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  1. Lozart

    The GBBR Pendulum

    That's the thing though isn't it. They took their time, designed a system that actually works and released it when they were ready. All the aftermarket "fixes" are to improve performance in countries OUTSIDE of Japan (other than the obvious cosmetic ones of course) because they work just fine for their market. All the while that airsofters are happy to buy endless iterations of an M4, they're happy to keep churning them out, and quite honestly - who can blame them?
    4 points
  2. That's for PF account holders. Joe public gets this: I don't recall them specifically calling out 'Air Rifles, Air Guns and Air Pistols' previously - just 'low powered air weapon for sporting use' which is what I tell my local post office lady when sending a RIF. Looks like a loophole that's been closed. PF48 minimum compensation is now £150. But I wouldn't hold my breath for a claim against them relating to a RIF based on the guidance above.
    4 points
  3. Iirc the only courier who will carry rifs (at least sent by Joe Public) are parcelforce using the 48hr service. As for whether the extra cost of insurance is worth it, unfortunately that's down to how much of a risk you're willing to take. Having worked for a courier company in the past and seeing how parcels are treated along with how much stuff goes walkies I'd probably pay the extra for the piece of mind that if something does go wrong I'm not several hundred quid out of pocket
    4 points
  4. Do not trust this guy. Uses altered images. Then blocks you as soon as payment is sent. Hopefully g&s will get me the money back Sadly Scot is a real person who has been victim of identity fraud. If anyone has any contact with this account please inform me so i can pass info on to the real scot UPDATE: got the money back from paypal thank fully minus the paypal fee
    3 points
  5. You say that like there's such a thing as a reputable airsoft retailer.
    3 points
  6. Galvatron

    advice please

    Scumbags like DE09 are why I'm wary of sellers without feedback. Even if there were flaws in his Photoshopping, it's a shame that he would invest that much effort and time in something dishonest when he could do something positive with his skills.
    3 points
  7. It's a total shitshow. Every courier that I've looked at except for Parcel Force expressly prohibit imitation firearms and airguns. That's not to say that they'll actually reject them - plenty of retailers use them. BBGnus4less, for example, explicitly recommend using Evri to return goods, even though Evri explicitly refuse "Weapons and replica weapons – including decorative, deactivated or air powered weapons". 🤷‍♂️ I see Parcel Farce have recently updated their restrictions, and have pulled all firearms related items out into their own section https://www.parcelforce.com/help-and-advice/account-customers/account-prohibitions-and-restrictions Annoyingly, it's all still rather vague and contradictory, but they will take both "low powered air weapons" and "imitation firearms". They used to say that they wouldn't offer enhanced compensation on anything shooty-like, but I can't see that any more. tl;dr version - if I were sending something £500+ I reckon I'd use ParcelForce 48, sent from a Post Office counter, and paying for enhanced compensation. Worst case, that forms a contract with the Post Office that you could argue later.
    3 points
  8. Madhouse

    Sling Lenght...?

    Wear it in whatever way feels most comfortable to you. That said, I use a Slingster 😉
    2 points
  9. Hate to say I told you so but.......hope you get your money back soon and I can affirm that this will 100% be all UPS fault not WGC
    2 points
  10. Lozart

    About batteries

    The idea that an airsoft AEG works with a constant current is complete rubbish too. If you're firing in full auto then you'll get a high inrush current that will settle to a lower running current. If you're spamming semi then you'll just be getting endless inrush current spikes.
    2 points
  11. Wankers will be wankers WHATEVER gun you give them. End of. When the events mentioned in my post occurred the pump action gas breachers and tactical 870's were all the rage and people were happily pumping away like a hormonal teenager. When the AA12 turned up it was a new thing, it was hilarious and most importantly they were more money than most people wanted to splash on a shottie. They are an outlier in the world of airsoft dick moves because yes, you can massively overkill with it but it's also massive, plastic and expensive so not many people bothered. As for the 6 shot spread - that's kind of the point of a shotgun.
    2 points
  12. Rogerborg

    advice please

    Sadly, the vermin will likely get better at their Photoshopping as it gets called out, but it's still worth asking if you're in any doubt.
    2 points
  13. rj1986

