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  1. It'll never be as fleeced as the person that buys it.
    6 points
  2. It's like any effective tool, it's open to abuse. I agree that it can get a bit much if someone is strobing every little dark corner but then the same criticism could be levelled at people like Greg and JC at the Mall who use night vision and/or excessive amounts of pyro. Someone will always have a problem with anything that puts the other player at a tactical advantage. Does a tactical advantage make something wrong? Not in my book, no.
    4 points
  3. Thanks that cheered me up no end. I was worried about approaching 40 let alone 50.I feel young again. ☺ Any 21yr olds chime in on this one you will be told to f*ck off.😠
    3 points
  4. Legit. Whiney bitch.
    3 points
  5. I have it It's sooooo huuggggeee. I've been playing about 30-40 hours, just doing side ops and building stuff up and I'm on about 10% complete. Not really developed any of the story mode yet though, but it seems good and it's really clever. I spent ages sneaking around getting resources, always using the tranq gun and going for headshots, doing missions at night....Now the games adapted and the enemies wear helmets and have flash lights and NV lol So I've had to change tactics. I'd highly recommend it to anyone who, like me, follows the series.
    2 points
  6. I refer to the few hairs I have left on my head which are mainly grey well them grey hairs on my head and arms chest back (not gonna lower the tone even further by checking for grey pubes etc...) back on track - I refer to my ol bastid grey hairs as quite simply " Threads of Wisdom " yeah I'm an old fart but have attained snippets of wisdom by learning from my many many screw ups or mistakes over many moons/decades (still aquiring more wisdom and I still screw up - just hopefully a little less often than in my younger "know it all" days) Fact of the matter is I am now wiser and realise that I will never know it all - in fact very little but old enough now to not give a to$$ about trying to prove it to them youngsters anymore They will learn like we all did falling ar$e over tit I'm still an ol' grumpy bastid - just a more mellow ol' grumpy bastid
    2 points
  7. Lozart

