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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/24 in all areas

  1. Masturbators Anonymous has started meeting in our village hall. I was surprised at how many people came.
    4 points
  2. Finally got a pair of Lundhags - been wanting a pair since the late 80s and the SASS catalogue. They don’t feel as heavy as they look, I can run and the membrane will never fail! Really wish I’d got them a long time ago.
    2 points
  3. First, catch your Macaroni.
    2 points
  4. So I said to the vicar: "This is a lovely old church vicar". He said: "It's Norman". I said: "Oh right, this is a lovely old church Norman".
    2 points
  5. ak2m4


    Awe thanks. The factory did a cock up so I'm always more than happy to pass on those products at a super knockdown price. Even offering no questions asked return, just want to give people the option of trying a super tight bore for peanuts. Next week I'm hopefully going to test out some MRs with 5.5mm long nubs which I think will maximise the bucking. I had all the intentions of upgrading the website but soon realised was going to probably take me 4-6 weeks instead 😀 migrating all the data was a huge pita. Hopefully soon going to be offering £1.50 shipping again on large letter products under £12.50, I'll be trialling it for 6 weeks.
    2 points
  6. Repro Klesch 2Ps are 30 quid on AliExpress with the small rail section it’s mounted to. the grip is cooked and missing screws so what’s worth 80 quid here?
    2 points
  7. ADF Infantry Reccie.
    2 points
  8. Hi guys, As you may have seen in an earlier post I'm getting back into the hobby. I prefer to touch and feel things before I drop quite a bit of money 🤣. What is the best Airsoft store within 2 hours of London? Thanks
    1 point
  9. HuttArmouries

    Mp9 at home

    So ive wanted a little pdw / smg for a while but when I eventually grabbed a kwa mp7 I wasn't best pleased with the performance and I dislike having guns that use proprietary parts as I like to keep spares on hand for all my stuff. So I decided to design this little thing. Everything that isnt 3d printed came from a we tech glock 19 (with the exception of the recoil spring which is a raven g17 one and the inner barrel which is 120mm maple leaf one). It is lovely and snappy as the bolt weighs very little. Ill stick it on some scales alongside the original metal slide at some point. As it is it is fully working. There are some things Id like to improve like the last round hold open as currently that just catches on the front of the bolt which puts a little too much force into it for my liking. Made this one have a grip that can take glock 19 mags as that's what I have and now its on to aesthetics. Obviously it will have a fully enclosed upper receiver For my personal version ill probably just have an rmr mount but ill inevitably make a railed version too at some point. Right now im trying to decide what grip texture to put on it.
    1 point
  10. You clearly, and fortunately, haven't committed to the meat free cause. You've been here almost a year and a half before mentioning it 😁 You mean the special stuff?
    1 point
  11. Oh...no sausages for me then...goulash maybe
    1 point
  12. HuttArmouries

    Mp9 at home

    I use blender
    1 point
  13. Some great ideas,thanks! I'll try to work something out this evening. Including if I dare screw anything into the pump/foregrip. I don't tend to use a torch much in CQB, as I subscribe to the above wisdom that 95% of the time it unesssarily advertises your position, but when you need it, you need it!
    1 point
  14. It IS about momentum. AND energy and wind resistance and air density and temperature, atmospheric pressure, aerodynamics and gravity.
    1 point
  15. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop colt xm177e2 model 629 ghk gbb airsoft m16a1 type upper, lower, grip stock rubber coated steel out barrel, FSB detail fix
    1 point
  16. It's not about momentum. It's energy. As you can see above they aren't the same. 0.2BB at 100m/s drag is X Newtons. 0.3BB at 85m/s drag is .72X N. FDrag prop to v² .2 v² is 10000 .3 v² is 7225 or .72 of 10000. Drag (force) is directly proportional to the square of the speed, other variables are the same. 0.2BB acceleration is -Y ms² 0.3BB acceleration is -.48Y ms² a prop to F a prop to 1/m .3BB has .72 of the FDrag of the .2 .3BB has 1.5 of the mass of the .2 .72/1.5 = .48 of the acceleration of the .2, a deceleration in this case. Acceleration is directly proportional to the force on the BB (less on the .3), and inversely proportional to mass (more on the .3). You can see that the decceleration is less than half for a .3 at the same energy than the .2 . The .2 will slow to match the .3 velocity but even thenen the .3 will lose velocity slower because of its 1.5 times more mass. Only when the FDrag on the .3 is 1.5 times the drag on the .2, about 1.25 times faster than the .2 will they deccelerate at the same rate. I think
    1 point
  17. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    Another classic British weapon to add to the collection. A few bits to address like the fake bolt and a real sling etc.
    1 point
  18. HuttArmouries

