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  1. couldn’t resist adding one of these to the GBBR collection
    5 points
  2. Heard on site: "Stop climbing that tree, you've been told." "It's OK, I'm a tree surgeon, I do this all week." "Well, it's Sunday, so down you come." Shouldn't have needed multiple warnings, of course.
    4 points
  3. Just stopping by to say hi after about 10 years out of the scene due to living abroad. I used to play back in the very early days and saw the hobby grow from just a handful of sites and clubs (I used to run one too), saw the introduction of the UKARA (hi John :D) and then had to hang up my boots after moving abroad. Looking forward to getting going again and finding some cool sites and people to play with. It seems the scene has grown massively since back then and shops and site have sprung up everywhere. Sad to see some old favourites gone now too though. I will probably be picking your brains on all the current brands and gear, and hopefully I'll see some of you around.
    3 points
  4. New gun day! TM AKX - a lot of fun 😎
    3 points
  5. It's good to see sites taking a hard line stance 🙄
    3 points
  6. So, imagine you're having a firefight with another player, 40-50 metres away, they have a a similar level of cover as you. They have effectively unlimited ammo from their 8 high cap magazines, you have 210 bbs before you are effectively are out of action. You're firing 3-4 single shot groups at them with a rifle that recoils....they are sending 20 bbs back in a single burst, every few seconds..... While the aeg user can fire continuously you have to stop every 35 bbs to change your mags, ensuring they're reindexed cause a dump pouch with that much weight will bounce around making movement hard. The noise from your rif is attracting the attention of other enemy players that are nearby, the noise of their aeg is barely detected by other players on your team. Everytime you change mags, you need to make sure you aren't double feeding, you need to ensure the bolt is forward....if the aeg player has to change mags, it's simple one out one in, very little to go wrong. Moving from position to position takes more effort from the weight of the mags (I'm comparing my mws to my recoils), crouching takes more effort etc. While your position is getting hammered with bbs, you're changing your mag, your admining your kit, you're keeping an eye out for other players you aren't focused on the guy shooting at you......all while you're his singular focus. Who is more likely to win that firefight? There's so much more to think about with a gbbr. I'm not knocking aeg users, I've had to sell my gbbr and only have aegs but it is like being on easy mode in comparison. It's such a different experience, but that's the great thing about the sport, we all play for our own reasons, some like to rack up kills, some like to snipe, some like the challenge of using a gbbr.
    3 points
  7. Rogerborg

    Mosfet confusion

    I'd say the exact opposite, for the very simple reason that if you're respecting your DMR MED then the extra few milliseconds are unlikely to matter, but if you're up close and personal, it can do. I love the handiness of my MP5K in CQB, but the trigger travel and semi-auto response left a lot to be desired.
    2 points
  8. Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. 😀 Middle of nowhere in Portugal. Sadly there were no clubs/teams within a reasonable driving distance. Haha not sure I can help with much. I used to tune and mod guns I guess so maybe there's some old man wisdom floating around from that, but mostly I'll be complaining about codsofters and the price of green fees these days. 😁
    2 points
  9. Welcome back 🖐 We may end up asking you questions 😄
    2 points
  10. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Hi all, got 4 tectonic Atom impact grenades to sell, in very good like new condition, I've only chucked one a couple of times so barely a mark. These come in a lovely tactical metallic gunmetal grey colour, complete with a molle holster, & hopefully about 56 snaps, assuming I can ship them via the courier. Price is all in via PayPal g&s, includes signed for delivery. Edit: 1 less snap, just used it on its own to get my son out of bed, works surprisingly well🤣


    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. I can't imagine that any insurance company would allow any climbing.
    2 points
  13. The only thing gbbrs have going for them is realism. Now that can be awesome ofcourse but realism brings difficulty, aiming, ammo capacity, weight and physics issues. Gbbrs aren't that real ofcourse but you can kind of get into it and pretend. Sadly for me they cost way too much and bring too much technical difficulty. Hpa, well that just ruins the immersion for me.
    1 point
  14. Well they hold up favourable against some of the human posts I see.
    1 point
  15. Nick G

    GBBR thoughts...

    The GBB M249 is probably lighter than an aeg version . It's all machined aluminium and certainly no heavier than my polymer one
    1 point
  16. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I ended a long term relationship today......I'm not too bothered,it wasn't mine.
    1 point
  17. DerDer

    LCT M60 Series.

    My hope would be that Bullgear might fill the void with a decent box mag insert. The make fittings for the LCT RPK, RPD and RPK 16 drum mags. They also make an M60 offering. Sadly imagine LCT will likely just recycle their old offerings. It has taken them an eternity to introduce mosfets and quick change gearboxes. So as you correctly point, it will probably be worse performing than a A&K. At about treble the cost. Still the E3 is sweet looking.
    1 point
  18. I have been playing 24 years other than single shot indoor CQB i do not use a GBBR as i have been completely out gunned in every outdoor game play every time I played with a GBBR ( I am 6,5 over weight and rapidly heading for my mid forties. I can't do sneaky). The only successful use of GBBR out doors i have seen is an HPA'd High cap adapted abomination. 1) at that stage whats the point and 2) each player running that set up were over spamming W*@kers. I now just stick to TM Recoil master race with mid caps.
    1 point
  19. if that's what top notch ai can bring to the table methinks humanity is safe for now......
    1 point
  20. I've seen a few recorded instances of a lens detaching from the frame, but not a failure of the polycarb itself. Anything close to 2mm should shrug off airsoft energies, I'd be interested in hearing the circumstances of an exception. Oh, agreed, I'd never play in shooting glasses, even with a retention strap. Full seal, all the way, find a way to deal with the fogging.
    1 point

    LCT M60 Series.

