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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/10/23 in all areas

  1. Another weekend, another game day at Worthing Airsoft and it was a bit of good and a bit of bad, all things considered. We turned up and I had not one, not two, but three m14s with me! All of them were different in almost every way. My TM m14 is full length and HPA, my Cyma m14 was a socom with an EBR outer barrel (so I can run a suppressor and still have a front iron sight) and the G&P was a relic in the DMR stock. Anyway, I knew I needed to test them all and at least one would work, surely... Surely, right? Well, fortunately the first one I took up did. The TM m14 was set to 80psi, passed chrono at 1.11 - 1.13J, but it's still doing the weird jamming thing, but not as much and not as bad. It is still a bit weird when I take the mag out and clear it, but it doesn't jam itself open to the point where I need an unjamming rod to fix it, and when the mag is in and it runs out of BBs it's generally fine. Was hopping the .32s out to a lovely distance, so that was good. Then I took the two AEG m14s up to get them through chrono as well, then I could decide which one to use. I picked up the Cyma, put the hop on and... the power took an absolute nosedive from 0.9J to 0.2J. I picked up the G&P m14, put the hop on and... same thing. Dropped from 1J to 0.3J. Fortunately, one of the local techs that I trust was around, so I spoke to him and have now given him both to have a look at. It's probably just tired o-rings or something, since the G&P is a relic and still has stock internals, and the Cyma was only available from a European warehouse so it's likely been sitting around for a while. I don't do AEG gearboxes though, so off they went to the tech. Now I need to buy another rifle bag, as that only left me with my smaller rifle bag (still fits the m14s in, but I can only bring 1 gun at the moment and no way am I turning up without a backup). First issue I noticed was at the brief. There were a lot of regulars and they almost all went on the yellow team, so me and my friend made a point to go on blue. A few regulars also went on blue, but it wasn't a very even split. Sure, we had some experienced players on our team, but not site regulars, so while they know how to play, there were a lot who didn't know where anything was. We also lost the rental lottery, with yellow getting the hard-pushing aggressive rentals and we got the passive hide behind barricades out of the fight rentals Anyway, I had the HPA m14 mostly behaving, so I took that out along with my new £60 ghillie cape that I put together. It worked an absolute treat! First game we had 3 flip cans in the Tower / village area, one in the tower itself, one in front of the church structure and one in front of the stables. However, they started with 5 on each team already in a building, but here was the issue. Other team put 5 regulars in, our team had 5 rentals in and they got annihilated as soon as game was on, giving the other team a very firm foothold in the village. Moreover, we were on the rubbish side, so pushing in was an absolute pain. I managed to crawl up and take a position that I like and it happened to have an angle on the stable building where a bunch of the regulars were and I completely shut them down... Until I got shot in the back by someone on my team while I was clearly firing at the enemy. Ugh! Anyway, I went back to respawn and came back, but this time I pushed up even further, taking another spot that had vision on the back of the stables, but also had line of sight down a long path and to a few other barricades and caused some havoc from there, shutting down the back of the stables again, but also screwing with their reinforcements coming in. Game eventually ended and we lost 2 cans to 1. I have yet to see a team win from that side! Anyway, we swapped ends and it was largely uneventful for me. I managed to push to a position to cover the church can (which was enemy controlled and no way I was going to get up there to flip it) as well as the stables flip can which was controlled by us. Just sat there, plinked a few people trying to push for the stables can and the game ended with 2 cans to 1 in our favour this time. I have yet to see a team, even with the teams not amazingly balanced, win from the other side! Next game was the sands of pain. The box was set up in the open on a table and both teams had to get to it and press down their coloured button. I was going to take a position to cover it, but basically our entire team went in that direction and me being a sneakybeaky ghillie boi today, I didn't want any of that, so I took a flank with my friend. We pushed down into a thick part of the site and my friend heard two of the regulars on the other team. He took one out, then ran out of ammo on his pp2k and got taken out by the other. I took a wide angle and... got a bit annoyed. The player he hit walked off without calling dead man, so me thinking he was either cheating or being mediced, I shot him in the back and got taken out by the same guy who took my friend out. He then told me to "watch my full auto"... on a gun that is locked to semi-auto and can't spam the trigger because the Hydra engine doesn't seem to like it and throws a tantrum at me if I do. That sweetened the sourness of the encounter a little as I always enjoy a bit of salt, especially since I knew who it was (and his gun is incredibly spammy and has a very fast full auto that he runs .36s through). Anyway, I went back to respawn and the guy who hit me got taken out when he tried to make a play, but I had a devious plan. We would go all the way around the bottom of the site and come up behind the enemy team, making sure not to spawn-camp, but shooting them in the back after they pushed down a path a bit further from their base. Unfortunately the game wasn't long enough and we couldn't get to our intended positions as the flank was long and for the last part we had to move slowly and carefully to avoid being seen. No idea what the time on the clocks were, but we swapped it around and again I intended to cover the box but everyone went that way so I went the other way. It worked out phenomenally as I pushed around to the side and lay down by a tree as I saw the bushes