    Mp9 at home

    Version 1 is more or less done. Im probably gonna change around the grip texture and the non reciprocating charging handle needs something to hold it forwards while the gun is running but its fully useable as is. Minus the fact its missing a few bolts but its too late at night for me to want to fire up the soldering iron and put the threaded inserts in.
    1 point
  19. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Whenever I see a fire exit, I can't help myself, I dash out and then stand by the designated Fire Assembly Point. I suffer from premature evacuation.
    1 point
  20. Today, I went to Splatoon in Essex, a site I have been to a few times before and always had an enjoyable day. About 90-100 players were present, a mixture of old (I chatted with a 72 year old chap who was playing for the first time and was there with this grandson) and young, experienced and newcomers to the hobby. The first game was a fallback; we were defending and the attackers had to clear each of four areas in turn, not being able to attack the next section until they had cleared the current one. There was a 30 second time penalty for every enemy player still alive after the attacking team called the area clear. Defenders had one life in each area, while the attackers had infinite lives, respawning on a marshal who was just behind their rearmost player. We put up a great fight in each area, with the attackers finally taking the last area, by someone reaching the grey helicopter, with about 90 seconds of the game remaining. After a short break to refill mags, the game was reversed; we stormed through the enemy, setting a new site record for completing the objective, even allowing for a 30 second time penalty when we overlooked a still living defender. Following this, we played a game across the whole site, which involved controlling the three spinners that are situated across it; control of a spinner was shown by turning it so that your side's colour was facing upward. Both sides had infinite regens on their start points. This was a really fun game, with small groups of players roving over the site, popping up in unexpected places and many small and large firefights breaking out and then fading out. I was mostly in the lower section of the field, where the yellow team claimed the spinner in the last seconds with a brilliant run from a lone player. At the end they also controlled the spinner in the container field, while we held the central one. After another short break to refill mags, we played a search and recovery game. 15 small missiles were spread across the entire site; the teams had to recover as many as they could and store them in their helicopter (there are two helicopters on site, one at each end of the container field). A player could only carry one missile at a time and the regen rules were as in the previous game. This was enjoyable mayhem, with small groups roving the site looking for missiles, trying to get them back to their helicopter, trying to ambush enemy players transporting missiles, and attempting to raid the other team's helicopter. When the game ended, we had 9 missiles and the enemy had 6. It was a good, fun day of airsoft with some great play from both sides and interesting games. Weapons used: Hurricane/G&P SR47 DBoys AKMS ASG XP18 Commander CO2 (a massive upgrade on the Cybergun M1911)
    1 point
  21. In a word, or 2, bloody brilliant! I only booked in for a half day, due to my still broken but getting better leg, and I stuck it out for a couple of hours but i loved every second of it. I had everyrhing ready to go, batteries charged, mags gassed and when i got to site I realised that I'd left the bag of batteries at home! Knobber! Luckily the guy setting up next to me had a spare, otherwise it would have ben a pistol day! Not many shots were fired and i dont think I i got anyone but it was nice to be out. There was a photographer taking shots (pictures) for their website too. If he got any decent ones of me, you'll all see them on here! Lol
    1 point
  22. Cipher-032

