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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/22 in all areas

  1. Surely being humiliated and losing your game fee by being thrown off site should be reserved for the most egregious behaviour. There were all kinds of solutions here other than kicking the player out.
    8 points
  2. Sorry but all I’m getting from your posts is you appear to be defending the site owner for his own site incompetence , as @Kls77has said on several occasions the marshal chrono’ing at the start was fully informed about his mates set up for the day and passed him to play with that set up so that should be the end of it , but the owner then comes along random chrono’ing (which is perfectly acceptable , I’ve always been a fan of it) but to decide no he can’t play with that set up and telling him he has to leave the site with that set up is outrageous . In no way shape or form was the player at fault it’s ALL on the site . The one giant elephant in the room I’ve not seen mentioned yet is the actual chrono’s being used and how accurate they are ? was the gun re-chrono’ed on the same chrono or a different one ? When was the last time anyone checked them to see if there actually recording accurately or not ? As I (like many others I’m sure) am frequently quite bemused by the variation in the upper and lower FPS numbers my guns are ‘recorded’ doing at different games days I attend especially as all my guns are kept stock and never ‘up-graded’ as I’ve always been a believer in “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it !” So there shouldn’t be a particularly noticeable variation in the output once there bedded in . I do think it’s fair to say most sites get the chrono’s out on a Sunday morning check the guns and then end of day or some time during it there either chucked in a box or in to a cupboard until the next game day , hardly the way you’d want a machine used to accurately check energy output treated is it ? just saying .
    5 points
  3. Let's be honest, if you were attempting to run a professional site, how hard would it be to have some laminated sheets at a permanent chrono point for immediate reference, along with a selection of proven weight, decent quality bb's & one each of most platform mags. I never get why most sites call people to a hastily prepared chrono, usually balanced on the edge of a makeshift range, & usually manned by one lone Marshall while all the other Marshall's stand together in the safezone swapping war stories & generally doing feck all 🤬
    4 points
  4. that, in one image is is the reason why marshalling staff have to be the ones who understand how airsoft stuff works, because you can't rely on the players. i acknowledge that not everyone needs to know the in-depth physics behind how airsoft works in order to have a good time playing, but is isn't entirely unreasonable to expect at least some level of very very basic competency? like the ability to at least google the question? but then i suppose we're talking about a hobby where something as simple as "when you get hit by a bb, you raise your hand and walk to the respawn flag" is apparently beyond the grasp of some folk so i probably shouldn't be surprised.....
    4 points
  5. I do feel compelled to point this out. HPA users aren't actually an elite breed of operators who acquire a +5 bonus to Knowledge with every purchase.
    3 points
  6. My new ‘PMC’ style loadout is all finished, yet to try it at a game but I’ll hopefully be running it at UCAP vendetta at the end of the month 😁 what do you all think? (Gear list below) - GHK G5 primary - Cybergun FNX-45 secondary - Haley strategic partners DC3RM chest rig with M4 rigid inserts - Haley strategic partners flat pack 2.0 - spiritus systems S.A.C.K mk3 - FRV tailoring shooters belt - Kydex customs holster - T Rex arms thigh strap - warrior assault systems pistol mag pouch x1 and M4 mag pouch x2 - warrior assault systems dump pouch - coyote tactical solutions burrito med pouch - kydex customs mk5 holder - ESS ICE 3 glasses - 5.11 cap - PIG FDT delta gloves - 5.11 rapid dry 3.0 boots - 5.11 trousers - invader gear flannel UBACS - Delta Mike snood
    3 points
  7. Druid799

