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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/11/23 in all areas

  1. A little bit different to my usual sniper rifles and pistols... (it was a Black Friday purchase. £310 down from £460)
    5 points
  2. Call me cynical but he way they haven't posted any clear pictures of anything makes me think the seller is trying to hide something. Or maybe they were in a hurry and couldn't wait for the magnitude 7 earthquake to finish
    5 points
  3. Good to know I’m not the only one in the “arthritic gang” this is starting to get like the scar showing scene in Lethal Weapon eleventeen with Mel Gibson & Renne Russo 😂 Ive also got a trapped sciatic nerve that disables me occasionally, that happened slipping when getting out of the shower 😂🙄
    3 points
  4. Like you i have a long list of injuries, and the reconstructions of joints to go with them, though I still haven't learned to stop doing anything. Age is certainly not helping, like you I'm on the older end of spectrum and the body is paying the price for the spirit. To some what balance the scales I've tried over the last few years to integrate range of motion and stability exercise into my life and its helped massively. Less injuries and recovery times from the injuries that do happen is much quicker. I use a program call pliabilty, it used to be call romwod (range of movement work on daily). Its Internet based, in that its video lead, but shortish sessions daily and varied to stop getting bored and lazy. Support wise I've found compression wear helps a lot, and outside of a full brace the knee wraps with the springs in work well. All the above has let me go from having to use light weight kit to whatever kit I feel like that day. I did a 8hr battle sim day last time out and did it in a plate carrier with weighted plates and a dmr.
    3 points
  5. My Uncle David has moved to Moss Side. It's not as rough or deprived as people say apparently. He quickly found a job. He's rear gunner on the number six bus.
    3 points
  6. I injured my neck when a ruck collapsed when playing rugby about 25 years ago and it still gives me trouble now and again so I try to keep my kit as light as possible. When it does flare up heat pads and some over over the counter pain killers usually do the trick. Of course a couple of drinks afterwards help too
    3 points
  7. EDcase

    Hello guys!

    Yeah, but most aren't narcissistic psychopaths
    3 points
  8. Yep, I'd go as far as to say every airsofter needs a chrono
    3 points
  9. I prefer the scene from Jaws... i've got a 12" scar from my 3rd hernia op in 2009 (bastard surgeon took my belly button but left my belly).
    2 points
  10. They are right then. A lot of people are saying you are dodgy as fuck! 😉😂
    2 points
  11. Lol, Welcome to old age, & yep, almost every sport will catch up on you eventually, but especially the high speed & contact sports, but fuckit, how much fun was it getting to this point😁. Last few years for me have been rough as fuck, right now I'm hobbling around with recent new right knee, the other knee still to be done, couple of fractures in my right foot from March that still haven't healed, damaged back from my childhood, & the spectre of cancer still hanging over me, not to mention a ton of ongoing grieving & the fact that we're caring for a loved one with a sad prognosis. Sorry for the life story lol, point is every negative in our life, physical and emotional, chips away at our resolve & ability to keep doing what we enjoy, often (but not always ?) made harder when it comes to Airsoft, not everyone around us gets it, half of my family think it's fine to spend thousands every year on new golf clubs/membership/green fees, but shake their heads when I'm sorting out my kit for a game. But if keeping playing is what you want to, you find the way to make it happen. Regards to supports, braces & all the other paraphernalia available, it's difficult to say, what works for one may not be ideal for the next, identifying the weakness in a joint is a priority, then deciding whether you want to overcome that weakness entirely with, for example, a hinged knee brace that stops the lateral pain of something like an acl injury might get you through the day, but at what cost, scar tissue forming & little prospect of recovery. It's a lot of trial and error, one thing I've found can help is snug neoprene joint & back supports, they don't provide much stability but their brilliant for keeping heat in the affected areas, especially this time of year & it's sometimes good to rub a bit of deep heat in the affected areas before putting on the supports, definitely helps with fluidity. Weight obviously plays a massive part, I'm a porker now & short of starving myself it's a vicious circle once you hit a certain age & add injuries to the equation. My answer is to change my playing style, change my load carrying equipment & try to stay away from the heavy guns, but it's hard, I'm an airsofter so obviously I have no willpower whatsoever when it comes to food & guns, which is why I bought an M60 last year which nearly killed me getting home on the train & a long walk at the end of it, but I will field it one day😬. In short, step back & reevaluate everything, but don't be a Debbie Downer, only you know your capabilities. JUST DON'T YOU FUCKIN GIVE UP🤬
    2 points
  12. You're doing it wrong then. 😉
    2 points
  13. Hmm, can't class these as old injuries but... Dodgy knees (both) due you work Dodgy hips (mainly the right) due to work Plantar fasciitis (both feet) due to work safety shoes Dodgy back (right side) due to work Carpal Tunnel (mainly right wrist) due to work & masturbation I'll blame work for most of them but being a fat git for most of life has played it's part. Missed my last skirmish just in case I made my back worse, not a good time for a butcher to be off sick.
    2 points
  14. Living up to your name 😆
    2 points
  15. Yeah, it only makes sense to order from overseas if the item is not available anywhere closer for a decent price. (I've ordered quite a few non airsoft things from AliExpress and all good so far)
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. This. It's very easy to fall into the mindset of carrying everything but the kitchen sink "just in case". Invariably you end up carrying loads of unnecessary stuff which is just dead weight
    2 points
  18. Cannonfodder