    The GBBR Pendulum

    Competition helps. VFC, GHK and WE were pretty much the only GBBR's in modern form for a good while. They could dictate what was good enough to get by. Then TM comes along and plants it's flag in the ground, and became the yard stick. Other companies seeing what happened with the release of the VSR10 and Hi capa (i.e. pretty much making every other design in that product space obsolete overnight) have to step up. VFC come out with the mk3 versions of GBBRs as well as the m249 and vector, and know that they can't do their usual thing of let things slide for a few production batches and fix it later. GHK come out with a new glock but also shit the bed on the ARs. WE are doing things, not all great, but still things. Meanwhile TM are happy to make a basic but effective GBBR and re-release it in a different colour every 9 months and print money in the process, knowing that the aftermarket parts cover for any minor flaws they have.
    2 points
  14. Tackle

    advice please

    De09 is now suspended/banned
    2 points
  15. Wavey_Gravey

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    Just an FYI for those looking to jazz up their SD: Wiitech. Sold out everywhere but apparently is spot on.
    1 point
  16. Rogerborg

    About batteries

    That's where it should be, but isn't. The game's afoot.
    1 point
  17. Only if they're over-volumed, which (as gas guns) they might very well be. With a single BB loaded? Testing can be an issue, as you get wacky readings if you empty three balls at once.
    1 point
  18. More likely to be incompetence with a missed scan, ripped label etc. The possibility of pilfering remains but there’s plenty of scope for things to get lost among the system @EDcasehas hit the nail Pincer movement between WGC for UPS compensation and the police for a missing replica The former is what’s required The latter could result in a physical search & review of the internal detailed tracking points
    1 point
  19. gavinkempsell

    About batteries

    1 point
  20. It's an interesting debate this one. My usual site allows tri-shot albeit at a slightly reduced power - 0.84J / 300fps on a 0.2 IIRC. A few people have commented that they appear to have been in contact with The Predator, but it's all been good natured rather than moaning about shotties, in fact it's probably increased their popularity if anything! If the shotties had the same joules as those in semi then I'd be raising the question as to why they get three shots when the rest of us get one, but it seems the limits are taking both that and the up-close-and-personal nature of the shot into account.
    1 point
  21. Hatchet

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    Yeah, I fancy a solid stock version, but it doesn't seem sensible dropping £500 on an almost identical gun to the one I already have just for that. Probably better to await the inevitable solid stock MP5SD and pick one of those up so I can swap front ends over. Mag prices have actually come down from last week. I know this because I bought mags at Eagle 6 on the basis they were cheaper at £37 than the out of stock FS ones (which were down as £42!). Gaaah. Oh well, so it goes.
    1 point
  22. BigStew

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    same would have saved £30 odd getting everything from firesupport.
    1 point
  23. Urgh, thanks, but this does my head in. If you go to https://www.postoffice.co.uk/mail/what-can-i-send and check the PDF there, you get: Not a word about imitations, or compensation. That PDF tells you to go to the RoyalFail to get the "full list". So let's look there. https://personal.help.royalmail.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/96/~/prohibited-and-restricted-items---advice-for-personal-customers But the "full list" page has not a word about firearms, or imitations, except to say that Section 5s are a no-no. It links back to the "brief overview" PDF above. I honestly don't think there is a single, clear, absolutely definitive list that you could use if push came to shove in a court. It's not even clear who you even have the contract with, and whose terms apply, if you were to (e.g.) send and pay for ParcelFarce delivery at a Post Office counter, versus getting a ParcelFarce pick up directly. Good to hear that standard compensation is up to £150, mind. Maybe, but I can't find a reference to them. In any case I'm talking specifically about what BBGuns4Less say about posting back to them. https://bbguns4less.co.uk/pages/Posting-back-to-us.html Of course, it's not their problem if it goes missing or gets destroyed or seized on the way back. Except maybe it is, since they 1) recommend Evri, and 2) say they won't compensate RoyalFail / ParcelFarce fees, only Evri fees. What's the truth here? It's enough to drive a Borg to drink.
    1 point
  24. Hatchet

