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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/09/23 in all areas

  1. Good day at Gunman Airsoft in Tuddenham. I got to try my new ( new to me ) MWS, and GBB are cool, but it is gonna take me some time going from a standard 200 bb midcap down to 35 per mag. They had a filsim theme event, and it is a nice change of pace to have the objectives being more complex than just “ shoot bbs at the other team”. I liked the site, and the marshall team was good. Had a good game with the green team, good team play, good collab. I am gonna need a day or two for my legs to recover but i will definitely go again.
    4 points
  2. So an update to this seemingly never ending problem... Patrolbase haven't responded yet, but it's been less than 24 hours so that's understandable. I figured I'd take the inner barrel assembly out and make sure the hop is working, because my m16a1 had an issue where the wheel would just adjust but nothing would change and that led to bb's falling short and going everywhere. Thankfully, the hop is working and adjusting the wheel shows the nub. I'm going to replace the bucking tomorrow per suggestions (Ordered a G&G cold weather because they're quite good and affordable just to test with, that'll be here tomorrow) and hopefully get the fps to where it should be at, as well as fix the veering off shots. Fingers crossed. Update 2: Had a spare hop up bucking from when I replaced my m16a1 one, figured it couldn't hurt to try it in the 416 and it's firing straight every shot without veering off or dropping instantly. Guess I know what the issue was now! So alas, my saga with patrol base and their dodgy guns, and dodgy replaced buckings comes to (hopefully) an end. Thanks again everybody for the help!
    3 points
  3. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    On the way to me from the land of the rising sun, this MGC Calico with extremely rare optional MGC optic. Comes complete with the box, sling and accessories. These are one of the most reliable classics you can buy, I've never had one in with a problem. Simple gas in grip design, NBB and hundreds of shots before you need to regas. Utilises a very simple hopper system with capacity for 900bbs, just poured in the top of the gun. Since this is still in transit, I'm happy to hold it for the buyer and wait for payment until its arrived, or payment can be arranged upfront. I run Raresoft and do this thing all the time, so happy to prove my credentials, you're in safe hands. £285 to your door.


