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  1. I wish, he went off like a whippet and didn’t see him for the next couple of hours 🤣🤣
    5 points
  2. Airsoft cherry popped and loved it!!!! Had a great day out with my son, who loved it too. Bloody hard work though, need to shed a few pounds and get some sort of fitness (currently at sloth level lol). A big thank you to everyone at Groundzero and players who were friendly, helpful and welcoming. Can't wait to play again !!!!!!!
    4 points
  3. That's why you make sure that you have a superior pew pew.... Then you can shoot the little oik in the back as he runs away. It's surprisingly therapeutic.
    4 points
  4. According to this chart, the AK is a TM clone, so avoid it like the plague. Between the two, get the Specna, more (good) parts available.
    4 points
  5. Failing that, the matter from Black Sabbath's first four albums would tip anything over the edge. Imagine Into the Void in your rif.
    4 points
  6. I can't wait to field the LCT MC51!
    3 points
  7. Davegolf

    Height Over Bore

    Sorry i couldnt help myself... only a couple years back all the AR fappers were bitching about the likes of many other firearms with a high height over bore optic line, you know because people actually have necks, and now without any apology they are all over it like they invented it - i mean thats never heappened either 😆 Discuss
    2 points
  8. Remember we are talking about the land of the little people..... they may just make them a little smaller to cope with their teeny hands. SWMBO couldn't take UK nicotine patches as they were too strong. She used to get a high off them before nearly throwing up. Likewise when she was on pain killers. Her dose from the doc was for two at a time several times a day..... One would spark her out for most of the day. Cheap date 🤣🤣
    2 points
  9. Team kills have "kill" right in the name.
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Davegolf

    THE TM MWS thread

    G&P mags are the only ones I’m aware of that I haven’t tried/tested. Once again they prob all come from the same factory anyway!! Be very weary of gas routes that are too tall, they will press up against the nozzle are really mess shit up.
    2 points
  12. Skara

    Gun picture thread

    Nope, leave it alone.
    2 points
  13. Shamal

    Airsoft cherry popped

    Well done fella. You made the jump to second childhood 🤣 Ground zero is a big site.lot of walking but it's good exercise. Onwards and upwards 👍 Little tip.Get your son to carry your gear and pass it to you as you need it. Bit like a golf caddy 😂😂 Regards
    2 points
  14. Dan Robinson

    Night Games?

    Love me some Carl memes.
    2 points
  15. I love night games, seen them work just as well as most day games to be honest. Cheaters do think it's easier to be a bastard though. I remember doing a 4 hour round journey to do a 3.5-4 hour night game at urban assault every 4 weeks for about 18 months. The good old days! Regarding that LED flashbang thing......it looks awful, been discontinued and it's the first time I have seen it which I think shows how popular it was and how well it took off. Reckon it wouldn't last many throws at all. I'd strongly recommend a standard bfg or disposable pyro if you're allowed (some sites allow them during the day, but not the evening). Torch wise, I'd recommend one of the surefire clones, you're looking at around £40-£50 all in, it mounts nicely to rifs, looks good, provide a decent amount of light, have the momentary on function etc. Think it'd serve better than a more short term version. Torches are great for CQB in the day too, dark corners etc. Bright is great, but sometimes not having the brightest torch is useful, super bright and your torch can be seen from miles away or even a few rooms away, bright enough but not the full power of the sun and it's a bit more discreet.
    2 points
  16. It's not just night games though is it, some cqb sites are pretty dark in places, half a dozen of you might be tiptoeing along a dark corridor in single file, employing all your ninja tactics, when the guy bringing up the rear turns on his super bright taclites, silhouetting the rest of you like the spice girls coming on stage at wembley🤣.............. BRAAAAP, your all dead.......... Thanks "Carl" you twat🤬
    2 points
  17. I'd forgotten how much I LOVE that album!
    2 points
  18. Davegolf

    Height Over Bore

    The best solution but completely impossible 'cos AR' would be to have the stock dropped, that way you keep low HOB for less disparity / hold over variations, an upright aware stance for active shooting, but the best bit - you could just lift up a cheek riser for prone shooting no? Or the other solution that already exists that they seem to have forgotten about is;
    2 points
  19. Bloody kids begged me to buy them a Theremin. They never even touched the thing!
    2 points
  20. Brit-tac / Flimmur LW belt & a Safariland 7378 7ts holster that I’ve spent the morning filing the shit out of to make it a better fit for the also newly purchased marui glock 17.
    2 points
  21. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Bought to do a FBI kit many moons ago but not my thing. Worn for about 10 mins in cqb so their may be a few BB marks and then put back into the car. Much prefer fast style Helmets £25 + postage Offers welcome


    1 point
  22. Skara

    Height Over Bore

    We don't even need to aim, for that matter
    1 point
  23. Aj698

    Newbie Advice....

