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Kdr.. Does it matter to you?
Zak Da Mack and 3 others reacted to M_P for a topic
The people that do care really need to re-assess their priorities.4 points -
Colonel Kurtz and 2 others reacted to ImTriggerHappy for a topic
Its nice to get a new member without having to answer which combat machine or g36 to go for. Welcome to the forum.3 points -
Kdr.. Does it matter to you?
Josh95 and 2 others reacted to ImTriggerHappy for a topic
Couldn't care less. The only game I have ever counted how many players I get is the first infected style game at the mall. Hits I take I have never counted because to be honest its more fun to throw yourself in than hide in a corner worrying about getting shot.3 points -
Kdr.. Does it matter to you?
Sitting Duck and 2 others reacted to beastmode for a topic
Nope I've never counted either and I tend to call them hits. Could ruin the day if I counted as I'd realise how crap I am.3 points -
Seems like a good amount of no's.. Glad I'm not the only one.3 points
Kdr.. Does it matter to you?
Alex34 and 2 others reacted to Colonel Kurtz for a topic
If you got time to count you're not playing hard-enough! I get the enjoyment out of the experience/adrenaline rather than related statistics, although I might count a couple games when i finally bring a go-pro along so i can put a duke nukem ui over the footage My K/D ratio is definitely good due to playing solo, most people play in groups so if I get the jump on them I'm getting several kills all to myself, vice-versa that's only one loss. I'm more about the combat than game objectives, if i started counting kills and caring about the figure I'd probably just end up abandoning objectives all together and as close to spawn camping as possible. Happier in ignorance and confident enough in kicking ass to not need the validation3 points -
Each unto their own, but personally I play for sake of playing, not stats.3 points
Kdr.. Does it matter to you?
ImTriggerHappy and one other reacted to shortman for a topic
Lol! Like road runner? Meeep meep.2 points -
Kdr.. Does it matter to you?
Josh95 and one other reacted to ImTriggerHappy for a topic
Yep bloody P.C brigade, soon have a rule where you have to give someone a cuddle and band aid when you shoot them.I say kill all the time there is nothing wrong with it, it just a term.2 points -
Im still new enough to it all just be buzzing with adrenaline about the fact im in a firefight. I dont care who dies me or them lol.2 points
I get more satisfaction from the kills I do get and the way I got it either sneaking up or outsmarting the enemy in an even gunfight more than the sheer numbers which I'm sure will get better as I improve I just wasn't sure if it's how other people track or rate their success. I thought opinions might be mixed.2 points
Kdr.. Does it matter to you?
Colonel Kurtz and one other reacted to Samurai for a topic
Nope. It would be too embarrassing to all the others. JK2 points -
I don't even care about K/D when I'm playing Battlefield!2 points
So do pea shooters & catapaults1 point
nerf guns shoot a "projectile" /sigh1 point
Kdr.. Does it matter to you?
ImTriggerHappy reacted to Esoterick for a topic
Yeah I don't think it really matters what time people use and it is funny considering we are for the most part simulating what soldiers do, regardless of how accurate or realistic it is. Maybe we should say "hit player and said player acknowledged the fact that they were hit" as hitting someone doesn't necessarily mean they won't cheat or not notice they were hit and continue playing.1 point -
Could start saying you have "ended" someone instead? But i think thats probably worse lol.1 point
A lot of hostility to the term "kills"1 point
I get more of a buzz out of completing the objective, rather then scoring "kills"1 point
Tanio Koba twist barrel
Deke1977 reacted to Hef Legend for a topic
