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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/22 in all areas

  1. Druid799

    What have you made?

    Just started messing about with paracord my self , made a couple of bracelets(easy enough to do) so try something a bit harder I had a go at a ‘doggy discourager’ for when lm walking my dogs as there’s been a spike in off lead ‘ard man dogs attacking other dogs where I live .
    4 points
  2. Nick G

    What have you made?

    Thanks, yep been building models for more years than i care to think about ! Mainly R/C laterly. Got quite a few R/C tanks and big rigs stashed away.
    3 points
  3. Nick G

    What have you made?

    Not so much made as modified, but ACOG wing mount for the docter sight on my L119 A1 Found a metal one but with cut out's , so filled them with plastic card then painted it. Happy eith the results.
    3 points
  4. Is less impact stress but you can end up with Runners Knee where the thigh muscles develop out of balance and pull your knee cap out of line. I have it, it sucks but it's fairly easy to correct as long as it's not too advanced. I compounded mine by spending years riding a mountain bike with clipless pedals that have very little float so you effectively transfer all that torsion movement into your knee.
    3 points
  5. Your not wrong, this is me on the outside But me on the inside be like
    3 points
  6. That certainly looks like fun for the people involved. Which gets me back to my initial point though: most gimmick game modes seem to leave most players befuddled, bemused or bored, because they won't be actively engaged with them. Rentals and new-to-the-site player in particular are going to have a hard time making use of any information beyond "Go / shoot that way"[*]. This applies even to bog standard find the single VIP / bomb / McGuffin games where a couple of site regulars tend to charge off with spooky preternatural (or tipped-the-wink) knowledge of where to find the $SINGLE_THING, while most players wander around and just shoot whatever's nearest. Contrast with find the drug blocks / $MANY_THINGS where everybody (who wants to) has a good chance of getting invovled. That's not a reason to avoid doing gadgets and gimmicks, you're (probably) still raising the net fun quotient on the site, and we're all there to have a laugh in different ways. It's a niche activity within a niche hobby though, for marketing, sales, and cost amortisation purposes. [*] Rambling unrelated second-hand anecdote, the Depot 1.0 ran a chaaaridy special weekend where they got in some, uh... celebrity airsofters, and 'Big' Phil Campion, (actual) ex-SAS to do some skills training. One of the local Walts was weeing himself in excitement and giving it "Delta Charlie squad double-time to location omega, prepare to execute enfilade from ambuscade" style jibba-jabba, translated as "Please notice my skills, Campion-senpai". After a bit too much of this, Phil stepped in and started organising the team along the lines of "Right, you lads stay here, you lads go over there, let's mess them up", a much more effective strategy.
    3 points
  7. It seems a lot of effort for an electronic cow bell. I expect that I misunderstand, but there we go.
    3 points
  8. I like the idea of other people carrying awkward things around... makes it easier to shoot them.
    3 points
  9. I had a great day in a game with RC pyro. No one on the squad 'patrolling the mined road' knew who the bod on their team with the controller was. The tech added to a decent plotline. It was fun to be on the team ambushing them too, as we did not know when the best moment to attack would be. It worked as no one playing had to remember anything or operate anything. No confusion, just loud bangs and added immersion. Good use of tech in my book.
    2 points
  10. Far too much alcohol consumed currently, so forum posting is not really the best plan….. But a Phil Campion mention can’t go without comment As you know his name then for you this is probably already known….. Phil Campion has been called out as a Walt - he is not a walt There are some tall stories that come from Phil Campion or are attiburted to him - those are the ones backed up by documented fact. The less believable the tale is, the more factual it turns out to be
    2 points
  11. Nicely done scratch building. Model maker by any chance?
    2 points
  12. Barny

    Health and fitness...

