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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/23 in all areas

  1. When our new cleaners started there was a very sheepish look on their faces, and it took them a while to summon up the courage to ask - we had our gun cases out following a skirmish day, and my plate carrier was hanging over the back of a chair. Eventually one of them stuck their head into my office and asked "Are you a military contractor?" LOL. "No love, just a plumber."
    7 points
  2. Impulse purchase ahoy. Thanks very much Paul @ Action Hobbies for tempting me into yet another toy I don't need! JG G3, set up as DMR, so semi-auto only. I was worried when I found it was all-plastic, but those fears were unfounded tbh, it is very solidly put together. The motor turns over reasonably nicely on the stick 7.4v LiPo that fits easily in the foregrip. It was upgraded at Combat South apparently, and they rewired to Deans already, which saves me some ham-fisted soldering A few test shots down the garden proved it shoots nicely. Chrono'd at 320fps with 0.28g BBs so it's not exactly breathing fire. I guess I won't know how good it'll work on the field for a while now, but I'll be tempted to stick in a weaker spring so I can get rid of the DMR's MED and just play it as a normal gat. The little RIS rail .... hmmm, how am I supposed to fit a scope on there? I guess I need some sort of cantilever mount? I like the HK iron sights, so maybe it'll stay as it is. It feels damned cool though!
    5 points
  3. If these 'door monitors' aren't SIA licensed then either the venue or organisers are potentially dropping themselves in the brown stuff, as that could easily be seen as door supervision which is covered by the Private Security Industry Act Years ago in a flat I was renting the landlord sent a plumber round to do some checks on the central heating, the guy was very thorough till he got to the spare room where my M249 was sat on a shelf. At this point he just said that ones fine without even going anywhere near the radiator
    4 points
  4. Drunk again eh? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    4 points
  5. I've sold loads of genuinely unskirmished guns. Even amongst the RIF's I have left: G&G MBR556 DMR - Not skirmished since Negative Airsoft last worked on it. CYMA Platinum Daniel Defence - Skirmished one morning session since Negative Airsoft upgraded. WE Beretta M9 - Not skirmished Tanaka Colt Python - Not skirmished AAP with upgrades - Not skirmished ....actually yeah, maybe I do just need to play more ๐Ÿ˜„
    4 points
  6. DanBow