    - GB

    3 points
  4. Distrct 23. Sunday afternoon/evening session. Around 20-25 players. Fantastic session. MP5 ran like a champ all session but man I need to find a better sling setup. Gameplay was great and everyone had a laugh. Rentals had fun. No complaints. @Tugger During the break we introduced the marshal to Magflash as he was also interested in them. The "mini" flashbang that was sent as a tester is what I used first and was the single loudest piece of pyro i've ever heard, holy shit. I've never felt a shockwave like that from any pyro, no wonder they're still in the testing phase. Testing the three other flashbangs (small, regular, large) was a success and they're much quieter than the first; these three are about the same sound report as a Mk5 Thunderflash where the small, regular, large appears to relate to the amount of flash/sparks effect each flashbang provides. The marshal has approved them for use downstairs only as the upstairs of the site is made primarily of wood and he wants to reduce the risk of fire caused by the sparks as much as possible. The "mini" flashbang might need a bit of tweaking but can't say for sure as I only took one of each for testing/approval.
    3 points
  5. Short answer: yes Long answer: also yes but with the caveat that different manufacturers are better than others. For example, I currently have a Tokyo Marui M9A1 which is one of their more recent designs with a larger blow back unit for more snappy pews. It works quite happily in cold weather and shoots quite nicely. I used to have the SOCOM Gear M9A1 which was all metal, with the lower rail and looked great, but leaked gas like a sieve and maybe got half a dozen rounds off before completely degassing IN THE SUMMER! In summary, get the TM M9A1 and enjoy pwning n00bs.
    2 points
  6. Bit of a mixed day yesterday. Organised one of my themed game days, cold war romp set in East Germany. All ended up a bit one sided as one team was definitly working better . The weather was truly vile but 70 odd still turned out . One or two frayed tempers later in the day, a combination I think of frustration from one team and the weather. A couple of lessons learned for when I do another. Organising and marshalling games gives you a very different perspective on our hobby , makes you realise how thankless the marshall's job often is. Herding cats is so much easier than trying to organise your average bunch of airsofters !😂
    2 points
  7. Apart from the obvious issues already raised I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd be pissed off at the thought of having to clean a load of powder out of their guns and gear at the end of a game day. Also I'm pretty sure the vast majority of outdoor sites are woodland so it would severely limit their usefulness
    2 points
  8. Another weekend at... not Worthing 😮 So this weekend a few of us decided to try a new site, since Worthing is only every two weeks and one guy hasn't been able to play for a bit due to family and football commitments and he wanted to get out and play BB wars. I snagged a lift with him since he lives near to where I am and we headed to Southdown Airsoft, near Petworth in West Sussex, along with two others from Worthing. I packed the MWS, as I planned on using that after doing a bit of setup, however I also packed the m40a5 and the mp9 just in case it didn't work as intended... and how prescient that was. Chronoed the m40a5 and mp9 first as I knew what to set them up with and it was nice and easy to get them sorted in case I needed them. Then I took the MWS to the range and... it was flinging BBs all over the place. I could get the power where I wanted it, experimenting up to 1.7J on .32s at the highest, though I imagine I can bump it up to 1.88J with .4s if I ever go to a site to run a DMR at, and I had no issue getting it comfortably to 1.1J on .32s without issue. However, it was flinging BBs left, right, centre, up, down, side to side. It was horrifically inaccurate, so I put it back in the bag and will swap the hop rubber out. I don't think it's ever really liked autobot rubbers, so I'll stick in an MR hop. Was running the Jaeger Precision nub, but I'll take it to Worthing with spare nubs and rubbers next weekend and properly sort it out as I really want to run it now that I've converted it to a mk12. They separated us into two teams, splitting the snipers down the middle too and I overheard a marshall being concerned that the other team had all their regular snipers who are well-known at the site with well-tuned rifles and our team had two of us who had never been to the site before and another kid. However, we dunked on them so it was all fine Anyway, with the m40a5 in hand and the mp9 in its holster, we headed out to the first game. The first game was good fun. There was a box with a scanner and people on each team were given cards they had to scan. So you had to run up to the box and scan your card to score a point, then once you've achieved that you handed your card back to the marshalls so you could only score once. I actually quite liked this, as it meant that a lot of people on your team had to push rather than the same 2 or 3 people playing aggressive and trying to get all the points by themselves. There were some very good pushes on both sides. My main criticism here were two things; the gameplay area needed some barricades (and with my criticisms of Worthing at this time of year you know it's gotta be bad if I'm saying that). It was way too open and that allowed people like me to set up and deny the other team any progress, assuming people are taking their hits. That was my 2nd criticism; there was some laughable non-hit taking. Most people were fine, but a not-small amount of players were hilariously bad at taking their hits on the way into the objective, getting laced up sometimes and not calling it. Marshalls sometimes called it out, but not always and I feel more could've been done. I just started aiming for more noticeable areas, like flabby bits sticking out the side of plate carriers. A .45 at 2J is going to be felt there! I got so many hits here that I had to reload and keep ammo out with me, which I never usually have to as I only shoot when I'm confident I'm going to hit the shot but there were just so many targets. I even hit the same guy (one of their regular snipers) 4 times as he kept going back to the same spot that I had a perfect line to. I was just thinking to myself "go literally anywhere else!" but he kept coming back and getting hit by me. Second game didn't work. It was a standard team deathmatch, but without any other objectives it turned into a bit of a campfest. I pushed up to a spot that overlooked a massive valley to watch a flank and denied a large area with my m40a5, but one of the guys I was with said he pushed so far up without finding anyone to shoot at that he was almost at their spawn. If I was running the game, I would've put an objective in the central tower structure of the area we were playing in for this game to force both teams to push up, as it slowed right down and wasn't a great game. That's all though, as we left at lunch. I'm only playing half days until my heart is fixed and my friend's mosfet got wet in the absolute torrential downpour that started during the second game, so we decided to head off early. Did I have fun? Yeah, I did actually. The site is great and the first game we played was super engaging. It's just a shame the weather was so bad and was absolutely tipping it down fairly early into the games as a lot of people (myself and one of the Worthing guys included) headed home at lunch because it was just unworkable. It was some of the heaviest rain I've ever been in, but the thunder storm was atmospheric as all hell. Don't think I'll be heading back any time soon though as it's a bit far from us and I think they have to close for the winter due to local wildlife or something. Was a good day though and I thoroughly enjoyed myself
    2 points
  9. So if i'm reading this right; you bought a gun It has an issue You gave it back to the retailer to fix the issue The retailer failed to fix the issue, delivering an unusable product And the solution is to spend a bunch of money you dont really want to have to spend, to fix an undisclosed fuckup by the retailer that may or may not be fixable with the parts you intend to buy? I feel like if we replaced the term "airsoft gun" with "washing machine" or for that matter basically any modern purchase i wouldnt need to explain the difference in tone the conversation would be taking. However to directly answer the question being asked, you've listed a lot of parts but without necessarily being sure you're replacing the right ones, this very much feels like what i like to call the "coat it in superglue and drag it through the prometheus catalogue" approach to airsoft tinkering. For example one thing not on your list that theoretically could be the cause of the synptoms you see is the cylinder, i have seen guns with holes drilled in the cylinder as an incredibly lazy and frankly negligent "fix" for reducing energy output. If the rest of the box in such a gun was in good order then it could be properly fixed for minimal cost. Now there are multiple things that could be causing your problem and i'm not suggesting that someone has actually drilled a hole in your cylinder, but it is an example of the sort of thing that could happen and makes throwing a bunch of expensive parts that might not necessarily play well together into a gearbox without someone properly diagnosing the real fault will merely result in an empty bank balance and a broken gun. An airsoft tech worth their salt is almost certainly going to need nowhere near all that to fix an air seal issue, and it does seem that a not insignificant secondary objective with your basket is to get a snappier feeling gun, and there's nothing wrong with that if the justification is "i want a snappier gun", indeed that's all you need but perhaps not when it's "my guns broken and i just want it fixed".
    2 points
  10. Is the M9 a tilting or fixed barrel? If it's a tilting barrel then the extra weight of a traser may negatively impact how well it cycles.
    1 point
  11. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    This is my cyma VSS Vintorez set o semi auto only by removing the selector gears and selector plate. These are included if you want to set it back to full auto. It shoots accurately and I've tested with 0.3g bbs. It shoots these further than my go to aeg. It chronos are 306fps with 0.3g bbs which is equivalent to 375 fps with 0.2. If you would like it at 450fps (on 0.2g bb) I can included a spring that does that. My site limit is 400fps for dmr. It used to be a 2 tone but it's hard to tell as the paint was removed and the rifle was resprayed. If you have any questions please ask. It comes with 1 high cap. I'm after £120 including postage. You need ukara or valid defence to buy this please.


