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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/24 in all areas

  1. Cannonfodder


    My son has autism and ADHD and as much as I'd love to bring him to a game for some father son pew time it's not going to happen as I know he doesn't have the best impulse control, even with meds, so I'm not going to put his or other people's safety at risk for our entertainment
    5 points
  2. Galvatron


    Anyone can sue on any grounds but the question is whether there's a case. The fact that the site you play at has games specially for ND players and that there is a precedent of such players playing among NT players on normal game days would be a compelling argument that the banned player was banned because of their actions, not their condition.
    5 points
  3. Darkmikey22


    If the guy was acting dangerous. Then hats off the the site for actually dealing with it. Just because they're disabled, doesn't give them the right to endanger others. And site owner was well within his rights. I get tired of seeing/hearing this. I once worked with a black lad. Who was always on his phone, was always late back from break. Was even rude to everyone like the world owed him something. And was off sick nearly every other week. Yet when he was eventually sacked. He tried to take the company to court, claiming the discrimination/race card. Luckily they saw straight through it. But it's the fact they try!.... Saw it only a few weeks back also, with a disabled person. Expecting a restaurant to pretty much kick out an already paying customer, just so they can get a table. Then threw a fit when was told to wait like everyone else. I'm all for equality, better working conditions and all that jazz. But when they get the equality and treaded the same as every other normal person, they kick off like right karens. and people ever give into these people or atleast give them airtime. Worlds gone mad these days.
    5 points
  4. Tackle


    Unfortunately it's all too easy these days for a wrongdoer to scream "foul", & Unfortunately I've known a few disabled people, some since childhood, that will play on this, in much the same way that some use the race card to their advantage, which again I've witnessed firsthand, in one job in particular. @OrlithNightfire , if you personally witnessed his poor behaviour, theres not much more to discuss, he went against site rules & got banned, end of.
    5 points
  5. Been a few months due to work, school exams, date conflicts, etc, but finally got a day at Adrenalin North Yorks with the boy. A torrential downpour half an hour before start didn’t put the good turnout off, as the sun came out and the winds dried everything bar some of the usual soggy bits fairly quickly and it warmed up nicely. Of all the sites we’ve visited, I really like Adrenalin because of its size (127 acres) and the well developed infrastructure, even when the games are area specific, it doesn’t feel like you’re hemmed in and there’s scope to be sneaky and try to flank. Warm up was a simple clear the village against the clock. Bands (us) went first with no-bands putting up a spirited but ultimately futile defence. A quick swap and no-bands were on the offensive but, again, they were held well by the bands. 22 minutes to clear for no-bands, 14 minutes for bands. One - nil to bands… Next game was Rendition - TF capture the terrorist leader from the baddies and get them “to ze chopper”. Bands first and it was a lot closer this time, two lads from no-bands with a mortar trying to flank the village focussed a lot of the bands on trying to prevent the break-in while another group tried to get the bad dude out. Swap over after hot dogs for lunch, rebalance teams as some folk had to head home, and it was more of the same, but with bands as the baddies this time. We’d finally rectified radio issues so the boy and I were able to coordinate a couple of small groups from different points of the village. Not sure how this one ended up to be fair! Last game, Suicide Bomber - escort the bomber and get them into the fort. Bands as the baddies first, using the whole width of the site to draw fire and TF out of the fort onto the flanks meant the bomber got to the fort fairly quickly and, with a helping leg up, over the perimeter and into the objective. Swapsies time and bands became TF, same again, using the width of the site by the no-bands but a very patient few of us anticipated their route, laid up in depth and ambushed them repeatedly as they tried to push the flank - no joy for them in the end. Bands win, two - nil (I think!) to bands on the day. A great day, well marshalled and good sportsmanship from everybody, on a really good site. It’s a decent drive for us - hour plus, and an early start for the teenager, but well worth it.
    4 points
  6. Dan Robinson


    If there's a tangible danger to others then someone's disability or neuro divergency / whatever is irrelevant. I'm in a mixed race marriage, I'm somewhere on "the" spectrum, I have three nephews anchoring said spectrum to the ground, my teenager is mixed raced (and currently hating it) and I think our gay friend contingent is just about offset by my devout muslim workforce..... So I like to think my worldview is pretty balanced. That being said.... We spend too much time in this world worrying about those differences, when really we should all be treated with the same consideration and respect as we wish to have. Therefore, if you're one of those that should be seen next Tuesday, then you should be treated thusly. I remember coming of age in the 90's and caring more about people being nice to one another than worrying about their situation. Airsoft sites need to worry about people's eyeballs more than they do the ability to walk, think, self identify... I think that is probably how society should look at things too.
    4 points
  7. Rogerborg


