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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/05/23 in all areas

  1. The British Forces Collection family updated..... Row 1. Row 2. Row 3 L115A3. L108A1. L7A2 GPMG L86A2. L119A1 CQB. L100A1 (G3) L85A2 UGL. L119A1 SFW. L91A1 (A3) L85A2 TES. Model 723. L92A1 (SD) L85A2. Model 715. L128A1 L22A2. L1A1 SLR. L74A1 LAW 66 Pistols L9A1 (hi power) L105A1 (sas crw P226) L105A2 (UOR P226) L131A1 (gen 4 glock)
    7 points
  2. Red Alert's third Battlesim yesterday, with the story continuing from the previous two. This time the ETF forces from the previous years have been routed, with a small hold-out squad roaming the battlefield causing chaos, as the Vukodlak war machine rolled into Calladia. A great day was had. Blazing sunshine, which wasn't so great for me for the majority of the day, in full ghillie. But damn my home made ghillie set up WORKS! One of the regulars, Duncan, has a collection of military vehicles, including a weasel, an open topped tracked atv. In the morning, while @Smiling-Dutchman and @Honey badgerwere on guard in the fort I was on overwatch outside in the undergrowth. Duncan nearly ran me over. I had to scramble out of the way waving my hand to show him I was there. In the afternoon the ghillie got another test: At last years event one of the staff, Rozy, was an npc and had been wandering the site all day with a fishing rod, asking for fish. So this year I packed a tin of anchovies in my loadout, just in case. Vukodlak forces set up their F.O.B in the morning, and our C.O. tells me that I will score victory points if I can deliver the anchovies to Rozy. Who is sat in the pick up truck inside the Calladian F.O.B. The enemy spawn. Arse. Oh well, forget that idea... After Charlie Squad (our squad) were instrumental in delivering supplies to the refugee camp, I decided to push out solo and go Calladian hunting. I informed my squad over comms, and struck out into the undergrowth. After a few minutes out occurred to me that if I kept pushing up that hill ahead of me I would be getting close to the Calladian HQ. Sod it, I'm going to try. I went into full stealth mode, watching every step, looking out for twigs and branches, trying to be as quiet as possible. Voices? Ahead of me... A Calladian squad coming down the hill, through the woods from their spawn. I quickly turned, vaulted over a fallen tree by some bushes and rolled under, my rifle under me cloak wrapped around, MK23 clutched in my sweaty mitt. I saw them stop and start whispering. They'd seen movement. I waited. They moved forwards. I could see them clearly. Definitely Calladian, at least 4 of them. I had an easy shot on one but that would lead to me getting hit and blowing the mission. My close encounter with the weasel (ooer) had convinced me my cloak works, so trust it! I just lay still, and after a couple of minutes of no further movement the Calladians decided that there was nobody there and continued forward... all of them passing right by me! One of them I could have reached out and touched. Daaaaamn! I waited as I heard them trudge off down the hill, then when I was sure they were gone I continued towards their base, moving even more carefully now, crawling through the undergrowth, and like the idiot I am not noticing the patch of nettles until I was crawling through it. I managed to sneak right up to the Calladian HQ without being spotted. Unfortunately there were quite a few troops their prepping to respawn. So I stood up and strolled into their base, enjoying the confusion on their faces as I held my gun aloft and shouted repeatedly "Nobody's shot me yet, nobody's shot me yet" I stopped short and tossed the tin of anchovies at their feet, causing them all to scatter as if it were a grenade 😆 The Calladian CO picked the tin up and handed it to Rozy. Mission complete! At that point a kid leveled his pistol at me and shot me in the chest as I stood there grinning my head off. We all had a good laugh about it then I went off on the trek back to base, reporting my success over comms to my squad leader. When I got back to HQ I was met by a round of applause from all the Vukodlak soldiers present. Slow, tiring and painful but omg that was worth it! And the day ended in the third win in a row for Vukodlak! Hats off to all of Charlie Squad, which was all Outcast members and @Smiling-Dutchman who made a great addition to our yearly squad. Red Alert Battlesims are always awesome. This one I will take away some great memories. The next battlesim will be next year, the next battlesim lite is July 23rd, with no kit restrictions or camo requirements.
    6 points
  3. @Jedi_Master Just a random brainfart, but would it not be worth adding another Moderator or two to the forums? After the influx of dodgy accounts and spamming of the Classifieds, perhaps some extra resource might be handy? No - I'm not volunteering - but there are very well established, high post count members that visit daily that would probably be very good in the role.
    4 points
  4. Tackle

