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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/08/23 in all areas

  1. After umming and ahhing last night I decided to head down to Red1 Chislehurst this morning on the bus (a whopping 1hr 40 across 2 buses and a 2hr bus ride home afterward as well!) as planned for my third time, meaning at the end of the day I got my UKARA submitted finally. The forecast said there might be rain by mid afternoon but nothing came of it and it was a glorious day for airsoft. Avalon performed satisfactorily, no hiccups in terms of reliability although I do think the accuracy could be better. I don't have much experience tweaking the gun at all, and haven't really touched the hop, as most of the time the bbs fly true. Occasionally though one will zing off into the abyss apparently at random. May try some slightly heavier bbs soon once I've exhausted the 0.2's. May try some .25s or something. My first visit at this site was relatively fun (beginners luck maybe), and the second time here was much worse as I mentioned in a prior summary a few months ago. Third time really must be the charm, because I had a ton of fun today. I think part of that was due to way lower numbers than before (national airsoft festival?), which I think meant there was more room to maneuver and it was easier to learn who was on your team or not. The atmosphere was also great for the most part. Got talking to a guy who I had quite a lot in common with (aside from airsoft! who was actually on the same bus as me en route) which was cool. There was one instance of arguing that I didn't witness personally, but which people were talking about in the safe zone during a drink break. Apparently someone making a scene during a game, someone confronted someone else about 'stolen valor' due to having a military patch on their airsoft impression kit. During the discussion people generally thought it was out of order to have a go at someone for a patch in essentially a cosplaying capacity which tbh I think I agree with. It wasn't like the guy was out there trying to get a free lunch. By the by, the morning games were pretty fun, I think partly due to having more energy, it being a bit cooler etc. One of the games I quite enjoyed used the decent trenches section of the site. Both teams posted up at either end of the trenches, each team given a flag with the goal to move the flag as far up the trench line as possible. The flag could only be moved within the trench. If flag carrier gets shot, flag gets dropped and someone else must carry it forward. It was fun to play in quite a focused area and use the little cover available to inch forward and try to coordinate those moving up in the trench with cover moving up alongside outside of the trench. It did bring to mind some of the footage I've seen from over in Ukraine, and gave the tiniest hint of how difficult and terrifying trench warfare must be. Sides weren't switched after the game ended, that same game would be replayed with switched sides later in the afternoon (which I quite liked as it added a bit of variation instead of switching sides straight away) Second game I enjoyed was a fallback game which surprised me. I tend to hate fallback games, especially on defence (which we were) because it often devolves into waiting around and confusion as people fall back at different rates. The starting defence was in a very small, limited area with little cover directly around the fracking sites. The fallback area after that was the first cqb village, then the second cqb village and then the final one was the woods behind all of that. Our initial defence of the fracking wells lasted for a really long time due to some stiff resistance, good accurate shots and some very nice coordination and call outs between people covering different arcs. I think it was so fun because I managed to hang in there with a smallish group who doggedly defended for longer than you would expect given the limited cover. Holding a fairly indefensible position like that was really satisfying and fun. Things slowed down once in the villages but still got some nice firefights. We re-ran those games in the afternoon with the sides switched and there were a few other games too, one being played in the main CQB village. 4 players were placed in the tower at the middle of the village and teams had to race to extract them. Unfortunately our team didn't get the memo about the race (slightly lackadaisical marshaling on this point, one of the specific things I've noticed with the marshals here is that the briefings on specific game rules aren't the clearest. Marshals don't describe the boundaries very well so noobs frequently get lost, and important details like it being a race seem to get lost in translation) so the first round was over after about 2 minutes because we thought we were attacking to extract those players with the other team simply defending, instead of both teams being able to extract. A re run of the game yielded similarly unsatisfying gameplay, but that may be because I don't particularly love sprinting through CQB carelessly and prefer a more considered and deliberate approach to gameplay generally (especially since my back issues) Atmosphere was really good all day long (aside from that small argument that I didn't personally witness earlier in the day) lots of joking and good sport between the teams, no issues with hit taking AT ALL which was awesome. Best day I've had so far on that front actually. Overall it was one of the better days of airsoft I've had, and I defo see the appeal of smaller teams/player counts as it just seemed to make everyone more accountable on hit taking as well as friendlier. It seemed to make it easier for marshals to manage things also, and allowed you to actually move around the map a bit without getting zapped immediately from 8 different angles which was fun. Hopefully my UKARA comes through relatively quickly (fingers crossed), I've had some fun down there but with my obligations met I can look further afield now as mentioned in a different thread. Reforger is on the cards, then perhaps tower airsoft/AP and some sites further afield, I've had my eye on going to a weekender down at Imperium but will have to see what happens!