    1 point
  12. Hobbnob

    Gun picture thread

    Thanks! The essentials for the M16 are: G&P 20" steel WA system outer barrel, with unknown brand WA-MWS adapter G&P front end furniture (M203 heatshield, M5 RAS, I have a standard A2 handguard too but not sure who that's from) I believe this is a DNA barrel nut, it's definitely not the normal TM one. The person I bought the nut from among other things mentioned that the 203 won't work with the standard barrel nut, it seems like that screw gets in the way MWC Stock kit. These are built to MWS spec and have large spacers inside, so you can use a carbine buffer inside rather than having to switch out to a rifle length buffer. No weight difference, just saves a bit of faff when finding parts The 203 is believed to be a king arms, I have a G&P as well and consider the king arms superior because the tube rails have a detent at the end of travel so it holds open as long as you want it The ACOG is holy warrior, I'm not sold on it currently compared to the G&P repro I used to have but I also don't have enough time with it to say for certain. I don't believe the UID is correct for an A4 of this era, but this receiver gets passed around a lot of builds and it links to a google doc with info such as current chrono/npas setting, what the hop is set for, whether it's had any recent issues to keep an eye out for etc I'm a fan of the MK12 but I have a VFC M110 for my quad rail DMR fix, I still want a mod 0 though at some point XD Angry gun are not that bad but you really have to temper your expectations, if it's something with threads or any precise machining like a bolt then you have to understand they don't have a great sucess rate. Stick to simple things like buffers though and they're fine, and I've seen angry gun bolts that lasted almost a whole day before as well. It was broken by lunchtime but the fact it actually fit in the gun, didn't break itself apart when testing at home, got through chrono and then played a couple hours of games is quite impressive for angry gun. Fwiw I've heard that their receiver/front end kits can be workable too if you're alright with a dremel, but I wouldn't personally chance it
    1 point
  13. gavinkempsell

    Spring strengths...

