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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/21 in all areas

  1. EDcase

    Greetings from Essex

    Hi and welcome. Sounds like you've got quite a bit of gear you can repurpose already 👍 Make sure the goggles are enclosed and a decent make. The face protection you linked looks a bit expensive and not very comfortable to me. I use THIS myself. Get good ankle support boots too. Yeah, GBBRs are fun to use and the most realistic plastic BB flingers in airsoft BUT they do have some downsides. - They are expensive and don't have any range advantage over cheaper AEGs - Having to buy gas is more expensive - Making them consistent firing can be a pain. Cleaning and maintenance is very important because the moving parts are more exposed. Parts wear faster than AEGs. - Winter can make them problematic to use. Gas does not expand enough to provide operating pressure when cold. You can get higher pressure gas to compensate but still can be problematic. - Magazines are much more expensive than AEG (electric) versions. - Magazines are much heavier than AEG versions. - But the big drawback is limited ammo. A typical gas mag holds around 30 BBs but an AEG hi-cap can hold over 300 in a single mag. You can reload mags but that means carrying spare BBs AND gas so not something practical under fire. In a fight against someone with an AEG you can use up all your BBs and gas and they'll keep shooting you. Even if you conserve ammo by only using single shots they can spray you with auto fire bursts for longer. Some people do use GBBRs but having experience is important to get the most out of them and not get discouraged by the limitations. MilSim games are more suited to GBBR use and they are more common.
    3 points
  2. Hello there all you lovely people. I recently found my local paintball site thats a 5-10 minute drive away from me does Airsoft (Mayhem in Abridge). I've been thinking about taking up Airsoft for the past three or so years but everywhere seemed a bit far away for someone who doesnt drive so this seems like the perfect oppurtunity to do something about it. I curently have clothing i use for fishing that i could repurpose as Airsoft gear (Surplus DPM's and Flektarn, an old NVA CHICOM chest rig (not for fishing lol) that i got at a local surplus shop that closed down about 20 years ago, some surplus Ballistic goggles that i was given for no reason and few other basic things). First question is would this be enough? I'd obviously have to hire the gun at the site until i can get registered on the UKARA database. I was thinking maybe i should get some protection for my mouth as i don't really wanna lose any teeth. I was looking at www.deltamikefacepro.co.uk, anyone used these? Any good? Any other suggestions? I know im thinking a bit far into the future but i did have my eyes set on a GBBR and preferably something that isn't M4 related. Years and years ago i took apart a mates deac AKM and looking at vids online the GHK AKM seems very similiar inside. So my eyes were either set on that, a WE L85, a WE G3A3 or a NE Sten MK2. Is this a bad idea to get a GBB straight off the bat? I've fired a few AEGs in the past and the whining gear noise just doesn't do it for me. Still, a bad idea to go for GBB first go or not? I know getting hold of a GHK or WE is a problem in the UK at the moment but this purchase probably wont be until the new year anyway maybe. TBF i dont mind ordering from Samoon or KYAirsoft if it comes to it. Anyway any advice is much appreciated.
    2 points
  3. Better than a mass debate 😉 I'll get my coat
    2 points
  4. I have no doubt I could forge out an ak reciever but It would be somewhat pointless as I already have both lct and e&l aks. No one makes an ultimax though and I had a hankering for a 556 lmg that wasnt a saw and took regular mags.
    2 points
  5. Read lots and ask questions. Do not buy the first that that jumps up at you, but hey it is your money. Go for days airsofting and meet others who will show off their toys and gear.
    2 points
  6. Welcome mate. First thing to do before any shopping is LOTS of reading 😁 There are several threads on this forum about starting in airsofting and avoiding costly mistakes.
    2 points
  7. So for those that dont know im an armoursmith/ blacksmith and ive decided to take on a gun project using these skills. Specifically the ultimax 100 mk 5 because I love the ultimax but Id also like to be able to use my regular m4 mags and that version has a magwell. Made a mockup so far. A v3 gearbox sits about perfect in this but on the real one the upper and lower recievers are welded together. If I did this Id never be able to get the gearbox out. Im probably gonna try to make it in a way that means the rear end cap can come off and the recievers can come apart. One of the main reasons I chose this gun is because its basically just 90 degree boxes for most of the reciever. Ill probably just be brazing on other pieces of metal for all those details on the side of it. Evetything else will be hammered out of 2-3mm steel. I will probably also be getting a friend to 3d print some of the brackets and internal parts for the barrel and hop. Should be a fun project.
    2 points
  8. Druid799

