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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/06/22 in all areas

  1. I walked into B&Q the other day and a guy came up to me and asked me if I wanted decking. Luckily I got the first punch in and that was that, but it just goes to show you should never let your guard down.
    8 points
  2. OY, Chuck Norris, don't tar everyone in the south with your dirty brush, most "normal" people when faced with overly aggressive behaviour & confrontation will try to reasonably defuse the situation, not charge in intent to do as much damage as possible & fuck the consequences. I've met plenty with that attitude, they rarely amount to much but wear their convictions like a badge of honour, bit like a neck tattoo lol🤣
    7 points
  3. 7 points
  4. It's like one of those films, guy comes to town, does his best to become everybody's friend, while at the same time stirring up shit with his ignorant outspoken ways, pretty soon people get wise to him & before you know it there's a mob with torches & pitchforks chasing him off the edge of a cliff, end of story. But is it ? Years later an enigmatic stranger comes to town, tries to fit in by sharing loadout pictures etc, but pretty soon starts to show his true ignorant colours, & comes out that he's the thick as shit illegitimate son of the guy the town hounded out, intent on avenging daddy. But it always ends the same way lol😏
    6 points
  5. The first 20 years of my life were filled with violence and the horrendous consequences of it, I made sure that the next 17 were not. I don't need self defense advice and YT links from some dipshit American teenager who can't recognise the value of experience, and nor do the rest of the middle aged men (including ex service members ffs) that you are patronising on here. The best time to shut the fuck up was a few hours ago, the second best time is now.
    6 points
  6. bit of a clone mash up of eras but I like it
    6 points
  7. This 50+ old cnut is quite literally lost for words, just when you think you've seen it all, along comes an Internet warrior whose extreme ignorance is only surpassed by his stupidity. Usually I'd counter with some lighthearted memes, but there's nothing that even comes close to this level of bollocks. All I will say is look around, admire anybody over 50, because with your shit eating attitude, you ain't ever gonna reach it lol 😈
    4 points
  8. Why do these posts always attract the internet hard men like flies to a pile of horse shit?
    4 points
  9. pre-emptive defense sounds like a great way to get you kicked off site, and it will be justified.
    4 points
  10. That. Only psychopaths actually go around prepped to flip-out-and-fite-IRL at a moment's notice. Most "fights" are over before half of the participants know that they've even started. Not that I want to see this at any airsoft site, ever, but the only real interest I have in these handbaggings is how they're resolved. Back in the day, etc, etc, it would have been sorry-mate-lost-the-rag, handshakes all round, and move on - at least the first time. Now, especially when caught on camera which makes everybody look bad (witness the excoriation of all three participants here) it's harder to forgive and forget.
    4 points
  11. PureSilver

    What have you made?

    Inspired by the Springfield V12s, I present the Detonics... V6? This is eventually going to be mocked up (with further inspiration from Marui’s Vorpal Bunny) with smoothed grips, a front rail, and a battleship grey paintjob. It is an ARMY R45 with an ACM Shield RMS, a Nova trigger, and Shooters Design 150% recoil springs. Not pictured yet are the Army extended magazine release and modified grips, which have been filled with putty in readiness for relief cuts and sanded smooth. Milling the slide and the adaptor plate allowed me to sink the optic 3.5mm into the slide. This actually lower-third-cowitnesses with the factory sights, somehow. Custom milled and drilled slide and barrel ports. The ARMY’s outer barrel is stainless steel and broke one of my milling bits. Lesson learned about using them to drill holes... Total cost so far: ~£120
    4 points
  12. It wasn't a fight though was it ?, it was one skinny & probably quite young guy, doing what he'd probably done a load of times before with no repercussions, only this time a 'roided up Geardo, complete with tacticool beard😜, flipped, it all happened very quickly & to be fair on the "kid", this behaviour is usually drummed in at most sites as absolute taboo, so there was probably a big element of shock & "WTF".
    4 points
  13. THIS WILL NOT STAND. Marmite is manna of the Gods, a literal superfood with more vitamins and minerals than a branch of Holland and Barret. Sure it may be a bit potent for some - the kind of people who think a Korma is 'a bit spicy' - but for the rest of us who can eat things that aren't beige, it's a life-giving sticky syrup of nourishing goodness; a shining bright light in the condiment cupboard. Spread over some hot buttered toast or crumpets, Marmite says this: that now matter how bad things appear to be, no matter how low we feel, your mate Marmite will always be there for you. It is our port in the storm, and the light at the end of the tunnel. And your lack of gratitude for this frankly disgusts me. Mayonnaise on the other hand is the condiment of SATAN, and 99 times out of 100 is only added to a dish to camouflage the portion of baby gravy that a vengeful and underpaid chef has blurted into your food.
    4 points
  14. If you're not an experienced fighter or are caught off guard then sometimes that's the best you can do. What's the alternative, stand toe to toe and get smashed in the face half a dozen times? I got jumped by 10/12 guys once and turtling after the first punch stopped me from getting punched in the head by seven fists from seven different directions. Got myself into a ball in a corner and protected all the bits that mattered. There were so many of them that they were getting in each others way and couldn't even get the boot in properly. Walked away with a red cheek and a sore shoulder. Standing up and boxing away like a brave fucking idiot, I would have been smashed to pieces.
    4 points
  15. Druid799