    I was waiting on someone saying that...
    1 point
  14. Lozart

    Is my thinking too simple….

    Like I say, your idea of crazy money isn't the same as others. I just paid out £70ish to have the right kind of KAC suppressor to go with my SR25k (for which I also spent £100 on a different stock). Point is, you pays your money and you takes your choice. The TM M9A1 is a very well performing piece of kit and will last, I guess you'd need to balance it with how often you actually need to run a tracer.
    1 point
  15. Problems with MOSFETs are pretty much issues with not switching them on properly or a poor circuit if it's not a simple switch. Also user error, which has been how I've ruined stuff on drones and planes. For example the 3034 MOSFETs are not fully on with 7.4v, increasing its power dissipation and cooking it. You want 10v really, but it varies between devices. Since I've never seen an Airsoft gun with a heatsink the heat dissipation is terrible. Also the units tend to parallel the MOSFETs creating other issues and the insides of a gearbox is a poor environment for a circuit board. I'd like to see the sensors inside the gearbox and the rest outside. I rambled, sorry
    1 point
  16. If you think about it as value for money it makes sense. A TM will generally out last a WE for example by a long shot. All the TM has do is out last 2 WE's which they usually do by a long shot. Also they pretty much work well all year round. This said there are more efficient TM models than the m9. Mate of mine still runs his first edition fixed hop m9, think it's about 25yo. You wouldn't see WE doing that.
    1 point
  17. EDcase

    Is my thinking too simple….

    I didn't test in winter. TM is definitely the king for blowback winter use. Or the ASG/STTI non blowback MK23
    1 point
  18. DerDer

    Is my thinking too simple….

    The M9a1/M9 are lovely performing pistols. It is a pity TM haven't come out with a ready threaded variant similar to their HK 45 tactical. In fact an updated Tactical master with a threaded barrel would be swell.
    1 point
  19. I can't remember the exact model but my son had a Cyma MOSFET AEP, with a 7.4v Li-Po, and it's the first and only airsoft RIF he's sold on (this was about two years ago). From the time you pull the trigger someone close enough could probably get a melee kill on you first with a rubber dagger it was that slow (It also weighed a ton and the pistol grip felt huge in your hand, it was a truly horribly thing when you compare it to any half decent green gas pistol)
    1 point
  20. Lozart

    Spring strengths...

    1 point
  21. Lozart

    Barrel length

    I'm sure it's perfectly average sized.
    1 point
  22. Our definition of crazy money is clearly different! The other thing to take into account is that if you're comparing the gas efficiency of your M9 to to that of a 1911 (complete with puny single stack mags) and it's coming off worse, then it sounds like you may just need to fix the one you have. Or just buy the TM one.
    1 point
  23. If it's £350 at other retailers, it's only £10 more at High Pressure Airsoft that was linked above. Maybe they've reduced the price. Either way if it's only £10 and in stock might be worth giving them a shot. Who knows...
    1 point
  24. Depends on the brand and some times the specific model.
    1 point
  25. Shamal

    New to here

    Hi bud and welcome back.👍 It's a shame that your pa and bro have tapered off.Its great to make it a family thing. Yeah a lot has changed but the principal is the same. Throw plastic balls at people and run! 🙂 Enjoy your return and good luck with finding some more battle buddies 😉 Regards
    1 point
  26. The TM mp7 AEP on a 7.4v lipo is actually pretty snappy, but it's the only AEP I will ever own (I have heard good things about the Cyma mosfet edition AEPs too, but never owned one and doubt I ever will). Need to run it on full auto though because at any ranges over about 10m people don't seem to feel it. Mine shoots about 0.6J on a .25, so it's not entirely unexpected, but a burst of full auto usually gets them to notice. And if they moan about "omg full auto stop overshooting" after a burst of 0.6J .25s then you know they're a bit precious
    1 point
  27. Several years of marshalling gave me a very jaundiced view of most airsofters and almost resulted in me giving up the hobby.
    1 point
  28. The difference is that the tlfx and tag rounds are professionally made to QC standards, rather than the airsoft version of Wallace and Grommet knocking stuff together in their shed
    1 point
  29. That's my understanding, although I'm not sure if he popped out or was already visible when the "accident" happened. Apparently he rubbed some dirt in it and kept playing. Informed consent does matter. If you know that projectiles capable of doing that are going to be flying around, and are prepared accept that risk, fair enough. At a regular skirmish day though, nope, nope, and nope again.
    1 point
  30. Taginn sold one very briefly but went off the website a while ago. Can only see it being practical at events but must admit the thought of calling in arty does wet the willy.
    1 point
  31. The new VW Passat can go from Berlin to Warsaw in just one tank. Nothing to shout about really. My Great Uncle Hans did the same thing about eighty years ago!
    1 point
  32. Cannonfodder