    G&G R8-L Spring

    Right, Ground Zero (which I assume is a regular site of yours) limits DMR semi only AEGs to 425FPS. You'll need about an M130 spring to get you near that, but you'll need a whole host of other stuff to get it accurate. Have a look at this: http://www.airsoftsniperforum.com/43-longrange-aegs/892-holy-grail-building-your-dmr-aeg.html and then decide if the minimal extra range is worth the loss of full auto and accepting an MED restriction.
    2 points
  8. Careful on the cheap plastic covers, mine are so murky and warped that It's pointless.
    2 points
  9. How about the medical reasons for it being a bad idea I've known people with epilepsy & it not hinder them in sports so for that reason I think there a bad idea And before people jump on the band wagon & say "well they shouldn't play it" is the same as saying a person in a wheel chair shouldn't play (and I know they do from photographic evidence on here)
    2 points
  10. I'd rather get strobed than have someone shine a laser in my eyes. The times i've fought against people using them it's just annoying more than anything, like if someone kept flicking a light switch on and off whilst you are watching TV.
    2 points
  11. Just shine a high powered torch back at it and it nullifies the strobe effect. As for JC and the night vision hes a barsteward but its all fair. Airsoft is never really a level playing field and we all take whatever advantage we can get.
    2 points
  12. Hey I loved my old escort.But that was 19 years ago, god I feel old.
    2 points
  13. I'd wager he's already got one given the date of this thread and that he's listed an MP5 in his profile field.
    2 points
  14. I think that using a strobe is a legitimate tactic. A stobe is supposed to be disorientaing and help to mask the user's position. However, the strobe is no worse than using my Fenix PD35 on turbo beam at 960 lumens for blinding light. I can understand your concern with blind firing but players still hose down a corridor on full auto in the dark. I like the on off nature of the strobe light, and am not eplilectic (no idea if it would trigger a reaction). I have used a strobe to draw fire so that other team members can identify the opposition position and take them on. I have more issue with walking into things or not seeing clearly due to my goggles fogging up.
    2 points
  15. cheesy unsportsman-like play to my mind but i can see i'm in the minority lol.
    2 points
  16. Really? What Fords have you been driving?!?!?!
    2 points
  17. Blind firing is dangerous because you may put your muzzle behind someone's safety glasses or in their ear and shoot them from point blank. Strobe torches do not cause any harm. And if you get shot while using your strobe torch, it won't hurt any more than if it hit you without using one. If you mean someone closer to the shooter could get hurt, remember there will be a big silhouette indicating that someone is very close to you... In case you didn't hear them shooting you
    2 points
  18. Thats why I just joke around a lot of the time. Sometimes you know before you start you are wasting your breath.
    2 points
  19. yeah but fleeced lined rifle bag guys.... gimme the paypal details bro coz I want dat sick best mofo gun evvvvvaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh FANTASTIC - just don't do this bad boy justice "can provide better pictures" - nah its looks pretty bollox enough fanx
    2 points
  20. You can buy a stfu lot of high end gun(s), top price batteries, charger along with stfu loadout n stuff Nothing wrong with that - people can spend as much or as little as they deem fit or can afford Usually though most go for a more modest but half decent first investment I keep comparing it all to ya first car - yes you can get a new/recent BMW if you wish but most go for the bashed up Ford (TriggerHappy will no doubt make some "bashed up G&G/Ford's of airsoft" joke no doubt) batteries - usually many settle for 7.4v lipo's about a min 20c but if possible go for 25c burst rating 35c is optional but all of this depends on what is available to fit in ya gun 11.1v lipo's usually are a bit too much to use on stock guns and trigger contacts can arc out/ burn up with carbon deposits much quicker there is 9.9v LiFe batteries which offer a middle or stop gap boost without going nutz on 11.1v however the range of LiFe batteries is very limited and tbh I don't think they are that good on tweaked guns stock guns you get a bit more zest than a 7.4v - tweaked guns though a 9.9v LiFe seems very very little difference (they don't seem to have the raw grunt lipo's can offer for response when running a more powerful neodym motor etc...) Chargers - well at a push almost anything will do as they are smart chargers that should stop charging when done Easiest model is a B3 type as it plugs straight into mains wall socket - so no psu unit required But I have used the really cheapo few quid ones with a router psu trickling away for a while now.... The above cheapo basic chargers do the job at a push but no other options slow charge - can't monitor each cell's voltage or adjust charging rate and cut off point B6 type - watch out for clones btw, these B6 have numerous features and programme modes adjustable cut off voltage/charge rate etc...... They usually need a decent psu but there is a mains version - just has a transformer psu unit above the charger circuit Me personally would suggest either a basic B3 type to get going or a B6 + psu if you can afford it Batteries - lipo if buying new & forget the old school nimah type The gun you buy will dictate what options/price you face Buying batteries from Airsoft shops will very likely mean paying more than going to a RC shop But often the bespoke "airsoft" lipo's will cost more than the block type batteries used in most RC stuff If buying a gun with a more bespoke thin stick or nunchuck type of battery then range/capacity/price will leave you with fewer choices HobbyKing either UK or EU warehouse is best/quickest delivery option with less delay and no possible import duty to pay They sell both clone B6 or genuine B6 chargers - youtube vids show you how to tell the difference Many have bought what they thought was genuine ones from fleabay/amazon only to find out they are snide copies (copies are not that bad but for a little bit more get a genuine B6 from a reputable seller) Avoid the "B" grade lipo's too on HobbyKing HK International I have been told as they are just the reject crap batteries Like most stuff - you can get by on a budget but don't scrimp too much or you will end up with real crap (eg: JBBG plinkers, crap defective bb's that jam, dodgy eyepro that does jack to protect your eyes etc..)
    2 points
  21. Once you find a gun you like: research the hell out of it. Some guns have common issues that you won't get told about when you buy it but looking online or asking people will tell you. It's worth taking the time to know you're buying a quality gun that will last you a long time. Also don't let people tell you not to buy certain guns because they're not "newbie friendly". When I first started everyone I asked told me not to bother with gas rifles because they're not great for new players. Looking back I wish I hadn't listened as I find gas rifles a lot easier to maintain and use than AEGs - anything other than a v6 gearbox (used in P90s and M14s) I won't touch as I find the trigger mechanism too fiddly. Downsides though, with gas guns, are a lower mag cap and fewer aftermarket parts. For upgrading you'd be better served going for an AEG or spring sniper rifle. Not being "newbie friendly" could be said of sniper rifles. What proffrink said is true to a degree: they need a fair bit of upgrading to be really effective - especially for high FPS set ups (the main benefit of sniping). However this isn't set in stone since a stock Tokyo Marui VSR can be very effective without any upgrades. The hop up on this thing is just magical and gives an impressive range to a low FPS rifle (280-300). In addition it is one of the easiest rifles you'll ever have to take apart. The main reason why people don't recommend sniper rifles is you don't get an accurate feel for the game that you would with a regular AEG or gas rifle. It takes a more patient mindset to properly snipe in airsoft and isn't as "fun" for most new players who want to get stuck in rather than hanging back from the main fire fights. If you think you'd prefer this style of game then go ahead and buy one but be prepared for a lot frustrating moments of people not taking hits and watching your shots be knocked off course by the wind, twigs, etc.
    2 points
  22. Happy