    Sixmm.Com Review

    Edcase makes a good point. The thread was started April 2021 and is only 2 pages long with many positive posts. Now imagine how different a thread about spesul airsoft supplies would be, especially as it's well known in retail that a happy customer will tell 1 person about their experiences whilst an unhappy customer will tell 10. Mind you I probably won't be using them in the near future as I prefer to use UK based shops, not for some nobel must support local shops (insert League of Gentlemen meme here) bollocks, but because I'm an impatient bugger who wants their new toys now
    2 points
  19. EDcase

    Sixmm.Com Review

    I don't think they're so bad. Most of the reports here are positive. Just need to allow for long shipping times so don't order from them if in a hurry. I ordered some unique 1911 grips from them back in 2021. Can't remember how long it took but arrived fine.
    2 points
  20. https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/26409-3-in-1-deal-brand-new-m4 You could actually get a reasonable deal here, assuming the Specna Arms RIF really is new, but the seller's ego seemed to get the better of him as he poses holding the gun like he's on Call of Duty in most of the photos instead of focusing on the damn guns and didn't take a single clean shot of the used M4's profile, nor did he bother to specify the brand & model of the used M4 or whether its internals had been modded since was last tagged at a site. I see no photos of the handgun, any description of what brand & model it is or its condition either. I need to sit down before I have a stronk.
    2 points
  21. Yes, what could better for a new player than a heavy GBBR and a broken boltie.... Anyway, as someone who is massively slimming down their collection of guns and gear, my advice would be that you're going to have to split, list separately and post items. Someone turning up and giving you a large amount of money to clear it from your house sounds fantasticly cathartic, but not realistic. The only way you're likely to ever sell it all together is if you're willing to take pennies on the pound and pass it on to a reseller. £800 ain't that kinda price for what you've got. Edit: Sorry that you're going through tough times. My advice stands though, even if I was in front of you, I'd give you max £250 for the GBBR, no more than £70 for the pistol and tell you to keep the broken boltie as a wall-hanger, then do you a favour by taking the other bits. I really think you're going to be waiting forever at anywhere near £800.
    2 points
  22. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    For sale.. 90's iconic Sooty and Sweep puppets. Any offer accepted. Just want them off my hands.
    2 points
  23. One essential piece of kit for doing your own tech work is a chrono. Without one you won't know if all your hard work has paid off, if the gun is underpowered or running hot.
    2 points
  24. Well after years of two wheel “nonsense” Mountain biking (countless crashes , one including a cracked Gyro helmet) Downhill Mountain bikes (never ends well) Two pretty gnarly superbike crashes And one Moto-X big get off Funnily enough I decided about 15 yrs ago that my body couldn’t really take more Now having hit 50 and overweight, the old injuries are starting to show and affect my enjoyment. Mostly leg injuries So last time I played, about a month ago, I misplaced my foot in the woodland and twanged my ankle Ive got a couple of tubular Velcro’d compression supports to try out One for an ankle and one for the opposite knee Anyone in a similar situation? how do you play with it?
    1 point
  25. mosesman831

    Hello guys!