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    And also, 4 of the new solid stock MP5s...
    1 point
  25. Yeah but most moscarts hurt about as much as being licked by puppies.
    1 point
  26. Whilst I'd say using 6 shot mode is unnecessary I wouldn't call it wankery. I remember playing at Electrowerkz where many people had a M203 hanging off the bottom of their AR. Shells for the could hold anything up to 200 bbs and I don't remember anyone complaining
    1 point
  27. Bingo. Ultimately, WGC can claim their money back from UPS, you can't. Your claim is against WGC. I wouldn't go into detail or nuance, just "UPS have lost your goods, so I need my money back". Let them argue it out. If you get any sort of runaround, initiate a chargeback with your bank or card handler. This itself takes weeks to complete and you can cancel the process at any time, so the sooner you get it started the better. I've found that initiating it results in retailers suddenly getting their thumb out.
    1 point
  28. Maybe get WGCshop on the case, while we're all responsible for customs charges etc, that's not the issue here, sounds more like ups have lost it, & WGC have the contract with ups, not you, so let them put the boot in, on the understanding that you've been patient enough, & you'll be claiming for a refund or replacement in 7 days (hopefully your funding source will still honour it if it's not dragged on for too long🤞)
    1 point
  29. Tackle

    advice please

    Has anybody sent any money to @mathewwyne ?, if so you might want to consider starting a claim via PayPal etc, he's approached a new member with a wanted ad, wanting to take all Comms off forum, which to me is a massive red flag. Get it started before we hit him with the big hammer lol.
    1 point
  30. EDcase

    WE XM177 Only Dry Fires

    You don't need to replace everything with that kit. Your bolt does look quite battered so might be worth replacing that and it comes with the nozzle. M4 Open Bolt Kit #2 GBBR (kyairsoft.com) The RA-Tech trigger group is well worth having as WE parts like the trigger sear wear out very quickly. You can always wait until the WE one fails before upgrading to the RA-Tech. RA steel CNC trigger set(for we M4 GBB ) (kyairsoft.com) Or the whole box RA steel complete trigger box(for we M4 GBB) (kyairsoft.com)
    1 point
  31. I could be wrong but I've always assumed these shops have business accounts and would have different terms and conditions allowing them to ship rifs
    1 point
  32. Your nozzle is beyond repair, stock up on some new ones. Yes the nozzle should spring backwards when pulled out.
    1 point
  33. There's always some twunt pushing the "Well, you didn't explicitly say that I couldn't do it" boundaries, isn't there?
    1 point
  34. Back in the good old days of The Mall there was a couple of AA12s. I seem to recall the rule of three being enforced after someone had a particularly hilarious/savage round of spamming the fuck out of the 6 shot setting with a drum mag on.
    1 point
  35. Lozart

    The GBBR Pendulum

    Winters in Japan get pretty cold so it's no surprise that the gas system that performs best in the lower temps was developed in (and for) Japan. Japanese industry is also very insular so they will prefer to manufacture for and with other Japanese companies.
    1 point
  36. Herrgh

    The GBBR Pendulum

    When I was in Tokyo last, I wandered into a nondescript airsoft shop in Akiba. 5 minutes and I released the entire shop was dedicated to the MWS system. I suspect its popularity in the Japanese domestic market is the reason why MWS has such a variety of aftermarket parts.
    1 point
  37. My go to primary in CQB is a shotgun and I've never had any issues in game. Yes I can fire 3/6 bbs with one pull of the trigger, but a well tuned AEG or GBB can put out shots almost as quickly when you factor in the time taken to rack it after each shot. There's also the limited ammo capacity so they're not a good choice if you want to spam the trigger. Like many things in life I suppose it comes down to the flesh coloured squishy bit and how much of a twat they are
    1 point
  38. Pseudotectonic

