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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/23 in all areas

  1. I was pleasantly surprised by how long and stiff it is.
    4 points
  2. The legal position: You're 14. It's an offence for you to buy any imitation firearm, realistic or otherwise, or for anyone to sell one to you. The only way you can get one without an offence being committed is to be gifted it. At the point of transfer to you, it doesn't matter if it's realistic or not (because of your age), only that nothing changes hands from you to the person gifting it. The practical position: Once a realistic imitation firearm has been sold by a retailer, the State won't take any interest in where it's transferred later, as long as it's used sensibly. If it never gets taken outside to show off to your mates, no problem. If it's taken in a bag, in a private vehicle, to and from an airsoft site, nobody will ever care, and nobody at the site will ask how you got it. The dad position: Talk to your parents about owning and using an airsoft gun, and getting to and from sites. Whether you can get a gun, and whether you should get one, is really down to them. I'd repeat the advice to go and play airsoft as a rental at least once before thinking about buying anything. It's a great hobby, but it's not cheap, and YouTube videos can give a false impression of the reality. The classifieds are full of guns that were bought on a whim and then never actually used to play. Don't be that person.
    3 points
  3. No, definitely not. But if your friends mum wanted to buy it & then gift it to you, that would be fine, just so long as no money changes hands. Although, How you show your gratitude to your mates mum is between you two 😏. 😜
    3 points
  4. DanBow

    My MP5

    No real reason for this post, other than to show off my CYMA Blue MP5. Im a very, very happy boy. 🥰
    2 points
  5. I had the JG G3, and thoroughly enjoyed it I should’ve kept it as it was a good reliable replica, nice light weigh made carrying it all day easy Stick with it if the Galil has gone mate youll enjoy it 👍
    2 points
  6. Scraped in a mornings walkon at Dogtag airsoft , wet and wild springs to mind but some great gameplay , didn’t see or hear any problems and everyone seemed to be having fun , rolled out with the cyma Mk18 which for an out of the box gun performed flawlessly on .28s , picture was pre downpour but the trusty smock kept me warm and dry
    2 points
  7. My wife asked me to clear the dining table tonight. I managed it but I needed a damn good run up.
    2 points
  8. 2RIR

    Giving a RIF as a gift?

    Hi, I asked a friend who is in the PSNI. I to have bought lots of rifs and gifted them to my son. I was told that the ukara is for purchase only so that it doesn't have to be two toned, registered to a name,Its basically there to protect the retailer so they are liable for illegal sales,etc, now i know gun laws are different over her in Northern Ireland. As long as it's only used at a game or on private land with the owners permission, it's fine. There has been loads of swap and sells at local airsoft fields and if 2 responsible adults wish to swap or sell to each other then they don't need to see or even ask for their UKARA. As I said our laws are more restricted over here as we're restricted to 1 joule but there is a shop I go to in Dundalk Ireland and they don't even require a ukara to buy at store or even online.
    2 points
  9. The older I get the more I regret all the people I've lost over the years Maybe being a trail guide wasn't such a great idea after all
    2 points
  10. Finally (almost) finished my new OD green loadout 😁 just have my helmet setup to make then I’ll be happy (didn’t have a pic wearing it so a flat lie out pic will have to do 😂) kit list is as follows Trousers - 5.11 flex tac stryke pants Top - desert night camo jacket Plate carrier - T.Rex arms AC1 Placard - spiritus systems micro fight mk V with spiritus systems 5.56 insert Drop pouch - spiritus systems OTB SACK pouch mk2 Sling - Blackhawk storm sling (QD version) Inner Belt - FROG PRO cobra inner belt Outer belt - FROG PRO cobra operator belt Mag pouches - ESSTAC 5.56 single KYWI shorty and ESSTAC 1+1 side by side P + 5.56 KYWI pouch Med pouch - coyote tactical solutions burrito Holster - Blackhawk omnivore (will be changed to mid ride when mount arrives) Gloves - PIG FDT delta utility glove Glasses - ESS ICE 3s Hat - Haley strategic thinking cap
    2 points
  11. To me the moment anyone starts actively looking for loopholes to get their hands on a rif/if when they legally shouldn't be able to is a massive red flag.
    2 points
  12. Still illegal... payment in kind.
    2 points

