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Status Updates posted by Asomodai

  1. The SE Tour Reviews will be drawing to a close probably permanently in the Autumn. I will be taking a year off of Airsoft for personal reasons. 


    I hope we as a country are in a position to play before then! 

  2. The Site reviews will now be winding down, my BattleBuddy has quit Airsoft for good so my regular ride is no longer.  


    I will be popping in to a few new sites that have come up within Public transportable distance recently, but wont be able to do much beyond that unless the largess of others comes through! (I am doing my driving lessons, but still a bit off yet til my test!)


    Also starting a family this year so I will need to take at least year out when the nippers come along of course! 

    1. Steveocee


      Lies! I have 4 nippers and a 5th due at the end of Feb. Am already planning NvS in May!


      Sorry to hear about your battlebuddy throwing in the towel though, I appreciate sometimes airsoft is also about the social aspect rather than the "shoot fools" aspect.


      Have really enjoyed reading your site reviews.

    2. Asomodai


      @Steveocee Thanks for the kind words. 


      It will be mine and missus first and I dont want to miss the first year at least. She has a dim view of Airsoft as it is! We had a long talk about it and this was the best compromise that we could come up with :)


      For him its his Arthritis, its gotten so much worse in the past 6 months and has only played twice in that period. I have arthritis as well, but I am managing it better for the moment. 

    3. RobHedley


      Sorry to hear that @Asomodai...... the reviews winding up that is not the Child 🙁Congratulations on that one.


      I always enjoyed reading your reviews as they were balanced and honest without being nasty. Top work so far and I look forwards to reading more when a) Your nipper is a year old and b) you have passed your driving test. 👍

  3. Things wot I broke today: My trusty TM Strike Warrior pistol is no longer trusty. Suspected nozzle spring or O-ring failure. Slide struggles to return to original position. 



  4. Throwing in the towel and sending my trio of naughty V3 gearbox rifles to Luke at Negative Airsoft. Spent all day teching and only got one or two of my problem rifles shooting ok again. 


    I hate feeding issues. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ak2m4


      you gave it a good shot mate, feeding issues get us all at some point 

    3. Asomodai


      @Zarrin they all have new tappet springs as none of them have had more then 1 skirmish!


      @ak2m4 think I'll need to order more stuff. Might as well if someone who knows what they are doing are taking these in 🙂

    4. Willyg1981


      I was reading a post on another forum regarding a feeding issue , couldn’t remember exactly what tupe

      of gb but someone commented that it could be the lips on the mags , He also suffered from the same problem and after doing some tweaking got it working , I’m not saying it is this but it was his thinking outside the gear box that fixed it ,...pun intended ;) 

  5. Took apart my first gearbox yesterday. My battlebuddies CYMA G36 that I bought him came in at 380FPS. Took me three hours because of the sodding Anti Reversal latch and trigger spring. However it is back together with a new M90 spring and shooting at a cool 300FPS with 3-4 FPS deviancy. Not bad for a first try! Gave it a Spring guide and bucking upgrade whilst I was at it. 


    Dead proud I am, don't want to do it again. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Asomodai




      I have my P90 to completely gut. All new parts going in, Gears, bushings, shims, all new compression system, spring. Motor is a TM EG1000 but might even take the armature out and put it into a neodymium can. 

    3. Prisce


      You’ll be fine mate. Take your time, plenty of research before you start, set aside enough time. Put it back together and be prepared to take it apart again multiple times before it’s right.


      It took me 13 months from starting till finishing my Custom M4.  But it’s well worth it.

    4. Asomodai


      I'll think about it. Hopefully it wont take me 13 months! It's a Christmas only project!


  6. Used my A&K MK43 LMG successfully today. Never used it before as it broke on the first trigger pull on the field last time.


    It's almost fully upgraded, got some reasonable range out of it and was a lovely spread. 


    I LOVED IT. The strap I had was a large wide guarder type which really helped with weight distribution. 