    My MP5

    No real reason for this post, other than to show off my CYMA Blue MP5. Im a very, very happy boy. ๐Ÿฅฐ
    3 points
  7. If Santa wins the bloody euro millions tomorrow night, then most of the VFC GBB catalogue will be winging it's way to sunny Milton Keynes! He could stuff a sniper rifle into a very long stocking too... The new Novritsch L96 V2 would be good
    3 points
  8. Pics of your mates mum please, that's the only way we can give you the best answer
    3 points
  9. A cold and dry day at Spec Ops, had a few tech issues in the morning that put a bit of the dampeners on things as well some people complaining about the play style of regulars (removing plate carriers and running at objectives unarmed). Solution from the marshalls was to require a weapon to be carried at all times. Said complainers could have just got the younger fitter members of their team to do the same as ours if it mattered that much - or just run yourself you lazy HPA Wankers LOL. I seemed to spend more time walking back to respawn than I did in the game zone too which got a little tedious. Hey ho. Afternoon picked up though with some fun games based largely on attacking and defending. One painful highlight was when we were attacking the tented village and there were 3 or 4 younglings hiding in a tent being covered by a HPA DMR in another tent. Muggings here did a charge down the flank of the tent where there were windows - managing to take out 2 or 3 of the little 'uns on the way through. Scuppering the DMR by accidentally on purpose tripping over a log which sent me flying through the air and crashing to the ground by the entrance of said tent. Where there happened to be one more youngling - not expecting someone my size to go from window height to ground level that quickly ๐Ÿคฃ. I like to think I went down with some style, as I managed to get a few shots into the lad trading the kill just as the DMR guy resighted me. VIP game was a fun one which was won in the last 60 seconds by yeeting a smoke into the target area and then making a sacrificial run in the opposite direction. Which surprisingly, didn't end up with me being shot; but did allow our final sprinter to get into the destination. It was the culmination of a long push through killhouses driving the blues back towards their respawn. They were rather cheeky in the box domination game; by tying their bands to the handles of the boxes instead of just wrapping them round1, but there were some good gun battles to be had trying to get to each box that was being covered. It seemed my day was spent largely battling two of the HPA guys - getting the DMR in the neck by sneaking up on him and catching him by surprise as he was concentrating on taking out our guys attacking Ping Ping City. His mate on the other hand was very good at doing the same thing to me - he and I have form over the last few years plinking each other across the site more often than not just out of range of each other. Nice to see the regulars too. I'm volunteering to help with the new site next weekend; then that's it - I'm fecking off for three or four weeks. Hopefully ill have time to fettle the pews a bit before resuming service in the New Year. @Gunboat Diplomat according to my Samsung Watch I managed to run/jog 9 and a bit miles ๐Ÿ˜œ A lot of those were walking back to the Canadian flag though. Not the coldest day I've played - that was last year at AWA which was -6; btu we started at -3 and I don't think it got above 1 for the whole day. Was good fun shooting the hoar frost from the trees though.
    3 points
  10. In 2015, my mrs and I were in Hong Kong It was Halloween night and the Lan Kwai Fong area is full of bars and clubs that overspill into the pedestrianised streets My mrs was dressed in a little GI Jane inspired costume , with a pretty realistic cheap toy MP5 slung over her back that was bought in a street market earlier that day, Nobody batted an eyelid at the toy PewPew!! This was before I started to hobby Iโ€™d never dream of it now, the possible consequences are mind blowing! We left the realistic toy in the hotel room when we left to return Fcuk knows how the chamber maids reacted to finding that!! Oh to have been a fly on the wall
    3 points
  11. If you do start taking a pew apart, document the process. If I'm taking a replica apart that isn't common to me, I take pictures of what screws came from where, what way the pins came out, the gearbox shell when it's just opened etc. Saves a lot of guess work when it comes to reassembly, or thinking you've done a cracking job, put it all back together and you're left over with a handful of screws that should be somewhere. Also, when you do start taking screws out etc, try to do it on a rubber mat or something grippy. Nothing worse than spending an hour on the floor looking for that tiny screw or spring.
    3 points
  12. Likely the final game of the year for us. Skirmish time has been a bit curtailed recently, but happily we made it out for a morning session at Spec Ops MK. The boy was most excited to try out his recently acquired Golden Eagle HiCapa. This is our first experience of anything gas powered, but I pre-warned him that with sub-zero temperatures and green gas he should set his expectations pretty low. That said, his pistol chrono'd at 280ish on 0.2s reasonably consistently. He got a couple of kills with it during the day so was pretty happy. Slight issue with the mag venting unexpectedly from time to time so I'll have to look into that (assuming it wasn't just the cold). My Double Eagle 906C continues to be ever reliable, though it's only doing about 0.77 joules on 0.28s so I think a spring change is due. My memory of the games is already fading, but highlights for me were getting my first 'knife-kill' whilst clearing the central compound and some optimistic but poorly executed attempts to rush objectives (until I was too knackered to run back from respawn anymore). Getting right in with close engagements and sweeping through villages and compounds has become my favourite way to play (on the rare occasions I can get that close and I'm not too knackered to move fast enough) so I'm very much looking forward to the new indoor CQB site. And also being sheltered from shit weather. Had my Apple watch on this game, so a picture probably tells a thousand words about my day in this case:
    3 points
  13. Being in a public space with a gun shaped toy is never a good idea.
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. Already posted it in its own thread but here's my newly aquired Cyma Blue MP5.
    3 points
  16. I do. They have conditions called common sense and not being an idiot septic
    3 points
  17. gavinkempsell

