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Gun picture thread
Pappa Large and 8 others reacted to Alimcd for a topic
My latest lockdown-boredom project has reached its vomit inducing climax... Boneyard Cyma Thompson King Arms Silver body Hydrodipped furniture 13:1 SHS Gears SHS Swiss cheese piston SS 3 teeth Bearing piston head Bearing spring guide M105 Macaron 50* SHS High torque Rewired for Gate Nanohard in stock InSpIrEd By A rEaL GuN, iF yOu SuRvIvEd NoRmAnDy WiThOuT tAkInG a HiT, yOu WeRe GiVeN a ChRoMe ToMmY edit - The hop doesn’t like the Maple leaf rubber. It’s a prommy purple now and it’s sitting at 305 FPS with 0.25’s. Bugger all deviation9 points -
Skirmshop UK has got Silverback MK23 Suppressors back in stock so they have just gained 29 of my finest Great British Pounds & 10 of my Shiniest pennies4 points
Gun picture thread
Northman and one other reacted to MagpieTactical for a topic
2 points -
What Bio BBs should I be buying?
Spacemonkey and one other reacted to Ad_ for a topic
I tested a few more brands of bio BB recently. Same caveats with limitations in equipment & methods apply as before: Tokyo Marui 'Perfect Hit' Bio 0.20g: These are quite pricey at £6 for 1600. The .25s weren't in stock when I ordered these so I didn't get any to test, but those are way more expensive at £11 for only 1300 BBs! They come in a sealed, vacuum-packed bag with some silica gel thrown in to protect them from humidity. Unfortunately I found a few in the pack with some surface defects. They weren't very big or deep & probably aren't rough enough to cause any damage, but they would most likely affect performance. I tested 20 BBs that did not have any visible defects. Weight: All measured 0.20g Size range: 5.93 - 5.96mm; 18 were within tolerance Roundness: 6 measured 0.00mm variation, 14 measured with max variation of 0.01mm There was no sign of swelling after soaking in water. Easily the most consistent so far, and I didn't find any air bubbles, although not all of them were within the 5.95 +/- 0.01mm tolerance (however readings of 5.93 could be borderline 5.94). Just a shame about their high price and the QC fails with some of them. Ares Amoeba "Diamond Precision" / "Match Grade" Bio BBs 0.25g: Before even opening the bag I could see these were off to a great start: I found a number of other BBs in the pack with surface defects, most of those merely had one or more slightly dented and/or scratched surfaces but some were spectacularly bad - especially this one: (it's even worse than it looks here but my crappy phone camera can't capture it well enough) They almost look like they've already been fired once then picked up and repackaged. Using BBs with surface defects like these have will cause increased wear on the gun's hop rubber or may even damage it and/or cause jams. It's possible these were simply from a "bad batch", but IMO there's no excuse for any BBs with such glaring external defects as these to go unnoticed. The bag was "sealed", but it has some air holes punched into it so ingress of humidity and/or dust/dirt is likely and could result in magazines, hop units and/or barrels getting fouled with whatever the BBs have picked up in storage, transit etc. - I did find some particles of dust/general debris floating about inside the bag with the BBs. I picked out 20 to measure and made sure that they didn't have any visible surface defects. Weight: Typically 0.25g, 5 measured 0.26g Size range: 5.92 - 5.96mm; 11 were within tolerance Roundness: 11 measured with max variation of up to 0.01mm, 6 with 0.02mm, 2 with 0.03mm, 1 with 0.04mm I didn't bother soaking any of these in water In addition to the massive QC fails in the pack, the consistency of these isn't all that great either. I did not find air bubbles in any of the BBs I crushed open. G&G 'Competition Grade' Bio BBs 0.25g: These come in a fully sealed bag similar to the one the Tokyo Marui BBs come in (and also includes a pack of silica gel like Marui's BBs), except larger & not vacuum packed. On the back is information about the BB indicating that they are made from PLA, and claims about decomposition times in different environments. I shook the bag & checked for any BBs with obvious defects a few times after opening the pack and as I took BBs out to test as I did for the others but couldn't see any. Weight: All measured 0.25g Size range: 5.92 - 5.96mm; 12 were within tolerance Roundness: 10 measured with max variation of up to 0.01mm, 10 with 0.02mm There was no sign of swelling after soaking in water. These BBs are reasonably consistent in terms of roundness; unfortunately a fair few were outside of the specified 5.95 +/- 0.01mm tolerance and I found air bubbles of varying sizes in 8 of the 20 BBs I broke apart.2 points -
