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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/23 in all areas

  1. I do have access to a makeshift chrono. It's called the wife. Now,depending on how loud she yells or how hard she punches me after being shot in the butt,I can roughly determine how hot or not a gat is running. Use this method at your own risk.....😉
    4 points
  2. I'm the proud owner of a brand new TM M4A1 MWS GBBR and it's gorgeous! Slapped a EO tech and an old-school foregrip on it and it brings back memories of CoD! Got it on sale for £450 so super happy with it!
    3 points
  3. We're both wearing the same boots, it's proof! We should inform the MoD that their combats boots will get their troops killed. They might give us a medal!
    2 points
  4. Wtf is that? Like a market stall seller? Thats how I’d like to picture him, Del Boy flat cap, donkey jacket etc
    2 points
  5. DanBow

    Mosfet confusion

    It looks like im going to do nothing, for at least a while but i will have a look at the Perun ab++. 👍
    2 points
  6. For a basic mosfet you're mostly going to gain elongated trigger contact life, ofc wether or not that has any meaningful impact compared to just replacing them when the time comes is up to you, usually the answer is no unless you have some weird trigger components that are a pain to source spares for. More advanced mosfets, well i tend to lean towards there not being much point until you get to precocking mosfets, active braking for example tends to cause more problems than it solves unless its used in conjunction with precocking, and i've never felt burst modes to be particularly useful. But precocking is where you start to get real meaningful performance gains (ie "trigger response") even with the simpler timed systems like the ab++ and the warfet. After that ofc its optical, and tbh, unless you really care that the first shot of semi after a burst of auto absolutely must be consistently precocked, or really want dat trigger sensitivity then you dont really need them.
    2 points
  7. Fatboy40

    Mosfet confusion

    I've a CYMA MP5K that's sat idle in a cupboard at the moment, bought used with three mags, but it's waiting until I can install a GATE Titan v3 into it (so we're talking controller / ETU rather than just a MOSFET). The plan is that I'll gain... # Custom trigger sensitivity, the standard "pull" on the MP5K is shocking and goes on and on and on... # I only ever want to use it on semi, so all selector settings will be semi only. # With so little battery space I want a controller that will support brushless motors, so still using 7.4v I get a snappy trigger with one. ... and with starting a new job on Monday, that will make me around £160 a month better off, hopefully it'll happen soon 🤞
    2 points
  8. Hi, I'm brand new to airsoft. 1 skirmish. Just like to say if anyone browses youtube looking for airsoft vids, he's one of the first that pops up. I'll never meet the guy, but i know every video i've watched someone is having a go at him, for something. I didnt subscribe or anything, preffering Dutch the Hooligan or Silo tbh. The guy is going to pop up for anyone unknowingly searching for airsoft content basically. cheers
    2 points
  9. DanBow