    The Box position is a bit awkward due to being on the left side but I got used to it. Suppressing is a hell of a lot of fun. Cant wait to use it again!


    1. Druid799


      And to give it a bit more fun when laying down the suppressing fire mix your ammo , 2’s/25’s/and even chuck in some 28’s if you have them .😈👍

  7. Used my TM DOR Hicapa for the first time on the weekend. My first Hi Capa. My word what a great pistol! Even on such a cold day it got through the whole mag despite dumping all the bbs in quick succession with still some gas left over. Better range and accuracy then my A&K LMG. 


    I do still prefer my Strike Warrior 1911 for Trigger response, but the Hi Capa is a better all rounder.

    Hope I wont be too dissapointed with my Gold Match when I eventually field that!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sonofsammo


      Well, RDB, it's cos it's not a Glock 😂(yeah, yeah, FNX45. That's the just exception that proves the rule 😉 ) 

    3. Albiscuit


      On the other hand, mine had an issue firing in the cold!! Great gun though.

  8. Whats the scoop on Maple Leaf Crazy Jet barrels for VSR? Heard a fair bit about them in Pistols but not Bolties. Looking at replacing the badly cut down Action Army barrel in my Well MB09. 


    1. sonofsammo


      I don't know about in a vsr, but I run one in my SRS and it's awesome 😄


    2. Skara


      They are great if your gun is overvolumed, otherwise I wouldn't bother.


      I mean, the whole concept of the CJ revolves around using that extra air to create a cushion + stabilize the bb at the end.

      Does fuck all if you don't have extra air to spare tho :P

    3. Asomodai


      @Skara Mine is slightly overvolumed at the moment. So it could be useful. 


      My issue is that I cannot find another decent barrel which is close to 505mm long without cutting one down. I would rather not do that on a precision sniper barrel which relies on good workmanship to get the best out of it. 



  9. Will be playing Airsoft Plantation on the 21st of July. It's my birthday so will be joined by my missus as well and Battlebuddy and his missus, both of which haven't played before.


    Anyone else coming out? 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Prisce


      Sounds like an excuse to me.

    3. Asomodai


      @Albiscuit afraid we have to pull out. my mates missus got sick overnight and he wont go. Shame as packing up both LMGS kit last night took ages. Have a good time today though!

    4. Albiscuit


      No probs, wondered why I couldn’t find you :D  

      Happy birthday though!

  10. WOW. The Real Sword T97 has been found! Stuck in UK Border force. My UKARA number was either not written on it or covered up and the person who was dealing with it went on holiday so there was a long delay to get a letter out to me to prove my defense. 

    The guy comes back from holiday on Saturday, I have provided my UKARA number over the phone to PF who will pass it on to BF. 


    So.... hopefully I will receive it soon...


    Might need to cancel that S75 chargeback...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Just be thankful that it wasn't destroyed and I didn't have to deploy:



    3. L3wisD


      Liek dis if u cry evrytiem 😢

    4. Albiscuit


      If you dont copy and paste this message 100 children will die and Jesus will depart the earth. Retweet now or you dont love your family!!


      Seriously though, good news. This is why I try to order from the UK as much as possible, and dont sell abroad on ebay (been stung on that too)!

  11.  Just changed my first motor, So easy! Switched my JG MP5's stock motor out with a TM EG1000. Huge difference in magnetism between the two. Results in a much better trigger response with the TM though slightly slower ROF. Much quieter as well as it doesn't have to struggle. Think I am really in love with this cheap as chips gun! 

    Later on tonight i'll change the barrel to a stock ICS one, install Deans so I can use Lipos to claw back some ROF.

    1. Nick G

      Nick G

      I love my JG MP5 bought it second hand off a friend who is a very good AEG tech, it runs 345 ish fps and is stupidly accurate. Cheapest gun I own and the one I use the most 

    2. CES_williamson


      They certainly aren't bad! Why we started stocking the higher end JG stuff, have been running a JG ak and havent had a change to stress test an MP5 apart from running stupid amount of BB's through one, hows it going on game days?

