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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/07/23 in all areas

  1. Very well, in an attempt to bring this thread back on topic I will present you with an almighty wall that would make even the great orange cheeto himself proud... I went to Worthing for a skirmish day over the weekend and it was the first time I've played all through the day. With my health issues out of the way now, I've got a bunch of weight to lose (again) and fitness to build up (again), plus I was taking my new, lovely m40a5 out to play. I had set up the hop, zeroed the scope etc last game day in the regular m700 stock, but since the m40 stock arrived I took the receiver and barrel assembly out and just put it straight in the new m40 stock. Didn't need much beyond some fine tuning of the scope zero, but it was still flinging BBs out to the 75m target accurately and with ease, so I was a very happy little sniper. It hasn't been this consistently good ever, as first time I tried the Action Army hop unit it sent absolutely everything to the moon, but with this build (using the Action Army hop unit, but a Modify X-range rubber instead of a Maple Leaf autobot) it's lovely and consistent and sending plastic out to the ranges where I need it to. Also, fortunate that I always bring a spare gun as my friends' m700s were both acting up, so I gave him the ol' reliable Cyma SR-25 to go and have fun with (and have fun he did!). Anyway, first game was a very quick warm up game that the head marshall called Rorke's Drift. One team was set up around the Tower base, with their respawn being the chapel building next to it (as there was an infirmary in the film that had the wounded soldiers in). Defenders only had a single respawn from there and no medic rule; when shot, they entered the chapel from the front and left out the back. There was to be no shooting into the front of the chapel, but once they got out the back they were fair game. Attackers spawned from two different spots, one on each side of the Tower base, so the defenders were very much surrounded. Was only supposed to be a quick warm up game, and a quick warm up game it was. We were on defense first, so me and my friend set up to cover one side from near a fence line, as one of the only places where we knew we couldn't be flanked easily due to the site boundary. We hid ourselves incredibly well and had a great line of fire across the base, so we started racking up the kills, however after my friend got hit I didn't have nearly enough firepower with a bolt action rifle to stop the enemy team from just swarming into the Tower and taking it. Also, I was so well hidden that the dead players all came and stood around me, not even noticing I was there despite me not wearing a ghillie at this time of year, and my gun is so quiet that they didn't even notice the shots. 15 mins was their time and we swapped sides. I knew exactly where I would go on the attack, knowing a nice little spot I could take that would give me a really nice sight line on the rear corner of the chapel building. If they exited and turned left, they went straight into my crosshairs; not a problem if they move fast, since BBs have a flight time and there isn't enough of a gap to lead a shot effectively, but for those airsofters who just milled about (and you know airsofters love to meander and all stack up behind a piece of cover) it was basically a guaranteed shot for me. I managed to get into the position fairly easily, with my team clearing out those on the immediate barricades after I called out their positions, and once I was there I started to rack up the defenders. You would think they'd learn after someone gets shot standing about, but they kept standing and gawking around the corner that was in my crosshairs, so I spent all game just taking them out. Eventually, we got into the Tower in 11 mins, winning the game after a slow start that built momentum quite quickly. Next game was... useless for me. Three flip cans in an area of the site ironically called Clearing, but it is anything but clear. During the summer it is basically a CQB killhouse, but instead of walls it's thick bushes. Imagine playing airsoft in a very unkempt hedge maze and you're pretty much on the nose of what the gameplay in there was. Now, I had an MED of 30m and since you're lucky to shoot over 3m my rifle was basically useless. Also I had forgotten to gas up my pistol magazines, so I was running on residual gas charge from last game day (one mag was decently gassed, two had some gas in, one had barely any and one had literally none). So I just took it as an opportunity to practice my sneaky-beaky skills instead, sneaking my way along the boundary until I got to their side where they had to enter from and started cutting off their reinforcements. Unfortunately, my sneaking took the vast majority of the game, so it wasn't long before that game was also over. I think our team had all 3 flip cans in the end... Last game before lunch was a flag raising game around Bridge. Bridge has recently been vandalised by local yobbos so it's more like a platform across what is a small river outside of summer (it dries up in the summer though) and there were two flags there; one yellow and one blue. Obviously, blue team had to raise the blue one and yellow had to raise the yellow one, while making sure the opposing colour is down. While the first few games had been a bit one-sided for us blues, this showed that the yellows were more mentally resilient than the blues as a lot of blues took an early lunch after being frustratedly shot trying to push up. The bottom of the site where this game was taking place is another area that is very thick with foliage and the yellows had a few people laying under bushes and spraying us as soon as we got close. Furthermore, a few on their team managed to successfully flank around us and starting shooting us in the back, though the two of them learned to never try and surrender kill me and my friend; a surrender kill is not a bang kill and is optional. The idea is you shout surrender and the person can take it and walk off, or they can try and resist and risk getting shot point blank. Me and my friend never take surrender kills, so... They yelled out surrender to a group of about 5 of us and while the other three took it, me and my friend did not and we shot them, though he got taken out in the process. After this I managed to crawl up into a position with a view on the path, though the foliage was very thick and punching through it with a sniper rifle was difficult, but it was also so well hidden that when that same pair flanked around us again, I took them both out with the pistol. Had to wait for perfect shots though as I only had one good mag, so I couldn't afford to get into a gun fight! Suffice to say, with half of our team throwing their