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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/15 in all areas

  1. So wanted to post a quick slow motion video of the new JD airsoft Mag-Flash primer. Jesus this is loud and blinding, awesome primer. burnt the blanket it landed on haha. Video deleted as file got corrupted.
    3 points
  2. This is always a two way argument. Yes there are people out there who only add a few parts and call it custom, then try to sell it at a high price. But I have also seen people that have really spent a lot of time and money building absolute beast's, yet get lowballed by people that either don't have a clue what they are buying or want to buy gold with buttons. For example; there was a guy last year on another forum selling an Inokatsu STEEL M240B for £900, which is a bargain when it cost £1600 New and was unskirmished. Yet two lads made a thread about what a rip off this guy was, and that it was overpriced and that you can get the same thing for $300 from the abroad. Well most people know a $300 echo1 to a full steel Inokatsu is a big difference. But my point is; where is the line drawn between an over priced gun, or someone just wanting something for nothing? At the end of the day, as everyone else has said, if your not happy paying that price, give a offer, if not accepted, walk away. It's no biggy is it?
    3 points
  3. beastmode

    Not taking hits?

    I've started to make a consertive effort now to not shoot people in the chest/plate carrier as so many people don't feel it. I now shoot people in the legs so they actually feel the hit and usually take it. Frustrating as it's a smaller target but needs must.
    3 points
  4. I would just like to point out that I have never met ImTriggerHappy, have no idea who he is and would actively like to disassociate myself from anything he says. #justsayinglike.
    3 points
  5. Fair play. Seems there really is one born every minute :-)
    2 points
  6. If youre 28, my advice is not to rush into anything. Do three games, get your UKARA defence sorted so you dont need a two tone and by then you will know more about what you want. Theres no point saying you dont want a toy gun if you are going to run round with a bright coloured one.
    2 points
  7. Buy some thread lock. Probably just the screw come loose and undid itself.
    2 points
  8. Monty

    Buying a L96

    I consider gas snipers to be dangerous, as the FPS from cheaper rifles is unpredictable. Spring is better overall. However, if this is your first gun, save the hassle and go for an AEG.
    2 points
  9. two_zero