    3 points
  2. @Lozart Good point on parts availability. I try not to recommend anything I know is super hard to find, but I’m sure it happens… @MrTea Glad you’ve been able to find most of the items you need! I’m watching the thread waiting to hear what you’re able to get out of it.
    2 points
  3. Hi MrTea/Everyone I was just having a Google as I was board as hell an see the magflash post on my search....I seen someone commented saying they was on YouTube...Just for your info I have them...In 12g Blanks,Small Magflash,Magflash an Large Magflash...An a few others in development ATM? I've only just joined to reply to your post! I've not read up on site rules just yet so don't want to give out any info untill I fully understand the site rules?Don't want to get banned! But just for your info all x4 was developed for Airsoft use in All BFG's😉🤙💥...So everyone can get more use out of there BFG's. Tugger👊
    2 points
  4. Bittersweet day at Worthing so early disclaimer that I am a bit salty about a number of things and am not afraid to spill that salt all over the table like a cat causing mayhem in the kitchen. I had a lot of stuff I needed to test out, so I wasn't able to bring absolutely everything I needed, so I left the m21 at home and brought the short m14 and the m40a5, which had a new hop setup since the last one started overhopping last game day, so I tried to get something a bit softer. Changed from the Modify X-range 55 degree and the Action Army hop nub to a new Maple Leaf 2023 silicone autobot 60 degree rubber with a new 50 degree silicone nub and it worked a charm; no more overhopping! I set the hop on the range after magging up, but here I got the first bittersweet bit of news. I was told that they had built more barricades and structures around the tower base and a lot of them interfere with the limited long-range lines of sight. I often describe Worthing Airsoft during the summer as "woodland CQB", so hearing that as someone who enjoys long range shooting made my heart sink a bit. So after magging up the m40a5, I decided to leave the m14 until after lunch as I had a lot I needed to test on that. So the first thing I did in the morning before briefing was head out into the game area with my friend that I often pair up with as a sniper. We headed out to have a look and while I do like more builds on-site, there were a few bitter points of these and I'm pretty sure one of the barricades that was built was built because of me. There was a spot I used to crawl to that would cover over a very strong position behind the church building and essentially counter it. It was a difficult position to get into and involved low-crawling through a bunch of stinging nettles to get into it, but it was, I thought, one of the only positions that countered the position on the back of the church. Now that they've built a massive barricade across the entire line of sight from that spot, I realised I was wrong; it was the only position to counter the back of the church, which now goes unchecked for the team that spawns over that side of the base. Another build that really affected me was bad in the other way; it has made another of my spots far too strong, since it creates essentially a funnel right in front of it about 50m away that you can cover and hold super easily. Another barricade totally neuters a position that me and another sniper liked to take which, again, was a bit of a pain to get to as you had to crawl under a holly bush that was in view of the enemy team, so low-crawling was the only was to do it if people were in the area, as one new barricade covers half of the sight line and is about 20m away, while another barricade covers the rest of the sight line at 30m away. What didn't help is that the spots that were ruined were both spots that could be used by the team spawning from one side of the base, while the two spots made overpowered were on the other side and for the other team. Anyway, one safety brief later we headed out and I stuck with the m40a5 because I needed to get an idea how these new builds would interact with snipers. Short answer is, it makes snipers and DMRs even worse during the summer. Worthing is already quite a thick site and with how much there are only a few areas where sniping works well; the tower, the outpost and the paths. Now, the tower is no longer one of those spots outside of two positions that are way too powerful now with the new barricades. I spent the first game in my overpowered spot overwatching the funnel checkpoint, while my friend took position behind me in the other overpowered spot and we held down that side of the base essentially by ourselves. My suspicions were definitely confirmed that those spots had been made incredibly overpowered, but time to switch sides after a relatively dominant hold from that side. I headed over to my old spot and while I still had a thin sight line to the back of tower, no dice for the church as expected. What made it worse is that getting into a position to see the front of the church (not even the rear which is the power position), I have to crawl forward and would be within the 30m MED to engage. Also, from what I heard, a sniper on the other team took up one of my overpowered positions (fortunately nobody really knows about the other one apart from like... 3 of us) and dominated that entire flank just as we had the previous game. Next game was a bit widerspread than being concentrated around the tower, so I was excited for that. Sandbag bunker, a small base in the middle of the site near the boundary on the other side, had barrels in it and both teams had to get as many as they could. However, teams could only transport one barrel at a time, so you couldn't just rush it, get everyone to grab a barrel and run; you had to hold the area to transport the barrels away one at a time. Our base was the tower, their base was the outpost and the game never went anywhere near the tower. I think they got there first and got more barrels than us or something, but the entire game was us sieging the outpost, a hard base to take since the spawn for the team is very close. Got some lovely shots with the m40a5 in this game though, since around outpost is one of the few areas where sniper rifles work