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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/23 in all areas

  1. This. Also one man's niggle is another's deal breaker, there's just a ton of variables at play here. Apart from QC being loose ... consistently inconsistent is pretty much the mission statement of airsoft QC. Personally I've been lucky enough to not have any first hand "don't buy xxx" experiences, probably due to taking heed of good advice - long may both continue!
    4 points
  2. Saturday.....My game has changed somewhat and i seem to have ended up as a marshal... Saturday is the under 18's game day and is a good laugh. The kids are great. They have that "sod it, lets get stuck in" mentality and other than a few technical issues with RIF's all went well. Took my sons friend from Ukraine who's family are over here avoiding the war (trust me here, i had a real mental debate with myself on the morality of taking him!) but he had an absolute scream and was teaching us ukrainian swearwords in the car on the way home. Boys will be boys... Test hits were all taken and called. I've been shot less on actual game days though...LOL. Wearing a hi viz is great but i had to check mine didnt have a target painted on it...
    4 points
  3. This was literally a mate of the organiser was opening a club & sent a bird down with flyers to drum up interest. Have you been to an airsoft site lately ? , look around at half of the overly hairy sweatbag walts, the only woman most of them get near is their mum 🤣
    3 points
  4. So true about CSW. Also, marshalls weren't afraid of calling out poor play. Glad you mentioned the food too, which was always welcome. Interestingly I've got a mate in the throws of trying to set a site up. He went to CSW a few times so he's using that as his model.
    3 points
  5. Sunday game day at F&O the Base. Jolly good fun was had, but there are some caveats. Two of the guys I went with are relatively new to airsoft and they both said that they thought the safe zone and the policing of things like mags out was a bit slack plus the "we provide a chrono but it's up to you to make sure your RIFs meet our limits" was odd. Personally, my M14 was hot by about 30FPS despite my own chrono having said that it was OK. Not sure how mine was so far out so that's going to be a fun one. Of course, the lack of chrono tags does mean I could have just run it all day without bothering to chrono but that's just not me. Running my M4 instead did mean I got a bit more stuck in and to be honest, it was the first day in AAAAAGES that I've played right to the end of the day (my advancing decrepitude usually cuts play short). I was on the red team and we seem to have been more aggressive in general than the opposition, the blue team shrunk a bit at lunchtime so the teams were rebalanced but I think a certain lack of morale had crept in. Good day all in all, still think the safe zone leaves a lot to be desired but I've been spoilt by sites like Red Alert, Gunman Bravo and Ironsight.
    3 points
  6. So this is a fun toy to use? For all its Brutalist and sci-fi vibes it is on the 'list' Thanks I am one of those really annoying players that sticks to the times given, I'll load up and bomb up at appropriate times, I'll loudly look at my watch (Airsoft days are the only time I wear one) and 'we good for game brief' After lunch is another fun instance, The hearding cats thing, well, I think some of that is the site staff not want to be seen as riding the players HOWEVER, we pay good money to shoot people and I would like more site managers to focus on that.
    3 points
  7. Great day at ucap green ops. Marshalls and staff were on top form. I, especially,had a good day because I have adopted a dmr role and the gun that I used,purchased from this very forum,(thanks @cyanide14k),performed faultlessly. I was surprised at how much more range I could get with .30. The scope made so much difference to target finding. Total of ten good hits although I have to admit to two home kills🥴 Not a large turnout,about 45,but good, honest play all round with no player fallouts and lots of complimentary calls. I think I have found a style of play that suits me now that I am getting older.More relaxed and laying in wait from good cover. I will still switch to assault play on good days when the bones aren't shouting STOP! You maniac lol. Tired but happy🙂🙂 Regards
    3 points
  8. If you're a WWII inspired player - go have a look - https://www.facebook.com/Raresoftuk I purchased a WA 1911 a couple of years ago from them.
    2 points
  9. I saw the video of it and you didn't miss much. From what I remember she would've made more getting paid to put her clothes on
    2 points
  10. I have been to events like this, though those kinds of things were reserved for the players party etc One particular event would have undressing ladies. A more preferred event has had performing ladies who keep their clothes on. One year as the clothed ladies were being announced on stage as some of our guys rushed off I did try to point out that they are rushing off to join a sweaty crowd desperately trying to push closer to ladies at a distance on a stage behind barriers - in the rain …… whereas currently we were dry under a shelter in a group with real life ladies willing to drink with us and talk with us, and would be willing to see us again
    2 points
  11. Err which site was that? 😉
    2 points
  12. Me too, game time is for playing, if I want to socialise or talk bollocks ill go to the pub (or come on here😜). Think I've mentioned it before but one site I played, end of lunch started getting ready to head back out, next thing music starts playing & a "lady" starts taking her clothes off, stick I got for turning my back on here to get loaded up. Then when I got home & the missus says "how was the day", I get more stick as if it's somehow my fault some slapper was stripping off🤯
    2 points
  13. Urgh, airsoft. UKARA is meant to record site membership, as per the 2007 defence memorandum, and it's a site number that's assigned. But there's nothing stopping sites from having multiple types of "membership". It's entirely up to the boss geezer. Best of luck.
    2 points
  14. Amen, picked up a D-Boys spr, got it for £130 new (at the time), completely stock & running at 370 fps, my son was about 12, was hitting a clothes peg first or second shot from at least 130 feet, & a light switch at 200 feet, thing was a frigging laser. Until I tinkered with it 🤣/😭
    2 points
