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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/15 in all areas

  1. Hi all Recently uploaded a video to Youtube doing a review of the Mancraft kit for the VSR, I also install it etc so please watch if you intend to Mancraft your rifle.
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Which also retails around £1200...
    2 points
  4. I hand then out by the mag full usually at a rate of 35 per second 😂
    2 points
  5. Russe11

    Gas or Electric?

    Start with an electric gun. Don't worry about a pistol straight away.
    2 points
  6. Another pair of 95 trousers because I am no longer a 30 waist End of the month I should be getting a Makarov Co2 blowback
    2 points
  7. TacMaster

    What gun is this?

    Looks like a Magpul Masada style rifle. As several manufacturers make their own versions (including A&K, PTS and WE) I don't think it's possible to identify the manufacturer from a photo.
    1 point
  8. Monty

    Tight bore trouble

    http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/madbull-601mm-t6-7075-aluminium-ultimate-tight-bore-barrel-455mm Slightly longer but shouldn't go past the flash hider.
    1 point
  9. But before you do that, have you removed and lubed it?
    1 point
  10. Assuming it's marui compatible, these should fit. http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft/we-glock-17-air-nozzle-and-valve-set.htm#.VeyZUhFViko
    1 point
  11. I'd say even less. It takes expensive equipment to product them in such bulk for such a small market and I can't imagine too many companies are happy with their machines sitting idle for more than a few hours at a time.
    1 point
  12. While I'm not 100% sure on vandalism,since BPA's not an airsoft exclusive site,we do have a problem with people dumping random stuff. Broken down/Written off cars,random crap. One time someone dumped a drum set and some perfectly fine couches for us to use which is nice.
    1 point
  13. It's ok trigger, I is down wit da kids n da street talk like, innit blood, sick.
    1 point
  14. Jedi_Master

    Great Looking Gear

    Yes but the helmet takes the pith
    1 point
  15. MrMcG

    To give strangers BBs or not

    Last Wednesday playing I lost all my lives in the last game we played so was walking off at the same time someone else was doing the walk of shame found out he had another life but ran out of ammo so just gave him my gun and a mag so he could continue. Best bit he was on enemy team and killed my mate with my rifle hahahaha The guy gave gun back and was really grateful didn't cost anything and made someone else's day easier
    1 point
  16. Ian_Gere

    Vandalism at sites

    During a day's play at Skirmish Mansfield some arse dug up a piece of camo net which had been partly trodden into the dirt and insisted that it was now his. I tried my best to make him understand the concept of "not yours; not your land: thieving bastard" but he wasn't having any of it. His brain just didn't seem able to compute that simply digging half of something out of the ground did not somehow convey ownership of said item - he's probably a frustrated metal detectorist. When the site isn't in use they have multiple motion sensors as well as fixed alarms, all of which text staff, and video surveillance, so problems have been few and far between. However their is another site a few miles away whose owners used to do business with Skirmish's people and are now disgruntled after they went off in a huff and subsequently died on their arse business-wise... they are believed to be behind the theft of signs on the main road away from the security zone. TBH, as others have said, by their very nature sites are easy targets, so the way forward is either to build fixtures out of non-flammable materials and/or use proper modern security, which is a shame for small time operators just starting up. There are enough things to worry about without the prospect of people deliberately fucking you over...
    1 point
  17. MrMcG

    Gas or Electric?