    The LCT box mags on the original is rather lacking. It's basically an M16 hicap with an electric winder. The gun is beautiful and perfect for living history groups or vehicle decoration. It shoots like any other AEG. The simple fact is the A&K will out shoot it and keep chugging along for thousands of rounds. The LCT needs more of a bust as the magazine can't really keep up. So will I be picking up an long E3? Probably yes because it will plug a historical gap and will look fantastic. Would I buy one as the best option for a support gun? Nope. Although I hate the fact the E3 is now considered a historical gun. Shit I'm getting old.
    1 point
  22. Nick G

    GBBR thoughts...

    I'm an avid GBBR user, took an aeg to the last game day as an extra back up as the weather was looking cold. Used the aeg for about half a game before I got bored of it and switched over to the L85 that ran faultlessly for the rest of the day Lol The MWS does seem to have a devoted following, and I'm sure it is an amazing platform, however most of mine are WE. I run an L119 A1 and an A2 , the L85 G36 and G3 all WE , The L85 was the first , an airsoft jumble purchase that I rebuilt, so when I started on the 119's it made sense to stick with WE for mag compataility. My take on the WE platforms is that the M4 platform is excellent, mine get a M/L rubber and Omega nub and one has a crazy jet barrel. They have proved to be completely reliable and have been my main go to guns for two or three years now. Setting the hop is a bit of a faff due to it's location, although my patented hop adjusting tool makes it easier, but once set, the hop is stable and rarely needs another tweak. I'm running .30's in all by GBBRs which are a good compromise, but they will easily lift heavier. As well as mine I have also built 2 other 119's for mates on WE base. The only failure across all of them is on one of those and is due to operator error, somw numpty charged it whilst on safe and caused some damage to the trigger box . In that case I dropped in an RA tec trigger box as I had one in my spares stash which I had never bothered to fit to mine. Spares if required are cheap and easy to get , other than an NPAS and the rubber / nub I wouldn't bother 'upgrading' anything untill something breaks. Lots of real steal parts fit straight on. The L85 is a little more tempremental, but the main issue of bolt damage has been cured in the later ones with a strengthening plate. Again , easy to strip and work on, same hop unit as the M4. Mine was running like a train last time out in single didget temperatures on red gas. The G36 is now mainly a loaner if anyone wants to tra GBBR, it needs a go through having been on loan for over a year, but it's a good platform, easy to work on , hop is easy to adjust. I dont run it 'cos the mags are a pain in the arse to fit in pouches. The G3 is a beast, it's the fully trade marked version, is running totally stock except for an NPAS and will easily over hop my standard .30's . Makes a very distinctive crack when firing, hop easy to adjust , always catches me out with the dead man's click on empty as I am so used to the 119's locking back ! My other two are the Umarex MP7 ( full size unlike the TM) totally stock and an absolute scream to use . Then there is the VFC M249, Oh My ! It's so much fun to use, I load my mags to 120 rounds , fill the gas tank in the box mag and just have a blast. The noise is incredible, one game I saw people from the other team stand up and run the other way when I opened up. One of them came and found me later and said ' that thing sounds terifying ' 🤣 A mate has the WE SCAR H and it is very nice, but we did end up using an after market hop unit to get it shooting consistantly. I never feel out gunned with any of them, they all have as much range as any other non dmr / sniper airsoft gun and accuracy on most is excellent. I've spent plenty of time dialing the sights I use on each and allow for recoil when I fire. The 249 has more of a shotgun effect, but I'm happy enough with that in a support weapon. Mags wise I generally carry 5 for the 119's , 85 and G3 plus a speed loader. I recon on 2.5 BB loads to a gas fill, so have about 300 rounds for a game. 4 mags for the MP7 but they are 40 rounds . Mags are in pouches on a plate carrier . I make sure to use the mag that has been closest to my body first from each pouch, moving the outer one in when I put the empty into the pouch. I tend to run hot when I excersise and find the mags are happy with this system. Sorry, long post, but hopefully helpful.
    1 point
  23. Maybe the sites in question are just hoping the daft twat falls out and breaks his neck
    1 point
  24. That's a shame😔, especially to have to come back to the "sunny" UK to get a game in 🥶
    1 point
  25. Welcome back mate, where abroad were you that you couldn't keep playing ?
    1 point
  26. Happy respawnday 🎁🥂🎂
    1 point
  27. Welcome to the respawn!
    1 point
  28. Hello and welcome back to the fold 👍 Enjoy your respawn 🙂 Regards
    1 point
  29. Spawn camping in a tree. It is worth noting that MAW have been asked alot recently if that was aloud.....their answer was 'its discouraged'.
    1 point
  30. Vfc gbbr’s are supposed to be really good, I haven’t owned one so cant give an opinion. if you want a cheap -stick your toe in GHK’s G5 is really good, and nice and lightweight with nice recoil it runs m4 mags, which are expensive to buy new, feedlips have a tendency to shit the bed (they crack) if hamfisted loading is carried out. DevilHunter makes cnc feedlips, expensive but will outlast you! Failing that, TM’s MP7 is also supposed to be superb just a couple of options over an MWS Or try something a bit more “out there” Ghk AUG, VFC FAL etc
    1 point
  31. Dan Robinson

