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  1. Hire guns will use high capacity magazines, which I believe does mean you need to pour the BBs in as you have been. What I tend to do is hold the magazine and use my finger and thumb to make a sort of funnel to make sure the BBs go in rather than spilling everywhere. When you get your own guns, you can get mid caps instead which don't have that same door that high caps have. Those need to be filled directly into the hole they feed into the RIF from as it's basically just a snaking canal through the magazine with a spring and follower, but I think if you do this with a high cap you might break it? I'm sure someone can confirm that, I just don't use them at all so I don't know.
    4 points
  2. https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/two-tone-replicas/cyma-cm-517_i54998 "Look at me, guys! I bought an airsoft gun to use at a field but I didn't realise I would have to actually pay money to play at a site, nor did I factor in travel when I don't even have a car. I didn't have the patience to wait for a UKARA defence so I flouted the law and did a piss-poor job of removing the blue paint. £100 reflects the regret I have in not researching, planning and asking around before investing so much into something that didn't work out. I think that price is reasonable even though you can buy the same RIF brand new without my 'custom' paint removal for the same price" https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/cyma-cm517-m4-with-ras-handguard-in-black.html
    3 points
  3. gavinkempsell

    in a dilemma.

    Despite saying ignore all of our advice, I have more for you... Don't spend much time in her company, stay friends but no ghosting, you're now in the friend zone & spending time together will only hurt you. She'll move on & you'll see it happen but your feelings will never let you move on at the same pace. I'm sure your Dad will have his own fatherly advice, feel free to heed his advice.
    3 points
  4. Rogerborg

    in a dilemma.

    First time visiting the friendzone? Emergency exits are located literally anywhere that any other girl is to be found, and use of them is highly recommended. ... the instant she sees him with some other girl.
    3 points
  5. To be fair, how many people probably said "but he always came across as such a nice guy" when referencing the likes of Dennis Neilson or Jeffrey Dahmer, to name but a few lol🤔
    3 points
  6. Nah, he's much nicer than KM, but to be fair, so is ebola🤣
    3 points
  7. Feck me, I have un-camouflaged shoe laces, this must be why I get shot so often. What a schoolboy error! I am ashamed. £15, cheap at twice / half / twelvety [delete as applicable] the price!
    3 points
  8. I’ve seen folk make bb holders out of the neck of a fizzy pop bottle, glued to a short sock easy to dispense from, almost silent, easy to stash on you as it’s not rigid
    2 points
  9. As has been mentioned in this thread, certainly a significant portion of them aren't even airsofters. He's up a tree in a recent video and most of the comments are about how amazing he is for it. Whenever I've played, climbing stuff like that is seen as cheating, but they wouldn't know that - so they don't even know they're being moronic!
    2 points
  10. We do have to acknowledge the influence of the morons who want to watch the controversial videos which he caters to in order to attract the views.
    2 points
  11. Exactly this For function over form in airsoft look at the speedsofters. The general gun look is inspired by looking like guns. The existence of stocks and their standard position in real guns is there to minimise the shift caused by recoil - following the line down to the barrel, and snug in the shoulder This offsets your line of sight and has an impact on how you can move the gun. An ergonomic paintball gun retains a form of stock via the air cylinder as the point of contact still provides stability and grip. But it doesn’t have to be a classic stock wedged into the shoulder. A curved fibre wrapped cylinder allows it to be ‘rolled’ in the shoulder and also the gun angled over in front of the face - making you a smaller target and putting the point of aim to in front of your eyes instead of needing to lean your head over to the point of aim The grip pretty much remains as is - this part of a gun is designed around human hands, but specific grip types vary. An obscure paintball grip angled forwards, which was partially novelty value and partially ergonomics - but it didn’t take off well as it was different than the ‘norm’. See the example below with the extreme of the Z frame and a ‘kick up’ ‘drop backward’ (similar to a ‘drop forward’ but reversed - a drop forward would allow a cyclinder to be fitted, lowered down and pushed forward which give a ‘better’ position making the combination shorter and easier to angle in front of the face) As with bull pups the trigger grip doesn’t have to be physically behind the chamber. It doesn’t even have to be a trigger, a switch will do - see also attached This was ‘easy’ to point and shoot with a button - but he found it very tiring holding up his arm with the 100 round Qpod also on his arm, though the air source was via a remote line. An airsoft edition would be more compact, could be all one unit and much lighter - but still involve holding your arm up most of the day - handy for a sneaky assassin type
    2 points
  12. My first experience with an airsoft gun was when my mate bought a HFC M9 in-store from justBBguns. This was in December that year and when we go home we eagerly ventured out to my garden, where we fired a mag or two on green gas. When we attempted to get through another, we noticed it was no-longer locking back. "This piece of >insert your own expletive here< has broken! We need to take it back!" he furiously proclaimed. I wasn't overly keen on this idea, as it's a three hour round trip....but he had paid around £150, so back we went. When we got there, they demonstrated that the gun cycled perfectly, even locking back on empty. Long-story short, the gun was fine but no-one had explained the negative effects of cold weather on a gas gun. I have owned a VFC Glock 19X and it worked really well overall. However, when it was cold it would do the same thing, only shooting every couple of cycles. My point is that as adults, we should take a moment to analyse the situation, rather than just jumping up and down screaming "Not fit for purpose, consumer rights act!"
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. I'd like a day off. Like, nothing but films, beers, food. No broken cars, no whining kids, no stressed wife, no work hassles, no broken pews looking at my bank statements giving me a nudge to buy more stuff. Just me, 5.1DTS, Duval/quak, Doritos. Done. Happy. Oh and maybe one of those snow wolf Barrett m82's.... 😁
    2 points
  15. Stock broker, so he's a double cunt then !
    2 points
  16. Worst part of it for me is the people who emulate him. There have been a few ghillies at Worthing Airsoft recently who have been spawncamping a LOT. Last game day I heard from my friend that the game after I stopped to get my m249 sorted our team got spawn camped by a bunch of snipers and nobody could go anywhere. It's a shame, because there are people like me who have been running a ghillie probably longer than he's been in the hobby, and certainly longer than he's been a thing on social media, who are disincentivized to play the way we want to because we don't want to be associated with these idiots. I don't think I'll ever stop, because I refuse to concede the ground and I'm incredibly stubborn
    2 points
  17. UCP has one acceptable use.
    2 points
  18. Not true. I bought Mrs Shamal a cook book last Christmas. Nothing has changed. 😂😂
    2 points
  19. These work well with a bit of practice. Or make your own as Enid describes. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/132131973156 The best bags are made by a chap called Denn who sells at Gunman occasionally. You can find him on Farcebook as Denn Sews Surplus.
    1 point
  20. Shamal