  15. Yeh - it's a fantastic venue and well worth a visit. Best played 'light' IMO, i.e. minimal gear and with 3-4 mid-caps, I would leave the plate carriers at home (a cheapo Viper Vx Spiritus clone chest rig works well) and avoid belt rigs altogether because you'll make a lot of noise bashing into cell doors etc. If you can keep quiet and resist the urge to shoot every target of opportunity, you can do some epic flanking moves on the other team. And more importantly; Greggs is only a 2 minute walk at lunch time.
    2 points
  16. There'll always be someone with more range, and a higher RoF. And if there's not that, it'll be one of them pesky sniper chappies dressed as a tree, or a pre-schooler hidden in a dark corner to zap you. But the main thing is, those are the words that always precede "I'll just open the gear box" which often ends in tears - or an ever-widening opening of the wallet until you're living in a cardboard box under a bridge... So unless you're struggling to shoot out to 40-45m (which will probably be fixable with a new hop rubber and nub, and maybe a new barrel), I'd honestly counsel you to concentrate on improving / changing your play-style so that range becomes a secondary issue. If you're static on the front line, trying to trade shots with a bunch of other guys there will always be a Long Ranger in there to spoil your fun, it's better to find a way to close the range on a flank or through smoke, or encourage some proper covering fire from your teammates so you cancel out that range advantage. It's easier said than done, I admit, but you give yourself more chance of making a "hero moment" of breaking a deadlock. I had mine at the last skirmish when I took advantage of a well-placed smoke grenade someone else had thrown to push forward 10 yards and take out the two guys who were completely holding down the rest of my team. (I'm still waiting for my medal, it must be coming) That's so much more satisfying than just having a gun that happens to shoot 2m further than your opponent.
    2 points
  17. Essentially punishing players for their loyalty, that's pretty fucked up. It probably takes less than 10 minutes to renew, even at £10 that's a nice little earner for someone, but £30 ffs🤬
    2 points
  18. I've always said, anyone who wants to open a site could learn a lot from visiting the top rated sites, copying snippets from everywhere & incorporating them in to their own business model, you mentioning CSW is a great example of such a site. Thing is, CSW was 140 miles away from me, the fact I'd be prepared to do those miles was testament to the knowledge I'd have a great time, hell even the food was top notch & plentiful 🐷. But GZ, no, not even if it was half the distance from me, other than its size I've yet to hear anything good about it that would change my mind.
    2 points
  19. Robbing B'stards🤬
    2 points
  20. And hills. And narrow tracks. And the box-mag heroes that lock down said tracks from the top of the said hills who are almost completely invisible because of the said rhododendron bushes that basically stop gameplay completely dead. I miss the Sopley Urban GZ site. Much better value in terms of trigger time, gameplay and excitement. And they were strict on the chrono too. Good times.
    2 points
  21. SRC are crap. I wouldn't wrote Nuprol off completely. A local site uses Defenders as hire guns. A problem here is partly that QC is so loose in airsoft that one person's nightmare is another's quality buy. That said SRC are seriously crap. I'd be interested in who actually honours a warranty, rather than tries to wriggle out of one.
    2 points
  22. On mine I simply replaced the barrel and hop rubber and nub. Slightly better consistency/accuracy than standard, a few yards extra range perhaps. I set the hop and tightened the screw on the adjuster arm. Were I not a lazy toad, I would have changed the nozzle as this is key to repeatable shooting, but since mine shot OK I didn't bother. You can bugger about with them in a million ways, but passed those mods it's diminishing returns in terms of cash for positive improvements I think. That said, this is airsoft. Yours may really need a metal hop unit to get the best out of it. You may need to reshim and grease the gearbox etc. Test it beside another CYMA AK and see what it performs like in comparison perhaps. I test my modded G&G M4 beside my lad's standard one.
    2 points
  23. Like @Speedbird_666GZ is my local site - no more than a 5 minute drive. I've played there since 2018 when I started and, after popping my cherry at Combat South Woodland, which was run superbly, GZ was a major disappointment. I've never been chronoed there, ever, which is just ridiculous. I remember a couple of lads asking what time chrono was when they checked in, and the look on their faces when they were told "oh, we just spot check though the day" was a, WTF-type expression. Again, never even seen a chrono at the site, let alone any checks done in the game zone. The site is huge but is really thick with rhododendrons, and the structures are pretty tired. To be fair maybe I'm just a bit too familiar with the site now, especially as they haven't used the better, more open areas of the site the last few times I've been. I have had some decent days there, but with the increased walk-on fees, the lack of cover and frequent dry-firing in the safe zone, shit facilities, increasingly dick-ish behaviour from other players (smoking weed in the car park - you're hard) and a general lack of care from the staff means I'll now only go there if I have no other options. Even then I'm likely to spend more time on the range. As for the NAF, no thanks. The gameplay just seems to be an absolute cluster. It also looks to be a collection of the types of players I dislike intensely, but on a much larger scale.
    2 points
  24. In his defense if its a cheap eotech clone the reticle is probably clearer and more visible from the front.....
    2 points
  25. My only criticism, and this seems common to all sites I've been to, is the fannying around in the morning. IMHO gameday always seems to be 45 minutes later starting than it should.
    2 points
  26. My wife accused me of achieving nothing so I told her, 'Well I won the Leslie Nielson award at school.' 'What's that?', she said. 'It's a big building with kids in it.'
    2 points
  27. Bloody hell, even an MP couldn't say that with a straight face. In my experience cunts and cheaters are attracted to it like flies to a fresh dog turd Careful, you'll give the guys at Killbox ideas
    2 points
  28. Impulse

