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  1. Or they didn’t catch me …… You are of course correct I have for a long time been an advocate for not being a dick and not using ‘special words’ to avoid saying the scary ‘gun’ word Use your brain, handle appropriately (your kit and the people you encounter), don’t be a dick and outcomes are normally good
    5 points
  2. My wood and steel tm akm was looking lonely on the rack so I Grabbed a second hand one and dunked it in the zenitco knockoff bucket. Probably going to strip the last of the paint at some point but I cant be bothered right now
    5 points
  3. Went to Bespoke today as I was working half an hour away and had underlings to do work whilst I looked important. So I pulled rank and ducked out for a bit with my faulty from new AA G36 GBBR. If you remember the other thread, it is firing a shot at 500 ish fps, then everything subsequent to that just rolls out of the barrel. I bought it from them at the end of last summer, then had trouble getting in touch, and then work/travel commitments made getting to their then Slough based store tricky. Talking to them today, I am willing to grant them the communication issues were down to them preparing for the move. New shop is looking pretty damn impressive. They have a fairly big unit on a small trading estate. I assume a warehouse downstairs, then a large open office upstairs with a new shop area that is going to be quite big too. They answered the buzzer and let me in unannounced. An incredibly polite staff (I think the owner) took my pew, which is now well over 6 months from purchase, listened to the description of the fault and said he'd take it down to his tech whilst I had a look around. I was then given a tour of the new office, shop, firing range, pistol showroom and Air gun showroom. There was not much in stock at the moment as they're still bringing things up from the Slough premises. But they had, amongst other things, the Walther WA2000 along with some very nice looking pistols that I had to fight very hard to resist. I wish I had £780 to spend on a wall hanger. Had a good 30 or so minutes left to my own devices whilst the nice lady behind the counter helped some dude pick out a pew for his daughter, then the guy came back to say that they could see the problem I was having, and would keep the pew for a few days to fix it as they didn't have another in stock, implying to me, that he would have been happy to give me a replacement - so top marks there. They also confirmed that once they're finished setting up, they will be doing all kinds of repairs, upgrades, and customisations in house as well as sales. This should take them another week or two, but i have two or three non essential pews that need attention that no one else seems to be interested in (or that I'd trust), so they'll be heading there once the G36 is proven. Sooo.... If one were to take everything at face value, and assuming they fix my RIF, then I am a happy bunny and they deserve all the success after what must be an eye wateringly expensive investment. Can't blame the shop for a faulty RIF out of the box, but unlike Only Airsoft in Stevenage, where there seems to be an attitude of "warranty is up to them" once you leave the shop, Bespoke seem to just want to keep you happy. Although to be fair to Only Airsoft, they have honoured the warranty when required - it's just the perception that they give off that is unnecessary. Certainly can't fault Bespoke for care and attention so far! Standby for updates.
    4 points
  4. A Sunday school teacher is concerned that his students might be a little confused about Jesus, so he asks his class, "Where is Jesus today?" Steven raises his hand and says, "He's in Heaven." Mary answers, "He's in my heart." Little Johnny waves his hand furiously and blurts out, "He's in our bathroom!" The surprised teacher asks Little Johnny how he knows this. "Well," Little Johnny says, "every morning, my father gets up, bangs on the bathroom door and yells 'Jesus Christ, are you still in there?!'"
