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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/15 in all areas

  1. Well to me as I play for giggles and not take it too seriously As I'm a sad git who spends way too much on crappy guns Plus running around out of shape - puffing n panting steamed up face protection, totally knackered..... I propose we just call it: SWEAT - yuk but hear me out as it does kinda fit..... Saddo's With Expensive Air Toys not exactly a great promotion to get more female players interested but kinda does paint a true-ish picture of us lot
    5 points
  2. No need for a macho name because airsoft is not a macho thing. We like it and we think it's a cool thing but the rest of the world sees it as cool as driving model trains or tabletop rpg. Calling it mega death strike 3000 won't change the fact that it is playing soldiers.
    4 points
  3. Lozart

    Better name than Airsoft.

    OK, for those of us that wanted an intelligent discourse; changing the name to something "more descriptive of the pain involved" or indeed "more masculine" makes the sport LESS inclusive and MORE likely to attract the kind of people we DON'T want. Calling it "Man pain ball" is hardly going to encourage more kids and women to want to play, now is it? At the end of the day it doesn't matter what you call it when you try and explain it to people they will ALWAYS say "...so it's like paintball then".
    3 points
  4. Wish I'd knew from the start that knowing nothing & having no interest in military terms doesnt make any differance. I know nowt about military stuff & dont really have any interest in guns either, but this hobby is a good laugh & my son loves it. thats what hobbies are all about, fun.....sod the rest.
    2 points
  5. Calling it Wargames could confuse some people, I can just see a few players rocking up at a site with their 15mm Napoleonic figures expecting a table top battle!
    2 points
  6. Lol, nice wargames reference There Hudson
    2 points
  7. How about a nice game of chess?
    2 points
  8. Football is football ffs Yanks tried to mess it up with needing soccer No what yanks call football is padded rugby Wtf kick up n down pitch - football not soccer American football is padded rugby not football And a choccy bar is Marathon not Snickers Opal Fruits not Starburst Jif not Cif Some things should be left alone as is Think coco pops got changed but in a rare u-turn They decided to change it back to coco pops I just say I'm going shooting Saturday (Hopefully I don't get pounced on leaving the house)
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. I also wish I'd known that there would be so many military try hards that would take you to task over whether or not MTP is better than multicam in british woodland between 3 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
    1 point
  11. They do. But then they also have people that have cut off their own head with a chainsaw to prove how manly they are. Pretty sure they don't have the hand wringing, money grabbing insurance companies that we do either...
    1 point
  12. I was going to say "fine, fair enough" but then you had to go and do the "high horse" thing. You asked for peoples input and you got it. You got my opinion in all its unfiltered, unedited glory (actually that's not quite true but then you'd have got really upset at what I wrote the first two times). I know now that I wasn't supposed to have the opinion of "but there's nothing wrong with calling it airsoft". Maybe you should try phrasing the question differently. Maybe start with something like "hey, just for shits and giggles what else could we call the game we play" instead of suggesting that "airsoft" is in some way not manly enough. For a general point though - and this goes out to everyone that reads this - having a differing opinion does NOT mean you're up on your "high horse". It just means you have a different opinion. I don't even like horses. Stupid poncey things.
    1 point
  13. I agree, it needs a name that's more literally descriptive, like 'paintball' is. I opt we call it 'little white balls,' as in: "this weekend my mates and I are going to the woods to play with our little white balls."
    1 point
  14. K@rl

    Better name than Airsoft.

    .2 g bb at 50 meters may not hurt but for those of us who play cqb a bb at 2meters is enough to sting. Especially if people don't get that 1 bb is enough.
    1 point
  15. lafta

    Airsoft site help please

    I had the same issue, pmd them on facebook and they were very vague about game dates. Which makes booking in advance pretty difficult!
    1 point
  16. Glad I'm not the only one that caught that
    1 point
  17. They are two different sites mate, one is just the school with two playground levels and a three story building. The other is their woodland site in Chislehurst.
    1 point
  18. In Hong Kong they call it "Wargames" "Yeah I'm doing wargames this weekend" etc etc.
    1 point
  19. nah..you'd get overly excited and leave your keyboard in a sticky situation ;-)
    1 point
  20. It actually was called 'soft air' when the first guns came out... And another piece of trivia... BB stands for 'ball bullet' and not 'ball bearing' as commonly thought. Whilst it would be nice to try and think of an alternative the sport / hobby has been around for many years (at least 18 I can think of) and has always been called airsoft, so a name change would cause a huge amount of confusion. Personally I don't mind airsoft
    1 point
  21. *ahem* Poke it up your bumhole.
    1 point
  22. Lozart

    Better name than Airsoft.