    • For sale
    • As new

    I offer firmware for RFID Domination Timer project that is based on AVR ATmega328P chip (Arduino) architecture. In price is included machine code .hex for that architecture for your RFID cards that you have provided via Google Spreadsheet teamplate. Also there is included .lppz archive for PCB manufacturing with drilling, layers inforamtions etc. I don't offer source code in .ino format or hardware with PCB. Project description: Domination timer (DOMINATOR) is a stopwatch device designed for 2 teams (scalable up to 4 teams) that play against each other and try to occupy the point and keep it for as long as possible. The stopwatch is suitable for Airsoft / Paintball game mode DOMINATION, resp. Capture Hill. They consist of an ATmega328P microcontroller (AVR), which can be part of the Arduino development kit (Uno / Nano / Pro Mini). An LCD character display (size 16x2 or 20x4) is used to visualize the times. The times are listed in two lines below each other and are dynamically updated if there is an active team at the point (a point occupied by a team). The stopwatch is equipped with indicator LEDs in team colors, which signal the active team at the point and a detector (piezo transducer), which announces the change at the point after attaching the RFID card. Teams are implemented in the game - RED team and GRE team who play against each other and try to occupy the point and then keep it for as long as possible. At the beginning of the game, the display shows the times 00 hours, 00 minutes, 00 seconds for RED team , GRE team . Each team member is equipped with an RFID chip that is integrated into the bracelet (or card / keychain). The RFID chip transmits its unique identifier - UID (unique ID), which is read by an RFID reader and verified in the logic of the system to which the entity (team) belongs. Individual bracelets can be color-coded (red, green by team and entity function), which allows them to be distributed more quickly to players, but also archived and stored by color. The RED team will occupy the point when the RED team member attaches his card to the RFID reader. This action triggers a buzzer that announces the change of point with a short beep. Subsequently, the LED of the RED team at this station will light up and the display will start adding the time for this team until the member's team card is inserted, Referee , or Eraser. If the point is occupied by a GRE player and the card is attached to an RFID reader, the buzzer will announce this change with a short beep, the GRE LED will light up (RED LED turns off), RED's current time stops , and GRE's time is scored. If the Referee attaches his RFID card, the running time will stop at the current value. The point becomes neutral, the active team's LED goes out. The stoppage lasts until a member of the RED team or the GRE team presents their card. This type of card is thus suitable for temporarily stopping an ongoing game, controlling a player's intervention, or injuries. At the same time, the card can be used at the end of a round of the game, to evaluate the round, respawn teams before continuing. If Eraser attaches the card, both times will stop and reset to the initial value of 00 hours, 00 minutes, 00 seconds, which will be displayed. The Eraser card is used to restart the game, to initialize a new game without the need for a power-on cycle. The RFID reader responds to the insertion of an RFID card immediately, including the entire logic of the Dominator project. The project is suitable for Airsoft events, sports facilities, or Airsoft teams, which can build a Dominator device with their own hardware. Firmware is universal for Arduino Nano / Uno or standalone ATmega328P chip, it is also possible to use the available PCB design for the production of printed circuit boards (PCB using Arduino Nano only!). The advantage of the RFID Domination timer project is that the usage license authorizes the user to clone and create X points with the same configuration via machine code. Machine code (.hex) is a compiled firmware format for the RFID Dominator project for supplied UID RFID cards that are embedded in the code before compilation. It is thus possible to place any number of independently operating RFID Domination timer points in the game, which respond to identical RFID cards according to a uniform configuration. The RFID Dominator system is programmed well, it exist from 2018 year, it can be put into the game immediately. Firmware uploads within 10 seconds via XLoader (recommended software). How RFID Domination Timer works (hardware side): NXP RC522 RFID reader communicates with the microcontroller (Arduino / stand-alone chip ATmega328P) via the SPI bus with a clock signal (SCLK) of 4 MHz. The RC522 reader responds to the RFID chip at a distance of approximately 3 cm from the antenna, while having a configurable antenna gain in the range of 18 to 48 dB (48 dB is used in the final application for DOMINATOR). Reads the UID (identifier) of RFID chips in range, forwards this