    4 points
  5. I’ve decided to bite the bullet and have signed up to JustCos to see the policy cover for myself …… On sign up (and payment) you receive a copy of the policy certificate (Zurich insurance): Name of Insured: Just-Cos This is to confirm that Just-Cos have in force with this Company until the policy expiry on 17 May 2024 insurance incorporating the following essential features: Policy Number: @@@@@@@@@@ Renewal Date: 18 May 2024 Limits of Indemnity: Public Liability: £5,000,000 any one event Products Liability: £5,000,000 for all claims in the aggregate during any one period of insurance Pollution Liability: As per Products Liability Professional Services Extension £1,000,000 any one event Note: Cover for Financial Loss, and Third Party Property Damage or Bodily Injury is provided where arising from advice or services carried out by the Insured in the furtherance of its purpose as a registered charity or not-for-profit organisation. Excess: Public Liability: Nil any one claim Products Liability: Nil any one claim Pollution Liability: Nil any one claim Professional Services Extension: Nil any one claim Indemnity to Principals: Covers include a standard Indemnity to Principals Clause in respect of contractual obligations. Full Policy: The policy documents should be referred to for details of full cover. That means unlike the wording on the JustCos website I have not purchased insurance of £5m public liability for £20, but I have joined a club/society that has £5m PLI ‘per event’ - and covers injury / damage arising from the advice of JustCos If I have any actual cover then it’s only the full £5m if I am the only member at any event then I can claim against £5m of PLI, but if there are two or more then the cover drops - there’s no mention of ‘being scarey’, Just-Cos is a membership based insurance policy. We approached them with a view to covering CosPlayers with Public Liability insurance in their right as a re-enactor to wear and carry costume articles that may prove alarming or ‘scary’ to third parties who may not understand our purpose. This policy particularly covers the right to carry imitation weaponry that could otherwise be mistaken as real or mistakenly reported as an offensive weapon. In today’s ‘Americanised’ legal system of ‘No claim no fee’ companies and similar ambulance chasers, it is now more important than ever to be protected by insurance. It’s better to be safe than sorry, right? Just-Cos is exactly that: It’s just for us CosPlayers. You can join up for a small annual fee of £20, that’s it. For your £20 you will receive £5 million maximum claim cover against public liability. It’s quite unlikely that you’ll ever need to use it and we sincerely hope you don’t! That is not all though. With membership we have power! We can use our strength in numbers to apply for discounts and other awesome deals on behalf of the club. This is just the beginning and it’s your chance to be part of it.
    4 points
  6. Annual holiday to Japan, popped into First in Osaka. picked up some TBB’s for the Mp5’s and a 416 for half the UK RRP. Also grabbed a couple of mags for the GGO Am45 before they go out of print fully. Then at the checkout, spotted a couple of these bargain bin for the eye watering price of… £40 for an upper and lower. Got a Colt and a Stoner lower set.
    4 points
  7. My granddad remembers, 'Fighting them on the beaches.' Lovely man, but a very short fused deckchair attendant.
    4 points
  8. Special Ops' big first day of the year: the new CQB site opened! Saturday was a 'test game' with, we heard, ~7-a-side. Sunday was the first official game with 16-a-side. Well, a picture paints a thousand words, so this'll save me a metric shit-ton of typing then, won't it? https://www.facebook.com/SpecialOpsSeniors/?locale=en_GB Lots of pics and videos to peruse - I'll let you guys be the judge of how good it is a new CQB site, because this was my first ever CQB experience (outside of laser-tag!) so I have absolutely no idea if it's good. It has been very well put together, there's a big 'club room' and reception area upstairs, a decent safe zone that was a bit tricky to navigate through due to the desks and people and gear filling it up - and the benches are a bit narrow (which Carlos admitted), but it's all impressive to my untutored eye. Carlos and his volunteers have obviously worked very hard and I hope it's a success. I've had a long day at work, so rather than writing out a War And Peace on all the stuff, I'll give you the bullet points (if you'll pardon the pun) I got lost on the way there - Google maps took exception to the location from the web site and kept trying to steer me back to a random location in the middle of nowhere. I had to stop the instructions and just eyeball the map as I drove. There's no signage at the entrance either, so easy to drive past it. It's really not very far at all from the woodland site. (There's a '3 Words' location that other people used successfully - I'll try to find it) Usual rules - 350fps/0.20g, max BB weight of 0.25g. Bangs (upto and including