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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/02/24 in all areas

  1. That stupid cunt is probably best described as a pizza cutter. He's all edge and no point
    6 points
  2. This is an election year so to me it looks like nothing more than a desperate attempt to appear to be tough on crime (whilst actually doing bugger all) to get votes.
    5 points
  3. Ffs. You don't need to have kids to tell it's half term when dumb shit like this gets posted
    4 points
  4. I'm kind of playing devil's advocate here but I have an idea about the whole blade being blunt thing. If a knife is used in a mugging for example, when threatened the vast majority of people will be thinking "oh shit this could go badly how do I get out of this situation" rather than examining the blade to see how sharp it is.
    3 points
  5. LOL, it's when they say "never skirmished, only test fired in garden", & it's got a zip tie & bashed to fuck🤣
    3 points
  6. Hellfish

    Gun picture thread

    It's nowt special, but it's mine and I like it .....
    3 points
  7. Shit like this is why I got rid of facebook. I love airsoft and have done for 25 odd years...... But facebook airsoft groups are fucking toxic. "Yeah even tho they're questionably legal and carcinogenic why can't I use military smoke grenades?" "Why can't I use a tourniquet instead of a bandage for medic games?" "Can I make my own pyro?" Are all genuine posts that spring to mind....... Then there's the cancerous shite that are celebrities on the scene be they cheating fucks, toxic pricks, Onlyfans gun bunnies, charging money to do reviews on kit or a collection of the above.
    3 points
  8. But they bring the goodness of roast beef and bacon. They should be worshiped.
    2 points
  9. To quote Sir Ranulph Fiennes There's no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing Sorry but anyone who spends the day outdoors in the winter time and doesn't plan for bad weather gets fuck all sympathy from me
    2 points
  10. EDcase