    Mosfet confusion

    An increase in something but I'm not sure what. Or a more consistent something else but I don't know what. Maybe dancing girls throwing rose petals at my feet as my laser like BBs take out the enemy and lets me feed on their blood but i don't think a mosfet can help with that particular one! Ultimately, I dont know! 🤷‍♂️
    2 points
  10. Is that my hit marks or hers? 😂
    2 points
  11. Come on, you have to be more accurate than that to play within legal limits. Use THIS chart to match the skin mark and get an accurate number...
    2 points
  12. Cheap new chinese kit with iffy knock-off quick release buckles doesn't fit in the 'realiable and hassle free' category, I'd say the opposite frankly. It might be fine, it might break after a game or when a bb hits one of the buckles; you roll the dice. There's various Warrior kit on eBay right now that's bomb proof, plus some arktis as mentioned. Or there's the venerable BULLE options which have always been solid and yet still real cheap: https://www.flecktarn.co.uk/odtmb2nx.html https://www.flecktarn.co.uk/odtav2nx.html This'll be way better made than the invader gear kit at about 40% less money. https://www.flecktarn.co.uk/sdtav3nx.html Just some of the examples out there.
    2 points
  13. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234860087339?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=CuhUcITJR0q&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=uwMTeZHeShe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY £15 for some used shoelaces anyone? im reading that more like if you can pay / collect today then the price is negotiable but if you’re a “hold it till payday” dreamer then the price stated is the price to be paid 👍🏼
    2 points
  14. UCP has one acceptable use.
    2 points
  15. Some pews just try you, don't they? Boneyard M14. I've learned a LOT repairing this beastie. Only I've just snapped the reciever clean in half on the last knockings of putting it back together. Ping. Feck. My YouTube history goes like this:: M14 gearbox M14 switch assembly M14 why did I do it? M14 screws like wtf? M14 working M oh that's enough Whale music Welding pot metal 😂😂😱😱🙄😢😁 Tis a rollercoaster of a ride.
    1 point
  16. Is that Licking Bumstain after a hard day's cunting?
    1 point
  17. Feck me, I have un-camouflaged shoe laces, this must be why I get shot so often. What a schoolboy error! I am ashamed. £15, cheap at twice / half / twelvety [delete as applicable] the price!
    1 point
  18. Sewdhull

    Mosfet confusion

    There are 2 types of MOSFETs. The type that prolong the life of your trigger contacts by doing the switching of the power to your motor and the type that add features to your gun, which also prolong contact lifespan. The former should be fitted to all guns in my view as the contacts for Airsoft guns are not very good and are the same as when everyone used nimh batteries with lower current outputs. You will get more power to your motor and a way longer contact lifespan.
    1 point
  19. Stock broker, so he's a double cunt then !
    1 point
  20. Colin Allen

    Mosfet confusion

    Another vote here for the Perun AB++; they are easy to fit and provide a good range of features, especially pre-cocking. However, the Perun Hybrid for V2 gearboxes is also excellent and easy to install. I think you have made the right decision.
    1 point
  21. concretesnail

    Mosfet confusion

    If you're notnsure what you want to gain then I'd consider doing nothing and sit tight. If you do decide that you'd like to fiddle then I'd look at the perun ab++. Easy to fit very compact, lots of options which you can choose to use or not and they aren't expensive.
    1 point
  22. Couldn’t tell you what’s it’s called, all I had to do was scan the QR code on the box or instructions if I find them, I’ll pop the QR up here for you. The app icon doesn’t give anything away either 🙄
    1 point
  23. There's a cheap bluetooth-enabled chrono at Ali which comes with a little tripod, for the princely sum of £27.33, 5 day delivery. M'daughter asked me what I'd like for Chrimbo, I might tell her this... https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006246367695.html
    1 point
  24. Made me think about this classic...
    1 point
  25. EDcase

    Pinned admin list request

    Yep, just use the 'Report' option on the top right (three dots) of any post and it will be dealt with asap.
    1 point
  26. Tackle

