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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/09/21 in all areas

  1. Absolutely awesome shotgun-only event today. Turns out those Double Eagle single-shot springers are tough little fuckers...
    2 points
  2. Just came across this on zeromong , “yes folks it’s that old classic beloved by spamers the world over , “it’s not working but ‘it’s an easy fix’ “ if it’s an easy pissing fix why the feck haven’t you fixed it then !?!? AND the oh so casual way he mentions the minor fault , don’t know about you lot but I wouldn’t class a gun that CAN’T FIRE as a ‘minor’ fault !😳and he’s still asking 150 notes for a bolloxed gun ! 🤦‍♂️ https://forums.zeroin.co.uk/forum/classifieds/rifles-smg-s-for-sale/electric-rifles-smg-s/3243370-snow-wolf-m3-submachine-gun-grease-gun
    2 points
  3. So... last minute change.. Second game tomorrow
    2 points
  4. Thought I might as well do the, "hey I'm new" new post So.... I got dragged to an airsoft game two weeks ago by a friend.. Now, I have always been intrigued about what the fuss is about (Im ex mil) but never took the leap of faith.. In my head... (I'm 43) I was convinced I would turn up and be the only "old guy".. Honestly had no idea what to expect.. My friend turned up with kit.... and I mean a lot of KIT... I would be lying if at this point I was not somewhat intrigued and memories of a life past did not re appear... I had to be kitted out.. With the exception of some old combats and boots I had nothing.. after about 30 min of adjusting and fitting various items I looked like I was a member of Delta squad! I was ready... with my new (borrowed) Honey Badger we arrived at my first event, Anzio Camp and what an experience... (you would be happy to know I quickly found out that age is not a limiting factor). So what is the meaning of this rather dreary introduction.. I am hooked... What a great day, what great people enjoy this hobby and I want more..... So within two weeks, I have acquired a massive amount of kit including 3 weapons (Honey Badger, MTR16, JW3 Combat Master)... Booked my second game on the 2nd October and honestly cant wait.. Overkill I know.. So anybody in my local area... let me know Just need my son to turn 13 so I can drag him along..
    2 points
  5. Having seen the message in classifieds I’ll take “doesn’t have a defense” and “under eighteen” for ten 😀
    2 points
  6. Wear what ever you want, just don't go around claiming to be something you're not. Anyone who then gets pissy can be told to do one As for your cadet rank insignia, wear it if you want. However, it won't mean you can give out orders. Yes I've actually seen some cadet think he could boss others around and really expected to be addressed by his rank. He was quickly and very in politely told that it wouldn't happen
    2 points
  7. Thanks for the suggestions, it's given me something to go on. I've actually already repaired it using a 2mm sprung steel roll pin that I crimped to fit the slot, so the gun is back in action, but I'd still like to get a replacement as I've no idea how long this will last. Anyway, thanks again. Hopefully I'll be able to find one 😁
    2 points
  8. It bad JuJu, you need to perform a shamanic ritual. Have you got any animals that you could use as a sacrifice?
    2 points
  9. It's Saturday night, no posts for well over an hour, must mean that all you rufty tufty operators have settled down to watch strictly ? 🤣
    1 point
  10. Pewpewpetie

    Inconsistent hop

    Right so , still no joy, I've tried a different barrel (standard and a zci) all are doing the same. I think it's time to give up, I do have a 3 fps deviation but I can't imagine that 3 fps would cause this. These are Chrono readings on 0.28g asg. Going to try playing with the hop arm as this is literally the only thing left, my last guess is that there is some vertical play on the arm causing different pressure to be applied each shot No residue anywhere, barrel is clean, tried new r hop patch, g&g green , prommy purple and a selection of nubs and still get it. It has to be the hop arm, some kind of vertical movement Yeah tried shooting the cat but bb curved hahahahahah( I didn't really)
    1 point
  11. Finished for now
    1 point
  12. It’s a belter 😅
    1 point
  13. paradoxum