my new grenade with 0.209 primers) allowed (but not much evident) Reasonable car park, close to the entrance, so even though I took all my short guns, and masses of kit with me, it wasn't too onerous to get into the building. I still managed to leave my toolbox at home - which proved really annoying as I had my Allen keys, speedloader, and my 'nade primers in there. That proved enough to stop me using my grenade until a test shot at the end of the day, and stopped me using my GBBR (without the speedloader) or my Tippmann (couldn't get the FPS and hop quite dialled in, thanks to having to borrow allen keys and running out of time) CQB. Damn, it hurts getting pinged so often at short range. The BB's always seemed to find a bit of uncovered or thinly covered skin to hit Fog Of War. Between my goggles fogging up and the variable lighting, half the time I had no idea where my BBs were flying - and thanks to Carlos not having 0.25's in stock, I had to buy and use 0.20s with little idea where they were going. Time to invest in a tracer unit, methinks! I tried a Dye full-face mask I got dirt-cheap, and didn't like it - couldn't get my eye in line with the sights. Back to the goggles + mesh lower mask I also found none of my face protection works very well with my new headset, so bang protection will probably have to be ear plugs for the near future, but luckily the only guys throwing BFG 'nades around were not having much luck getting them to go off. I begged a primer off one of them for a test throw at the end - and 'bang' went my OhShiBoom. That'll be fun to use for real. A bit too easy to get spawn trapped, even with two spawn exits. Apparently the site has been designed (or allowed) to have an uneven balance in difficulty. My team seemed to spend almost the entire session at the difficult side and consequently we got murdered. Might need some extra cover or another door... or just more swapping of spawns. Some of the guys had a whale of a time running around with their rubber knives. Everyone seemed to enjoy the core gameplay. Me, well CQB is a very different style. It wasn't speedy-boi stuff, but still I think I'm naturally more in to the long sneaky flank rather than the bullet-hail around the spawns. I guess I'll get used to it, if I can afford to play very much. My only real criticism is the pricing. I have no idea if it's competitive to what the rest of you guys are paying now, though. When I was going to Spec Ops' woodland site a couple of years back, it was £25 for a (daylight allowing) 09:30 - 16:30 day. It got bumped to £30 recently. The CQB is priced at £35 for a 10:00 - 14:30 / 15:00 - 19:30 session, or £45 for the full day (which I couldn't do, so I took the morning slot) I feel that's a bit much for the half-day slots, but then again I suppose the safe zone is right there, and so are the spawns, so actual pewing time is probably much greater. And much less ammo used too. So yeah, a decently fun intro to CQB, though I didn't totally fall in love with it - I got zapped way too much, zapped others way too little, and thanks to some technical hitches I spent too long meddling with kit in the safe zone. Next time might go better. Guns taken: Double Eagle M906C (Old Faithful) TM AUG HC (always fun to run, but chrono'd very low at 230fps on 0.20's - time for a service, maybe a new spring) Tippmann M4 HPA (slightly too hot, just missed out on chrono due to fps variance) VFC HK416 GBBR (no speedloader, left in the case) G&G G36 (gearbox locked up a few times on semi) TM D.O.R Hi Capa (used a bit, great as always) JG SIG 552 (didn't use it, but should have)
    4 points
  9. Based on that, it does appear that Just-Cos’ insurance does not protect individual cosplayers as it covers events put on by Just-Cos. The membership is being mis-sold.
    3 points
  10. Explains why 98% of airsofters can't hit shit, we're like stormtroopers 😂
    2 points
  11. Let's be serious. Just Cos is a side gig of one Scotch airsoft retailer that's now nothing more than a fraudulent way for them to (not) claim a defence for selling RIFs to anyone who wants one for any reason. While it may have been set up in good faith in 2017 or so, it's a pointless service for cosplayers as there are no realistic 3rd party risks that it could indemnify. Its only purpose now is to add £20 to the cost of buying a RIF. I'd prefer that retailer didn't do this, but the risk is on them, and it's as close to zero as makes no difference.
    2 points
  12. No school like the old school
    2 points
  13. I've done the modification. Motor can now be adjusted. Hole in gearbox a little tight for the tower compared to the stock G&G motor tower, nothing a quick dermel grind won't sort though. Super happy with the motor, a lot more snappy compared to the G&G. My Titan 3000mAh battery I had zero issues. Will be even better when I redo the gearbox with new gears and shim. I'm not a Tech as only just started Airsoft so my opinion may be invalid, I'm just an eager hobbiest Looking forward to using the other parts I've ordered from @ak2m4 to aftermarket my ARP9.