well at this time of year; I even got a shot at about 60m on a running target! That was my favourite shot of the day by far as it was just perfectly judged and super satisfying to hit. No idea who won that game, but it was very enjoyable. We switched ends after that and the game ended up with us trying to siege the tower base. We didn't get anywhere close to taking the tower though, since we were attacking from the nasty side. I spent most of the game trying to work out how to counter-snipe one of the overpowered spots, but while in game it was going to be hard to work out. The main takeaway I got from this game was that I think it's time I returned to long sleeves; the foliage at Worthing is out to kill you as it's covered in thorns, stinging nettles and holly bushes and I'm tired of coming away from a game day with my arms burning and having to take some painkillers to get to sleep. So lunch time came around and after grabbing my burger, I headed out into the gameplay area again to try and work out how to counter-snipe that spot. After about an hour of combined effort with my friend, we worked out that it's essentially impossible to counter-snipe, and I'm not just saying that because I'm bad. The strength of the area is that it's behind a slight defilade and takes cover behind a tree, so all that really pokes out is the barrel of your rifle and the scope. Even without a ghillie or any camo patterns, as I went out in a black t-shirt, my friend said it was essentially impossible to see me from pretty much any angle. We worked out a way to counter the spot, but it doesn't involve counter-sniping it. It involves full-auto and a bit of luck where you just spray the exact position and hope you at least get a gun hit or something. Only other way is to flank around the entire field, but then you also need to sneak past the steady stream of dead and respawning players as you would cross over the paths to and from the enemy team's respawn, or you need to take the base itself, though with that side locked down by those positions, you would need to attack from the other end. Anyway, the next thing that sucked was the short m14. For some reason it was shooting weird and felt like it was only firing at 0.2J or something. I have no idea why, since I only changed out the outer barrel and the stock, but when it just flat out stopped shooting I just gave up as I didn't want to damage it. I found the reason for it stopping shooting, which fortunately was only because the motor connectors were loose and the movement of the gearbox was shaking them off (the vibrations when the piston goes back and forwards was enough to shake them loose), but since I just can't do gearboxes, I'll be sending that off to my local tech soon-ish to get it sorted. Will probably get a third m14 rather than trying to frankengun a short m14 scout build with a mix of TM and Cyma parts, which is another case of clone items not being entirely compatible with each other beyond the Laylax scope mount not working on the Cyma receivers. The TM stock is a bit tighter than the Cyma one, though it will fit with some persuasion, but the outer barrels are incompatible; Cyma outer barrels won't fit in TM receivers without modification. I'll pick up a Cyma m14 socom to use for my short build and swap out the outer barrel for the one I have where the iron sights are separate from the flash hider. The only other thing to really say is that the split chest rig also worked really well. A few minor tweaks to be done as the holster kept coming loose for the bodyguard pistol and I think if I was running an SMG secondary as I want to do, the mag pouches on the belt would press against it and be hard to access, so I'm going back to a separate shoulder holster. However, the idea of running one and taking weight off the belt kit was sound, and unclipping it when going prone allows me to still low-crawl with nothing on my front. So in summary - Short m14 shat itself - Anything with an MED is incredibly limited at Worthing Airsoft now until the winter comes along and the foliage recedes - While I'm salty at the moment about the barricades doing this, I think it will be great during the winter to stop snipers being too dominant when the foliage recedes - One of the bases is super overpowered from one side - The marshalls who do build work have acknowledged that and already planned on adding some more stuff the other side to make it balanced - Will this make guns with MEDs even worse during the summer? - m40a5 was shooting flawlessly with the new hop setup - Split chest rig is the way forward for me when I'm sniping, which is most of the time, even with 1J builds Next game day I'm leaving the bolt action at home and bringing out the SR-25. I will also bring the m21 as I still need to test it with its new Cyma gearbox since I didn't like it being HPA, though I did move the lovely green TM stock back to it as it was mostly TM just with a Cyma gearbox. I will see what it's like running a similar style but with no MED and a bit less effective range, but my suspicions are that I won't lose all that much and I will gain a lot. It's either that or bring the m40a5 and set it to fire at 1J instead of 2J. I will also be bringing out the mp9 in a thigh holster for next game day even though I don't really need to with a 1J build, purely to test out the new split rig + belt + shoulder holstered bodyguard pistol setup when running that SMG secondary, even though it's not going to be my SMG secondary since I prefer retractable stocks over folding stocks for that and will be getting a TM mp7 at some point in the future to fill that role.
    2 points
  5. Hey, I use "NUPROL Battle Pro" and have done for the past few years. They have an "insert" version, which you can take to specsavers etc and have them fit your prescription into them. I believe it cost me about £36 for the prescription to be put in, they do a range of colours too and they're not expensive. I believe they also make goggles with inserts, if that's more your style.
    2 points
  6. Probably more questions and frustrations if experience is anything to go by
    1 point
  7. Sounds like standard internet bollocks to me. Like polishing the mains plug on your hifi!
    1 point
  8. Dan Robinson