    Again thanks for the advice. Went for the isopropyl route for cleaning and results are evident..... Plus good learning how the rif goes together and works. Aj
    1 point
  24. I was questioning the veracity of their chrono.
    1 point
  25. Davegolf

    THE TM MWS thread

    It’s rum, always rum 😂
    1 point
  26. Mini-rant about folk who book at a site then say "lol m8z nede lyft 4rm Central Townsville, wil sqaur up". Followed by the site saying "SRSsly, y no 1 offar lyft???" Stop being so poor.
    1 point
  27. Davegolf

    THE TM MWS thread

    Not sure why you compare 50rd to 20rd, stock mags are 35rd. But hey 🤷🏻‍♂️ The real test is how many shots can you get from one gas fill? Aye the stock bolt deforms on the hammer reset, but only so far, it work hardens. In all honesty TM could have put a steel chip there. Non the less the stock bolt works perfectly for 10s of thousands of rounds. I do like a lighter bolt, it has many benefits. But the rollers on the G&P are unnecessary as the bolt centrally locates to the buffer part ‘A’. And with the buffer spring/tube/assembly lightly coated with Moly grease it works very slickly. RE your problem; using the stock TM mag as a pattern, line the mag catch detent up with the ProWin mag, and look for discrepancies in the height of the upper plate, feed lips and gas route. You will most likely have to file/sand some shit down.
    1 point
  28. ZakLav-

    Gun picture thread

    Just got my Specna MK18 upgraded by Negative Airsoft and its an absolute machine, however, i'm not sure if i should paint it? I'd probably go with ranger green and some brown with netting over the gun for the pattern if i did. Should i do it?
    1 point
  29. I've both Titan and Valken 3,000 mAh 11.1v Li-Io's, Deans connector, used in rifles either with GATE Titan's v2's or Double Eagle's knock off of a Titan, and so far I can overall fault neither and I'm very happy with them (used Li-Po's all the time before I made the change, and the last time I had any NiMH's was back when I raced RC cars). I'd say though that the Titan's has a better overall build quality, the cabling thicker and more flexible, plus the casing / heat-shrink is better applied (with Valken's looking a little rough around the edges). It was mine and my son's Double Eagle M900's that pushed me to Li-Io's, in that the controllers in them will let a batteries cells get down to almost 3.2v per cell before the battery protection kicks in which is far to low, and this caused one 1,450 Li-Po to get too low at one game and it puffed ever so slightly and has not been the same since (it's in my emergency battery pile now). The Li-Io's can safely handle going down to a much lower cell voltage, 3.0v or a little lower, with zero negative effects, who know if this is down to their construction or the 18650 cells they use (different from the flat Li-Po cells and how their conductors are layered?). I've accidentally left a Li-Io in a rifle for close to a week, I totally forgot about it which is not like me at all, and it went to under 3.0v per cell, but charged back perfectly (but took a while) and has shown no negative effects at all.
    1 point
  30. Just in case you didn’t know: Shim each gear individually, fully screwing the gbox case together to check for clearance / free spin. Once you’ve done them all add one at a time a re screw gbox and test. That way if you get a tight spot or meshing issue you’ll know what caused it. If you get a tight spot check teeth don’t have any burrs, sometimes there are manufacturing errors. With the bevel and pinion roll them in your fingers, some combos don’t get on. PS it’s worth fitting the bevel only, then the motor with pinion to setup the height etc, then also power the motor to check fine tune.
    1 point
  31. Adolf Hamster

    Height Over Bore

    i did see versions mentioning that when digging up that meme, remarkably accurate too given low bore offset wasn't invented by the ar crew either
    1 point
  32. The cells were probably picked from the reject bin in the factory, roughly matched for Internal Resistance and slapped together with a Nuprol logo stuck on the side for good measure.
    1 point
  33. Li-ion owners love them, and they're likely to be physically more robust. However, I tend to agree with Luke at Negative that you're better off with two (or even three) lipos for the same money, given that if your li-ion craps out, you're stuffed. Sound like Titan essentially told him "tough luck, mate" as well.
    1 point
  34. Druid799

    Night Games?

    Won’t lie I’ve NEVER seen a night game work , wether it was the ones at the NAE , at my home site wknd’er or other wknd events I’ve been too none of them have worked to some degree(from this is just silly ! all the way up to this is a total clusterfuck !) the ones I’ve been involved with have had every player imaginable from guys wandering around with million candle power torches permanently switched on lighting up the entire site , players with weapon lights blipping off and on as they try to move all tacticool through the undergrowth to guys with ridiculously expensive NVG’s and every thing in between . The main reason I think they never really worked is the same reason I avoid ‘Milsim’ games as well , ‘Discipline’ or more precisely LACK of Discipline . For events like these to work you need people who will follow the rules to the letter , but if a player drops a big wedge of beer tokens on an event and is then told “wait over there we’ll be back for you in 8hrs” there not going to do it and I don’t blame them either ! For any plan heavy event to really work you need the people taking part to be prepared to sit around for hrs on end doing absolutely F*** all for just a few minutes of frantic activity and most just won’t do it . So endeth the sermon ! 😉 Seen one a good while ago , it was shite . Went off , wouldn’t go off , wouldn’t stop , was loud and bright then quiet and weak . You get what you pay for sprung too mind ?
    1 point
  35. Enid_Puceflange

    kwa tt33

    Any chance of some pics that haven’t been taken through tracing paper by a potato camera please?
    1 point
  36. Great to hear that you enjoyed it. You'll get a huge adrenaline hit from the first few games, and even if you're fit you'd likely find yourself stressing muscles by holding unusual positions. I mention this because it's very easy to spunk the lad's inheritance on toys while you're still buzzing. The 56 day membership / UKARA wait seems frustrating, but can save your wallet. If you can't resist the urge to buy things, then secondaries (pistols, cheap spring breacher shotguns) can be a fun complement to rental AEGs.
    1 point
  37. Adolf Hamster