    1 point
  14. A long time ago (In a galaxy far away), I purchased AFRA ("All Fronts Re-enactment Association") which gave me a physical card with my face, DOB etc on it. Many retailers allowed this to be used as a valid defence to purchase a RIF (Including, for example, patrol base). In fact, I used this when I purchased my first "proper" (As in, not to be used for reenactment/display) G&G M4 before I had even got a UKARA. Their set up was very similar to JustCos in the way the insurance worked. I don't recall needing to supply any evidence of being in a reenactment group either, they just took my money and sent a card and away I went. Much like JustCos, anybody could purchase it. I remember at the time, there was a LOT of "if's and buts" regarding the actual liability insurance. From the reenactor side, being able to purchase a defence to buy RIF be it BF or Airsoft it's great. From the airsoft side, being able to buy a defence to buy a RIF - Not so much. Quite a contradiction, I know but unfortunately airsoft is more threatened than the buying of BFer's. In an ideal world, everybody would follow the rules and behave themselves but that's never ever going to happen 😂
    1 point
  15. All it really just does is prove you’ve paid to be in a cosplay group and have membership. Can’t see what how pli would give you a Defense? Open to ideas Being in a group might provide a Defense but I think that would depend on the group type. Thinking MVT etc Not sure how the authorities would feel about me cosplaying as a sf operator(mainly cause I’m fat), and using that as reason to buy a rif however I can for and against reasons.
    1 point
  16. My game day on Sunday was fun, only 28 players , so nice and tactical. I believe we lost most games, but fair play to the other tem who played very well. I Managed a couple of long sneaky flanking trips to get behind them though which was satisfying, In the last game I played I worked my way round and took out 2 players who were holding our team back, then just as I settled down in a bush to cover if they came back, the heavens opened. There I am sitting in a bush , absoluty soaked , thinking ' remind me why I love doing this' 😂
    1 point
  17. I think he said lunches are going to happen but he's still building his kitchen area. Extra toilet facilities getting installed too. I think I'll suggest £25, that makes a half day or evening session more of an impulse purchase.. if he wants to keep the games running regulatory mid-week with plenty of visitors it can't be priced as a once or twice a month "special event" thing, which is what feels like now. Or maybe he could throw in a bottle of ammo with the price, it might not hit his profit so much, and would still reduce the cost to the player. I don't know, maybe I'm mentally framing this from my personal currently skint "can't afford to go very often at that price" viewpoint
    1 point
  18. Yes, I'm still considering the pricing, but to be fair, he's invested big bucks on that place and also trying to recoup cash from the fuckeries with the council. I have a day in hand, so will probably try the cqb next gameday, but having played at Sentinel (hybrid cqb/outdoors), I think I'm an outdoor player. Partly because I need the space for stopping and turning distances. Have they moved they gee gees a bit further away from the building? Couldn't work out if they're doing lunches there too. For those looking at the pictures and videos....a lot of those walls are made out of scaffolding boards, pasloaded onto both sides of pallets. They're not going anywhere
    1 point
  19. Looks fine to me, I think that's your cataracts mate🤪
    1 point
  20. DanBow

    This weekends attire.

    The guys and gals from my regular site have The Goal in Oakham booked for Saturday. There's 42 of us going. My normal attire is a pair of DPM trousers and a plain tshirt but I thought I'd make an effort for this. I've no idea why they've rotated 90 degrees!!! They're the right on my pc!
    1 point
  21. Ahh, another passion of mine, motorcycles! One photo is me with the throttle on the stop of my 1924 Sunbeam and the other is my last road bike which was a little 125 which was so much fun!
