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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/08/14 in all areas

  1. Im ex military, did 22 years with one of the finest infantry Regiments in the world. I just love sitting back and watching everyone having a bloody good time! Its always suprising to see how much tactical awareness people have. Do your own thing, enjoy life to the full. Nilus Illigitimus Carberandum (Dont let the bastards grind you down!). FIX BAYONETS AND CHARGE!!!.......then re-spawn. Then learn from it and do it all over again and again and again!!
    6 points
  2. won the sports lottery (no joke, first person I've ever heard of getting a penny back from them, £1800!)
    5 points
  3. if by that you mean "can I give my mum £100 and ask her to buy me a 2-tone" then yes, that's completely legal.
    4 points
  4. Your bank manager must think you're single handedly winning the war on terror!
    4 points
  5. You're never going to see where you're going with that big black thing over your face.
    4 points
  6. I do it because it's fun and I'm "the fat kid who gets picked last for the whatever sport we're doing" at school so it's nice to be ok at something.
    4 points
  7. Anyone can take them apart - that's the easy bit. Getting them back together in a condition where they still work is the difficult bit!
    4 points
  8. Airsoft_Mr B

    need help choosing

    Everyone will recommend the G&G Combat Machine M4s / G&G MP5A4. You could buy a transparent G&G CM16 (VCRA-compliant, so no defence needed) from Pro Airsoft Supplies (excellent retailer) for £100, or if you have a defence then Zero One Airsoft sell them too. ICS Sportline guns are similar to them and around the same price I believe. You will however need to buy a battery and charger too (there should already be a lot of threads on this so you don't need to start a new topic, but Component Shop are a great site to take a look at) If you can though since you are new to airsoft I would say try to go to a local shop if you can and get a feel for different guns. There might be a particular firearm you like the look of but you might not actually like the feel of it if you haven't handled one before. Hope this helps, and welcome to the forum.
    4 points
  9. get a real one, it's a real norinco receiver so it'll go on without any issue.
    3 points
  10. no. just no. pro airsoft supplies are the guys I'd recommend for a beginner, they do some really good starter packages.
    3 points
  11. "It's going well so far! It amazes me so simple a gun is made up!" The calm before the storm :-)
    3 points
  12. Also, and I cannot stress this enough - so I'll use bold, italics and underline to help me - ...oh and caps: DO NOT BUY SOMETHING SH!T BECAUSE YOU'RE IMPATIENT. Seriously... Whoops... Seriously, remove the notion from your mind that you need a gun. You don't. You need more money. Spending £80 on an airsoft gun is a bit like spending £80 on toilet paper, because it'll end up down the poo chute either way. Save up until you can get a Combat Machine, because anything cheaper than that, simply won't be skirmishable. If you spend under £80 on some horrible orange monstrosity from the likes of JBBG, people will see you at a game and think you are "that guy" they will know that you have ignored people's advice against your better judgement, and they will think you're a tit for it. You would literally be better off hiring a gun from the site than buying something like that.
    2 points
  13. Was going to reply to the PM but i'll put it here as i expect it will be everyones answer. Save a bit more money/birthday and get a G&G CM16 carbine starter kit, great gun, many people have them here so they should be able to help. I dont have a direct link to one but im sure someone does. Edit: http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/cm16_transparent_starter_pack.html
    2 points
  14. Ok, so I've only been into Airsoft for a couple of months, but am totally hooked, just picked this gun up today along with the scope & everything else (Mags / Batteries etc. etc.) Suffice to say, i've had a case of open wallet surgery today!!
    2 points
  15. jcheeseright


    it's not 100% DIY as I bought all the parts... but this afternoon with a bit of help from humbrol and my airbrush I turned this: into this: pretty pleased with it
    2 points
  16. F*ck you, the ground you walk on and especially the horse you rode in on.
    2 points
  17. Judging by your posts, avatar and PM's I think this is what you're after: ASG Sten Mk2, Belgian Denison smock, Denim battledress, P37 webbing and anklets... My Favourite though is my Aussie gear, similar but with this jacket and hat plus a gas mask bag, tan boots and using my SMLE OR The hat with green shirt, US HBT trousers, M1938 lace up gaiters, P37 webbing, SMLE or Sten for a late war jungle look.
    2 points
  18. Lozart

    Best gbbr?

