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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/20 in all areas

  1. Cromulon1994

    Gun picture thread

    A JAC AR18 A JAC Hi power mk3.
    3 points
  2. My day went well! First time out since, well too long. Ended up having a semi reunion shooting day, went to Ambush Activities, great site (with a fuller review to follow in correct section), lots of Combat South regs (which mostly ended up on the same team....). I got hit checked by a marshal, as it turns out many did. The reason for this is clear, reds claimed we were not taking hits. 80% of blue were hit checked, turns out they were flat out being out shot and didnt get that they needed to be closer.... Fun was had by all (most). That Titan battery (brick) is a work horse. I am partial to using the fun button, suppressing fire and all that. Did the whole day with no sweat and still has more than 60% charge! Worth the money. Edit: They get more points for having a marshal run around and taking pictures so I now have two in my gear!
    3 points
  3. Eye pro redone, much happier with it this time. More comfortable and overall a better blend with everything else. Definitely feels like a lesson in less is more sometimes. Hoping to get some quick field tests in at the weekend, and perhaps a maiden voyage for the finished suit and SRS as it is now on the 31st depending on how things are with various restrictions and how comfortable I feel with the whole situation.
    2 points
  4. So I found this telegram group. People are buying/selling airsoft kit. There's enough material to post once per hour on Macks for the next 15 years! I've put a few items in there too (at reasonable prices, 65% of rrp yallayalla), I'm getting some dumb offers, didn't know I had "charity" next to my name.
    2 points
  5. honestly so many still don't. you'll get places will kick you off for being 1fps over with the hop turned off but don't bother chrono'ing pistols or care about joule creep. end of the day what matters is that the rounds your sending downrange in-game are within the specified energy limit.
    2 points
  6. No, they had no idea there were 8mm bbs and were adamant I am wrong. Tempted to just take it and see what they say in person, but would be nice to know beforehand. And it's gas, low power stuff though.
    2 points
  7. all you need is the weight of ammo. the diameter is irrelevant for muzzle energy calculations, indeed it only comes into play if you're trying to work out things like drag/magnus lift but that's well beyond the scope of what a site needs to do. it isn't all that hard to take X energy and print out a strip for all the common bb weights showing the appropriate fps, sites are just too wedded to the whole chrono'ing on .2's thing.
    2 points
  8. I had an amazing day today. Found out that my first ghillie suit DEFINITELY works. Not only did I have multiple instances of people looking directly at me and not seeing me, but I also had around 15 - 20 mins in a rolling assault where they had cleared my team out and were swarming all around me to keep engaging with my team who were moving back. Their respawn was literally 3m in front of me for about 5 of those minutes and nobody saw me. I was so worried someone was going to either see my boots or step on/trip over me as they came REALLY close. Waited until their respawn moved a bit further past me down the path, repositioned and started plinking people with my VSR, much to their confusion. Was a fantastic day. Easily one of my top 3 moments in this hobby over the last 15 years. The adrenaline was insane and my heart was pounding the whole time xD
    2 points
  9. Uncle Pauly

    THE TM MWS thread

    ^ Sorted. That’s good to know. Cheers! 🍺
    1 point
  10. RMDavis

    THE TM MWS thread

    I fitted one of these bud. http://www.wiitech.com.hk/product-detail.shtml?product_id=479&path=57_145 It's a clone of the Magpul design and I can confirm it was a direct fit with no other work needed. 👍
    1 point
  11. In theory yes, additionally it'll lose energy slightly faster than an equivalent 6mm projectile so at the same range it'll also have less energy to be transferring over that larger area. Of course if its sub 1j at the muzzle then frankly such an argument is pointless anyway because it aint gonna be layin down that much hurt even point blank.
    1 point
  12. That's a shame. I wonder what they'd say though if one of the marshals or owner's mates turned up with one. Might be fun to take it along just to show them. I'd offer to be shot with it. Likewise with Chinesium lasers or anything else that you want to claim / show is safe: crash test that stuff yourself.
    1 point
  13. Skara

    The AAP-01 Owners Thread.

