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  1. I also see if I can latch onto someone with actual experience in the forces - had a good run with a couple of ex army lads at the RIFT Battlesim - learnt a few things, even though my knees won't allow me to do them now LOL. I still remember that game where @RostokMcSpoonsand I held one of the kill houses in Ping Ping city for most of a game racking up a silly amount of kills. Knowing the sight lines and sneaky points of a site is super important. Actually just realised my first sentence could be read in several different ways 🥴.
    4 points
  2. Be the change you want to see, and move. I tend to alternate between sniping at the back, and pulling the MP5K for a Leeeeeroy Jennnnkins run when things bog down. Exceptions exist, but airsoft "suppression" isn't all that at a typical woodland site. Most people prefer shooting to moving so the sound of brrrting is pretty much constant. Folk often don't even know that they're being shot at unless they're behind hard cover and hearing the tappy-taps. Even then, it doesn't have a literal-life-or-death deterrence effect, particularly as some folk are going to "not feel" their hits anyway. The main reason to try and co-ordinate is because it's fun, and you can build a narrative around it. Much of what we're doing is telling ourselves stories.
    4 points
  3. Skara

    Falling short

    Is the hop rubber new? Or have you used it already? Prommy purples *were* good hop rubbers but now I think there is no point in using them anymore, Maple Leaf ones are much better at lifting 0.28g+ BBs and are cheaper.
    3 points
  4. I now find it "necessary" to invite Major Move-Up to lead by example.
    3 points
  5. In my experience barking orders and generally acting like a wannabe sergeant major will usually result in said player being ignored and/or laughed at. Instead others are more likely to follow those who lead by example or make suggestions. After all, we've all paid the same and there's no ranks. Don't get me wrong, if someone's idea is sound then I'll happily go along with it This is the exact reason I've been hesitant about doing a milsim. I'm loath to pay good money just to larp as an npc for site regulars
    3 points
  6. cannonC-4

    New to here

    Hi guys, New to this forum and after around 5-6 years out alot has changed, used to come with my brother and my dad as a team but slowly my dad is now unable to come as often and same with my brother so is there any sites to join people (teams around the Derbyshire area) want to get back into it and go different places in UK. Good to be back
    2 points
  7. Hi, My son (14) got me into Airsoft and I enjoy it more than I should for my age 😉 But I’ve found that most people just fight for themselves without much strategy or team work. You often end up with static situations where both sides are shooting at each other without much movement. In the army you would do fire and movement. So one fire team suppresses the enemy with fire while the other fire team moves into a better position. Then they would switch roles (simple scenario). But how do you get players that might not know each other and most likely won’t have an army background to do co-ordinated attacks? I’ve tried it with my son but he just thinks I am ‘over thinking this’.
    2 points
  8. Baldy on patrol, usually wear a boonie to hide the shine & protect my bonce but misting up eyepro was annoying me.
    2 points
  9. Isn’t that the definition of a General 😉
    2 points
  10. Aye, but where does it stop? I'm not dissabled, just fat lol. & 'Older' mainly fat tho.
    2 points
  11. MDC