in the Clearing moving, so I knew someone was coming that way (ironically named now. It used to be clear, now it's a woodland killhouse). Turns out a ghillie on the other team was pushing through, but I didn't have a great shot on him. I knew he would push out because nobody on our team was watching, but he stayed for a bit. Eventually he pushed out and I got him with the mk23 and I found out at lunch time that he was literally having a piss when I saw his head moving about when he wasn't pushing out, which I found mildly hilarious 😂. Fortunately, didn't see anything indecent! Anyway, after I took him out, I heard more voices from that way, so after telling some young'uns on my team who had pushed up to where I was, I crawled through a ditch to get under a holly bush and I got spotted by another regular. Fortunately there was a tiny defilade, so I managed to get low enough and crawl behind this tiny tree to the point where they couldn't hit me. I waited for a bit, then I saw my team making a big push just in front of me, so I took the opportunity to slowly raise up and shoot between the V shape in the bottom of the tree to hit the guy who was still there (the regular who had spotted me had moved on). With that taken care of, I managed to crawl a bit further and get properly under the holly bush with a line of sight down the path. I hit so many people playing around that path, including getting a few shots underneath the holly bush on the other side of the path and hitting peoples ankles. There were a good 7 or 8 people looking for me, but none of them could find me and I kept taking them out with the silent HPA m14, which had no MED, and mk23 pistol. Ah, it's moments like this that make sniping so much fun! I decided to call it at lunch time. Don't want to push it with my heart issues still around and decided to do some testing with the HPA m14 on the range. First I tested it at 1.88J, putting it to 120psi and getting a nice 1.84 - 1.87J with every shot. I also upped the weight to .4s and set the hop and... it was sooooooooooooo good. I was aiming at the head of the 75m target and hitting just below it on where the torso would be (it's a man-sized target), and as it wasn't very windy today I was hitting that almost every shot. I was genuinely impressed; I didn't expect it to perform that well! I then put it to 1.64J (Worthing Airsoft's DMR power limit), getting 1.61 - 1.63J at about 105psi and... the difference was noticeable. I could hit the 75m target, but I was struggling a lot more. Aiming at the head of the target I was generally hitting the bottom of the tree, hearing the distinctive sound of impacting on wood compared to impacting on the metal of the target. Managed to get a few on target, but had to aim above it and arc them down. Considering on 1.1J I was hitting the 60m target with pretty much every shot, taking a 30m MED for 1.64J just isn't worth it at all. 1.88J is a different story, so that HPA m14 is going to be a Driver Wood gun as they use 1.88J as their DMR limit, but 1.64J was just lacklustre. I was super impressed with the 1.88J performance though, and the weird jamming on empty issue, while it was still present, was less of an issue with the higher psi. I think next game day I'll bring the m40a5 with the SR-25 as a backup. With autumn well and truly here, the leaves are starting to fall and sight lines are opening up slowly. Yes, I think the staff are actively trying to dissuade snipers with how they're building up the site (one of the site owners was on one today about ghillie snipers), but heading into winter my m40a5 is going to start coming into its own.
    4 points
  2. Sounds like a challenge to me 😉 Lets see who can get away with the most outlandish listing 😂😂
    4 points
  3. Low turn out today at Spec Ops - less than 40 with a fair few rentals. The blue team ended up with a lot of newbies (to the site) and skins ended up with more regulars. The first timers were evenly split, but the end result was a little embarrassing for the blues. They moved a few of us regulars over at lunch which made a big difference to the outcomes and made the day more fun. Overall the smaller numbers were a benefit because it allowed the more experienced player help the first timers. Weather and conditions were also perfect with zero wind, gorgeous sunshine and a nice 12 degrees. Muggins here was responsible for a fair few friendly on friendly kills - but i put that down to having teammates appearing from places I had recently spotted enemies advancing from. I only took 4 pews - Glock 17, DE Honey Badger, ICS L85 and SVU. The latter of which chrono'd too low, and was pewing in a weird arc. L85, when powered by an 11.1 was pretty much an LMG. But didn't like firing on semi. Stick a 7.4 in there and it was fine, if not a little lethargic. Either way the fecker was laser accurate up to 45 metres and with .28s was cutting through the foliage nicely halting the advances of those thinking they were hidden. During a stint for the blues after lunch, I was holding one of the barrels that formed the bridge. Skins made a big push just as I suffered a dead battery. With no time to run to the spawn where my spare was, I switched to semi and pulled out my Glock. Problem being I knew I hadn't had a chance to gas them up at lunch; so it was a case of very carefully selected shots from the AEG and my three glock mags to cover the skins' advanced long enough for backup to come to my calls. End result was a victory for us thanks to the backup from teammates. Which meant too that I had great pleasure in getting the site's resident "runner" three times as he tried to push the objectives - there are a couple of regular teenagers renowned for rushing objectives so quickly that a defending team not prepared has no chance. - hence the marshalls moving me from team to team. LMG mode: Mando (regular mad sprinter) and I getting ready to extract the pilot:
    2 points
  4. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I asked this elderly man why he was using two massive frozen chips as walking sticks. He replied: “They’re McCains!”
    2 points
  5. Dude- the one thing you must do is leave your mags at least partially gassed. Otherwise the seals will dry out and you'll have leak issues almost immediately .
    2 points
  6. Leo Greer