    I'm fairly new to this sport and started on electric with a mate. Since getting my ukara I went and bought a gun I love the vector which is a GBB and if I'm honest I love it far more than my electric UMG or M4. I think the whole feel and sound of the package makes you feel a bit giddy when using it. The cons are Smaller mags Gas usage Weight Maintenance I use the nuprol red gas for cold and it worked fine last week emptied a 49rd mag on full auto no problems, and if red struggles I think there is a black gas version. The smaller mags are a bit of a pain but you play differently I got more kills with the gbb than I normally get with the electric and I put it down to picking my shots better rather than a line of cover fire. The weight of the mags is fairly harsh though I have 7 vector mags and they do weigh a fair bit. I'm still learning so maintenance so far has been spraying moving parts with oil and keeping gas in mags but I'm sure ill move into greater depth as time goes on. I think what people are saying is right start with an electric one and see if people at your site use gas have a look at them ask their opinions and make an informed choice. I love gas my mate who joined at same time doesn't like them his pistol mags are leaking as is his shotgun *touch wood* mine are fine Its chalk and cheese I guess
    1 point
  18. Most BBs are rebrand really. I think I heard once that there's only 8-10 big companies making our ammo,with about 6 of them being in China and the rest in Taiwan or Japan. Can't personally say how true that is,but it sounds pretty plausible.
    1 point
  19. 'Shorted gearbox' 'diagnostic path' ... Wtf?! This guy hasn't got a fucking scooby doo, get your money back ASAP and leave feedback.
    1 point
  20. Get your money back then leave feedback.
    1 point
  21. As far as I'm concerned, any airsoft company that has to spend as much on advertising as Nuprol is taking that out of the budget somewhere - they're never going to be as good as some other brands that don't take out placements in magazines, on websites etc. in such a small market. During my adventure to find heavyweight tracer BBs earlier this year, I spoke directly with some distributors and one of the representatives said they were actually in Europe at the time talking with companies. One month later Nuprol .28g and .30g tracers pop up. This was a rep from Yuanjun - they make fairly average BBs according to the reviews. Now I know that it takes longer than a month to get a product like this to market, but the fact that they were the only manufacturer openly advertising 0.28g and 0.30g tracers is enough to make me wonder where these BBs are being sourced. They're a pretty specialist product, and I'd wager there are only a handful of companies making them - maybe Nuprols are simply a rebrand. It certainly wouldn't be the first time in airsoft. That said, their tracers seems fine and some of their stuff is alright but they're never going to compete with some of the other stuff out there
    1 point
  22. These are what I use: http://www.socomtactical.net/airsoft-accessories/ammo-and-gas/0-25-airsoft-bbs/box-of-12-asg-blaster-025g-3000-bottle.html Postage is a flat £5 rate which is good as a lot of retailers either charge more by default or bump the price up when shipping heavier items. It's something to watch out for as postage can effectively negate any savings you made on bulk buying. Airsoft Zone has some good bulk buy deals too but I don't know how much their postage would be: http://airsoftzone.co.uk/multibuy-zone?sort=p.price&order=ASC&limit=25 Buying single bottles I would just do onsite when I'm playing. Although it does mean you could only have the choice of ammo that your gun doesn't like.
    1 point
  23. I'm using Nuprol non tracer .28s,perfect so far. Using them in cheap ASG speedloaders(The ones you usually get with double eagle tri-shots) and no problems. They fly better than the ASG blasters I usually use. Please note I'm using a VSR which usually feeds anything from freeze dried peas. I purchased mine in April or May I think,newer batch anyway. No problems with feeding. Cons are that they smell foul. Noxious burnt plastic like smell. The feeding issues in AEGs could stem from the fact that they're polished differently and aren't near as slick or greasy as other makes,meaning they might get jammed up in mags or hop feeding tubes. On the plus side for spring rifles,they don't leave as much crap behind on the bucking and barrel.
    1 point
  24. Hi guys kind of hijacking this so sorry to the OP. I'm in the cadets but want to do airsoft as well what would you recommend. Translated it into english for you ☺
    1 point
  25. Esoterick