    3. Nick G

      Nick G

      Bloody great ! I get an occasional feed issue with the standard hicaps but I usually run with one of those 'double' mags which looks cool and never has any feed issues. That and a bag of BB's sees me through most games.  Its stupidly accurate and matches any other AEG on our woodland site for range. I seriously can't fault it and am tempted to pick up the non suppressed version just for the 'standard' look. Here is mine


  12. "FPS don't make much different to range" is a phrase I have believed in for some time and that it's all down to the Hop unit and barrel quality. 

    But I couldn't believe my TM Aug HC yesterday. I changed the barrel to a Prommy tightbore and used the same TM bucking and nub. Hop unit almost on full, FPS was chronoed at just over 250 on .2 (I was using .25's so it was about 211) Yet I was flinging out BB's accurately about 10 metres further then my mates upgraded EVO running at 330 FPS

    This thing is ridiculous. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Katana


      FPS is important though guys. If you have the exact same setup but one gun has a higher fps, the amount of energy the bb retains in the higher fps gun increases and so the bb will travel further. People get confused between the relationship though. The only reason you should be using a higher fps is to effectively use heavier weight ammo to retain more energy for longer. 


      Prommy barrels aren't magic on their own but the tolerances the barrels are produced with are very consistent + the material is better than stock barrels.


      Flat hops work very well because it allows heavier ammo to be hopped much more effectively by increasing the surface area contact with the bb. Unfortunately, the only way to see these benefits is to in fact use the heaviest weight ammo you can. 


      It's not so much that fps is important on its own, but it helps everything else take more effect.

    3. clumpyedge


      Should have really clarified... FPS means nothing unless your hop is decent and is married up with a decent nub and rubber. Yes FPS is key but unless you get the first part right you could be shooting 450 but not able to get your ammo more than 30m

    4. Rogerborg


      Imagine what your TM could do it if it were shooting at 1J rather than 0.58J.


      Imagine what your mate's EVO could do it it had been upgraded properly.

  13. @GAMBLE I am calling you out as you nearly trod on my rifle. I want some compensation for you wrecking my mental health there buddy! ;)



    1. GAMBLE


      Hi @Asomodai 👋

      Saw it just lying there, my mental health was dodge at all costs, literally!!!! 😮

      Did admire it and wonder where the player was…. A free RIF, just lying there? 😂👍

      Hopefully catchup for another game? 🤔


  14. Absolutely awful day of Skirmishing. Review will be forthcoming...

    At least all of my gear worked for the most part!

    1. Sneaky


      Where was this?


    2. Asomodai


      @Dino All revealed in my review :)


  15. Admit it, which one of you finally snapped? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-52379200

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Albiscuit


      All of mine are imitations no real ones in my gaff, not me!

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Can't be me - only four imitation firearms found


      fucking twat though, nice flat but fuck all common sense

    4. Albiscuit


      I saw a video of him firing what seems to be a dessert eagle out the window. It’s loud and shells are ejected. Had Glocks and a machine gun from all accounts.

      Something was real though, Even a sound hog doesn’t sound like a real gun

  16. After my triumphant first barrel, hop tensioner and bucking change on a pistol I decided to change the inner barrel on my Tm AUG HC to a prommy one. Looks to have gone quite well :D Nub back in successfully. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. L3wisD


      @Iceni - I'm always astonished by your knowledge of Airsoft AUGs. It was great reading that, and I don't even own an AUG! :)


      You should write a definitive guide to airsoft AUGs ;)

    3. Iceni


      I've considered it a few times, But the list of mods for them is pretty extensive and not all apply to all models or gun builds. I will do one at some point, but it will be long and as detailed as I can make it. As such it's not something I can enter into without setting time aside to get into the meat of them.

