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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/09/15 in all areas

  1. If your trousers cost more than your gun then you're probably playing milsim.
    8 points
  2. Ah yes, airsofters and range. You may as well have asked "has anyone measured their penis".
    6 points
  3. 5 points
  4. Skirmishing is for people who would like to play paintball but can't afford it. Milsim is for proper airsofters.
    4 points
  5. That's a bit harsh - I've yet to meet a milsim player who's ever tried to pretend (outside of their games) that they're something they're not. I do find it hilarious that anyone can spend so much on a pair of trousers or look at a £500 plate carrier and think 'yep, I need this over a £80 replica' regardless of their income, but if that's their way of finding enjoyment then I can see why and certainly wouldn't hate them for it. I mean there are plenty of people who just go to normal skirmishes who spend excessive amounts on gear but I think we're all just pointing fun at an unrealistic stereotype that's not conducive to the majority number of milsimmers. It's all toy guns in the end.
    3 points
  6. Airsoft skirmishing is for people who want to run around have a laugh and shoot each other with bb guns. Milsim is for guys who became accountants but like to pretend that they are Sas Elite Super Soldier for a day/weekend. Think table top wargaming with real people. 😉
    3 points
  7. I'm off to my 1st milsim in December where I'll be wearing my old issue dpm combats & boonie along with my £30 plate carrier but closer to £70 with what I put on it I'd rather go cheap & replace kit when it's worn out
    2 points
  8. Qlimax

    Gun picture thread

    So it's all done and what a great looking weapon.
    2 points
  9. New butterfly charging handle for the PolarStar. It's fully finished.
    2 points
  10. That's about the same amount of kit that's needed for a 6 month tour of the sand pit 😂
    2 points
  11. I have given my opinion in the video and I would be happy to retype it for you if it would help I'm a milsim player and I enjoy it over the standard skirmish type game as explained in the video also if it helps here is the general kit I use explained below - I don't think what I have spent is excessive at all ?
    2 points
  12. There is a DPM losely based loadout which yes is a Heinz 57 and allows a lot of latitude in kit for the rebels amongst us who dont like to conform. Its a bit like football teams - you can fight with the team you support or best like the look of. At the end of the day, it IS a game. If people feel the adrenaline rush and that gut wrenching twist sphincter twitch when a firefight kicks off or that "high" when you creep into the enemy camp undetected and manage to steal a hostage or a technological cutting edge gizmo right from under their nose, then thats what we hope for. We have quite a few ex mil players. They all know the difference between real combat and milsim games, but they still rave about them for weeks after. Its probably one of the closest things you can do in civilian life to reconstruct the cameradie and team work that most miss from their time in the military,
    2 points
  13. To be honest - no. Some teams like to import kit because they like authentic camo or a particular rig, but Ive never seen any kind of elitism. Our loadout requirements are deliberately vague because not everybody can afford gucchi and our conflicts are deliberately fictional.
    2 points
  14. Unfortunately things like that just give milsim a bad name. Our rebel force in our game series vy with each other to achieve the meanest rebel loadout at the least cost. The key to milsim is imagination which is free.
    2 points
  15. Are you shitting me! They cost £220, there's guys at my local site wear them... It's my mission to not be in their team and test if £220 trousers makes them not yelp like a girl when I make contact 😂
    2 points
  16. http://www.uktactical.com/p-11169-crye-precision-combat-pants-gen-3-multicam.aspx Plenty of decent guns under £220...
    2 points
  17. Don't ask that from airsofters. The ones who took time and energy to actually measure it, will feel ashamed when they read that others' guns can reliably hit a man sized target at 100 meters. I have seen videos that stated "100 meter shot" and calculating from the BB's flight time it was only 30 - and then when I commented it on the vid, the poster said: yeah, it might have been 30. I have heard numerous claims reaching 80-100 meters and when I asked for proof they all said: ok, I will take a vid. They never returned. People usually eyeball distances and don't count the few (dozen) flyers. A fine tuned AEG shooting 350fps (with 0.20g) can hit a man quite reliably at 60m and headshot nearly every time on 40m with heavy BBs. HPA or similar kits might reach further because of the joule creep, ergo higher energy with the heavy BB used. GBBRs can have joule creep too but they are usually way less accurate than an AEG. 50m is the range for a normal, well maintained AEG, with average 0.25. 40m or less for non-maintained AEGs and/or using 0.20. Something like that.
    2 points
  18. Then buy tape / paint or Fairy Power spray failing that - use 2-tone orange/green/blue trees for cover seriously - cheaper than a Raider ??? no - avoid JBBG ffs
    2 points
  19. Rapid