    Tips for Dmrs

    @Jedi_Master, can you wield the ban hammer please, duplicate accounts & blatantly stealing content to claim as his own on yet another poxy YouTube channel, most of them do more harm than good for Airsoft perception. He'll be giving himself likes & feedback next 🤬
    4 points
  5. Another reason why I like it here, we've got each other's back - online as well as on the field.
    4 points
  6. Don't worry, you don't need to volunteer, we're just voluntelling you.
    3 points
  7. I did not volunteer either, just made the mistake of raising clever ideas... And then accepting the invite to help out the original Mod team.
    3 points
  8. +1 on some more mods, even if they only have the powers to banish the spam bots etc as they pop up, this mornings antics were crazy.
    3 points
  9. But I'm nominating you.
    3 points
  10. For anyone confused about the post above have a look at this thread
    3 points
  11. @Iguana tacticalare you also @Searria 119? Cus I’m pretty sure you been rumbled.
    3 points
  12. SBoardley

    Tips for Dmrs

    This is the same retard that’s been fishing for likes on his noobtube and asking for info that he can plagiarise for content.
    3 points
  13. Cannonfodder

    Tips for Dmrs

    If you're going to have duplicate accounts (which is against forum rules btw) then at least make sure you're logged in on the right one when replying
    3 points
  14. Maybe you need to get a space where you can work indoors? You are competing with content providers like Airsoft Mike so you are being compared with them. Moaning that it is unfair is not going to get you anywhere. Which should tell you something in itself; I suspect that most of your viewers are not watching the videos to the end. I started watching some and gave up. You are getting feedback from us but seem determined to find excuses rather than taking the feedback on board. Some more feedback from me to add to what has already been suggested: Your gameplay videos make airsoft seem as exciting as washing the dishes; they are more likely to put people off than attract them to the hobby. Either use a script for your videos or dub the voiceovers in after recording and editing the footage. Work on your presentation skills and develop your online personality. We already have Mr I am going to call everything a cunt, Mr massively over enthusiastic, Mr I am just a player on a voyage of discovery every time I open up a gun, and Mr I genuinely am a cunt. Who are you going to be?
    3 points
  15. I've been meditating in the garden. I'm no fortune teller but my fuchsia looks bright.
    3 points
  16. What with this and the scammer thread, it's turning into Agatha bloody Christie on here!
    2 points
  17. Vegans need to be kinder to others for their eating habits. The last thing we need is another Spinach Inquisition
    2 points
  18. 8 spiderman films and not once did anybody think to just put a giant glass over him
    2 points
  19. Speedbird_666

    Cyma Xm177

    Brand new you say? Did you buy it from a UK retailer? Did you buy it recently? If yes to both, stick back in it's box and send it back under warranty. Don't dick around trying to fix it yourself.
    2 points
  20. Thanks but I'm not sure that's such a good idea
    2 points
  21. Cannonfodder

    Tips for Dmrs

    So which one is it? If you're going to make shit up at least be consistent With the amount of blatant bullshit you're spewing have you thought about going into politics?
    2 points
  22. Shamal

    Tips for Dmrs

    He or they or whoever have fucked themselves up good and proper. Those names will have no credibility on here anymore. R.i.p dudes ☹️
    2 points
  23. Colin Allen