    Ditto, my autistic son showed some mild interest in airsoft sniping, but we determined that the reality of the shouting, bangs and ouchies wouldn't work out well for him. This is genuinely great to hear, and I fully commend them for doing it. However, I'm unsurprised that it's gone wrong for them. People often threaten to "sue" without the first idea of what that means, or what their cause of action would be. In this case, it sounds like the site has more than demonstrated their Equality Act Section 20 duty to make reasonable adjustments for disability. Tolerating dangerous behaviour can't be "reasonable" though, as they also have a duty of care to everybody else there. Sad, but reality doesn't always allow for a win-win.
    3 points
  8. Is that a specific club? Asking for a friend!
    3 points
  9. Cannonfodder


    If the player was acting aggressively or dangerously then give them the boot as the site had a duty of care towards all players, if their behaviour had the site not acted and the person's actions led to someone getting hurt then the site would've been in serious trouble. As the site is happy to cater for those with disabilities it sounds to me like the banned player is trying to use their disabilities as an excuse to act like a cunt.
    3 points
  10. Tommikka


    It would entirely depend on the circumstances. Discrimination is covered by the Equality Act, and applies to protected characteristics which include disability. If they were banned for being disabled then that would be discrimination If banned for their actions as an individual then that would not be discrimination But if banned as an individual, for their actions which are a result of their ability then that may or may not be discrimination - and can come down to what is reasonable.
    3 points
  11. "So yeah.. red team will start by the zombie infection site zero laboratory.. yellow team up in the North East by the Wehrmacht bunker complex. After proceeding through the graveyard that's underneath the medieval fort, the attackers' spawn will then move along to the missile launcher trench complex. Once they've taken the CQB windmill they can then plant their bombs in the Vietnam ambush valley, but watch out for reinforcements from death ridge! Oh and naturally when crossing the Bridge by the fuel depot you can snipe down from the bus as long as the fence line that borders the farmer's field is free of cows and sheep today. Never forgetting the SUPER VISIBLE fishing line boundary marking that runs from grid square echo charlie and through the woods over to firebase Potato". ... Personally I can barely remember the last time I played the same site twice on the bounce. I'm also pretty sure that almost every single game ever played on a commercial site has always had at least a portion of first timers and/or pretty new players. I don't know, maybe my navigation and layout memorisation abilities are rubbish, but I wish game briefs didn't always sound like this.
    2 points
  12. This morning, the lad and I went to one of our regular sites, Airsoft Plantation, over in Essex, along with 228 other players. Fortunately, the safe zone and the site are big enough to cope with such a large number of players and the marshals ensured that turn around times between games were as short as possible. We started off with an extraction game. The other team (Blue) had 14 forward operatives in seven vehicles in the mortar pits; they had to extract as many of them as possible and get them back to their start point on the edge of the village, which was also their regen point. We (Red) had to prevent them doing so by shooting the forward operatives and generally delaying the Blues. Our start point and regen were at the DEA Base. This was a fast and furious game with engagements all through the scrubland and across the mortar pits, with the initiative swinging to and fro. Eventually, the Blues managed to get eight live forward operatives back to their regen, with six being killed. After a short break to refill mags, the game was turned around, with us taking our turn to try to extract 14 forward operatives, one of whom was the lad, who was in the back of the Bedford; he died very quickly and regened as a regular player, while I was fighting in the scrubland with a group who were trying to cut the Blues' route between the DEA Base and the mortar pits. We got news that seven of our forward operatives had made it to the village, along with six dead ones; one was still in play and, if we could get him out in time, we would win. He was successfully extracted and made it back to the village in a time that was four minutes and thirty six seconds shorter than the blues had managed for the same number of live operatives; victory! After another short break, we headed into the woods to start a fallback came; as defenders, we had two lives in the woods, two in and around the village and two in the scrubland. The enemy had infinite regens on a marshal and had to get one of 14 players with yellow armbands into the plane in the DEA Base. I took up a position on the left of our first defensive position and we had a super fight with the enemy, holding them up for a very long time before finally being overrun and pushed back to a second defensive position where we did the same thing again. Being hit again there, I, along with many of my colleagues, fell back to the village, where we held up the enemy until the game ended with them far from achieving their objective. After lunch, we played a game where we, as the attackers, had to fight our way into the village from the firebreak, capture 14 players with yellow armbands (is anyone seeing a pattern here?) and get them back to our our marshal on the firebreak within a specified time. I missed the beginning of this game due to a couple of annoying but minor gun issues and only managed to join in while we were pushing into the village. After a hard fight, the 14 players were captured and delivered within the specified time. Victory again! Then came the reverse of the fallback game; we soon discovered how difficult it was to push through such a large enemy force and found ourselves bogged down. The lad and I joined a group on our far right and, massively assisted by the lad's controlled aggression and training, forced our way forward along the site boundary, opening up the enemy's flank and helping push them back to the environs of the village, where our attack stalled somewhat and we ran out of time, as had the Blues earlier. Thus, fallback ended as a draw. Overall, it was one of the best days that we have had at Airsoft Plantation, with the games being played hard but fairly, with some great play on both sides. Weapons used: Me: Ares L1A1 Real Sword QBZ97 ASG Commander XP18 (CO2) The lad: LCT AKMS G&G AK47/AKM hybrid ASG Commander XP18 (CO2) Dynatex grenade (x2)
    2 points
  13. So many people getting played/scammed when it comes to trades. I myself would never do a trade but if I was it would always be done in person. Always use Paypal goods and services!
    2 points
  14. Before uploading, resize them to the smallest you can accept depending on what its for. High quality would be around 1600 and lowest 640 Note: You can delete photos from your storage and they remain posted in the forum. https://airsoft-forums.uk/attachments/
    2 points
  15. Dan Robinson