    Falling short

    Yes, I am aware it’s running hot hence not used it at AP.
    2 points
  12. As a fellow Spec Ops player this weekend I am feeling all the runs on the lower back and knees still. A fun day was had of course. Baby Specna is not firing consistently, but then that's why we have backups and backups to the backups, then the friendly pew to keep them company. So The Double Eagle, L85, and Rando Long Specna we bought from here for £120 were guns of choice with the latter being possibly the most fun due to its fancy scope and laser like firing - marred by a few lockups. The bridge building game seems to be the marshalls new baby and it is a great game as there are three distinct phases for both sides to attack and defend through. My only wish to change is the respawn point for the defenders when they are holding the tents during the second phase needs to be a bit further away (not often you'll hear me saying that). At the moment the attackers have very little chance of breaking through unless you have a very speedy and or stealthy boi to get in and out - I think @Gunboat Diplomatwas the closest to achieve this. As the dead players are back in hte game too quickly. When we were attacking I was one of the bridge builders and did a pistol only juggernaut charge through the trees and planted the flag somewhat amazed that I wasn't shot. Out of breath, I promptly tripped over a root and knocked what little wind I had out of me. Even after slowly picking myself up and looking around (think of the beach scene in Saving Private Ryan looking around shell shocked) I realised I still wasn't dead, and the marshall looked at me with the "why are you not shooting people" look, so I spun around with the pistol and promptly shot someone less than 15 feet away. He half challenged me thinking I was dead to which i replied "well you should have shot me then". The rest of the games seemed to flow pretty well, and I thought the hit taking was pretty good on all sides, with the exception @RostokMcSpoonsmentioned where some of the newcomers considered being shot through slots to not count. I know at least two on the blue team will have a nice collection of welts. One was the father of the "player of the day" who was hiding behind a barrel. I was pinging him with my pistol (BB's flying so slowly there was no doubt where they were going) with no call - so out came Mrs AEG and her high cap of 0.28s 😁. His punishment was also that his daughter was nominated beast player of the day winning a free game day - and she was pretty handy for a first timer at the age of 12. So now for her to have the prize he has to come back and pay for his day - and by default I am sure, the younger brother will insist on coming because talking to him - he had a blast of a day too. He took great delight in coming up to me laughing at how he got me from under the sniper tower. The rolling retreat game was also a lot of fun - the defenders (a lot of whom were young kids) were well set up in the tented city; to the point where we were struggling to break through. I managed to clear two particularly troublesome tents by again dropping the rifle and going in with my pistol. It was good to see the younglings having fun and taking part - although a few on our team did want to have a chat at respawn instead of charging back in. One tent had a disgruntled man in there who, when he was finally shot out, complained that one of us wasn't taking his hits - well the marshall who was playing on our side in the afternoon was thinking the same thing about you - good job I got to you with my pistol before he did with his LMG 🤣🤣🤣🤣, because he was the next player coming up behind me. Had an interesting chat with some South Africans who played the game there but with the added bonus of having choppers flying players around the game zone - makes RIFT's Snatch Land Rovers seem a little meh by comparison LOL. Next game day already booked for two weeks time - hopefully my aching bones will be ready for more punishment by then. Once the leaves start dropping I will be taking my SVU so I can try some sneaky peaky roles instead of my typical Juggernaut Tree Felling charge style.
    2 points
  13. To add to this - you mention that you have applied PTFE to the hop rubber - I've needed to be careful when doing this myself in the past, as you keep the tension on the tape as you wrap, it can pull the rubber around the barrel so that the mound is not sitting centrally in the window. End result, more hop applied to one side of the BB, meaning it curves off during its flight.
    2 points
  14. Lozart

    Falling short

    365 FPS? I take it you're locked to semi then? Check the barrel is properly in line in the hop unit (take it out and look down it - check the hop mound is actually central and not lopsided), make sure the barrel is, in fact, straight along its length as well (roll it on a flat surface and check it lays flat. Clean your barrel Use better ammo.
    2 points
  15. MrTea

