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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/15 in all areas

  1. Mack

    Sniper Rifles

    Where did you get your licence? I can't find them in stock anywhere
    4 points
  2. GingerBreadMan

    Sniper Rifles

    In stock here mack http://www.socomtactical.net/misc-items-and-one-offs/proper-ukara-licence.html To the OP: definitely look at a vsr/bar 10 or alternatively a well/warrior l96(mb01) Both of these rifles have numerous upgrades available and are the most common sniper rifles seen out there. Obviously if you want something different, you could look at an A&K or King Arms SVD
    3 points
  3. Let's start with some basics. If something electrical is getting warm it's passing a lot of current. Possibly more than it should. Your gearbox sounds pretty far from standard, personally I think it's most likely the crappy thin wiring but even if you rewire with 16awg it's still going to get warm. If anything it'll get worse because the fatter wiring will pass more current. The wires might not get as warm but the motor still will. Ultimately you're running a high torque motor with high speed gears in an enclosure with little to no ventilation. It's going to get warm it's just basic physics.
    3 points
  4. sp00n

    Tippman M4 HPA advice

    i have a tippmann Performance - an out of the box TM will be better, unfortunately the tippmann suffers with a crap hop design. that said it can be made good, i currently have some 3d printed nubs from shapeways. also out of the box you will have to set its ROF, some peoples gun really struggle with this, but if all else fails clean it! then it usually sets ok. Don't expect massive ROF, you are going to get 10 - 18 max, most people get 12bb's/sec, which isn't a game breaker in my view. once you get The hop sorted and your FPS dialed in, range should be comparable to most guns out there. Air cylinder - I suffer with back pain at times, i find its a nice counter balance, and to be honest there not that big the 48ci ones (0.8L) that said the tank can soak up a bb hit meaning you may take a hit but wont know about it etc, that said a plate carrier can do the same. Parts and service - Atm the spares kit you can buy is the easiest to get hold off, that said the tippmann dose come with some spares. though atm long term test are looking very favorable, with some sites swapping there rental guns for tippmanns. as for service, they are really easy to work on loads of video's on youtube etc. Down sides vrs AEG's - it can and it will shake any accessory to bits they do have a looooovly kick the only other one i can think off is having to have you air tank refilled How long dose the tank last - thats a player/site specific thing, do you spray and pray, or semi all the way??? According to tippmann around the 3000-4000 bb's per 48ci 3000psi tank. i tend to get mine refilled after every game (usually around £3 from dive shops) Do skirmish sites have any issues with running tippmanns? - No but you will need to get hold of a "tournament locking pin", it replaced the rear locking pin and allows a tire-wrap to be put through the hole to show that you gun hasn't been apart etc, there usually around the £12 mark. Another excellent source of info is the "tippmann airsoft owners group" on facebook. I hope this answers your questions .
    2 points
  5. Sam91

    CQB injuries

    4 swollen bruised lumps on my left arm from a high fps G36c, one which has scarred me, but I was in the middle of charging in and using the rubber bayonet on the end of my Lee Enfield on him at the time.......
    2 points
  6. TheFull9

    Face masks

    There is no such thing as 'starter' eye pro, it's the one thing you put money in to right from the beginning. Buy a cheap gun or vest to get in to the game sure; but ebay tat like that is not suitable. If you buy plastic lenses you get them from a reputable brand and make sure they have a proper rating. It's not like you need £120+ Oakley fan goggles either, 5 seconds of searching ebay brings up ESS and BOLLE full seal eye pro on eBay for £20 and under. If you can't afford that, then I'm sorry you can't afford to play airsoft.
    2 points
  7. Was gonna post in this thread, then I took an arrow in the knee.
    2 points
  8. 1 point
  9. Oh I posted the L96 AK monstrosity into the ed lets play a game thread without realising it was already here
    1 point
  10. its different - but then so am I actually I'd say I'm unique though many others refer to me as some odd looking mofo
    1 point
  11. What even? why! whats the point! (L96+AK had a baby apparently)
    1 point
  12. looks to me like some leftovers arranged near each other n not assembled together 101% how the f*ck do ya adjust the motor height don't look like mag will fit in properly either some guns had an orgy and this wasn't the by-product of the result it was the friggin' afterbirth ffs abortion - heck a backstreet abortion in my book some bell-end toying with the idea of AK L96 love child... what do ya think ????? f*ckin hideous and that is being kind
    1 point
  13. Guy selling M249 on facebook sales page. Says he needs money quick. Ask about age of the gun "dunno mate" FPS of gun "dunno mate" no mods or extras. I give him an offer of £150 as its around 60% of RRP. "I'm looking for more like £200 mate" Tell him that you can get them new for less with a warranty. Says whatever after me telling him that its a fair price for a gun that has unknown age and FPS but then about 45 mins later comes back with £160. Many chuckles were had.
    1 point
  14. Hef Legend