    Gun Case

    Depends a lot on a few things really bud , budget/transportation/what’s going in the box and even just the look you want ? Budget , that’s the simplest to answer are you on a tight budget ? so you’d be looking at a cheap’n’cheerful single gun case from Fleabay or have you a mound of beer tokens to spend so a Pelli case is the best ? OR something in between . Transportation , are you putting it straight in to the back of your car and then straight out and on to a table in the safezone(so the fleabay one is good enuff) OR are you jumping out of the back of a Herc at 30,000ft and HALO’ing in to get to your gameday ? In which case I’d recommend a Pelli case ! Or something inbetween .😉 Whats going in the box , just the gun on its own or all the bells’n’whistles that go with it as well ? Is it going to be a box just for that one gun or as you get more (and you will ! 🤦‍♂️) you’ll be using the same case for all of them . The look you want , do you want something that looks quite incongruous(so it won’t stand out in public)or your not bothered if it looks like something Q would send to James Bond full of guns and gadgets ? 👍
    2 points
  9. I like his early stand up stuff and I do think he makes some really good comments on religion and animal welfare, BUT his ‘acting’ and general pontification ? Yea a right smug twat !
    2 points
  10. heroshark

    Starting out....

    As far as where to play it's all about the players on the day. I'm not far from you and there's plenty of good sites in our radius. Bad player's can put a downer on a day even at the best run site. You just need to inform Marshalls and if they have repeat complaints about certain individuals (provided you can identify them "the guy in camo with the gun" is too vague) they will keep an eye on it. Unfortunately they can't be everywhere though and nothing will be done if it's not seen. Also more often than not people think they have hit you and not. Equally you and the people you hit may not feel a hit. You can even shoot, think they have reacted to the impact when it wasn't that at all. Sometimes you get quite hard ricochets and it's not clear if it's a direct hit. I still get it wrong and I've been playing 22 years. Just be gracious and polite to other players, even if you don't see eye to eye. If you are truly in doubt tell the Marshalls and let them do their job. Oh and don't be a moany little bitch about getting shot when you are dead. Usually it's your own fault or an honest mistake by the shooter, just keep your hand up and keep calling dead man. Welcome to Airsoft club....
    2 points
  11. This thread gave me the kick I needed to get an SADF M83 chest rig. Probably one of the best purchases I have made! Can take M4 or AK74 mags easily, side pockets fit my timed and impact BFGs and the skinny pen pocket takes the reloading tool. Throw a tin of primers in the tiny pocket and I am set! Even with 6 (!) TM M4 gas mags and 2 BFGs it is comfortable with no hot-spots on the straps. My Viper Spiritus clone is ok with 3 mags in but add any more and after a while it starts to kill my shoulders. I will be keeping that for CQB and short games; for woodland / OPFOR / and long games the M83 will be the go-to 👍 I will be adding some Velcro OneWrap to the strap ends to tidy them up and might add an elastic section to the waist strap (along with cordura “concertina” cover) to allow for pie intake 😂🍔
    2 points
  12. Hi Everyone, I am a complete Newbie but very interested in starting out on my Airsoft Journey so any advice and tips will be much appreciated.. Thank You
    1 point
  13. Red.


