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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/03/24 in all areas

  1. I dont see how this makes it more professional. Just looks like tesco security cosplay
    5 points
  2. If a site has to go to this level to “police” it’s staff and players in terms of cheating or aggro then it really doesn’t say much about the site at all does it 🤔
    5 points
  3. Cannonfodder

    Ruger Mini 14

    Nice. If there's a way to make the black parts look chromed then I know what loadout I'm doing
    4 points
  4. My Worthing review is probably going to be *fractionally* shorter than @Impulse's. Got to Worthing, car park vaguely swamp like, but passable. Some hilarious sliding on mud/parking attempts observed. Chronoed and tested weapons. Glock 17 Gen 5 is a beast and hitting 50m on the range without issues. Had done some tweaking, building and improvement to P* engine'd M4 so needless to say that decided it wasn't going to work and I ran the NGRS MP5 instead. Considering throwing all HPA kit in the sea at this point (where ironically it would probably be more useful). Glorious sunshine for pretty much the whole day, without being too hot. Perfect airsoft weather really. First game much as described earlier. Standing waiting for rentals to accomplish something before charging off to do... something. There were 2 objective props somewhere out in the game field and they had instructions on what to do with them on them. I say this, because I heard it, but I never saw any sign of them or knew what the brief was. Through I don't mind the clock concept because it can allow for waves of attackers/reinforcements, I think it would be better with some whiteboards with the objectives written on them once known. Yes, you can potentially wander off and try and find a marshall (who will probably be standing in the middle of a firefight) to find out what's going on, but large objective games lead to all the players being scattered without any cohesion. I got into some good shootouts and snuck around a bit, but I didn't really know where I was going other than all the usual spots that people fight over. This game lasted basically the whole morning. The other suggestion around clocks is to have multiple spawn locations, because it makes it more of a 360 battle when you know you could have someone spawning in behind you in 10 mins, as well as give you the opportunity to respawn somewhere else if things are not working where you are. Can work, might be situational though. After lunch, a couple of matches of capture and hold base, fighting over 3 different locations. I was pleased to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat with 8 seconds to go at the end of one of them by charging into the position. Reran it with different spawns and we lost that one 2 -1, so overall 1 match each. Plenty of movement and shooting, and clear objectives so it flowed ok. To finish the day off, it was attack/defend the tower with 1 life only for defenders, semi only for all. I opted to go up into the tower and shoot from there and am pleased to report there was some serious murder going on. Red dot sight paired with the accuracy of the MP5 mean there was a lot of rapid semi only kills on the first shot. There was also a Marshal up top, so they got to witness it all. I think we held out for 11-13 mins. Then the reversal and we somehow smashed in a new course record of under 2:30mins I believe. Then home for tea and medals. MP5 ran well all day. The low caps are consistently reliable feeders and .28's seem to work well in it. I did used to get feeding problems with the high caps, but the lows are good. Glock had its first outing and its first kills. Nice piece of kit. I am already suffering from everything hurting, but overall a good day out.
    4 points
  5. Dan Robinson