    Because there's nothing wrong with "airsoft"? Maybe you should get yourself one of these: And stop worrying about what other people think...
    1 point
  23. You must be new here.....
    1 point
  24. Aengus

    Better name than Airsoft.

    A bit sad ? Should've seen my pals reactions to milsim haha
    1 point
  25. Are you a rider or just own a horse ? Might try it for my pony because the spray stuff is absolute sh8t. Giving up as I don't have time anymore due to rugby
    1 point
  26. Seconded for the Avon stuff. I use it to make a very effective fly repellent for my horse. Never thought of using it myself though...
    1 point
  27. Lets be honest its always going to be seen as a bit sad by a lot of people no matter what its called. I am surprised you dont see guys coming out of airsoft shops with their new toy gun in a brown paper bag and trying to hide it under their raincoat.
    1 point
  28. No I had a l3 but it killed two batteries. I'm asking about the s5 smart charger. Thanks though M
    1 point
  29. Should be descriptive like paintball so Plastic balls Small balls Balls in air Airy balls Or my personal favourite BB shooting, just dont say it with an accent.
    1 point
  30. Softair Nah seriously I can't think of a "manly name"
    1 point
  31. Anything that looks like multicam but doesn't specifically say the word multicam and come from a reputable retailer, is just a copy. Simple as that. All said clones and copies vary a little bit and are slightly differently shaped and shaded. However if you're not really in to your kit you won't notice the difference 90% of the time and other people who're any distance from you/in a dimly lit area/behind trees or whatever definitely won't notice any difference. When you get to whatever skirmish site you're playing at, 99% of people won't be able to tell any difference between the real stuff, MTP and any of the many many clones out there. I've seen all sorts of military people in various trades who wear MTP literally all day every day be entirely unable to tell even some of the worst clone items from the genuine article; literally the cheapest chinese clone stuff that was half snot green and half actual barbie pink it was so badly manufactured... still couldn't see it was different.
    1 point
  32. Edgi barrels are extremely good. Dont bother with the rest of the bits though. 90° triggers are the way forward. Try the airsoft sniper parts guys in the uk. Good advice, decent prices and a trusted seller. Bullet
    1 point
  33. Needed a more pro load-out so bought this;
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Aug 16th at Our Lady of Plastic Death, Friar Street, Reading. All are welcome to feel it's warm embrace.
    1 point
  36. picked these up just now. Absoloute hell cycling to the othet end of Lviv in 35 degree heat. Not the only ones,others were for m8s and not airsoft releated. Cost about 10 UAH for production,and 10 UAH for the velcro. About 80 cents per patch,as they already had the vectors for them
    1 point
  37. I've got a shaven baldy heed and wear a baseball cap, it provides just enough protection that the bb's don't break the skin in cqb
    1 point
  38. Lozart

    Non airsoft sales

    I used to spend a lot of time on a motorcycle forum. They allowed non-motorcycle related ads in their For Sale section (albeit in their own sub forum but still). I think it would be a good idea personally to have a sub forum for "anything goes", there's loads of people here that are gamers for instance that might want to shift an Xbox to pay for a new rifle.
    1 point
  39. Berto

    Non airsoft sales

    Cheers esoterick. No need to be a smart ass airsoft_mr b, I was just asking a question. I see like lots of pictures of people in the field and of loadouts etc so though someone might be interested. A simple no would have done and probably caused less offence.
    1 point
  40. The hardest part is looking as anti-social and miserable as possible, so you don't get people coming over and try to talk to you. Even then you get someone appear next to you "oh wow, Ive got that scope too, we're like scope brothers"
    1 point
  41. There is no Forum team as such.. But yes a lot of us southern heads attend the Mall quite a bit. If your asking as you need someone to tag with, start a thread about when you are going, if any regulars are too then meet up in the safe zone and say hi!... We dont bite... Hard..
    1 point
  42. I don't know about you but I'd still open the door with the key. Easy in and easy out. I wouldn't fancy climbing though a smashed window and then having to climb out again with your expensive toaster in one arm as I could cut myself and leave DNA and if its a full pane of glass guaranteed that you'll end up tripping on it. Don't make the mistake of thinking most criminals are stupid (some are!) Do your best to make it as difficult as you can for them and chances are someone 3 doors away won't have and they'll get done instead.
    1 point
  43. That's kind of my point though, they'd have break the window, at which point the key becomes worthless anyway. If someone wanted to get in theyd have to break the window, by that point having the key is of no benefit to them though as the locks would be changed immediately.
    1 point
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