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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/08/14 in all areas

  1. When the VCRA was brought in I highly doubt that the people who wrote even knew what Airsoft was. It wasn't an attempt to ban or stop the sport at all. As it has been pointed out it doesn't solely refer to RIFs, there are sections a lot of subjects. When it was pointed out to The Home Office about the restrictions it placed on Airsoft they essentially said " What? We didn't even know you guys existed. Look we'll sort it out for you, so go back to playing soldiers I've a moat to clean and you're paying for it"
    7 points
  2. No it won't! A few unsavouriness running around with toyguns is not a reason to destroy a multi million pound industry on a whim. The government genuinely couldn't care less, they have got much much much more important things to be trying to ban. To put some perspective to it , cars, motorbikes, alcohol, air fresheners and toasters all cause significant more deaths, danger and drain government resources than airsoft could in a million years, but they show no mention of them been banned. It's very paranoid and naive to think they will be able to ban airsoft.
    4 points
  3. Cm16. Save money for lipo and charger an your laughing. Enough said...
    3 points
  4. Sitting Duck

    Quick hello!

    North London eh??? Quite a lot of Chinese people live over that way They arrive at Heathrow Airport, jump into a black cab and say to cabbie: "Harrow taxi driver" Soz I will get me coat - welcome to forum m8 please ignore most of what I say - everybody else does Oh and "Harrow" n welcome m8
    3 points
  5. Albiscuit

    Quick hello!

    Just thought I would introduce myself... My name is Al and im from North London, I have been skirmishing for a few months now as my brother has introduced me to the sport and I am slowly building up kit. I have a few questions regarding my next big purchase and kit and will be interested in customising a Rifle in the very near future so expect a lot of silly questions from me I know forums are a great way to get advice and guidance about things so here I am. Hopefully I shall be contributing to the forum in a positive way. Thanks and HELLO!!
    2 points
  6. Monty

    Somerset Airsofters...

    Well, he doesn't really play anymore.
    2 points
  7. I'm alright with this thread, however there's a few things I'd like people to consider. Airsoft is a diverse sport with diverse equipment, requirements and suchlike. Often, there is no simple answer and indeed, most answers are simply opinion or experience based rather than fact - this often supports healthy debate and discussion which is the lifeblood of our community. As such, I feel it is better to voice questions in individual threads, or even come up with half a dozen on a certain subject and then make a thread, I honestly feel a thread like this only serves to stifle potential debate. I also feel it would be more constructive to revive the old quick questions thread and pin it, rather than making a thread just for one person. As I say, I'm not going to close this thread or anything, but just some food for thought!
    2 points
  8. What do you need to carry? If it's just three mags the the tactical tailor tripple mag pouch is your best plan. Condor do a triple with triple pistol pouches for £21, uk tactical are selling a lot of tan pouches for pretty good prices too. Tell us what you need and we can build you a rig. I'm a fan of the condor recon rig, for £40 you get everything in a nice package, but they sell out really quickly, 2 weeks I think they had them for last time. Good places to look are military 1st and uk tactical, and tactical kit. Also keep an eye out on ebay.
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. My first ever airsoft gun I got when I was about 7, it was a spring copy of some weird Sig design that looked a bit like a Walther PPK or a Makarov. It was so easy to cock that I thought it was broken, and it was so shit that I was never sure it even worked lol. It used to fire less than a foot and BBs could literally come out of the barrel at 90° So I tend to discount it... I got a spring P228 when I was about 13, it was actually pretty good tbh, cost about £30, ejection port opened and everything. I ended up with 4 or 5 spring pistols along the same line, including an M9, a Desert Eagle, a S&W M1911 type thing, and a USP that actually had a slide lock feature lol. Still got the Desert Eagle lol, still works. It's actually not that bad either. Also had a spring Uzi, which I also still have, and I had a spring M16, which was just crap in every sense of the word. The first airsoft gun that I would actually consider an airsoft gun - because when I got all the ones mentioned above, I didn't know what airsoft was, I just bought the guns because they were guns - was a WE M16A3 GBBR, one of the old closed bolt ones. My first ever post on this forum was actually asking about gas rifles, they're why I got into airsoft lol. Found some videos on YouTube, decided I needed one in my life, played airsoft as my means to get one, got one, realised airsoft was awesome in the process, and here I am. Incidentally, I recommend no one ever buying a GBBR as their first gun...
    2 points
  12. Been there, done that, got the badge! Sat doing the same, youtube on the laptop. Step by step guide. Viewed it, did a bit, viewed some more, paused, did a bit. Then picked the pile of pieces up and took it to a mates house for him to fix! Doh. Must admit though, I have the attention span ........................Oh look a squirrel!! It does get easier after the first 5 or 6 tries!! If you have any AEG's left that is!
    2 points
  13. A soft milsim will be held over a weekend in September where there will be two 8 hour games; one on the Saturday 20th and a follow on game, on the Sunday 21st. Camping over is possible if you want to play both days and stay on the battlefield for an overnight ceasefire. Titanium has been discovered in the little former Soviet union country of Moldistan. A corrupt government is selling out the nations heritage to the highest bidder and the Moldistan Defence Force is trying to silence objectors. Rebels in the form of the Peoples Front of Moldistan have just murdered the Minister of Trade and are prepared to stand up to the President. Both US and Russian Forces are rumoured to be interfering in the natural course of things and events are spiralling out of control. Its only a matter of time before the peace is shattered and the forests rumble to the sounds of war. This Milsim will be delivered by professional organisers Okto Eight Milsim. Cost is expected to be £35 for one day and £60 for two. Booking hasn't opened yet, but when it does, you will be able to choose a force and then you will have access to confidential intel relevant to the force you have chosen to fight with. Until then, watch the Okto Eight Milsim page on Facebook for the latest developments https://www.facebook.com/pages/Okto-Eight-Milsim/300316936785367?ref=hl and no its not my company and no, I don't earn out of this ! (just in case you were wondering)
    1 point
  14. YoshiC88