Bio BB's haven't used hygroscopic PVA for many years now. They are moisture stable. Mind you they take many years to rot and only under landfill conditions2 points
I'm much the same, I've been through the 'trying to replicate actual military personel' thing carrying a whole heap of extra weight and had a great time while doing so... but as I've got older the less I'm carrying on me the better. Going back to basics, so to speak, while having enough playing experience to know what I do and don't want to be lugging around all day has definitely made me enjoy the game more. Not to say there is a right way to do it, but that's the right way for me.1 point
Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread
Druid799 reacted to Adolf Hamster for a topic
Ironically the longer i've been playing the less complicated my loadouts have got. You make a very good point about the stigma though.1 point -
The stock TM bolt is pretty loud as a matter of fact. Also I reckon that chap has a G&P buffer which actually dampens the sound too and of course allows the lighter bolt to move back and forth faster and with less clang. Personally speaking, that’s just looks all wrong 😂1 point
Not tried one of those G&P rollers but I wouldn't put much stock in audio from mobile phone videos, having posted and re-watched the vids I posted up there 🔝 there is a world of difference between human ears and phone mics1 point
1 point
Gun picture thread
Alimcd reacted to Adolf Hamster for a topic
That is, well, i'm not quite sure what that is..... Part of me thinks its sacriledge of the highest order meriting summary execution for heresy But another part of me thinks "dakakakakakakakakakakaka" The 2 sides seem evenly matched......1 point -
The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread
Skullchewer reacted to Arwen for a topic
I was out taking photos again on saturday. It was damp and windy, about half the trenches were still filled with about 2.5ft of water and a lot of the grass was boggy. Had two folk fall into the trenches and one do a spectacular slide/slip into the boggy bit. Sadly I missed them all with the camera! Numbers were on the low side, but I reckon thats cause the forecast was awfull.1 point -
Double Eagle M904g – Aka the Original Q Honey Badger
Skara reacted to Cr0-Magnon for a topic
After much deliberating I've just ordered one of these for myself. Also went for a 200MM suppressor so I can extend an inner barrel through it if need be.1 point -
The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread
Skara reacted to Badgerlicious for a topic
Did anyone go out yesterday? And how's your new life as a mud person?1 point -
Gun picture thread
CrackCommandoUnit1972 reacted to Paladin for a topic
ICS SA80A2 with replica Daniel Defence handguard, C79A2 sight & Grippod, AN/PEQ15 housing a spare battery TM Glock 17 Gen 3 GBB L119A2 GBB, build on a TM M4 CQBR Block 1 frame, with original Magpul mil-spec stock, pistol grip and AFG, as this is my new primary, the C79A2 is going on this with a canted red dot and a replica DBAL A2... A lot of money spent between these three guns ... Also the proud owner of a Cyma CM.060 P90 since Sunday too1 point -
Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread
stevefocus reacted to Akuma121 for a topic
But bro it's got a punisher logo on the back!!!1!!1 point -
The 'What have you just bought' Thread
paradoxum reacted to DarkAssassin for a topic
1 point -
Nice one, just ordered some through them. Discount code REGLAZE10 gets 10% off as well. 👍1 point