    Change My Mind .

    We’ve all seen it on YouTube Steven Crowder sets up a table and debates people on confrontational subjects . So my choice is something I believe is Smegma from the devils foreskin and should be outlawed by the Geneva convention on biological weapons. Change my mind .
    3 points
  16. Diemaco

    Mag Followers

    Look on the bright side, it's a good excuse to buy one, as I'm sure you've fancied buying one for ages.
    3 points
  17. Yep; you are. Like most stupid cunts, you are too thick to realise that you are a stupid cunt.
    3 points
  18. 3 points
  19. This guy probably learned from D.U.S.T. and he ain't gonna make it into his thirties..
    3 points
  20. Knees bent , arms stretched , rah rah rah . am I doin it rite .
    3 points
  21. You know I had to go back and watch the video again just to see what utter bollocks you're talking. 10 seconds in and the 'assailant' hasn't even entered the structure. 11 seconds in and the first punch is about to land. That leaves the person, who one may presume is unaccustomed to violence, about 1 second to a) process that they're about to be attacked and b) assume the crouching tiger stance, draw their testicles into their body shaolin-style, and judo chop the assailant in the carotid artery.
    3 points
  22. ladies and gentlemen if it may please the court i propose the following motion for "dreamer" be applied to the defendant. to this purpose may i present exhibit A: the charge sheet for which includes but is not limited to: stating it has been "upgraded" but without what parts have been used or who installed them use of what appears to be a brass cleaning rod intended for RS use, complete with brushes, one can only imagine the barrel scratches nuprol bb's cheapy chinese charger with an EU socket, for the nimh ad description says cyma, but lower receiver says specna arms portrait orientation pics all for 400 schmeckles, sans delivery charges ofc.
    3 points
  23. Tackle