    Crimpy Crimpy

    Hey @Shamal - here's some more crimping work.... https://photos.fife.usercontent.google.com/pw/AP1GczM8ou5XKP6fvVSMwZeb48XLcD6UuGighuqGNZtGuWrNg2tyTQkxSwrdpg=w1737-h977-s-no-gm?authuser=0 https://photos.app.goo.gl/8eDDycPit8rg2jHY6 This was a tight one https://photos.app.goo.gl/r4uzGdZcQqNdz6xT6
    4 points
  6. Don't use lasers in airsoft, it is completely unregulated and you get unknown emitters with unknown output from everywhere, nobody's got time for retina damage
    4 points
  7. Rang the orphanage today and said that I had a large donation for them. I'll drop the fat little swine off after school on Monday...
    4 points
  8. Another weekend, another dissertation to write about how the game went. I went to Worthing as usual and bumped into @Hatchet there this week, which was nice! I decided to bring my HPA VSR, even though it's not perfect at the moment since I am waiting on a 300mm inner barrel and a bunch of foam to arrive so that I can internally suppress it further. At the moment, it's a 430mm widebore in a 470mm bull barrel, so 40mm is foam, but with a 300mm inner barrel it'll be 170mm of foam and should make it nice and quiet. It was still a little bit chilly for the m700 and I was picking up my AEG m14, so I decided the VSR was the best to bring. Set it up, got it shooting 2.28J and hopping .45s nicely, so I was good to go. Picked up the m14 and decided I'd zero the LPVO and set the hop after lunch as the morning was going to be a big, multi-objective game until lunch and that's my preferred way of playing. Sidearm choice today was my HK45, as it was definitely warm enough for GBB pistols and I way prefer them to mk23s, so I was keen to use it. After the safety brief I got a bit annoyed though. The marshalls made a point to split me and my friend up (again) and also split another regular from his two friends. This is the 2nd week in a row they've picked me and my friend out and made a point to separate us onto different teams, so I wasn't that impressed heading out for the first game. We got the far spawn, so a long walk out at first, and I had no idea what the objectives were so I decided to just follow and support my team as best I could. The start of the game had the rentals all around the Tower area and neither team could spawn until their team's rentals recovered an ammo box and brought it back to the spawn. An interesting idea in theory, as I'm always interested in seeing people try new things, but it didn't really work and after 15 mins they just released both teams. I took a conservative position, crawling under a holly bush and setting up a position overlooking the checkpoint on the path. Didn't take long for the yellows to push up to it and I got a lot of kills from that spot without getting detected at all. I kept waiting to make sure I got a good shot off, lulling the other team into a false sense of security at times by making them think I had moved, before taking another one of them out. It was good fun and this allowed my team to push up and take the checkpoint after I picked off enough players to dissuade the remnants from peeking or people from reinforcing. At this time I saw our team (blues) had found an objective (a dummy on a stretcher) that we needed to get to the stables building in the Tower area; they had pushed it out onto the path, but got hit in the process and had to drop the stretcher, so it was now heavily contested. So with checkpoint under our control I got myself out from under the holly bush and pushed into the heavily wooded area to the left of the path to come up on the corner of it to try and establish some forward control. I linked up with a friend who had also pushed up there with his AEG and we basically played sniper and spotter for a while, him picking off targets on the flank and me holding a line on the chapel, quite a popular spot to fight from. Blues kept pushing and managed to get the stretcher into the stables building, so now we had to hold it for 20 mins. I crawled further up as I saw blues pushing well into the Tower area, finding my way to a spot next to a tree that overlooked the path, but from the other side of the Tower area, so I took position there and started to cut off reinforcements, forcing them to take harder routes into the area. It worked really well, much to one marshall's amusement as he watched me get into position and take care of business. However, blues were doing a bit too well and our guys who had now taken the chapel were asked to give it up, and another marshall dropped a green smoke next to me. Green smoke counts as toxic, but fortunately the wind carried it the other way, however with its proximity it was only a matter of time before it expanded to where I was, so I quickly uprooted and fell back to the corner spot I was in before. We managed to hold for the 20 mins and shortly after that the game was over. Something that really worked well for me was I used camo paint for my face along with my ghillie instead of a balaclava or lower face mask today and it worked really, really well. Lower face masks make my glasses fog up (as it routes breath up into my glasses) and I can't get away from that as I have prescription inserts and can't use contact lenses. My balaclava, especially on warm days, makes me sweat buckets which also fogs up my glasses, but camo paint keeps a nice air flow and it worked really, really well. £4 and it'll last me a while, so I think I'm going to continue using camo paint. Big success! I had a LOT of fun in this game and the VSR was performing flawlessly as it tends to (I also took the advice of @Badgerlicious and ran my gunbilical cord around my left side instead of my right and it worked really, really well, stopping it getting caught as much and never getting caught on my own kit (my line loves catching on my pistol suppressor!)). However, I had a massive criticism of how the game was run. It didn't affect me because I didn't get hit once, but the respawns were on clocks. This meant that you had a 5 minute window to respawn followed by 5 mins of not being able to respawn. What I heard from the friend I was split from, as well as another friend who was on the other team, is that they would spawn in, go out and try to play aggressive, get hit and then have to wait 5 mins again because it worked out that they would get back to spawn after about 5 mins, so they'd get back just in time for respawns to be closed. They said they spent 40 mins just sitting in spawn and it was incredibly frustrating. They played less than they were waiting in respawn. For a large, multi-objective game I don't think the clock spawns worked very well and made people very frustrated. A lot went home at lunch time because of it. I didn't play the afternoon as I wanted to set up my m14 and then hang out with one of my friends who wasn't playing today; plus the sun was out and it was (almost) warm, so it was a nice day to just chill out. The m14 was performing stupidly well on the range, which was nice, and the LPVO was basically already zeroed. Don't know how the afternoon games went, but I really enjoyed my day. I think the fact that the sun was out and it wasn't freezing cold or wet definitely helped, though it was a bit breezy at times for sniping, but even that wasn't too bad. All in all it was a really fun morning of airsoft and I'm looking forward to the next months as it hopefully gets a bit warmer. I do better in warm weather, as I used to airsoft in Spain, and my guns do better in warm weather because I like my gas guns, so I'm glad to be this side of winter.
    3 points
  9. I would love to not be put off by foul weather - but it's not the lack of kit stopping me... It's Neg Air/Luke waving my AEG at me saying "there is RUST in the barrel!" - and 5 minutes later - "the sector gear is also rusted! What have you been doing?!". I sheepishly responded something about rain and trees and running about holding the damn thing one handed. This less than a year after the gun in question was overhauled. I don't care about being cold and wet, bring it on! But I can't bear the thought of my lovely AEGs suffering the inclement weather and getting damaged. What can I do? Am I overreacting?
    3 points
  10. Maybe you are doing some battlesim or perhaps a multi day event. Possibly you are on the run from the guberment and know one else can help. Congratulations you have reached… …….. a complete idiot. There are many guides out there to “survival” and military field craft. This is not that. If you are in a 24 to 48 hour game you don’t need it. Many events have a permanent safe zones and the majority of players will go to bed at night. If it’s under 24 hours then stick on a poncho if it’s wet or a puffy jacket if it’s cold. Go in a building. I mean look at this sexy mother lover. That’s how to skirmish baby.
    2 points
  11. gavinkempsell