    and you :o XD Sure thing. Can't cover your back fully in this country^^ "Actually, we thing your intention for carrying that RIF is to hit someone over the head with it...... OFFENSIVE WEAPON HURR DURR!!!!" This. In reality thou, I can't see that airsoft would be legal in England for all future, it's just too fragile the way it is now.
    2 points
  10. bought a fair bit to get going with, few bits of camo, eye protection, a G36 and mags.. and this for 17.50 which is pretty good seeing as its nearly new
    2 points
  11. Its not a training wheel, its just a really well made gun that performs really good, that is cheap and will last for ages without breaking. When you more experianced you can upgrade it to perform even better If it bothers you, you can always get loads of external stuff eg Sight, Grip suppressor etc to make it stand out Overall its a great gun
    2 points
  12. No dont say that word they have computers that detect it. They will be monitoring us now. You've DOOMED US remember everybody its Josh's fault I didnt have a heart attack or just fall down a hole its all a conspiracy. Got to go kiss my kids goodbye its only a matter of time till they come for me now.
    2 points
  13. You shouldn't have said that, the Illuminati will read it and "eliminate" you.
    2 points
  14. You never know they have been experimenting on soldiers for years, look at gulf war syndrome. Might have been contaminated by chemicals or some sort of drug you could get some trousers and end up growing a third testicle. Dont get anything American for god sake it could be from area 51 and be carrying a deadly alien pathogen or a little bug that could burrow into your brain and take control of you. Got to go and put my anti esp tinfoil hat on now think the feds are monitoring me again. 😒👽
    2 points
  15. dont be silly, its fine
    2 points
  16. can't go wrong with an issued UBACS, cheap as chips too.
    2 points
  17. The biggest reason for non hit taking is the amount of gear people wear. Some people have so much kit and protection on they just dont feel it. I am sure there must have been times when someone has hit my mag pouches and I havent felt it but others take it to the extreme with thick plate carriers and even backpacks and dont get me started on the hard shell crowd. If people would just thin down their gear it wouldnt be such an issue.
    2 points
  18. Hi mate i am guessing this is for your SCAR-L? I did some tech work on my mates WE SCAR and found the out of box performance a bit pants (around 280 FPS). Yes i would say the spring also feels weaker than a M100 spring, it was one of the first things i changed in his gun when i upgraded it. As for the piston what i will add is that the WE AEG gearboxes are very sensitive when it comes to the length of the piston, I replaced the original piston with the Mad Bull Alien Green one and could not for the life of me figure out why the gearbox kept locking up on full auto. It wasn't till i measured (with a digital micrometer) the Mad Bull one with the original one that i noticed the Mad Bull one was about half a millimeter longer, when i installed another piston about the same length as the original it worked fine. But yeah, clean the screw and screw hole, add loctite, put it back together, let glue dry and test fire a few shots.
    1 point
  19. No problem with you, I just hate bullshitters and people who overcharge for second/third hand goods
    1 point
  20. It seems your doing a good job of that yourself. The original listing where you bought it says £165 ALL IN, all in includes the shipping price
    1 point
  21. a 7.4V LiPo ALWAYS has 2 cells an 11.1 ALWAYS has 3 cells a 14.8V ALWAYS has 4 cells Those are about as good as you'll get for the money, the next charger up tend to be 3 times the price for a smart charger like the Acucell 6
    1 point
  22. Which I'm sure he'll realise when it doesn't sell....
    1 point
  23. He actually said he paid £150 for it in an earlier post so its even worse. At the end of the day its an entry level gun with a couple of bolt on accessories, nothing special about it at all worth a about £100.What was the point in OP asking for an appraisal if he was going to ignore whats said?
    1 point
  24. Redline Firebase regulator 10lt 300 psi SCUBA cylinder [Happening intensifies]
    1 point
  25. Or just check for standards markings....
    1 point
  26. This stuff happens quite a bit to piston bearing heads as Lozart said used Loctite thread sealant/glue or drop the bearing...... some boxes like G&G's D-Boys have seen 5mm plastic spacers in there instead is lighter and tensions the spring a smidge a bit more like the bearings but less likely to come undone - it is something to do with bearing race 5mm thick by 20mm diameter or 10mm thick by 20mm diameter - but only for use on short stroked pistons (as spring may hit its compression limit on full stroke setups) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10-Pack-M6-6-3-mm-Inside-D-Nylon-Plastic-Spacers-Various-Sizes-and-Lengths-/231063250182?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&var=&hash=item35cc716506 these have a M6 hole in them and need to be widened a little to accept the bolt/bearing sleeve but that is what the CM16's have in them and found same setup in the dboys 416 even though it was said to have bearing piston head I actually now go without bearings on piston to save weight and as long as a bearing spring guide is fitted the spring can still untwist It happened to me also once even though I tightened it like f*ck and happen also on a gun I bought s/hand Threadlock MUST be used on piston bearing heads or imho it will happen - not if - it will happen at some point blue is medium strength and should be ok red is high strength and may be a lot harder to undo - heck might need cutting piston head off if piston strips at some point pretty sure the bolt in there is M3 thread but unsure of exact length - could be about 12mm-ish but best measure to be sure if you need to get a replacement one M3's are used in most instances for gearbox case bolts, pistol grips on v2 boxes, motor frame/cages on v3's & piston heads bolts if not self tapping ones etc....
    1 point
  27. Hey thanks Funny you mention that, I was watching a review of the holo sight on YouTube after I bought it and it was mentioned you can buy a cover, so bought that today too!
    1 point
  28. Anything currently issued probably will be fine. The ESS, Revision etc stuff is all stanag rated and as such is way higher spec then EN166.
    1 point
  29. SeniorSpaz87

    Gun picture thread

    I'm getting the same slide; looks great
    1 point
  30. Screw looks a bit bent.
    1 point
  31. Baz JJ

    Advice on guns please

    My son bought one because he was on a budget and I thought oh-oh plastic version of a metal M4, but actually I was quite surprised at the quality and had to tap the upper receiver to confirm it wasnt metal. Personally, I like metal rifles to be metal and correspond in heft and I have the Top Tech version but its a price/budget compromise. I also find the version he has is a bit short for me - it doesnt quite sit right in my long reach, which is why I would advocate trying one in person. In my still limited experience of toy guns, I find that many people who go in to a retailer to buy one rifle end up coming out with something else in the black plastic wrap.
    1 point
  32. proffrink


    Is the 7 day refund period from the purchase or delivery? Perhaps needs clarifying on the 'contact us' page.
    1 point
  33. proffrink

    Buying a L96

    The usual disclaimer: If this is your first gun and its for skirmishes then don't get a sniper rifle. You need to dump a significant amount of money into upgrades (£250-450) to make it competitive - otherwise you're just going to be outclassed in every engagement. With that said and done: Depends on the brand, but probably the springer - gas is inconsistent and you need to be spending more than £141 to get a reliable setup - I'd imagine it's running green gas, and cooldown and the general weather effect performance massively. Consistency of shot is the number one thing you need with sniper rifles, and should be at the forefront of your purchase. From personal experience, if you're looking for an L96 then most of the clones are fine. The Mauser is actually alright, but massively overpriced being a rebranded Cybergun. Well is probably the brand you're looking at right now, and they perform alright out of the box. I would recommend finding one without a scope and then buying your own (around about £40-80), but obviously airsoft is all about how much you're happy to spend. One thing is for sure though: Don't go for a cheap gas sniper rifle. The consistency will be naff and the magazines will probably end up leaking after just a short while. There's also the consideration of spending more money on a decent green gas. Although this cost is negligible (around £8-16 per can), it is something you may wish to bring into consideration. Could you provide some links to what you're looking at?
    1 point
  34. sundown