    Not Another SW Noob! :P

    Hey All! Im Yoshi! 25 From The Land of Hobbiton (Sorry i mean Wiltshire!) I'm a former Army Cadet (GO ANZIO COY!) where i found my passion for firearms (used sensibly and correctly of course!) when sadly turning 18 hit and was no longer allowed to go (and not going into the army (thats a whole other level! but massive respect to the troop that have it in them) I remember my avid love of Fieldcraft And Marksmanship and really want to be able to use said knowledge again... so airsoft seems to be a natural conclusion in any safe form. Have got already purchased a sidearm, a G&G Xtreme 45. M1911, The weapon is beautiful feels real in weight and dead accurate with .30g BB's. (used with targets in my big open field that a friend owns and gives me permission to use) and no problems at 100-150 foot. nice small groupings! any ways im soon to go play my first skirmish in an outdoor set! (cannot wait thinking about it gets the adrenaline pumping!) Any ways sure you'll be seeing me asking lots of questions and looking at rifles for sale, gonna get my games down and UKARA'ed and have loads of fun with what seems like an amazing community! (i remember paintballing being full of wanna be warriors!) Any ways See Ya In The Pit -Yoshi
    1 point
  15. Deek


    Just thought I would post a quick 'hello' to everybody (even though I seem to have waded in on some topics already!...) Not sure what is the norm for people to post in an introduction, so probably won't say a lot for the time being unless people have a burning desire to know Deek.
    1 point
  16. http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/cm_16_carbine_combat_machine_.html#SID=239 Two tone is £9.99.
    1 point
  17. Lord_Metile

    Quick hello!