    Gun picture thread

    Now where have we seen this monstrosity before?
    2 points
  11. I hate it - I only go on to get pics of game days.... But today I made the mistake of updating my profile picture because in the coming months I need to start networking again for work reasons. FFS, now I have people/friends/family messaging me because it's the first time in years I showed any activity - now I realise why I dropped offline in the first place. LOL. I'm an antisocial cnut really.
    2 points
  12. Unfortunately yes I did. If the twat has got that much of a hard on for Vladimir shitbox then then I'm sure the Russian military would welcome him on day 726 of their 3 day speshul military operation
    2 points
  13. I see now. For the sake of a lower spring he’s being a silly lad.
    2 points
  14. Jesus.... have you scrolled down his profile page? What a prize bellend LOL. Looks like most of his "friends" are much the same. Now that's 2 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
    2 points
  15. Airsoft facebook groups naming are like the people's front of Judea The Judean People's Front
    2 points
  16. You'd think, but during the "samurai sword" ban, re-enactment societies tried to get the definition amended to require some element of sharpness. Committee said "Narp." Later on (much as with airsoft RIFs) a specific "purposes of" defence was added. But arguably, and pending case law, it remains equally as criminal to own a blunt replica of most prohibited weapon as a sharp one. Sounds daft? Maybe, but actor Darren Day was convicted for possessing a kubotan, defined as "the weapon sometimes known as a “hollow kubotan”, being a cylindrical container containing a number of sharp spikes;". I've been unable turn up a picture of exactly what he had, but my impression from following his defence is that the object he was carrying didn't meet that description, and was simply a solid cylinder of blunt metal. Didn't matter, because prosecution experts opined that "what Parliament meant to say was...". Following the "samurai sword" ban through Parliament was remarkably informative as to how the process works. Or rather, doesn't work. So many sensible, reasonable submissions were made, and questions asked, that were simply ignored by politicians determined to tub-thump and be seen to be doing something. It was an appallingly petulant performance, by children pretending to be adults.
    2 points
  17. Nothing says "I look after my stuff" than not even bothering to remove site chrono zip ties before taking photos to try and sell it for likely more than retail.
    2 points
  18. I left all bar one airsoft faceache groups as they were full of stupid questions and run by egotistical fuckwits trying to make a name for themselves
    2 points
  19. I'll go with "possibly" as well. When "samurai swords" were banned as a knee-jerk reaction to one incident that effected the political classes, the definition of "A curved blade of 50 centimetres or over" caught up pretty much every historical and replica cavalry sabre, falchion and tulwar. Arguable it covers many machetes as well, so this is a re-re-re-banning of those. When you look at the list of prohibited weapons that it's now a crime to own even in private, it's so broad that it essentially comes down to interpretation. Baton: A straight, side-handled or friction-lock truncheon. Blowpipe or blow gun: A hollow tube out of which hard pellets or darts are shot by the use of breath. So: a solid stick, or a hollow stick. The one that might already catch us is: Stealth knife: A knife or spike made of a material that cannot be picked up by metal detectors and which is not made for use at home, for food or as a toy. So be sure to buy a "toy" plastic knife, rather than a "training knife."
    2 points
  20. Can't even find. Probably means that I'm already blocked. I stopped actively FBing several years ago. I found that a certain bluntness had crept into my interactions with idiots, many of whom self appointed themselves to run pages.
    2 points
  21. I was there for the morning session , wet but fun , and saw you guys mooching about , a very full auto heavy morning which I can only put down to some questionable hit taking on both sides so folk seemed to be ramping up the bb slinging .but nice not to see any real aggro first hand because of it , the out of bounds stuff seemed to be more of a problem than usual and I think that was more poor communication between the Marshalls , we watched one tell half a dozen guys they were out of bounds only for a follow up group to be told oh actually your good to go . no pics of me today , just a snap of the gun , a G&G Sr300 with a bit of spice inside which performed very well indeed
    2 points
  22. I took a trip down to not-Worthing for once and headed to Dogtag today with a whole host of Worthing regulars (I know @Badgerlicious is on this forum and he was also there, but I don't think any of the others are); always good to get out to a new site with the boys, especially since due to team balance I usually put myself on the other team from them at Worthing so we're not all on one side and just stomp. Most of us had never been to Dogtag, so we were experiencing the site for the first time, myself included. Therefore I will give the most balanced overview as I can on how it went. We rolled up early to make sure we got a table under some cover, as the forecast was a bit confusing. Said it could've rained all morning, so we wanted to make sure our kit was under a roof. We got there pretty early, but some of our guys had got there earlier and we took some tables down the end of the safe zone. Pretty much as soon as we got there, the rain started easing off massively to the point where it flat out stopped raining as we were getting our stuff ready, which was really nice. However, first issue I had was the m14 wasn't feeding