toys out of the pram and the yellow team staying resolute, we got absolutely hammered in this game. After lunch, the marshall decided to split me and my friend onto separate teams. He had managed to get his m700 working, but it was only firing at 0.5J. It was still ranging out decently well, but you could barely feel it and the projectile was slow, so as he was the only person on the other team who knows my spots (and I know his), I took that into consideration and stuck to spots where my 2.3J would give me a strong advantage. Unfortunately, this also made me somewhat predictable, as there are only so many sight lines at Worthing at this time of year. We got out for a three base domination game and I ran along a path, thinking their respawn was a lot further back than it actually was. I immediately bumped into my friend who was sitting to the side in a bush, but he screwed up his shot, missing me and then getting shot by the player behind me before I could draw my pistol and shoot him myself; he left his pistol in the safe zone as his bolt action had no MED at 0.5J, but it meant that his screwed up shot cost him and he couldn't make follow up shots quickly enough. With that near miss gone, and my friend telling me where their spawn actually was, I pulled back to make sure I wasn't going to be spawn camping. He came back (and I don't know why he did...) and immediately got hit by me. However, once he respawned again he moved into a position that I was never going to hit him in, since the gap to shoot through the trees where he was posted up was so tiny and at 70m+ range, plus it was in darkness so seeing the gaps was a challenge enough in itself, I was never going to hit him. I sent one shot his way, adjusting for wind and watching it sail towards him and apparently he told me afterwards that the shot was bloody close. It impacted with the part of the tree right in front of him and gave him a bit of a scare. I knew he couldn't hit me from that position, so I was fine where I was, but I moved on after a pair of his team ran down the path at me, not knowing where I was and getting lit up by my pistol, with all 5 of my mags now gassed! I moved off to another position and caught my friend again as he pushed up, waiting for him to step into a slight clearing in the holly bush before shooting, as I could see more of his team on my flank that I would need to shoot as well. This went well, but by this point I was now surrounded on all sides and enemies were less than 10m from me. I stayed very still, only taking the occasional shot with my m40a5 (as I had learned earlier just how quiet it was), but I was eventually shot in the boot by a respawning player who had pushed up again with a rough idea of where I was. I fell back, respawned and came back in, pointing out a sneaky flanking manoevre that the enemy team were trying and letting everyone know. I couldn't do too much about it, but my team cleared out the sneaky players while I focused on the middle area, which was far better for me as it was far more open. By this point my friend had also given up and was watching with two of the marshalls. I had laid down behind a tree, bipod deployed and sniping along a path that the yellow team just loved to move up and they were having a real giggle watching me pick them off every time. One of the players on the other team, who is also a marshall but wasn't marshalling that day, knew it was me, but had no idea where I was until I shot him, he gave a laugh and a wave my direction and went to have a chat with the marshalls, spotting me behind the tree (he was good-natured. He wasn't doing it to find where I was and he didn't come back or tell anyone on his team about my location). I wasn't sure how the game was going, but when the game was called, apparently we held all three bases. For the next game I didn't take part, as I had lost a magazine in the morning and King Arms m700 magazines are literally £70 each, so while I didn't know when I lost it, I thought I'd revisit all the places I had been in the morning to try and find it, as it wouldn't get handed in because very few players would've been where I went. Fortunately, I did find the magazine and breathed a heavy sigh of relief, but between having a chat with some friends and searching for my lost magazine, I missed the game entirely. Oh well, I got back for the last game which was a simple attack and defend on the Tower base, got into one of my usual spots and did a bit of target practice. It was quite a breezy day, so I had to adjust for wind, as well as taking a few elevated shots as I'm currently practicing my long range shooting skills so that I can more reliably make those longer range shots (talking 90m+) reliably and consistently, eliminating as much of the guess work as possible. I definitely need a new scope though as my current one has no mil-dots and that would make my life a lot easier for getting a bit more consistency in these shots. We managed to hold the tower for the entire game and I had gone through most of my ammo in my sniper rifle mags (don't let that fool you into thinking I'm shooting like crazy; I only carry 3x 28rd magazines and generally don't need to refill outside of lunch), but that was the last game of the day. Headed back to pack up, have a chat with friends and marshalls and then go home for some well-deserved rest. All in all it was a fantastic day of airsoft and probably one of the better ones I've had in a while, even though two of the games were not friendly for guns with an MED. Really happy with how the m40a5 is performing and will keep using it for now, as well as its uniqueness as nobody else at Worthing runs an m40a5 or m40a3. All of the other snipers are using MTWs (eww), or Modify Scouts, or VSRs, so nothing that even looks similar. That said, I think I may put the SR-25 away for a bit as my backup gun, as I've returned to only running a belt kit for sniping, meaning my chest rig is freed up for me to slap 5.56 mag pouches on instead of 7.62 ones, so I'm getting the TM MWS (it's an m16a4, not an m4) back out as my backup gun. I've put a longer barrel in it now, so the barrel pokes a tiny bit into the flash hider (it's not far enough to be visible), and an NPAS so I can dial down the power when the joule creep inevitably strikes. Looking forward to the next one at Worthing as it's one of their special ones following a narrative that one of the marshalls has put together. Will be one long game in the morning that continues after lunch, with objectives changing as the gameplay shifts and time passes. They've already asked us which team our loyalties lie with on Facebook, since there is a bit of loyalty to each side of the conflict as players tend to stick to one team, but in true mercenary assassin fashion, I've already told the marshall that my answer is "whoever offers me the bigger bribe"
    5 points