    Photo gb storage

    I upload mine to Google photos. Then put them in a shared album. From a PC you can then right click the image you want and paste the link directly into the post. The advantage of this is full resolution too. I haven't worked out how to get the link from a mobile. This shouldn't eat into your storage allowance. Alternatively you can download an image resized app and upload them to the site.
    2 points
  16. I'd say if you spend a lot of time prone and needing to stay dead still for 10+ minures, then a bipod is worthwhile. Otherwise you can often find something to rest it on. On ghillies, a concealment vest is about £40 and is an excellent base to craft on, no need to go for the expensive suits right away. BDUs + net + shoe goo is even cheaper. Green and brown cotton can be cheap, but tricky to get the right colours online. The ghillie packs of cotton are good colours but more expensive. Raffia is very cheap, nutscene do some excellent dyed colours. But good field craft is required to make it effective.
    2 points
  17. Cannonfodder

    New to site.

    Welcome Must not make a bad joke Must not make a bad joke Must not make a bad joke Must not make a bad joke 😁
    2 points
  18. Pseudotectonic


    The line is drawn at the site's duty to make "reasonable adjustments" under Equality Act. To sue for discrimination the claimant will have to convince the court that there was a >51% probability that "failure of reasonable adjustment" had occurred, but because you cannot reasonably adjust the site rules to allow any aggressive behaviour to happen and compromise safety of others, it is pretty much impossible that such a claim would succeed. It is not discrimination to not adjust the site rules for a disabled person if they are being a safety risk to themselves or others as it is going to "fundamentally alter the nature of the service".
    2 points
  19. OrlithNightfire