properly, so I'll have to give it back to the tech and ask him to fix that (hopefully he won't charge me too much because I haven't actually used it since I got it back from him). Good thing I brought the m700 as well, as I swapped over to that, the mac11 and the mk23; my go-to "I can sort of do everything" sniper setup. Ummed and aahh'd about whether I wanted to ghillie up and decided to, which proved to be the best decision I made all day, but more on that later. We got through chrono and eventually got out to our first game, a rolling assault from a fort type base all the way to the other side of the site. Apparently we were playing on the paintball site as the airsoft zones were being rented to a private paintball event, but this worked heavily in my favour as I had sight lines for days, and with the weather being warmer my m700 was performing flawlessly. So first game. I took a concealed position in a fallen tree and got some lovely long shots, but as I ran out of ammo in my first mag, by this point they had managed to push up close, so I... went to ground. This is why running the ghillie was the best decision I made all day, as I had enemy players taking cover on the other side of the fallen tree shooting over my head as my team mates were returning fire, a hail of BBs about 1 - 2m above my head. To be clear, my ghillies are capes, I don't like running the all-over bush suits because they snag when I'm crawling and I just don't like them, so while parts of me were ghillied, there was a lot of MARPAT visible with how I was sitting. I had turned around, facing the same way as the enemy team ready to shoot them in the back, but... this is where my first criticism of the day comes in. Hit taking was laughably bad. I shot 6 people in the back with the mk23 after they pushed just past me, all separate instances as I was only picking isolated people off so I wouldn't give away my position, but the longest shot was about 20m, shortest was about 5m. None of them took the hit, not even the 5m guy. Fortunately, none of them saw me either, not even the group having a conversation on the path with 2 of them looking in my direction. The adrenaline high from these moments is one of the reasons I do the whole sniper thing. Spent the rest of the game following the enemy team, but breaking off to the opposite flank to where their spawn was as I didn't want to spawn camp them, so I just made people who went on the other flank very, very confused by shooting them in the back. Towards the end of the game it pushed into a very thick bushy area and as I was planning on going in with the mk23 to continue harassing them, I realised one of my mac11 magazines was missing, so I retraced my steps and eventually found it, but the game was over before I did, so I headed back to the safe zone. This is where my 2nd annoyance comes in; going back to safe zone after each game, especially with how boggy that path was. One of the guys in our group aptly described it as "it's like the Somme" because of how wet and boggy and horrible that path was. Anyway, after a longer-than-it-needed-to-be trip back to the safe zone, we went back out and swapped over, so we were now attacking. We pushed pretty well, clearing the first few fields quite quickly, but then got bogged down in a large open field and the bushy bit after it so we didn't complete it. I heard a lot of people grumbling about hit taking here, but this wasn't the worst part. The worst part was there was a guy on defense who kept going out of bounds to retake ground and shoot everyone in the back. He did it on multiple occasions through this game and eventually got thrown off the site after it was caught on camera and shown to the marshalls, so good on the marshalls for actually sorting that out. Apparently the guy is a regular and well-known for doing this kind of stuff and has a youtube channel where he uploads videos of him doing it. Would've said good on him if he did what I did in the first game where nobody found him, but he got caught red-handed sneaking out of bounds and then coming back in, so yeah. Cheating, caught and called out, dealt with, done. Then we broke for lunch and I didn't want to pay £5 for a burger, so I just made sure my kit was all good. It was at this point I realised I had lost one of my m700 magazines, so that's a neat £50 down the drain. Going to need to get that replaced as I can't run 2 magazines really. 50 shots is just not enough (in total, they're about 25 each!). Bugger. I'm trying to not spend too much, but that's something I can't just ignore since I use my gas m40a5 and m700 all the time. We then went out after lunch and did an attack and defend at the fort area we started the rolling assaults from. Defenders had 3 lives (one in the first field, one in the 2nd field and one in the fort itself) and attackers had infinite. We started on the attacking team and I didn't really get too much done, partially because the sun was out (which was lovely) but since it's still February it was fairly low in the sky and I couldn't see anything with it glaring in my face. A few lovely shots, but the wind had picked up and I was noticing my shots curving hard. Shot in another direction to make sure it isn't my hop up coming loose and going to one side and it definitely wasn't, as the shot with where I thought the wind was going went incredibly straight. We then swapped sides immediately without going back to the safe zone, which made me rather happy. I elected to take a relatively far back position after refilling my mags and went through most of one mag with some lovely shots again. It's been a while since I played at a site with long sight lines (basically, last time I went to Driver Wood because Worthing isn't good for snipers with all the coppices around) and it was great to let my m700 do its thing. Eventually got hit by a spray where I don't think they knew exactly