    • For sale
    • Used

    Around 40RPS, 350FPS, Instant Trigger Response. With the hair trigger and feathering you can semi at around 25RPS. Build professionally. EdGI Custom Barrel 85 PROMETHEUS Hop Chamber 46 PROMETHEUS Bridge Nub 12.98 PDI Bucking 7 RETRO ARMS CNC Gearbox 125 PROMETHEUS Selector Plate 15 GUARDER Tappet Plate 9.99 RETRO ARMS Bushings x4 11 EZO Bearings x2 9 MAXX Nozzle 8.49 SHS Cylinder Head 12.79 PDI Cylinder 18 MODIFY Piston Head 16 CYMA FMR Piston 9.49 GUARDER Main Spring 12.3 SIEGETEK DSG Gear Set 149.99 LONEX ARL 9.9 WARHEAD CNC Motor 125 MAXX CNC Advanced Trigger 26 GATE TITAN Advanced 125 PTS EPG-C Grip 25 RETRO ARMS Fire Selector 14 RETRO ARMS Selector Cover 3 RETRO ARMS Trigger Pin 17.99 RETRO ARMS Mag Catch 20.2 Labor 250 CERAKOTE Painted 250 Krytac PDW 339.99 7x Lonex Flash Mags 163.17 5x Batteries 102.46 LiPo Charger Dual 79.99 Lipo Fireproof Bag 14.99 Total 2114.72 Paypal & Post (Included)


    4 points
  3. The price! Possibly the ultimate wanker gun.
    4 points
  4. Finally got round to fitting a guarder railed frame to this 5.1 build
    4 points
  5. Lozart