    Leo's Tech Thread

    It’s really not that bad. As long as you wear a long shirt or something similar that’s not too tight you’ll hardly feel it. If you’re like me though and roll with shorts and a t-shirt, pain is just part of the game. 😉 I’ve never seen it myself. In my area we usually don’t have to worry about people being extreme full auto trolls. Honestly, I’m the only one who even has that capability, and I shoot semi-only with anything over 28.
    2 points
  7. Darkmikey22

    What have you made?

    Nothing too exciting. But some 3d printed bits to finish off the DCA 6x acog I've been working on making accurate.
    2 points
  8. Agreed. Before even opening the thread my first thought was that it would be either a Vorsk or Raven
    2 points
  9. Limited production runs, small margins for retailers and finally Brexit. Next question.
    2 points
  10. I’ll add that to the long list of Brexit benefits …
    2 points
  11. Is the correct answer!
    2 points
  12. Lozart

    Leo's Tech Thread

    Well...this thread took a bit of a turn, didn't it?
    2 points
  13. i can give you a lift from Falkirk to... near Falkirk, you'll need a couple of busses first tho.
    2 points
  14. A young man volunteers for airborne training. After one week, he phones his father. “Dad, we had our first parachute jump today, but only about half the company jumped. The others were scared.” Dad: “Well, did you jump?” Son: “No, I was scared.” A week later he calls dad again “We had our second jump today. The sergeant said that anyone who didn’t jump this time would not get a pass for this weekend. All but about ten of us jumped.” Dad: “Well, did you jump?” Son: “No, I just couldn’t”. A week later he calls dad again “We had our third jump today. The sergeant said that anyone who didn’t jump was going to spend the weekend scrubbing the latrines with a toothbrush. Only three people didn’t jump.” Dad: “Well, did you jump?” Son: “Nope. I’m still too scared.” Another week goes by and he calls dad “Today was our fourth jump. The sergeant said he was gonna bend anyone who didn’t jump over the seat and screw him up the rear.” Dad: “OK, so you jumped?” Son: “Yeah I jumped … a little … at first.”
    2 points
  15. But NOBODY, expects the Swedish inquisition. & for the younger members...
    2 points
  16. Did a search of the site to see if any news on the pre-order delivery and was surprised these had not been posted. https://trittech-us.com/ Looking at the youtube channel ballistic testing seems good and the antifog look amazing. From someone that can fog a DYE mask I use an ExFOG like system but its just a PITA with the tubes so most of the time I wear my heroshark mesh but I have astigmatism and in low light suffer. Fingers crossed they turn out as advertised.
    1 point
  17. Tommo92