where I was, but shot enough in my direction where one hit my cheek, so I headed back behind my team and used my first respawn, lying prone behind a barricade watching a flank and an opening to the field. Went through my 2nd mag here with some long shots which made me happy and when the game was called, I stood up and waved at all the people who were trying to work out where I even was. Gas sniper rifles are deadly quiet and I love them for it! That's where I called it, as I was starting to feel very tired and needed to work out how I was going to pack all my stuff away, as well as change out of my very wet and very muddy kit so I didn't get back into my friend's car with muddy trousers on his seats. There were a few games after I stopped, a team deathmatch in the super open field, swapping sides, and then a zombies game at the end. I'm going to ache tomorrow with all the walking and crawling I've done, but I did enjoy myself a lot. Will I go back? Maybe. If the lads are going, I'll tag along, but I won't make an effort to get back. Worthing and Driver Wood (once I get a car, hopefully this year), will be my main sites for skirmish, as I enjoy myself at those two sites more and they seem to have less issues. I think my day would've been worse if we actually played in the airsoft fields, funnily enough, as some of those looked very questionable for me running my bolt action rifle; the paintball sites were really good for my bolt action, however! So, TL:DR pros and cons... Pros: + I had fun, and at the end of the day that's the main thing that matters + Marshalls were friendly and did act on a cheater. Could've done more on the hit calling, but with how few they were it's hard to police. They can't be everywhere + Even though we used the paintball sites, the games were good and they flowed well. Cons: - Laughable hit-calling that wasn't really addressed - Needed more marshalls for the number of players and size of the site - £5 burger (I know having a burger included with walk-on is a nicety at Worthing, but I'm willing to spend on a burger. Just not £5 for what it was...) Pros and cons that the site wasn't responsible for: + Weather was amazing. 14 - 15 celcius, low wind for the mostpart and sun was out. It was great! - Out-of-bounds clickbait youtube cheater (not the site's fault because they dealt with it and sent him home) - Lost a £50 gas rifle magazine 😢 - Almost lost another £50 gas SMG magazine 😌 - Goggles fogged a bunch because the site was incredibly wet and humid, while the temperature was pretty good - M14 didn't work 😠 Overall, it exceeded my expectations, but my expectations were very low as I'd heard a lot of bad things regarding Dogtag. Some of it is definitely justified, but I still had fun doing my thing. Now I'm going to ache tomorrow and my washing machine is going to have a task ahead of it once I muster up the willpower to unpack my bags Also, we had a team photo. I'm the tall bush on the left who isn't in a 360 degree bush suit (and showing way more forehead than I usually do as the balaclava wasn't done up properly at this point!)
    2 points
  23. I asked the same question recently & the recommendation I got was Ultrair
    1 point
  24. Come on ya grumpy old git, get some foul weather kit & get out there, like the big boys do😜
    1 point
  25. Highly likely. The Westminster bubble crowd again, completely disconnected from the really world. Most trade folk persons carry offensive weapons, they generally call them the tools of the trade. I know i drive about with a van full of things that can mess the human body right up.
    1 point
  26. I told you that we ought to take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week.
    1 point
  27. Am I being blind but I can’t see where he mentions the bb weight. At 0.2 it’s fine of course.
    1 point
  28. Hi there, i have a heavily modded AEG for sale, looking for offers i have spent around £600 overall on the gun, with upgrades including new trigger, precision inner barrel, new motor, MOSFET, high quality bucking and nub, finely tuned hop up system. Overall 335 fps This gun has a high rate of fire, is powerful and will take out targets across any range, can be used indoor and out
    1 point
  29. My wife asked why I keep drying grapes all over the house. I told her that I have my raisins.
    1 point
  30. Airsoft UK != UK airsoft - official But what makes that one official 😉 Btw != means not equals
    1 point
  31. It also raises the questions of whether this gun had its spring uprated after a legitimate chrono test without a retest, if it was chrono-tested with a false declaration of the BBs weight, if the tester made a mistake on setting the weight or if something else dodgy happened.
    1 point
  32. https://shop.super5ives.com/shop/item/14876/raven-eu-series-magazine.html https://justairsoft.co.uk/products/raven-eu-series-17-18-33-25rnd-gas-magazine https://www.highpressureairsoft.co.uk/raven-eu-series-magazine https://eagle6.co.uk/product/raven-eu-series-magazine
    1 point
  33. Picked up a Steyr scout second-hand yesterday. Used to have one, sold it as I had too many bolt actions. Sold most of those, missed the scout and saw this at a good price. Was very dirty inside, missing a screw on the trigger unit, but after a disassemble and cleaning is now running smoothly and putting out 2.2J on a 0.45. Just need to test it out now!
    1 point
  34. There was a stated case that a butter knife was a bladed article so it's entirely possible that anything might be bladed, blunt or not.
    1 point
  35. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop colt m45a1 usmc decommissioned marui gbb airsoft all stainless steel kit
    1 point
  36. Aside from the FPS issue... It would be extremely useful to see comprehensive pics of the internals as well as videos showing the performance at the chronograph.
    1 point
  37. hunter511