    Mid game reloading

    Practice bud 👍 We have all done the spillage of bbs. With a high cap mag the quickest way to fill it is direct from the bottle. With practice you can hold the top of the mag with one hand which forms a sort of funnel to guide the bbs into the fill hatch. I think it is harder to use a bag especially in the heat of battle. You can get hi capacity speed loaders but that can be a slow noisy job. In time you will get more proficient and loose less bbs and also your trigger finger will get lighter and you won't be firing off so many😉
    1 point
  21. gavinkempsell

    Mid game reloading

    If you intend to buy a pew eventually you could buy a couple of hicaps for the hire gun you use, if it's a G36C then the mags will be cheap enough but might not work in a pew you do buy, if it's an AR you hire then any mags you buy will fit 99% of pews you guy & are cheap too. p.s. buy a couple of hicaps (one each) when you buy your own pew you'll decide the type you prefer long term.
    1 point
  22. i definitely see it as a classic case of following the popularity. his early stuff wasn't too bad, somewhat genuine gameplay. of course he had a couple of early videos with genuine cheater encounters, those videos go viral, he starts seeing the ad money, so he starts focusing on the drama, but there isn't enough drama so he has to fake it, but faking it only works so far so he manufactures it instead. all the while he's being drawn into creating this tough guy persona, regardless of how he may really be as a person the harm that's done is now we have an influencer who's purveying a toxic attitude. and that's the problem, because if you're not actively an airsofter and you're watching his videos then you have no reference frame to know that this isn't how everyone in the hobby acts, and you're either going to be put off by the idea, or even worse you're going to engage with it and get into the hobby thinking that's an acceptable way to act. either way it's bad for our hobby. might be site specific, i've encountered tree folk a few times and it wasn't explicitly banned or called out when someone tried it, and tbf if it's allowed at the site then it can be pretty effective mostly because people don't expect to have to look in the trees.
    1 point
  23. Enid_Puceflange

    in a dilemma.

    100% this Always want what they can’t have 😂 Shes maybe playing a wee bit hard to get, keep it cool, and be patient Good chance it’ll work out 🤞
    1 point
  24. I once saw a Bob Long 2k2 Timmy with a prototype (raw aluminium) Z frame at the European indoor tournament around 2003-4. It was gopping. And the ICD Bushmaster looked even worse with one fitted. Thank god they didn't become the 'norm'.
    1 point
  25. I don’t strictly need a chrono as I don’t build my own guns but that doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t want one 😉 I just don’t want to spend much on it when I would only use occasionally. Do you have any recommendations for affordable chronographs? What is the minimum you have to spend? I guess options from AliExpress should be avoided? I had a look at used ones here on the forum but they don’t tend to come up often. There are no used ones on eBay either.
    1 point
  26. He was next to me in the staging area of the safe zone and I was surprised at how quiet and subdued he was. I also assumed he was a short-arse, but must be about 6'4. I overheard someone at the site asking him about the controversary and he claimed it was unintentional. Anyway I didn't hear about any issues, although confusingly he and his buddies did switch teams at least once. I was left feeling like a lot of it was for clicks. The few recent times he's put out non-noob/cheater destroying videos, engagement is far lower.
    1 point
  27. Tackle

    in a dilemma.