    Franchi Spas 12

    I managed to get one from the classifieds here a few weeks ago...
    3 points
  18. It says as much about ComicCon's piss-poor security in a (paid) public event as the people doing it but there were cosplayers yesterday at the NEC in open carry with airsoft guns. One numpty in one of the foyers (open to everyone without paying) had an MP7 openly hanging from his chest and past the "paywall" was a bloke dressed up as an NPC soldier from Metal Gear Solid with a FAMAS. He openly said he bought it in two-tone and sprayed it black but left an orange tip on the muzzle. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ I noticed at least a couple other cosplayers with M4s and another with an MP5K. Predictably, responsible players would be blamed for the actions of idiots who don't play airsoft or that minority of players who have some sort of death wish.
    2 points
  19. It literally depends on your playing style, your invididual preferences and the site rules. For example with the latter, setting a 5-round burst or enabling a binary trigger is pointless at a site where single-shot only is permitted.
    2 points
  20. I have been selling Airsoft stuff more than anything these days. But I have been meaning to get myself a Green Tac Vest for sometime. So bought this for myself! Pentagon Aspis in RAL7003. I already had the black equivalent which I think is great.
    2 points
  21. You'll need a bigger loft. & Thanks for the reminder, got my ticket now too.
    2 points
  22. Time to get these sold, pop them in the classified & I'll see if I can help with ths dilema.
    2 points
  23. Seems there are some types of gun props you ARE allowed: But not airsoft.
    2 points
  24. This is a subejct that particularly interests me...... Whenever there is a ComicCon of any significance they are accompanied by the Police 'educating' those who fail to have a brain whilst travelling. Despite the so-called CosPlay defence & "insurance" by a particular airsoft retailer, there is no such thing and the ComicCon that they 'associate' with and had links to on their website disallows RIFs in the CosPlay rules. Generally CosPlay rules permit RIFs with an orange tip - these remain RIFs as far as the law is concerned, and as noted a Cosplayer who paints an IF into an orange tipped RIF and admits to it is confessing to an offence under the VCRA. (If anyone took notice) An airsofter who used their playing RIFs as CosPlay props would be VCRA legal, but would be required to as a minimum add an orange tip (which can be tape) but according to the ComicCon rules that I have seen would also need to disable the RIF from operating. An exception to the rule is the 'professional' CosPlayer - In my 'definition' these are those who are attending ComicCons not as paying customers but on a perfomance basis - they may be paid or invited for free entry. These would need to be professionals such as lookalikes and/or members of active CosPlay societies and have appropriate insurance etc bringing them to the theatrical defence. (And they could potentially find themselves needing to defend that status) With the mention of 'security' there are at least two levels at ComicCons - True security with their badged ID etc, and 'door monitors'. I've had door monitor status at some ComicCons, one that was poorly run across multiple buildings with 'open access' with random passers by arriving as opposed to ticket holders etc. I was by the door so became an informal door monitor pointing the randoms to the main building. At others I keep in with the organisers and have volunteered my 'services' including door cover - checking wristbands for reentry, exchanging tickets for wristbands in the morning rush etc. Those with 'weapons' get directed to either the real security or the main desk for approval & tagging - - -- - - Are swords, axes, bow & arrows etc of approved safe types, are guns non operational & tipped etc ((((At ComicCons, shows & festivals I stroll in as a trader & clearly I'm a VIP so I happily bypass security complete with any weapons, food, drink etc that I wish)))) Depending on any access control there is still the persons brain involved. If people have had some common sense whilst travelling this may end at the queue, and I regulary see armed persons in the queues. When its an exclusive event, lots of signage etc its less likely to result in a scare and ideally the police etc are aware and less likely to come in hard at 1000 MPH - but could still need to educate. When its a major venue with multiple events at once, it does mean that there are diverse mixes of different crowds and passers by. There was a ComicCon once in the function rooms of a major hotel, during breakfast there were a number of confused persons watching (if I recall correctly) Darth Vader and Dr Who (or was it Superman?) having a stand off in the dining room.
    2 points
  25. According to MCM's own website airsoft guns are banned from all their events so... https://www.mcmcomiccon.com/london/en-us/costume-weapons-props-rules.html Maybe the local security haven't been kept in the loop.
    2 points
  26. DanBow

