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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/05/24 in all areas

  1. Hello lovely people, When I previously 'softed I wrote a series of (at the time) well received reviews and guides as part of Team KGB. Since moving up north I started 'softing again and decided to start these 9nce more My hope is to provide honest, useful scribblings about kit, loadouts etc. I don't pretend to be an expert so if you find something wrong please let me know. I personally prefer to read stuff rather than videos. Lots of content planned so please keep checking back https://fraggle-soft.co.uk/
    4 points
  2. Fucking joke thrown out to grab a few headlines.
    4 points
  3. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    So 2 more additions to the British collection. And thanks to Ed for this the pistol. WE Browning MK3 L9A1 DS And also a L119A1 CQB finally put together, painted and weathered.
    4 points
  4. DaktariT

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    My ex-girlfriend is standing at the opposite end of the museum from me! I want to go say hi but there's just so much history between us.
    3 points
  5. B4by_Dr1v3r


    I'd have just gone with the hybrid.
    3 points
  6. Is that even possible ?🤔
    3 points
  7. Cannonfodder

    National Service

    That's my point, those who are interested have those opportunities and those who aren't will do anything they can to get out of it. Also please tell me I'm not the only one getting Starship Troopers vibes from this
    2 points
  8. Cannonfodder

    National Service

    Just another lazy attempt to divert people away from just how badly successive tory governments have fucked the country up. Unfortunately though I don't think labour will do much better
    2 points
  9. Beorn

    National Service

    God how tired and desperate must they be to try and peddle this old rope? I am always skeptical of people who push national service in the name of building 'community'. If only it were that fucking easy! If we are interested in building community and stopping the disintegration of 'civil society' we must start much earlier and rethink the core values that have been rammed down people's throats. As Thatcher infamously said 'there is no such thing as society'. This disastrous myth, the first commandment of neoliberalism, insists that we are individuals first and only. We must support ourselves, we are on our own. People been fed this shite for a long time now. How can a society hold this toxic credo at its core and then demand national service in the name of solidarity and community, some nebulous greater good that they have little to no real share in? How can those people who are richest, who have benefited most from a prior era of relative stability and prosperity demand anything from the first generations in a long time projected to be far worse off than their parents in almost every metric? It reeks. Youth clubs have been decimated for over a decade. Even third spaces for adults seem to be slowly drying up. Wages are stagnant even while corporate greed continues to squeeze us. Childcare costs are beyond extortionate. AI is apparently coming for everyone's job. Housing is in total shambles. Our rivers and seas are being pumped full of shite... like its an actual fucking shit show! The caliber of leadership has utterly plummeted. They are out of ideas, just throwing shit like this at the wall now to see what might stick. Labour won't do much better but I think seeking a bit of stability and taking stock of the situation without a fucking new leader every 6 months would be a start.
    2 points
  10. Some photos might help as, at the moment, we have no idea which make it is and which springs have boinged away.
    2 points
  11. Asomodai

    National Service

    I find it funny that the boomers who would mostly likely vote for this never did National Service, yet somehow think it will solve the problems that our youth face. Introducing it would be a further burden on low income persons, by reducing income earning hours. Cost of living, lack of housing and low wages in this country result in the low standards of mental health in our youth. National service would likely make it worse. We already have voluntary programs for people who are able to do them. Leave it at that.
    2 points
  12. Egon_247


    I've looked at it now. I have regarded. Although i am old so by tonight i may have forgotten that i have regarded and therefore it has been disregarded. Cool.
    2 points
  13. Yes. i know. before you start on the tirade of abuse and i should have bought a TM blah blah, its the boys. Not mine. Mine is a WE and probably going to do the same thing as they all come from the same bucket of chinesium.... So. Boy has a VM9. great little gas pistol, it has served him well. Unfortunately it has worn itself out. It fires but the trigger wont reset. So i guess i'm looking for spare parts for it as a) he bought it with his saved up money therefore has sentimentals and b) i cant bring myself to bin it. So......Can anyone find or know the whereabouts of a parts diagram for said toy, and with Nuprol being nuprol, am i better off just banging my head against my desk?
    1 point
  14. hunter511

    National Service

    Using logic does that mean any MP who hasn't served will be debarred from holding their position? I mean all the fascist undertones aside I'm sorta down with that....
    1 point
  15. You're right, 70% isn't a hard and fast rule but I've always personally thought that unless an item is rare and desirable etc then 70% is a safe bet. Ultimately it's what someone's willing to pay. Personally, I saw it as an item that is readily available (not limited run or discontinued) but batches sell out quickly due to popularity.
    1 point
  16. Colin Allen