    Hi All, New to the forum and still pretty new to airsoft, played a few times before years ago having borrowed some friends guns but, after attending the NAE at Ground Zero this year I've decided id like to play some more and get a bit more involved. Getting set up with an M4 from a friend then going to get a mk23 and play around with that upgrading etc. Ex forces and prefer to play a faster more aggressive play style, although that was slightly hindered at the NAE due to all the bottle necks on the paths and sheer volume of people ha ha. Will more than likely be spending most of my time playing at GZ just near Ringwood, but I like to look of some of the other sites in the South and quite fancy doing some CQB events like at the mall in Newbury. so yeah, nice to meet you all, look forward to maybe meeting some of you at events in the south. Cheers, Red
    1 point
  14. Welcome to the forum dude. Would suggest decent eye pro, boots with ankle support and to go rental first and see if the sport is for you before buying any GEAR (and if you do, wait for your UKARA) You'll be more than likely given an AEG to play with. Most airsofters are approachable, will answer any of your queries and will normally let you take a plink with their gun. Ps. Here a link to @GAMBLE channel as someone has forgotten to post it 👀 https://youtube.com/channel/UCL-V_yVApaCpm096XBAQE1A
    1 point
  15. I would go the opposite... get the rifle first and only get a pistol afterwards. But before you buy anything, play three games within 2 months to qualify for UKARA as well as getting to know wether the sport is for you or not. Dont be aftraid to ask questions at sites, we are all a friendly and approachable bunch, and will be happy to show off our various toys 😃
    1 point
  16. I want to try a similar project to make a Negev. My skills and tools definitely aren't up to par to tackle something that big just yet though.
    1 point
  17. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    De Santis holster for S&W and Colt small snub nose revolvers. I've taken pic's with my Tanaka S&W airweight holstered in it to give you some idea of size. Brand New. £15 + £4 for post and paypal.


    1 point
  18. A local site.Thats good news👍 Go along or call them to book a game day as a rental which means you will use their gun and bb's. Lunch may be included. If its a woodland site then good boots with ankle support are recommended and of course,EYEPRO! If I is an indoor cqb site then I would recommend no exposed skin!! Lol You will have to play min of three games in not less than 56 days to qualify for a defense which will enable you to buy your own rifs otherwise you would have to buy two tone imitation firearms. Have fun 🙂 Regards
    1 point
  19. Sarcasm at its best 👍🙂 Regards
    1 point
  20. EDcase


    Yeah, fogging is one of the constant problems in airsoft (as well as non hit takers 😏) There are a few anti-fog solutions you can try from Revision wipes to CatCrap but there doesn't seem to be an overall solution. Mesh does have a certain risk but I've seen lots of people use them without problems. I use mesh but have glasses underneath which works great. I prefer the wire (A) versions rather than sheet with holes (B). The wire type is easier to see through and I think it has slight flex which would reduce the chances of BBs shattering. (A) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (B) Any game will be as fun as you make it. Fast attacks and aggressive advances can bring tactical advantages but expect to be lit up and do a lot of walking back to spawn 😉 Just play as you want.
    1 point
  21. Hi @Stez 👋 Welcome to the forum, full of advice and like minded players! 🔫😎👍 Good luck getting started, let us know how it goes, have fun! 🤞👍 What area, are you roughly looking at going to, bound to be players, that go there? 🤔 Thanks @Shamal for the mention! 🔫😎👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  22. Red.


    Cheers for the warm welcome gents, Looking at the areas that you guys play I hadn't realised there were so many sites around the UK, I know there is a fairly decent scene in some European countries and have spent a bit of time watching you tube vids but i think ill have to do some reading as to what sites are about. Are there any other large events like the NAF that take place around the UK at any point? I know game types can vary between sites, id prefer not to play attack and defend type scenarios where your just stood around for ages. Not planning to go down the rabbit hole and amass a huge amount of guns/gear but I think long term I may want to build a C8 diemaco/L119A1 my first real step though is getting some decent eye pro and finding a solution to fogging, on the Sunday at the NAF my game was just ruined due to fogging so much. May have something to do with the amount of booze that was sweating out of me but i tried sprays/spit and nothing helped. The Bolle goggles i was using were quite snug on my cheeks so most probably affected air flow. I've been warned away from mesh goggles due to BB's potentially fragmenting on impacting, any recommendations or advice would be welcomed but i have seen a large amount of posts related to this so need to do some reading. cheers guys 👍
    1 point
  23. Hi @stez and welcome to the pack 👋 I guess your first step will be to find your nearest airsoft venue or club and pop along to see what it's all about and ask questions. If you do make sure you have some good quality eye protection with you cause even if you are not intending to play you will be able to watch but only if you have eye pro on. People will be very forthcoming about what you need to get started and you can book a game day and use a rental gun to get the feel for it. It's a great sport/hobby but it can get expensive if you let it 🙂 Have a wander over to @GAMBLE's you tube channel for tips and advice. Nothing heavy just a down to earth insight into the game and what you will eventually need👍 Have fun looking around the forum and chatting to other members. Enjoy 👍 Regards
    1 point
  24. Rogerborg