    Falling short

    Curve to the left could be something as simple as you holding the gun canted. A lot of people make this mistake. It's possible you twisted the barrel in the hop when reinstalling so it's not applying hop evenly to the BB. As for range, how short are we talking? A lot of people expect their AEG to be shooting 100m+ when they should be expecting about 50-60m for a well tuned, well maintained AEG. I always use 0.28G BBs when playing outdoors and have no issues with range.
    2 points
  16. One thing I've noticed over the years is that the amount a player shouts at others to move forward is inversely proportional to how close to the front they are
    2 points
  17. Being the Shouty Sergeant ONLY works if you are leading by example, not just barking orders from the back. I've played with a group of friends I've made through airsoft that actually understand how to communicate and move as a cohesive unit and it makes SO much difference. It ends up being more fun purely through being effective in the game.
    2 points
  18. Stupidly expensive bit of velcro and laminate to eliminate an essentially minor annoyance.
    2 points
  19. Trying to organise skirmishers at a skirmish is like trying to herd cats, 1 might go in the right direction but it's not guaranteed. You then become sergeant major "move up". Everyone has paid their money and they can do as they please etc. Personally I much prefer to be in an organised group. I'd prefer a few good stretegic firefights that blasting like a skirmisher all day. Finding players who like the games I do, the way I do, at the sites I attend, when I can attend them (not much at the moment) is basically impossible. I'd suggest trying a milsim (Stirling) or more organised game (such as a gunman filmsim). With Stirling id always recommend the themed games at catterick 1st, they are more of a thinking man's skirmish. 11:00am to 11:00pm Saturday then again on Sunday, 7:00am (might be 7:30am) to 11:00am, all with hourly objectives. You get squad, command net, specific tas6ks, an awesome site/rules, team work etc. Without the need to camp, be on the ground for 24 hours etc. If you go on your own/2 people/small group, you'll be put with other players to form a squad. The most important fact is, everyone going there wants a more organised type game, it's that mentality and the fact they want it enough to go, that makes it so different. Once comfortable with that, then a combat mission at the trees or catterick is awesome, but they are harder/require more commitment. Most local site "milsims" are skirmishes with ammo caps and maybe medic rules. Gunman filmsims can be a bit of a middle ground between that local milsim and a Stirling. Enjoy the games you attend for what they're advertised for, a skirmish is a blat fest, a hard routine milsim might not have a single firefight etc.
    2 points
  20. A paintball tank will hold either 3000 or 4500 psi, the reg on the tank takes an input of up to 4500 and outputs at 800. You then attach an "airsoft" regulator on top of that which is input 800 and output variable 0-200. Airtac have just rebranded the Oxygen/Balystik reg's so that would be a good starting place as generally they are pretty solid. If you wanted something better than Wolverine do the Storm Cat5, Polarstar do the MRS micro and Redline (my personal favourite) do the SFR Mini. All are solid choices and you'll find lots of happy users all willing to bitch about the others. If your rifle is a "green gas" rifle then the max pressure for green is about 120psi but that's usually on a Texan day in summer, in the uk we're lucky to reach 100psi on it so absolutely start the reg at 100psi but try not to go past 120. If they reckon do 100 for some recoil then adjust NPAS for FPS then go with that. Tippmann gives a false representation of the airsoft HPA world as they lean on the paintball arm of the business so a lot of people come over thinking 800psi is the norm. It really isn't.
    2 points
  21. This annoyed the fuck out of me when I first played, then I adopted Shamal's attitude and enjoyed the game much more. In milsims/filmsims etc, you'll get a much higher standard of play, but not necessarily much squad work; that tends to come with teams. I've played with a couple of teams that have rolled up the opposition all day long, and it's still been a good game. What milsims and the like do though is increase comms a lot. That tends to get you into squad work territory, and squads will work within them. Spot one and join in if you can. In airsoft, basic leadership and direction will often win. Well lead fireteams are a miracle. Most games I play are filmsim and I use an LMG. Mrs TPH acts as my rifleperson. Obviously, we know how to communicate between each other! We play as a team of two within a main team of however many. We attach ourselves to players that we know have a clue as a squad. Good game pretty much guaranteed.
    2 points
  22. THE HELPFUL BIRD A man was hiking through a large forest when he suddenly found himself surrounded be a huge pack of snarling wolves! Shaking uncontrollably with fear, the man said in a trembling voice, "I'm in big trouble!!!" But just then a little bird landed on his shoulder and said in a soft pleasant soothing voice, "No, you are NOT in big trouble. Here's what you can do. See that large male wolf with the brown birth mark on his head? That's the leader wolf 🐺, the head of the pack. Take that branch lying on the ground beside you and stab that leader wolf with the sharp end of the branch right on that birth mark as hard as you can." "Thank you kind bird",said the man, as he bent down, picked up the stick, walked over to the leader wolf and stabbed the sharp end of the stick with all his might right on the wolf's birthmark. The bird then said, "NOW you're in big trouble!"
    2 points
  23. Yeah I can see what he means 🙂 I guess we have all watched the war films and seen how it should be done but that all goes out the window on game days when as soon as you are out of the safe zone all the plans and strategies you made go to pot and it's everyman for himself 😂 I personally play for enjoyment and the freedom to approach the objectives in my own crazy way and maybe get some hits along the way and then I go home happy. I think that the last thing I want is somebody barking orders and getting uptight cause I'm not in the right place at the right time.(I would not have made a good soldier😂) I've nothing against teams that want to train and home theirs skills. I guess skills equal kills🤔 Just not for me👍 Regards
    2 points
  24. I think that is a pretty standard feature of casual weekend skirmish games. The mix of players from regulars to first timers and young kids means effective grouping is a matter of luck as much as anything else. You'd likely enjoy a milsim type event over a normal skirmish day as these are more tactical affairs.
    2 points
  25. Thanks that's really helpful. Good point on the piston teeth, if they strip under load then it's a cheap sacrificial part. Soldering is no issue. Perun AB and an XT High Torque for about £75 from AK2M4 fit the budget (though the motors are OOS at the moment). I can always make a judgement call on the shimming when the gearbox is out. Running 2S/7.4 currently. Not tried a 3S/11.v in it yet, honestly because I just assumed it would be too much on a stock setup and lead to overspin or fire, but that's not founded on anything concrete. I might just order up a 3S while I wait for AK2M4 to restock their motors and do some test shots indoors and see how it goes.
    2 points
  26. Had another good day as Spec Ops MK on Sunday. Despite being the only field we've ever played at, we never seem to get bored of its compact woodland map and if anything familiarity is starting to create some new gameplay options (beyond running like a headless chicken into or away from fire). Game two was a good case in point, being a flag based bridge building game. The assault team are tasked with placing three flags in three corresponding barrels spaced equidistant along a line dividing their half of the map from the defenders, only once all the flags are in can they advance across the imaginary bridge. As soon as the start whistle went me and the boy knew precisely the point we wanted to get to; a defensive barricade in a metal shack village named PingPing City that provides overwatch on one of the barrels, attackers either have to cross our line of fire at 90 degrees or skirt some buildings and come at us head on. This little set up allowed us to keep the barrel flag free and rack up the kills for what felt like an age. In the end an enthusiastic rental youngster ignored a hail of BBs pinging off his body and placed the flag. I mentioned it to the marshals, but let it go as by that point we'd been overrun anyway. After lunch the boy decided to swap sides so he could play with some of his mates who were on the arm-bands team. First time we've played opfor aside from the usual Zombie games. I got the first kill on him, basically trading BBs at 40 or so meters until one of us got hit. After that though he racked up his tally, killing me three times during an attempt to clear his team out of a defence. Then later delivering one of the most painful shots of the day, shooting me right on the tip of my nose. Bit of drama on the day, caught the tail end of an angry exchange after some chap's tooth had been shot out at close quarters by some other guy. Not sure if he'd been wearing face protection or not but it all ended quietly if not peacefully. Food was excellent as ever. Double Eagle was reliable as ever. Might start thinking about some winter gear as we head into the October games.
    2 points
  27. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Umarex (VFC) HK416a5 Well used but great Condition. Works great on both 7.4v & 11.1v but on 11.1v the response is unreal. Chrono’s just under 350fps External HAO 10.5” SMR handguard Replica CTR stock in FDE with butt pad extension Ambidextrous mag release swapped out for non-ambi as it gets caught on everything but I can include the original if needed. PTS sling plate Internal Gate Titan basic, Short stroked airsoft pro CNC 13:1 gear set Ultimate piston Ultimate aluminium cylinder head Trigger mod to reduce trigger pull. Warhead black brushless motor Maxx hop chamber T.N.T apsx inner barrel and hop rubber Titan and hop installed by Camo raids and all other work & service carried out by land warrior just last year. Looking for £450 collection from Medway or Crayford Any accessories not listed above are not included (grip, optic, riser, light & NGAL)


