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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/22 in all areas

  1. 400 quid more than normal for something he doesn’t actually have in stock
    5 points
  2. made about 7 or 8 sets of these now. 99.9% fog free days for the last 6 months since I started using them. they run off a 5v USB battery pack (same thing you charge your USB devices with). They are very quiet, to the point that you don't know the fan is running when you are playing. I've just built a 12v version for shits and giggles and it runs off a normal AEG battery. The 11.1v lipo I used made it sound a bit loud but a 7.4v battery makes about the same noise as the 5v versions.
    4 points
  3. Order a standard CYMA M14. They shoot at 400fps as out of the box. Change the hop rubber and add a simple mosfet, fit an optic and you're done. If your local site is 425 or 450fps an AR type platform may be easier to work on pissing about with different springs etc.
    3 points
  4. Airsoft sniper forum has some great guides on the specifics of building a DMR. The key is consistency, so gas isn't a great choice. HPA is a good pick if you really don't want to go aeg, but it's expensive. For platforms, some sites want you to have a real world full power cartridge firing weapon, some don't mind, some just want a fixed stock, check your local sites. Personally I'm using a nuprol ak21 with a UKSR stock, which has pretty solid externals so ripe for a DMR build, but it's based on an intermediate cartridge platform. For power, it ranges drastically at different sites, check your local, it may not even be worth running dmr power. In which case may I suggest the precision assault rifle? Essentially the concept of a DMR at <1.14j, set to hop the heaviest bb you can as accurately as you can. I'll mention @Impulse to preach about this further
    3 points
  5. Ouch 😕 Hope you can get it replaced and fitted easily. I took the other half Airsofting for the first time today. She loved it and got lots of kills. A marshal was playing today, and complimented her on her playing, twice. Once after she shot him in the face. 😁 We played a game mode called pilot. 7 downed pilots that have to be captured by one of the two teams. Whoever captures the most wins. I was a pilot. I dug in under a bush in a ditch. Nobody could find me. I had people so close I could have reached out and touched them. Got 4 pistol kills, without giving away my position, before I was eventually found, last pilot to be captured. Very smug 😁 Personal kill of the day, pistol kill on a running target while defending bean can fort. Unfortunately I got so drunk last night I forgot to charge my camera batteries, so I got very little footage of the day 😭 But overall a great day, and we have a new convert. She wants to try sniping.....
    3 points
  6. Two down, lots more to go.
    3 points
  7. I know I've been away from here for a while. Been busy playing with real pewpews. But am thinking of getting back to playing and my SRS just isn't calling to me as it did. I stopped playing because I was getting seriously frustrated by working my balls off for a shot, only to have the fucker refuse to call a hit. So I want distance AND follow up shots. LOTS of them. Hence thinking about a DMR. I think that's all I'm bothered about. I'm platform agnostic. I just want something to kill lots of people from as far away as possible, whilst not spending a tonne of cash. So..... where do I start? I'm shit with electrics, better with gas guns. I'm comfortable with changing hop units / barrels etc. But I'm open to either. For simplicity I was wondering about a TM M14, but have no idea what real life range that has out of the box. Relevant help and advice most welcome. ( I realise that might not be enough information for responses, if I've missed anything, give me a nudge) TIA 😄
    2 points
  8. I have a record for having sex with celebrities. I also have a ban from Madam Tussauds.
    2 points
  9. Before I'd got to your mention of an m14 I was ready to suggest one, doesn't even need to be a tm, I've had tm previously, but currently running a cyma socom m14, & to be honest it's brilliant, mines stock running at around 340fps, range & accuracy is spot on, I can't fault it & a lot cheaper than my previous tm. Definitely consider a cyma m14👍
    2 points
  10. Hello, and I'm afraid the honest answer is going to be "We don't know" because this exact same question gets asked over and over, but the people who ask it never provide an answer once they've succeeded or failed. Even if they did, it will come down to the Border Force agent who actually handles your RIF. I have asked Border Force how many UKARA checks they perform, and they said that they do not hold that information as each agent handles their own cases, without a central record. What I will say is: JUST COS is not a defence. It is a scheme created by one retailer in order to give the appearance of a defence. Some other retailers now accept it, but they must be aware that cosplay is not one of the listed defences. The closest valid defence is theatrical purposes, but that's not what the (alleged) insurance covers. Of course, you may get lucky, and Border Force may not know that. UKASA, like UKARA, requires you to be a member of an airsoft site. Since most sites use the UKARA rules (at least 3 games, at least 2 months / 8 weeks) before they will offer you membership, I cannot see how UKASA helps you out here. Now, they may not actually really check site membership, but it will cost you £30 to find out. We do not know if Border Force are familiar with UKASA, but in any case the defence is that intend to use the RIF for airsoft activities, which is shown by site membership, not whether that membership is then recorded elsewhere, e.g. UKARA or UKASA. Military Vehicle Trust is the only scheme that I'm aware of that doesn't require evidence of activities, and which actually provides some evidence of a defence, i.e. historic reenactment. However, whether Border Force accept that for a modern imitation like the G&G Predator is again unknown. They shouldn't, because the defence you'd be claiming clearly doesn't apply to that replica. And you don't actually have that defence, which might become an issue if the police come knocking at your door wanting to know why you tried to import a realistic imitation firearm, and you suddenly change your story. Any of them might work though, it really will come down to how lucky you are. If you're really lucky, Border Force might even accept the evidence that you have played airsoft - and ideally receipts for future booking - as sufficient evidence. It would be a huge gamble though, given that it could end up with the RIF being destroyed and/or you being investigated. I would suggest that the safest option is to turn the Predator into a non-realistic imitation, by painting at least half of it (e.g. stock and handguard) in a bright colour. Airsoft retailers in the EU do send painted guns into the UK, and historically this was never a problem. Although again, Border Force may change their mind at any time. Since the VCRA does not mention durability, you could consider using paint that can be removed relatively easily, like Plasti-Dip. If you do this, I would label it clearly and honestly inside the packaging as a "non realistic imitation firearm" and "1.1J airsoft non-firearm" (or whatever energy level you want to claim for it). You could even disassemble it in order to make it clear to any inspection that it's not a real firearm. I'm sorry that we don't have answers to this, I realise it must be very frustrating that the process is so unclear and risky.
    2 points
  11. Tackle