    Tips for Dmrs

    That does not explain why you have two accounts. I thought you said one was personal and one was work related. If you are going to lie, pick a story and stick to it.
    2 points
  24. As I suspected, BLINDSPOT is indeed a scammer. His phone number is based in Los Angeles, America. His story didn't add up and when he sent me a photo of the item.he was selling, it was from a Google search dated 2015. There is bad language in the screen grabs. Sorry. I forgot to add this image which shows where he lifted the image from.
    2 points
  25. Losers complain about fairness. Winners rent a prom queen with the money they make from their channels (or something similar). Why on earth would I do that?
    2 points
  26. Practice, practice, practice! Only way to get better is to shoot more. Shooting at static targets is useful for getting to know how your rifle shoots, time to impact at different distances etc. Once you are very familiar with how your rifle shoots, you need to practice leading shots in game. It takes some practice because airsoft is incredibly inconsistent, but you'll eventually get a feel for how your rifle shoots in different conditions and be able to judge shots on moving targets easier. All this said, it's definitely easier if you have a scope with a good reticle with mildots. I was running a scope with mildots over the weekend and it made adjusting for wind so much easier as I knew "for this shot, I need to aim two mildots to the left (of which there was quite a breeze on Sunday!)
    2 points
  27. Cr0-Magnon

    new member

    In neither the OP or those WhatsApp messages does he even reference Airsoft. Thought he could gain our trust just by doing this:
    2 points
  28. Is it fair to list Flicking Cuntstain twice? Actually yes it is...😁 If you look at Airsoft GI and (unrelated) Linus Tech Tips and how they developed over the years it should give you confidence to carry on and grow, but as said - take the advice on board... And if following the LTT route - get a hot Asian pharmacist wife (with an even hotter sister) to bank roll you for a few years LOL.
    2 points
  29. But he's super duper enthused about it. Which is why we know who he is. And - also to be fair - his videos are also generally well lit, shot and edited. Mumbly McBlur, not so much.
    2 points
  30. No game on yesterday, so one of the lads brought out his targeting system for us to muck about with Good stuff! Shows you just how fast (read slow) your reaction times actually are Bit of actual practice, never harmed anyone 👌 Different game modes available, they light up different colours depending on the game mode, then either change colour or go off when hit. Great fun!! Oh, and I got my gbbr out for the first time since Oct! Effing awesome 😂
    2 points
  31. Did my first battlesim today, at Red Alert. Was good fun, even tho both my RIF's didn't get used. One of them was still 2 above the FPS limit, even after shortening the spring. The other one had the MOSFET burn out... Thankfully I met up with @Skullchewerand @GAMBLEand their squad (Thanks again for having me join and thanks for putting up with me!), and one of them had a spare RIF for me to use (absolute legend!). The gameplay itself was great, much slower pace than the usual airsoft skirms, but it did involve more squad communication (even tho the comms failed sometime around lunch, which left me and 3 others (out of 9) as the sole people with working comms) and more tactical manouvering which made me feel very tacticool! Looking forward to the battlesim light Red Alert is going to start running.
    2 points
  32. Wavey_Gravey

    Tokyo marui MP5SD

    It’s missing 3 round burst for it to be the NGRS, plus about £500 short on the asking price.
    2 points
  33. mightyjebus