    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Selling up most of my gear due to health issues and high probability of leaving the hobby 🙃 Bought earlier in the year with the intent of creating a proper bush wookie build as a less painful way to stay in the hobby but here we are 😂 Brand new and un skirmished, only tried on once, great starter ghillie for someone to build from, can add, detache materials to better suit your surroundings and make yourself truly invisible in the field, can provide more pics on request. Collection preferred due to injury but can potentially post if need be Thanks for looking Tommo


    - GB

    1 point
  18. My local shop is selling a natural plant based alternative to vapes. They're called cigarettes.
    1 point
  19. I ran mine in anger today and it worked flawlessly. Only issue is 1 of the DE mags has developed a leak. range was about 45 meters but not the best accuracy due to the short inner barrel. This wasn't really an issue as it was a CQB site so ranges tended to be 2 to 35 meters. Temperature was about 15C today and I was getting at least 1 full mag without running out of gas on the DE, TM and GM mags. Overall, very impressed with this GBB. If a N4 isn't your preferred M4 style then keep you eyes out for different M4 models coming from DE as they tend to push out other variants of successful rifles (DE90X series for instance and if DE are reading this then a KS-1 or a 416 would be nice).
    1 point
  20. I've heard the same things, but I really don't want to be splashing out on Peltors, so we'll see. It'll be a little while til I can try them in a game sadly, but I'm hoping they'll be better than the in-ear and fist mic set-up they've replaced. @MrTeathe headsets are rated NR22, which, I believe, reduces noise to a 'safe' level, rather than blocking it completely. Sounds similar to the earbuds you have.
    1 point
  21. Ah fair enough, I think I've heard that the quality isn't great and some have been known to fall apart. But like you say, which product doesn't have mixed reviews! Ditto on the hearing front.. my only concern is losing the ability to hear what's going on around me so it would be interesting to know about how they are with ambient noise.
    1 point
  22. I have the Earmor M20-T which are the ear-plug style ones. It has outside mode (more sound amplification), indoor (less sound amplification) and silent (no amplification). They cut out loud sound very well for only being ear plugs. I tested them in my garage with a 9mm blank and they cut out all of the 'loudness' of noise while it's still audible but safe enough for your hearing. Do the Earmor M32 totally cut out all sound when they detect something loud or do they just reduce it? I'm asking as I have an unknown brand headset which totally cuts out all audio when something is too loud rather than just reducing it.
    1 point
  23. Shamal