    Well said and agreed too. Hopefully on here its friendly advice given with a little knowledge thrown in x
    2 points
  13. Recently finished painting a couple of Deadpool-inspired Desert Eagles (hoping to fix the horrible dense red paint job they came with). The first was 'movie-warn', but with the second, I wanted to try a maroon slide (with doodles). 😁
    2 points
  14. CQB setup ready for testing this weekend. "You have 20 seconds to comply!" 😁
    2 points
  15. Good point, I didn't know about that. It just goes to show why it's better to get advice from a qualified professional rather than random people on the internet
    2 points
  16. Well it can't be any worse than when I played in this loadout
    2 points
  17. I really am going to need to create a thread about props, gadgets etc and the advantages & disadvantages of a using them around a game structure. (The need of a game first, and the gadget after - not a game to use the gadget) The wrong drone is in these pictures, but it was the first one we used and let a side take ‘control’ (tell our pilot where to fly it) and see what they can see A later iteration that could take a payload was then mixed in with the screens in the case. Watch what the drone or RC car can see, and do some stuff But there is footage here of an early test flight among the trees … and my one handed dive and catch as it decides to drop out of control ……. Here’s one I watched earlier …… which is nice affordable technology giving localised real time positioning All fantastic, until he tries to apply it, correct errors, and it all gets just worse and worse …. Our man with the soldering iron just says no He’ll drop in trackers to find something, or quietly work away until one day he’ll throw in a working product But currently it’s no - not reliable, not worth the effort, and for any ideas brought up there are simpler and alternative ways to do it I gave him a laser tag ‘missile launcher’ once. He had the idea and built a laser designation pyro control system operating across a valley. Players had to spot and ‘tag’ a sequence of reflective sensors Great fun, worked perfectly and then at the end of the day he told me that he just painted it, made some boxes with reflectors - and stood beside the operator with a pyro remote button in his pocket
    2 points
  18. 100% this. If you're using good flux cored solder though you shouldn't need additional flux. Also - you can get the Omega stuff for about £30 a roll if you shop around but yes, it's proper gear. Also - when I mentioned the whole apprenticeship thing, we spent weeks and weeks just doing soldering exercises! We were expected to work to aircraft grade standards at the time so we also learned about the joys of looming and lacing but that's a whole different story!
    2 points
  19. Mmm, quite. Every once in a blue moon I see something from UKAPA, on Facebook, if I'm lucky enough for the algorithm to think that it's something that's relevant. I've usually forgotten that they even exist by then. The one thing I might be interested in reading is articles from industry insiders explaining things like development cycles, stock levels, prices and wholeseller returns policies (i.e. who ends up eating the cost of a return), but that's a nice interest within a niche interest.
    2 points
  20. It's not worth overthink TBF. I tend to run bushings because they don't collapse. If you are building for performance then we don't have the same demands as the USA market. Less motor loading, less gearbox stress. It is more than possible with the UK 350fps limit to get 25rps with a 7.4v lipo and bushings. 13:1 gears, HT 16TPA motor, S/S 2 teeth on sector, M110 spring or there about. Radius the shells if needed, Grease well and treat it nice and it should run for a very long time without any issues. And it's about all you could ever want from a gun. Where the wear points are on the sector bushing/bearing. I have no idea. It's not as simple a question as it seems. You have a force from the spur, A force from a spring been compressed, and it's rotating. The rotation causes some strange things when it comes to wear points, and I think a degree would probably be needed to work the answer out correctly. My guess would be the wear point is the top of the bearing due to the main load been from the spring - that force wanting to push to 3 o'clock but the precession in the rotation forcing that to be 90 degrees ahead of the applied force. The sector effectively climbs into the load. You then have a torque been applied both by the rotation, the offset spur force, and the offset mass. That torque is going to want to act at the 3 o clock position on the upper bearing and 9 on the lower... So as a rough guess 12 o'clock to 3 o'clock on the lower bearing, but more like 1 o'clock to 4 o'clock on the upper bearing. It's a crazy guess tho, I'd love for someone to do the proper maths on it. It's very very complicated in there. But bushings don't collapse.
    2 points
  21. Dave's Custom has the Merf for £51, but luckily TG have them at a more reasonable £40ish. I have the Nano Hard on my DMR works fine in protecting the trigger so far. Not sure what else it does tbh. Rifle does shoot very very well with regards responsiveness.
    2 points
  22. So my final update in the Gunfire versus Taiwangun race to the UK started just before Christmas, as somewhat surprisingly UPS finally got around the releasing my Gunfire parcel from it's special shelf in their Stanford Le Hope warehouse and my parcel arrived today, although to be fair the Border Force tape did show it had been subject to an examination. Conclusions? Well Gunfire is the winner as TG still aren't shipping to the UK despite their email to me about test purchases. Surprising as I would have thought the UK market to be worth chasing, although I get the distinct impression TG got their fingers burnt by UPS. Just to keep TG on their toes I do like to fill my TG basket up with goodies whilst browsing their website, if only to let them know what I might spend if only they sorted out their delivery service. Gunfire performance. I can't fault it up to the point they hand over to UPS and then you enter somewhat of a lottery. Total transit time was 43 days, of which 40 was the parcel languishing in a warehouse in Essex, waiting for UPS to decide if they were going to collect import duty, after which it entered a waiting area for a Customs examination. They don't seem to have any SLA with Border Force which is bizarre given most couriered mail with other companies is cleared in hours by Border Force (DHL being my best experience). Gunfire also made a lot of effort with plastering my UKARA number over the parcel, so no chance of a misunderstanding in this regard. If you want to chase the parcel's status UPS Customer Services aren't much use, but Brokerage seem to be better organised and were quite helpful. Fees and taxation were what was expected, so despite the wait I have saved money. If you are prepared to wait, and you really do need to be prepared to play the long game here, Gunfire will deliver... eventually.