    THE TM MWS thread

    So to add to this issue in case anyone suffers the same: Strip and clean trigger box. Inspect your springs. I replaced ALL of mine as I had a old Dytac set for nearly 4 years. Some springs had actually compressed and failed. Relube with thin weight oil. No grease. Give a small spray of silicone oil on top once reassembled Now having zero issues with Semi auto run on. Even readjusted my adjustable trigger and sears and works lovely. Figured I put a means to an end some if someone searches for this issue.
    1 point
  23. I'm saying nothing.
    1 point
  24. So after lets just call it at least a decade away I finally feel that I'm back, so I thought it'd be interesting to share my journey as attempt to get my head around the changes in tech & re-develop my loadout to match my play style which hasn't changed in the meantime. First off, I'd forgotten just how much I'd missed this both mentally and physically. I've been laid up in and out of hospital the last few years - to the extent that I've gone from superfit to completely broken. I finally found something which I could actually do without landing me back in A&E last October & thanks to a push from my wife - I tried out a game at my local airsoft site. I sold up pretty much everything (it was around the time of the in-fighting over setting up UKARA - alongside some horrible personal issues that was the final straw). So I had my old ICS552, my custom WA S&W 1911, my 8mm Redhawk & a battered CYMA M3 rip off. Despite the WA utterly failing in the cold weather, the SIG shedding parts & developing the fire selection switch developing the attitude of a teenager I had a whale of a time. Finally picked up my PASS & the intervening time let me try out the modern "toys" and get my head around what I enjoyed. I've never been a kit nerd when it comes to fiddling/upgrading or to achieving a particular loadout "style". Instead I've always ended up picking out what for me is the "best of breed" in terms of what does what I need it to, hence you could politely describe my look as that of a scruffy mercenary - as opposed to that of someone as likely to sell you a big issue as shoot you. I did get an ego boost from being described as a "Ukrainian nutter" though So in terms of clothing/webbing I just go with what is comfy. At the moment its a pair of yard boots (closest thing to trainers in terms of comfort), an old pair of combats, norge, appropriate layers & a russian OMON style vest. Its light, room for 3 spare M4 style mags, shotgun shells, 2 blank firing grenades & some high energy shack items. I then go with a belt running two bianchi holsters & spare revolver shells/pistol mags. Its nice to be able to dump the belt at the safe zone or go down to one sidearm without having to reconfigure everything. So my general "normal" loadout now is as follows ... SA-15 Edge - Batteries have moved on! Being able to fit a single battery in the stock which is enough capacity for a full day's play is a revelation. Battery capacity was always a factor in the past - so its great to be able to pick something I love the feel of without worrying about having to change/carry a spare. Aside from the tight inner barrel I didn't think there was much point in going for anything gucci. My AEG has always been a tool first. Hops have come on - I remember the old TM hop with its tendancy to unwind randomly (I ran both an M4 & SR16 for a while) but this is easy to set how I want it - and it stays that way. I also hated M4 mags - partially a look & feel, partially having to spend so much time keeping them working & feeding. Very much a fan of the new S-Mag style, plus no feed issues with either hi or mid caps. 3 spare mags in the OMON vest. Shotgun - a reliable backup and sometimes main for CQB/thicker woodland. I love tri-barrel shotguns. I sold my modded M3 when I quit - so I picked up a BO Fabarms one to replace the battered CMYA one. Its similar size & weight but definitely has more poke & consistency just like my old TM but at way less than half the price. Will run as a spare as looking to get hold of a Secutor one as its even smaller & looks sexier (sorry). I figure it'll be even easier to carry slung on my back but for the moment, for the money I'm liking this a lot. Spare shells in the sling which goes over my vest so she sits on my back. If I'm ditching the AEG then even more shells in the vest on the shell loops - saves having to take time out reloading in the safe zone TTI JW 4 - GBB's are so much improved. And I say that as someone who loved them. This has now replaced my beloved WA 1911 and I can't believe I've gone back to a double stack 2011. I tried lots but when I picked her up something clicked. The hop/takedown are quick, mags suffer less cooldown and in terms of range once I got the hop set - well she's perfect for pulling out and "going light" with a BFG or two. Very much feels like one of the old WA Inifinities - after I'd spent a fortune on metal gubbins, internals etc. but better - out of the box FFS! Pair of spare mags in an old mil-tec twin mag pouch on the belt (will be replacing soon as its knackered), gun sits in a Bianchi M84 on the belt. Lovely - you can keep your new fangled plastic holster things Marushin 8MM Redhawk - yes she's an antique but with a thorough clean and lube she's fine. Fill valve needs a strip and bit of plumber's tape every few months but in winter - on red - she's up to her old tricks. There is something so pure about considered shots with a 6 shot shell loader ... it honestly feels amazing. Pair of .44 magnum speedloaders on belt, she sits in a Bianchi Cyclone holster. When she gives up the ghost .... who knows. Might have to look at a den wesson if only to be able to keep my love of using nothing but a revolver & speedloaders in game occasionally Oh, and if anyone knows a source of 8mm BB's that's be great, although I'm down to my last 700 they should last a few years as I tend to only get through a dozen every skirmish. So that's where I'm at. It kinda feels comfy - like a modern upgrade of the kit "style" I know and love. When the weather warms up a bit I'll start venturing further afield - heard great things about the "x" site in Mold. Much prefer sneaky, muddy bog snorkelling/woodland play rather than speedball - although in building CQB does lead to me making disturbing sounds as I play. Airsoft is definitely more popular. the kit better, the choice in the UK so much wider (anyone else remember the says of WGC shop/Den trinity importing *everything*). People messing around with Western Arms kit - endlessly upgrading/fixing seems to have been replaced by a different bunch of people endlessly upgrading/fixing HPA guns - but I'm really enjoying getting back into this