    1 point
  22. Mr Dellski

    TM Glock 17 gen5 mos

    Upgrade day 🤪… The ‘essential’ Laylax purple bits and 6.03 barrel ☑️
    1 point
  23. Another game day at Worthing and it was a mix for me, a lot of good mixed in with some bad. I took my spring VSR, which is set to be right on the limit at 1.14J on a .32 (I think the lowest shot at chrono was 1.12J and the highest was 1.14J). This meant I had no MED and could blast people up close, which is definitely an advantage at Worthing with how many coppices there are all over the site; lots of twiggy bits to get in the way of long shots! I also brought my SR-25 too as my friend wanted to have a go with it, so that was in the bag too. Got through chrono, set up my kit, realised I need another solution for carrying my rubber knife and headed to the safety brief. They didn't do the spiel about bolt actions and DMRs having a 30m MED, so I couldn't do the meme response to "bolties and DMRs, what's your MED?" "0m!". However, this is where the first bad happened; all of the regulars apart from myself, my friend, @Badgerlicious and his friend were on the same team. About 8 - 10 people who all knew how to work together, while there were low numbers at about 26 total on each side, vs 4 of us who knew how to work together. But it doesn't end there! Clearly the four of us were too powerful, so the marshall pointed at us and said "I can't allow you 4 on the same team" and so he split us up. @Badgerlicious and his friend were moved onto the other team while me and my friend remained on the same team. So now it was 2 regulars vs 10 - 12 regulars. As I said, clearly we're just too good at airsoft and the rest of the regulars aren't 😎 Anyway, first game underway and from an objectives point of view, it was a really great game. There were a whole load of objective items scattered around the site and both teams had to get as many as possible. We also didn't have a base to start with and had to choose our base. We took the Tower area as ours, which is a good, easy to defend area, while I think the enemy team took the outpost base or Dell End down the hill as the game started. With a good push from us blues going on in the upper area, me and my friend went down to the bottom of the site as there was one of the marshalls playing the role of a banker who was there to give out objectives to players. However, he was also armed with a minigun and didn't like people loitering or camping the area around him, which meant that neither team could dominate the area and farm all his objectives. In theory. In practice, none of the other blues came down to the bottom of the site, so it was a pair of ghillie snipers trying to hold off the tide of yellows and I must say my friend did a really good job of that. He did such a good job that my position became useless as nobody got to me, so I didn't do much that game. Found out afterwards that our team basically lost everything, including our base so I don't think we had any objectives at the end. The game was insanely one-sided, as we said it would be, and so the marshalls grabbed 6 regulars from yellow team and swapped them with some blue players to even it up. Next two games were a 3 flip can base around the Tower area and the swap over of the regulars caused the games to flip in the other direction. From both sides our team dominated the area. First game I set up in my favourite spot overlooking the path and sod's law came into effect. The one day I bring a 1.1J replica and I get a whole load of yellows just standing in the middle of the path about 70m away from my position, in full view. If I had a 2.3J bolt action, I'd have had a field day, but alas I had to wait for them to get a bit closer and even then I found a use for running a DMR instead of a 1.1J for those 50 - 60m engagements. Yes, you can tune a 1.1J gun to hit out to 50 - 60m fairly accurately, but there were a lot of people not taking the hits I was dishing out at that distance and I'm going to assume that they just weren't feeling them as they weren't really reacting to the hits at all. I could see the BBs impacting through my scope, but with a bolt action I only have one shot, and one shot at 1.1J when you're pushing towards that 60m range just wasn't being felt. I don't blame them for it, but it has tempted me to try running a DMR next game day since it's still a bit chilly for my gas bolt actions (will run those as soon as it hits about 15 celcius). We swapped sides and I played super aggressively in the next one, crawling up into a very forward position where nobody really spotted me in my ghillie. I was constantly worried as my VSR was "old school" ghillied, simply wrapped in scrim net with no other camo attached to it, but I was putting the fact I had no MED to good use. Most of my shots into the Tower area from such a forward position were about 20m tops. As our team then pushed up and took control of the area, I shifted to the other side of the tree I was on and started shooting at the reinforcements coming down the path and along the fence line. Got a lot of hits in this game. We then broke for lunch. After lunch, my other friend and his grandson came out for the afternoon games and I felt a bit victimised here. My friend and his grandson put on blue armbands as we like to play together as it's good practice for when we go to Vietnam games, especially since a lot of blue players had gone home, but then the marshalls split us up AGAIN. They never put this much effort into splitting up any other groups than the ones that we make and I was getting a bit pissed off with it. Anyway, we then played a 3 base domination across the whole site, though the spawns were a bit close together and very close to one of the bases. This meant we weren't allowed to attack around one side, as it would take us to their spawn very quickly, which ruined my plan. My plan was to sneak around their spawn, head up to the fence line and take the base that was up there in the