    How cool is this? Wrong section, sry admin.
    2 points
  12. Damn, didn't see on sight taking pics 🤣
    2 points
  13. It does feel like it hasnt stopped raining for the past few months, something on the news about it being the wettest February since records began. Everything around here in the East of England is a boggy flooded mess, every field you see is underwater. Ive got better things to do on a Sunday morning than get up early and go out in freezing cold rain, very much a fairweathersofter Been doing it for long enough now to not need to suffer miserable days playing it. Same with motorbikes, anyone who says riding in the winter slush grime mud and rain is anything other than unpleasant is just lying.
    2 points
  14. The brew kit Many militaries issue some system to let individual soldiers make hot drinks and heat up rations in the field. Few airsoft events involve living in the wilderness for any length of time but being able to get a hot drink is very useful for morale and we are here to enjoy ourselves, allegedly. For the more involved events you may be expected to provide your own catering, so a little more capacity to cook is useful. Some brew kit options: 1) Hot drink in an insulated container. Possible but it’s limited how long it will stay warm. Maybe useful for winter day game but bulky. Immediately ready to use. 2) Gas canister stoves and Jetboils. Jetboil & Fire Maple type flux ring heating systems are fast and originally intended to fit in an issue utility pouch. Great for boiling drinking water. Expensive and some breakable parts. Compact canister stoves are cheaper and can be very compact. Like jet boils there are parts that can break. Also light & fast. All gas stoves can be noisy and it is possible to mishandle and ignite the can if you are a knob head. 3) Military style solid fuel coolers. The old “Hexi TV”. In the UK HEXAMINE is now band and like US trioxane not healthy to breath the fumes in an enclosed spaces. Esbit also smells a bit. BCB fire dragon gel/blocks is a bit more eco and lights very easily. Solid fuel stoves are very cheap and robust but can take a while to get a full boil depending on conditions. Quiet and May or May not smell. 4) Liquid fuel cooking systems. Pressurised systems like the MSR whisperlite light take time to set up an prime. Are often expensive and commonly flare up more than other devices on ignition. Often sound like a rocket launch when running. As quick as gas once going, breakable and the most complex to operate. Traditional systems like the Trangia are very robust but you need to take care with loose liquid fuel. Take a few minutes to prime but very hot once running. Quiet when running and usually not smells. 5) Wood burners. Good luck with this, way too much work. Options 2 & 3 are popular with soldiers for a reason. Either speed (2) or simplicity (3) and possibly the hexi fumes.
    2 points
  15. lol, indeed. need a Geiger counter then.
    2 points
  16. can confirm these will fit the infinitys
    2 points
  17. Shamal