identifier to Arduino. Arduino compares the read address of the card in a multi-condition, triggers a buzzer beep, applies digital states to the LEDs, runs a universal counter controlled by the internal function millis(), which is responsible for counting both times. Based on the fulfilled condition, the counter starts to be applied to the given team to which the UID belongs and the time counter is running. The time is plotted on a 16x2 or 20x4 LCD character display. The time data is sent via the I2C bus with a clock signal (SCL) of 100 kHz (Standard Speed). To restore the display as quickly as possible, only the number at the given position (given character) is overwritten. Hours and minutes and seconds are overwritten only when changing and always only for a given team. In case of serious interest, it is possible to create firmware in machine code for Domination Timer to 3 or 4 teams, also possible to use Fast Speed I2C up to 400 kHz (based on deal). Actual version of RFID Domination Timer project supports these types of firmware RFID readers NXP RC522: Firmware version: 0x12 = counterfeit chip - (non - original NXP chip, replacement) Firmware version: 0x91 = Version 1.0 - (original NXP chip) Firmware version: 0x92 = Version 2.0 - (original NXP chip) Where RFID Domination Timer should be used: RFID Domination Timer project is, in terms of its versatility, suitable for implementation in Airsoft actions, and with the possibility of cloning the firmware, it is possible to place X Domination Timer points in the game field with identical firmware, which players can play with the same RFID cards. Domination Timer is also suitable for teams, sports grounds and playgrounds, which can use this device to expand the services and game modes offered for different numbers of players. If RFID cards, bracelets or key fobs are color-coded, it is very easy and universally distributed to players based on their team. Their archiving is also simple. Using cards, bracelets or key rings is easy and can handle all ages in Airsoft games. RFID chip itself is protected in a plastic case, it does not mind mud, dirt, water, frost, it is fully maintenance-free. It has no battery, the chip activates the RFID reader, which charges it with the transmitted electromagnetic field and allows it to send a UID - identifier if it is within range of the RFID reader. Domination Timer is suitable for game modes with the same number of players in both teams, e.g. DOMINATION, Capture Point (Points for multiple cloned Domination Timer points). Project hardware - RFID Domination Timer: Arduino UNO / Nano / standalone chip ATmega328P LCD 20x4 or 16x2 (20x4 layout is used in PCB design) I2C module for LCD display RFID reader RC522 (13.56MHz) ISO / IEC 14443-A standard keychains / cards / bracelets Passive buzzer (optional) 2x LEDs, 2x resistor (1x 220 ohm for GREEN LED, and 1x 1 kohm for RED LED) 2x resistor 10K I2C pullup (optional, useable for larger distance between display and Arduino) Software is delivered in machine code (.hex) at your mail for the ATmega328P architecture. The price is for 10x RFID UID for each team and 2x for the Referee and Eraser, total of 24x UID. If you want to increase the number, it is possible for 5 GBP / another 5 UID. The machine code cannot be modified and is tailor-made for the authorized operator based on the UID, which it delivers in .xls format (the template is available on the project page with an extended project description). It is possible to try for free one UID for each entity in project (ping me at mail for that). More about project you can read at: https://martinius96.github.io/Airsoft-DOMINATOR-RFID/en/index.html Template (.xls) document where RFID UIDs can be written for each entities from test sketch available on website: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EHpdJi8v84eJ-6ExEPT6JuPkxI9Tfbm8v85zGRFvJ1Q/edit?usp=sharing Shareware version of project Project can be tested for free with your hardware before buy or payment in shareware version. There is available firmware on project's website. Firmware let you to use any 4 RFID cards (each for one entity). So you will have chance to test whole compatibility of project with your hardware. You can measure time up to 15 seconds for each team (then time will be automatically stopped). Then you can reset time using Eraser card and you can measure again 15 seconds for each team. Full version of project is without time limitation and with max 24 UIDs that are written directly to PROGMEM of microcontroller. Firmware (.hex file) can be uploaded to microcontroller via Xloader: https://www.hobbytronics.co.uk/arduino-xloader Or more experienced users can use AVRDUDE via console. For Arduino boards use 115200 baud/s upload speed. For Arduino Nano V3.0 clone use 57600 baud/s (Old Bootloader), otherwise firmware will be not uploaded. Shareware firmware for direct download: Shareware_RFID_DOMINATOR.hex - compatible for standalone ATmega328P chip with 16 MHz oscillator, Arduino Uno / Arduino Nano / Arduino Pro Mini