    National Service

    They are proposing that the 30,000 going to the military would be engaged with logistics, cyber security, procurement or civil response operations. For those volunteering, they would work with the NHS, fire service, ambulance, search and rescue, and critical local infrastructure, among others. I am not sure how a mere 25 days per year would result in them making any appreciable difference to those organisations. Funding for all this is also an issue; it looks like 60% (around £1.5 billion) of it will be "diverted" from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which was established to replace the financial support that community organisations lost when we left the EU..
    1 point
  17. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Got this a few months ago, the slide and magazine is covered in scratches on almost every corner and angle but it works perfectly. only visual wear. Im getting rid of it as I want to get a glock instead. The magazine is leak free. It is missing the spare grip pieces but it comes with the medium/normal size grip. Green gas.


    1 point
  18. Shamal

    ASG MK23 magazines

    Hi. That can be the case. Some of my mags were a wee bit narrow but 30secs with a Dremel will just open it out enough to use a speed loader. 🙂
    1 point
  19. Tommikka

    National Service

    This announcement has 30,000 military placements for 18 year olds in 2025, but the ONS statistics have 1,577,000 16-17 year olds Under 2% would be able to fit into military national service, and the remaining over one and a half million would have 25 days of ‘community service’ What’s the military placement? 25 days as well? Doing a course ? Great - make people do something for a month to supposedly learn life skills and social values that the community and education hasn’t over almost two decades https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cpddxy9r4mdo.amp https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/timeseries/jn5p/lms
    1 point
  20. Asomodai

    National Service

    This should be done at a school level. The Government should put the money that it would cost to fund National Service into actually funding schools properly. As for the influencer and crime comment. It's more of an indicator that working a low paying or an average job, means you will be poor and never own a property. So for many these "Shortcuts" for making money is seen as a more likely way to become wealthy to desperate individuals. I earn just above the London Average. But when the London Average is ~40K, I at 39 years old will never be able to own a property. Force the cost of living and property cost down would help dramatically with societal health.
    1 point
  21. I’ve got to ask myself would I want my kids to experience and see the same things I did in the military and conclusively the answer has to be no. Will this appeal the Tory voters of course it will and I doubt will find new voters for them. I’m conflicted by this proposal as I’m in favour of young people having responsibility and seeing actions have consequences. But I’m also against coercion into joining the military, it has to be a voluntary thing. I think we should let the young decide their future as we won’t be around to see it again though are we equipping them with the right tools to make informed decisions. I mean this as a society not at an individual level.
    1 point
  22. gavinkempsell

    National Service

    I honestly don't know how I feel about this, if national service was a thing when I was 18 I reckon it would have made a huge difference to me personally but I wouldn't want my kids to do it. I can only imagine it'll stir the loins of the older generation who already turn out to vote Tory in higher numbers than the youth but the younger voters will be more likely to vote against the Tories for this reason alone. As a jock I typically vote SNP as not other party 'ticks all the boxes' for me but after the changes in the SNP in the past year or so I can see Labour stealing a lot of votes north of the border too this time, possibly my vote as well but I'm undecided at the moment.
    1 point
  23. hunter511

    National Service

    To be fair in the last 23 years I've noticed a move away (within the RN anyway) from stereotypical Full Metal Jacket style screaming and what used to be refferred to "character building" type activities to a more modern type of management with an emphasis on translatable skills such as maths, english etc at all levels. Also there's a much greater awareness of neurodiversity and how to work with/enable such individuals with regards to teaching etc. (I've been working in an instructional role for 6 months now and the DTTT/DTC training goes into this in quite a depth.
    1 point
  24. hunter511

    National Service

    I suspect this is more symptomatic of what remains of the Tory party throwing policies out and seeing what sticks lest they end up in the queue at the local job centre on the 5th of july. Whether or not there is any intention of actually re-establishing national service is entirely different. Whether or not national service cures all the UK's ills is entirely different BUT if it ends up giving young people some basic life skills and drive rather than the belief that they should be an influencer or hang round stabbing each other or some such shite its probably not a bad thing.......
    1 point
  25. Diemaco

    National Service

    Plenty of other countries have national service, and quite a few have reintroduced it within the last few years. I don't think it's a bad thing by any means, but I don't think it will be cheap, and I don't think it's likely to be something that's going to happen within the next five years (not on any meaningful scale anyway). The logistics of it all as well as the need for personnel to train these national servicemen are likely to be major stumbling blocks.
    1 point
  26. Hello and welcome, plenty of knowledge and support here
    1 point
  27. Shamal

    Looking to get involved

    Hi fella.👋 Enjoy the forum. Never a dull day 🙂 Regards
    1 point
  28. Rogerborg


    Wait, if you can regard something, can you...
    1 point
  29. General

    USW A1 + 3 mags

    This advert is COMPLETED!