    Gun picture thread

    "Take one out while the other's not looking" - Some guy in a video game circa 2007 I'm so happy this is working again. 55psi on the regulator has it firing between 1.112J at the lowest and 1.137J at the highest on .32s, so it's mega consistent and just where I need it for no MED shenanigans. I've semi-locked it, despite not being a "DMR" as it's meant to be an m21 sniper rifle, and the m21 was semi-auto only. Stubby mags are feeding flawlessly now, which is amazing as it means I don't need to run a chest rig as I can store 3 spare mags in a medium utility pouch (and they don't rattle around) and an Odin speedloader in another pouch, plus it makes it look very sniper-y and unique. I still have half a bag of .4s though, so I might rattle a few shots at 1.64J on the range (my local site's DMR limits) to see how it shoots there, but likelihood is I just keep it at 1.14J and keep the ability to point-blank, especially with how close we are to my local site growing some thick foliage through spring and becoming woodland CQB As the weather warms up, I might revert to my longest standing weapon combination: m21 sniper rifle and 1911 pistol is what I used to run when I played in Spain, because it's what I ran in CoD4 as a teenager
    2 points
  29. While I never saw the video afterwards, I do remember a very pasty spotty arse 🍑
    1 point
  30. JinxDuh

    brands to avoid

    Based on the constant reddit posts; Poor quality control - "They’re a scummy company, selling these poor quality guns to new players by getting reviewers and stores to sing their praises, often with large sums of cash through “sponsorships”" "They sold unsafe eye protection that they lied and claimed was impact rated, for his their CEO was publicly arrested. They’ve since taken off the fake rating, but are still selling the unsafe eye protection" But it's reddit, so... take it with as much salt as you want. 😂
    1 point
  31. I’ve just come across your post and agree entirely. It did feel like a ‘mini milsim’ and the standard of player effort was very good. Are you going to the one this weekend at Tuddenham? I was the player that travelled from Derby, and all being well will do the four hour round trip again this weekend, it was that good last time.
    1 point
  32. Impulse

    brands to avoid

    All of this SRC hate and the only SRC item I own is a phenomenal bit of kit (it's a bipod for my m700). I'm sure their other stuff is wank, but the bipod I have is nice at least. In terms of brands I avoid... Nuprol, Raven, Lancer Tactical, Vorsk is what comes to mind immediately. I tend to avoid G&G as well mostly because they do weird proprietary things with their guns and I don't like it. Viper kit isn't that bad these days (but my god was it utter shit back when I first started). Generally equipment in airsoft, be it guns, attachments or tactical kit, is pretty good these days.
    1 point
  33. And there was me, less than happy giving GZ £13 to do mine. Sounds like I got a steal compared to you.
    1 point
  34. Impulse

    Upgrading a cyma 48

    All I'd do is swap the hop rubber and nub, as those are very cheap things to do and will have the most impact. Everything else is fine on Cyma guns (generally). Consistency is more important than max range anyway, as I've often had people spray a shower of BBs in my direction, missing entirely, only for me to take one or two well-placed shots to take them out, often to the angry "tAKe yOuR hItS!" call from my target. That and "yoU hAvE a 30m MED dUde!" (when I'm using my 1.1J build) are two of the things that fuel me and I love it every time someone gets all salty at me 😂 I'll also echo basically all of this (and I'm ont of those pesky tree cosplayers mentioned!). The advice the old site owner at Worthing, who was one of the big reasons why I got into airsoft, gave to all of us was "if he's 5m out of range, take a few steps forward". Now it's obviously not just as simple as that, but the idea is the same. Get aggressive and push up and you'll really start to make your presence known in game because a lot of people these days just hunker down behind cover and spray BBs into the barricade that the enemy is hunkering down behind.