    Poprad, SK - SK

    1 point
  14. I have no room for that sadly, my spare guns stay in the loft 😔 I ought to thin out my collection somewhat, but that's not going so well 😂 Congrats on buying the SIG btw, I would have been sorely tempted by that (too?!?) if I didn't already have a JG version that I bought as a boneyard from AH, and which is now working pretty well
    1 point
  15. If you don't like how it feels or handles, just wall hanger it? I managed to snag the ICS Sig552. Now I need to find mid-caps for it.
    1 point
  16. I had a JG G3 years ago a tbh I kind of regret selling it as it was a great gun but it didn't really suit my playing style. One thing I do remember was that it had less flex and didn't creak as much compared to the TM it was cloned from. I'm seriously considering getting another (I'd probably go for a MC51 to keep it nice and short though) but the main thing putting me off is the lack of mid caps
    1 point
  17. Enid_Puceflange


    Still working on subtitles for you 😉
    1 point
  18. My son and I share a JG G3; it is surprisingly rigid. £100 is a good price. Plastic is a polymeric material, so you did get a polymer RIF
    1 point
  19. Only played half the day today, since my friend's grandson wasn't up for playing and my other friend's GBBR AKM wasn't too happy with just how cold and wet it was. However, it was a very, very fun day and I really really enjoyed myself. First order of business was a switcheroo. My m14 DMR was sorted (not a "DMR" but that's what the stock is called!), so I needed to collect that and give the tech my faux wood m14 as that isn't feeding. I also needed to give him my nasty m14 gearbox for the short m14 that he already has, so that'll be fun when that's sorted! I was planning on running the m14 DMR, however... the scope I brought for it did not have good eye relief for the m14 DMR stock. Plus, the forecast today was cold and incredibly wet, so while it was an opportunity to see how it would work out with the flip up scope caps, using optics in the rain is never great. I didn't really want to zero the scope since I'd just be removing it afterwards and putting it on another gun anyway. However, I also had my new, totally stock A&K m249 that I bought as a black Friday deal. I wasn't expecting anything, since I've heard the hop units are wank, the box mags are unreliable and the gearboxes eventually die, but I wanted to see how it was shooting. Had my friend around and he has one, so he showed me how to adjust the hop, we set it up for .25s and... it was actually really good. Floated them out to about 50m and it was accurate enough; not too fussed about pinpoint accuracy as I just want to put a wall of fire up. The main issues were... it chronoed at 0.5J and the ROF was only about 15rps. However, with how it was shooting I decided to take that out instead of the m14 today and oh boy was it a good idea. First game we had to take a flag from one base to another, with the other team allowed to be anywhere above the ridgeline that runs along the site. We were down the hill a little and had to push through to a base on the other side. We were pinned on the corner, so a lot of people went on a flank, but a handful of us stayed to make a nuisance of ourselves. Give a sniper a support gun and shenanigans ensue, as I slow crawled over the ridgeline without anyone seeing and tucked into a barricade made of branches. This gave me a view on a pair of ghillies to the left of us who were stopping people crossing over the path, so up the m249 went and I sprayed them with full auto. Hit one of them, then saw his friend moving up to medic him and I sprayed him down as well. We were then able to push past the ridgeline, but I went and held the flank. One of my other friends told me that there were some ghillies trying to flank us again, so I went and held over there. One sprayed his load (heh) too early and hit a bush, but gave me an idea where he was so I moved off to a tree when I heard he was distracted by my friend, got on his flank and sprayed him down again. Game ended without us managing to get the flag up, but now sides were flipping and I had an evil idea... So next game we flipped around and I set up in a spot I usually use for sniping. It looks down a long path, so while I definitely did not have the range for long shots, I could stop anyone trying to cross over the path at this end. Furthermore, the only way I could get flanked is if they managed to push through or went around the entire site, which entailed going past both our respawn and the base we had to stop them getting to, so I was confident. I managed to get a LOT of hits from this spot with the m249, spraying full auto at everything that moved while two other friends (one with a VSR, one with his AKM GBBR) had another angle and we had a really nasty crossfire. We held them at this corner for almost the entire game, but with AKM friend running out of ammo they eventually managed to rush those two and take them out. However, they forgot about me and I went to ground and waited. When I heard the call for 60 seconds remaining, I got out of my spot and started following the enemy players. One sniper on the other team waited the entire game to shoot me, but when it came to it he either missed or had run out of ammo as he shot, I heard where it came from and I took him out. He said that he waited the whole game, but ran out of ammo. However, the entire enemy team had their backs to me and I just rinsed everyone with the m249 from behind. With 5 seconds left I did eventually get taken out by a respawning player, but I had just wiped out a massive chunk of their team, hampering their push so they also didn't get the flag in either. The two who had the other angle watched the whole thing and were laughing their asses off watching it all happen. What made it sweeter is I was on the other team to some people who get irate over getting shot and it was very amusing hitting them multiple times I called it there though as the rain was picking up and the battery compartment on my m249 is super exposed. Plus I needed some deans connectors fitted so I didn't have to use my crappy tamiya to deans converter, so I got that sorted too. I learned a lot about it though, so I'll need to tape part of the box mag on because it just clips off way too easily and could let water/dirt into the mag which isn't good, plus I learned that I don't need to remove the barrel to put the battery in as the handguard clips in so I can remove that instead. Also, the barrel is absolutely filthy, so I'll give that a clean and it might actually push the power up. We'll see though, since next game day is the Christmas game, so I'll be santa hat, a tinsel scarf and an m249 also covered in tinsel. 'Tis the season, after all! I also tested a nuprol midcap and a PTS midcap to see if those m4 mags would feed, but they didn't. Might pick up a Classic Army one to try, as I would like some midcaps for absolute last-ditch ammo if my box mag runs out and I'm still in a firefight. Still, incredibly fun, but very wet and very cold and I'm glad we called it at lunch. Oh, my friends also showed me how my SMG shoulder holster worked and I love it. It's a bit cold for the mac11, but the mp5k will go incredibly nicely on it, so I'm going to try that next game day. Santa with an m249 and an mp5k is a lot of firepower... And I got caught on camera for once. Then again, I wasn't exactly being subtle with an LMG!
    1 point
  20. John_W