    Gun picture thread

    a couple of TM's
    2 points
  34. Where it all started in the mid 90's, there were more but I surrendered them all to the police after the Dunblane massacre. & Where my collection is now, replicas, props & airsoft (mainly AEG's) with room for more. Forgot I have a G36, Scar & a Glock 17 packed up for a skirmish in early June. I've also got manequins ktted out with Uniform & Pattern 58 webbing (styled as how I wore it in the TA in the early 90's), one with PLCE etc from the 2000's, one with DDPM from the 2010's & a growing collection of webbing from pattern 58 to modern day including bergens.
    2 points
  35. I hear "seconded". Really, @Speedbird_666 is who I want to be when I grow up.
    1 point
  36. A very vague and not always accurate "test" for motors is to turn it by hand and feel how notchy it is to turn, which gives an indication on the strength of the magnets. Stronger magnets typically associates with more better (a lot of aftermarket motors like shs, asg, warhead etc will feel stronger) but that doesnt necessarily mean that a motor with weak feel can't be decent in-practice. That won't tell you anything about its notional speed rating, although presumably you already have an idea what sort of speed its putting out with your usual battery. If the motor polarity is reversed and the motor drives backwards the anti reversal latch will stop it, although symptomatically if that's whats happening you can usually hear/feel the motor "clicking" as it tries to start before getting blocked (unless the motor engagement is way too tight) The clicking will also occurr if for example the piston is jammed mid-cycle and locking the gearbox. If theres no reaction from pulling the trigger then it's going to be a break in connection, which could be anywhere in the wiring loom, although motor contacts being loose/broken and trigger contacts carboning up are both very common areas to go. Contacts can carbon up, hitting it with sandpaper will solve that, although make sure that they arent/dont get bent to the point they won't connect when the trolley is forward. You can test the electrics with the motor connected outside the gun, but make sure it's well secured to something because inertia is a thing.
    1 point
  37. It shouldn't be the ARL. Have you tried connecting up the motor out of the gearbox to see if it spins? If you do this, make sure to hold it down firmly when you pull the trigger! If it doesn't, try the same thing with a different motor; at least that will tell you whether it is the motor or something else. Just another point: are the bent over ends of the cables where they connect onto the motor intact? Sometimes, they can break where they bend, which can be hard to spot because the heat shrink holds them in shape.
    1 point
  38. Would you consider to quit airsoft and play paintball instead?
    1 point
  39. Well spotted @Cannonfodder, you put it together!! You got my vote for a mod!!!
    1 point
  40. Honestly? Looks a little bit off for me. Tiger stripe will only really work with other Tiger stripe or a solid colour maybe. It's too busy and striking of a pattern.
    1 point
  41. Rogerborg

    new member

    That might have been me, I linked to a chemical site to illustrate the components of De-Solv-It, and a spambot may have flagged up that we're interested in sniffing glue.
    1 point
  42. Yet when told what these improvements are you just whine and make excuses Are you seriously trying to say you don't have a single spot you can use? Even if you live with others you should have somewhere, even if it's the corner of a bedroom (tidy up the background first though, nobody wants to see your dirty laundry on the floor). Your video about the snot green pocket pistol disagrees with the bit about filming outside. I'm guessing that was filmed during the middle of the day, try filming closer to sunrise or sunset. Google "the golden hour" in relation to photography to see why. Not really. These are the people you're competing with for clicks so the comparison is valid. One more thing, try using some punctuation in your posts. It'll make then easier to read
    1 point
  43. My day at Apocalypse 249, started fine...trial running the TM Aug that i've been nursing back to life. Then it went like this.... "PEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWGRAUNCHGRINDGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr. tinkle" ahhhh. Oh dear. Ok, time to learn about building DMR's out of Steyr Augs....
    1 point
  44. Davegolf

    Gun picture thread

    ^ Pretty impressive and dedicated!
    1 point
  45. Loki7491

    new member

    I have my concerns and suspicions about this new guy. His meta-data says he joined yesterday evening. His bio says he joined a while ago but never posted. That disparity alone sets my spider senses tingling. Add to that he has messaged me, looking to sell an item I have been searching for for a while and wants do do it all through email. It all seems a little too convenient and distant to ms Has anybody else been messaged by him where he happens to have the exact thing you're looking for?
    1 point
  46. I think scrolling through pages of what people say on a subject, in academic terms, is called research. Maybe you should try it?
    1 point
  47. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    s . . . o _ _ _ r . _ . r . _ . y _ . _ _ Remorse code
    1 point
  48. If you already have a channel and are already an airsofter, why don’t you fuck off and use your own brain.
    1 point
  49. Yeh - this. The VCRA is about the Import, manufacture and selling of RIFs, not ownership. The defense is to satisfy the seller that you are a legit airsofter. The seller fucked up - not your problem - you don't need to paint your gun. Enjoy it - responsibly!, and enjoy the additional resale value when it comes to selling it in future, as two-tone always command lower 2nd hand prices.
    1 point
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