    1 point
  25. Depending on your specific location, Super5ives in Portsmouth ought to be within 2 hour. They have just relocated to bigger premises https://www.facebook.com/Super5ives I don’t think that they have posted up their ‘full’ relaunch date yet, which should be in the Spring - when that is fully there should be more to cast your eyes over in the showroom.
    1 point
  26. It is hard to say which is best without knowing what you mean by best. Surplus Store UK in Crawley has lots of stuff on display: https://www.surplusstore.co.uk Bespoke Airsoft is near Heathrow and usually has good stock: https://www.bespokeairsoft.co.uk
    1 point
  27. I always find it's better to ring Patrol base rather than email. Unusual to not get the confirmation of order email though, have you checked 'your orders' on their site to see if it actually went through ?
    1 point
  28. Just stopping by to say hi after about 10 years out of the scene due to living abroad. I used to play back in the very early days and saw the hobby grow from just a handful of sites and clubs (I used to run one too), saw the introduction of the UKARA (hi John :D) and then had to hang up my boots after moving abroad. Looking forward to getting going again and finding some cool sites and people to play with. It seems the scene has grown massively since back then and shops and site have sprung up everywhere. Sad to see some old favourites gone now too though. I will probably be picking your brains on all the current brands and gear, and hopefully I'll see some of you around.
    1 point
  29. Hello - for anyone who is old enough to remember me - I used to help run/play at Airsoft KGB down in Cornwall, as well as the occasional away day to Stirling or Sopley. You may remember me as the muppet called Blondie. I packed it all in around the time of the VCRA bill as it was no longer fun to be involved with (the owners of the neighbouring site - thankfully no longer in existence 0 calling the police to stir up trouble was just the tip of the iceberg) and I had just started a horrific period in my personal life which left me with PTSD. Anywaaaaaay that is all behind me now thankfully. I've had a rough few years health wise including almost dieing from sepsis (which has left me with some brain damage - not then anyone who knew me back them will notice) after developing ulcerative colitis but after discovering bouldering back in October last year my fitness has started to finally improve to the extent where after much nagging from my wife I pootled over to our nearest site. I wanted to see whether I could either scratch the itch which was airsoft and work out if I wanted to do it again. You can probably guess how that went! These days I go under the moniker of Fraggle (I've been told I resemble one on PCP when "in the zone".) I cannot believe the change in kit/popularity which has happened while I've been gone - wow! So much has improved in terms of the sheer variety and quality of what you can get in the UK. Gone are the days of importing stuff from WGC in Hong Kong. Being able to actually get what I want here, from my local site is pretty mindblowing. Being able to pick up BFG's so easily now is a lovely surprise - they used to be like rocking horse poo! Thankfully there's a wealth of information out there so you certainly want get any "WOT AM BEST GUN" or "WOT AM EXPLOD LIPO?" posts from me - although I have a few questions (not answered by search - I checked!) and looking forward to catching up on what's going on. Cheers! Fraggle.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. I was going to take one of those viking river cruises advertised on the tv, then I learned you don't actually get to loot the towns and monasteries along the way
    1 point
  32. How do you get a country girls attention? A tractor.
    1 point
  33. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    It's been so cold in our house just lately that the toilet duck has flown south for the winter.
    1 point
  34. Damn, CF just outed himself as having a lil rif! Meanwhile...
    1 point
  35. Does anyone know of any airsoft bootfairs at any sites in Kent or the surrounds coming up in December/January. Got a box of odds and ends to try and sell but not really worth the postage fees per item. Happy to accept PMs if you don't want to tell the world. Cheers.
    1 point
  36. Would this count? It's a Glock 17 that put on a bit of weight😀
    1 point
  37. The first rule of MOLLE club…. ….. we don’t talk about Molle 1. The initial design of pack did not have a waist belt. It was designed to engage into the wearers load carrying vest. The design was flawed, did not work well, was too prone to failure and resulted in back injuries. Hence MOLLE 2 A nice write up specific to MOLLE (1) and how the pack/vest integrated, or not. http://inrd.gotdns.com/alice/molle1.htm CIE hub data for MOLLE 2 https://ciehub.info/equipment/loadbearing/MOLLE2.html
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Druid799