    I mean my site is awesome. They bend over backwards to help include people. Even doing private games for parents oh high spectrum neuro, in small groups so they can play. If a group plays on a normal game day, one of the marshal's shadows to make sure they are safe if they have a episode due to it being too much. This marshal often play marshals so they can stay with them but not give away their location away with a high vis. Just hurt to hear person saying they would sue on discrimination act because they were band as they didn't ask to be this way. Didn't want this awesome site say shut down or get a bad rep for not including people.
    2 points
  20. Technique is as important as outfit in a lot of cases.....I have zero subtlety and thus spend a lot of time going to respawn. The boy on the other hand was nearly squished by me when he was hiding in long, light coloured grass in his DPM outfit and booney hat. Even in his Afghan desert loadout he's surprisingly stealthy when he wants to be....not so much with a Japanese flag as a cape though. Stick him in an environment with some autumn leaves in that kit and you'd have little chance spotting him.
    2 points
  21. I'm a massive advocate for bipods, but on something lightweight like a VSR it isn't worth it. As @Hatchet said, it almost doubles the weight, or at least it feels like it because it massively shifts the weight of the rifle because it's lightweight by itself, so a large lump of metal near the front makes it front heavy and nasty to handle. For heavier stuff like M14s it's worth it because they're heavier, so harder to hold up for long periods of time anyway, and also because they're heavier the bipod doesn't have such a massive impact on the balance of the rifle, but I wouldn't put one on a VSR unless you get the heavier Maple Leaf stock; the regular stock and receiver setup's strength is that it's so light. The sand sock has been used in the military for a long time. It's basically just a sock that is filled with sand and then tied off so it's a good rifle rest. I liked @concretesnail's idea of getting a tear-off pouch and filling it with soft stuff and then using that as a rest, as that's likely going to be fairly lightweight and can be worn on a belt kit or chest rig so you won't feel the weight much anyway, but will give you a steady place to rest your rifle when in a hide position. Glad to hear the lad enjoyed running around with a bolt action, even one that was under-powered and still saddled with an MED; it's a very satisfying way of playing for sure! I would actually focus on the rifle before going for a ghillie though, as he'll learn better camo and concealment fieldcraft if he doesn't get reliant on a ghillie suit. It's amazing what you can do with good camo and concealment skills while wearing regular DPM, or even just flat olive drab! I see a lot of ghillie snipers who have awful fieldcraft and they're incredibly easy to counter-snipe. Having a rifle that performs well is always useful though and I'm sure he'll appreciate it when he's able to reach out to 75m with decent accuracy.
    2 points
  22. I'm glad to hear it was enjoyed. Ii found Bipods are a mixed bag and gave up using one, instead I use a rip off pouch and put soft stuff in it. Then rip it off to use as a sandbag style rest when need.
    2 points
  23. Well I said I’d report back. I think the gun crono’d at 1.17 with .28 BB’s. Marshall’s said we had to adhere to the 30m rule which was fine. We will use the heavier BB’s as recommended by you guys next time but I’d already bought the .28’s so thought we’d use them as a test. How did the games go? No idea, my son took the rifle and hogged it the whole time… He said it was excellent and really enjoyed using it. The only game where he switched to his other gun was the last game which was a CQB. He said we need to get a Bipod as it was hard to hold for long periods, can anyone recommend one? Hopefully I’ll get a look in next time we play but I’ve just seen him searching for ghilly suits so I’m not sure.
    2 points
  24. We're airsofters....not fecking Ranulph Fiennes. Most of us are lucky to make it to gameday without getting lost. I got lost in a small cqb site on a single level the other week.
    1 point
  25. Steve complained to his friend Al that lovemaking with his wife was becoming routine and boring. "Get creative mate. Break up the monotony. Why don't you try playing doctor for an hour?" "Sounds great," Steve replied, "but how do you make it last for an hour?" "Easy, just keep her in the waiting room for 45 minutes!"
    1 point
  26. Jbybyby

    Cybergun M1A1 Thompson

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Cybergun M1A1 Thompson with real wood furniture. With 2 mags and replica zip-up bag. In addition, with a gun bag. It experienced a few skirmishes, so the ballestic falls in medium distance. You can adjust the hop-up around the barrel to keep it stable and accurate. Use parcelfore48 or Evri. Bank transfer is preferred. 380 pounds.


    1 point
  27. Obligatory "oMg nOvrITsCH gNUs ARe sHiT!" Anyway, now that's over, the SSG10 is basically a cost-effective VSR that will perform decently well out of the box. Sure, there are a bunch of upgrades you can do, but they aren't too necessary if you don't want to. TDC is a good shout, as I don't know what the hop unit in the SSG10 is like, but the standard VSR one is crap and the Action Army one is a pain in thearse to adjust. TDC is a good shout and isn't too pricey, maybe a hop rubber to go with it as that's also not too pricey. Also, yes, they're super lightweight. It's probably the best thing about the VSR platform (besides the copious amount of aftermarket parts available)
    1 point
  28. Yeah, one of the owners pulled three of us regular ghillies aside and asked our opinion on it and cited Imperium as an example of a site that does bolt action only. Nobody really runs DMRs at Worthing because the rules aren't that great and the site doesn't lend itself well to them with how many twiggy bits are everywhere; only a handful of us are stupid enough to DMR
    1 point
  29. I believe that Imperium have gone even further with only bolt action wielding snipers being allowed to wear ghillie suits and DMR users being restricted to a snood. I agree that it is a good rule.
    1 point
  30. Rtv silicone varies in hardness. You'd want a recommendation for some.
    1 point
  31. Wouldn't call it faulty tbh, gas shotguns are very fickle by nature and will just do random shit so you're probably fine lmao
    1 point
  32. OrlithNightfire

    New to site.