    Walderslace, Kent - GB

    1 point
  28. For the record I just expressed that I was a private individual purchasing airsoft parts. I did not fill in any commodity codes or anything like that. I did put down my UKASA, which are non existent these days. My parts were delivered the next day.
    1 point
  29. Adolf Hamster

    4S batteries

    I mean for the sake of science i'm curious how it pans out. However for practicality the issue in airsoft generally isnt a lack of horsepower, its getting the gearbox to survive it. Even on 11.1v you get a speediboi motor it'll eat a gearbox on standard gears let alone any high speed shenanigans. And realistically a 7.4 with brushless and precocking is gonna serve up all the practical response you'd realistically want, after that you gotta sell that soul to the hpa devil.
    1 point
  30. I hear you there brother. I think dispensation should be allowed for bigger/older players to get well out of contact with the fight, but wait the requisite amount of time before going back in. As long as they are offsetting the walk by the effort they put into the game. 😁 Just seems a waste of game time and energy sometimes traipsing up a dirty great hill LOL.
    1 point
  31. Well I had a blast at Players of War near Falkirk, it's my local site & I'm finally getting used to the layout, not a huge turnout but more than enough to be a good day, My L85 Carbine performed well. (last time the motor screw unscrewed mid game(locktite FTW)) but I deffo felt the extra weight. My Polymer Scar-L was as reliable as ever. Took my P90 too as I've finally got enough mags to field it properly but it stayed in my gun bag all day (truth be known it's only been re-racked in the past hour or so). Tried a rotation of mid caps in one game, then hi caps in the next & pretty sure I prefer the hi caps, not so much spray & pray as in earlier game days but certainly used plenty of BB's. I'm a big unfit chap so usually prefer to creap forward until I'm in range of actually hitting some 'enemy' but noticed a lot more forward progress in my last attacking game... (must try harder in future). I have noticed I seem to lose my motivation in the 4th game in the past few game days so I'm going to focus on staying hydrated & getting shot less as the walk to & from the spawn point is doing my head in.
    1 point
  32. Skara