    Franchi Spas 12

    Necroposting here. I recently acquired one of these: Came from the company named after a South American River. Shipped from the UK, and didn't ask for a defence... £110.00. Pump action and shell ejecting. Also available moulded in "traditional" Nerf Gun colours. Not having an airsoft version to hand, I cannot confirm or deny that the entire stock and pistol grip could be transplanted, or just the stock on to a pistol grip with the appropriate mounting holes. If anyone is interested I could take measurements and post a few pictures of the grip to body mounting?
    1 point
  21. I’ve just got one otherwise I’d have bitten your hand off. It’s an excellent bit of kit and wished I’d bought one ages ago. Good luck with the sale, and if you’re wondering if you should get this then go for it!
    1 point
  22. SeanM

    High FPS variation

    Sounds like an air seal issue somewhere. Have you tested the compression in the cylinder and piston? If you have, and you've got a good compression. Next check that the nozzle sits in the hop correctly. It should make contact with bucking so make sure it's not too short (or long) you should also shine a light into the hop unit and then look down the barrel and make sure it's centered nicely. If all these come up as good and there's good compression. Check the bucking and make sure there's a nice seal there and it's sitting on the barrel correctly and isn't loose or lopsided.
    1 point
  23. BigStew

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    MR30 are a MotherF*$ker to solder. That is all!
    1 point
  24. It’s one of my fav camos at the min 😁
    1 point
  25. Never mind the optics, look how many types of bacon they've got to choose from, lucky bastards 🤤🥓 I wouldnt worry too much about the optics, if you're purely an airsoft shooter then your average AliExpress kit is more than up to the job👍
    1 point
  26. Tackle