    in a dilemma.

    Yeah, I showed both him and my nephew this essential instructional video years ago. Haven't quite worked out where SWMBO falls on the chart, but she's never been below a 6 six crazy.
    1 point
  32. The mags are generally limited to 35-44 bbs (the mags contain gas, which power the gun), the mags are much heavier, so it's harder to carry a bunch of mags, so generally you have 5-6 mags at most, so your total amount of loaded bbs is 210 vs someone with a 400 round hicap or dudes rocking 5-6 250 round "midcap" magazine and the guns are louder, so it's easier to pinpoint where the gas gun user is. In addition to that, the performance varies based on the temperature, it's kinda easy for mags to vent all the gas which generally happens at the worst time and any recoil (some aegs recoil) is generally stronger, so aiming is harder. Why do people use them is probably what you're wondering.......the shooting of them is more enjoyable, feels more realistic, the recoil is nice, the constant mag changes is more realistic, the maintenance can be enjoyable and the sweet feeling of hitting a high cap hero etc while on "hard mode" is something else. I may have of got fewer "kills", but the overall experience was richer for it.
    1 point
  33. EvilMonkee

    in a dilemma.

    All women are at least a minimum 4 crazy. Dan you need to introduce him to the Crazy/Hot Matrix...
    1 point
  34. Yeah goggles or a mask for me. Asking for trouble even with snug glasses if you don't know where the damage is coming from.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Sewdhull

    Mosfet confusion

    I'll let you know if it's a real thing or more a feel thing. Having the shot fire immediately would feel right and be faster than one not precocked, maybe I'll measure it. Hope the motor doesn't mind.
    1 point
  37. Airsoft is 10% tactics, 10% out ranging someone, and 80% drip. The TM Sig will be just fine for 99% of what most people will use it for.
    1 point
  38. Didn't have an airsoft day as such, but spent a solid 8 or 9 hours helping Carlos with the new CQB site. We were building a structure all day - well one side of it anyway - and forgot to stop for lunch. Good discussions and stories exchanged as well as talking about what types of games to play in the new place as well as a different kind of "warm up" game for the regular site. Poor chap has a lot of work ahead of him to be ready for the opening next year, so I hope the regulars of Special Ops appreciate the effort and money he's putting into it when it opens. He has a model of the final layout showing a good mix of buildings and open areas, so, even though I'm not a great CQB person, I think this will have something for everyone except Bush Wookies and DMRs. Looking forward to some pistol and shotgun games. Plus it's slightly nearer my gaff too.
    1 point
  39. Yeah I have two regulators attached to a dual remote line and it works great so it's Tank > Tank Reg > Dual Remote > Regulators on each, HPA Lines to guns
    1 point
  40. Most sites I've played at have banned it, purely because if you're up a tree and get tagged by a volley of fire - you put your hand up and flinch which can easily put you off balance. Worse case: The next thing you know you're eating out of a tube for the rest of life because you wanted to shoot someone a bit better with a toy gun.
    1 point
  41. gavinkempsell

    in a dilemma.

    Despite saying ignore all of our advice, I have more for you... Don't spend much time in her company, stay friends but no ghosting, you're now in the friend zone & spending time together will only hurt you. She'll move on & you'll see it happen but your feelings will never let you move on at the same pace. I'm sure your Dad will have his own fatherly advice, feel free to heed his advice.
    1 point
  42. I don't even do that, 99% of YouTube "reviews" are complete crap. They're either full of claims about said gun being "BeSt GuN eVaR" but tested on a 3m range (if at all) or a glorified advert from a shop. Well if he's getting his 12 year old fan bois to harass her he's opening himself up for prosecution under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.
    1 point
  43. In the airsoft "community" everyone and their mother are ex-military when in reality people are just full of shit. 🤣
    1 point
  44. If you ever want to thank one of those heroes, go to any pub nestled between a William Hill and a Turkish barber, and you'll find 3 of them, any time day or night.
    1 point
  45. I hear he barely ever mentions the Embassy balcony.
    1 point
  46. Anyone that puts Airsoft in a bad light or risks injury to other players for money is cunt.
    1 point
  47. But I do love the various names he's been given, all a play on "kicking mustang", Licking Cumstain being my absolute favourite 😂
    1 point
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