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Status Updates posted by L3wisD

  1. Really want an incentive designs MFG, Anyone know anyone who wants to sell one? Now ID have gone down the pan there's no hope.

  2. Show of hands please: Has anyone been messaged about an SL8 DMR Swap?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sharpe


      my hands up high 😂 wanted to swap for an ad i had up back in 2018

    3. L3wisD


      @sharpe could you do me a favour and report that pm please?


      It's the little flag icon in the top corner

    4. sharpe
  3. So... There's another Specna inbound to the LewisD house. SA-E12 in tan/black this time...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Musica


      Good pick that is my favourite of the edge series. Not too long but not too short. Rails in good positions.

    3. EvilMonkee


      So would you like flowers at your funeral? Or a donation to a good cause?

    4. L3wisD


      She actually doesn't mind, so long as I sell an older one to keep it sane.


      So, she's either cheated on me and feels guilty, or she's blown the savings and doesn't want me to get mad.


      ...either way - new toy! Woooo!

  4. Thank Christ it's back... I was having withdrawals there for a minute

    1. Duff


      I felt like a crack addict every time I checked and it was still offline!

    2. Prisce


      So glad I wasn’t the only one. Was getting that twitch..

  5. Thanks for the reports - no one want any Viagra then? 😁

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Nah, I mostly visit PornHub for the comments these days.

    3. EvilMonkee


      Can you ban this Kathleenhardy 72 as well Lewis? Obvious scammer 

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Wait, is it too late to order viagra? It's... For a freind....








  6. That great feeling when your Custom @rocketdogbert Glock arrives in the post 😎

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Druid799


      Me too ! That shoor is a priddy gun ! 😍

    3. StayOnTarget


      Thats sexy as Emily Blunt that is...well almost🖖 

  7. That was a lot of spam! - I take it no one wanted to buy Cyanide from the nice man?

    1. Albiscuit


      Annoyed I missed it, could have done with some to slip in someones tea

    2. Skara


      Can we have a dedicated section with a gallery for those who keep missing these individuals? :(

    3. strykerles


      i prefer to kill my enemies with arsenic ☠️


  8. The Action Army AAP-01 is only £61 on WGC (pre-shipping and import fees). Well cheap!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skara


      Is it confirmed to be the final price?

      Because I fear it's going to be much higher :( shipping + import not included obviously

    3. Cr0-Magnon


      @rocketdogbert - 100% agree. That's the one thing I don't like about the Marui G19


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. proffrink


      @BeggarsBeleifUsing the same email domain and same region, so pretty easy in the end.


      Already implemented the policy of lower message allowances for new accounts as of last night. Post to come today about this.

    3. BeggarsBeleif
  10. The new UCAP site opening at HMP Gloucester looks pretty cool 😎

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lozart


      Be interesting to see if it suffers from the same issues reported at Redemption...

    3. Jedi_Master


      Let us hope that it stays open longer than their previous prison site in Somerset.

    4. Keldon


      It does indeed look good, wonder what they will do with it for such a large site. 

  11. There's a scammer called JANETSTOUT12 PMing you about classifieds. Please don't respond.

  12. These spam bots are getting smarter... The latest was even going to come to the forum meet-up!

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      did we figure out what he was trying to sell?


      because i still dont know

    2. ak2m4


      does the bot have a sister? 🙂

    3. Impulse


      Should've let them. Always wanted to meet a spam bot in person

  13. Those Chinese Spammers sure are persistent! Thanks for the reports!

    1. djben9


      still no UKARA licenses on there! :lol:

    2. StayOnTarget


      Thats because they know we cant get enough of it


  14. TWENTY FOUR reports of spam a few hours ago. All cleaned up now! 😀

    1. Jedi_Master


      Did you have a lie in this morning?  Pesky spammers and their different timezones.

    2. L3wisD


      Apparently checking the forum at 0630 is still not early enough to catch them all.


      Shall set alarm for 0500 tomorrow.

  15. Very nearly ordered a Centurion CM4 using landwarriors 0% finance! That finance is like a devils temptation!

    1. Druid799


      Get thee behind me Satan ? 

    2. Jedi_Master


      Still 5 months until the Winter festival, so you have time and the rug rat can have a less commercial sack under the tree ;) 

  16. WAITASECOND! When did the V2 Tippmann M4 come out?!

    1. Rogerborg


      Specna put a ring on you, no seeing other RIFs on the side.

    2. L3wisD



      I wouldn't have bought the fuckin' Breacher if I'd known there was a Tippy V2!!!



    3. SgtTalbert


      I'm looking for a breacher....

  17. You warned me not to join UKAC on Facebook... You were right. *Bangs head on wall*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. clumpyedge


      @Lozart I learnt a very long time ago not to engage with our colonial brethren unless on pre-agreed terms and a mediator present

    3. SeniorSpaz87


      Hey, we arent all bad. Just most of us.

    4. BibbsOnTour


      Now I want to join UKAC and the US BBQ groups just to see for myself 😂

  18. Anyone else going to Elite Action Games Dorking this weekend? My first time playing there, excited!

    1. Albiscuit


      Not this weekend. Its always been good fun for me. Its a great site!! enjoy!

  19. Anyone played at First & Only's "The Base" in swindon? Thinking of going sunday...

  20. Does anyone have anywhere to go to test fire their rifles before a game day? I've bunged a load of upgrades into my main gun, but I have to wait until I next play to see how the thing even shoots before thinking of tweaking it!

    1. Albiscuit


      Local store? I know mine has a tech, a chrono and a space to fire...

      Its worth asking!!


    2. Roundel91


      I use my loft of all places lol

  21. Forecast is unrelenting rain from 10am for Dorking today. I knew I should've bought those tactical armbands! Wish me luck!

  22. Got my first M203 for woodland games. But MOSCART shells.. any brands to avoid. Or are they all much of the same?

  23. Having my first game at The Mall on the 8th. Any tips? Any particular areas to watch for?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      Could of been worse you could of been one of the unlucky ones the terminator was chasing. Knowing the layout does make it much better to play but I do miss the thrill of getting lost in there sometimes. Not sure if I came across you much in game because most people look the same in there.

    3. L3wisD


      Only in the very last game, I recall.


      I was gearing up to tag you in Peacocks but someone on my team got you before I did. :)


      Sorry our meeting was brief, I'll keep an eye out for you next time we come down.

    4. Albiscuit


      Tense terminator games are great, the more people with flashing red go pro lights on their head the better too, so many times people are running away from "the Terminator" only to actually run into the real one cos they were running away from a reflection or a go pro light hahah


      I will hopefully make it down early Feb now!!

  24. Probably not a big deal to some, but last night I stripped my AEG and changed the spring. To a complete DIY idiot, this was a huge win for me! (Let's hope it still works on Sunday - Going to EAG Dorking again if anyone else is going?)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      How does it shoot - dunno haven't been able to cock the f*cker yet: sniper-600fps-600x361.jpg?x11261

    3. Governor


      @Duck, when I had my 550fps spring installed I was the only chap in my group able to quickly and nearly effortlessly cock it. Everyone else massively struggled with it :D

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      I will not say "if your right arm is much stronger than your left arm" or "you will go blind etc..." - nope not saying any of that mainly coz I'm short sighted btw

  25. The slide release on my new WE Glock 19 is REALLY stiff and slow. I don't remember my old KJ works G19 being this bad. Hoping it'll be ok after a few mags at EAG Dorking tomorrow.

    1. SeniorSpaz87


      Rack it. A lot. Just let it loosen up a bit.

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