    Playing with old injuries

    Are goats optional ?
    1 point
  27. I don't know what his intentions are, he mentions 'use' and 'play' (airsoft?), which is why I specified the two legal legal outcomes depending on what it is. No, UKARA is just a scheme for retailers that makes it easier for them to sell to, presumably, the right people. It's handy to have but you can purchase without it.
    1 point
  28. Well, you could have checked his activity and found out that he's 14. Nothing wrong with that, we've all been 14. The trigger doesn't care, and anyone who calls their hits is welcome. Just be circumspect about how the RIF/IF gets to site, and be very aware that having any imitation firearm (realistic or otherwise) in a public place is an offence that needs a reasonable excuse, the proof whereof lies with you. Going to or from an airsoft site is reasonable, showing it off to your mates isn't. It's not so much how you get it as what you do with it that matters.
    1 point
  29. You read all the same text as me, but I was able to deduce that it was highly likely he was a kid (no offence op), there's the first no-no. Regarding the legal text as to "use" & being satisfied of said use, the seller cannot knowingly guarantee the op has the best intentions, he doesn't reside within the same household & a court would likely argue that the word of a developing teenager wouldn't be enough to guarantee a rif would be kept appropriately. Let's be honest about it, even the gifting clause was never meant for anything more than a parent to buy their offspring the equipment to enable them to play together, who's ever gonna spend £150+ on a rif & freely give it to someone else's kid, that sounds more like grooming to me. The law on airsoft rifs isn't perfect, & can be difficult to navigate, especially when every month or two forums such as this get enquiries about how to circumnavigate the law, sometimes new players who genuinely want to get in to playing, & sometimes blatantly just want a rif, often with no wish to follow a lawful route to ownership & who I frankly wouldn't trust to not wave it around in public at the first opportunity. I personally feel that the genuine players amongst us have a moral obligation, just meeting the vcra requirement verbatim isn't necessarily enough, all too easy to sell to a legal but clearly irresponsible buyer, who's actions down the road might affect all of us & our ability to play (to that end, on the rare occasions I've sold a rif, even pre vcra, I look at post content etc, might sound a bit 1984 but that's my choice). The flip side is I've known plenty of mature teens who I would trust to behave properly.
    1 point
  30. @Cannonfodder, cheers mate, talk about kill the mood, now everytime I think about his mates mum, I picture a woman that looks like Jimmy Saville 🤢🤮 🤣
    1 point
  31. The OP is 14 according to his previous posts so wouldn't be able to get on the ukara database, hence why he's looking for loopholes Along with being a bit Jimmy Savile He's 14 so even selling him a 2 tone is a no no
    1 point
  32. Dude, if your gonna give advice on a public forum, make sure you know what your talking about. The op cannot purchase a rif, he has no defence of any sort, he's never played before, & the tone of his posts indicates to me that he's probably under 18. The absolute only way he can get a rif without infringing on the vcra is if it's gifted to him, with no payment of any sort, my earlier comments were purely banter. Personally I'm not a believer in the vcra as a way to legitimately curtail gun crime, & if people with 100% honourable intentions want to sensibly fiddle with the grey areas in order to use rifs on an insured skirmish field, good luck to them as long as they use common sense at all times. OBVIOUSLY I WOULD NEVER EVER RECOMMEND THAT COURSE OF ACTION ON A PUBLIC FORUM. 😏
    1 point
  33. I recently got a Mimtech spring/summer reversable ghillie. I've actually had it a few weeks now, but it's still in the process of being fully crafted. Hopefully I can get some good pics this weekend. Since my last summer ghillie, as much as I love it, was falling apart, I decided to spend some cash on a decent base suit. The mimtech ghillies have popped up on skirmshop recently, and after seeing some videos and a friend buying one, I decided to pick it up myself. I'm not quite as enthused about the reversibility as I was a month ago, as it means you can't build up the crafting to be at all bulky if you want to actually switch the sides on it. On the other hand, the 2D base colours are so good that it really doesn't need heavy crafting, and it's helped me think about the efficiency of my added crafting material, instead on just throwing more on the pile. I got the L/XL sized one, I'm 5'9" and on the portly side, it's not too long, and roomy even with kit underneath. It's a really well made mesh base, with some well thought out features on the suit, such as clips to hold the front up to allow chest rig access, a decent length cape/back while not being long enough to get stepped on, as well as clips on the hood to attach to a boonie or other hat. The hood is HUGE which helps with breaking up the head shape on its own, as well as acting like a hide net to make you even more unrecognisable, even last game day when I was sat in front of a tree when both teams could see each other on spawn, and it still took a few minutes for anyone to even spot me. The sleeves have partial hand covers and bands to hold the min place, which is perfect for stopping your sleeves rolling up by themselves. Though I'm a L/XL glove kinda guy, and I find the bands a bit tight. I've resorted to only putting it around three fingers, which seems to work well. The trousers have some good stuff, like zips to access lower pockets, zips to help you get your boots in easily. However their quick adjust elastic band is pretty awful at actually keeping the trousers in place. At least it's easy to zip tie a pair of suspenders into place to hold them up. Overall I'm pretty happy, while it's about £250 for the whole base, you potentially get two suits in one. I shouldn't have to change my actual suit all year, just adjust which side I'm using depending on conditions. The below pics are lightly crafted, what I was running in game two weeks ago. The brown side is in use at the moment and it was definitely effective at range. It should be even better this weekend with some time put into it. (I'm not wearing the suit, but it shows how effective it ca be with light crafting)
    1 point
  34. Been doing this for over 20 years 😳 and find I still do it now !
    1 point
  35. Nick G