    Height Over Bore

    My take on the whole “high rise/low rise” argument is as airsofters why are we arguing about which optic setup is best when we are working at ranges where you don’t actually NEED optics to hit a man sized target ! 🤣🤣🤣
    3 points
  8. Definitely, British army always trained to be competent first & foremost on iron sights, often at extended ranges, those are the skills that never leave us👍
    2 points
  9. Not saying I’m ‘deadshot’ or anything like that but even when it’s a small amount of player visible I can still usually hit them no problem without ‘optical assistance’ just through having a pretty good idea were the bb is likely to go as I alway try holding my guns the same way and aim and shoot from the same position every time I engage a target ? wether that’s because I learned to shoot with iron sights and never with optics of any sort I don’t know , could be I suppose .
    2 points
  10. A man can dream.....
    2 points
  11. Stop speaking sense you fool. Someone might have to act on it.
    2 points
  12. Not hard at all, just a strip with the fps figures the site limit for each commonly available weight of ammo. No faffing around changing chrono settings just compare the raw fps figure with the corresponding weight. And having some bags of ammo handy as you say, wouldnt even need mags (the punters after all would have them handy) just a sample range of speedloaders. A single standard weight for double checking would do just fine for most guns (ie aeg's) so its not like you'd be using a lot of the heavier/more expensive ammo as that'd only be needed to check joule creep susceptable platforms. But that would take effort.....
    2 points
  13. It has to be said that using a scope effectively takes both practice and some luck/knowledge when it comes to gunfit and scope alignment. Possibly why, valid preferences aside, some don't get on with it or don't give it a chance when it doesn't work for them first time. A largeish eyebox (the physical space where your eye can be and get a sight picture through the scope) should probably be added to the list of attributes an 'assault' scope should have. If you can't mount up and immediately find that eyebox then you're gonna have a bad time. I tried a leapers 'bugbuster' clone airgun scope on my G36c when I first took it out; it was totally unsuitable - too narrow a field of view, too small an eyebox. So you need the *right* scope. And mounted in such a way and with the stock adjusted so that you can mount the rifle with your eyes closed, open them, and have a clear sight picture every time without having to adjust your head to get it. This isn't always easy to achieve with certain gun setups, it's certainly not likely to happen by chance by putting any old scope and any mounts on any gun. Through whatever combination of factors (the main one being that it's designed for this gun I suppose) the (goodish clone) ACOG on my M4 specifically really works for me, so I suppose I should give that caveat. Oddly although I've used it plenty in the past, I went through the whole of Sundays game without shooting through the dot at all - spent the whole day looking through the scope, just found it more practical.
    2 points
  14. So sad, but so true. I'd imagine because they're run and staffed by people who like playing airsoft, and being around airsoft, but aren't actually interested in the process of running a site, or marshalling it. It is baffling though why site owners are prepared to put in hours and hours doing build and maintenance work on their site, but not in putting together a decent chrono station, prepping it at the start of the day, or training their marshal team to run it. Not that I'd be interested in doing it better, I hasten to add. But that said, I've lost count of the times that I've hung around and helped out the Loneliest Marshal even if it's just putting on tags.
    2 points
  15. A birthday gift from friends.
    2 points
  16. whilst you have a very valid point about the accuracy of site chronographs, and i absolutely agree that it's not ideal to be making decisions based on one machine that gets rough use (if in doubt use at least 2 different chrono's that provide the same reading). it's why you tend to see folk suggesting not to push to be exactly on the limit in case the site chrono over/under reads and you can't play. it's also why i take exception to the whole "ermagerd one shot out of 10 was 0.1fps over the limit, ban 'em, ban their mums, ban their kids unto the 7th generation" kind of site policy because unless they're using a superbly calibrated system they can't rightly claim that the reading was correct. however minor variability of a gun on a shot-shot let alone a day-day basis is very much the norm, indeed the purpose of many "upgrades" is specifically towards reducing that variation for the purpose of accuracy. you'd also generally expect variation to get worse rather than better over the long-term as parts wear/degrade. it's also worth considering that there's potential that one batch of bb's are a slightly different average weight/standard deviation to another batch, even when sticking to the same nominal weight and manufacturer, ofc the more premium ammo you'd expect less variation which is part of the cost factor in the quality control.
    2 points
  17. He's got every right to be pissed off. Chronoing with any weight other than what is used in game is fucking stupid and pointless as it achieves nothing, apart from making the site owner look like a twat. To me it's like getting a speeding ticket just because your car can go over 70, not because you did. What has happened in the past to cause the site to introduce this stupid policy?
    2 points
  18. Rogerborg

    Height Over Bore

    Whenever I do that, it's usually followed by a demented howl of "Marshal! Check your fire! Are you blind?" Hi-vis vest + camo cap = <eye-roll.gif> Wandering vaguely back on topic, I like high-rise optics in principle. In practice, especially in CQB sites, I find it tends to result in sticking the barrel into a barricade. I'm rather on the fence about them (and I keep shooting fences too). And aesthetically... 🤢
    2 points
  19. simple, the majority of the time we're not being given the luxury of a man sized target. we get a hand, or a leg, of half a face poking out from behind cover, a much smaller target. having the precision of both the pew and the optical setup to take advantage of those opportunities is useful.
    2 points
  20. Tackle

    Height Over Bore

    Spot on, quite literally for the average Airsoft engagement, the ability to be able to point at your target, should be enough for a reasonable level of accuracy, it's literally "shooting 101". Obviously there are some cack handed cross eyed exceptions to this, but thankfully they're in the minority 😏. But I get it if a dedicated sniper wants to zero a sight perfectly, hitting first time is advantageous if you don't want to give away your position trying to cock for a second shot. For the rest of you it's essentially "dressing up your dollies" 😜
    2 points
  21. Aj698

    Newbie Advice....

    Again thanks for the advice. Went for the isopropyl route for cleaning and results are evident..... Plus good learning how the rif goes together and works. Aj
    2 points
  22. Dan Robinson

    Night Games?