    Gun picture thread

    Nah that's not heavy, try using a real steel mg42 like a sniper, I think I had to have a nap afterwards 😴
    3 points
  24. Neg airsoft uses it as his special cylinder/gearbox grease. (So he tells me, cos I know him really well)
    3 points
  25. Your so funny, not lol, my duff reference is aimed at the members who've been here a while, Duff was like you, an ignorant wanker with a big mouth, but I'll give him his due, when he got called out he didn't go all pussy & make out he's just trolling. Your a speshul kinda wanker, probably an incel too, so keep chucking out the insults you sad pathetic fuck wit, especially the ones about 50+ members, because your so much more knowledgeable than people with twice the life experiences than you, ffs your a joke. But no ones laughing. Me personally, I help care for a relative who's got dementia, so your were already on my shit list with your ignorant comments & pathetic insults. Hopefully I'll see you on a site sometime, we'll test your theories lol.
    2 points
  26. So let’s regress somewhat, and remind ourselves of the video clip…. little pussy shoots steroid monster in the face, then with no where to go and no meaningful defence takes a beating like a bitch? Mmmm. Sounds like this thread.
    2 points
  27. On an unrelated note, for some reason i find myself reminded of the phrase "playing chess with pidgeons"
    2 points
  28. I may not be in full possession of my faculties but I can spell dementia and know difference between site and sight.
    2 points
  29. Perhaps you should fuck off to somewhere else then; watching Bruce Lee movies does not make you the hard man you think you are, unless you have a mancrush on Bruce, but that is the wrong kind of hard.
    2 points
  30. I feel like I'm getting left out of the name calling and verbal onslaughts of Mr no_faith so just like to say piss off you fecking spanner. Don't think I will bother with your stay alive video. Ive had plenty of action in my time and I'm still in one piece 😉 Love and kisses 💋
    2 points
  31. Mr no face….coming to you at shopping mall somewhere in the south 5173CC84-DDB8-4726-AA5E-A6D9ED424EEE.webp
    2 points
  32. I consider myself fortunate to have had a martial arts teacher who wasn't a complete fucking idiot, and was quite clear about the most effective self defense technique (running away), and our legal position if we were ever to use half the things he taught us in a street fight, never mind pre-emptively (extremely bad).
    2 points
  33. you do know retroactive isn't the same thing as pre-emptive right? again, we're talking in the context of one caffeinated geardo on an airsoft site losing his shit over being over-shot, it's a situation that happens regularly enough without descending into anything more than shouting, finger pointing and general handbaggery. life threatening it is not. you mean the stuff that's illegal to possess, let alone carry or use in the uk?
    2 points
  34. the options were: -push -strike first -headbutt -sucker punch at least going from the original post:
    2 points
  35. you realize i wasn't quoting the bit about pushing people back right? i was quoting this: because that will get you kicked off site..... we're talking about one geardo losing his rag at an airsoft site, not taking a walk in downtown mogadishu....
    2 points
  36. johnnyj

    Gun picture thread

    Seen this super cheap and could not pass it up 😃
    2 points
  37. cropzy

    Gun picture thread

    Finally part of the gbbr gang Torch is mounted like that as it wont fit on any of the side rails due to the front end being chonky.
    2 points
  38. Floperator

    Change My Mind .

    You mean...Yeast in the Middle East
    2 points
  39. Rogerborg

    Change My Mind .

    Marmite has been (seriously) suggested as the solution to conflict in the Middle East. They say it's to address a zinc deficiency, but clearly the real result would be to unite the entire region in fully justified loathing of the foul Satanic sludge.
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. I don’t think it was that long ago that he was still operating, with very much the same reputation!
    2 points
  42. urgh, marmite, isn't that the shit they scrape out of the bottom of a brewing vat? yanno, the crap most companies throw in the trash? mayo is a tricky one, uk brands are crap flavorless goo, but you get the continental stuff? hmmm goes lovely on chips. however whilst we're on the topic of foods needing burned in eternal hellfire we can start with liquorice, it genuinely mystifies me how anyone can actually like that stuff enough to actually eat it, let alone pay money for it....
    2 points
  43. He had to let it go on… how else would he have been able to make such content and probably own a bigger house than any of us from it 👀
    2 points
  44. Davegolf

    What have you made?

    The Goggs are mesh supplied by @heroshark, his super fandango hexagonal stuff. Did some drill today with the mask, tweaked it about - all good. Rivetted the lower and painted it up Definitely the best setup I’ve ever had, with prescription inserts in the X800s
    2 points
  45. Johnny asks his dad how a country runs. His dad thinks and replies, ‘Well, it’s like this. I earn the money in the house, so I’m the rich. Your mum takes care of running the home, so she is the government. The maid is the working class, and your baby brother is the future. And finally you Johnny, are the average citizen.’ That night Johnny is woken up by his baby brother’s cries. He goes to the crib and notices that his brother has soiled his nappy. He runs to his mum and finds her fast asleep. He then goes to the maid’s room and finds her in bed with his father. He returns to his bed. The next day Johnny tells his dad that he has the working of a country all figured out. His dad asks him to explain. “A country is where an average citizen can’t get proper sleep as the rich are screwing the working class, the government is fast asleep and the future is full of shit.
    2 points
  46. A blonde and a brunette rob a bank. As the Blonde runs out dragging the safe with a rope followed by a guard with his trousers round his ankles, the Brunette screams: "You idiot, I told you to tie up the guard and blow the safe"
    2 points
  47. Clickbait title, poor quality content, airsoft drama. Kicking Mustang is that you?
    2 points
  48. 1 point
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