    latest scammers..

    I'd say they're pretty much the same thing, but that would be slandering the poor old rats.
    2 points
  12. sjhirst

    What have you made?

    hah, yeah that would be cool. You lose a little capacity due to where the adaptor sits, but its negligible! I'll upload the files and leave a link here. I think this should be ok. Please let me know if not! https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5305430
    2 points
  13. I think You Are Paying for all the Capital Letters they have Loquaciously Used in their Real Steel Detailed Description. Points for effort, although I really hope that when they say "Real Steel" that they don't mean that's actually a cannibalised M1903, even if they started with a de-activated JROTC unit. I wonder idly if it actually works in any meaningful fashion as an airsoft gun, or whether it's really just a de-ac that you can hang on the wall and exclaim "Hands off, that's lethal barrelled, that is, you need a loicence to get one." They don't mention magazines, and as we know there's no guarantee that putting a bunch of random parts together will produce anything useful.
    2 points
  14. Can’t believe I’m saying this as I do genuinely think DCA should have their own Shakespearian play it’s run by that big a bunch of shyster con artists BUT I can all most say yes I can see this one going for that price ! 😱
    2 points
  15. Rogerborg

    latest scammers..

    Random aside, but the Chief Inspector of Constabulary has just noted that "online crime is now by far the most prevalent type of crime, and by means of the internet fraud has exploded; in volume, it eclipses everything" [page 40] "yet fraud indefensibly continues to be treated as a low priority" [page 49] and "police response continues to be a complete pile of wank" [slightly paraphrased]. https://www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmicfrs/wp-content/uploads/state-of-policing-2021-single-page-format.pdf
    2 points
  16. Here, have a low quality picture of what appears to be me cosplaying a low effort south american drug dealer or something. Kit I used on last game Invader Gear Woodland Predator pants Decathlon OD green combat shirt Crispi boots Revision Sawfly (max wrap edition) Mechanix Originals in OD green Mesh mask not in picture Condor MC ball cap FRV tailoring belt with a bunch of Templars Gear and Helikon pouches (2 pistol, 1 rifle, dump) Mayflower gen4 rig in Ranger Green Tasmanian Tiger 9L backpack in Grey Tournament gun (Specna C08 base + a bunch of useless upgrades) Obligatory cigarette. Your day is ruined now, not sorry in the slightest.
    2 points
  17. My airsoft day could have gone better... though most of the issues I had weren't the sites fault... allow me to explain... My brother phoned me up last week and asked if I wanted to go to z-mart with him this weekend, so I agreed, knowing that I was going to have a shit week at work, and needed a good de-stress at the end... Got parked up next to the site and was outside waiting as one of the first in line... doors opened and I found out the safe zone is upstairs... three trips to move my kit and trolley upstairs and I was able to start bombing up. My brother rather helpfully decided not to give me a hand moving the trolley, instead mocking me for bringing it (despite the fact even HE didn't know the SZ was upstairs either) which was overheard by the marshals (this detail is important for later...) but I was thankful to a fellow player who gave me a lift with the trolley. Bombed up and headed to chrono and hit my next problem... the tippmann was firing hot... back to safe zone to adjust it, and found that the Allen key I needed was missing from my toolkit, and no one else's allen keys would fit due to them having metric sizes, but the tippmann being american has imperial sizes... found a torx key that fitted and got the adjustment done just in time. Out to game briefing, to have the head Marshall ask me to swap my usual helmet setup due to concerns a ricochet might get through the