    Tippman M4 HPA advice

    I got 2 of these, everything Spoon said is correct. Set up can take some time, the hop is hit and miss. However, going with the flat hot nub and decent flat mod to the bucking, these can easily push PTW range. RPS is around 10-18, However, there are some good mods on the FB group about getting higher FPS
    1 point
  15. Lowlander

    Tippman M4 HPA advice

    everything spoon said, been running my tippman with a line over the shoulder for a few weeks now and i love it
    1 point
  16. shortman

    CQB injuries

    My younger bro got hit on the bollock last weekend at bunker lol. He felt proper sick! I did the suportive older brother part and just pissed myself with laughter. But we will both be getting cups for next time we go there i think. Is a hectic site to play but awesome.
    1 point
  17. Qlimax

    Tippman M4 HPA advice

    Pm me if you need any help with Tippmann advice. Mine is now sweet as a nut with a custom hop mod etc
    1 point
  18. Qlimax

    Tippman M4 HPA advice

    DT3 pal. It was an NWAA game day so bought 70-100 people there
    1 point
  19. You might want to consider protecting that front lens. Its too good a scope to have it shot out by a stray BB
    1 point
  20. Qlimax

    Tippman M4 HPA advice

    My Tippmann in action. Brilliant weapon. Just requires a few changes but once you've done them its sweet.
    1 point
  21. At that price for a new one I wouldn't even bother trying to fix it. But that's just me.
    1 point
  22. JG bar 10 is a better option. TM VSR needs more parts replaced as they started crimping the cylinders,meaning you will also need a new cylinder and head in addition to the internals. The stock finish is rubberized with what feels like cheap car interior paint,as opposed to the matte finish on the TM but they both come off pretty easily and you will usually end up with the standard shiny abs after a few skirmishes anyway. Sniper rifles are only as good as you build them. No point in big and heavy replicas like the M200. The simpler the better IMO. Maruzen APS2/APS type 96 and VSR 10 clones are the best. Ares make pretty looking rifles but compatibility can be dodgy and their feeding mechanisms are on the shit side tbh. Fragile. You rely a lot of single,accurate shots so good feeding is necessary. They're also very expensive. Stick with a JG bar 10 or WELL L96 PDi,Action army,Laylax and AirsoftPro are generally the go to for parts. PDi make excellent barrels. Action army have a fantastic hop up chamber. Laylax are a bit behind them and on the pricey side but solid non the less. Note for PDi Parts you will need the 'bore up' pistons and spring guides as they make parts to their own spec. Their website is also hilariously outdated too and a bit hard to navigate. AirsoftPro make a lot of cheap bang for buck parts,as do action army. Honestly, if you get a cheap trigger and piston set from them you won't lose out to someone with a full PDi rifle. There are a ton of DIY mods you can do too if you want to stay on the cheap,like the TDC mod. If you have the money though deffo go for parts. Only thing i'd reccomend you DIY are barrel spacers since they're a rip off from the parts guys. Just roll some masking tape around your barrel to make cylindrical spacers.
    1 point
  23. Wicked ! Thanks so much for your help will order the wire now. Hopefully this puts me on the right track. I am getting close to 25 rps which is my goal, I'm actually really happy with the performance, I just wanted to reduce the heat as much as possible but thanks again i appreciate your time I will post the outcome shortly !
    1 point
  24. Esoterick