    Gun picture thread

    That's making me feel all funny in the pant region!
    3 points
  6. Lozart

    Ni-mh charging

    The factory supplied NiMh that comes with Cyma guns is dogshit. Just bin it and use your LiPos.
    3 points
  7. I much prefer this particular thread when people talk about how their airsoft day went, you know? Let's me make an informed choice about where to try next. Gunman sounds a safe bet. However, I do get an immense amount of joy from seeing the brethren round on the ill-informed ramblings of an HPA-obsessed bed wetter, countering with logic and hard facts. And @Dan Robinsonget yourself a Delta Mike! Still stings if you take a shot to the grid (won't break the skin unless it's HPA though 🤥) but it beats leaving you with a smile like a witch doctor's necklace.
    3 points
  8. It works! Had to shave down one tooth a little as the AEO had changed a smidge. Run a bit of 3000 grit over the inside of the port on new cylinder for peace of mind. Used some Teflon tape over the hop unit/barrel washer to hold it in place. Used many many 4 letter words directed at springs and I got 322FPS from an XT M95 spring, its only a 320MM barrel. Will try bigger springs & a longer barrel when it arrives.
    2 points
  9. Outdoor skate parks in urban areas can indeed be good places to score, or at least get directions as to where one may be able to. Trust me on this..... a friend told me? This thread: Sorry. Anyway! Airsoft Gokarting D&D Geocaching City hunts Dealing smack on a skateboard Escape room Crazy golf Bowling As a former skater/snowboarder; skating can be frustrating af at first, but great fun, rewarding and keep you fit. It can also lead to horrible injuries that haunt you years later, when you're running around in a wood with a bb pew
    2 points
  10. forget the silent cylinder head / piston head combo, they're just too much trouble for little gain. The rubber is notoriously difficult to get to stick to the aluminium - I no longer sell them.
    2 points
  11. At least with Airsoft it lasts the day, you're out in the morning and back for dinner. Whereas the likes of the cinema can cost almost as much for a couple of hours entertainment and then you've still got the rest of the day to fill. One downside with airsoft is that it's not something they can do every day / whenever they like, although if they learn some cleaning & tech skills there's plenty to keep then occupied for a few hours between games. Of course if they're only looking for weekend distraction's then that's less of an issue.
    2 points
  12. EDcase

    Value for money...

    RC Cars, Tanks or Boats? They can be purchased quite cheap for entry level these days. I didn't mention planes/helos/drones because rules can be a bit limiting where you can fly but if there's a club nearby... Gets em outdoors and may reveal engineering interests if they want to tinker.
    2 points
  13. Short barrel AEGs are notoriously noisy things and a silent piston head will do approximately zero to ameliorate that. The noise you hear is excess air from an over-volumised cylinder compared to barrel length. You could replace the cylinder, but that may restrict your options should you wish to lengthen the barrel later. @ak2m4 Sells a ZCI 1/2 Cylinder that would be suitable for your stock inner barrel length. G&G stock piston heads are ok, not necessary the hardest-wearing plastic, but it it isn't broken there's not much point in replacing it.
    2 points
  14. Esoterick

    Value for money...