    Hello guys! New to this airsoft game here. I am only 14, but with a love for FPS games like CS2 (CS:GO)... I had been recommended by my fellow mates about Airsoft and after looking at a few videos, I find it very interesting. So I think my airsoft journey should start here. I live in Hertfordshire and I have browsed through a few sites around me, and found a few milsims, but the closest indoor site is Bunker 51, are there any other good sites I could play at? But, as I am just a newbie, I would like some advice from you guys. It will be nice if you can answer some of my questions below. Thank you. The gun I should be getting soon: https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/specna-arms-sa-c07-core-tm-keymod-carbine-aeg Questions: 1. Do I really need a helmet, or a face mask is enough 2. How can I protect my ears? 3. Any attachments needed for a beginner Thank you very much and I hope you have a wonderful day.
    1 point
  26. i have supports for my knee and back, but try to avoid using them unless absolutely necessary (mainly when lifting heavy shit at work) never thought of deep heat, so will get some to try out. definately agree on the weight front, and while im not a whale, i could do with losing a bit of weight. and i also have zero will power... its why i splashed out on a VFC M249, and am looking at another expensive pew on preorder... doesnt help that christmas is fast approaching.... and so no doubt my belt will have to bee loosened by a notch before i try (and probably fail) to lose weight as a new years resolution
    1 point
  27. i think we have that in common. back constantly aches just standing/walking most days. i can get through game days, but sometimes my back does complain, especially if i run my tippmann due to the HPA tank. one reason why im slowly phasing out the tippmann. i also recently injured my knee at work, but that seems to be healing (famous last words) also cracked a few ribs several years ago in an accident at work, and they ache constantly, but get worse in the cold. additionaly, i also had a bout of pleurisy after cracking my ribs, so i am always cautious to wrap up warm in cold weather as i never want to go through that again (and my doctor tells me i may be susceptible to relapses for life) yeah.. definately doing something wrong there... XD
    1 point
  28. I have a bloody expensive one from Phiten from when SWMBO worked there and it doesn't help. Now you've got me worrying about scar tissue LOL
    1 point
  29. Ali Express is the winner for gear and delivery times just now
    1 point
  30. I'm honoured lol.
    1 point
  31. If I could get paid for that I wouldn't have the Plantar Fasciatis... Only Fans here I cum.
    1 point
  32. Tackle

    Playing with old injuries

    Just make sure you wash your hands🤮🍖🍗🥩🥓
    1 point
  33. JimFromHorsham

    Sixmm.Com Review

    Had another order arrive from them last week for some parts , they sourced something for me that was marked out of stock so it took an extra week to process , but once shipped was here in 5days . They always reply within 24hrs on their pop up messenger . id say 5-6 orders from them over the last 12months , parts only orders but it’s always been smooth sailing 😎
    1 point
  34. 1st commando

    Sixmm.Com Review

    I ordered a rifle from him recently and it arrived in just under two weeks ,nearly a week of that was customs clearance so pretty impressive. If ordering from Hong Kong or Taiwan from any shop expect it to take weeks at best
    1 point
  35. My cheapy charger eventually started to give me issues I know there are better, more complicated options out there, but I’m a plug it in and let it do its thing kinda guy. So time for a fresh battery and charger for winter aeg use
    1 point
  36. for me it’s always been Chest rigs for the woods , PC for more urban settings , you generally do less up / down / prone / repeat indoors or in and around buildings and it’s usually a bit faster paced , unless you are doing some sort of extended game , impression or weekender just keep it light and functional . Like many above I prefer a split front chest rig , fixed pouch Eagle or LBT being my favourites . You can get some great deals secondhand on eBay .
    1 point
  37. For just general m4 mags and playing assault, I have a kombat trojan chest rig. You can't change anything on it, but it's got enough room for everything I usually carry (4 mags, three pistol mags, two grenade pouches, admin pouch, and radio). It's held up for the last three years, no signs of coming apart at all, and I tend to drag it around on the ground when I play. I also recently got the bulle mle that @Tackle posted for my sniper loadout to sit under a ghillie. I also have something similar to what @Duff Beer posted, but made by bulle (I believe it goes by "lightweight chest rig"), that's crafted and goes on the outside of a ghille. Both of these are specifically so I don't have anything on my front, and I can lie down without mags digging into my ribs. The velcro on the top panel/pocket of the lightweight rig is coming apart so it's kind of annoying to use, but eveything load bearing is still holding up fine. These are all super cheap rigs, so I say they've easily made up their value.
    1 point
  38. Cannonfodder

    Hello guys!