    About batteries

    Ah = Amp-hour (capacity), but more commonly in mAh (milliamp-hour) which is 0.001 Ah A = Amp (current)
    1 point
  39. Pretty sure my local CQB place says shotguns are to be 3 BBs only IIRC. As for overshooting or semi-ROF I think it's; if you don't want it done to you, don't do it to someone else. If you're going to be a dick, you'll be treated like one so don't abuse ROF. If it takes one BB, then use one. Accidental overshooting happens from time to time but it's easy to tell who's doing it on purpose. That aside, i've seen one person running a shotgun at my CQB place. They shot me at almost point blank. It sucked but no more than your random HPA hi-capa bursting 3 rounds into you.
    1 point
  40. Leo Greer

    About batteries

    Adding on to your post, you can calculate the actual discharge amperage by multiplying the "C" rating by the Ah listed. So a 1200 Mah (1.2 Ah) and 25C would have a rating of 30 Ah. Most stock RIFs need 15-25 Ah continuous to run properly without straining (and eventually puffing/ruining) the battery. On another note, most manufacturers lie through their teeth about C and Mah rating. Over on AirsoftSociety, the main American forum, we had a very electrically savvy member run actual tests on both, and the results are impressively bad for most packs tested throughout the thread: https://www.airsoftsociety.com/threads/objective-battery-test-titan-lion-vs-kypom-lipo-vs-hv-lipo-valken-others.161379/page-6
    1 point
  41. 1967PF44

    Real Sword Type 97 and Mags

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    For sale, is a Real Sword Type 97, not a lot of these left this is stock, plus a basic mosfet to protect the wiring which has been extended to facilitate the Mosfet and battery fitment. the type 97 shoots 330 fps, and is just plain reliable and decent. I won’t bore you with all the story of Real Sword particularly the type 97, if you are looking you have an idea, if not you will enjoy googling the research, real steel parts, and 1:1 scale this comes with 4 genuine Real sword m4 midcaps - impossible to come by now. I bought this on a whim recently, but bullpups are not for me, which is a shame as the gun is superb. Original box and all the little bits that make Rs special are included price including the mags and postage is £550 …I will consider offers,. As I’m really not sure about how to value this, just compared it to recent sales I’ve seen - I’m told they are rare and could be making £600 plus


    - GB

    1 point
  42. Tackle

    advice please

    A lot of photoshop type scamming attempts recently, not sure if it's just one or two shit bags doing it, or is it a new tactic by scammers in general ?. As long as everyone, new & old, does their due diligence to the best of their abilities, & NEVER pays with anything other than PayPal goods & services, then there's usually a good likelihood of getting your money back.
    1 point
  43. That's why I was sarcastic about it being a bargain. Seeing that its safe mode is useless, I couldn't see anyone paying £65 to take a risk on a RIF that marshals wouldn't allow even in a safe zone if they caught wind of that problem. Like you said, it should be a lot cheaper because a potential buyer is taking on the risk of repairing it (probably just cheaper to replace). It's as if the seller hasn't heard of big companies being bought for peanuts because the buyer takes on the risks and liabilities.
    1 point
  44. And just to emphasise that point - not modified by much at all 😂 mostly just slapped a ranger plate and some tan paint on it (I won't make the obvious analogy just in case).
    1 point
  45. Rogerborg

    advice please

    Damn good spot. Yes, that's the same image, rotated, slightly cropped and with the case foam (badly) healed. Amazing to think that anyone would go to that bother, but, well, here we are. [EDIT] I've reported it to @Jedi_Master for narc points.
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. Rollade

    Cheytac 8mm m200 intervention

    That’d be one heck of a collection piece!
    1 point
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