    Advice on guns please

    I have the G&G GC16 at the moment and it's been fantastic, no issues at all since purchase. As Majormanni says, you can buy extras to make it stand out / improve it - I have a holo sight and flashlight/red dot on order at the moment
    1 point
  35. Qlimax

    Gun picture thread

    finished. the last bit i was waiting on the trigger. installed without having to strip the lower down as well ;o).
    1 point
  36. What the hell's been going on?? lol.. Mate, the TM is by far a better option than most clones FACT! I've now worked on several JG Bar 10's etc mainly because I have friends that have used my Gspec and want the same result but without paying out. There's tiny differences which can all be rectified but the TM is by far the easiest to work on! HOWEVER.... The Bar 10 is cheaper and by the end of the upgrade process you won't see any difference between the two guns. For 450 fps you'll get away with a spring/guide/sear upgrade and using the TM hop which is a very nice bit of kit you just need to swap the arm for a type B to lift heavier weight BB's (Or try the biro hop mod on the original arm). That'll give you a perfect working gun. (Also worth PTFE taping the hop rubber and cylinder head). The ONLY issue that puts people off is that the newer Gspecs come stock with a crimped cylinder which cannot be opened to remove the spring and there's no external giveaway that you're getting the old or the new! Easiest option is to put a new cylinder & head in BUT then you fall into the problem of needing a 90 degree trigger. This is where ASPUK came in handy as they're so much cheaper than Laylax. It's going to come down to how much you want to spend? Way I see it is that if you spend the money now you won't need to spend it later! You can swap springs out between games to achieve different power outputs. ALSO..... Don't waste your time with TBB! use .43's and you'll be hitting most things at 80+ meters anyway. The standard Gspec barrel is perfect, I thought of putting a longer barrel in but it's more to do with joule creep than accuracy.
    1 point
  37. but its TM, so use able out of the box... and that hop .... i hear they soak it in the blood of rocking horses or maybe sprinkle unicorn horn on it either way its good
    1 point
  38. Hi. Please, please, please get the jg. The TM version is I waste of money! Period! The only part which is better are the sling mounts. They are very cheap if you are desperate. Is difficult to quickly explain here as there is a ton of information on why, but I suggest you google the airsoft sniper forum and read the stickies on there before you dive in. There is tons of very scientific reasoning behind what mods etc to do and what not to do (I.e. don't get a 6.01 barrel) I know my way around the vsr platforms pretty well after years of stripping it down and fettling it so feel free to pm me if you need a hand Bullet
    1 point
  39. proffrink


    tl;dr - not all defences are UKARA, but UKARA is a valid defence. UKARA was a reaction to the VCRA changes in 2007 that added legislature regarding realistic imitation firearms (basically anything that looks like a real gun). In short, it meant you needed a 'defence' (a valid reason) to buy one. A defence could be many things: An airsoft site membership, producing films or plays, reenactments etc. - anything that you could use to prove that you had purchased an RIF (mentioned earlier) for reasons other than to hold up a post office. This is a very grey area though, so the United Kingdom Airsoft Retailers Association (UKARA) database was created as a way of unifying airsoft site memberships so that a retailer (particularly online ones) could look up players without having to make numerous phone calls to site owners. Bear in mind that an important stipulation of the VCRA amendment was that is was the seller who was liable for finding out if the buyer had a valid defence - retailers were afraid at the time of being shut down (or worse) for not doing their due diligence. UKARA made it much quicker for retailers to sell their items to people that they had some knowledge of being genuine players, reenactors or media producers. 7 years on and not a single airsoft player has ever been prosecuted (nor retailer, to my knowledge) for owning an RIF. Edit: Just in case you're not aware, when people say 'UKARA', they basically mean the UKARA database of players and the sites they're registered at. Basically every skirmish site can approve a form for you granted that you attend twice over a period of less than 3 months. Any retailer that's a member of UKARA will then add your name to a database (along with the address you've provided) and give you a number that you can use for purchases. Many make the mistake of thinking UKARA is a license to own an RIF - it isn't. It's just a valid defence and there are many others out there. In fact if you have receipts for frequently attending a site then there's no reason that this couldn't be accepted as a valid defence too, but most retailers (online ones in particular) won't accept this as it's a lot of effort to verify and not worth it when they're liable for the sale of that gun. If you rob a shop with it and it's traced back to them then questions will be asked about what steps they took to make sure that you had a legitimate (and legal) reason to own one.
    1 point
  40. Monty