final moments of the game, but I had to change my tactic as I couldn't go that way. I took the long way around the site, sticking to the boundary and avoiding any engagements as I did not want anyone to know I was there. Spent the entire game sneaking past yellow players, not firing a single shot to get into position and right as I was getting into position, another ghillie on our team came up as well. Great, now two of us can do this tactic. All we'll need to do is clear the skeleton crew at that base, since nobody on our team got anywhere near attacking it and-... wait, what's the other ghillie doing? Like a bull in a china shop he starts shooting people left and right with his pistol. This meant that when we got up to that base, instead of there being 2 defenders that I could've easily taken out by myself, one being my friend with my SR-25 who knew I was going to be trying something like that and stuck to the base like glue towards the end, there were now about 8 players defending the base and more coming up behind us. Thanks, other ghillie, you ruined my entire gameplan and made all of my efforts to go undetected go to waste (yes I'm salty about it because it was incredibly frustrating!). Moreover, the other ghillie got himself shot by making a rush into the base area before we had even managed to take anyone out. Suffice to say I couldn't push that base in the last minute of the game and we lost in the end, two bases to one. Didn't play the last game of the day because I was pretty tired from the last game and I think I tore a muscle in my right hand when I was crawling through a particularly nasty spot of brambles. That still hurts today and it feels like a torn or at least strained muscle; the route I took to make sure I was undetected was not a nice easy one. Lots of hills and battling through brambles and crawling over stinging nettles which also still hurt this morning! Also, my friends were packing up too, so I headed back with them. Showed my friend who was on the other team the route I was going to use to take him out in the church structure without exposing myself to his position and we had a chat about the different style of play running a long gun gives. He enjoyed it and said he got a lot of kills at the Sandbag Bunker base (which was the base that was very close to both our spawns), so I'm happy about that. He's probably going to go with a Cyma m14 for himself, which as someone who owns two of them I will obviously say it's a good choice! Then on the walk back my friend's grandson shot me in the finger point blank, right on the side where it's really painful too, as they were all shooting each other on the walk back as airsofters do and he wasn't looking where he shot and it really hurt. Being 12 won't save him from taking a shot to the back of the head next game day as his debt must be paid! Also it didn't rain all day, despite the forecast saying that we were going to have a wet afternoon. The rain started very light as we were packing away and really started after we left, so it was good that we packed up a little bit early. I think next game day I will run a DMR, even though I think the rules at Worthing are craptastic for them. Just need to pester the co-owner of the site to either up the power to 1.88J or drop the MED to 20m and keep the 1.64J. We've made some progress on that front, but I don't think he's ready to change anything yet because he hates DMRs as he had bad experiences with people spamming the trigger. All in all, it was a pretty good day. Still waiting for the weather to warm up so I can use my favourite guns, but it wasn't too chilly and the games were generally good. There was no laughably bad hit-taking as the non-hit-taking that I experienced seemed to be more of an honest error where they weren't feeling the shots. Every hit I got where the person had a visible reaction to it, they took it.
    1 point
  24. They describe themselves as a club, so are possibly set up as an unincorporated association.
    1 point
  25. Welcome Sofie, whatever dad posts in the "what I've just bought" thread, you can't tell mum about it😏
    1 point
  26. The bunker is such a great site, played it at a couple of private games, must get down there for a regular gameday at some point. A slightly unbalanced day at worthing, the marshals did move people around between games, so it's not for lack of trying. Just the way it is sometimes I guess. But the rain held off, so that's good. Some fun games though. One where we got to pick a base, then had to collect items, move them to our chosen base, then run them down the site to the banker, who was armed with a minigun to keep the non-banking riff raff away. Our team ended up cutting their team off from the lower half of the map by taking a notoriously hard to push corner of the map. Some changes are needed but I hope it returns, it was a very fun game, and I always love big games that let you solve things creatively. Also today, I had a newly modded gun (LCT VSS) that actually worked first time for once! Gosh it's been a while since something just worked. Since it has the AK hop unit, it kind of works its way down through the day, which is a bit annoying but hopefully solvable. However I was trying out the maple leaf gbb/aeg hybrid bucking today with a crazy jet barrel and I gotta say it performs very nicely. Even with the hop slowly turning off, the bbs flew straight and true, very nice and consistent. My shorter barrel with 3D printed spacer also worked very nicely, no collisions with the built in spacer at the very end of the suppressor at all. And my modifications to my ghillie seemed to work very nicely. I managed to jump scare a couple of people, and that's always fun :0
    1 point
  27. b)he modifies an imitation firearm so that it becomes a realistic imitation firearm; How do you modify an airsoft imitation firearm so that it becomes a realistic imitation firearm? You remove the brightly coloured paint or overspray it.