    Krytac Vector GBB

    Hi bud. Heads up. She doesn't need ukara for make up, boots or straighteners. 😉 Regards
    1 point
  24. I think there's mixed reviews about everything 😂 Just testing them in the house (me in the kitchen, the lad upstairs) with Naofeng UV5-Rs, they work and the sound is clear from the mics and through the headset speakers. They seem well made, are comfortable and they look like theyll stand up to a BB hit or two, so that's good enough for me. What they'll be like in the field is a different matter of course. My hearing is already shot, so the noise reduction is too little too late, but should reduce the 'what the fuck was that' moments when a tag round lands near you. Overall, first impressions decent but reserving judgement as always.
    1 point
  25. If its WE compatable, Socom tactical have steel replacements in stock https://www.socomtactical.net/zci-steel-hi-capa-replacement-external-hammer-black/ Fitted one of these to my Army Armament JW3 when the skeleton hammer broke,
    1 point
  26. Landwarrior have them up for preorder at £450 / £115 for three extra mags .eta December . merry Xmas Jim 😛
    1 point
  27. Handy bit of advice! Will keep this in mind when I eventually fall down the comms rabbithole [me and my mate just got our first comms, a set of Baofeng-888S which considering it was like 20-something quid; two units, two chargers and two sets of all the accessories plus a nice little.. poundland in-ear microphone each really isn't too bad!], PTT looks like an terrifying money pit and I dare not put a foot in that puddle just yet or I might end up homeless. Speaking of things I've bought - I decided to get brave and take down the fire-control group on my WE G18c that I bought off here second hand and promptly fixed, then modified, then restored to it's rightful status as a WE G18 (completely fucking broken lmao) and turns out the hammer wasn't a fan of.. full auto mag-dumping with an aftermarket +50% or so recoil spring. In 28 degree weather. Using red gas. Four times in quick succession. Turns out, these are supposed to be together... It might have been a little moment of weakness, but - my nephew thought it was the coolest thing ever! Steel replacements have been ordered for the entire hammer assembly alongside a new return spring (the old one decided to snap in half when I took a pair of pliers to it and embeded spring steel powder in my middle finger, wasn't the nicest!) alongside some of the annoying springs in-case they decide to ping off the bloody thing into outer space to never be witnessed by a human being ever again. Plus an enhanced nozzle to install when the green one either explodes from red-gas abuse or when I can be bothered. Now all I need is a BlackHawk for the thing but poor Klarna's been abused enough for one week. Amen. MOLLE grenade pouch also on the way for the little Novritsch gas refiller container thingy.
    1 point
  28. pyromancer6

    Leo's Tech Thread

    True, I was really looking forward to a few videos of the insane DSG wankergun mentioned in the OP as I think they're just awesome showpieces to wow people with at the firing range (although it's a bit of a different story when you decide to shoot poor rental man dave and his little lad 120 times in two seconds, which I hope people don't unironically do with said wankerguns lol)
    1 point
  29. Ouch 😫 Luckily many Vorsk parts are compatible with WE Only place I can think that has spares is: WE Pistols (GBBP) - Parts (kyairsoft.com) But you'll have to find the equivalent WE hammer The gas router should be a standard part for WE mags too.
    1 point
  30. Commiserations 😢, maybe next time you'll buy a tm😏
    1 point
  31. Rogerborg