    Gun picture thread

    That is an awesome looking piece of kit Qlimax. I want )
    1 point
  20. This might be a valid kit list for a 48-72 hour milsim, but not all games are that long. There are a few organisers who run milsims that are day or weekend games where you dont need all this. Ive bought kit from WAS for my own use before but players dont have to buy professional kit to play milsim airsoft games.
    1 point
  21. One man's excessive is another mans totally acceptable! If you can afford what you've bought without going hungry or into debt then personally I see no issue with the cost of your kit. Anyone that says otherwise is probably jealous (either of your disposable income or your gucci trousers).
    1 point
  22. I am a firm believer in each to their own.But sorry to anyone who has bought these but your f*cking nuts.
    1 point
  23. Cheers Lozart, Now that I have seen those Crye trousers I really must get some... now can anyone recommend a Justbb gun [wish I could get the quote button to work ]
    1 point
  24. So, I finally switched the HPA! I bought a custom made drum magazine for the Vector, Ninja LPR regulator and a HPA tank (no idea what make!). Do excuse the lack of optics, I am currently in the process of obtaining something along the lines of an EOTech 55 series. Got a few more bits I want to buy for this, but I am very pleased! Apologies for the photo quality. Any decent photos seem to be too big to upload to AF UK. But here it is!
    1 point
  25. If the only protection in there is a fuse I would suggest you leave it in. Let's just say you fit a LiPo and the wiring in the gearbox wears against the side and shorts out. Do you want to blow a fuse or have your gun burst into flames?
    1 point
  26. Can consistently hit a man sized target at 50 metres. Source: Man sized target on 50 metres on the range at RIFT Com 3
    1 point
  27. Now we're getting somewhere! Where are your guns deficiencies? What is your gun while we're at it?
    1 point
  28. My issue is having already " learnt to shoot better" haha !! And airsoft isnt accurate so trying to get it shoot well in comparison to others 😂
    1 point
  29. Ah but I would wager the "other side" are willy waving about how accurate their loadout is...
    1 point
  30. Don't even get me started on the costs of some plate carriers and helmets. Some people need other things to spend their money on, heh.
    1 point
  31. proffrink