    My MP5

    Ive played a few times but im still a newbie so while i was at the site yesterday i got the owner to have a look. He set the hop so that its almost laser like out to about 30m ish. That's on .25s though, he says it'll be better on .28s so there some on the way. ๐Ÿ˜ Other than that, it'll stay stock. At least until i know what im doing! Lol
    2 points
  27. Found this little thing at Ant Supplies at a bargain price... it should be enough to hold the 4x32 air rifle scope I have (it's very light weight) https://www.ant-supplies.uk/scope-ring-mounts/weaver-picatinny-ring-mounts/weaver-rings-qr-one-piece.html
    2 points
  28. Thatโ€™s a damn pretty PewPew
    2 points
  29. You mean like the MP9, right? I'm with you on this. I can see 80% of these things being HPA converted and fitted with a drum mag.
    2 points
  30. Yes, it's common (although not universal) for sites to require under 16s to wear a paintball style mask - Dye, Valken or similar - whether CQB or woodland. I prefer one for CQB anyway. The risk I flagged above isn't so much you shooting someone in the eye, you seem pretty sensible. It's your mates getting their grubby mitts on your gun(s) and showing less restraint. One incident we know of where a lad did lose an eye was when his friend picked up his gun in a safe zone and shot him in the face with it. The mag was out, but it hadn't been cleared. Even if Stifler's Mom is minded to buy and "gift" you a RIF, I'd check with your own parents how they feel about it. They may quite reasonably point out that if you only need to use it at an airsoft site then it should only be in your possession at the site, and not on your bedroom wall.
    2 points
  31. I'd argue that asking if they can is a better sign than not asking at all.
    2 points
  32. Only played half the day today, since my friend's grandson wasn't up for playing and my other friend's GBBR AKM wasn't too happy with just how cold and wet it was. However, it was a very, very fun day and I really really enjoyed myself. First order of business was a switcheroo. My m14 DMR was sorted (not a "DMR" but that's what the stock is called!), so I needed to collect that and give the tech my faux wood m14 as that isn't feeding. I also needed to give him my nasty m14 gearbox for the short m14 that he already has, so that'll be fun when that's sorted! I was planning on running the m14 DMR, however... the scope I brought for it did not have good eye relief for the m14 DMR stock. Plus, the forecast today was cold and incredibly wet, so while it was an opportunity to see how it would work out with the flip up scope caps, using optics in the rain is never great. I didn't really want to zero the scope since I'd just be removing it afterwards and putting it on another gun anyway. However, I also had my new, totally stock A&K m249 that I bought as a black Friday deal. I wasn't expecting anything, since I've heard the hop units are wank, the box mags are unreliable and the gearboxes eventually die, but I wanted to see how it was shooting. Had my friend around and he has one, so he showed me how to adjust the hop, we set it up for .25s and... it was actually really good. Floated them out to about 50m and it was accurate enough; not too fussed about pinpoint accuracy as I just want to put a wall of fire up. The main issues were... it chronoed at 0.5J and the ROF was only about 15rps. However, with how it was shooting I decided to take that out instead of the m14 today and oh boy was it a good idea. First game we had to take a flag from one base to another, with the other team allowed to be anywhere above the ridgeline that runs along the site. We were down the hill a little and had to push through to a base on the other side. We were pinned on the corner, so a lot of people went on a flank, but a handful of us stayed to make a nuisance of ourselves. Give a sniper a support gun and shenanigans ensue, as I slow crawled over the ridgeline without anyone seeing and tucked into a barricade made of branches. This gave me a view on a pair of ghillies to the left of us who were stopping people crossing over the path, so up the m249 went and I sprayed them with full auto. Hit one of them, then saw his friend moving up to medic him and I sprayed him down as well. We were then able to push past the ridgeline, but I went and held the flank. One of my other friends told me that there were some ghillies trying to flank us again, so I went and held over there. One sprayed his load (heh) too early and hit a bush, but gave me an idea where he was so I moved off to a tree when I heard he was distracted by my friend, got on his flank and sprayed him down again. Game ended without us managing to get the flag up, but now sides were flipping and I had an evil idea... So next game we flipped around and I set up in a spot I usually use for sniping. It looks down a long path, so while I definitely did not have the range for long shots, I could stop anyone trying to cross over the path at this end. Furthermore, the only way I could get flanked is if they managed to push through or went around the entire site, which entailed going past both our respawn and the base we had to stop them getting to, so I was confident. I managed to get a LOT of hits from this spot with the m249, spraying full auto at everything that moved while two other friends (one with a VSR, one with his AKM GBBR) had another angle and we had a really nasty crossfire. We held them at this corner for almost the entire game, but with AKM friend running out of ammo they eventually managed to rush those two and take them out. However, they forgot about me and I went to ground and waited. When I heard the call for 60 seconds remaining, I got out of my spot and started following the enemy players. One sniper on the other team waited the entire game to shoot me, but when it came to it he either missed or had run out of ammo as he shot, I heard where it came from and I took him out. He said that he waited the whole game, but ran out of ammo. However, the entire enemy team had their backs to me and I just rinsed everyone with the m249 from behind. With 5 seconds left I did eventually get taken out by a respawning player, but I had just wiped out a massive chunk of their team, hampering their push so they also didn't get the flag in either. The two who had the other angle watched the whole thing and were laughing their asses off watching it all happen. What made it sweeter is I was on the other team to some people who get irate over getting shot and it was very amusing hitting them multiple times I called it there though as the rain was picking up and the battery compartment on my m249 is super exposed. Plus I needed some deans connectors fitted so I didn't have to use my crappy tamiya to deans converter, so I got that sorted too. I learned a lot about it though, so I'll need to tape part of the box mag on because it just clips off way too easily and could let water/dirt into the mag which isn't good, plus I learned that I don't need to remove the barrel to put the battery in as the handguard clips in so I can remove that instead. Also, the barrel is absolutely filthy, so I'll give that a clean and it might actually push the power up. We'll see though, since next game day is the Christmas game, so I'll be santa hat, a tinsel scarf and an m249 also covered in tinsel. 'Tis the season, after all! I also tested a nuprol midcap and a PTS midcap to see if those m4 mags would feed, but they didn't. Might pick up a Classic Army one to try, as I would like some midcaps for absolute last-ditch ammo if my box mag runs out and I'm still in a firefight. Still, incredibly fun, but very wet and very cold and I'm glad we called it at lunch. Oh, my friends also showed me how my SMG shoulder holster worked and I love it. It's a bit cold for the mac11, but the mp5k will go incredibly nicely on it, so I'm going to try that next game day. Santa with an m249 and an mp5k is a lot of firepower... And I got caught on camera for once. Then again, I wasn't exactly being subtle with an LMG!
    2 points
  33. Scraped in a mornings walkon at Dogtag airsoft , wet and wild springs to mind but some great gameplay , didnโ€™t see or hear any problems and everyone seemed to be having fun , rolled out with the cyma Mk18 which for an out of the box gun performed flawlessly on .28s , picture was pre downpour but the trusty smock kept me warm and dry
    2 points
  34. Classic example of buyer's remorse and wanting to cut his losses. I hope he's paying VAT at those prices.
    2 points
  35. Did you really just sign up to resurrect a long dead thread to post that nonsense?
    2 points
  36. Burn it with fire. Nuke the site from orbit just to be sure. Fugly awful thing.
    2 points
  37. One essential piece of kit for doing your own tech work is a chrono. Without one you won't know if all your hard work has paid off, if the gun is underpowered or running hot.
    2 points
  38. 1 point
  39. Struggling for the 'right' place for it TBH but I'll find somewhere to display it. Works like a trooper but OMG think I'll need double sided sticky tape on my gloves to rack it in game. Oh, and... NO.
    1 point
  40. Before the boneyard opened up on the site, Paul had posted pics on Facebook... I'd spotted a TM HK416D NGRS and thought I might have a go for that. And then I found out the mags are proprietary, and that put me off. And when it showed up it was ยฃ350, just a bit too much to tempt me. So the G3 got the love on the rebound ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜„ Still wish I'd got the Galil, but buying anything was silly really, I've packed everything into the loft except for the guns that need fixing / selling! It is a handsome gat though...
    1 point
  41. Legally, probably not much. The Firearms Act 1968 Section 19 distinguishes between private and public places, but it's not as clear as you might image. A private venue can be a "public place": โ€œpublic placeโ€ includes any [...] any other premises or place to which at the material time the public have or are permitted to have access, whether on payment or otherwise; I'm struggling to think of a clear distinction between a con venue and an airsoft site. Both admit the public on payment, both have exclusions and rules on that admission, both regularly turn a blind(ed) eye to their own rules. Practically, it's likely more of an issue where cosplayers twirl outside of, or to and from the venue, including parading their gats through airports, of all places. But note the lack of real consequences - all you need is a "reasonable excuse", and the bar for that is very low. We've seen a Sheriff opining that "playing cowboys and Indians" would count, and there's case law on selling otherwise prohibited police gear for "fancy dress" purposes. Just don't argue the toss when you hear "Armed police, drop the gun." You'll be calling that hit.
    1 point
  42. I have on multiple time bought a gun or bit of kit go nah and put it up for sale before fielding it. I may or may not have sales threads with this being the case.
    1 point
  43. Why is everything always listed as "never used" or "used a couple times". Apparently nobody ever skrims their kit anymore
    1 point
  44. All of them? How many were there?
    1 point
  45. SeanM