    Love me some Carl memes.
    2 points
  23. I taught my daughter to shoot with irons. At 14 she beat the then junior champion HFT number one in a shootout. She could hardly miss with an optic. Muscle memory, consistent cheek weld/mount and experience win each time.
    1 point
  24. What do RS users use for running/hiding/slinking game in forests? Usually a 1-4x20 scope with simple illuminated reticle. Use it both eyes open and practise your mount. Set to a low magnification, it will improve your spotting and hitting in deep cover with practice. Fieldcraft is still king though. Where would you appear if you were the opposing team? Look there and look for horizontal lines. Nature goes up, humans hold rifs horizontally.
    1 point
  25. Bloody woke millennials.
    1 point
  26. My new home site has two chrono stations running at the same time , everyone has to go line up at the same time , one does .2’s the other .25’s and once all the .2’s are done they then do all other weights AND the marshal has a laminated sheet with the BB weight +fps variants on it to workout if it’s a yay or a nay . Chrono takes practically no time at all compared to basically every other site I’ve ever been too , chrono stays open till safety brief when it then closes any late attenders or anyone else who missed it as they were too busy gob’ing off to their mates have to wait till the start of the warm up game to chrono so it only eats in to their game time and not everyone else’s on site . Me personally I think it works bloody well as a system . Not denying your going to get variants in fps output shot by shot but some of the discrepancies I’ve seen over the years at different sites I’ve attended have been farcical ! 😳 hence I always try to stay mid to low 300’s with my fps and I have my own chrono to check my guns before game days on the off chance the fuckup fairy has been and sprinkled some powdered bollox on my gatt’s while they’ve been laid up ! 🤦‍♂️
    1 point
  27. Two women called me a sexist pig when I gave a wolf whistle. They didn't even apologize when my pet wolf ran up to me.
    1 point
  28. Like the yanks say… SLLS Stop, Look, Listen, Smell Staying put briefly, and scanning with your eyes rather than looking intentionally the human brain picks up movement much faster, if you think you saw something then chances are you did. Unless you’re well concealed don’t stay put for too long. If you can smell an air softer it’s probably one of those dirty gillie bush twats 😂 Back on original Q, magnification is good for checking ahead 100M, a decent scope will penetrate dimly light areas and shadows. 2-4x mag is good for 60M+ fire, any less and dot sight. So a stacked setup is best, and looks legit seeing as that’s what we all want 😁
    1 point
  29. I run one of these and swap it between my DMR and AEG... https://www.combatsouth.co.uk/element-aim-o-g33-magnifier-x3-black/ ... and went for this one as it's an EOTECH rip-off using the better mount that has less wobble, and it's been a magic bullet for me. My biggest ever kill streak, easily 20 plus, was using it on my AEG in a forest when I was in a nice spot where people wouldn't expect anyone to be. I could spot shapes moving behind bushes well before they got in range, and could then lob a few BB's in their path and they just walked into them, which I couldn't have done with the flip to side to spot them. And maybe I'm a little lucky but it's worked perfectly with my EOTECH clone red dot and dirt cheap £30 smaller red dot, I've not had to make any adjustments at all.
    1 point
  30. Had this discussion with a chap at work who has started playing. Do I need a scope? I don't care for them personally. At the range we shoot they just give you tunnel vision. Waiting in an ambush position looking through an acog or similar with give you a very narrow window to spot something. With out it you're peripheral vision will help you spot much more. If you use mesh that can make things harder. Maybe some yellow tint lenses or prescription inserts if you need them.
    1 point
  31. I know exactly what you mean having struggled with this myself! As others have already suggested it's not always about needing magnification but knowing what you're actually looking for. Most people will look for a person shaped thing to identify as a person. In woodland games you need to look for movement, colours that don't quite match up with the surroundings, strangely angular things in a natural environment. Now, a magnified optic may help you learn what you're looking for by making it a bit easier to see, but building up situational awareness and knowing what to look for is something that just has to be learned over time.
    1 point
  32. I tried a 4x32 scope on my M4... spent ages buying scope mounts to get a comfy height, strongly thought about upgrading to a better scope before even trying it, played a morning with it on and switched back to a red dot. It seemed like a good idea at the time. The experience hasn't stopped me from considering another experiment, but I'd probably want to try a scope with zoom, preferably all the way back to 1X, and with a red dot style reticule, so I can play 'normally' when I'm in a hurry to get to an objective. The problem is that such scopes are much more expensive than even the 3-6x40 style that you can pick up quite cheaply off eBay. So it probably won't happen. I may try the scope again, as my playstyle has evolved a bit since that first attempt (it's now slower, measured stalking, rather than a blind rush to the front-line)
    1 point
  33. A zoomed optic may help in sporting but you do reduce your field of view, so where you will spot one you will miss another. It maybe better to just slow down a little pause and look. What you are looking for is not people so much but movement. Use your whole filed of view for movement, once spotted zone onto it confirm if it's a target or not and act accordingly. This process can just take a single second once practiced. Also while taking in the your whole field of view you will most likely spot more than one set of movements so you are more aware of where things can be coming from. For the ranges we play in optics can help but being aware of your surroundings is much more useful. K
    1 point
  34. But it not even a proper "policy", its massively flawed, & policed by an idiot who's only qualification is that he's the "Boss", & woe betide anyone who questions otherwise. As always the only way it will be addressed is if people start to vote with their feet, give him a few gamedays with barely any revenue, & also get word out there of this screw-up so that hopefully the staff become aware, not only of the communities displeasure but also to educate them about where they're going wrong & how best to correct it. Yep the guys a dick & yes he needs Karma to give him a wake up call, loss in revenue will probably give him the biggest wake up call, but no one, me included wants to see any more half decent venues lost for whatever the reason, so if anyone knows him or his staff, give a nudge & a link to this thread, if he comes on in "God mode" we'll rip him a new one, or maybe he'll learn something new (if he's prepared to) 😏
    1 point
  35. Davegolf