    Crimpy Crimpy

    Crikey that's a bit involved.Nice work though.Are you working to a drawing on that? I think we will stick to end feed and push fit lol. We just do small work moving pipes for bathrooms and radiators.Nothing on your scale though.
    2 points
  18. Having video footage is great, people are unreliable and tend to make things up. It's a good idea, both for insurance and the management of people, customers and staff, to have it.
    2 points
  19. This is an odd one. I've only played there once and while I wont be going back I didn't see any need for staff to wear body cams. I know they do other activities like paintball and axe throwing so I'm guessing they might've had trouble there so now cameras have to be worn for all activities. Of course it could simply be down to the owner trying to show how professional his staff are for extra clout on social media
    2 points
  20. Does seem odd, Driver Wood isn't exactly chav central unlike a certain place that's come to the forum's attention this week. The footage isn't going to be social media worthy either.
    2 points
  21. Reminds me of the time that I had a vasectomy because I didnt want kids but when I got home they were still there!
    2 points
  22. I was beginning to feel that you were outnumbered in that last thread that has now,thankfully,been locked. I was impressed that you were holding your own,just,and trying to give answers for your site rules. But now that I've seen you following forum members on to other threads and commenting on their posts in a sarcastic manner I have now formed the opinion that you are very much like a dog with a bone. You are not gonna leave it alone because you think you have been out through the ringer and so that entitles you to give some back. Petty. Just do us all a favour and give it up and leave 👍
    2 points
  23. Detonator slide set , Trijicon raised sight set , TT Magwell ,
    2 points
  24. BigStew

    WTS A&K Mares Leg

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    WTS A&K 1873 Mares Leg. has a slow leak but fires. £80.00 posted and Paypaled Proof of defence required



    1 point
  25. I have literally just printed a few off the twist head standard meteor’s lol, not the cheapest of files but they do seem to work well. also I printed this muzzle for my saiga
    1 point
  26. In fairness to Luke and myself, this was after a whole litany of issues getting this bloody gun to work because G&P can't drill their receivers right. And if I'm remembering right, this was after only ONE instance of using it in inclement weather, so I was horrified that "a little bit of rain" did so much damage. This is mentally what I'm dealing with. Maybe I was just unlucky. I would love to better seal my AEGs against the rain, if there was a way to do it. Or have a specific AEG for use in the wet weather.
    1 point
  27. finally pushed myself to go to an outdoors game despite the relatively poor weather last weekend. but at least the weather seems to be improving, if only incrementally. the going was a bit tougher than usual due to the recent heavy rainfall turning many paths to mud i have played a few games in less than ideal weather, but my most memorable one was the first AI500 game at the Citatel in Dover. the saturday afternoon saw a severe rainstorm (almost a monsoon) blow in with high winds, everyone turned into drowned rats almost instantly, the high winds making it impossible to shoot between buildings as the wind simply blew everyones BBs for miles. game was eventually called early after the winds began blowing roof tiles off one of the cell block buildings. lots of people called it early and went home due to the poor weather, especially as the high winds caused havoc with the camp site, ripping many tents to shreds and soaking everyones kit, one poor group even had their tent blow away and land in the channel. fortunately i avoided that fate as i had got to site early enough that myself and a few others were able to set up tents in the lee of several buildings at a lower level, though the heavy rainfall was turning the grass area to mud. the site owners opened up some buildings near the campsite so everyone who wanted to stay could move inside and a group of us all set up our tents as an indoor camp and everyone hung their gear up to dry as best they were going to, given there was no heating in the building, and we all sat around in groups singing, cracking jokes, drinking whiskey, playing cards against humanity etc until well into the night sunday was a little uncomfortable due to having to wear still-wet kit, but those of us that stayed managed to soldier through until end-ex and i could switch into some dry civvy kit to drive home in.
    1 point