    High FPS variation

    Sounds like an air seal issue somewhere. Have you tested the compression in the cylinder and piston? If you have, and you've got a good compression. Next check that the nozzle sits in the hop correctly. It should make contact with bucking so make sure it's not too short (or long) you should also shine a light into the hop unit and then look down the barrel and make sure it's centered nicely. If all these come up as good and there's good compression. Check the bucking and make sure there's a nice seal there and it's sitting on the barrel correctly and isn't loose or lopsided.
    1 point
  46. Well, you could have checked his activity and found out that he's 14. Nothing wrong with that, we've all been 14. The trigger doesn't care, and anyone who calls their hits is welcome. Just be circumspect about how the RIF/IF gets to site, and be very aware that having any imitation firearm (realistic or otherwise) in a public place is an offence that needs a reasonable excuse, the proof whereof lies with you. Going to or from an airsoft site is reasonable, showing it off to your mates isn't. It's not so much how you get it as what you do with it that matters.
    1 point
  47. LOL, Poxy covid is affecting my vision, had to really blow the picture up, thought I was looking at some kinda orthopaedic gimp boot๐Ÿ˜‚
    1 point
  48. So I may have just bought a GBB MCX legacy to go with my GBB rattler recently.... Oops
    1 point
  49. In the distant future, the day will come when this site finally shuts down; on that day, this advert will still be running.
    1 point
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