    Warhammer 40k can be good but has some setup costs associated, Kill Team and Necromunda are the cheapest and easiest tabletop spinoffs to learn. You can go to your local shop and they have miniatures you can paint for free. My friend took his three kids there and they had a lot of fun painting a space marine each that you get to keep. Not 100% if all stores do this as, so worth checking.
    2 points
  15. There's a couple archery clubs around my parts (southern England) - It's reasonably popular. More gun clubs though - Airgun shooting is very popular - many clubs are full (with waiting lists to join) - mainly down to the fact that Sub 12ft/lb Airgun rifle ownership does not require a license (6ft/lbs for pistols) south of the Scottish border. Both clubs I belong to have a good number of junior shooters too.
    2 points
  16. Archery is a thing here One of my ‘gun’ cases is an exes archery case As usual it’s a thing that can cost as much as you’re willing to pay & take up as much time as you are willing to put in Board gaming does seem to be quite a thing I go to comicons with friends who trade at them and one of the event series is primarily a gaming event - which covers anything from general board games & table top gaming to arcade machines It also means that I spot things such as ‘gaming cafes’ and ‘gaming bars’ popping up in places - sit at a table buying drinks and playing board games or card games
    2 points
  17. As someone who's really just exiting his own teen years (oh, those dark days), airsoft is about the best thing I've found. It keeps my mind and body active and sharp, and satisfies my innate manly desire to "kill the bad guy". The downsides being cost, time investment, and the inevitable fun when something breaks. Without knowing your boys... How does England feel about archery? Chess is also an option, if your boys like competitive board games. Actually, board gaming is making a comeback. Games like Wingspan, Settlers of Catan, and Ticket to Ride can be huge time sinks.
    2 points
  18. You'd think someone who's profile lists science in their interests would at least be able to do some research and fact check the drivel they're coming out with. I guess what we've got is a classic case of the Dunning-Kruger effect
    2 points
  19. Doesn't make it any less true🤣
    2 points
  20. Piman

    Bunny Workshop - avoid

    Well, after the review period PayPal have resolved this in my favour. I don't believe Bunny Workshop even responded to them. I have had a few recent bad experiences with HK dealers. However Rainbow 8, Armsaholic, WGC and even jkarmy have been great. I will stick to them for now. James
    2 points
  21. No but my Grandad got into it bigtime in his retirement (building only with balsa & luck), he tried his hand at helicopters at one stage but on his first trial flight in the garden it went a bit off page & removed every single flower down one site of the garden (my Gran was the gardener)... it never flew again.
    2 points
  22. Dan Robinson

    Value for money...

    All good ideas there. The impitus is trying to keep the kids entertained in an unfamiliar area... So "regular one offs" if that makes sense. However, seeing as the two boys have their own pews now, airsoft is a pretty good dya out by my book. However, I've just remembered that we have Chicksands Bike park just round the corner, and my mate Bubee (yes that's his real name) runs the little Thai food stand there. Man his chicken satay skewers are awesome. Make sure you pay though. He has a rather excessive knife collection in the tailor. 😱 Yeah, I have a small squadron of DJI drones ranging from a Mavix Air up to an Inspire 1 (up for sale with a tonne of extras if anyone is interested). There are a lot of small air fields round here and an army base, so a lot of airspace is restricted..... Oh an Luton Airport 😂 My lad is in the Army cadets. But my reason for the thread is to help a mate who's living I my spare room for a spell, entertain his teens on the occasional weekends they are staying at my place as well. I wish I let him join the Cadets a lot sooner though. It certainly helped bring him out of his shell. He met Princess Margaret last weekend. Had quite an involved chat with her apparently.
    1 point
  23. Speedy Sloth

    SSR-63 Question.

    Will make a fantastic hit marker if some manages to score a "direct hit".
    1 point
  24. Unfortunately unless you want to pay silly money your options are the one posted above or buy a regular colour one and get creative with the rattle cans. Personally I'd go for the latter as you can get creative with different shades of pink
    1 point
  25. Velcro strap around the barrel and battery to hold it in place? That battery looks rather vulnerable. How big are the slots in the handguard? Could a BB get through?
    1 point
  26. Diemaco

    Value for money...

    I don't know how old they are, but what about the Army (or Air/Sea) Cadets?
    1 point
  27. JimFromHorsham

    Gun picture thread

    And fitting this AA DD416 rail , barrel nut & upper receiver threads took some fettling but go there in the end WE GBBR base
    1 point
  28. What, because it fits so well between the goalpost-sized gap where his teeth used to be? 😇
    1 point
  29. The Specna Flex shares the same gearbox as the CORE line - which in turn is a very generic bog standard V2 gearbox. Perun have their own instruction video to cover it. Bear in mind you might end up paying a tech more than the gun's worth to have the work done (ETU + hourly tech charge). If you are desperate for and ETU-equipped gun, and cannot do the work yourself, you might be better off selling the Flex and buying a gun with an ETU equipped out of the box - like a Double Eagle M9xx series.
    1 point
  30. Beorn

    Value for money...