    Ukara is the defence
    1 point
  41. Got myself a TM MP5 for £30 from A2 supplies at the Mall when I was there on the 28th. It had no motor, selector switch, or magazines. Had a spare motor at home, and mags/switch is costing me £30 all in from Hong Kong. Not to shabby imo.
    1 point
  42. Baz JJ

    Advice on guns please

    New combat machine. There is a lot of secondhand crap out there and if you dont know the history and you buy online, youre likely to end up with a dog, unless you know how to fix all the problems.
    1 point
  43. Deek

    Starting a company

    But that doesn't automatically exempt the site operators from any sort of liability. For instance; the site (probably) won't be liable for a player sustaining an injury from a bb, but they will be liable for a play sustaining an injury from say part of the safe zone collapsing or a player sustains an injury from unsafe structures. Yes, there are risks in this sport, but there are risks in other sports and organisers will have to have public liability insurance. A quick Google search for 'paintball public liability insurance' brings up lots of insurers that are willing to offer public liability for paintball as well as airsoft. I think site operators might be getting confused with the classification as a 'extreme' sport. Lots of personal injury insurances don't cover in the even of an injury sustained during an extreme sport, but companies do offer personal injury insurance for such occasions. This does not mean that a site operator doesn't need public liability insurance as a minimum (as there are lots of other insurance products that a site may need).
    1 point
  44. This is the ALICE frame This is an original Lightweight Rucksack frame and this is my version
    1 point
  45. The ALICE frame is just the wrong era. This thing looks almost identical to the period lightweight ruck
    1 point
  46. Arden

    National airsoft event

    im going with quite a few others from the Gaol, i think theres about 8 of us going if not more.
    1 point
  47. Colonel Kurtz

    Not taking hits?

    I think gear doesn't make a big diff if it's static woodland play with people mostly hiding behind trees. You have the space, lack of distraction and movement to ensure you're aware you've been hit and then it's a conscious choice. Any keen snipers out there will probably beg to differ, and fully appreciate that if people aren't aware they're under attack from a direction then clothing can be a huge hindrance to them feeling a hit. However CQB at places like The Mall, there's far too much noise, chaos and far too much running around. Often have issues with people in all the gear not feeling hits. It happens when they're stood still, but that's mostly due to me shooting them on the edges of their person due to them being to big in said outfit to fully fit/hide behind things, or me shooting them from a direction they're not paying attention to, and it hitting any part of the clothing/kit too thick to instantly feel pain from, then it takes several hits to get their attention. The main time people in lots of gear seem to universally not feel hits is when they're running/jogging, the whole setup is bashing against them and making so much noise/friction against the skin they can't tell if a 6mm plastic ball hit them or not unless you hit them many times or get a lucky shot in an Achilles heal of the outfit. I think for anyone it can be hard to feel a hit when you're running, it's just having a thick pile of clothing on definitely significantly reduces your odds of an already tough thing to notice. The only solution i found to this is overkill, anyone running gets a total peppering until they stop and raise their hand, you can tell when someone has felt the hit and is in the process of doing so, so i try not to be too brutal. This is when I mainly get the added ROF use out of my high-cycle TM's, spraying people dashing between doorways. I don't think I've seen a single person in full combat gear take the hit based on the first BB that hit them while they're jogging/running, it takes the noise or pain from a burst of full-auto. I don't want to have to waste time firing half a dozen shots at someone for them to feel it, in all the common scenarios mentioned above, this extra time spent shooting them more than once is usually what results in me being shot, either by their immediate team-mates or by someone in another group who's attention i just gained. What really fucks me off is when i've snuck into a room with a bunch of guys, then i only have time to give them one or two shots each before they can turn and fire back. Every single damn time one of them wont feel it because I've hit their PC or similar, and will shoot back at me as they only heard the noise of me firing. Then i have to take the hit and my act of sneaky awesomeness denied, because trying to argue 'no you were already hit' is generally pointless. Sometimes if I'm trying to rush through somewhere I don't take the hit due to them already being hit, but then I'm left feeling dirty like i cheated from their repeated glances to see if i was taking the hit or not... I don't think there's anything to be done about it, shouldn't ban plate carriers and the like or anything, everyone needs to carry their mags around somehow. Just wish people were more self-aware and if they have enough experiences of not noticing they were hit then that they were prepared to look for lighter alternatives like a belt and only carrying enough kit to last one game rather than a nuclear apocalypse
    1 point
  48. That's the important bit here. Lots of people have bought their kit in the UK and want a fair price compared to what THEY paid. Telling them that you could get the same thing for a fraction from Hong Kong just causes bad feeling in my opinion.
    1 point
  49. Samurai

    Not taking hits?

    That's no excuse. If you can't feel it, you still can hear it.
    1 point
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