    1 point
  28. Removing the blue paint or respraying the gun is classified as 'Modifying an imitation firearm so that it becomes a realistic imitation firearm,' which is explicitly illegal under Section 36(1) of the Violent Crime Reduction Act: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/38/section/36. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  29. JinxDuh

    Selling vector alpine

    Wow, that’s really cool. You know what else is really cool? https://airsoft-forums.uk/classifieds/submit/?do=submit&category=4&_new=1
    1 point
  30. Is that good? Sounds a bit BDSM 🤔 😁
    1 point
  31. We P226 with full trades from the Classifieds on here.
    1 point
  32. JinxDuh, hats off to the marathon of efforts you've embarked upon for this cause. In a twist of fate, my inbox turned treasure chest with a couple of direct messages, leading me to unearth a few hidden retailer gems. Thus, the coveted rifle is on its way, sidestepping the need for any two-tone disguise. A hearty salute to you and the fellow enthusiasts whose passion, effort, and, let's face it, endearing nerdiness keep the wheels of this hobby spinning. You nerds are the unsung heroes of this saga.
    1 point
  33. Hunter511 I really don't care what you think, be upset over more important things
    1 point
  34. It's not intended to be rude. My original question was straightforward, and while I received an answer, the focus shifted to my inability to attend a game for UKARA qualification—a topic that diverges from my main concern. Discussions on this and your views on the rules, though possibly well-intentioned, don't align with my query, therefore I don't care. My interest is solely in obtaining a list of retailers accepting the Just-Cos Cosplayer Insurance. Beyond that, additional commentary isn't pertinent to my needs. This isn't personal; I'm simply aiming to keep the conversation focused on relevant information.
    1 point
  35. not Salty, just don't care about your thoughts.
    1 point
  36. Colin Allen, please don't spend too much time being baffled by my inability to access registered gaming sites for at least two months, such as the third game occurring 56 days or more after the first. It's not something you need to concern yourself with. Also, I honestly don't care about anyone else's thoughts or feelings regarding whether you agree with the cosplay insurance or the sportsman association defense. This matter is up to the retailer, and at the end of the day, nothing is stopping me from getting it two-toned and then spraying it black anyway. So, let's keep this on topic, and if you want to moan, please start a new thread. also GenuineGerman this is a hobby I enjoy it's very much for me, so I will keeping playing but thanks for your advice and concern
    1 point
  37. Went to a game today with 2 replicas, left with 3... Saw this beautiful LCT VSS on the preowned wall and fell in love with it instantly. Doesn't shoot as perfectly as I'd like, definitely needs some work with the hop up but wow it's amazing to hold. First time owning an LCT, reviews of the internals has me a little worried but it can't be any worse than my G36 😳
    1 point
  38. Can we please stop trying to find ways to bypass (the not exactly onerous to acquire) defense we have.... please and thank you.
    1 point
  39. ak2m4


    that's wonderful news. The flat little boxes are a godsend. 90% of the orders I have can fit into a Large Letter box, this allows me to keep the fee for Tracked 24 to just £3.30 (Royal Mail price rise imminent) plus you don't need to be in when the post arrives. I could save a buck or 2 by going down the jiffy bag route like most other retailers but nah keep it boxed....
    1 point
  40. Got snapped last game day (which was a narrative storyline event), which is a rarity! I'm really liking the kit setup at the moment, the belt kit has enough space for me to carry 4 spare rifle mags, 4 spare pistol mags, spare gas and BBs too, and I way prefer cape ghillies to these over-engineered bush suits. It was not a good day to run the gas m700 on green gas and I'll have co2 mags for next winter for sure! Seeing these makes me remember I still have a lot of weight to lose (though I'm about 8kg down so far this year!). Photos by M. Matthews Photography Also, our resident youtuber was playing the role of press at the event and said he was looking for me to interview during the game and couldn't find me. He pointed the camera straight at me while interviewing another lad and had no idea, even though I move my leg during the shot. Full video is here and I recommend checking it out as it's a good laugh from a great event
    1 point
  41. I went from this to this in 7 months.
    1 point
  42. They are rare. I've only ever seen one for sale; I bought it and had it modified to 14mm CCW to fit my GHK. Incidentally, I still have the original, unmodified 16mm CW barrel stub from mine - if you want that as a spare, or to put on another AUG or something, just drop me a PM. It was done by cutting a Hephaestus steel outer barrel down - each bit is full steel, including the gas block. S, M, XXL Not sure why I insist on waiting until I'm selling something to take decent pictures of it, but all three bits (the pistol, the light, the holster) of this slice of 2000s Navy SEAL life are sadly for sale.