    Falling short

    Also, make sure you have the correct length nozzle, sometimes they can feed/seal fine while still being off spec (meaning they'll seat the BB in the wrong place, leading to inconsistencies and weird trajectories).
    1 point
  33. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I told my wife that she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.
    1 point
  34. I hear that Manchester is being demolished and rebuilt seventy miles south. It's cheaper than finishing HS2...
    1 point
  35. This is the first move, things are very different on 11.1 from 7.4. You'd want a mosfet with it really. A simple one would do.
    1 point
  36. SSPKali

    THE TM MWS thread

    ASG Ultrair, CrazyJet 250mm barrel, Laylax hop arm and 60deg ML rubber - possibly the MR one? I tested a lot of ammo from a 10m clamped rifle with Warhead & Geoffs 0.32g giving the tightest groupings by a fair margin. The 0.28g are best performers in my M733 AEG, but the MWS just gives them too much spin! I have a Manometer (0-300psi) and some brass fittings saved in my Amazon basket because I have an idea for a airsoft gas pressure tester 🤓
    1 point
  37. A compressed air HPA high pressure cylinder is designed to hold air up to either 3000psi or 4500psi The cylinders own regulator then ‘regulates’ the output pressing down to a manageable level in hundreds of PSI. (Take note of the two burst disks on the cylinders regulator that act like fuses with two pressure failure levels - the ‘high’ pressure end avoiding excessive overfilling from damaging the regulator and the ‘lower’ pressure end protecting your equipment from regulator failure Every time you shoot and release air the cylinders overall pressure drops, but the regulators keeps a fairly consistent output pressure until it drops down below your operating pressure CO2 acts differently and is stored in a liquid state, whilst changing to its gaseous state as it is released - depending on temperature this was equivalent to around 800 / 850 / 900 psi When paintball began to change from CO2 to HPA the regulators output at around 800 to 850 psi to match the expectations of CO2 guns As time went on the average cylinder regulator output on the market dropped to 600/650psi on the expectation that the gun had its own inline regulator to operate in the region of 200/250psi (a lower pressure let’s it operate consistently for longer as the source pressure drops)
    1 point
  38. I did the same thing with my daughter(14) when we played. It was only the 2 of us, so we covered each other but we made more forward progress and got closer to the objective than others. I really enjoyed the team playing part of it and would love to find a team to join, build up skill levels and Dominate!!!! lol
    1 point
  39. Thanks for all the replies all, I’ve managed to grab 3 tm mags from hi capa hub which should come this week 😁
    1 point
  40. One of the many great things about the Depot 1.0 site (really must try 2.0) is that the direction of their "down the middle" slice changed from day to day: horizontal, vertical, or one time along a diagonal. It's a small thing, but it demonstrates that they weren't just doing things by rote over and over.
    1 point
  41. I was very disappointed when the limousine I ordered, didn’t come with a driver. I spent £400 and had nothing to chauffeur it ☹️
    1 point
  42. If i remember correctly, the Classic Army AUG bodies were fibreglass re-inforced ABS. It took the wear and tear a lot better than my TM AUG's did.
    1 point
  43. Both of my current augs are ABS, I have never seen a nylon variant. Never had a flimsy feeling aug body tho. The AEG variants feel less dense, but they don't generally have a flimsy feeling. ABS is far more impact resistant than nylon, and doesn't scuff and scratch as easily. It's also far easier to injection mould with ABS as it's not a material that is prone to absorbing water, unlike nylon. And ABS also suffers less casting warping. As such I don't think you will ever see a nylon AUG. If you are looking on a budget the olive snow wolf/JG models are about as close to a mil spec variant as you will see. https://www.zerooneairsoft.com/products/Snow-Wolf-AEG-Aug-Olive https://www.zerooneairsoft.com/products/Snow-Wolf-AEG-Aug-M-Olive
    1 point
  44. Lozart

    Spring strengths...

    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. GearTech

    Custom paint work

    Been a while since I posted on here. Haven't been up to much this year but plenty of cool bits leaving the bench again.
    1 point
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