      The hop is probably the hardest part to get right. It's too easy to not understand what it actually does in addition to hopping. And when it's wrong you get a gun that will appear to have every problem under the sun. The symptoms can look like short airseal nozzles, mis-feeds, double feeds, total failure to feed, body pins falling out, Gearbox rattle.  Shimming an Aug barrel can cause all of the same problems as well... The unit and barrel has to move freely.

    4. Asomodai


      No problems with my Aug after barrel goes in. The High Cycle seems to have a pretty decent barrel set. Unit and barrel is moving freely. 

  17. After upgrading the ARX160s short outer barrel to the long barrel kit and switched from the stock 250mm barrel to 404mm ZCI 6.02 barrel, the FPS leapt up by 30 to 365. As it was a quick change system I installed a particularly strong example of an M90 spring, which brought it down to 346FPS. Sounds like perfect compression to me. Amazing for untouched stock compression parts on £105 RIF

    1. Druid799


      You now have smug face ! 😁

  18. Any good Woodland site for Snipers in the UK that is near a major town or city?

    I was thinking of trying to get an overnight National Express to a random Town or City and head to a decent Woodland/Urban site. 

    Anyone got a recommendation? I tend to find the large Woodland sites are no where near cities (For obvious reasons)

    Just need a change from the London and South East sites. 

    1. RostokMcSpoons


      I don't know if the Spec Ops site counts as a good 'un for snipers - there are definitely some decent sight lines, there are ghillied-up Groots and Wookies on most game days and they seem happy enough.

      The bright lights of Milton Keynes can be yours for the taking ;)  Bonus points to MK for the fact it's on the M1 with the coach station only a few miles from the site, and the Euston > Birmingham line for the train is near the town centre, so it's piss-easy to get to.

      Happy to buy you a pint (but one'll be about as much as I can afford at the moment) to say 'thank you' for the TM AUG you sold me!



      Extra bonus points to MK  - you can visit Bletchley Park and see the excellent crypto museum.   And the National Computing museum.  
      And in the town center is a Retro Gaming arcade, if 70's arcades are your thang

  19. Anybody got a helmet recommendation for someone with a large bonce? Size 63cm... 

    1. jcheeseright


      Any L/XL real helmet should do the job.  If you're after a chinese knock off you're pretty much out of luck. 

    2. Druid799


      See if you can find any one with one of the airframe knock offs you could try on ,my boy has a ridiculously huge melon and it fits him ok .👍

    3. BibbsOnTour


      I got the L/XL "Ops Core Tan Sand DE SWAT Tactical Maritime ABS Helmet" from HWAirsoft and it fits me fine, has more padding to stick in it if you need a tighter fit too as well as the dial to tighten it up. I've got all the padding in and near enough tightest setting and I'd have said my head is pretty big so I reckon that'll sort you out!

  20. Anyone else thinking of popping to Red 1 Chislehurst tomorrow? On the fence about going, but would be nice to see a familiar face!

    1. CiderPunk


      I'm goin! i'll be rockin' my AFUK patch say hi :)

    2. Asomodai


      @CiderPunk awesome! On the underground heading there now. Rocking the tricked out FAMAS. 

  21. Anyone got a spare G36 Magwell for a JG/Cyma/TM style G36? I inherited a Cyma G36c with an M4 magwell, but it's not feeding.

    1. #blackadder


      PM your address and I’ll post it . If its of use to you just mail back the M4 one


    2. Asomodai


      Much appreciated mate! I have pmed you. 

  22. Anyone got a spare Well MB03/VSR style hop unit lying around? Managed to strip the adjustment lever holes and had to locktite in place for today's skirmish! Blimey. 

  23. Anyone got an opinion on Maple Leaf AEG 6.02 barrels? Usually would go with ZCI ones, but the lengths I want are out of stock and quite hard to get hold of (Over 509mm)

  24. Anyone got any spare standard M4 (non rotary) hop arms they would part with? For standard nubs. The one that comes with the Tavor just works horrible due to its double nub design. 

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      have a few lying around, mostly g&g i think if that's any help?

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