    Pinned admin list request

    On top of the mods list there are a few "semi-mods", myself included, that can ban accounts, specifically spammers & blatant scammers. The "semi's" don't get notification when you report spam threads, but rest assured we clear them as soon as we see them pop up in the "unread content" list.
    1 point
  27. Worst part of it for me is the people who emulate him. There have been a few ghillies at Worthing Airsoft recently who have been spawncamping a LOT. Last game day I heard from my friend that the game after I stopped to get my m249 sorted our team got spawn camped by a bunch of snipers and nobody could go anywhere. It's a shame, because there are people like me who have been running a ghillie probably longer than he's been in the hobby, and certainly longer than he's been a thing on social media, who are disincentivized to play the way we want to because we don't want to be associated with these idiots. I don't think I'll ever stop, because I refuse to concede the ground and I'm incredibly stubborn
    1 point
  28. Lambda GHM9 in all it's plastic glory. Metal receiver and metal front end ordered from Asia and will be fitted once they turn up.
    1 point
  29. To be fair, if I was as disliked as much as him, don't think I'd be ready to commit to a permanent residence, or turn up at a site in a fancy motor 😏
    1 point
  30. Probably because it gets keyed at every site he visits
    1 point
  31. You are conflating two entirely different things. His alleged financial success through YT does not negate his many failings as an airsofter and, more importantly, as a human being. One does need to declare YT income; however, that calculation is deeply flawed as it assumes that the initial number of daily views is maintained over the year.
    1 point
  32. Or both? There have always been gullible sheep out there; the likes of George "Beau" Brummell and the other dandies were earlier incarnations of the "famous for being famous" phenomenon.
    1 point
  33. No doubt, after all jedward made £6 million in the 12 months after their first TV appearance, Katie Price another example, been a multi millionaire more times than enough, how many "stars" of towie like Gemma Collins are raking it in. Are they all exceptionally talented ?, or is there a generation of gullible sheep out there who hang on their every syllable & feed their talentless egos by continuing to buy their worthless tat or advertising streams. Is KM the problem, or his thick as shit following ? 🤔
    1 point
  34. So that looks very similar internals from the one Colin and I have, wrapped up in a larger cheap plastic case, but crucially with a larger aperture to shoot into... For £25 it's a good choice
    1 point
  35. Yeah, but it's so much more satisfying just imagining KM unknowingly contributing to the Russians failings lol🤣, much like his own failings.
    1 point
  36. You could very well be right, keeping track of all of these shenanigans causes one's brain the blend this and that into a hazy soup filled with indiscretions and the odd hit marker. If anything I think both scenarios are true, post-invasion allowing for bigging up the initial claims (because there probably was at least one Russian trooper who was unwittingly handed a KMCS, which by virtue of being "technically true" can now be used to justify all sorts of PR for the suit.) But if I'm wrong I'm sure @Airsoftn1njawill gladly put me right!
    1 point
  37. Ah, a Conservative! That explains it.
    1 point
  38. Because cosplayers are speshul..... even by airsofter standards. From going to one comicon at least we know what deodorant is. But if I dont have a real looking mp5 it'll ruuuiiiiiiiin my resident evil LARP. And because Ive put all this time into my costume it'd be a shame not to walk all the way to the con through the centre of town without my kit on display....... @Rogerborg also its a well known fact armed response don't take their hits and their fps is above site limits.
    1 point
  39. The_Lord_Poncho