    Greetings from Essex

    It's strictly speaking always an offence for anyone to sell (import, manufacture, or modify-into) a realistic firearm, trade or private. However, selling for the purposes of airsoft use is a defence, and the truth is that nobody will ever care as long as you're responsible in your use. Some AEGs can be surprisingly quiet, if you get the gears, shimming and lubrication right, although you will get more satisfaction out of a gas blowback - when it's working. Gas pistols are great fun, but mostly for posing power in woodland, unless you're running a sniper or DMR, or are at a site with a lot of breachable structures. General advice is to buy a basic AEG first, then you've got it as a backup or loaner gun, so you won't have a wasted day. I have, when lending out and running into issues, ended up using a backup-reserve-emergency shotgun. But always rent and play first before dropping any money on airsoft, and give the initial adrenaline rush a day or so to ebb before making any decisions. It's a great hobby, but the classifieds are full of "Bought on a whim, never played" guns.
    1 point
  25. IronCobra85

    Greetings from Essex

    Thanks a lot guys, you've provided me with a wealth of information already. Much appreciated.
    1 point
  26. EDcase

    Gun Case

    For single rifle this is good https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/283058925351?hash=item41e7a06f27:g:BFkAAOSwueldX5Pc
    1 point
  27. My first purchase from Warhead Industries in the UK, hopefully my next will be a brushless motor for a DMR build... https://imgur.com/Q9pEeBO ... and it's identical in size etc. to same spec Nurpol batteries I've bought but £5 less (and they do a few others, so maybe a good alternative to HobbyKing when they have nothing in their UK warehouse?).
    1 point
  28. Spartan09

    Greetings from Essex

    Welcome to the forums, and i hope you enjoy your first steps into Airsoft. Definately look at decent face protection, as the "cheapest-of-the-cheap" stuff may not hold up under fire (im talking mainly about ebay specials... if you buy from a reputable airsoft shop you shouldnt need to worry too much) Also, many sites insurance will not cover your teeth, so full face is highly recommended. For your first gun, unless it is a pistol, then avoid GBB due to the issues mentioned above by Edcase. But there is no requirement for you to run a pistol unless you have a DMR or a bolt action sniper rifle. Another issue to add to the list is regarding the NE Sten... unlike an m4 or ak mag, you cant get an adapter for a speed loader to load the mags easily. The only way i can load my sten mags is to place a finger and thumb either side of the feed lips and force bbs straight down into the mag... its doable, but bloody awkward. That said, the quality of the build is superb. You mention that you want something that is not m4 related. With that in mind, as well as recommending AEG as a starter, and other mentions of AKs.. the consensus is that Cyma AKs are the best balance of affordability and quality. Plus they are a base from which you can upgrade gradually over time. Another option i can suggest for your consideration is a TM P90. I own one, and it performs great. With .25g bbs and 100% stock internally, it shoots laser straight and with decent range.
    1 point
  29. That will tend to happen in anything that can take both AK and AR/556 mags since AK mags are so much bigger. Having your mags sit nice and deep with lots of protection and retention is good in a military context, but if you have something loop-lined (spiritus/haley) you can use inserts that have a bottom like the MP2s or ESSTAC KYWIs and set your own depth. Or, in both an older chest rig or modern micro rigs when using the elastic inserts with no base just put some foam in the bottom of the rig.
    1 point
  30. Finally got my mitts on a MK3, I've been looking for Months, found this one at Military Odyssey.
    1 point
  31. The only thing I found with these rigs is that the M4 magazines tend to sit quite low down in the pouch, which can make getting them out in a hurry difficult unless you’ve got ranger loops or Magpul’s on them.
    1 point
  32. EDcase