    VFC M249 Thread

    Thought I'd experiment a bit with the gas feed from the box mag to see if I can make something totally secure and non invasive. Picked up the Airtac hpa kit, now I would only hpa it if I can get a bottle in the box mag and I wouldn't use the mag adapter which allows you to run an aeg box mag. The limited ammo and mag changes are part of the GBB experience for me. Very much at the proof of concept stage, but I've fitted the hpa adapter to the gun, just replaces the brass fitting in the mag well , and run part of the line that comes in the kit. On the mag I've used an hpa line I had knocking about which I cut in half , the rubber tobe pushes straight in to the fitting on the mag tank. I now have a QD fitting with a stop valve. The tank is holding gas fine. A quick test looks promising. The gun cycles fine, and that's with only a short fill and it's bloody cold in the garage . I'll do some testing at weekend and shorten the lines , may use the spare rubber section for the line in the gun as it's more flexible, so easier to route into the box mag. I wont be able to run it from the STANAG, but tbh I dont see that as an issue. If this works, it's totally reversable in about 15 minutes. I'll keep you all posted
    1 point
  36. i have supports for my knee and back, but try to avoid using them unless absolutely necessary (mainly when lifting heavy shit at work) never thought of deep heat, so will get some to try out. definately agree on the weight front, and while im not a whale, i could do with losing a bit of weight. and i also have zero will power... its why i splashed out on a VFC M249, and am looking at another expensive pew on preorder... doesnt help that christmas is fast approaching.... and so no doubt my belt will have to bee loosened by a notch before i try (and probably fail) to lose weight as a new years resolution
    1 point
  37. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    Sorry to bore you all again haha Finally an updated family photo of my British Forces weapons. picture 1 Column 1 L115A3 L86A2 L85A2 / L123A2 UGL L85A2 TES L85A2 (3para 2009) L22A2 pistols L9A1 MK2 Browning L105A1 (SAS CRW) L105A2 ( UOR P226) L131A1 (gen 4 glock) Column 2 L108A1 (MK1 minimi) L119A1 CQB L119A1 SFW Model 723 Model 715 (SAS GW1) L1A1 SLR Column 3 L7A2 GPMG L100A1 L91A1 (A3) L92A1 (SD) L128A1 combat shotgun L74A1 L1A1 Law 66 Picture 2 L85A2 TES Updated! Swapped my original ICS to this ARES version. Picture 3 L129A1 SHARPSHOOTER Picture 4 Diemaco C7 In use with paras and royal marines. Picture 5 Colt Model 701 seen in use by sas during OP Barras. Picture 6 Colt Model 604 As used in Northern Ireland 70/80's
    1 point
  38. Oi! Are you saying I am dressing old fashioned 😄
    1 point
  39. Loaded up my Plat Peacekeeper with 8 magazines, some Mk5’s and a speedloader - once I’d tightened up the straps (lost some weight) it sat really comfortably at didn’t slide around at all. Definitely worth the money and I’d happily recommend one to anybody. Was achieving first time hits with the A1 out to about 60m, and with a bit of elevation even some out to 75m. Really happy with the rifle, but having a 16” barrel it’s not ideal for CQB. I could just take the barrel extension off .. or sell the MK18 and replace with an MP5? 😂 Was thinking of building a battle belt for a couple of extra rifle magazine etc, but the one I’ve got just didn’t sit well with the chest rig so I’ll probably sack that plan off.
    1 point
  40. May you forever be bunged up.
    1 point
  41. Rather lovely pics from Red Alert on Sunday!
    1 point
  42. Oldschool and Newschool ADF kits from a game yesterday
    1 point
  43. Invicta Battlefield last Sunday
    1 point
  44. Invicta Battlefield on that stoooopid hot sunday beginning of this month!
    1 point
  45. Baldy on patrol, usually wear a boonie to hide the shine & protect my bonce but misting up eyepro was annoying me.
    1 point
  46. Its been a couple of months but here a some fotm my last game a Sierra Golf One.
    1 point
  47. Enid_Puceflange


    New toy Makes me happy inside, “Click-Clack” 😂
    1 point
  48. Yep should of had the Galil ☹️
    0 points
  49. Wet as hell and all my guns stopped working 👍
    0 points
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