    I think that's bordering on a bit paranoid lol. You've probably got more chance of running into dangerous arseholes in airsoft than at the skatepark. Most of the parks around me that I've been to are veryt relaxed, tons of friendly people willing to help new skaters. I've never seen any dealers hanging about there, I think skating people tend to be quite protective of their spaces and new people starting out from what I've seen. Maybe the occasional old weedhead smoking a joint while skating himself, but certainly noone recruiting kids in broad daylight 🤣 There are also indoor parks all over that you can pay a small fee to enter and skate without that risk, if that's really a serious concern or you live in a super dodgy area or something
    1 point
  31. There's some curious guns for sale on the Airsoft UK discord if anyone wants a laugh. Apparently some random throwing a load of parts in a gun means it's worth double the cost of the gun new. Should it be 3x retail instead if they are well known techs? 🤨 Does that mean my Recce rifle that had work done on it by Kingdom of Airsoft is worth over a grand lol. Here I was thinking £400 might be a bit steep....
    1 point
  32. Yeh my local GW does it. Ended up with quite a few free Space Marines taking my son there over the last year or so. Brilliant strategy really - they must only cost a few pence (if that) but it certainly helps with bringing in new customers - I've spent a fair bit there now because of it.
    1 point
  33. Skara

    Value for money...

    Skating is a good shout. I'd also recommend BMX/MTB, even though the "entry" cost is much higher. A decent entry level BMX will not go much cheaper than € 600/700 (by decent I mean a product that has nice features out of the box and that can be upgraded later on), that means full Cr-Mo steel frame, integrated headset, mid BB as a bare minimum. Full Cr-Mo fork is a nice touch too. This will give you a future-proof bike that can be upgraded as parts break, while keeping everything "standard".
    1 point
  34. Presuming it's open A1/A3 category, you basically just have to know https://register-drones.caa.co.uk/drone-code (now the Drone and Model Aircraft Code), and pass a 40-question multiple-choice exam online every few years. Operator ID (basically being the one legally responsible for the aircraft) is ~£10/year, Flyer ID (showing you're competent to fly) is free of charge, and means a retest every 5 years.
    1 point
  35. Just to support what Speedbird has said, I have a home built micro M4 with a shorter barrel than yours and a 1/2 cylinder with an extended hole making it about a 40% cylinder; it shoots at about 1.03J, has good range and is quiet. I would choose AK2M4’s red omega nub over the Airsoft Pro one.
    1 point
  36. Yeah I can't find the specs for the motor. Maybe it's written on the body of the thing itself, but it says '31000'. 'high torque / speed', and that's all I can remember without taking it out of the gun to check. It's an old, discontinued motor, judging by the few product pages I found for it out there. Anyway, the plan remains to buy an XT from ak2m4 and put the CA motor back in the scarab (where it runs cool on 11.1v), but it can work on in the DE as a backu, on 7.4v I've been burning through too much ammo on game days when I'm using the DE on full auto, so really i need the semi auto to work nicely, and a lower RoF isn't the end of world either!
    1 point
  37. Howesy357

    Value for money...

    I agree with Leo, I would place my hat in the ring and suggest tabletop gaming, specifically Warhammer and the 40K universe, the ability to pick a faction to build, paint and battle following rules and lore, or make your own up, while I am terrible at painting I rather enjoy building. Assembling a Tyranid army currently, awsome. Places like goblin gaming allow sets at affordable prices.
    1 point
  38. Silent piston heads are a misnomer--they're really just as loud as regular ones.
    1 point
  39. Beorn

    Value for money...