small gap between the back of the mandible guard and my cheek. Never had an issue before, but thankfully I did have a GSR respirator I could swap it for... Game and safety briefs were clear, concise and to the point (though I do wonder what the hell happened to get "do not indecently expose yourself" added to the brief...) First games were zombie games, and the head marshal called my brother forward and announced that he had stiched himself up by not helping me earlier, and as such he was the zombie for round 1... (I didn't laugh... much). Did reasonably well considering I didn't know the site, and into round 2. End of round 2 and got spot checked, only to find the tippmann was now varying wildly between shots, though the Marshall that did initial chrono spoke in defence and said it was consistent at chrono. I agreed with the head Marshall to switch to a backup gun, and broke out the SMC9 for its first use in anger... took me ages to swap the mag pouches from m4 to a couple of mp5 pouches on my rig. The only issue I had after swapping guns was that I couldn't aim properly down the red dot sight I had in the smc due to the GSR I was wearing, and in the low light I couldn't see where my bbs were going. Fixed that by charging one of my tracer units off my battery bank and then running tracer bbs all afternoon... at least then I could see where I was shooting.. Really enjoyed the "escort the bomb" games, and on game 2, playing offense, we managed to wipe the enemy team and get the bomb into their spawn, claiming a win.. Then there was the objective grab, trying to capture various objects placed in the centre of the map downstairs and get them back to respawn.. I definately got lit up in that game, but managed to snag a few objectives for our team. End of the day and managed to get all my kit downstairs and loaded in the car. Went to pay for parking.... FOURTEEN BLOODY QUID!!! ON A SUNDAY!
    2 points
  18. Asomodai


    This image has been pasted around some social media for a bit.
    1 point
  19. I've got a V3 Maverick (essentially a T1/2 style dot) that I've been using for about a year and a half now. Very good dot for the price, no issues with parallax and the dot is clear, battery lasts a fair while as well. Also got a 3x magnifier from them and that's got nice clear glass also. They get a recommend from me.
    1 point
  20. Just take the design in and have a chat. You would not believe some of the 'technical drawings' they will have seen!
    1 point
  21. Ah, I see. Thanks! I guess I'll have to use a local CNC machining service. Looking at it now and it seems like it'll be ~£45. Now I just need to call them up and ask if they take powerpoint instead of CAD😂
    1 point
  22. Your local sites might have their own rules, I'd check with them what they think a "DMR" is, and whether they know that the Mk 12 is an actual thing. Precocking, meh, 100 milliseconds might make a difference, but so might Eddies in the space-time continuum. I reckon the default option is a CYMA CM.098 AR10/SR25 toy. I'd be looking for reasons not to start from there.
    1 point
  23. @frontsightany engineering place that does CNC could do that.
    1 point
  24. Faceache group called Angry People in Local Newspapers
    1 point
  25. @Misterius Please let us know what you decide. When are you arriving in the UK?
    1 point
  26. It does seem totally ridiculous that he, literally continually seems to get away with committing crime, & it's made worse by the fact that its very well documented, every scam must have dozens of messages between him & his victims, including addresses, yet the plod are disinterested ?. Surely these cases would be piss easy to prosecute with all the evidence available ?, almost guaranteed conviction rates for the plod. It makes no sense https://media.tenor.com/images/02ce8c7ce7bbce2caefef1b89cd20479/tenor.gif
    1 point
  27. How is this cunt not in jail yet? If PSNI were aware of all of the instances, surely they would do something?
    1 point
  28. JoeH

    Glasses with goggles!