    Hi all, new member

    Think you got the best game of the day TBH. Sorry your lad couldn't carry on....I'm gonna post in the the How's Your Day thread later 👍
    1 point
  9. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    RWA Agency Arms EXA pistol. Currently boneyard. Nozzle seems to jam on hammer assembly occasionally, locking the slide at half cocked. I’ve stripped, cleaned and checked for anything broken, but there is nothing obvious. I don’t really enjoy working on the Glock platform, so this can go to someone who does! These are great pistols when working, I have the Ronin version of this and it’s real nice. No box, but comes with the EXA mag and a Tokyo Marui mag, both gas tight. £70 posted


    1 point
  10. ASP383

    Hi all, new member

    Only just seen your message Dan, We got there for the afternoon games, can't say I noticed you, was looking out for your patch though. We only managed 1 game in the end, as my lad got a migraine and had forgotten his medication. At least I know the Maple Leaf 275mm 6.03mm barrel and 70* hop rubber I fitted has helped flatten the trajectory and close up my grouping, just got to decide it the G&G CM16 Raider is worth spending the money on to try to quieten the gearbox, or keep it as a back up/loaner
    1 point
  11. 1st commando

    VFC M249 Thread

    I did find that it was easy to adjust through the nozzle for a change
    1 point
  12. You'll be fine, they're very good springs! Also (absolutely no disrespect to @Leo Greer) some of the parts that have been recommended by Leo are easier to get hold of in the US. Doesn't mean the parts you can get here/via HK aren't going to be just as decent.
    1 point
  13. Shamal

    TRMR Stolen.

    1 point
  14. Dan Robinson

    TRMR Stolen.

    Doubt it's a right that can be revoked simply. Personally I wouldn't have a problem having my gear searched if asked nicely, but you'd be doing very well to stop me from leaving when I deemed it time to go.
    1 point
  15. Spartan09

    VFC M249 Thread

    Got my one done last night, pin was just bloody tight in the nozzle. Now to charge my chrono and see if it will work so I can dial in the valve to my preferred Vorsk V6 gas
    1 point
  16. Tackle


    Never too late 🤣
    1 point
  17. gavinkempsell


    Damn... Am I too late for me 'You ok hun?'
    1 point
  18. SBoardley

    Ghk AKM

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    For sale as above. Tnt inner barrel and hop combo Comes with : zenitco repro fore end, sight mount & vertical grip magpul repro stock and pistol grip 2 different muzzle devices 4 gas tight mags ( always stored with gas) £530 posted paypal g&s only. mags will be emptied for posting.