    Why does sitting duck never fail to amuse me? Anyways WELCOME!!!
    1 point
  18. http://airsoftsofsim.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/lipo-batteries-miracle-or-timebomb.html
    1 point
  19. That's large, I doubt it'd fit me let alone a skinny 15 year old!
    1 point
  20. ^ haha and I'm very small and only 15 anyhow so should fit me great aswell
    1 point
  21. Which has died.....
    1 point
  22. Element LLM01 off AirsoftEd
    1 point
  23. It doesn't attach the loops on trousers, it's not really that sort of belt. You can get a yoke though, or a harness, kinda like old style braces to hold it up so it doesn't fall down. Mentioned it in my first post. I can heartily recommend the WE Glock 17
    1 point
  24. Don't want to hijack the thread but have just stumbled across this and you have saved me. But also cursed me to spend more money 😜 I now plan in getting both the mini mav and a belt rig. This is to become my recon rig. I will put blue force gear 417 pouches in the front of the mav, and have 1 pistol on the belt, with a dump pouch and little utility ooh for bbs, and then 4 pistol mags. My other pistol will be tan in a drop leg holster. This means my other loudout can be used for just my m4, and I can still wear a paca underneath the mav invade of welts. Also I may add to it and put my mp5 mags on there somewhere
    1 point
  25. VAT - 20% Import Duty is 5% Courier charge would probably be around £5 up to £10. IIRC you need to pay VAT + import duty if it costs over £50 or so. That's why if it's something relatively cheap you don't get charged any extra. Example I remember is when I was looking at how much a KWA RM4 ERG would be. They're £330 from Land Warrior Airsoft but only $380-ish (£225) from eHobby Asia. But... once you add on shipping (£40) tax (£50) duty (£12.50) other charge (£10) Isn't worth it. That's not to say getting a P* from the US won't be though. Depends on what it is, because someone on here (sorry I always forget who) bought a GHK G5 and 6 mags for the price of a G5 plus ONE mag in the UK (from eHobby Asia)
    1 point
  26. It does fasten in the middle at the front, yeah. But nothing's really behind you, for me is sort of sits on my hips, the only thing behind me is my dump pouch, but that's where I'd always have it anyway. It's pretty handy having everything around your waist, and having to turn for things shouldn't really put you off, just get easily accessible pouches with open tops or simple lids, velcro or pop studs or something. The only real downside for me is that with gas mags being as heavy as they are, it actually gets quite hard to run if I'm carrying all of them at once, and it puts a lot more weight on one side than the other. Oh and, with it being a belt, being shot in CQB stings like a mofo... I generally wear the PC still for CQB lol.
    1 point
  27. I'm also going to be buying the exact same rig as well as a WAS DCS plate carrier and was looking for a battle belt to go with them both. I can't find Condor battle belts anywhere (in any colour), but I found a Bulldog one which includes a yoke too for ~ £35 or so (ukmcpro) If you want taco pouches then there are Warrior ones, wouldn't recommend ACM clone tacos because they don't hold the magazines very securely. Tactical Tailor stuff can be bought on eHobby Asia as well, so it's a bit cheaper but a lot longer wait. The shades of CB / OD etc vary depending on manufacturers so it's best to buy all the same brand.
    1 point
  28. Look on ebay for British Army battle belts. Belt rigs are the way forward imo, I can fit 8 rifle mags, a holster & pistol, 2 pistol mags, a grenade and dump pouch on mine. Or swap all the rifle mags for pistol mags and carry 16 of them... I counted :3 They're generally about £30 + pouches. Might be able to get some with pouches included though. Also, make sure you get one with a yoke, there's no way I'd be able to stop mine falling down without it.
    1 point
  29. Just a heads up, If you want to find sites in your area: http://www.airsoftmap.net/Skirmish/ It's a big help
    1 point
  30. As for an Air Pistol being a RIF. Air Pistols are covered by different legislation. If a pistol is an Air Weapon it can't be a RIF as it isn't a replica or an imitation firearm, it's an Air Pistol . There is no restriction on the appearance of an Air Weapon, only on the power.
    1 point
  31. He could have. I just beat him to it.
    1 point
  32. My first airsoft weapon was a Tokyo Marui MC51 imported from Japan in about 1997(ish)... and I still use it today and it still works fine, despite the abuse the poor girl has had (lots of gears and several motors... but that is another story!)
    1 point
  33. Calm yo tits, what I was saying is that the Government won't ban airsoft because of breaches of the VCRA, The Police would probably do something about it, most likely pass it to trading standards as they have plenty of work to be getting on with as it is. Nothing written in law will stop a person from committing criminal damage or stealing a car if they want to - unless you have a constable in every back garden in the country but as before they are short handed and busy. What the law can do is charge people if they are caught. Also your last sentence is bollocks - "Nothing we do will stop a bank robber painting his gun black, or stop some kid waving his in public... Nothing. Not a singular action or inaction.." Watch this - ***ATTENTION BANK ROBBERS AND CHILDREN *** DON'T POINT YOUR PRETEND GUNS AT PEOPLE IN THE STREET OR PEOPLE WITH REAL GUNS AND TOO MUCH HAIR PRODUCT WILL COME AND ARREST/SHOOT YOU ******** END OF MESSAGE ********
    1 point
  34. There was a lot of unpleasantness many years ago when the VCR was just a bill and there was no mention of a defence for airsoft. Since the introduction of groups that give airsofters a voice the Home Office have issued guidance of a legal defence for airsoft and airsofters (source: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-violent-crime-reduction-act-2006-commencement-no-3-order-2007-firearms-measures ) The Government probably won't ban airsoft whilst responsible sites and players exist, but if there is an increase of irresponsible owners and / or irresponsible sites then their is a realistic risk that the hobby may be affected. Whilst there are other things that do cause more harm our hobby uses something that strikes real fear into people, and that is guns, and as far as practicalities go there is no other use for a gun than to shoot at something (granted, some do look good and people do collect them to display), whereas other dangerous items do have purposes (toasters make toast for instance). That said, if enough individuals act in an irresponsible manner and do spray two-tones to look like RIFs and do silly things with them then I am in no doubt that a Government that wants to impress the public will take serious steps to ensure that even two-tones are banned, including stopping imports and the like (which was why the VCRA was introduced in the first place, to try and reduce the public's fear of people running around the UK with guns).
    1 point
  35. Sorry, had no idea about The thread as I hadnt seen it. Anyway, I'm not sure whether to post in it or use thread. Anyway, what would be your choice. A, buy a full metal G&P polarstar from evike or buy a Fusion engine from the Grange? I reckon I can get the evike one cheaper, HOWEVER IT IS JUST A THOUGHT!
    1 point
  36. Safariland 6354DO ALS holster on my right hip, use a mid-ride belt loop to drop it down a couple of inches, puts it low enough to clear my plate carrier comfortably even when leaning and kneeling, but high enough that it doesn't get in the way of anything else or flap around. I have no idea why the drop-leg thing became popular at all; puts the pistol too low for a consistent draw, even the best ones flap about a bit while running, constantly bang your pistol into things.
    1 point
  37. I honestly don't mind that he made this thread, I reckon it could be of great help to me and perhaps other people... I actually do have a ton of questions but didn't really know how to ask them in a way that wouldn't count as spamming.
    1 point
  38. eeeeeeeh uh.... you serious? you aint. firstly, why would YOU create a thread like this, surely if anything it should be flex that creates one... unless this is some kind of sarcasm, in that case: not cool. secondly, it is counter productive to everything a forum is. Threads have relevant titles so people with knowledge on the topics can find and answer, and so that people looking for an answer can find an answer to an already answered questions. And if everyone had their own threads.. firstly I think people would stop reading and answering them. Same questions would be asked over and over and over (I am aware this is the case with "first gun" threads.. but that's quite natural).. and finally, and extract from the forums rules:
    1 point
  39. two_zero