    GHK M4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWTOzcNyO3U
    2 points
  19. You are 100% able to play airsoft, Some sites; specifically milsim sites sometimes won't allow younger players to play. Most if not all skirmish sites will. Me and Lord_Metile are both 14 and active members of the forums. There are most likely others but I don't know the age of 90% of other forum users. Welcome to the forums mate - As a younger player we welcome you!
    2 points
  20. TBOC accept airsoft as a reason for membership? Whaaaa'?! Brb, gettin' mah patch.
    2 points
  21. Though If you're really wanting a gas pistol, have a look at the ASG MK23, cheap, accurate and reliable. Though you'll be spending a lot on gas, magazines, holster ect.
    2 points
  22. As Monty says the only thing worth having in that budget is a double eagle tri-shot. Save up a bit more, you'll be much more satisfied.
    2 points
  23. Theres a fine line and that line moves around depending on whose drawing it. Some of the military guys get a bit uptight but who knows what theyve seen. Similarly some airsoft players seem to blur fact and. fiction and. take dressing up a little too seriously.
    2 points
  24. yer man you get muppets no matter where you go, only when airsofters take it to far and to seriously do i take issue with but i think everyone hates that. as a retired soldier, i found more nobs in the military then i have in the airsoft community.
    2 points
  25. Let me re-phrase my point in that case; No one has ever had a policeman walk into their house without there being a reason for it, see a gun, say, "SHOULD THAT BE BLUE?" for you to then stupidly say, "Erm, yeah" and which point he'll go, "YOU'RE NICKED SANSHOINE!" Doesn't happen.
    2 points
  26. As everyone else says, don't buy a gun for that price, you'll be pulling pieces off left right a center, for example, my Yika (Piece of crud, by the way), that I brought just because it was cheap as heck, fired nicely the first few shots, but hey, it was Chinese plastic and the piston broke, and for most 'cheap' weapons you're gonna get plastic internals and such, which may work for a while but will break in the long term, I have the luck of having a workshop where I can fabricate parts for my guns, most people don't, and you'll be paying a lot more money on repairs. My advice; don't buy a gun just yet, don't buy a gun because it's cool or anything, rent a gun while you save up for something, and do your research on said items, check reviews and such, make sure the parts are long lasting and the gun is reliable, because you're gonna have to keep that one 'till you get enough money together to get the gun and kit for what you really want, airsoft in this way is long term if you have no large income. Meanwhile I'm still gawking at guns I don't have the money for, I know your feel of not having a good gun of your own to skirmish with. And there ends my re-iteration of what everyone else has said.
    1 point
  27. There's a pretty gigantic market of replica air weapons as well, I used to have a Walther CP99 that fired 4.5mm lead pellets, but that was most definitely a RIF, it was as real looking as they come. But to buy that I just had to be over 18, because it's classed as an air weapon. Even though it looks equally as realistic as an airsoft gun, and even though the muzzle energy would've been close to 5 joules, if not more (not sure what air gun pellets weigh). There's an airgun version of the Dan Wesson revolvers too, they're just chambered for .177 copper BBs instead of 6mm plastic ones, that's the only difference. Yet for the 6mm one, you need UKARA, and for the more dangerous one, you don't. #BritishGunLawLogic! Edit: Kinda forgot my point... They were probably air guns and not airsoft ones.
    1 point
  28. Zero one is good because their two tone is not only free but crap quality meaning it wears off easier in a game or detttol when you have a defense.
    1 point
  29. One of my favourite loadouts is my 1968 period Vietnam loadout Although my favourite at the moment is my ghillie, with my A&K SVD Dragunov
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Actually in the thread in question, there are lots of ex service people who couldn't care less and have said so. Most said its just a game so no problem. Mostly its the minority that object. What is it they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?
    1 point
  32. Some good sites include: -ZeroOneAirsoft - They 2-tone for free -ProAirsoftSupplies - Good all round -Taiwangun - Polish company, but the things are cheap LandWarriorAirsoft - Have lots of brands you struggle to find in the UK -PatrolBase - Generally a nice website for gear, gun stock isn't as good -Any of the forums sponsors, all reputable. If none of them tickle your pickle, have a browse of the 'Places to buy' subforum, plenty of website reviews on there, take your pick! Also, Try your hardest not to buy from sites with 'BB' in their title, just trust me on this one
    1 point
  33. M_P


    In another thread you have previously said that you're anti ukara but ok.
    1 point
  34. Moose87

    Any Help??