    Don't sweat it, be yourself & she'll come around 👍
    1 point
  28. I read of a few people saying he's ok in person and nothing like his online persona. The more generous would say that he's putting it on for clicks, but I think it's more likely that he doesn't want to get smacked in the face
    1 point
  29. Colin Allen

    High FPS variation

    Lignum Vitae is the best; it is self lubricating so is ideal for a cylinder.
    1 point
  30. Galvatron

    Mosfet confusion

    For what it's worth, I fitted a Perun MOSFET to my P90. My specific reason for doing so was wanting to improve the trigger response as most familiar with the standard TM P90 and its clones will tell you there is a big and inconsistent dead zone (especially in semi-auto) with the trigger bar and contacts on the gearbox. The Perun unit does away with all of that and replaces the cut-off lever with its own. I can't stress enough how big a difference it has made as the trigger response is vastly superior and more consistent, with me no longer having a dead zone as a source of frustration.
    1 point
  31. Just fell off a ladder getting some of my Hitchcock collection down. Managed to grab a DVD though. Think I got Vertigo.
    1 point
  32. Is that Licking Bumstain after a hard day's cunting?
    1 point
  33. Wtf is that? Like a market stall seller? Thats how I’d like to picture him, Del Boy flat cap, donkey jacket etc
    1 point
  34. A Russian agent arrives at a small Welsh station and asks for Mr Jones. “Well,” says the stationmaster, “there’s Jones the Milk, Jones the Meat, Jones the Flowers, Jones the Undertaker. In fact, my name’s Jones.” The agent whispers to him, “The eagle doesn’t walk over the mountain.” “Ah,” says the stationmaster, “you want Jones the Spy.”
    1 point
  35. I have mine on a cheap camera tripod (it has a standard camera mount thread underneath) Its handy to be able to set it up in front of the shoot box. All chrono readings will vary between them. You just have to compare to the site results. That's also why its not recommended to get as close to 350fps as possible because the site chrono may measure it a bit higher.
    1 point
  36. Sorry to hear. For any future use, you can check your UKARA status by calling FireSupport on 01733 247171 Might still be worth sending a letter from your site or renewing your UKARA and letting them know.
    1 point
  37. Chap in the picture is a local "celebrity", lives up the road from me, often seen shopping in Hythe. 👍
    1 point
  38. Didn't he also claim to be supplying the Russian army with his gillie suits? Maybe that's why they're on day 632 of their 3 day "speshul military operation"
    1 point
  39. Ah, a Conservative! That explains it.
    1 point
  40. "What does everyone really think of kickingmustang?" He's a cunt. /thread
    1 point
  41. Someone has opened the Christmas crackers early..... Lol
    1 point
  42. I have a friend who’s just starting to get into airsoft. He went to MAW a couple of weekends ago and was telling me about a sniper who kept shooting them in their spawn and the hits hurt like he had never felt before (he did complain to the marshal) he also said that he was shooting people himself included after they had said hit and out their hand up. Lo and behold kicking mustang releases a video of him in a tree spawn camping. My friend is in it and you can even see him get overshot too. Friend said where he was sitting was far closer than 30th tree MED. people like him need banning from all sites!
    1 point
  43. No, people slag him off because he is a cheating crybaby who is far more interested in generating revenue than in playing airsoft. Faking hit markers, spawn camping, going out of bounds and creating confrontations are how he abuses our hobby. He gets very upset when people give it back to him.
    1 point
  44. Understand your trying to diversify the opinion pool here. Its a respectable thing to do But I made a profile on this forum just to express how incredibly stupid trying to defend the Crying Cumstain is. He's a man-child with a cult fanbase who cheats, commits borderline illegal acts and whines in his videos. He literally fucking threw his gun into a bush and cried when it wasn't working properly in one of his videos.
    1 point
  45. I recently sold something very similar for £175 including Paypal fees and postage. I was hoping to get >£200 but it sat around for over a year.
    1 point
  46. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I was having a meal in an Indian restaurant. I was just finishing up and thinking about getting the bill when this little old lady came up to my table. She said: “You are such a lovely boy, with beautiful manners. You are a credit to your mum and dad.” Then off she toddled. I said to the waiter: Excuse me, but who was that? He said: Ah yes sir: that’s your complimentary nan…
    1 point
  47. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I asked this elderly man why he was using two massive frozen chips as walking sticks. He replied: “They’re McCains!”
    1 point
  48. Counterpoint: since shimming the barrel is about the cheapest and quickest thing that it's possible to do, why not?
    1 point
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