    Greetings from Essex

    You're welcome of course. Yeah, the noise of AEGs did put me off when I first got into it but you get used to it I guess. You can hear when they sound nice and poppy rather than grinding or whining. Almost all pistols use gas and are a lot of fun to use. They also have problems in Winter of course. Electric ones (AEP) are OK for short range and don't have cold problems but just not as fun. You can get Co2 ones but they are more expensive to run and can be too powerful to use. Its legal for your friend to lend or even sell you an airsoft rifle or pistol without UKARA. Just don't let the public see it. This includes neighbours so may be best to explain to them before using in a garden.
    1 point
  33. AlphaBear

    Gun Case

    Nuprol Large case will do the trick nicely. . https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/nuprol-large-rifle-wheeled-hard-case-wave
    1 point
  34. EDcase

    New guy

    Welcome Paul Same questions as above 😁 (For skirmish or just plinking in garden?) I have the Well MB01 (L96) and it seems to work well out of the box. I only use it for plinking in the garden at about 20m. I don't think it would be powerful enough for an actual skirmish. Because snipers rely on single shots they need to be accurate and long range which are two things very hard to achieve in airsoft. This means you'll need to spend a lot of time and money to make something work well otherwise you'll get frustrated as so many others before you. If you are not registered with UKARA you will have to get one that is painted a bright colour. I would suggest to get a green one and cover it with camo mesh as real snipers do.
    1 point
  35. Brophy

    New guy

    Hi @Paulrep Welcome to the forum. Have you played airsoft before? If not, any reason why you are anchoring towards snipering? It can be an acquired taste, don't be fooled by the 10 min videos you see of people getting hit, it's normally taken the guy filming a whole day to capture anything of worth sharing, especially with the minimum engagement rules. You can get budget sniper rifles, but unless you've got a valid defence such as a UKARA number, you have to have it two tone. EDIT: Kudos to @Shamal who seems to have posted at the same time as me 😉 So ignore the double asked questions 😅
    1 point
  36. Shamal

    New guy

    Hi @Paulrep👋 Welcome to the forum. Are you a complete newbie or have you played before? Are you hoping to take on a sniper role or is it just for back yard use.(if you have a long garden) If you aren't already it may be good idea to find an airsoft site near you and attend a few games to get an idea of what it's all about. I've never been interested in the sniper role preferring instead a more active approach. There will be plenty of people on here that will guide you though👍 Have fun and enjoy🙂 Have a look at @GAMBLE. He has a you tube channel which is very informative and fun 😀 Regards
    1 point
  37. MalHollywood

    Starting out....

    One thing to note now is that most sites will not rent face protection to you because of COVID restrictions. So if you enjoy having teeth, definitely get a mesh lower face mask or at the very least a mouthguard that you would use for Rugby etc! Another note is, I much prefer “glasses style” as opposed to “goggle style” eye protection, for example Bolle contour. They’re cheap (around £10-15) and they won’t fog up on you! I’d definitely say go for an AEG for your first gun after getting UKARA. Easy to maintain, cheaper as you don’t need to buy gas and just generally reliable. The main thing is, there will ALWAYS be friendly people at whichever site you visit that will chat with you, give you some advice and help you out. Airsoft genuinely is a very welcoming and friendly community and you aren’t going to be judged for not having the most expensive or new gear or renting a rif for the day - and if anyone does, feel free to tell them they’re a loser and to go home for an early bath 😌 Enjoy! Mal
    1 point
  38. heroshark