    - GB

    1 point
  19. Tommikka

    First Aid Kits

    Here’s a drift, which I’ll deliberately make to target those of you who are professionals in this area —— because you might have the ability to redirect out of date elements, and could help with training materials ……. (Of course he’s also taking donations to build the main kits) A fellow by the name of witzy has been doing a number of things to support Ukraine, and is currently putting together IFAK kits for combatants etc He is both a paintballer and airsofter, as player and organiser If you do Facebook the following videos should come up, if anyone is able to help with expired surpluses he can me messaged directly on his profile https://www.facebook.com/stephen.witts.5 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02a3r4waeUthKGP8s9QnbeK43XEEqHDECNJT2gDnamejLjns95DMUQxeUBtN78ZNX8l&id=1169423901 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0zEekY57jEGhFaa5a83FG6q7nNzbFCNqTY17qjaHASoVX57gsFyKHtGVKCLbShS1hl&id=1169423901 Even if not, his run through of the contents give some of the uses of the elements of a ‘more serious’ first aid kit For our kinds of use leave out what you don’t know what to do with and add the ‘lesser’ basics of plasters, liquid plasters, tape, creams, pills appropriate to you such as allergy, aches & pains etc Hopefully as a player we just need something to stop a scratch, graze, cut, pyro burn from ending the day, and be able to ease something worse until others turn up
    1 point
  20. Rogerborg


    Looks kind of sad. Sold his pride-and-joy, had regrets, has been trying to buy it back. I hope he hasn't sent money to an address in Northern Ireland.
    1 point
  21. Sorry to hear that. Have you got the whole gearbox apart? If you have, damage to the rack should be pretty obvious. If it is the piston, well, that's where you want the failure to happen - they're essentially consumable parts. When it goes back together, get it shimmed and lubed, and it would be worth checking the angle of engagement to see if it's way out. Also, if you were running it on 11.1V, I'd suggest going down to 7.4V since you now have reason to suspect that it's not as happy as it could be.
    1 point
  22. Rogerborg

    Bunny Workshop - avoid

    Preserving for posterity (with the spam link removed). That's an interesting AI (or Real Stupidity) spambot, it's copied the previous post and changed some of the language - including the spelling of "favour" to Colonial. I've reported it, and it's obvious here, but less so elsewhere - let's keep an eye out for spam links in new users' messages.
    1 point
  23. The new type daily contacts are much more flexible and comfortable than any cheap cosmetic lenses. I'm sure a local optician can let you have a trial pair And you only forget to take them out when drunk 🥴. But I survived doing that a few times in my youth 😋
    1 point
  24. It's not that I can't, I just struggle putting them in (bad experience with cheap coloured contacts for a costume once and it's put me off. Also I know I'll forget to take them out). I currently have i4s from a lifetime ago when I was sponsored by Dye, but I would need a fan and some anti fog to stop the glasses misting up which is what happened the first time I used them. I also find the mask to be quite difficult to communicate in and would prefer to go with a different solution (Though I do like the ear protection they offer -especially after being hit in the ear twice yesterday!) These seem like they would be a great option. I need to head to the opticians today anyway so I'll check how much it would be. Thanks. I think a fan would definitely help, as mentioned above I couldn't see anything through my glasses, so at minimum anti fog spray, but couldn't hurt to couple it with a fan. Thanks for the replies everyone.
    1 point
  25. Dan Robinson