    Yeah I went to specsavers today, going to give those a go I think and see how I get on, then it broadens what eye pro I can use too!
    1 point
  29. They're fucked too, unless the split rubber is a "customisation"
    1 point
  30. Take the battery out, put your own dot on it with a sharpie, simples 🤣
    1 point
  31. I'd recommend the taco style elasticated mags, literally work with 5.56 & 7.62 size mags, lots out there including the Chinese knock offs, so you don't need to pay a fortune. DON'T buy 5.56 shingles, their fine with regular stanag mags but the Aug mags tend to be too tight in there, as do some of the newer plastic p mag style stuff.
    1 point
  32. Tackle


    Wrong section Dick 😜
    1 point
  33. You're absolutely correct. 4 years ago whilst working for a government agency I was tasked with pricing up just a single system, secure government approved cloud vs on-prem Dell VMWare solution, the cost over 4 years for the cloud service was something like 7-8 times more expensive at that point. The beauty of something like VMware within an on-prem cluster is you can use all your old out of warranty hardware
    1 point
  34. It is very pretty but £2k pretty....nah
    1 point
  35. Yeah for sure. Used to love working with on-prem server rooms, untangling network cables, diving under floors etc. Now big business have muscled in. Last couple of places I've worked at were secure environments so still got to work with hardware now and then. Miss it a little, not really done much IT in the past 2 years, need to get myself back in the game. Spoke to a few recruitment agencies and as usual they all want to know if you've got the latest certification etc etc, it's just exhausting keeping everything up to date.
    1 point
  36. sjhirst

    What have you made?

    Made this adaptor to turn two single mags into a dual set up. One feeding the other.
    1 point
  37. Druid799

    What have you made?

    Outstanding here’s hoping for the yr to come then 👍
    1 point
  38. mightyjebus

    What have you made?

    if life wasn't so hectic I probably would. Just been doing them for my team mates but if you happen to be at the prison with a spare pair of glasses I might be able to sort something out
    1 point
  39. shivarussell

    latest scammers..

    already done mate o7
    1 point
  40. Deact vs airsoft Value for money. I bought it from Ali Express, for my Chinese SKS deact 😀
    1 point
  41. Don't forget the Warbelt for Warlike Warriors of War though.
    1 point
  42. Not a joke, but a genuine newspaper story https://news.atlantanewsmedia.com/indiana-egg-farmer-transported-to-hospital-with-a-live-adult-chicken-stuck-in-his-rectal-cavity/
    1 point
  43. Friday will become next Monday, then his dog will eat his crypto-wallet while he's rushing it to the vet after it gets bitten by a radioactive spider, or whatever other fantasy story he comes up with next. Any "proof" of postage he gives you is likely to be fake too, and in the unlikely event that you do receive any package, it's going to be a zip-lock bag containing empty promises and a turd. Sorry to be so harsh, I know you're the victim here, but I cannot see any realistic way that you'll get back what he's stolen short of having it seized by PSNI. I know this feels very personal to you, but this is nothing to him, he's a professional fraudster and liar who has mugged off his real life mates without hesitation or regrets, and is doubtless fobbing off a couple of other victims on the side as we're discussing this. This is just business as usual to him, he'll have heard this all before, many times.
    1 point
  44. If they know they fucked up with storage and haven't come clean on the advert then fuck them. Call them out for it
    1 point
  45. Make sure this is in your report as it shows intent so he can't claim its a mistake which got out of hand
    1 point
  46. My advice would be stay on this forum, use the classifieds here, check the trader history of anyone you're considering dealing with. That's how I do it and I've never had a bad transaction (well, one pistol was a little unwell, but not awful). Plus we're not a bad bunch of wankers, mostly.
    1 point
  47. july_pi

    custom gbb

    【CUSTOM GBB WORKSHOP】 COLT XM16E1 model 603 dna base
    1 point
  48. That’s exactly how these gun owners in question responded. Also, I made a mistake, it was the Devon and Cornwall police. Check this out:
    1 point
  49. While we await @rocketdogbert fondling report, I have just seen this video on YouTube. Guess this is the best we can do for the moment
    1 point
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