    .28 tracers

    Main ones I'm seeing doing a quick search is the Nuprol ones: http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft/we-europe-nuprol-0-28g-diamond-tracer-6mm-bb-x-3000-light-green.htm I have had and know a lot of people who have had feed issues with Nuprol BBs. Apparently they are better now but I can't confirm this and don't know how you could verify if you were buying a newer or older batch.
    1 point
  26. Dreaming... More like off his tits 😂
    1 point
  27. I let a guy refill his mags using my pistol style speedloader because he ran out and didnt have one with him. He had a bottle of bb's and offered to put em back but i told him not to worry. Later on, he saved my bacon and got killed doing so. Beautiful moment. True plastic hero.
    1 point
  28. Tokyo Marui Foliage Warrior. I picked it up from █████████████ for £99.99 + shipping (actually f*ck their shipping rates)
    1 point
  29. Nothing exciting or expensive, but on recommendation have bought a couple of plastic boxes to store my LiPo batteries in. So no risk of shorting them in a metal tin, and the plastic boxes will keep them safe inside my ammo storage box..
    1 point
  30. I just bought a tan fast helmet for me big melon head
    1 point
  31. Welcome sir...... I do wish all new members signing up are forced or reminded about all the fantastic guides already in the new players section http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/12854-new-player-guides-info/ Ian's guide should be compulsory before completing the registration - no offense to experienced new members http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/17294-ians-guide-to-noobism-on-a-tight-budget/ There is a goldmine of info there all written by people taking time out to pass on a wealth of wisdom often updated and true honest advice given for free by members with far more experience than I will ever have No offense to anybody but 99.99999% of questions are already there and trying to get around any ukara loopholes is risky and pointless - plus it kinda undermines and threatens the sport in this country yes it is a friggin' toy gun - I'm the first to shout this from the rooftops but as it is a very very realistic looking gun and in the recent security measures it is even more important we all conduct ourselves responsibly in accordance to ukara & vcra act (yes some of it may not perfect crystal clear sense in places but we go with it all or face the wrath of sect 6 paragraph 4 etc....) the saying "Don't be dick" has never been more important for ALL AIRSOFTER's so please forget trying to sneakily obtain a RIF Join a saddo toy gun club, if u18 & no defense ask an adult to purchase or gift you a 2-tone - ahem cover/customise it as you wish but have a defense of some sort and act responsibly with your toy gun is the really important bit - whatever colour it is This ain't a pop at you or anybody else - but a lot of info is already out there of what you can/can't do in this country And even if you managed to get a RIF from US into this place - very often you get screwed for tax/duty in which case they will have opened it and found whats inside if not x-ray'd so you won't be getting it delivered anyway Try to stay within our ukara guidelines to keep this sport safe and please the looney left politicians that seek to ban it like Australia has done
    1 point
  32. Don't bother with that M200. Sniper rifles are always a bad decision for a first gun and shell ejecting ones will be completely outmatched by your VSRs and L96s - it is a very regular mistake to make as a new player so don't worry. Airsoft sniper rifles are not commonly ready to skirmish out of the box and you will not have a good day if you take that thing onto the field so soon after obtaining your UKARA number. Also, sniping in airsoft is very different to what you may see in the videos where everything is cut and edited. You need to know the site you're playing at inside and out, a lot of the time you need decent camouflage and you need to be able to move between many spots and then be very patient whilst you wait for something to shoot. The best way to work this out for yourself is to go along - you'll see what I mean immediately even if you're not behind the sniper rifle yourself. You may think it's for you, but I implore you to keep an open mind on this one for now. All that aside, as sniper rifles go I must say lugging that M200 around is probably not going to be fun at all. There's no need for something so big and the novelty may wear off quickly - check out the VSRs, M40s and AWSs as they're much lighter. Yes, if you have a UKARA number you can have a gun imported and passed through Border Force and customs with no issues except for a lovely 20% VAT plus some import tax. They may test the FPS/do a velocity test. I am not sure of the limits on either of these, but I'd imagine it's somewhere in the region of 450fps on a .20g or 1.88J if it's bolt action. Someone else will probably answer this.
    1 point
  33. Welcome to the forums. 1) A common misconception is to call UKARA a 'licence' - there is no such thing is a licence to play with (or own) an RIF, despite the frequent use of this word on Facebook and in other places. Instead what we have is the VCRA and what is referred to as a 'valid defence' for purchasing an airsoft gun. I understand that this may be confusing initially. Basically, the Violent Crimes Reduction Act stipulates purchase of any realistic looking gun (a Realistic Imitation Firearm - RIF) is illegal without a defence for owning one. The issue is this is a very grey area as a 'defence' can be anything and is not properly discussed in the VCRA - rather, an example is given in the form of UKARA (United Kingdom Airsoft Retailers Association) as to what a defence could be. Again, it is important to remember that UKARA membership is not the be all and end all of a valid defence for RIF. A seller of an RIF must ask for proof that you have a legitimate reason to purchase the gun. For almost all online retailers in the UK, this is in the form of a UKARA membership number as it's the easiest way of verifying someone is a player. Many shops however won't ask for a valid defence - this is frequently illegal. Either way, the responsibility to make sure the buyer has a valid defence is on the seller (not the buyer) - this is why online retailers are careful as they obviously don't want to be prosecuted under VCRA. Again, VCRA only covers the purchase and manufacture of an RIF not operation or ownership. Pretty much all questions regarding VCRA, valid defences and UKARA have already been asked - you can almost always find the answer you're looking for in this forum: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/forum/12-uk-law/ it's worth a read to dispel some of the myths you'll find in Youtube videos and in social media. In practice what this means for you is that you'll probably need UKARA membership to buy an RIF. I'll cover this in a bit. 2) Nonsense. 3) Without a UKARA number UK customs will destroy your gun most likely. I have not known of anyone able to provide a defence for the purchase in any other way to have it released as currently Border Force and HMRC only really seem to accept UKARA as a valid defence. This is probably out of ease though as it's not the law. Besides, we have just as good (if not better) selection in airsoft guns as the US in my opinion. A lot of their unique brands brands over there are simple re-brands of ones you can already buy here or just plain rubbish. if you want to import something exotic then you need to look east not west. Basically man, just go to some games/skirmishes. Sites are set up to provide rental weapons to new players and would be more than happy to accommodate. Find one near you and go - it'll be maybe £45-55 for the day if you include the rental, entry fee and some BBs. UKARA membership requires one to attend 3 games in a period of no less than 2 months between the first and last game and for you to be over the age of 18. You need to print the UKARA registration form and take it with you - they will stamp it each time you attend and on the third you can register with a retailer and get your number. You may use an RIF that you've rented from a site or borrowed or been gifted from a friend. Again, VCRA only covers the purchase of an RIF - ownership and operation is fine. The alternative is an IF (Imitation Firearm). This is a gun that's 51% brightly painted (commonly referred to as '2-tone') - you still need to be over 18 and most would not recommend wasting your money on an IF. Wait until you get UKARA and then buy something.
    1 point
  34. Actually the click is probably the mag catch. The feed tube pushing the catch on the mag that holds the BBs is generally not audible enough to hear. I think really you're going to have to look at it and make sure the magazine is seating right on with the hop unit. It's probably just sagged a little through general wear and needs a bit of shimming in the right place - sounds like this place is the rear of the mag well. If - as you and Lozart both stated - shimming the rear of the well pushes it forwards and up enough then do that, but angle the shim so it's not interfering with reloads. Basically apply the epoxy and then let it cure for a good 24 hours before sanding it down a little at the bottom of the mag well. Again, this is so it doesn't interfere with reloading when you push the rear of the magazine up into the mag well, but will still push it forward when the magazine is fully seated. Shouldn't be too tricky. Just take your time and if in doubt apply a very small amount of epoxy first and let it cure for a while before sanding or reinserting the magazine. Though epoxy is good to touch after 30 minutes, it will be 'rubbery' until it cures for a good day and may not push the magazine as much as it would if it was fully cured.
    1 point
  35. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    Qlimax, looks the nuts. I must say, that flash hider just looks nicely naughty More of mine, Now have a Tripod and working on getting the original box mag into the ammo tin and running a long tube up.
    1 point
  36. Russe11