I've been doing some comparisons of the bio BBs I have over the past week or so as well - ASG Open Blasters, BioSphere, Nuprol RZR Bio, all in 0.2 & 0.25g. On paper these should be identical - they're all supposed to be 5.95mm with 0.01mm tolerance either way - and while they all perform adequately enough at 0.2g in my experience from shooting them prior to the lockdown the ASG Open Blasters seemed to the best of the three, and the Nuprols had a habit of double-feeding sometimes. I haven't used the .25g BBs enough to have any idea which of those three shoots the best though. 20 of each BB were weighed and measured and they were broken apart to check for air bubbles. When measuring a BB's diameter I rotated it and re-measured to check the variation in diameter around it & get an idea of its "roundness", noting the min, max and average diameter. Some were measured then soaked some in water for >24h (was generally around 40h-ish) and then re-measured to check for any swelling due to water absorption. There are some caveats to keep in mind: The scales I used only have a 0.01g resolution which isn't really precise enough (and they're cheap, so they're not exactly top quality either) however they should at least be sufficient to show up any significant discrepancies between the specified weight and actual weight. They're also sensitive enough that things like airflow around them can skew the result. To attempt to compensate for these to some extent I weighed each BB repeatedly and used the most frequent result. Similarly, my digital calipers (Facom 1300EA) have a resolution of 0.01mm so borderline values might read either way, but again this should be enough to show any significant variation at least. Just because I didn't find any air bubbles in a BB doesn't necessarily mean that there weren't any; there could have been some in the parts of the BB that were not exposed or they may have been too small to see with the naked eye. Also, 20 BBs is a small sample size So this isn't exactly a rigorous, in-depth look & you shouldn't take the results as entirely accurate. Also they're likely to vary from batch to batch, with some being better or worse than others. But it should at least provide some interesting information & comparison between these three brands of BB beyond merely shooting with them Nuprol RZR Bio 0.20g: Weight: Typically 0.20g, 3 measured 0.21g Size range: 5.92 - 5.95mm; 11 measured within tolerance. Roundness: 13 measured with max variation of up to 0.01mm, 4 with 0.02mm, 3 with 0.03mm There was no sign of swelling after soaking in water. Nuprol's BBs have a consistent weight but their measured size was outside of specification on almost half of the BBs tested - minimum measurements of 5.93mm were not uncommon and a few were even as low as 5.92mm. None measured above 5.95mm. They are relatively soft though - I had to be very careful when measuring their size & shape as it was very easy to read lower measurements even with the small amount of force applied by the calipers. I did not see any bubbles inside any of the BBs tested. BioSphere 0.20g: Weight: Typically 0.20g, 6 measured 0.19g Size range: 5.94 - 5.96mm; all measured within tolerance. Roundness: All measured with max variation of up to 0.01mm (15 did not vary to an extent I could measure with my calipers) There was no sign of swelling after soaking in water. BioSphere's BBs are quite consistent in weight (trending more towards the lighter side) and impressively consistent in size/shape, measuring 5.94-5.96mm with no more than 0.01mm variation in diameter around any given BB - all within the specified 5.95 +/- 0.01mm tolerance. They readily split into fragments when crushed, and unfortunately I found a bubble in every BB I tested. Here's a photo of one that I managed to crack open more or less cleanly showing the air bubble: ASG Open Blaster 0.20g: Weight: All measured 0.20g Size range: 5.90 - 5.96mm; 6 measured within tolerance. Roundness: 9 measured with max variation of up to 0.01mm, 7 with 0.02mm, 3 with 0.03mm, 1 with 0.04mm There was no sign of swelling after soaking in water. The Open Blasters had a very consistent weight with all of them measuring 0.2g, but their size and shape varied to a greater extent than the Nuprols, from 5.90mm to 5.96mm. One of the BBs tested varied between 5.92 and 5.96mm! They seem to be of a similar material as the Nuprol BBs but a lot harder. I did not see any bubbles in any of the BBs tested. Nuprol RZR Bio 0.25g: Weight: All measured 0.25g Size range: 5.91 - 5.95mm; 3 measured within tolerance. Roundness: 15 measured with max variation of up to 0.01mm, 3 with 0.02mm, 2 with 0.03mm There was no sign of swelling after soaking in water. Unsurprisingly these are much like the 0.2g