    YO! Skirmshop (NL) got the stocks in stock Just grabbed one along with the two rail sets (the one that replaces the rear sight and the longer top/bottom ones). I now just need a 2nd gun
    1 point
  14. I remember batting someone in the forehead with my little marushin cop years ago and he went of complaining to the Marshall. Was only about 250ish on 0.2g . I tend to just use my 8mm they're only little anyway.
    1 point
  15. Propane rather than CO2? Do they even chrono those? Might have been better not asking. I mean, what are the chance of you being spotted using it by someone who knows that it's not 6mm, and cares? And what would the consequences be if it's under the Joule limit? The legal definition of airsoft guns goes up to 8mm. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2017/3/part/6/crossheading/firearms/enacted The only practical consideration I can think of is old, brittle ammo shattering.
    1 point
  16. What has the expense of my gear got to do with anything at all? Best not to make weird passive-aggressive little statements then say 'each to their own' it's rather contradictory. The fact you didn't read the post I made inbetween my previous 2 and made an incorrect assumption on my knowledge as a result is entirely your own fault, no need to get miffed at me about it.
    1 point
  17. You're right, it doesn't. In future, if any business tries this with you point out that the delivery contract is between the seller and the courier; it's their responsibility to ensure it arrives not yours.
    1 point
  18. Davegolf

    THE TM MWS thread

    I have fitted a Polymer MOE one, it did need a little tuning, but fits.
    1 point
  19. No and I don't but I can blame them for giving 0 Fs and not trying to remedy the situation.
    1 point
  20. BigAl

    Gun picture thread

    Yeah no shit, kind of ironic stance for someone who collects tons or mega expensive tacticool kit to then actually out of choice choose an inferior stabilisation device designed to get a round a daft US law. Braces would not exist in the current form or be even vaguely popular if it wasn't fir the whole Pistol / SBR nonsense. Still as I said its airsoft, when has sense ever applied and each to there own anyway.
    1 point
  21. Just bought a boneyard taran tactical high cappa. Looks pretty much new apart from a broken hammer. I have stacks of 1911 hammers laying around so it should be an easy fix.
    1 point
  22. Wow, that came fast! Ordered at 4am ish on Thursday and arrived dinner time Saturday! Worth getting woken up early after a night shift for!
    1 point
  23. HuttArmouries

    Gun picture thread

    My far eastern collection is growing.
    1 point
  24. He seems ok, just out of shape compared to how he was, he's got to the point he's stable enough to not have blood tests so medication is only £160 a month now...
    1 point
  25. JSwan

    Gun picture thread

    After seeing the paracord addition to an MFT stock on the forum I thought I’d give it a go for my TM MWS, turned out well so I made a paracord sling for it too
    1 point
  26. B.S

    Gun picture thread

    M1928, Sten MkV & Webley. K98k. I've got a few more of these little staged photos, but two's probably enough for one post.
    1 point
  27. Well, I sold it. The hobby got a little out of hand and me and a mate set up Raresoft very recently so I stuck it on the page. It lasted a couple of minutes before being snapped up. A bit gutted it's gone now.
    0 points
  28. Well, despite a wonderful day out yesterday, and finally proof that the gum really does work 👍, turns out the trigger group on my l86 broke ☹️ . The part that hold the trigger return spring in place has twisted, somehow, so it get stuck shooting. Such a small part but it will likely require a full trigger group replacement for about £40. Pretty sure I'm out of warranty since it's been a year since I got it. I'll have a word with ICS. Bleh. At least it was last game, so my mate using this didn't lose much playtime.
    0 points
  29. Had a reply from Jamie at F&O "We do not support their use"
    0 points
  30. If it's a bunch of VFC MCX's hankering for high torque, low ratio gears, count me out!
    0 points
  31. It's a bunch of cursed RIFs from Luke's backlog dangling from the ceiling isn't it? Terrifying.
    0 points
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