    Great Looking Gear

    How about: P1904 cavalry bandolier Khaki drill service dress from whatprice glory Wolseley Pith helmet For the WW1 Camel corps look.
    1 point
  37. Should clarify that with 'works for me in 50C heat while I'm sweating like a blind lesbian in a fish shop'
    1 point
  38. Most people I see starting out who've zero knowledge of military kit and don't seek advice from more knowledgeable folks end up with most awful looking chinese knock-offs imaginable, the types of vests and armour carriers that literally fall apart at the seams 2 games in and rub the wearer raw in all the wrong places through the absurdly cheap knock-off fabrics and poor workmanship. Generally they're meant to be multicam but just look like a mixture of barbie pink and phlegm. That classic old assault vest design has been around for donkeys but it's a brilliant option to this day if you just need load carriage without the armour; rugged as hell, water-proof materials (at least the issue ones built the same as PLCE should be), light, well ventilated and a plethora of well placed pockets. The only real down-sides are the old 'spanish fly' buckles not being ideal and the fact they're so damn big in order to go over some of the old issue body armour.
    1 point
  39. Great just great....NOW you tell us !!!!! too late for me I think
    1 point
  40. Check out the appraisals thread Monty was on about: http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/showthread.php?262945-TM-vsr-I-know-nothing-about He knew what he was doing.
    1 point
  41. So today down it the woods and a player on my team ran out of ammo. To save him the walk of death back to the safe zone, I just took out my TM speed loader and gave it to him so he was able to bomb-up his low cap mag and stay in the fight. It felt good to help out another player. Airsoft karma.
    1 point
  42. RabidNinja64

    Vandalism at sites

    I was thinking a complimentary lease for a 1 bedroom flat, complete with a burberry cap! Saying that, Capture the Flat sounds like a good chav defense game
    1 point
  43. Ares M4 CQC - Black 8 Fields Hard Armour Plate Carrier - Black Viper Water Bottle / Pouch - Black Trojan Tactical Admin Map Pouch - Olive Green 8 Fields Radio Pouch - Flecktarn 2x 8 Fields M4 Pouch - Flecktarn 8 Fields Rollable Dump Pouch - Flecktarn Name Patch
    1 point
  44. I have been treating myself lately! Bought a KWA Kriss Vector with 3 mags, a Madbull SOCOM stock and a 335mm suppressor! I plan to get the suppressor with the integrated inner barrel to put on my Vector (heard the FPS shoots up! Makes the gun fire hot though so not for skirmishes). But yeah!
    1 point
  45. Come on mate, you've not been away that long have you? It's a dark version of multicam.
    1 point
  46. At Sennybridge FIBUA last weekend
    1 point
  47. If you're new, please take some time to look around the forums and view pinned topics. There is a lot of useful information. As a starting point.. Finding a place to play: New and looking for somewhere to play? The law and Airsoft: Our UK Law Forum The "Violent Crime Reduction Act" in Full Popular UKARA Related Questions Beginners Guides: Beginner Guide to Airsoft Ian's Guide to Noobism on a Tight Budget AF-UK App with useful stuff: AF-UK App Guides forum containing lots of useful info: Guides Forum Chances are simple questions will have been asked before. If you can't find anything on the above links then please search: http://www.airsoft-f...e&module=search
    1 point
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