    1 point
  35. BigStew

    brands to avoid

    Anything labelled sports line. But have to say people are right about woefully inconsistent QC. Have seen garbage brand gun shoot like a laser for years and seen a TM shit its self 1st day of use. It impossible to say avoid one particular brand especially with the amount of OEM rebranding that goes on (even the company that make guns do it, looking at you GHK!)
    1 point
  36. Yeah, I was surprised as it was only £10 the last time. They haven't increased the day rate so I guess they're trying to compensate
    1 point
  37. Everything is now your fault, forever. When are you going to sort my leaking bathroom tap, you slacker?
    1 point
  38. Had a good day at Skirmish Wycombe again. Same games as usual but the varied terrain and good size means that you can try different tactics and approaches. Good food. The fugly (GSG G14) I got from @Shamal performed really well so thanks again mate 👍 My only annoyance is their charge of £30 to renew UKARA 😒
    1 point
  39. Back to marshalling and test shot duties
    1 point
  40. Now I have the gearbox loose in the reciever, but can I get the bugger out? Can I fck. 😒
    1 point
  41. Great day at ucap green ops. Marshalls and staff were on top form. I, especially,had a good day because I have adopted a dmr role and the gun that I used,purchased from this very forum,(thanks @cyanide14k),performed faultlessly. I was surprised at how much more range I could get with .30. The scope made so much difference to target finding. Total of ten good hits although I have to admit to two home kills🥴 Not a large turnout,about 45,but good, honest play all round with no player fallouts and lots of complimentary calls. I think I have found a style of play that suits me now that I am getting older.More relaxed and laying in wait from good cover. I will still switch to assault play on good days when the bones aren't shouting STOP! You maniac lol. Tired but happy🙂🙂 Regards
    1 point
  42. Fun day at AWA, bit chilly, plenty of puffer jacket clad rentals not taking hits, another cluster fuck with guns not working.... But was genuinely fun. Touching cloth to start with (aka capture the flag) our team was trounced by time, but at least I kept up my average by being the one to get the flag for our team. Some how managed to bend my thumb back on itself too which is now v sore. The boy's M16 shit itself on chrono, so we have decided to make it my "learning to tech" gun. My newly returned (as in yesterday) Rapax M7 managed two shots on chrono before the gearbox locked up. So we were stuck my new Honey Badger and the boy's L85. The latter performed nicely. The Honey Badger was great apart from being incredibly fussy about the spring tension in the mags. Several occasions saw me lying in my back behind a tree taking fire on all sides trying to ferry bbs from a duff mag to the least fussy. Best game of the day was a rolling retreat, then counter attack, but sadly I got caught short with the battery dying at the end of the first round necessitating a 20 minute round trip to the safe zone. The Badger's accuracy is a little sporadic but then it was never going to be a sniper. Got more than my fair share of kills when I found a nice hidey hole behind a tree Marshalls were fair and kept things flowing once everyone was out of the safe zone. For some reason, two dappy old codgers decided to meander through the game area on their bikes at one point. Last time out it was a dog walker. You'd think the sound of explosions and 70 adults dressed in military gear brandishing assorted automatic weapons would have been a deterrent. But hey ho 🤣
    1 point
  43. Those overhead rails, it looks like a defunct hospital somewhere, probably preparing to get knocked down anytime now, the timing of which will perfectly coincide with the demise of the "Killbox experience" 🤣
    1 point
  44. Barny