The rifling does not undo the hop, if anything it helps it work better by allowing air around the BB and reduces the ricochets of the inner barrel. I've run these in loads of guns and still do in a few, in fact my short barrelled tippman has the TK barrel in it and it has great accuracy and range, considering I run the gun at 330 and the inner barrel is about 200mm long, it range isn't far off my old CTW which was hop modded. If you play at <330 fps this barrel is great with a g&g bucking, even better if you use the g&g flat hopped. They are stupidly hard to get nowadays but they do perform very well1 point -
Tanio Koba twist barrel
ImTriggerHappy reacted to proffrink for a topic
If you want to R-Hop then go with a very wide bore. Best you can get is an ORGA Magnus 6.23 (500mm): http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Orga-Magnus-6-23mm-Wide-Bore-Barrel-for-AEG-500mm-OGAINU-PB-1-0021-/271267200104 - I ordered a 500mm for my M249 from this guy and it arrived last week fine. Prometheus/Laylax/First (whatever they want to call themselves), PDI and ORGA make the best barrels you can buy right now. Prometheus are the cheapest, and PDI are excellent quality (and affordable) but don't do a proper wide bore for R-Hopping. There's also the issue of the Prometheus Delta Strike barrels having the plastic hop window, which wasn't their best idea. 'Miracle Barrels' are very silly - they're just high quality 6.06mm with a userbase in America that has very little choice and don't frequently shop abroad. They also have a longer hop window an o-ring. Whilst those are nice to have, they're hardly groundbreaking; longer hop windows have been around for a while - you can buy the extended R-Hop patches for them. Like a lot of stuff for airsoft that starts its life in the US, it's mostly pushy sales and apathetic buyers defending their purchases that give it the name it has today. So yeh, if you want a barrel that isn't going to interfere with a decent amount of backspin, then you need a far wider bore than 6.05 or 6.06 - go for 6.23 (Magnus) or 6.20 (Delta Strike) and make up for the drop in FPS elsewhere. Just make sure that you have the patch installed properly and you'll get 45-50 metres out of it easily.1 point -
I only track them if I'm on a roll (which is rare). Highest I reached was 9 at The Gaol (six of which were knife kills, the other three shotgun kills). I somehow on my own managed to flank a good portion of the other team who must have mistook me for being on their side. But usually I don't keep it in mind - too busy having fun shooting and being shot back.1 point
Kdr.. Does it matter to you?
Colonel Kurtz reacted to Sacarathe for a topic
I don't disagree on the RIFs I'm glad to hear that i'm not the only one who feels this way, I think any variation on 'target down' is best, but as an airsoft newbie, you'll not hear that from me, for now.1 point -
Kdr.. Does it matter to you?
Colonel Kurtz reacted to RILiON for a topic
We do things colonel, things we ain't proud of :'(1 point -
Kdr.. Does it matter to you?
DEF reacted to Colonel Kurtz for a topic
Command said the cardboard box was a free-fire zone, no-one had checked to see if there was innocent insects living there or not... the horror...1 point -
Kdr.. Does it matter to you?
Sacarathe reacted to Colonel Kurtz for a topic
By those standards I'd say using RIF and camo clothing is disrespectful to reality, but i get the point, even if it sets off my sense of semantics I usually call it 'hit' or 'got' too as I've yet to impart death in airsoft, although I did shoot a beetle in half accidentally once...1 point -
Kdr.. Does it matter to you?
Zak Da Mack reacted to BrightCandle for a topic
The first and only time I cared about KDR was my second game (my first game with a rental gun I couldn't tell if I was hitting at all). I counted every hit I thought I got. Now it doesn't matter to me, I care more about driving towards the objectives and goals of the team and moving and playing well in the way I enjoy.1 point -
Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread
proffrink reacted to clumpyedge for a topic
£40 worth of pouches on a second hand rig that has someone elses sweat on... ill pass lol!1 point -
Kdr.. Does it matter to you?