    Hi there. Been playing about 6 years. But just found this site. I'm a dragon crazy female airsoft player. I put dragons all over my rifs lol. Hope to see you out in the fields.
    1 point
  33. Great to hear that it went well. Are you minded to push the power up towards 2.3J? Once you start doing that, you may find yourself chasing the White Rabbit of robustness and performance mods, which can get expensive, fast. The other option is to cut a coil off the spring[*] and drop it below 1.14J, so your son can use it without a MED. This is a viable play-style if you enjoy it. [*] With it being that close, I reckon I'd just heat and flatten a coil instead, then chrono it.
    1 point
  34. Thanks bud 👍
    1 point
  35. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop kimber rapide 1911 B/S we gbb airsoft black/silver two tone deep marking cerakote detail fix
    1 point
  36. This, you can have the best camouflage in the world but if your fieldcraft is crap then it won't matter. For example many years ago at a fancy dress game day in a woodland site I had the pleasure of watching a guy dressed as spiderman flank round and get the drop on two guys defending a position
    1 point
  37. DanBow

    New to site.

    Hi, Welcome You cant make a statement like that without backing it up with pics!!! 😁
    1 point
  38. gavinkempsell

    Gun picture thread

    Been a couple of new additions since I last posted my collection & they've been moved about a few times too, took some pics recently. Not intended as a 'flex' but I am proud of my collection, many bought from our classifieds...
    1 point
  39. I get 1.08j 349.9fps from mine but I've never used it in game so don't know what the range would be.
    1 point
  40. Same with the bipod. Most of the time they're just dead weight and you're better off bracing against an arm/leg/tree, etc. Particularly with VSR, adding a bipod is probably going to near double the weight anyway (okay, a slight exaggeration, but then again I've got this Parker-Hale bipod that probably makes that an accurate statement) Usually bipods end up just being used to stand the gun in the safe zone on rather than shoot from, unless you're talking something particularly heavy (support weapon, EBR-14, etc). However, if you're determined to have one, I'd suggest something like a Harris - I'm sure there are plenty of clones but I've not used them. They're lightweight and quick to deploy with spring loaded legs and usually the ability to cant to one side or other to keep the rifle level.
    1 point
  41. One day, a farmer was tending to his livestock when he noticed that one of his cows was completely cross-eyed. He called up a veterinarian friend of his who told him to bring in his cow. The vet took one look at the cow, stuck a tube up the cow's butt, and blew into the tube until the cow's eyes straightened out. The vet charged the farmer a hundred pounds, and the farmer went home happy. About a week later, the cow's eyes were cross-eyed again, but this time the farmer figured he could probably take care of it himself. So he called his hired hand over, and together they put a tube up the cow's butt. The farmer put his lips to the tube and started to blow. Strangely, nothing happened, so he asked his hired hand to give it a try. The hired hand removed the tube, turned it around, put it in the cow's butt and started to blow. "What are you doing?" asked the farmer, horrified. "Well, I wasn't gonna use the side that YOU had put your lips on"
    1 point
  42. I apologise for the terrible photo but anything I took with the rear camera was too big a file to upload. Considering I didn't use an undercoat (the grey just peeled straight off) and it was cheap matt black wheel paint from poundland, this hasn't turned out too badly.
    1 point
  43. aragoth

    Tokyo Marui AKM

    Bought off Doc before, dude is absolutely legit just throwing my 2 cents in.
    1 point
  44. It's OK, you can admit swinging the ban hammer gives you Thor vibes, this is a safe space...
    1 point
  45. One thing i've learnt with snipers (in general) is that the size of a meter differs depending if they're working out the MED or if they're trying to sell it
    1 point
  46. Makes two of us.... Went to a game day at RIFT Redcon 2 last weekend and went browsing the onsite shop (white sphere tactical) looking for red dot sights and risers. I thought to myself "you don't need any more guns"..... that went out the window when I spotted this KWA Beretta m93r GBB, and my love of unusual and uncommon guns over ruled my better judgement... My wallet now hates me... Now I'm on the search for more mags and a folding stock for it once paycheck lands
    1 point
  47. Picked this up a while ago ready for an event later this year, need to take it to a field soon.
    1 point
  48. I shouldn’t be allowed near shops or anywhere that sell shiny things really.
    1 point
  49. G3 superb , BCM superb , M733 superb , FAL superb , XM177 superb , APFG MCX again superb but people like to harp on about older gen stuff or repeat things like "GBBs don't work in winter" or "TM never have QC" issues . The earlier VFC GBBs for sure had some issues and especially the gen 1 M4 but most others are blown out of proportion . The AEGs on the other hand ..... Bit more of a lottery
    1 point
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