    Gun picture thread

    1 point
  45. I'd rather have a wank with sandpaper gloves than go to that shitshow
    1 point
  46. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    My wife.asked if she could have some peace and quiet while she cooked dinner....... So I took the battery out of the smoke alarm!
    1 point
  47. Did the Gunman Airsoft Night game at Tuddenham.......it was great, easily some of the most interesting events that are happening in airsoft in my opinion at the moment. It's their second attempt at running a night game (3 hours long) as one single game, it wasn't perfect but my god it's got potential and the site is very open to feedback. Previously their night games have been like skirmishes in a small, but interesting part of their site (the village if you know the site). These events take advantage of the whole site, extra buildings, dense woodland, open areas, tracks, ridgelines trench network etc. Single shot only unless you have a genuine LMG/support weapon, relevant medic rules, mix of objectives, regen hikes weren't silly. There was also really good use of additional lightning, a few big floodlights and lots of dark areas, the site is big enough to cope with what they are doing! Objectives were provided, with a map and grid references with times that the objectives were open for. Marshalls were present when needed (generally around objectives) but didn't ruin the night team sneakiness when not. Hit taking was good (night games are tricky to enforce). It seemed like a lot of objectives were near each other at similar times, or in a way that you'd have to cross the route from their respawn to their objectives (which we didn't know) to get to your objectives. Much confusion around who is on your team etc. There was a command net and command element that gave out a couple of extra objectives throughout the evening. It genuinely felt like the best bits of a mini milsim. Mix of players with and without night vision, thermal, some with torches and tracer units etc. Made it a really interesting evening. Some of the players had travelled from Derby and Watford for it. Every other night game they are doing is one of the more immersive types covered above, the others are basically skirmishes in the village. If you're looking to just shoot people in the dark, do the night skirmishes skirmishes, if you want that bit extra, do the more immersive ones. Very impressed with the management at Tuddenham, massive improvements to the site and the type of events they are running. Really upping the experience of what can be done and achieved, the sort of thing I am sure we all want from our sites. Re reading this, it sounds like an advert for the site but I am just a customer, albeit a very happy one.
    1 point
  48. EDcase

    What have you made?

    Well, since I had a few springs lying around I finally decided to making a spring power measuring device... Using a luggage scale you hold and pull on the orange hose fitting up to the orange line (piston length). The scale holds the measurement so you can read it when it beeps. Takes a few goes to get an average reading but I compared readings of known spring strengths with a friend who uses a slightly different method and our readings do correlate. I will try to find an M10 bolt that only has threading at the top to make the pull smoother.
    1 point
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