    Tons of my friends are taking up skating at the moment. People ranging from early 20's to late 30's. I'm giving roller blading a try since I can already ice skate, but skateboarding seems to be great value for money and the community is really friendly and supportive from what I've seen. Most public skateparks are free entry which means after you've got your board and a lid/some pads you're good to go. Definitely on the cheaper side long term I reckon - medical bills for the occasional wipeout notwithstanding
    1 point
  40. (((( Just a clarification following from a PM )))) My post is being pedantic about the final compressed air in the piston An AEG airsoft gun compresses air while you operate it An HPA airsoft gun is provided with pre-compressed air from the external HPA cylinder
    1 point
  41. Many thanks Speedbird_666, I was looking at the silent piston heads think would they reduce the noise, but noticed the cylinders started at much longer barrel lengths that what I have, I will start with the hop rubber and nub and see what it does
    1 point
  42. Thank you Leo, perfect insights for me and will defo follow up with the "Long Range AEGs" post and forum, will be some night time reading. The double seal cylinder head has the smaller/thinner of the rubber pads available I have seen so I hope will act as good as a plastic one for shock absorption, the plastic one had no pad. The AOE was very far forward, 1 o'clock or more, so the pad will help push it back I believe, I will just shave down the teeth as necessary and leave as is. Proper AOE can will till i get into the gearbox and learn more as mentioned prior. The GB does have some healthy radiuses in the corners so I hope the shell will last. The original nozzle was wobbly on the piston head and the tube it fitted over was tarnished and oxidised, I thought this was a factor of the O ring but will revaluate the nozzle to piston head tube bit fit when it arrives. The air leaked when just holding finger over the tube bit with no nozzle fitted, it was worse with the nozzle in place. The cylinder I will look forward to testing to see what noise/performance(Accuracy & FPS) differences there are if any. The barrel and hop unit out the box was a bit ruff looking, the olive(brass O ring bit) was held in with what I now know is a kind of thread lock they used as a general purpose filler/glue. Now I have cleaned it the brass ring just falls out and slides down the barrel... Anybody know how to hold it in place, or where to buy the glue stuff? For the bucking have have opted for the ubiquitous maple leaf Macaron and MR, hop and nub... yes, I panicked and went for both... I have three RIFS to play with so it will not get wasted. I knew being Evike meant rebranded.. and there was an inherent risk. But I really liked this design, It was hard to find another I liked the look of that would have had potentially had better QC .... As much as we all know every M4 looks the same more or less, thanks to Fatboy40's insightful and helpful comments so please don't apologise. It was exactly the "funky end" that I liked with the M-Loc hand guard... and the more vertical hand grip and the more milled out receiver design and the 45 degree fire selector... But he is right, all M4's look like the M916 and shame on me for not buying better build quality.
    1 point
  43. Federico

    Gun picture thread

    Barret M468 NGRS Conversion Urban Camo Square Cerakote
    1 point
  44. Tackle

    Chemical airsoft

    Welcome, no offence but maybe some other players who didn't just join today can give us their opinion of the site & the quality of its staff😏
    1 point
  45. Did a filmsim day at Gunman Tuddenham on Saturday. I really enjoy the fun, positive attitude that they have with their players, all about improving the game play in the field. Well delivered brief etc. The games were even in the structure of in game respawning off buddies, but one side was attacking and one side defending (with some great cover), so it became very stagnant, repetitive and energy sapping with 3-4 minutes of walking to get to the hard respawn and then the walk back in etc. It was only around lunch time when the respawn rules were changed to reflect one side was attacking for basically the whole day that the games actually developed the way they were intended and objectives achieved. As always, great hit taking and sportsmanship. I felt like I'd had it handed to me all day, I don't get to play as often as I'd like and feel out of the groove when I do get to play, same kit etc. Maybe its the larger waistline and lack of familiarity of how it all feels. It also cemented the ideas I have been having about my rifs and kit, so will be listing several pieces this week as I can't justify the money invested vs the amount I get to play and the experiences I have with it.
    1 point
  46. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I’m off to the bank today to pay off my mortgage and all my loans and still have enough to buy a sports car afterwards. I’m so excited I can hardly put my balaclava
    1 point
  47. It took them about a month to realise the site was down. Wouldn't hold my breath tbh
    1 point
  48. snuff

    Bespoke Airsoft.

    I took a trip to my "local" shop,Bespoke Airsoft,near Heathrow.Suprisingly well equiped,the walls are jammed with guns and cabinets are full of pistols,mags,etc.The best stocked shop I've seen especially for it's size.It is affilliated to I-wholesale (trade only) and they operate out of the same building.Prices are very competitive and you know if you visit an airsoft shop with so much on display you could change your mind.No HPA as yet because they are HPA-tech-less.
    1 point
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