    Gun picture thread

    not much for tacticool AKs usually.. but this one!! <3
    1 point
  40. ItsAJ

    random picture thread

    The new TM automatic toothbrush .
    1 point
  41. I just fitted one of these. Super easy to wire up, you just need to know how to put your gearbox back together.
    1 point
  42. I may have got a bit giddy and bought a GHK M4 GBB Conversion.
    1 point
  43. Mosfet fitted and tested. It worked! - HURRAY!! I had trouble with the extra wire. It wouldn't fit in the gearbox so I've had to cut 2 locating pins off. Waiting for parts sucks!
    1 point
  44. 1. A sport where people gather to simulate a war using guns that fire 6mm plastic pellets. 2. You get to shoot people without killing them, it's great exercise, meet new people, works as a team, a reason to spend a lot of money, show off to your friends how badass you are, you get to shout at people in games (wouldn't recommend it if you're a minor), stick two fingers up at JBBG (highly recommend for all ages)
    1 point
  45. airsoftwarrior147


    Jeez that's beautiful
    1 point
  46. jcheeseright


    it's not 100% DIY as I bought all the parts... but this afternoon with a bit of help from humbrol and my airbrush I turned this: into this: pretty pleased with it
    1 point
  47. hey it could have been worse, could have been a fresh out of phase 1 trainee, or a Major/Lt Cdr/Made-up-crabfat-rank who didn't need the money anyway!
    1 point
  48. What do you use? If bac is the answer you really need to evaluate your first sentence UKARA isn't perfect but it's the most widely accepted system and has worked for the last 7 years.
    1 point
  49. Cheeky vimto


    It's coming together! Currently only holding 5 bangs.
    1 point
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