    2 points
  23. "Is the use of drones unfair?" goes the question. Well, yes, but the other way around. If Team Red has got someone doing nothing but spotting Blue Team with a drone and shouting "They're behind the tree! The big tree! On my left. No my drone's left, it's facing towards us..." then advantage Blue.
    2 points
  24. Did a paracord wrap on my tsblades Chacal. It's not perfect, but for my first go, quite pleased with it
    2 points
  25. Does anyone have any data on the stress points in the gearbox? For example, I was thinking, the spur gear for example is bottom heavy and usually not shimmed up much, whereas the top side is just the shaft and opposite the side taking the most stress from the bevel gear, right? So what about putting a bushing on the bottom, and a bearing on the top? And how about the other gears, bushings on side of bevel gear with the teeth, bearing on the other side? Maybe bearings both sides of the sector? Has anyone mix/matched before like this, any data out there on whether there would be a benefit? I'd like to try it - I might - someday - even sit down one day and mix/match them in lots of different ways and then check for RPS with each setup and log everything - don't suppose anyone has done that before? Edit: I found this on retroarms: https://www.retroarms.com/news/the-difference-between-bushings-and-bearings I think I am going to try: Bevel - bushing on gear side, bearing other Spur - as above Sector - bushing on side that grabs piston, bearing opposite
    1 point
  26. Hi All, you probably get asked this constantly, but I’ve been away from airsoft for 10 years and now making my come back. needless to say I need to go down the TwoTone gun route. I’m after some recommendations for CO2 Pistols with or without silencers being stored in tactical chest rig, and a Assault Rifles previous had a M4 back in the day looking for options. thanks in advance
    1 point
  27. Haha, well I'm probably getting to the same point but in reverse... Ordered a mosfet this morning, and I've just ordered, well, made an offer close to the asking price for the same batteries, before seeing this thread 😬 I've ordered the Gate merf so have active braking and rof reduction as options, if I have the same problem. (Edit:. Rof reduction doesn't affect semi auto, they leave rof unaffected to aid snappiness) This will be my first MOSFET fitting so might not go smoothly, but I will try to do it as soon as I receive it
    1 point
  28. Finally finished off my standard load out today, forgot to add my pistol holster for the photo. still debating on a fast helmet or not as they might clash with the goggles.
    1 point
  29. @steverebo hmmmm try the original hop chamber instead of the ZCI rotary, and try the ZCI rubber as well in both as well. If you have a ML inner barrel to hand it's worth also trying that. Can always post one out to you tomorrow (should arrive by Friday) as long as I get it off in the early post.
    1 point
  30. Weirdly I've just been watching Demolition Ranch on YouTube where they tested a load of cheap armour from wish.com. The results weren't great
    1 point
  31. Yeah I grabbed it from ak2m4 I think I've been his no.1 customer over the past months spent about £200 on barrel gearbox parts ect. He is the only one with the maple leaf barrel in stock at 310mm if I grab one today maybe I can get it by Friday fingers crossed. I have done a bit more research and some people are only able to use the ZCI hop rubber with zci barrels without issue and I'm using a maple leaf 60 o do have a few zci hop rubbers floating around at home that came with my zci hop chamber and barrel so nay give them a go it might just be the hop rubber giving me issues
    1 point
  32. Understand where we are coming from - we are being told to take security more seriously these days, I constantly get bombarded with stuff at work about phishing attempts actively occurring etc... So let's consider your page: it's a stock photo image of some trees on a one page website, built in seconds on a web site builder. It's more effort than I'd normally credit a spammer for making, which is why I responded in a friendly way first time... but when it's pointed out, it looks (to quote the youth of today) "dodgy AF", and I was glad I'd not entered my email address. If I was putting together a similar page I'd at least have put some effort into the presentation (i.e. an actual airsoft-related image for a start) because - as you've seen first impressions really count. I have to add that your attention to detail is lacking - which isn't a great attribute in a programmer: The email address you've provided has a spelling mistake: I don't know if your email address is really 'enquries' or 'enquiries'. You quoted my same reply twice. Your spelling isn't perfect ('unwarrented'), but everyone makes mistakes, and yet you must be actively ignoring the spell checker underlining your mistakes in red. That makes me wonder how you could write code to run your site. Programmers can't get away with mangling syntax. You definitely need to get someone to proof-read your content if and when you do 'go live' because poor spelling and grammar will not inspire confidence in the reader (That's a thing any developer should do, not just a comment on you) After saying all that, I wish you all the best of luck with your endeavours. Please take this as constructively as you can. That soldiers' personal admin is SHOCKING He's not done up his laces! Poor camo too, insufficiently tacti-cool. And what loadout is that supposed to be? Does he have the correct number of lace-holes in those boots???
    1 point
  33. Welcome my dude! I've only been playing for about 6 months, after some mates at work suggested giving it a go, were all factory workers, and not exactly the picture of health, but through out covid I've let myself go, and being a smoker my stamina isn't great. All that said, the site we use, are very welcoming, and none of us get penalised. Hell, once there was only like 6 of us (3 on 3) and cause there were times I didn't see anyone to shoot, after running around a little, I made a joke of it and started yelling, "are we done playing hide and seek?" Then when out of breath, "wooo! I need to stop smoking" 🤣 the thing is, don't take it too seriously, were mostly grown men playing toy soldiers. So far everyone has been welcoming and inclusive. Dive in mate! Hope it works out for you 👍
    1 point
  34. hitmanNo2