    Heavily modded AEG

    So you've spent a chonky load of moneys on a gun unusable on UK sites. At least that explains why its for sale......
    1 point
  38. ak2m4

    Selling airsoft replicas

    I'd say you have the price wrong, too high. You mentioned mosfet but don't mention what type? Plus the stock, red handguard and red receiver parts aren't really a crowd puller - a real acquired taste.
    1 point
  39. Asomodai

    UKAF and/or UKAPU

    I think one of the biggest issues is that very few sites wants to beholden themselves to someone else calling the shots regarding a set of defined rules on how sites should be run. The idea of self-policing is rife in Airsoft. If the Airsoft community cannot present itself as a unified entity following a basic set of principles to present to the Government, then we will never get recognised as a legitimate activity/sport and be tied down this grey area where we could be considered illegal with the stroke of a pen.
    1 point
  40. Asomodai

    UKAF and/or UKAPU

    The definition of Preservation is to stop is from decaying or something being eroded. There are instances where BF for example have tried to confiscate RIF's even with a valid Defense. UKAPU has managed to prevent that from happening. It happened to one other lad, whilst they weren't able to get the RIF's back, he did get a full refund. Keeping up to date on the relevant legislation but also how government bodies apply that is not exactly easy. UKAPU have recently discovered that BF have started testing RIFs for joule rating and have seized goods to that effect where they didn't before. Also discovered is that the new Firearms Act 2023 bill that is in progress could affect the way we use Primers and blank rounds. This is being monitored. UKAPU monitor press articles that mention airsoft and contacted editors and to acquire redactions. (One example being the Plymouth shooting back in 2021) UKAPU contacts the home office when in need for clarification of the VCRA. The HO took UKAPU's, Tim from ATB and UKARA concerns into account and put an exemption into an amendment through to the House of Lords back in 2016. UKAPU have attended meetings with the EAF to foster an shared rules and values between other European Airsofting countries. This could set the groundwork for legitimisation of Airsoft. During the pandemic UKAPU were in contact with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport in regards to whether Airsoft could be considered for reopening during lockdowns whereas paintball was able to. I am sure there are many other things that I am not aware about that UKAPU have done. I would also say at the moment there are no threats to Airsoft as a whole. However this could change with one politicised incident. But if you have an organisation that is on the look out for those threats and ready to jump in, that would be far better than something that is formed ad-hoc. Having UKAPU ready to defend Airsoft at a moments notice (With the funds to back it up), is better than a ragtag group of Airsofter's with no funds only being able to respond reactively. I would suggest the UKAPU is the best and most experienced group to defend Airsoft from a legal position.
    1 point
  41. Yes, my posts were merged. The UKAF documents look like they were cobbled together over a few beers by people who really did not know what they were doing.
    1 point
  42. The more I think about it the more I think we probably don't need such an organisation in the UK unless there is some clear specific purpose that calls for it (such as case of UKARA being a framework for providing actual legal defence) Going back to drawing board, these functions are more or less fulfilled without any centralised body. 1. Represent and Promote - already tons of airsoft content on social media and youtube 2. Regulate and Enhance - sort of perpetuated by field owners (game rules and so on) and perhaps insurance 3. Organise and Facilitate - anyone can organise any event Is the airsoft hobby fragmented? Maybe, but is there any benefit of changing that? I don't know -- I think making a patch about a fictional organisation (and writing backstories about it) can be a cool and creative exercise, but I think it needs to be honest in its execution and not mislead people into thinking it is something real. And until they can demonstrate something other than making a patch (anybody can do that) I remain sceptical. Happy to be proven wrong tho. But I don't feel there is an actual vision there, other than buzzwords.
    1 point
  43. mightyjebus

    Gun picture thread

    Doing a bit of maintenance and thinking about adding some Mosfets: Classic Army DSA FAL King Arms FAL Para JG DSA FAL
    1 point
  44. HPA users would have been ok.
    1 point
  45. ADF Infantry Reccie.
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. I had a cunning thought based on the word 'needle' - I found a thick needle and pushed / hammered it into the external valve hole - and it gripped enough to let me spin it with no effort whatsoever Yay!
    1 point
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