    Gun picture thread

    Finally got my MAWL today: My heavily customized ICS Hera I'm calling 'Orion'. I've still got the lower receiver the change and the handguard. Strike Industries pins, and an Acetech Blaster supp/tracer unit.
    1 point
  14. C-Diddy

    THE TM MWS thread

    As @SSPKalisaid, the TM M4 loader is the most consistently recommended. I still struggle a bit and adopt the shake and plunge technique when filling, but put it down to my mags being new.
    1 point
  15. Adolf Hamster

    Hot wiring

    Hard to be sure, but if any combo can do it then its an ask 40k on 13:1
    1 point
  16. SSPKali

    THE TM MWS thread

    Tokyo Marui M4 and Pistol mag style ones. Still on my first one after 2+ years.
    1 point
  17. AirSniper

    Inconsistent hop

    Back to basics... 1. Clean the barrel. 2. Wind the hop up back to minimum then try adjusting to get desired result. My sons G&G GC16 had issues, the hop up and dirt were the problems that was causing inconsistent shot placement. Once cleaned and adjusted, problem solved.
    1 point
  18. I'd imagine the typical airsofter would have no idea what most patches meant and those that did know wouldn't care either way. At the end of the day, you're playing dress up in the woods, some with meticulously sourced gear for specific looks. If patches play a part of that for you, meh. I know the general rule is wear nothing you haven't earned but it's not like you're pretending to be someone you're not for clout/personal gain.
    1 point
  19. As a general rule i tend to avoid unit patches/insignia. It doesnt add anything to the game so why risk being disrespectful?
    1 point
  20. heroshark

    Rules of Airsoft patches?

    Just don't go out in your full Nazi officer kit. Raises the odd eyebrows. Save that for home ☺️
    1 point
  21. Cheers Druid... Thought I might discover some more rebates like me... Ex Recci Mech and Spanner Wa~@*r Also did my time in the good `ol RAF... And yes.. Grumpy and proud! Hey thanks for the list.. Some I have found but most not... Very helpful Yes, booked for the 2nd. Group of us are heading South.. Im going solo next Weekend.. Need to get my UKARA so, Azio it will be again Will go though the list and see what will be my next adventure! I'm in Crich BTW Well... seeing it was my first session... really good. Mixture of open and CQB.. Took a round in the face from some good sniper.. Drew blood.... Then it all went south from there 😈 revenge was sought and dished out! Honestly really big site lots of buildings to clear.. Loved it... was absolutely knackered at the end of the day... There you go.. much better review
    1 point
  22. Me and my mate attended one of Saturday open days at Anzio last week (18/09), and it was a glorious day for airsoft weather-wise. Good opportunity for sneaky approaches and satisfying tactics. One dude pissed a lot of people off by being a power player, but aside from that and three pillocks with hot guns everything was smooth sailing. Surprisingly, FAO tries to to make games interesting by putting players out of their comfort zones and despite still being a typical skirmish day, it was good. Good flow, good timing, and decent player base. Nothing to complain, maybe aside from the day being too short. I’m starved for more, but can’t play until November 😏
    1 point
  23. Run away while you still can!!!
    1 point
  24. Though at the price Dave Custom Airsoft is asking he can f*ck off. £340 for a budget E&L that retails for £190 elsewhere (WGC Shop)...There is only so far you can take the piss even if you are UK based. I would rather order from WGC and chance Border Control and added fees than pay £340.
    1 point
  25. Done that to mine. So I'm looking forward to seeing yours.
    1 point
  26. This is my planned loadout for Sunday. Nice and simple, Arktis chest rig with my magazines, Safariland for the Glock. Will be the first run out of my NGRS Mk18 too! Only things I might add are some belt mounted pistol pouches and an LBX sling if it arrives in time.
    1 point
  27. Holding his lower back and making terrible puns? I just think seeing as we're not actually killing each-other, we have to make it very obvious if we're in the game or not.
    1 point
  28. I heard burning patches is a thing
    0 points
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