    Just bought this helmet

    I think we have a winner with the FMA Aramid version. I knew I had seen one before with that blended paint on the interior edges and sparse texture on the exterior.
    1 point
  35. I have noticed that when it jams there are 2 bb's trapped and they don't move at all no matter how many times I fire I might just grab a new maple leaf barrel but the 290mm is out of stock everywhere so may have to grab the 310mm and have an extra 16mm sticking out
    1 point
  36. Let's wait for the realisation to sink in that you're posting that on a forum for adults who dress up in costumes and play with toy guns.
    1 point
  37. Rogerborg

    New Game Scenarios

    Hmm, thinking about it, position should be reasonable, but orientation would be the problem. GPS sampling rate and accuracy is too slow and low to be useful for determining small motions, let alone orientation, so you'd be adding an inertial measurement unit as well, then you've got the problem of initialisation and calibration. A simple device gets complicated pretty quickly.
    1 point
  38. Yes, yes you did I guess I'll say in Titan's defence that the jury's still out. It may have been my fault I've managed to break them, but I won't be buying another (just in case) I'm trying to retrain my brain to consider batteries as 'consumables' rather than some monolithically expensive bits of kit, that they were when I first played airsoft. If I kill a £10 battery (as long as it doesn't set fire to my house) it's not really an issue. Killing a £40 Titan will still sting a bit (though their customer service on the first failure was excellent, had a new one couriered to me in days), but I will miss the idiot-proofing* and the huge mAH rating I've already put my order in for the cheapo Perun but those Gate Nano Hard is especially tempting. I may change my order as I don't think it's been dispatched yet. The Merf does indeed also tempt, but I hadn't asked this previously - how well do the burst fire modes work on the two-stage semi/semi semi/auto trigger system in an F2000? Does that break the functionality? * Idiot-wiring not included in idiot-proofing
    1 point
  39. A newsletter would be pointless too as there wouldn't be enough "news" to fill an A4 sheet of paper, even if it was published quarterly. Also any news would be old news by the time you publish as your target audience will have already seen said news on social media or forums such as here
    1 point
  40. Patience’s I think and go the hire route until we can obtain UKARA. thanks guys
    1 point
  41. Haha nice adaptation.👍
    1 point
  42. Kortx

    TM AM.45 Vorpal Bunny

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    I'm sure most of you know what these are as they are quite a memorable pistol, these where released by Tokyo Marui at the start of last year as a limited edition pistol. These pistols are based for the ones used by the main character Len in the SAO alternative Gun Gale Online Manga. The pistol its self is a Detonix 45. so can take any TM spec 1911 magazines, I even use the 40rd extended mags in the pistols I use. As for this pistol it has been out of the box once and had a magazine fired through it a couple of targets so is still basically new, as you can see from the photos this comes with its original box in a undamaged condition. If you would like I also have 3 extra mags that I don't use that much which you could have for £20 each. The reason for me selling this one is due to me needing the money for other hobbies. looking to get £320 for it however I am open to sensible offers.