version - their weight is quite consistent while their size and shape is about as variable, though they seem to be a bit smaller on average and a couple measured as low as 5.91mm. The 0.25g Nuprol RZR Bio BBs are significantly harder than the 0.20g version and didn't deform so readily. I did not see any bubbles inside any of the BBs tested. BioSphere 0.25g: Weight: Typically 0.25g, 9 measured 0.24g Size range: 5.93 - 5.94mm; 16 measured within tolerance. Roundness: All measured with max variation of up to 0.01mm (17 did not vary to an extent I could measure with my calipers) There was no sign of swelling after soaking in water. These varied a bit more in weight than their 0.2g version, and like their 0.2g version trended towards the lighter side. Their size and shape was very consistent too with none varying by more than 0.01mm, although they were slightly smaller than the 0.2g version with all of them measuring between 5.93mm and 5.94mm. Unfortunately, just like the 0.2g version I found an air bubble in every one of these I inspected too. These were also much harder than the 0.2g version and they had a tendency to shatter suddenly once they started to crack but I did manage to break open cleanly for a photo: ASG Open Blaster 0.25g: Weight: Typically 0.25g, 6 measured 0.26g Size range: 5.90 - 5.95mm; 1 measured within tolerance. Roundness: 13 measured with max variation of up to 0.01mm, 4 with 0.02mm, 2 with 0.03mm, 1 with 0.05mm There was no sign of swelling after soaking in water. These seem to be slightly less consistent in weight than their 0.20g version, trending slightly towards the heavier side. Their size & shape is about as variable, ranging from 5.90 to 5.95mm and like the others these also trend slightly towards the smaller side. I did not see any bubbles inside any of the BBs tested. As I posted earlier in this thread, AFAIK most are made from PLA & as such I wouldn't expect them to biodegrade very quickly in the environment.1 point
What Bio BBs should I be buying?
Spacemonkey reacted to Ropeyshep for a topic
Just to give a little data to this thread/topic and to see for myself if there is a significant difference in the behaviour of Bios in wet conditions or a difference between the behaviour of Bios versus Non-Bios, I put a small sample of whatever I had in the house into ziploc bags of water following my last post so these are figures based on the sample BBs being completely submerged in tap water for 18 days (it was night time so I'm counting only whole days). Following the submersion, I measured five BBs from each wet sample and five BBs from the original dry source bottle/bag. I don't have a massive selection and most of those are Bio so I don't have a great control group of non-bio BBs to select from. So, the hypothesis tested is that Biodegradable BBs swell out of spec on absorption of moisture. The attached table is a summary of the results and I think the conclusion I first draw is that there is no absorption or swelling of BBs after nearly 3 weeks underwater. The variation within samples appears greater than that between wet and dry in most cases. Also, I am pretty happy with my standard choice of Nuprol RZR 0.28g Bio 😉 There are obvious limitations to the test, primarily in that the sample sizes are small, I can't be fussed expanding the test but I'd be more than happy to applaud anyone who wanted to, I am happy to email the full data table with individual measurements, if anyone is that bored on lockdown. Another possible source of error is the measurement equipment, I used my general garage micrometer to do the measuring, it doesn't have a valid certificate of calibration and it has a stated precision of 0.01mm so the variation seen in most samples falls inside the possible error of the test equipment. Thirdly, this isn't a blind test, I knew what each sample was and so there may be subconscious bias but I doubt it. I really hope this lockdown ends soon, I clearly have too much time on my hands.1 point -
Just got the news that someone I played with on Saturday has tested positive for the
Akuma121 reacted to Cr0-Magnon for a status update
Just got the news that someone I played with on Saturday has tested positive for the 'rona. Hoping it was someone from the other team (and they hadn't coughed on their BB's).0 points -
someone’s being a bit hopeful ?0 points