    Height Over Bore

    but then you'd lose the straight-line recoil impulse which is why the stock is mounted that high in the first place? that's why the og ar had to have the carry handle- you needed to rise the sights that far above the bore to get your head onto them. wasn't an issue on previous rifles because straight line stocks was a new idea. funny enough, the em2 which was specifically designed for optics from the get go (unlike the ar/fal/g3/ak where optics were kinda afterthoughts) also had a carry handle to rise the optic above the receiver. you don't see it as much in other designs because the barrels are mounted lower, you look at the ak/fal/g3 they all have stuff mounted above the barrel which fills in the space where the ar carry handle would otherwise be. which is a great combo imo, you've got your risen optic but you've also got a magnified optic, and no faffing around with levers/magnifiers to switch between the 2 you just shift your face.
    1 point
  38. I use these, they have cut-outs in the foam for the arms of glasses. https://www.specs4sports.co.uk/evader-2-over-glasses-goggles--camo---clear-lens
    1 point
  39. I guess people realized a more natural stance means less strain on your neck. The best solution was the old carryhandle optic, when prone you could still use irons comfortably, and guess what? The new fancy unity mounts have integrated irons at the same height of carryhandles (that don't really work btw because they're literally one inch apart and focusing them correctly is fucking impossible).
    1 point
  40. Don't go crazy on a torch. You can get a decent red led with a 25mm body on evil bay for around a tenner. You can buy the same thing with a logo for a lot more. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/233903015570 Don't bother with the mount, just use a one inch scope ring.
    1 point
  41. That. Or if you want to spend a bit more, a Specna Arms EDGE 2.0 with the GATE ASTER optical mosfet. The rotary hop unit is decent enough, and both the DE and Specna are wired to Deans and have QC spring systems, which the G&G doesn't. I think my EDGE 1.0 even came with a flat hopped bucking and nub (although I threw then in the Bits Box in favour of Maple Leafs parts). Barrels, rubbers and nubs are very easy to change if you want to dive in yourself, although I'd suggest just cleaning the barrel and playing with an AEG to get a baseline for its performance.
    1 point
  42. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Purchased during lockdown and never fielded, I am looking to send this upgraded CQR powered by GATE Titan Advanced Edition to a loving home! Additional pictures available on request! Shooting at 1J = 0.20g BB's (337~342 FPS) I have videos of the AEG firing as well as a video of the Chrono screen as it shoots demonstrating the +/- ≥5 FPS variation. Upgrades & Parts GATE Titan Advanced Edition MOSFET (Installed and programmed) - (Original SSS wiring and harness included) Adjustable NOVA Trigger (Set as hair trigger) SHS 13:1 Short Stroked Gear Set (Shimmed) Lonex 15 full metal teeth rack piston (with filing to first two teeth to assist with gear pickup) AOE corrected piston head with sorbo SHS 185mm Osprey Suppressor (Original compensator included) 350mm 6.02mm precision inner barrel - (Original included) Comes with original box, manual and hi-cap magazine Postage and packing can be arranged if necessary for an additional fee, though collection is preferred. I have other items available (magazine bundles, batteries etc.) should you wish to indulge - just ask!


    Leicester - GB

    1 point
  43. Perfect ‘The Purge’ loadout IMO 😎
    1 point
  44. Apparently all HPA users are cheating little gits who chrono low then crank up the PSI's. I just don't understand it. I always chrono on site chrono with my shooting weight so that I know I'm under and then stick site BB's in to make them happy. My indoor pistols I build them so that they hit about 1J with a .25 at 80psi so I can set and forget. It's aged attitudes doing this.
    1 point
  45. I'd have been shocked if it was any other site. Anzio are notorious for this. A friend of mine went to chrono with his MTW, turned all the way down, using 25's, was running about 300-305, marshall dried his teeth when chrono'ing and said he can play but if he gets pulled in game for random chrono then it's "his risk" - So it was under but still a chance of it not? Great site for buildings, cover, layout. Crap site for marshalls.
    1 point
  46. Probably so he can kick them off the site and keep their money.
    1 point
  47. Cos he's a cunt by all accounts, search on various FB forums, YT and probably on here and you will find plenty of stories. Chalk it up to experience and don't go again. Shame as it looks a decent site.
    1 point
  48. Let me guess, Anzio? If so, the owner is well known for pulling this, hence why I have never gone there (not that I run a hot gun).
    1 point
  49. Lozart

    New bevel gear?

    Yeah...that's fucked.
    1 point
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