    - GB

    1 point
  43. It's not just the tools, it's the whole system. I picked up a load of ex MOD gear a few years ago dirt cheap, Among it was a lovely roll of the really thick masking grade 3m kapton tape, and a few full rolls of Omega 63/37 with fast flow flux 2% flux. It blew my mind just how much better these products were than the standard store bought products. That solder is £40-60 for 500g's compared to £20 for some cheap lead free stuff from amazon. But holy shit it's a night and day difference. Equally flux. You can't solder without it. Well you can but it looks like shit - See above. A couple of cheap rosin blocks is a couple of £. A few dropper bottles (ask anyone you know who vapes), and some Isopropanol alcohol. Fill the bottles about 50% with IPA then break up one of the rosin pucks and put different amounts in the bottles... Will give you some really good flux for very cheap, and different grades for different work... Thin and low content for clean work, High content thicker for dirty work and wires. Ebay Colophony flux and you should see the little tins, It's a brittle tree sap. You can also just dip the tip in it. Smells divine.
    1 point
  44. Tommikka

    Health and fitness...

    I know how you feel when Velcro is bad. Either that it’s badly designed with the Velcro going over the top or bottom edge, or that it pinches in the space behind the knee - when that happens I’m just not going to wear the pads at all Ignoring the specifics of the pictures that I’ve just randomly picked from the internet for their look, these are a couple of styles I’ve used: Hinged - these I only use when I have to be serious, and my knee is threatening to pop out, or I’ve had one of the occasions where I’ve turned around but my foot has decided to stay facing forwards. The brace hinge locks the knee together and my leg knows it’s under scrutiny (There have been occasions where I’d be sat with my trousers around my ankles to ease the brace off for a break !) Less severe - elasticated support Something stretchy and supporting, no Velcro etc, just an elasticated sleeve giving support. These are much easier to wear for a whole day I have a few ‘proper’ paintball knee pads, depending on the pair they give the support of an elasticated pad plus some padding for kneeling (I’m not going to be spotted diving and sliding, but could be crawling)
    1 point
  45. Druid799

    Gun picture thread

    “Do you even Airsoft Bro ?” “I JUST KNOW IT WOULDN’T GET USED” ????? it’s Airsoft what difference will that make ? It’ll be cooler than a penguins dangly bits , of course you MUST HAVE THE PRECIOUS ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    1 point
  46. Welcome back! I've done similar to you, returning after a long hiatus. The obsession bug has bitten deep on me too, I've always researched deeply on any purchases I've made, and with Airsoft the amount of stuff to look at is HUGE so it's almost never ending 🤗 (Except I actually have reached the point of owning so much stuff that I've got nothing left to get, I'm now buying better versions of stuff I've already bought. This makes me sad 😑) One piece of advice I think everyone will give you... Don't buy two tone. It'll be a PITA to repaint, better off getting a UKARA or joining a site with a shop that'll sell you a black gun when they know you're serious. Quite a few of us have Double Eagle M4s, they're reasonably priced and seem to be reliable, though may need a spring upgrade early in their life. Luckily that's easy. I love mine. Plenty of threads on here about them. CO2 pistols can run too 'hot' so some sites don't like them. Check before buying one. Your alternative is to buy a Tokyo Marui pistol that will run well in the cold weather, and be rather accurate too.
    1 point
  47. snuff

    Health and fitness...

    Just in case anyone is interested or still reading..I tried some alternative knee supports with metal "hinges",God they were uncomfortable and the velcro was irritating.So I played yesterday and I slowed down a tad,today recovery seems better,then as agreed it's all about management because they are never going to get better.Thanks for all the advice.
    1 point
  48. Paint pen wooo! And suppressor at long last, got some cool mods lined up for it 😁
    1 point
  49. GothicGhost

    What have you made?

    Finished my covers for the MTW, not great but I am still new using a sewing machine lol.
    1 point
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