking the p*ss because its a UKARA defence not a licence - you just have a number to denote you meet the criteria for retailers to sell you RIFs.
    1 point
  33. Mack

    Sniper Rifles

    Where did you get your licence? I can't find them in stock anywhere
    1 point
  34. With the whole 'cheap gun redundant after buying expensive gun' argument, at that point OP could always use the cheap gun as a training gun for taking apart and servicing airsoft guns
    1 point
  35. Thursday evening games are great but I cant make it very often because of work and family commitments. Will be doing another Saturday night private game soon if any of the regular forum members are up for it send me a PM.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. You will have a much better idea of what you want in 6 months time. Besides once you start messing with the gun you'll appreciate having a backup in the cupboard.
    1 point
  38. You will buy that, then get bored because it will be everything you want. Yes TM are good for the brand, however there are more then a few who have pointed out issues with their internals. I am going to be the voice of reason here.. Since you are newer to airsoft, why not get a decent entry level (£120) or Amateur (£240) and then learn about the sport. Put that extra money aside for things like gear / holsters, a side arm / Uprgades.. Heck you can get all of that for less then that gun, and then you can start learning the internals and upgrading them. If it all goes badly you've not spent £££ on something that you may not want.
    1 point
  39. All this talk is of moot point anyway, Managed to try one out, as I was genuinely considering buying one. Won't cycle with a KJ Green mag, slide is too heavy. CO2 mag, even after bleeding off the first few shots of gas, was doing 375fps in a 20 degree room. Not Skirmishable.
    1 point
  40. Mack

    Any football fans here?

    Come on you boys in green!!! Me at the Barcelona vs Celtic game couple of years back
    1 point
  41. Spatch

    Gun picture thread

    Latest update on my RM4 ERG, pts ergo-z float 7" rail, machined up a new spec ops style suppressor to cover the exposed barrel, genuine surefire flashlight and knights flip front sight (waiting on the rear arriving from base) got to tidy the wiring but when the new pts battery vert grips arrive in the country I shall put the genuine peq back on and lose the battery box
    1 point
  42. 'Is that a US Cavalry uniform?' 'Hey you in the cowboy hat...' The hours of research I put into getting everything correct, just to look like some guy in a cowboy hat! I have Australia written on both shoulders, my buttons each have a map of Australia. Then there's the Brodie helmet strapped to my backpack, the standard british/commonwealth helmet of WW2!
    1 point
  43. VFC is the one that's overpriced, paying loads extra just for real-steel logo's on the gun. As for people commonly recommending KWA, the only recommendations about them i've ever heard was don't buy. Sounds like you've gotten all your advice from your local small-time retailer, or people who took said advice.
    1 point
  44. heres a little thing i did with my recoil, I used a CTR stock and wired it to the outside and i use a fake Garmin GPS to contain the battery that way i can have the stock all the way down or up and still have plenty of battery power and the ease of changing a battery without taking the stock apart! If you can afford it go for the TM mate you wont regret it (yours sincerely a TM fan boy)
    1 point
  45. Any of the TM recoil guns are a solid choice, with the SOPMODs you might want to consider getting it rewired to a deans connector as the SOPMOD proprietary batteries aren't very good and are very expensive. You should be able to fit at least a 7.4V 1250 mAh stick LiPo in the stock, which can be picked up for about £15 and will last you between 1/2 and a full day depending on how much ammo you get through.
    1 point
  46. I hardly ever see any recommendations for KWA. TM are definitely worth it, if you can afford. Externally and especially internally.
    1 point
  47. I left school at 15, fucked off to Cyprus to live with my uncle and work in his bars for 6 months n then came back to the UK. I then moved to Sweden with my parents and served by 2 years conscription within the Swedish armed forces...i then worked in my family business restoring classic cars before realising I wanted something different and returned to the UK. I'm now 23, with a fiancee and 10 month old daughter, working as an assembler for a biomedical company on fairly good money. But its not enough, I know I'm better than this, and to that end have decided to jump ship, so to speak, and pursue a career down at the docks, starting on 24k a year driving container tugs about, before hopefully moving onto either crane operating or a supervisory role (type 1 diabetic so possibly no cranes). Its somewhere I know I will prosper, with hard work. I left school with 1 B, 6 Cs and a D...and now I'm earning 23k a year, plus bonus and shift allowances, and will finally be happy in a job. Moral is this, take your time, figure out what you want from life for now and the future, and work hard
    1 point
  48. You have the grades and have offers to go to university then go to university. You'll be surrounded by other people who want to get their degrees (rather than the annoying idiots at school and somewhat less but still present at college). You have the choice so I would say take it. Can't promise it will turn into a direct job, but you will be a "graduate" and that will open some doors that would otherwise remain closed. Its not the end of your learning however, its just the beginning. I am a perpetual student, I read and learn in my field every day and its never going to stop until I stop working. It changes from being fed to you (college) to being pulled with a bit of structure (university) to choosing it entirely yourself (the career).
    1 point
  49. Well obviously you need to work to finance hobbies. Airsoft isn't that expensive in its simplest form and its a lot cheaper than many active hobbies. What makes it expensive is the addiction to buy more kit.
    1 point
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