    My MP5

    You've gone and inspired me to dig mine out ready for some CQB action tonight at Invicta Black Site! I have been thinking of swapping the motor our for a high torque, but after a few dry shots earlier on a 7.4, to be honest I'm happy with its snappiness. Always a pain to rig a light and pressure pad onto it with a classic hand guard though. Good job that cocking handle isn't needed
    1 point
  40. As above by everyone on the original answers and the recent resurgence: Foxes are vermin and can legally be killed - under suitable circumstances Scaring them with a noise will just give them the incentive to avoid you Shooting them without the intent of a clean & humane kill would be animal cruelty Members of this forum would not endorse the inappropriate use of airsoft guns, animal cruelty nor activities that would put the game into disrepute. Killing a fox only stops that one coming, other foxes and other wildlife will discover whatever the fox came for
    1 point
  41. Realistic, short and lightweight in the same sentence can't coexist. I went with Specna Cores for my M4s because of the polymer body and QC 8mm gearboxes, also they are silly cheap (paid €120 for the one pictured, 150 for my other M4), over time I have replaced EVERYTHING inside them, including gearbox shells. You can pick up pretty much whatever you want, G&Gs used to be great bases to work with but as of today, there are plenty of alternatives that give more bang for buck (Specna, Dboys, Evolution, Saigo - these all come from the same factory, same guns different coloured plastics.. Cyma is great too). Upgrade wise, find out what you want from your gun first and then upgrade as needed. It doesn't make sense to empty the whole thing and rebuild it if you don't know what you're looking for, you will just waste money and have something that doesn't put an evil grin on your face every time you plug the battery in. My M4s, for example, are twin builds as I've put the same exact internals in both, bar the inner barrel and spring. The train of thought behind them was to have the most reliable gun possible that could still provide a decent full auto ROF of about 20 to 24 RPS, decently snappy semi auto response and be as battery efficient as possible. I've gone for Warhead 36k,Retro Arms gearbox, SHS/Rocket 13:1 gears, 8mm steel solid bushings, FPS compression parts, Perun Hybrid FCU, Maxx ME hop units, Maple Leaf 70° hop rubbers. As mentioned above the only differences are found in the spring rating (M90 for the long boi, M100 for the short) and inner barrel (6.05x247 and 6.05x185 respectively). Externally I tried to keep things light, so the choice of stock was the King Arms PDW (which is now impossible to find anywhere but from KA themselves and good luck buying one with their insane shipping rate), carbon fibre outer barrels and AliExpress handguards (back when you could find them). The carbon fibre stuff I source from Mac Airsoft, which I happen to live just 40 minutes away from.. We're both based in Italy but he does make CF barrels, stocks and handguards for many brands (Monk Customs and the likes) so you will find his stuff pretty much everywhere. He also makes very neat CNC'd aluminium receivers, but I prefer plastic. My guns aren't realistic at all, they're just functional to what I do with them. Pic of my other M4 for boasting purposes (2.2kg)
    1 point
  42. I’ve had a pair of Earmor’s now for about two years and they’re superb. I particularly enjoy that when they knock out the bangs it doesn’t cut all the sound so you can still hear what’s going on Sound quality-wise they’re a smidge ‘tinny’, and I’d definitely recommend switching to the silicone ear cups They are very good for directional sound so you can hear where you’re being snuck up from, and battery life is very good too with a new set of AAA’s being needed ever fifteen game days or so
    1 point
  43. I mainly picked these up for camping trips, hiking and pissing about in the shed but I'm sure I'll try them out in a game at some point.
    1 point
  44. Very much so, especially when buying molle platforms, the urge to fill every inch of molle is real, another reason why I favour chest rigs over plate carriers, if I ain't got it I can't fill it lol.
    1 point
  45. Kls77

    Lct 74 u


    • For sale
    • Used

    Lct ak74 u Nt3 stock B19 top rail B11 bottom rail B18 scope mount Pk6 front grip PTS pistol grip Sputnic suppressor and fat flash hider Inside has G+G gearbox with following upgrades G+g etu with perun ungrade MOSFET for programming 13.1 FPS gears New nozzle . Piston and head 25k g+g motor Hop unit is a cyma tracer version with adapter so can run of same battery as rif 6.02 zci barrel cut down ) This is a cqb monster . Made to run single shot cqb . Amazing trigger response and snappy as hell . Does have full auto but it’s quick and never use it Comes with four lct midcaps


    1 point
  46. I'm from that area, Islington to be precise but if I crossed my road I'd then be in Hackney. I moved out more than 30 years ago but travelled back & stayed there regularly, til my dad passed 9 years ago😟, & my strongest memories of the last few visits were regularly hearing gunshots, sirens & low flying police helicopters EVERY NIGHT. The days seemed almost normal though, which was kinda weird, but I get why police response borders on excessive in many areas, & as you've pointed out, this is just one sides pushed narrative by an extremely biased group. I wonder had a member of the public put in a call regarding "juveniles on bikes carrying guns", kinda call that guarantees an armed response. The cynical side of me might even question was the whole thing staged to illicit a police response, that could then be heavily critsized ?.
    1 point
  47. TL:DR translation - black kid in Hackney gets upset that waving anything gun shaped about in public is likely to attract the attention of PC Dibble. Another bullshit non-story being pushed to further someone's agenda.
    1 point
  48. Presumably there's also some sort of snorkel attachment that lets you smoke your tab through the respirator?
    1 point
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