    Hi all, new member

    I'm set up just by the entrance If you're about....on the orange team that just got slayed in TDM 🤣
    1 point
  26. Great weekend at the nae🙂 Weather held for us and my gear didn't fail me so that's a bonus. Met some great characters,consumed some lovely food and drank ice cold beer. I won't go into a long narrative but it was a weekend to remember. Bought some bloc eyepro for £50 and wow! It stood up to the claim that it was antifog. Downside was that didn't get to meet @Skullcheweror @Enid_Puceflange.☹️ My hit count wasn't great,three hits over the weekend but walked probably 10 miles to get them! Lol. Lessons learnt so next year look out 😂 Regards
    1 point
  27. Good (ish) day out at Special Ops. In fact I overheard a few people saying it was one of the best they'd had. They were all on the other team 😂 Yet another day when the numbers were balanced but the gameplay wasn't. The non-armband team won all but one of the games. They showed good teamwork and thoroughly deserved it. I didn't do enough to lift our team from a rather passive attitude, and out team did seem a bit light on experience. But some fun was still to be had! This was the first game in nearly two years when I didn't have my trusty Double Eagle (thanks to the failing control unit 😭), so I took VFC HK416 GBBR TM AUG High Cycle TM 5.1 DOR Pistol On arrival at the site it was clear there were plenty of players, in spite of NAF, but not many marshalls (because of NAF / holidays), so I (very loosely) became a player / marshal for the day In the morning I played with the gas gun. I'm down to a last few 0.40g BBs so I decided to save them for my sniper rifle, and went to 0.28s. They're just too light, really. The gas rifle is not fantastically accurate at the best of times, with the 0.28s they seem to go all over the place. The 0.40s are prohibitively expensive given my finances but it seems I'll have to bite that particular bullet all the same! During the second round I managed to lose a gas mag. Not happy given the £50+ price tag, but thankfully a retracing of my steps during a pause, and I found it quite quickly. Phew! However I no longer trust my cheap polymer mag pouches to retain the heavy mags, if I decide to actually run at any point. A rare event, but it does happen The usual games - zombies, clear the minefield / find the items, nothing too complicated due to a large number of first time players and the lack of marshals, it worked ok. I had further problems, one of my 4 mags developed a leak, and I got through enough shots (needing to switch to full auto to counter the lack of accuracy) that my gas mags were running out of gas, and my gas cans were getting empty too), basically I decided to go to the AUG for the afternoon. Which I did... The extra weight of suppressing fire meant I could get a bit more pushy at the front line so it went better (and at one point I broke up the other team charging up the hill from Ping Ping with a long burst that got a good few of them and stopped the assault in its tracks). Still couldn't break the other team's stranglehold, excepting one game where we beat them on time, but hit taking was fine. Oh except for the ghillie guy who I shot square in the stomach from 15m, who - I'll give him the benefit of the doubt - didn't feel it because his suit was quite loose. I made up for that by sneaking up on him and shooting him in the back at point-blank range 😅 The weather held up pretty well, lunch was good, and everyone was friendly. Looking forward to two weeks time - and hopefully having my Double Eagle fixed, or at least an alternate DE to use (thanks @Speedbird_666!)
    1 point
  28. Jaylordofwaargh


    Who's using Bacs and not pp g&s...... For sales? It is an interesting one given the op's posting history
    1 point
  29. ASP383

    Hi all, new member

    The site has free wifi in the safe zone, but doubt it extends over the whole 30 acre site. will have to see what normal signal is like, although I've noticed in general, mobile signal has reduced and since Virgin Mobile changed to O2, the signal is even worse, however, I'll give the app a try. Don't worry, I'd rather call a hit, even if not 100% sure about and like I've told my lad, if you've been pinned in 1 area, at least you can try a different route/area after respawning.
    1 point
  30. I'll counter with JT Proflex or Empire E-Flex for those with larger/wider spectacles. Oh, and Profiler > Grillz.
    1 point
  31. Interesting to note that they still cannot manage to brief the teams properly. Still, you had a good day and got your UKARA sorted out!
    1 point
  32. After many years of dicking around with various solutions - I settled on a Paintball mask + own design goggle fan. Never fogged and the added face protection has been very useful playing at CQB sites.
    1 point
  33. Jaylordofwaargh


