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Throwing pyro after getting hit?


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Hey, I just wanted to see if other people are having the same experience as me. We all know that sometimes you will hit someone and they'll try to squeeze off a few shots before they call it in the hopes of trading, however this doesn't happen all the time. What I've noticed though is if you hit someone as they're striking or holding a grenade and hit them (very obviously, like a head or hand shot that you know they've felt), pretty much every single time that player will throw the grenade before calling it, rather than dropping it where they stand as they should. I'm curious if other people have observed this as much as I have.


I can see why people might do it (pyro is expensive and it's why I don't use it), but at the same time it's both an example of non-hit taking and really annoying when you get that shot and then just watch them throw the grenade at you anyway. Naturally, my stance is a hit is a hit and you should drop it at your feet when you get hit; If you want to spend on grenades, don't pull them out them where you're going to get shot!

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If it's paper pyro, once it's struck you have to get shot of it (obviously). If they were in the process of letting fly then they're not going to not follow through. Personally I'd be pretty miffed at having to take a hit from pyro that left their hand AFTER they were hit (assuming they actually called it at that time) but that's up to the marshals on the day.

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i'll be honest, i don't think i've ever seen this happen, at least not in a way that was noteworthy.


tbh, if i thought about it i'd say drop it, because i can imagine that'd be an amusing way to frag your own team.


although that said, if you dropped it i doubt any team mates would take it judging by the prevalance of people assuming freindly fire doesnt count regardless of the site's policy.

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While I've not seen a pyro incident, I've witnessed plenty of other dubious shit, it's hard enough drumming in to these dicks that dead men don't talk, but they don't do fuck all else either, for example the twat at an Apocalypse night game that took his hit, but continued to point his weapon mounted light at us to aid his team members. 

Cheating cnut🤬

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I think it's a tricky one.

Ideally, once shot you'd drop it at your feet and then the ensuing 'friendly fire' would be observed.


Realistically, I can't see that happening. Having had Pyro go off right at my feet before it wasn't pleasant.

I think the best solution would be to lob it in a safe direction away from friendlies and the opposite team - but that requires A) a safe direction with no players present and B) the presence of mind to do so quickly whilst you're probably still sucking your teeth at being hit in the knuckles or something :P

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Thing is, with card pyro / TAGs, they cost money.


Nobody is going to want to drop their £6/7/8/9/10 worth of fun at their feet, it’s going to get lobbed!

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I've shot someone while they were striking one and they still threw it


obviously nobody wants it going off in their hand to take a hit or going off at your feet (loud as f**k)


a nearby marshall shouted "no kills" due to it being released after he was shot even though there were 2 of us in range


entirely situational though as there won't always be a marshall around

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Never seen this happen, but I would imagine that part of their thinking would be that they paid good money for this nade, they're bloody well gonna chuck it!
Not saying that's right or wrong, but you can see how that might be a factor.

1 minute ago, Jbuc95 said:

Never experienced it personally but I can definitely see it being a case of well I paid for it so I'm throwing it.

Damnit, beaten to the shot!

Edited by Skullchewer
Too slow, pinnochio!
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Or just a kneejerk reaction to having lit pyro in your hands ?, it's not like getting shot with a 6mm BB is overwhelming, as if you'd been hit by a .303 🤔

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Tbh I'm of the opinion that unless they're shot before the pyro is struck then it's much the same as two people shooting each other at the same time... I.e both people should probably take their hit.


We are talking about a window of around a second between striking the pyro and throwing it which isn't actually that long to make a decision. Obviously it's down to site rules and if you can make it safe again then you probably should as well, if only for the sake of sportsmanship.


At the end of the day you do need to get rid of the explody thing or it's gonna hurt.

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I get your conundrum but I don’t recall it ever being an issue. Personally I wouldn’t take the Grenada hit if I was 100% sure it came from a dead player. 
there have been quite a few times I have taken 50/50s when we both had bbs in the air but I tend not to take hits if someone shot me after I clearly got them.

although a whinger got me in trouble at AP and I did have a long moan at the marshals as I got the drop on him and got him in the back, he turned around and shot me and started shouting that I didn’t take my hit

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At awa if it mid throw let it fly. If its just struck and you get hit you drop it at your feet. Had this before. One good sniper shot resulted in taking four of us with a friendly grenade. Was a good laugh! 

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Never seen or heard of it happening but if it did I’d say as long as the player is DEFINITELY hit then yea get rid of it how ever they want , but the caveat is if you drop it and it goes off any of your own side inside the ‘kill zone’ are dead(in real life someone gets hit and drops a grenade it’s still going to kill anyone near by) but if they do throw it away then it’ll be a “no kill” even if it lands in the middle of half the other team having a chin wag , if you’d been hit for real you wouldn’t have been in a fit state to chuck a ‘nade at the other side . 

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Depends when they were hit. If they are in the process of winding up to release the pyro, then finish the throw, dead man's revenge. If they are hit while striking it drop it a safe distance from themselves and any player in the blast radius is dead if not behind hard cover.

I personally don't bother with pyro any more I had a bad habit of hitting trees and self killing when the thing bounced back.

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It should be dropped  as imo throwing a pyro after being hit is no different to someone who keeps shooting after being hit, it's cheating and cuntish. The argument that "I paid for it so I want a kill from it" is quite frankly rediculous. I pay for my bbs so by the same logic I should be able to ignore hits till I've  got someone 

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Doesn't matter where the bang was, it's a grenade, it has a kill radius. Killed with lit grenade in hand, I agree, should be dropped and let that be a story you tell. Much cooler than 'i got killed with a lit grenade in hand but threw it any way....' 



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  • 2 months later...

As someone who uses pea frag grenades most games, I can see the issue, you've normally got it ready and planned the deployment in your head, then struck the primer, Your only thought at that time is to throw the thing and I suspect that even if hit you are so involved in the aim throw cycle the hit wont even register until the grenade has left your hand


So yes, I'd like to say I would drop it, but I bet in reality my reactions (especially at my pensionable age) wouldn't be fast enough to override the preprogrammed throw I was undertaking

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OP. I think what we have here is simple self preservation. 

Now unlike 90% of airsofters.
I have expensive ear pro and yet I would still probably want a pyrotechnical as far away from me as possible once lit. 

Throwing it towards the enemy, as the life drains from your body and you head towards that big old light in the sky. Is probably a very natural reaction. 

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2 hours ago, Groot said:

OP. I think what we have here is simple self preservation. 

Now unlike 90% of airsofters.
I have expensive ear pro and yet I would still probably want a pyrotechnical as far away from me as possible once lit. 

Throwing it towards the enemy, as the life drains from your body and you head towards that big old light in the sky. Is probably a very natural reaction. 

I have blown myself up more than once …… not necessarily in a game environment 


I concur that the primary thought whilst pyro is hissing in your hand is to remove it from your proximity ….. and preferably before it stops hissing 

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14 hours ago, Tommikka said:

I have blown myself up more than once …… not necessarily in a game environment 


I concur that the primary thought whilst pyro is hissing in your hand is to remove it from your proximity ….. and preferably before it stops hissing 

Once the fuse is lit Mr Grenade is no longer your friend!


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1 hour ago, SSPKali said:

Once the fuse is lit Mr Grenade is no longer your friend!


"In thy mercy"

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