    • For sale
    • Used

    Look at THAT! It's got a bipod... AND a grenade launcher? How can this be? Well VLTOR (a real steel company) decided to just get real weird with the concept of bipods, and decided to try mounting legs to the SIDE of a rail system, rather than underneath as has been done since man first crawled out of the primordial soup. The result was the TangoDown RIS Bipod. Being sold here is a good quality (says "A Grade Quality" on my ancient email receipt...) replica of the TangoDown Bipod, in great condition. Even comes with trades for all you coomers out there! Each leg locks into place with a satisfying click and are very sturdy. They also each have 3 lengths of extension. Strong, stable, weird. And (as far as I can see), long out of stock everywhere else. Postage options: - RM Tracked 48 - £4.45 Payment options: - Bank transfer - Paypal (either Friends or Family OR Goods and Services. Your choice, but note that any fees are payable by you.)


    - GB

    1 point
  29. And it is Sir Ranulph Fiennes. @Cannonfodder, it seems that you have a stalker. Perhaps he fancies you.
    1 point
  30. Any reason this is priced higher than brand new?
    1 point
  31. Archer

    Quick KS-1 Build

    Damned nice !
    1 point
  32. If I use HPA do I get fewer words per message?
    1 point
  33. You think you have victims? Are you really that deluded?
    1 point
  34. Why should people be willing to let go of misinformation being portrayed as fact? Nobody here has said that joule creep is akin to Bigfoot or the Yeti. The majority of us are aware of joule creep it that is more prevalent in GBB and HPA. The limit imposed on it by your site is still arbitrary, regardless of the narrative that it's in the interest of safety. One can argue it sends a message that marshals are either disinclined to or incapable of doing adequate chrono checks so one can question what else there is a reluctance or incapacity to do in the name of ensuring safety. There's no obvious mention of liability insurance on the website either. I've played at games on hot days where the host openly stated it's possible that GBB and HPA players could find their guns running with more energy by midday because of the higher ambient temperature. He didn't tuck his tail between his legs and say HPA and GBB users had to handicap themselves, he had them retest when day time temperatures peaked and had players adjust their guns and retest a second time if they were found to be hot. Nobody bitched about it and they acted honestly. It's quite the contradiction to point out that GBB and HPA are more subject to joule creep than AEG while only applying a greater cap to HPA. I've got no dog in this fight as I don't own any GBBRs or HPA guns though I disagree with the rationale of imposing the caps in place against HPA users compared to AEG and GBB. Might I suggest that when you try to engage with people, you don't dismiss different points of view as "conspiracy theories"? Sometimes you learn more from those with dissenting views than those in an echo chamber.
    1 point
  35. None of which provides a valid reason for restricting HPA users to a lower power output.
    1 point
  36. I'm very responsible. I'm responsible for breaking the washing machine,(even though I don't use it), responsible for loosing the shed key,black marks on the Egyptian bathroom towels,I'll give her that one. Oh and I'm responsible for putting holes in the plant pots.yeah me again🫣
    1 point
  37. This made me chuckle😆
    1 point
  38. I'd say the zombie themed games are usually aimed more towards the stag do or birthday party market and from experience those groups tend to make game days worse rather than better. Combined with an inability to answer simple questions quite frankly I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than give them any money
    1 point
  39. From rhe group "Terrible art in Charity Shops"
    1 point
  40. I'm not looking for a reason to moan, I'll be honest & say I have no interest in hpa, feels like a step backwards in airsoft when aeg's can easily achieve the required UK power levels & rate of fire commensurate with the real steel models they're copies of. BUT This forum is well known for not only freedom of speech (within reason), at its core are a lot of members commited to keeping the game going, for decades in some cases. it also pushes for a positive sensible stance to all aspects of Airsoft in all it's varieties, & keeping their availability to those who want to play. While that doesn't necessarily correlate with your weirdly biased stance on hpa, it kinda feels like giving hpa users a lower fps might actually encourage some to try to cheat the system, if for example, they're playing your site but they're playing shite, will they blame it on your lower power requirements, & then fiddle with their kit to match, or even scarily surpass those limits. Personally, if I found myself in your position & mindset, I'd be more inclined to exclude hpa entirely if I felt some couldn't be trusted to adhere to the rules. So while you may have felt this is a personal attack, it's more a criticism of the information provided & how it's provided, if that makes sense.
    1 point
  41. Because not answering simple questions doesn't instill much confidence in how well the site is run
    1 point
  42. Tell me you don't understand basic physics without saying you don't understand basic physics, 1.14 joules is 1.14 joules, no matter if the bb is propelled by a motor driven piston, gas or farting down a straw. If you don't like hpa then just say so instead of making shit up
    1 point
  43. the hwat? it's not magical air, it's all air. I'd take 'not trusting HPA users' as a more serious answer. Site owners/staff not understanding basic air musket function is a bit of a red flag if I'm honest. Though, at the end of the day it's shouldn't be much of an issue for a HPA user, it's just a weird choice.
    1 point
  44. Impulse