    Welcome. Are you specifically interested in cqb sites or would you happily play in the woods? I'd recommend at least trying both as they can be very different. Also tbh Bunker 51 isn't the best site, especially when it gets busy. A helmet isn't 100% necessary. I tend to go with either a cap or bonnie but I accept that this won't stop shots to the head but will take the sting out of most of them. For eye protection being under 18 means that you'll have to use full face protection rather than just glasses or goggles. Also bear in mind some sites will insist you use a one piece mask, whereas others will be fine with separate eye protection and face mask. Best to check this before booking or buying anything. Are you wanting to protect your hearing or ears from hits? For accessories, tbh the only essentials would be a face mask, boots with good ankle support, a couple of spare magazines and a spare battery. This times a few million. Although tbh 99% of airsoft videos on youtube are heavily edited to the point that they're not realistic
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. RostokMcSpoons

    Hello guys!

    I may have been lucky, but running around the woods I've been fine with just a camo baseball cap. Occasionally it gets snagged on a branch and comes off (which halts my start-of-round-run-to-get-shot-first), but it's enough protection from getting scraped or scratched, and does enough to soften the BB impacts. I use a Tigris One mesh mask with the ear impact protection. It's pretty good. And although I've already got tinnitus, I've only had one pyro go off near enough to worry about. So I bought some army surplus earplugs (which I'm saving for CQB) GL&HF
    1 point
  41. You know what would probably help you sell your stuff? Putting it into the classified section 🤯
    1 point
  42. wondered when I’d start seeing these pop up places , they’ve been drip fed on eBay over the last couple months from £50-£100 , paid £75 for mine (without the plastic parts )
    1 point
  43. Had a great day at Gunman Tuddenham on Sunday, which will probably be our final outing for the year 🎄 Played a nice mixture of attack and defence skirmish games, through the forest village and concrete hut areas. We felt that the amount of cover available to the attackers had increased since we last played here which was nice to see. I'm not the biggest fan of CQB but forgot how much fun it is creeping about the concrete huts taking advantage of the lines of sight through multiple buildings! We didn't experience any non hit taking, and there were lots of calls of a good nature 'nice shot' etc... , but the marshals did pull everyone in for a moan after one of the village games so maybe there was some in another area. The only downside was having to scrape my car in the morning, and the sole battery for my MP5 dying in the last 10 minutes so not much of a point walking back and grabbing my other rifle - will by another battery before next time!
    1 point
  44. I hear that killer whales have been attacking yachts off Portugal. Some scientists have said these attacks are random..I say they are orcastrated.
    1 point
  45. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    Sorry to bore you all again haha Finally an updated family photo of my British Forces weapons. picture 1 Column 1 L115A3 L86A2 L85A2 / L123A2 UGL L85A2 TES L85A2 (3para 2009) L22A2 pistols L9A1 MK2 Browning L105A1 (SAS CRW) L105A2 ( UOR P226) L131A1 (gen 4 glock) Column 2 L108A1 (MK1 minimi) L119A1 CQB L119A1 SFW Model 723 Model 715 (SAS GW1) L1A1 SLR Column 3 L7A2 GPMG L100A1 L91A1 (A3) L92A1 (SD) L128A1 combat shotgun L74A1 L1A1 Law 66 Picture 2 L85A2 TES Updated! Swapped my original ICS to this ARES version. Picture 3 L129A1 SHARPSHOOTER Picture 4 Diemaco C7 In use with paras and royal marines. Picture 5 Colt Model 701 seen in use by sas during OP Barras. Picture 6 Colt Model 604 As used in Northern Ireland 70/80's
    1 point
  46. I got caught selling drugs at work. The boss said, "I'll deal with you in my office." Sold him an ounce.
    1 point
  47. Part of Samoon order arrived Why pack things separately 🤷🏼‍♂️ (Yes, the Postie probably thought it was a Fleshlight he was delivering)
    1 point
  48. Bit of a break from what would normally feature in this thread but it’s been a weird year and I’ve not been pumping out my normal capas or KC02 stuff. Treated myself to something genuinely epic, VTL ST150. It’s not a microwave, it’s a chonk of a valve power amp and it’s going to keep me warm whilst I miss even more weekends and games… Did buy some Airsoft stuff this week to try and make a WE MP5k CQBable so I can try and sneak in a few Thursday night games (torch/tracer etc) so hopefully that makes up for the non Airsoft piccies
    1 point
  49. You sure it's never been used? Looks like it's been crono'd at a site.
    1 point
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