    Electric Pistols

    I've used several AEPs in the past and though they are very practical I just prefer my gas pistols more. Very useful in CQB but too underpowered to be useful at woodland sites. That said a compact, light sidearm with the option to go full auto is nothing to be disregarded if you use sniper rifles. Very useful in those "OH F***!" moments when you run into several players at close range.
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. If you have really caught the bug get your Ukara membership sorted and then buy which ever gun you think is going to suit you. As long as its from one of the big manufacturers you wont really go wrong. As for cost most people will say dont spend too much but I differ from that, pay as much as you need to make you happy go into a shop and handle a few you will soon know what you like.
    2 points
  25. P* Jack all painted up
    2 points
  26. Just curious who here has a russian loadout and what era you base it from? also if possible can you post pictures of your Loadouts. I've just invested in some soviet kit from the late 80s to have a kind of Soviet afghan loadout. Also bought an E&L Ak74. will post pictures of my kit when it all arrives.
    1 point
  27. Russe11

    Army surplus

    for british gear http://www.britishmilitarysurplus.co.uk/
    1 point
  28. Lastman

    G&G R8-L Spring

    Yes, Rich at Gound Zero has a damned good safety briefing which is comical but memorable. The site limit for semi auto Aeg's is 425fps locked off. 350 full auto, but my son and I have other g&gs to use for that.
    1 point
  29. Hillman Imp - jeez that was an odd vehicle yup my parents got a Sunbeam - wish they got the Lotus Sunbeam Worse one was an Alpine - jeez a bag of bolts rattling in a Quality Street tin sounded quieter than that They always sounded like the had no friggin oil in 'em - front wheel drive engine screeming let me out let me out !!!!!
    1 point
  30. My parents used to have a Hillman Avenger. And a Chrysler Avenger. And the Talbot one that replaced it. Gluttons for punishment they were.
    1 point
  31. 45 days - Is David Walliams going to swim there and pick them up for you?
    1 point
  32. I've been thinking about strobe torches and their use in airsoft and come to the following conclusion; The only purpose of using strobe on a torch is to blind the person your pointing it at, to the degree where they can't see what they're shooting at, so you can shoot them first. To me this seems very dangerous, and I'm surprised that most sites allow them, but will kick you out for any kind of blind-firing. If someones under attack by someone using a strobe on them, they're still going to try shoot in the vague direction, even though they can't actually see wtf is there. For the same reasons blind firing is considered dangerous, this is dangerous. It's also possible someone could be surprised by a strobe burst while they're moving, then there's all sorts of potential for walking into things/people, falling down stairs etc. It's vaguely possible to do the same thing to someone with a torch on constant beam, but nowhere near the same degree. (Or perhaps its just me and i see in a lower frame rate of something) So whatcha all think? Is strobe torches a legit tactic and I'm a whining bitch, or do you share the sentiment? Is there guidelines you feel might allow them to be used fairly/safely?
    1 point
  33. n1ckh

    Possibly a dead motor?