    What have you made?

    Feck off ya twat ! 🤬 🤣🤣 Na it’s just ridiculously strong bonded nylon (actually thinking about it it’s probably stronger than Kevlar !😂) as I discovered when it got looped around my foot and I went arse over tit and pulled the machine out of its mount !
    1 point
  40. Rogerborg

    What have you made?

    Wow, lovely stuff. Props, or with shootable internals? I guess I'll re-shill my Imperial Guard kit since @Musica bumped the Load Out page 30 seconds after I posted it there. The helmet is just a MICH that needs some work. The armour and gun shell (around a G36 with an M4 magwell and short VN style mag) are EVA foam which turns out to be great for LARP airsoft use. Cheap, easy to work with, light, and takes all the sting out of hits while still giving a distinctive noise and feel that has allayed my initial concerns about accidental God Mode. What's interesting is just how much of the initial pattern I had to remove in order to make it usable. Big sections around the arms and neck, and that large side gap isn't accidental, it's to give sufficient movement between the front and back to stop the thing riding up when I bend and twist and shout. You'll see cosplayers with more complete armour including solid side plates, but they're mostly just posing in it, not moving and aiming.
    1 point
  41. Flintlock

    What have you made?

    A couple of Vickers I made for a EH show a few years back
    1 point
  42. july_pi

    custom gbb

    【CUSTOM GBB】 WW2 FN M1935 GERMANY SN/45615 basic version WE hi power base toy and real gun toy and real gun after and before
    1 point
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