    1 point
  43. ZakLav-

    Gun picture thread

    Got my Rossi “L119A2” back from Negative Airsoft who has once again absolutely smashed the build. Now time for painting!
    1 point
  44. Adenley

    Gun picture thread

    I felt the need to show this one off. After years of searching I somehow managed to stumble upon this wonderful TM Aug A1 with the steel HBAR kit with the correct bipod and flash hider. Not sure how rare these kits are but I’ve only come across a small hand-full of these. Just wish I could get myself a drum mag for it it. The inner barrel is a ridiculous 655mm in length
    1 point
  45. Finally managed to get home and fit the VFC handguard to the MP5 and ditched all the MLOK...apart from the charging handle as who knows what UPS are doing with it but hopefully will turn up before Sunday! Think MP5s look so much better with the older furniture and think this will suit my Sheriff loadout better than with the MLOK...but happy with the crazy rate of fire on the CM041J!! Just need to get all MLOK sold off so i can do the same to the MP5K i have!
    1 point
  46. TheBread1664

    Kit sale

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Kit Price Postage Magpull stock £60 £5 Copy Magpul *missing rubber £10 £5 Arm brace Stock £10 £5 1911 Holster - Black £15 £5 Sig holster - Tan £15 £5 Sig light holster - Green(blade tech) £25 £5 Mad bull DD MK18 rail £45 £5 Stock tuber £8 £5 Racals £20 £5 Copy Airframe w/copy TW headliner £55 £10 Crye Tan 38R £155 £10 Emerson Tropic 38r £35 £5 Emerson MC Black 36R £35 £5 Flash force Tiger XLR £60 £5 C2R Covert plate carrier MC Black £195 £10 C2R 3x M4 pouch with insert £75 £10 C2R Golden nugget with inserts £65 £10 C2R Commando clip on front panel with inserts £100 £10 Copy AVS harness £30 £10 Copy Crye back panel £35 £5 Copy AVS front panel £25 £5 Drop down pack £20 £5 Eagle Fanny pack £75 £5 Eagle 1911 pouch £35 £5 Blue Forec boo boo £25 £5 Tactical tailor Map holder £20 £5 Odin single M4 w/inserts £20 £5 Platatac Med pouch £35 £5 Warrior Assault drop pack £15 £5 Warrior Assault Smoke £15 £5 Warrior Assault 3 bang £15 £5 Warrior Assault double HE £15 £5 Warrrior Assault clip molle panel £15 £5 Warrior Assault Utility pouch £15 £5 Sig mcx rail and barrel £35 £10 Blackhawk chest rig £65 £10 Copy Spirtus Arid chest rig £35 £5 Copy Spirtus grey/sprayed chest rig £30 £5 T3 double m4/9mm - (9mm has magnet) £50 £5 T3 triple insert M4 £20 £5 Crye Blast belt with soft armour and harness(missing one molle sleeve) Sold Sold Crye side soft armour and popuch set £100 £10 Vision king short dot £65 £10 Tacbelts QR molle cummerbund Sold Sold Copy eotech £30 £5 Copy Razor Sold Sold TM rail £35 £5 Red dot £15 £5 Olight PL-1 £30 £5 Olight PL-3 £30 £5 Olight Sigurd - come with chargin cable £40 £5 Copy Surefire £35 £5 Top figure is cost and Bottom postage Will Combine postage on multiple buys, Also if someone wants it all I'll do a deal and a meet up. also if you need more pics then ask as couldn’t load then all


    1 point
  47. Genuinely expected them to be about £400-500 give or take after reading what they had to say about it being custom made...but 1400 quid for what is essentially the Krytac REC7 upper/lower/handguard set and a bunch of overly expensive PTS/Magpul shite on it. And while custom hi-capas can easily go for that price it's a total piss take for them to actually make something like that, the type of person to spend that much money on a custom built pistol is going to want something exactly the way they want it. Not £1200 worth of random CNC'd shite.
    1 point
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