    Gun picture thread

    Trio of Tanaka saa's
    1 point
  39. Steveocee

    Compressor or hand pump

    The question I'd ask is, can you take a compressor to and run it at site? Probably not. A 48Ci steely like most of us buy needs to be topped up several times throughout the day. You would be far better off spending the same money on a decent air rifle type cylinder and then paying £5 every 3-4 games to get it filled by someone with a multi thousand pounds compressor than trying to jerry rig a noisy and dangerous unit at site.
    1 point
  40. Not doing too badly so far on my list of, well, full disclosure these items wernt on a list....thats how they are still at home.... Sleep mask - if i get more than 4 each night i am doing better normal Train book! Have one for the longer journey back but not for now.... Still doing better than my brother, who forgot his guns and had to go back for them.....
    1 point
  41. look guys, we gotta accept that airsoft is a sport that attracts folks from various ages and backgrounds, it should be no surprise that forums surrounding it will be no exception. that's inevitably going to lead to dealing with folks with whom you have some fundamental philosophical disagreement with whether that separation be age, politics, religion or whatever. however i do think that alex has a point that certain things are best left unsaid on a public forum, although not for the same reasons. one of the things i've always loved about this forum compared to many is how rarely debates of this sort arise, either because they're not talked about or because folks here realize the truth that arguing with someone on an internet forum isn't going to get them to change to any great degree. on the flip side, shamal and druid have a point that if you support free speech as an ideal then you have to accept that also means accepting others should be allowed to voice opinions that don't sit well with you. I realize that it's an easy trap to fall into, hell i remember the vaccine debate suckered me in good and proper, but looking at the long term you can choose to either hold the grudge and end up having constant little spats (until the forum suffers for it), or accept the inevitability that nothing's going to change the other party's mind and you're better off forgetting it and focusing on the real issues that affect us all. like kickingmustang and speedsofters and hpa users because for sure we ain't gonna be solving a problem as complex as racism from behind a keyboard.
    1 point
  42. MalcyFett

    THE TM MWS thread

    Ordered a mk16 rail from Hao directly, took a week to arrive from Taiwan. Finally got the guts to open up the mws, installed a sixg brass nub and fitted the new rail (not too bad to fit, even for a complete novice with gbbrs). Really happy with how it’s looking now.
    1 point
  43. Hey guys whats with all the notifications....
    1 point
  44. Plot twist, it was still racist/racism then. It wasn’t talked about openly because it was deemed too taboo to do so, courtesy of the oppression that came with it. I’m confused why the examples keep leading back to comedy, or more importantly the works of professional comedians. It’s an entirely separate matter, if you’re watching a comedian the chances are you know what to expect. When I start reading a thread titled ‘Lack of enthusiasm. Again’ on a public forum racist (though no offence intended, of course 😒) ramblings is just in no way relevant. It’s just twisting the context to fit your thoughts/beliefs, you’re just as entitled to think racist posts are ‘ok’ as I am to think they’re not but spare the back in my day bullshit to try and justify your archaic view point. I didn’t particularly care to comment, but I genuinely can’t wrap my head around how anyone could type out the phrase ‘slitty eyed little yellow friend’ and not think it’s massively racist. It’s not a matter of being offended it’s a matter of presenting a welcoming, inclusive community. Shit like that just ain’t it chief.
    1 point
  45. *Tarkov music intensifies* Took my final delivery of ZenitCo bits from Russian this morning, small amount of filing on the mock gas tube and dishes are done. Taken months to get it all together, but I love this angry little bastard. (Tracer installed in PBS-1 for CQB)
    1 point
  46. Here's my MP7, I've used it for a couple of games and am loving it so far. Couple of external attachments but have yet to tinker with the internals. I do worry about common issues such as nozzles and backplates cracking but have had no issue yet, so am wondering if I should get spares handy or are there worthwhile upgrades/fixes? Anyways, I carried out a few tests on the chrono and here are my results. I was surprised to see a gain of around 25fps when increasing the hop-up from off to fully on. I expected it to decrease due to the friction but I imagine it actually creates a better airseal therefore more FPS? I confirmed this with my MWS too. Also to note ASG Ultrair gave around 15fps lower compared with Nuprol 2.0 so that is handy to know if you chrono above 350 on a hot day this summer. I will be carrying out some range testing this weekend with a range of BB weights from .2g to .4g so will report back on that!
    1 point
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