    she lives!!!!!! i think the wiring was gone so wasnt putting enough power into the motor. all good now and shoots like a beast.
    1 point
  35. Well, any airsoft gun under £60 will be good for things other than skirmishing. Have a cheeky look at the Double Eagle tri shots, great fun and can stand its ground at a skirmish.
    1 point
  36. Battleaxe g36 to m4 magwell conversion thought id give it a go
    1 point
  37. Lozart

    The Mall 24th August

    Yeah, doors open around 8am. Guns need to be chrono'd by the start of the safety brief which they usually aim to be around 9/9:15. Brief takes about a day and a half (I jest it's about half an hour depending on how many dickheads keep talking and interrupting). Last game usually finishes around 4:30pm. They no longer provide lunch onsite due to insurance restrictions but Reading high street is literally just around the corner with McDonalds and Subway or newsagents for sandwiches etc. They do still provide free tea and coffe and sell some snacks, just no hot lunch.
    1 point
  38. nice kit, nothing about it particularly says SEAL to me though.
    1 point
  39. Don't usually do this sort of rubbish when a celebrity snuffs it, this time though, I feel it's truly deserved. Throughout my childhood, I can only really remember the odd bit, frankly my childhood was riddled with grief, loss and anger - and I'm not exaggerating, nor am I bitching because it made me who I am today (and I'm f**king proud of how I turned out). One of the things that sticks out clearest in my mind is that Robin Williams starred in a great many of the go-to films that were there for me when I was down. Throughout the rest of my life, his more 'educated' and 'adult' stuff has also been hugely important to me, because frankly, anyone can be in a film, but very few people can claim to have a true talent that runs down to their very foundations. I never met the man, I never spoke to him or had anything to do with him in his life as a 'real person' rather than as an image on a screen, but I'll be eternally grateful that when everything was going s**t for me, he made it a bit better through his work. One of the things that's really stood out to me, is that people are really upset about this, I've seen more of my friends on Facebook getting upset over this than at any other time and I think it speaks volumes to his worth, people at work are properly shocked by it too. I think it's really sad that a man who brought joy to a large percentage of the planet can die alone in some room because he thinks he's so worthless, and it's so bad he'd be better off dead and I think for that, society has a lot to answer for - in a world where paedophiles get it cushy in prison, or murderers are executed humanely and knowing their loved ones are watching them (and can take comfort that they're at least there for them) - it's very wrong that anyone who has spent their life making people happy can be allowed to despise themselves so much that suicide is a good idea. Anyone else feel as strongly about this as I do or am I just a tit? Either way, let's chat s**t about our favorite Robin Williams stuff?
    1 point
  40. Qlimax

    need help choosing

    Yeah don't buy from places like Onlybbguns or even worse JUSTBBGUNS. Use Zero one airsoft they have a lot of CM types
    1 point
  41. AK47frizzle

    random picture thread

    Baest gaem yeaht, n00bs gaet rekt buy da peppars 15/3 ~ IGN 100/69 ~ Metacritic Yeaaahhh Boiii/100 ~ Ainsley
    1 point
  42. Monty

    Site rule

    Regardless of how effective a live round is, this is airsoft, and the rule is ridiculous.
    1 point
  43. Monty

    random picture thread

    I got bored.
    1 point
  44. Usually disappointed because we spent more time in the safe zone between games, than playing airsoft... :/
    1 point
  45. Sitting Duck


    But if you did message them and BBGuns4Less have given that reply themselves then I think they have just seriously shot themselves in the foot - for real shame coz they recently got their UKARA status and was kind of trying to improve their range of stuff - if they have foolishly replied like that though to a customer then I think they may future customers may become a very rare thing now.... dunno how all the message stuff works hence me just seeking clarification or if others can see if it went to a forum section and others replied or if BBG4L really think this of their customers..... jeez
    1 point
  46. Knackered. Otherwise I wasn't doing it right! More recently my feet are particularly sore leading me to believe the search for decent boots will be continuing. It does usually leave me ready to just book another day straight off or buy yet more bits that I really, really need! But I ALWAYS take too much stuff with me - exhibit A Two multi gun bags (three rifles, pistol and grenade launcher), enormous bag of stuff and a coolbag full of water/monster/goodies. All for a day at the Malls.
    1 point
  47. Monty

    Getting an rif under 18

    I remember vaguely a member on here was told by someone on a skirmish day that they "had a Junior ukara" which we all knew was complete bollocks.
    1 point
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