    Barrel length

    That's what someone who definitely doesn't own a Schwerer Gustav would say And I fully agree
    1 point
  33. TAG launchers already serve this purpose. As noted, some sites are OK with them, some want nothing to do with them. Anything that's lobbing a substantial projectile for a useful distance will be operating at higher energies than shooting glasses are rated for, and it'll only take one person looking up to see what's coming in to illustrate why this is a safety and insurance problem.
    1 point
  34. Personally I'd rather take this over the Lancer Tactical... https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/double-eagle-m904e-fire-control-system-edition?pv=15410 ... not that I've got anything against Lancer. The reason I'd chose the DE M904E is that the ETU in the Lancer uses a magnet in the sector gear to perform its cycle control, it's not optical like the Falcon in the DE M900's. If for any reason the sector gear in the Lancer get's damaged you'll have to make sure you buy one that has the same magnet present in it (it comes in a kit with the Zion ETU, but I've no idea if you can buy it separately (or remove the delayer to swap to a new gear).
    1 point
  35. gavinkempsell

    Barrel length

    Don't listen to their 'informed' gobbledegook... size doesn't matter, I've been told that many times from many people i know intimately.
    1 point
  36. Probably unlikely, ultimately its gonna depend on how heavy the projectile is & how much force it lands with, nobody wants to get wankered by a bag of flour dropping 100ft or more. The other issue may be insurance etc, even if you can show game organisers that the impact energy is negligibly low, their insurers may have a different view of relatively unproven "homemade" products ?
    1 point
  37. First off, I should mention that you actually have a rather high speed set up posted here. Rocket/SHS HTs tend to run at around 35K RPM unloaded. Assuming everything is built right, this setup should give you 30+ RPS on 11.1v. The issue with this is PME on your fairly weak spring. Next, I should mention that the majority of the parts posted aren’t really upgrades. Before buying anything you should check the gearbox yourself, as none of these parts are actually better than the stock parts (if they’re not broken or messed up for some reason). In fact, some of the parts could be downgrades depending on fitment (air nozzle and piston). Nozzles in particular can be very, very finicky, and chances are that your stock nozzle does its job great already. The Perun and clicker I can wholly recommend. It’s a luxury upgrade that’s worth it. The barrel is a maybe, in my opinion. AA barrels have a great rep in many circles, so I’d say it’s a good choice IF you wanted to replace your barrel… but there might not be any reason to replace in the first place. Before replacing the barrel, you should always examine the stock one for any defects or reasons to replace, and if not you should polish it up, stabilize it, and try it out! A hop rubber can be a good upgrade, but you should note that the Prometheus purple, while a fine choice, won’t perform better than your stock rubber, unless the stock rubber has something wrong with it, like being too slick and hard or having imperfections/tears in it. TL:DR, you need to assess the internals yourself before doing anything, as most “pro techs” are garbage at what they do. You don’t know what actually needs to be changed, modified, or replaced until you get inside a look.
    1 point
  38. I can't see why not. I haven't used an extended glock mags for years, but when I did I used smg mag pouches.
    1 point
  39. Hobbnob

    Gun picture thread

    Thanks! They used to be unicorns but there was actually a point a year or two ago that it was possible to build one, I'm very lucky to be benefitting from that (Edit: unless you use angry gun, but everyone should know how that will go ) I'm thinking of doing a C7 or MK12 Mod 0 build at some point in future but it'll be a while before parts availability and budget lines up
    1 point
  40. Hobbnob