    Use a pair of pliers to grip the head & turn Check all wiring for any breaks Check solder joints on trigger contacts & battery connector (if deans is fitted) Check motor out of the pistol grip but hold onto it
    1 point
  34. More cost effective than paying someone £2.50 to do it with a laser cutter for 2 of them? Also, here they are for holographic sights on AliExpress for £2.99: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/EX013-Tactical-Hunting-Airsoft-Scope-Red-Green-Dot-Sight-Lens-Protective-Holosight-Cover-For-551-552/32356573067.html?spm=2114.031010208.3.12.QTyrFT&ws_ab_test=201407_5,201444_6,201409_2
    1 point
  35. I had a look round this site and he has some great tips, try making your own, looks easy to do and cost effective
    1 point
  36. I looked at the shield protectors and thought "Naaah Wont need that" 2 X Doh Doh Doh !!!!!
    1 point
  37. Thats a bit out of order Ford's are quite reliable.
    1 point
  38. profffrink - its the internet no body actually pays any attention to what you say, especially true if you are genuinely trying to help.
    1 point
  39. Nope. Not at all. You NEED a casing on it; both of my GoPros have been hit before; and both would have broken if not for the casing. But besides the casing, Sure, you can mount your camera with no cost at all. Ill attach a pic with the best way to do so. Basically, take one of the sticky pad that came with it and put it in the NVG mount on the FAST helmet. Then you can just slide on the attachment.
    1 point
  40. I usually volunteer for the first game too - so much fun being 6v100....
    1 point
  41. Actually thats about the going rate they are as rare as rocking horse sh*t. Were a collectors item from day one, only a 100 made and silly money for one. A lot of sites wouldn't allow it as it 8mm and its not that good anyway apparently.
    1 point
  42. proffrink

    ex two tone

    Yep, you're completely fine doing that. Just make sure they know that you've painted it as ex-2-tone stuff generally has less value to people given the finish being not as good as one that wasn't initially a bright colour. Legally though there's no issue at all as you turned those into RIFs (by spraying them) when you had a valid defence.
    1 point
  43. Just back from work and found most of my first load-out had arrived so had to put it together and through it on for some half ass pics! (Was too lazy too reach for a hoodie that I would use) And cheers to all for the advice for the load-out too!
    1 point
  44. Does anyone else notice that regulars at the Mall tend to be on the green team... or is it just me?
    1 point
  45. Actually worse case is you shoot the personality who is on your team so many times that when he gets chance to go rogue he hunts you down for some serious retribution.
    1 point
  46. Ok thanks for the good feedback, helps me narrow it down. Will look at the MP5 or an AK variant. Eventually I want to get an AS VAL lol.
    1 point
  47. Esoterick

    On Site Briefs.

    Best briefing i've seen is from the chap Tony that runs RIFT airsoft. He's very enthusiastic and gets through all the key points in such a way that makes the amount of time it takes seem shorter than it really is. A lot of marshals really need to have a cheat sheet to hand as i've seen rules missed at sites i've been to before that don't have them.
    1 point
  48. Chock

    On Site Briefs.

    Only ever seen verbal presentations with everyone gathered around. Usually they'll demo acceptable behaviour for knife kills and throw a grenade to demo kill radius etc, demo unacceptable things such as blind firing, power playing etc. Occasionally I've seen briefings kept to a bare minimum at sites when only a few regulars have turned up and they know everyone is au fait with things.
    1 point
  49. Airsoft-Ed

    On Site Briefs.

    I can appreciate a long safety brief, so long as it's not read out in an incredibly dull way... Longer ones are generally the mark of a good site in my experience, but I'm talking long whilst being consistently to the point without any interruptions, not long because people ask a million questions or the marshal is verbose and rambles. Tac House are a good example of this, their brief must last easily over 5 minutes but it's well presented and you always get the comedy groans when he says it won't take long. I think it shows they're passionate that the site is run correctly and I have a lot of time and respect for them for that. The worst briefs I've ever had have all been at F&O sites, because the marshals make it plain that anyone who does anything wrong, whether minor or major, purposely or accidentally is, and I quote, "a twat" and I just don't appreciate their attitudes at all. They are marshalling me, not minding me like a child. That said, short, sweet and to the point is also good, but I do not take well to the 30 second exaggerated version of "don't be a dick" I want to hear an actual brief that's been written down and learned, not just some random goings over of things that save time to mention before they actually happen. Airsoft sites are after all, businesses. I expect a certain level of professionalism, and when I don't see that, I black mark the site. If they aren't going to take my business seriously, then they aren't going to have it. It's all well and good keeping the rest of the day light hearted, but a safety brief needs to be serious at heart and my heart and mind can be won and lost over the presentation of it.
    1 point
  50. two_zero

    On Site Briefs.

    never had a bad one. I tend to ask marshals to go thru grenades (as beginners often think them as 'flashbang' - which is understandable). best airsoft brief I've heard was at Epsom bunker, that man got humour!
    1 point
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