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Status Updates posted by Asomodai

  1. Struggling to find a Saturday Skirmish for this weekend coming in the South East. Want to avoid anyplace I have played before. Throw out your ideas! 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Asomodai


      @Lasbrisas17 Have you played Gunman camp Bravo? Any good?

    3. Lasbrisas17


      This is my first time, so I shall find out on sunday. Heard some people say its good though.

    4. Asomodai


      My ride has pulled out, so looks like I wont be playing this weekend anyway! 


      I could always go to Tactical in Croydon though :P

  2. Stuck an SLD High Torque 22TPA motor in my stock ICS L85 (Which had the anaemic ICS Infinity 2000 in it.) ROF is a little bit better, the response has improved a fair bit and it doesn't sound like a weak old man going number 2 for a change! 

    1. nathan13n


      I was looking at dropping on of these into my srs. How are you finding the motor? You got it from Ak2M4? 

    2. Asomodai


      The motors seems solid enough. Be wary though, the screws that keep the armature in the can had a very long head and I had to dremel into my CYMA P90 gearbox to get the motor to sit low enough. 


      Its not easy to replace the screws either because its partially threaded and longer then most I have seen. 


      This is a torque motor, so great trigger response, but slow rate of fire.


      And yes I got it from there. 

  3. Stupid Bank Holiday. Cant find any site I can get to on public transport in the South East that A) Has space available and B) Hasn't moved the game day to Monday. Guess I'll spend the day staring at the wall tomorrow...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shamal


      Sorry that cool af was meant to be a sad face☹

    3. Asomodai


      @MiK sadly no. I was learning before the pandemic. Won't be back at it until I get my second shot. 

    4. MiK


      Don’t leave it too long matey - the learner needs vs driving test availability is absolutely insane atm.

      There’s like 13% less ADI’s now compared to before and there was like 350,000+ driving tests to get caught up on, not counting so many learners losing their tests due to theory tests expiring.

      I had one client who had their test one day after the first lockdown started……..he wasn’t best pleased but he passed just two days before the 2nd lockdown :D 

  4. Terrible forum suggestion no 1:  Create a stickied thread for people to post regarding "I could buy this airsoft related product, but I dont know if I should. Convince me" 

    Eyeing up the WE CT25 mini pistol...

    1. clumpyedge


      Would probably be better than the posts saying "I've just bought X costing X, is it any good?"

    2. Druid799


      No need , just buy it and if it’s crap keep your regrets to your self say how utterly awesome it is ! AND then try and dump it on an unsuspecting noob for three times what you paid for it ! 😈


  5. The great Gear clearout begins! 

    Need to start making some space, I lost weight during my sojourn to Cornwall and numerous things no longer fit me. Plus I have a bunch of Tac Vests to sell. 


    Desperately holding onto my genuine SSO Russian Sniper suit in DPM, but it really doesn't fit... That'll go last :P

    1. shadowfacex


      That reminds me that I also have a bunch of gear to sell, most in excellent condition, but it no longer suits me. Time to clear the garage a little... 😅

  6. The SE Tour is taking in three sites, 3 weekends in a row starting on the 18th! Ace Combat (Kent), Cool Under Fire (Kent) and Battle Paintball The Zoo (East Sussex.)

  7. There we have it. 7 of my more esoteric rifles put up for sale! The great clear-out Part 2 commences!

    1. strykerles


      sure you're not going to regret selling any?

    2. Asomodai




      Quite possibly. But they are just bits of metal after all. 


      I have turned over a new more fiscal leaf and value paying off my credit card more then the rifles. Hence the competitive prices! 

      I do like my AK's these days and having so many rifles and not enough time to use any of them is just... depressing. 

  8. Things wot got broke today: Brand new Chrono, 2 days old and just got a blank backlit screen. Back it goes to the shop! 

    1. Rogerborg


      Darn.  What brand should we be avoiding?

    2. Asomodai


      @Rogerborg brand new genuine Xcortech X3200 MK3. Crazy really as I haven't seen much in the way of them being unreliable. 


      I just have the worst luck. 

    3. Rogerborg


      Darn, you must have gone one from the end of the 16 hour shift, when the 5 years olds are getting weak from lack of food. :(

  9. Thinking either hiking across Dartmoor, or travelling somewhere long distance to play Airsoft this weekend. Anyone got any recommendations on sites that are worth travelling and staying overnight for? Maybe a Saturday and Sunday? Restricted to Public Transport. I was looking at some of the sites in East Anglia. But looking for other suggestions. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. colinjallen


      Hiking across Dartmoor beats airsoft every time; my son and I had three days on the moor last weekend, our first visit this year.