    Gun picture thread

    A couple of my MWS's, top is a colt 723 with a Nova receiver, VFC Ops Inc suppressor and a few other bits and pieces for a 90's delta build, and the second is an M16A4 as seen in its transitional era during the Iraq war
    1 point
  41. Too many to list, bit had a browse through Bespoke Airsoft's boneyard. Prices seem too high for 'mystery problems' / 'possibly missing pieces'. Personally I wouldn't want to pay more than 1/3 original RRP. Similar to PBs boneyard pricing, probably why they've had the same 12 RIFs for months.
    1 point
  42. His grammar and spelling is as boneyard as the rif!
    1 point
  43. My lad uses a 45deg red dot rather than the irons that he fucked around with. TBH, at true CQB range, sights are hardly needed. It's point and shoot purely IMHO.
    1 point
  44. Lies!! M83/SAAV was the start of "tacticool" and will fight any child of 3-6 years of age that says otherwise!
    1 point
  45. Right, I got bored - too bored to wait for some low-tack vinyl to appear, so I went and bought some modeller's masking tape (Revell brand) in the hope that it'd do a better job than the green painter's tape I was using previously (spoiler: not really) So my M90 Homage happened... I did the colours in the wrong order, so there's more khaki than green, was intending the other way around, but actually this looks nicely 'disruptive' so it's fine. It's not perfect when inspected closely (damn it, vinyl might be the only way to do it really nicely), but I'm happy with it. It'll look even better when worn / weathered, as the khaki is brighter in sunlight than this pic shows ... which brings me to a question: @JimFromHorsham you mentioned a light dusting of black to blend it... would you recommend me trying that across the whole gun? I've previously spoiled my M16 with side-spray that drifted across from a bit I was touching-up, leaving a lot of big blobs, is there a knack to getting a really fine dusting?
    1 point
  46. adhesive vinyl stencils , inbetween the colours This one for example , base coat black add first stencil layer then overspray with olive , next stencil layer overspray with grey then some light dusting of black to blend a little , leave to dry , peel & reveal Optics & accessories to match / same method
    1 point
  47. Not airsoft but here’s two of my air rifles I’ve done , just Krylon & stencils then a clear coat over the top
    1 point
  48. Adolf Hamster

    Opinions on UKAPU

    For the benefit of the curious we have established via pm that the problem in this case is my atrocious memory.....
    1 point
  49. TacticalWaifu

    Opinions on UKAPU

    I've done some research into this previously. The home nations sport councils (sportScotland, Sport England, Sport Wales, Sport Northern Ireland, and UK Sport) all have a joint recognition policy -- and their decision on what counts as sporting activity is defined by the Council of Europe’s 1992 European Sports Charter (as revised in 2001). Essentially, what we'd need to see airsoft "recognised" as a sport in the UK would be a national Spoty Governing Body -- either one for each home nation as applicable, or a UK-wide SGB -- but the latter would need the agreement of all the above sport councils. This would require a fair bit of work, as it would require such an organisation to achieve some level of status within the UK airsoft community, and indeed a fair level of organisation and governance. Right up my alley, but I'm not about to say "right lads, I'm starting the UK Airsoft Association, who wants to help?" -- at least, not unless folk thought it would be worthwhile 😅 I can absolutely see the benefit of an SGB existing for airsoft, especially in terms of promoting it, recognition (including the possibility to apply for sports-earmarked funding to help further airsoft in the UK)... but I know some folk will balk at the idea of "governing body" and worry about rules and regulations being force upon them from on high. In a practical sense I don't think that's necessary, IMO a lot of things are covered by general good practice or UKARA anyway -- things like "accredited" sites having public liability insurance, potentially universal site FPS limits (or perhaps a "recommended" set, with sites ultimately being allowed to set their own within reason). TL;DR: it would be a fair bit of work establishing such an organisation -- but if we got the critical mass of community players and site operators supporting the idea, we could grow such a governance organisation to the stage where it could apply for recognition with the sports councils, which would help give some quasi-legal definition/status to airsoft in the UK, as well as other privileges (like being able to apply for sports funding) -- as well as being in a much better position for advocacy and supporting player's rights.\ If anyone does like the idea (or hate or, or whatever else), my inbox is always open. I'd love to try and make something like this happen, as (1) it's well overdue, and (b) it's not like UKAPU - sadly - has much in the way of relevance or bite atm. (UKAPU, no stealing this. Y'all can't even organise basic communication with members... 😕)
    1 point
  50. I have been back since this review. Not much has changed though they have started using different areas of the site. It is slowly getting better, COVID pending.
    1 point
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