    Gas idea

    Yep - it's insane. Don't use in stock TM pistols.
    1 point
  32. Pretty much what the other guys have said, I was and am in the same boat attend on my own and just strike up conversations with fellow Airsofter's. My 1st game i attended on my own and within 2 minutes i was chatting to a guy who was setting up his 5 group members kit and weapons and he involved me with everything. Later in the day they allowed me to use some of there kit instead of the hire kit which was much better and even let me use one of there custom guns for the last few games we had. Overall I felt comfy and welcomed straight away so cannot be thankful enough to the Airsoft community.
    1 point
  33. I've wanted to go but getting into and out of London seems too much like hard work. The chaps that run it are good guys so i'd suspect it is well run.
    1 point
  34. Cheers mate Atleast that's the news I wanted to hear as I have a back up motor and it won't cost much to buy a new fuse ! Il try the fuse first and get back to you thanks for your help
    1 point
  35. Nothing at all mate I'm hoping it is a blown fuse ! Il have to check !
    1 point
  36. Dont think hes doing anything wrong. Hes not advertising just putting up his own personal reviews. This one leads to a discussion (piss take trolling) which is all good.
    1 point
  37. It would be nice for you to contribute, to the forum rather than just constantly spam your own content.
    1 point
  38. Cant really fault the video - seems pretty balanced. To us, airsoft is just a technology which allows you to play a game. It could be replaced with another technology at some point, depending on a lot of factors, maybe not. Its just a component of a wider subject. Your video is really more a comparison between skirmishing and milsim or other role playing games. Of course, Airsoft is a larger part of skirmishing than it is milsim. Our parent group also organises wild west games (is that westsim ?) where they have migrated to blank firers and of course re-enactors dont tend to use airsoft. The video is rather simplified but we suspect that it has to be because of the running time, so fair enough. In reality, there are lots of "flavours" of milsim and they cater for different audiences who still want to play some form of milsim. It doesnt have to be special forces loadouts and 48 hours plus to be milsim.
    1 point
  39. The way I see it is, Milsim is for players who want to look like the real thing and take things more serious than the usual skirmisher and not arse about quite as much but it's still absolutely nothing like the real thing, nowhere near. The fact that it's still grown men pretending makes whole mindset, location and pressure of a Milsim not realistic apart from to look at. Edit... I can't really explain what I mean lol, but that's no way supposed to be a Milsim put down as I do enjoy it it! I'm sure you get me.. But you did explain it well to the layman
    1 point
  40. I was like a Warhammer 40k bad-boy as a kid, most my Dark Angel and Space Ork army was shop-lifted and I got banned from the Golden Demon Awards for underage drinking. Still got a set of original grey-knight terminators somewhere (the ones that were emperor's bodyguards or something), kept them as they were supposedly super-old/rare in the 90's, rest got an overnight dip in meth, paint pealed off and flogged. I think i can count on my hands the number of battles that I actually played and finished, play-time was usually over long before a clear victor was decided.
    1 point
  41. Wow this brings back memories Last time I played this was many years ago I had a collection of space wolves and blood marines
    1 point
  42. 'Cheap and good' - that's what literally everyone is after, heh. Don't get cheap Bulldogs, they're utter shite. Take the advice - don't go too cheap when it comes to BBs or you'll do damage elsewhere. Look to spend around £2 per 1000 (for 0.2g) and no less or you're probably not getting anything any good, though I'd recommend spending more unless you're a high-cap hero. I know plenty would recommend ASG Blasters and G&G stuff - they're not expensive either. Nuprol can be a bit hit-and-miss as some people have received bad batches so I'd avoid despite the fact that they're very quick and easy to buy what with every retailer stocking them these days for some reason. If you're indoor then don't bother with biodegradable unless your site requires you to as they are generally more money and pointless. Outdoor I'd be responsible and use them, but that's your choice (or the site's, as it may be). I'd recommend Green Devil or BioSphere.
    1 point
  43. Rather annoyingly my work consists of basically every weekend and the occasional few days during the week, sometimes I get sent on a job during the week with the weekends off but its rare, being on a zero hours contract I can turn down work as and when I please if I'm getting the urge to airsoft urgently however I don't particularly like doing it because that means less money
    1 point
  44. Well as of recent i can go whenever at weekends i work all week and and just being single i have alot more money to spend. The main problem for me is getting to the sites as i dont drive and they are out the way of buses etc
    1 point
  45. BigAl

    Wolf Armouries

    Yeah but after 15 years most companies would have improved it.
    1 point
  46. Theres no reason why you shouldn't be a sniper. Younger newbies are usually advised against a sniper role from the get go because its nothing like video games, players normally buy starter sniper rifles which breed dissatisfaction pretty quickly and the lack of action normally means players get bored before they learn to appreciate the many facets of airsoft. Things to consider are that it usually takes a lot of expense or effort or both to get an airsoft sniper rifle shooting accurately and consistently and the fact that you will need to move locations on a regular basis otherwise your position will be quickly compromised and you will get rinsed. Its your game - play it how you want.
    1 point
  47. Whichever paint you use remember to degrease and clean first, wipe it over with some alcohol wipes or IPA. Also before you paint I always found dunking the tin in a measuring jug of warm water for a few min warms up the paint evenly and quickly giving a smoother lumpy less finish. And be paitent, painting isn't a quick 5min job, it takes time to do a good job. Days possibly weeks for paint to fully cure.
    1 point
  48. Depends what sort of paint job you want. Do you want a ruff n ready in the field look or a factory fresh look. I assume from the stencils question ( e bay by the way ) you are talking camo. Actually came pattern jobs with stencils look more like hunters guns or toys, real troops ten to use a more add hock approach. You can shoot though things like scrim nets and even stockings to get different effects. As for paint I have had good results with Halfords Camo Paint and Humbrol Aerosols 9 which can be found in Boyes Stores if theres one near you ).
    1 point
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