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    USW A1 with 1 standard mag,(co2) 2 brand new extended 50 Rd Mags, (green gas) as new Mint condition fires great Solid with a sharp kick Neat folding stock ( Pistol was £185 50 round mag x2@ £54 each Total £290 ) So grab a bargain today £130 Check the link below for info https://www.defconairsoft.co.uk/product/asg-bt-usw-a1-universal-service-weapon-gbb-pistol/


    - GB

    1 point
  30. 'You're home early Dear.' 'Boss told me to 'go to hell' so here I am.'
    1 point
  31. Even more than Katie Price
    1 point
  32. 1st commando


    I suspect it's one photo that's been used by multiple retailers . It's common for retailers to take each other's photos which is why watermarking became more popular
    1 point
  33. Which one has a chance of regeneration then?
    1 point
  34. Neither. I made it for the event. It's a Fast helmet from eBay with polypropylene stuck around the edge and finished with car trim. The code discs are from eBay as well. It's based on the Imperial helmets from the Andor series.
    1 point
  35. Just saw the neighbourhood burglar kicking his own front door in. He must be working from home again.
    1 point

    • For sale
    • Used

    As titled and pictured price not including fees and postage


    1 point
  37. theSwede

    Gun picture thread

    Going old school. Last build before summer. Also my my favourite Glock mod. Clean and easy. Glocks was Sexy AF whitout rmrs and lights Miss the 90ies G17 gen2 with steel slide. Built on a TM
    1 point
  38. Enid_Puceflange

    G&G GK5C

    1 point
  39. Just started an engraving course. First lesson, we barely scratched the surface...
    1 point
  40. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Devon and Cornwall have cancelled their planned joint '60s & '70s retro music festival after a row over whether to put The Jam or Cream on first...
    1 point
  41. k.a

    Holsters, All for Glocks.

    This advert is COMPLETED!

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    All £20 each collected from High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire or + £5 with post and paypal, will combine postage if you buy more then one or buy other gear I have for sale here. Glock Oem Holster - £20 Radar 1957 Glock leather holster - £20 SOLD. Stich Profi Glock 17 Holster, Holds the gun well but throwing in a Viper bungee lanyard with this if you are worried about losing the gun. - £20 More holsters here : and here :


    1 point
  42. BigStew

    Marui G36c+

    I did not know that thanks for the information. Does the CYMA have the lock on empty function? Since the MP5 came out I am hoping a G3 range is on its way.
    1 point
  43. Hatchet

    Marui G36c+

    Okay, but *apart* from the recoil shocks, magnetic fire control in the MP5, MWS system, gas AK's, gas semi auto saiga, new pistols, electric shotguns, recoil MK46, sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us? Yes, this isn't a new gun. It's a refresh. Plenty of other threads people say "JG/CYMA have mosfets and Marui don't". Marui refresh to bring them in and then "They're not innovating"? Combined with "I'll wait for the clone to come out" seems hard for them to win.
    1 point
  44. BigStew

    Marui G36c+

    People keep saying that, but what exactly is a massive innovation that another company has made? Everything is still fundamentally based on TM designs. I notice no one has cloned a Recoil other than the AA12.
    1 point
  45. Galvatron

    Marui G36c+

    That is definitely part of the appeal of the G36 platform to me, especially the G36C. That aesthetic gave it a certain distinction in my eyes.
    1 point
  46. DerDer

    Marui G36c+

    Nice to see the G36 get a tune up. Hopefully they will do similar to the K model.
    1 point
  47. JinxDuh

    Marui G36c+

    I wonder if they'll have the filled piece under the handguard and made to the real size... I hope they are, so the A4 handguards will work with them.
    1 point
  48. Super64

    GHK Glock 17 Gen 5

    I’ve had the VFC Gen 5 and I’ve still got the VFC 19X which has the same style grip and it does feel that little bit more comfortable to hold. That said, the Gen 3 isn’t exactly uncomfortable, but it’s nice to see that we’ll soon have a choice between the two.
    1 point
  49. Heath

    What have you made?

    Latest rail version printed in bronze gold. Not a perfect match, but close enough to the lower frame.
    1 point
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