    Car share

    Constructively, Facebook pages for specific airsoft sites tend to be a good place to cadge lifts.
    1 point
  32. Welcome to the forum? What do you mean by NE London? How far could you get under your own steam? There's a few members here that use public transport to get to Skirmishes - @Asomodaiis in the London area and does this on occasion. I'm in the Hitchin area and don't mind giving peeps a lift to a skirmish I am driving to - usually Special Ops, occasionally AWA and Reforger. There's a new place near Hemel that I might go to at some point. Liftee's would need to get to and from Hitchin or Arlesey station though.
    1 point
  33. Kids today, they're just not expecting the swedish inquisition 😜
    1 point
  34. 1971: A man goes into a tailor's shop in Birmingham to buy a new suit. After going through all the usual choices, he settles on a nice single breasted two-button charcoal grey one with a single vent and three buttons on each sleeve. The salesman then persuades him to add a shirt, one with a complementary stripe and then he asks, how about we finish it all off with a nice kipper tie? 'That would be lovely,' replies the man, 'milk and two sugars please.'
    1 point
  35. Is it even a real abomination if you don't hack it up a bit? ARMY Armament R45 "V6", customised with "V6" barrel porting and slide cuts, custom-milled mount for ACM Shield RMS, and a Nova trigger. Since these photos were taken it got an ARMY magazine release that's closer to the VB one, and I've flattened the grips. Still needs a new hammer, a dust cover rail, and battleship grey paintjob.
    1 point
  36. finally managed to get out to play again after a couple of months due to various circumstances, and booked in at RIFT REDCON-2. got to site and got booked in early made sure i was at chrono early in order to set up my VFC M249 (having fitted an adjustable velocity valve in the nozzle, it needed dialling in... due to the cold temperatures i was only able to get 0.7J out of the gun, but once the temperatures rose, i rechronoed and was getting 1.1J) then off for a cup of tea to warm up, chat with friends i haven't seen for a while and then load up for briefing and team assignment. i ended up on red team first half of the day was a 2 hour total war, with red team having to secure "data recorders" and the blue team needing to capture laptops and each team having use of a "snatch" Land Rover driven by a marshall that we could direct where we wanted it to go. i decided i would board the land rover and after conferring with the marshall/driver and the others who decided to board as well, we decided the best option was to use the land rover to take our fireteam to the opposite side of the land in a snatch and grab before the enemy team could reach the data recorders and lock them down. we were successful in seizing the objectives and returning them to our respawn before heading off for a second set of data recorders at the top of the land which were captured, but i got shot out before the objectives were secured and had to walk back to respawn, where i realised my red dot had been shot out. on our way out to both objectives i had been operating as top gunner and managed to keep the enemy's heads down, and i believe i managed to get 2 or 3 kills on our way out to the second objective (having not seen a soul to and from the first objective) before being hit and had to be replaced as top gunner while i got mediced by one of the rest of the fireteam. definitely a fun experience, though next time i will probably run smaller weapons, as the M249 with the box mag gas tank coupled with the high roof of the land rover meant i had to stand on the front pair of seats to get a decent aim and not appear to be blind firing out the roof hatch the rest of the morning was spent moving between different firefights trying to provide support as best as i could, before needing to duck out for 20 mins to reload mags and grab a drink from my car and then returning for the last 30 mins of game time, where i also decided to drop down to my GBB Skorpion to enable me to move through one of the CQB areas much easier. lunch break was spent tinkering with my guns, reloading mags, chatting and browsing the onsite shop before back out for the afternoon which consisted of two 50 min games where attackers had to activate beacons at set locations then defend them for as long as possible while defenders had to turn them off. first game red team was attacking and i joined the attack on one location, got shot out and by the time i returned we had captured the location, so a group of us headed to the next location thinking it was going to be a tough nut to crack. the location was a fenced compound with only one gate as entry and the inside of the fence had an earth bank with tall bushes running around the inside edge which made getting a look inside impossible. this, combined with the fact it was close to the blue team respawn meant that a group of us spent almost 10 mins sneaking around the fence line and ducking down whenever we saw movement ahead and praying we didnt get spotted all while listening to the voices of the players inside the objective compound. we finally reached the gate and were about to launch a massive assault, only for one of the group to take a peek and realise that the voices from the compound belonged to a group of fellow red team who had already captured the objective and were holding it. having seen a large group of blues heading back to their spawn half of us decided to hang around with the other defenders in case blues should try and swarm us, but no one appeared after a quick break to rearm, the game was reversed and blue team became the attackers. this game i definately felt i was spending more time walking back to respawn compared to the other games, but i was able to set a good ambush on a group of enemies. while moving through the bushes between respawn and one of the heavily contested areas i heard voices approaching and i ducked behind a bush on top of a small ridge and waited for the voices to get nearer, and they turned out to be a blue patrol trying to flank the red team attacking from their rear. from my position i was mostly hidden and able to fire through a small gap in the bushes, and took out all 5 of the enemy players with a few bursts from the 249, while the few shots in return all missed wildly or were caught by the branches of the bush. staying in the position i was then able to take out two more enemies that came out to try and medic the patrol before i heard my team mates moving up again and i decided to join the assault, where i got shot out. by the time i had respawned and begun heading back to the fight, the game was over. definitely enjoyed myself, and i hope to be able to get out more regularly in the near future
    1 point
  37. Super chuffed, seen this bargain on another forum and at a price I had to get it.
    1 point
  38. There isn't much point in rushing to order if patch orders from six months ago haven't been filled, so I'd also need to know what the backlog / action time is at the moment.
    1 point
  39. Hello, I have had one of the worst days today. My hi capa vorsk vengence 3.8 red match failed. The external hammer sheered off and the gas router on the magazine has received a heavy gash. Does anybody have any advice on parts to replace on my hi capa or how to repair it? Thanks
    0 points
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