    Wolverine MTW 308

    Ok, so this is shipping a lot sooner than expected. It looks like these will ship late May/early June and are already up for pre-order. Also it looks like it'll be compatible with A&K SR-25 magazines, which means that Cyma SR-25 mags should also fit (good for me as I have 5). Also looks like you can have the outer barrel either 14.5" or 16" as it has a screw on extension at 1.5". Interestingly, out of the box it looks like the HPA line connects by the stock. Seems to be built like the Billet series, not the Forged series. Starting to pop up for pre-order here too. Price seems to be around the £800 mark https://www.highpressureairsoft.co.uk/wolverine-mtw-308 https://shop.super5ives.com/shop/item/133460/wolverine-airsoft-mtw-308-tactical-14-dmr.html
    1 point
  45. I’m the complete opposite. Everything gets chucked into it! Odin speed loader, green gas, spare batteries, food, medications, tools, soft cover, towel, eye pro, spare eye pro, face pro and if there’s some room left a few more mags 😂
    1 point
  46. If you must wear a modern lid, then go for a ratchet adjustable one/rear rotation adjustment thingy. If its in a sized outer then even better. I've a few helmets. The cheapest PASGT replica with a Flora cover fits me best, and the cover is baggy enough to allow me to pretend that a Russian bin lurks beneath it in milsim/filmsim games. The digiflora cover sits on a slightly more expensive light weight fast style helmet which is OK but crap besides a genuine FMA. I'd go FMA for a decent fit and a bit of comfort. M1s are sized and fit accordingly, WW2 British Brody's and the like weigh a ton to play in. Of course the true airsoft connoisseur wears a helmet of purest Vietnamese pith, preferably along with a pair of baggy cotton shorts and a Martini-Henry. Victory is assured and one can always invade the site next door and annex it for the Crown.
    1 point
  47. Just to follow up on this, my wishlist grows ever larger, and more cluttered... So my requests are (in priority order) 1. By choice or default, please allow filtering out (exclusion) of 'completed' ads 2. Add the wishlist option to the mobile view menu 3. Improve the look of the mobile view listing Cheers!
    1 point
  48. Herrgh

    Unpinning old threads

    Talking about the Tutorial subboard specifically, but every pinned thread on the forum could probably do with some going over to see if they're really relevant, or needed, anymore. e.g. Some pinned threads in "Tutorials" are essentially just links to a long defunct website (mechbox.com - which in itself I always thought was just trying to make the word "mechbox" a thing, but that's beside the point.) Clearing out old and worth-less pinned threads can make room for our contemporaries to recreate the same content, but better and more up to date.
    1 point
  49. A more suspicious person would wonder at a new account bigging up a retailer as their first post. Not me though, I trust everything that I read online without question.
    1 point
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