    3. Asomodai


      @Tactical Pith Helmet Getting to Tuddenham on Public Transport from Dagenham has always been a no go! I have been before, it's not bad at all. But not worth the ballache. 


      @colinjallen I decided against it this weekend. I just did a 17 Mile hike around the North Downs and Lower Weald. I may go Airsoft tomorrow, haven't decided! 

    4. colinjallen


      @Asomodai Nice!  There are some great routes around that area.

  10. Toying with the idea of getting a Real Steel Famas Full length top rail. Not sure about compatibility though. I know one french guy got it working with a bit of dremelling on a Cybergun one. Its a £165 risk. Shall I take it?

  11. Ugh. Nothing to do tomorrow. Anyone going airsofting in the London area i can hook up with?

    1. Asomodai


      Ta mate

       Bit of a nightmare getting there due to the train closures though! 😞

  12. Uhh. I found a new SRC XM8 GEN3 for sale... That's unexpected. I don't really need another XM8... But this is Gen 3...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      Where the hell do you find these things?

    3. Asomodai


      @AK47frizzle Usually with lots of looking on websites that are not in English. This one I completely stumbled across by chance. Looks like it was forgotten stock that just got listed. 

    4. Philby21


      I'd suggest you have a problem, but this is airsoft - we've all got a problem or we wouldn't be here! 😂

  13. Unfortunately I wont be bringing you my Airsoft Plantation review as I didn't go! My battle buddy had to cancel. I ended up going to Airsoft Billericay on my todd. I will update the current review thread with more insights. 

    I will be bringing you a review of The Mall in the next week though!

  14. Updated an old review today to take into account changes made at Ultimate Wargames Fawkham. Had a great time at Saturdays Skirmish. The new CQB area is great! 



  15. Whats the skinny on Bulldog and Condor Plate Carriers, are they typical AliExpress Rebrand/fare, or something more?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Asomodai


      At the moment I am looking at the following. 


      Bulldog Tactical Kinetic PC

      Condor Vanquish PC

      Pentagon Aspsis (I have one in black already and quite like it). 


      People claim Bulldog are made in the UK but I find it hard to believe. 



    3. Speedbird_666


      Had a few Bulldog bits, still use the ECU2 Trousers - had them nearly 10 years now. Bulldog LMR chest rig I had was well made - no complaints about it's contruction.


      I think they at one point used the same OEM as Invader Gear as some of the stuff was near-identical in design. Not sure if that's still the case but the Invader Gear Reaper QRB looks very, very similar to the Kinetic - only differing in small details that could have been specified by the respective companies.


      I would bet my left testicle that Bulldog is not UK Made. But it's decent enough kit - better than the normal Viper fare.

    4. Lozart


      Of the three you're looking at the Condor would not be my first choice, purely because of the design of the cummerbund.


      That Bulldog one looks alright.

  16. Where on the scale of "Cool" is the PP-19 Bizon in your opinion? :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stratton Oakmont

      Stratton Oakmont

      Love the look, the real thing is ridiculous, if you get the hicap it will sound like you’re making I cocktail every time you run.

      i still would like one but only the fold over the top stock version 

    3. sharpe


      my mate had one, loved it! shame he doesn't play any more. hmmmm i wonder if he still has it.....

    4. SeniorSpaz87


      Its OK, but the Vityaz is Ace. I refuse to own an AK, but I love my other Russian guns - though I like to be a bit odd with my choices. Went SR-3 instead of AK, Vityaz instead of Bizon, DP-28 instead of PKP, and I turned my VSR-X into a SV-98.

  17. Who's playing Airsoft in the South East and North of London this weekend? Looking at travelling to play!

  18. Wondering if any other AFUK'ers looking at the latest Legion Battlesim, from Dusk til Dawn 12 hours overnighter. Combat throughout the night. Looks pretty interesting and my Battlebuddy is up for it too. Anyone else going? 


    1. Robert James

      Robert James

      Oh wow that looks so fun but I would have just started my training 🤪

    2. Keldon


      Sounds like fun, but not having any nv would sure make it suck. 

    3. lukeB


      I'd be up for that

  19. Woohoo! Customs have released my Real Sword T97! It has passed all the checks and should be with me by Friday! So bloody happy, but mostly relieved! 

    1. EvilMonkee
    2. Albiscuit


      Good stuff, at least you now know whats happening!!

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