clumpyedge reacted to Hudson for a topic
Not in the slightest, personally I find it a bit silly.1 point -
So I spent last night umming and ahhing over what to get got it down to a choice between two, a condor modular vest or a tasmanian tiger vest. In the end I ordered a Warrior 901 chest rig in atacs fg 😃1 point
Have you looked at ordering a PDI 6.05 direct from X-Fire? Shouldn't be too expensive that way.1 point
That battery should be fine, although i'd look for one with a higher mAh rating if you can fit it in your gun. You'd also be better off getting an imax b6 or turnigy accucel 6 charger - They are a bit more expensive but have a load more features and support lots of battery types. The main thing really with LiPos is to carry a spare or two as it doesn't hurt to switch batteries at lunch rather than knacker the cells using the same battery all day till you run it flat.1 point
1 point
The tl;dr quick intro - I'm James from Newbury, an airsofter years ago, just getting back into it. The other day I was poking about in the loft and came across my old airsoft gear. I've always known its there, and occasionally I would think about it and think 'I must go airsofting again sometime' and then do exactly nothing about it. So when I saw it the other day, I decided to stop procrastinating and dragged it all down. Its been 10 years or so since I last went to a game, so I hit the local army surplus for some cheap camo gear, goggle, charged the batteries and went down to the absolute airsoft Maidenhead site to see what happened. First thing I discovered is my old M4A1 doesn't work, which is odd, because it worked fine the evening before when I tested it. But I wasn't going to argue with it on the day, so it went back into the boot and the P90 came out and joy of joys, after 10 years of no use, it worked straight off the bat. For about 50 rounds, then the ancient mini battery died. Having rather expected this, I had 3 others, so got a few games in being ultra conservative with my shots, before they were all dead and I called it a day. The guys did kindly offer to charge them, but it wasn't worth it for 50 odd shots a piece. Now, when I last played, everyone had TM, except for the posh guys with their fancy metal classic army guns, UKARA and the VCRA was brand new and anyone in digicamo was cutting edge. So here I am, having been re-bitten by a bug that I had long ago put down, trying to catch up. I have many questions, which I'll save for other threads, but I thought I should introduce myself before I started asking daft questions. I've listed my gear below. Its all ancient, some of it 15 years old. I now remember that idle daydreaming about upgrading airsoft guns is a common affliction and each already has a place in the ongoing dreamscape. Whether its too old to be realistically useful, I guess I'll find out. G3 SG1, which in my foolish youth I disassembled the gearbox of, without knowing what I was doing, to fix an issue I can't now recall. It never worked again. If I ever get her going again, I suspect it'll need a new gearbox, so perhaps a DMR set up. An M4A1, bought second hand. which the top rail later turned out to have been broken and super glued back on, which had since failed again. This'll likely see basic repairs and service as a loaner. P90, including the big box mag that will take m16/m4 mags. She'll be the jack of all trades spare/cqb/extra loaner Another M4A1, the one I intended to use last weekend. I really loved that M4 back in the day and I'm hopeful with a more patient approach then my teenage self could muster I can resolve its problems and restore it to its former glory, and maybe even upgrade it to modern standards. In my daydreams, this one gets the works, the upgraded gearbox, the extended barrel through a suppressor, a paintjob and who knows what else. But for now, I'll focus on the basics. So yeah, thats me. Hi.1 point
Lipos are definitely better, for me they last longer and give a higher rate of fire. I would get a better smart charger then that one however. also make sure you get the wires the correct way round or it will blow up (i have done it before). People say to charge lipos in sand ect ect.... I have used Lipos in RC cars and Planes for years and never had a fire myself.1 point
Ed, Let's play a game
BBrotherwood reacted to Colonel Kurtz for a topic
Well he made a start, i guess the tricky bit was sticking it all together hehe1 point -
Using a RIF in the event of a break in
DEF reacted to Templar Mike for a topic
New to the forum, but I work in the security industry so thought I'd give my 2 pence. I haven't seen it mentioned in my skimming of this thread but one thing people seem to be missing is intent. If you show any prior intent to cause harm to someone the chances of you falling foul of the law are greatly increased, regardless of what you use. If we're talking about grabbing a RIF because your crapping your pants while someone breaks in, then you'll likely be fine. It's the difference between specifically having an item available to mess someone up who breaks into your house, or just grabbing something to hand because it was there and you thought it would scare them off. Having said that, given the limited amount of damage an airsoft gun can do, I'd say you're unlikely to face criminal charges, but as someone else has said, and more importantly, you could be putting your own life in danger!1 point -
That's what we in the know call "bullshit". If you had internals made of carbon steel which was coated with grease then you could conceivably argue that the alcohol would strip the grease away which would (eventually) allow corrosion to take place, however you would also need the internals of the gun to be damp coupled with the fact that if you strip all the lubricant from the inner workings of your AEG it'll grind to a halt WAY before it goes rusty. Also - your barrel does NOT need to be lubricated. Clean it with isopropyl alcohol by all means but keep it dry and polished and you'll be absolutely fine.1 point
25 kg sacks of bbs
clumpyedge reacted to Lozart for a topic
On a standard day using assault rifles I'm the same. Barely 500 or so but this weekend the M249 came out to play and suppressed the living crap out of...well everything.1 point -
Not 100% sure if sites definitly need insurance but without Insurance there is no defence against VCRA. Defences to an offence under section 36 of the 2006 Act or under paragraph 4 of Schedule 2 to that Act 3.—(1) It shall be a defence in proceedings for an offence under section 36 of the 2006 Act or under paragraph 4 of Schedule 2 to that Act for the person charged with the offence to show that his conduct was for the purpose only of making the imitation firearm in question available for one or more of the purposes specified in paragraph (2). (2) Those purposes are— (a)the organisation and holding of permitted activities for which public liability insurance is held in relation to liabilities to third parties arising from or in connection with the organisation and holding of those activities; (b)the purposes of display at a permitted event.1 point
Depends how "safe" you want to be. Any cheap replica will stop BBs but none of them are any "safer" than a cheap cycle helmet. If that's OK for you then I would suggest getting an FMA one from ebay (the Emerson ones are not as nice). If on the other hand you actually want one that'll properly save your head from a decent bump then you're into real ones and they cost a crapping fortune!1 point
Advice for a new guy.