    Height Over Bore

    Definitely, being sighted up ready to exploit any opportunity, in urban or woodland setting with a single snap shot .
    1 point
  36. SSPKali

    THE TM MWS thread

    Skylar is the alter-ego of Luke / Negative Airsoft 😂
    1 point
  37. Skara

    Height Over Bore

    We don't even need to aim, for that matter
    1 point
  38. Have to disagree about the Cyma AK , having had that very same model for a good few years as one of my ‘lenders’ I can happily say yes it may be a TM clone BUT it’s certainly not even close to being as bad as those old school TM ones were back in the day . Plus as that’s one of the staple rentals of an awful lot of sites one would think it can’t be that delicate in the wider scheme of things ? 😉
    1 point
  39. In the car at the mo I've got Black Sabbath, AC/DC, blackberry Smoke and Whitesnake. And 'cos I've been enjoying the sunday lunches I dug out my (cassete) copy of Toyah's Anthem . Yes I still have a casette player / multi CD combo in the car !
    1 point
  40. That's how a good proportion of airsoft stuff is done; guns, lasers etc. MP7s are one of the rarest HK mass-production guns in the US as well. Far as I can gather from looking around and shooting one once, unless you've got a super good long-term relationship with a very rich and well connected firearms dealer that's well established they're not easy to find, I'd be tentative on whether the handful of rental ranges that have them would just let some foreigners have at one with measuring devices. I mean maybe for enough $ but hard to say, that info would be ITAR so I think they'd be taking a very serious legal risk if they allowed it.
    1 point
  41. That's why you make sure that you have a superior pew pew.... Then you can shoot the little oik in the back as he runs away. It's surprisingly therapeutic.
    1 point
  42. Another vote for Guard Dog Evader 2's here 👍
    1 point
  43. Li-ion owners love them, and they're likely to be physically more robust. However, I tend to agree with Luke at Negative that you're better off with two (or even three) lipos for the same money, given that if your li-ion craps out, you're stuffed. Sound like Titan essentially told him "tough luck, mate" as well.
    1 point
  44. Tackle

    Night Games?

    It's not just night games though is it, some cqb sites are pretty dark in places, half a dozen of you might be tiptoeing along a dark corridor in single file, employing all your ninja tactics, when the guy bringing up the rear turns on his super bright taclites, silhouetting the rest of you like the spice girls coming on stage at wembley🤣.............. BRAAAAP, your all dead.......... Thanks "Carl" you twat🤬
    1 point
  45. I'd forgotten how much I LOVE that album!
    1 point
  46. Thanks for the link, might just get me one of them!
    1 point
  47. Average AR user: "Waaahhh height over bore" Me: *laughs in M14
    1 point
  48. I guess people realized a more natural stance means less strain on your neck. The best solution was the old carryhandle optic, when prone you could still use irons comfortably, and guess what? The new fancy unity mounts have integrated irons at the same height of carryhandles (that don't really work btw because they're literally one inch apart and focusing them correctly is fucking impossible).
    1 point
  49. Incredible as it seems, there are many new members (as well as plenty of old ones) who do not know how to edit their posts. It is a very simple process. At the bottom of your post is the word "Edit". It is to the right of a plus sign (for multiple quotes) and the word "Quote". Click on Edit. It opens up the editor; simply make your changes and save. Now that you have the knowledge and skills to edit a post You can also edit the topic title if you created the topic. There is no need to quote a whole post, just edit out the extra content. Edit your sales topic with any new details, pictures, or answers to questions which will help stop bumping.
    1 point
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