    Rail Covers

    The Magpul XTM covers are really nice, just don't whatever you do clip them together when they aren't on the rail. Took me about an hour to get one set apart....
    1 point
  25. Gundam inspired? WTF? someone was watching Gundam and thought i know, I'll make a gun that looks like Lego? By this logic my all-black M4 is inspired by Batman
    1 point
  26. TheFull9

    Vest pouches

    If you don't actually know what it is you're missing, then it's not essential. All I have on me equipment wise is ammo, a pistol, my phone and wallet. Water as well if it's an outdoor game where I'd be any distance from the safe zone for more than half an hour or so, but I'm mostly playing small/indoor sites anyway. That's a beefy armour carrier as it is by modern standards, don't load it down any more than you need to. Literally everyone that's been playing enough years goes through these phases, you pile on more and more, realise you're not using it then take it all back off again. Just think about what you find yourself actually really needing to use while you're in a game and only carry that. Don't be lured in to carrying 2 extra speed loaders, 5 grenades, a tool kit, a days' rations and 3 litres of water etc etc etc if you're only playing standard games (around an hour). Some people like having all that on them and that's fine too, but as I say just tailor what you're carrying to the games you're playing and get rid of what you don't need. I can always tell the seasoned players when I rock up to a site as they'll generally have a simple, well-sorted loadout of a small belt or chest rig and a light weapon. Save yourself the 'middle man' as it were.
    1 point
  27. shortman

    Face masks

    As above really. Im a new player and first thing i bought was a set of ess v12 for £25. I have had to gut the foam off them as they tended to fog up at the ucap bunker. But well worth the money! And £20 to keep your eyesight is a bargin.
    1 point
  28. Cady

    CQB injuries

    Walked round a corner one time, only to find a bloke there with a shotgun. Took a few BB's to the hand from about 3ft resulting in a golf ball sized knuckle for a week. Lesson learned,got some nice gloves after that
    1 point
  29. With the whole 'cheap gun redundant after buying expensive gun' argument, at that point OP could always use the cheap gun as a training gun for taking apart and servicing airsoft guns
    1 point
  30. TheFull9

    Rail Covers

    Of course the metal clip scratched paint off the rail. It's a sharp metal edge scraping against super cheap airsoft paint; that is going to happen and the real KAC panels those are cloned from do the same thing. The other issues are different but the paint scratching is not the fault of the particular covers you've purchased.
    1 point
  31. So when are you changing your name to Boba?
    1 point
  32. So Tactical Outfitters finally came good!
    1 point
  33. Thanks for the advice guys. Tad great words of wisdom and you sound exactly like my mate who got me into this wonderful sport. I will take what you guys have said. Try a £200/£250 gun like a G&G or Kings Arms. Maybe even a WE or something kit myself out then later towards then end of the year when I've found out if its for me. Buy a monster of a gun. Many thanks guys. Really appreciate the advice.
    1 point
  34. Build it, but paint it vivid 2tone orange/black Then own everybody with a JBBG looking gun And wipe their smug grins of there snobby faces (well that is what I wanna do for laughs)
    1 point
  35. TM P226 rail, yes the really old one, with 3 mags although one is knackered, hasn't been used in over a year, £150 plus post!!! Just popped up on one of the FB. Pages I have pointed out that a new P226 with a spare brand new mag is under his asking price........
    1 point
  36. Cold3lit3

    High Cap Mags

    This ^ Midcaps are so much better. They feed better, don't rattle and best of all it makes you use a cool little button now and again that drops your mag out of the well. It's really fun to do
    1 point
  37. Samurai

    High Cap Mags

    Believe it or not, there are people who can hit with the first shot. The trick is to not to shoot until you know you can hit. These people did spent hours on a range, setting the hopup, the optics, finding the best BB weight and brand, fine-tuning the gun, and learning what their gun can do. Then spent many many games learning to stalk, to use cover, to learn how to out think the opponent, fine-tuning the gear every single game and reading about it between games. There is a play style like that and there is the one with lots of BBs, high ROF and no sights on the gun at all, and everything in between. I made a lot of first shot hits and I took many showers of BBs too. There is no superior way. You feel success if you are successful with your chosen play style. Success in airsoft is not measured by others or by who wins an objective. It's only measured by how much fun you have.
    1 point
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