Raggedy_man reacted to shortman for a topic
Number one most important thing to buy is proper eye protection followed closley by decent face protection too. And dont skimp and get ebay crap. Only get one pair of eyes and teeth are expensive too.1 point -
Advice for a new guy.
Raggedy_man reacted to MrMcG for a topic
As a new starter myself I can safely say don't rush into buying any guns just yet - Go to a game day and get a feel for everything see what people are using look at them ( people love showing off their guns ) use a rental and get to grips with the whole scene and gameplay. All i have bought so far is clothing and accessories in the form of - Torches, helmet, face guard and eye protection. I did buy a sidearm but learnt quickly that it was a wrong purchase due to the conditions i play in ( CQB underground and cold ) the pistol is full metal so doesnt really cut it gasses out etc.. Everyone on the site has ABS pistols and they work a charm. Resist buying guns as without the ukara it will be bright Take your time enjoy it and you will then have an idea of what you want to use1 point -
25 kg sacks of bbs
clumpyedge reacted to DEDSEC for a topic
There's only one real solution in which can only be described in one word... Semi.1 point -
Another confession! I shot two people in the face with my sniper rifle (clocking in at 450fps) this Sunday. Both were only wearing shooting glasses. In my defence their heads were the only thing I could see and they were well dug in - they'd killed at least seven of my team mates before I took them out. Both congratulated me on my shots but I still feel a little bad about it.1 point
The 'What have you just bought' Thread
clumpyedge reacted to SeniorSpaz87 for a topic
Welcome to the club...1 point -
Private game playing in a laser tag arena, someone was using subpar ammunition and his gun got "stuck" in full auto as I was coming round the corner. Received a 3 second burst into my lower face mask, which would've been fine except the subpar bb's shattered and retained enough velocity passing through the mesh to wipe out half the teeth on my lower jaw. £600 dentist bill, which he graciously paid (well if he hadn't i'd probably have broken something of him >.> ) and he owes me pints for life.1 point
New to airsoft
Jedi_Master reacted to Airsoft_Mr B for a topic
Pistols are fun, but wouldn't recommend buying one as a beginner. They're not exactly necessary if you have a rifle and the money can go on more essential kit for starting off; magazines, batteries, gear... With a lot -if not all- Umarex guns, they're simply re-branded and licenced versions of existing ones, which are like twice the price. Not saying you don't already do this but it's worth considering how long these people reviewing guns have actually owned them and their own experience and if it's a retailer who's advertising them. I say that because I'm sure I've heard bad things about the Umarex MP5 which would conflict with what you've heard. Personally I'd recommend a G&G MP5 which are around £130, add another £30 for a good quality battery & charger (which really you should buy anyway because ones included with guns are cheap) If the velocity is too high then you can simply install a new spring, but of course this is not something you really wanna do with a new gun especially if you're new. It seems retailers take advantage of this and some places like to charge £30+ which I think is just for the fitting. Hope this helps, welcome to the forum as well by the way Check out the guides (such as Ian_Gere's Guide to Noobism, at least I think that's what it's called) on here which are really useful as well1 point -
G&G MP5 A5 review
Jedi_Master reacted to Shizbazki for a topic
I know its not exactly the latest gun in term on Airsoft but this is my stab at a review for it, keep an eye out for the disassembly and reassembly video soon. https://youtu.be/_QmCzqee2mg1 point -
1 point