    I for one, would like to see the whole thing publicly. My FB entertainment has fallen short of my low expectations so I need some sort of boost
    1 point
  34. I have astigmatism, which since it got worse, contacts do not play ball well with, always a notable difference from glasses. You should be able to get a set for ~£150; I run Revision Stingerhawk ~£60 insert with connector system ~£25 Glazing insert ~£60 upwards if you need or would thinned lenses +shipping bits to you. Depending on your prescription depends on if you need thinned or even if an outlet will touch them. Specsavers are hit and miss for taking it on, I think they only deal with safe prescriptions on the low end. Your best bet is visiting a local smaller chain or individual opticians, sport stores, possibly even shooting/gun stores as they are most likely to know where to go. I have a small opticians lab/outlet near me which if you get real stuck I can pass you their contact details for glazing. Which might be worth saying where you based. 2 lens as in eyepro+prescription, pretty much everything will fog. EXFOG IS GOD SEND AND WORTH EVERY PENNY. There are knock-offs. I've had mine for about 4 years and now wouldn't be without it. Your only real other alternative to this is a dye mask that you can fit or normal glasses in underneath. There is eyepro designed to go over your glasses but I cannot speak of their safety ratings, tightness, or antifogging properties.
    1 point
  35. Emergencychimps

    TRMR Stolen.

    The site in question have a rule that you should leave all pyro where it is and not move, even if you think it's more helpful, it's well briefed. For this example, it was thrown into the middle of a multi room building and there were several places it could have been placed to make it easier to find. Instead it was completely out of the building on a barrel, some distance from the building. My point was though, even if it had been stolen and I replaced it, financially I'd still be far better off than if I'd bought all of that as disposable pyro. I've used bfgs at many Stirling events (15+) as well. Yes my local site reacted well etc but I'd encourage people not to ignore the possibility of bfgs as they can be a huge cost saver.
    1 point
  36. gavinkempsell

    First Aid Kits

    No good, I tried this & got a slap after the first 15 compressions.
    1 point
  37. 1st commando

    VFC M249 Thread

    I did indeed and i just tapped it out and didn't see anything directional on it
    1 point
  38. Tiercel

    First Aid Kits

    Nobody does mouth to mouth because its disgusting That's the main reason they've tried encouraging laypeople to go compression only, its better than nothing and you have better luck convincing them to do it. Usually youll have a lovely pool of saliva and other assorted fluids at the back of the mouth to deal with, which leak everywhere, and probably a load of vomit too, and some blood if youre doing those compressions hard enough. No way Im putting my mouth anywhere near that, even with one of those little plastic sheet mouth shield things. I would maybe, MAYBE consider it if it were one of my nearest and dearest, but on a stranger? Absolutely no chance. As for the aspirin debate, ideally you want dispersable that'll dissolve on you tongue and absorbed directly via buccal/sub lingual route. Unless theyre deathly allergic to it, the benefit greatly outweighs any risk. None of this nonsense about prescribing or not knowing their history or anything like that. Just ask them "Got chest pain and you look like a grey, pale, sweaty mess, feel like shit? Fancy an aspirin just in case, not allergic are you?" and if theyre not in a position to answer you, dont go sticking things in their mouth. Same as the fling you met at the pub
    1 point
  39. OlavDeng2

    Umarex vfc g3

    Did this G3 get repaired since I returned it to you? Or is the nozzle still damaged?
    1 point
  40. Shamal

    Hi all, new member

    Hi bud and welcome to the looney bin 🙂 We use the ares alpha system and it's pretty good but signal dependant. Still run Comms as well for fast updates. Enjoy and call ya hits👍 Regards
    1 point
  41. The real reason for UKARA
    1 point
  42. Rogerborg

    TRMR Stolen.

    Really sorry to hear that. The Depot 1.0 site was on the verge of banning all reusables because they were getting nicked and they didn't want the hassle. I have a policy of always retrieving them straight away, even if it's calling myself out and getting lit up in the process. I've had marshals tell me to get them later, but I now politely but firmly insist, or ask them to retrieve them for me. Unfortunate, but it's the reality of humans being dicks until proven otherwise.
    1 point
  43. Maple Leaf MR bucking compared to a PDI 6.05 AEG barrel. It's actually a better fit than I thought it would be. I remember having issues trying to use an old Autobot bucking on the PDI VSR barrels.
    1 point
  44. i take the same view. nowadays everything has the potential to offend everyone, its honestly tiring im not offended if someone wants to wear rusfor kit or SS kit, just as long as you arent spouting off that you were in ukraine or are out to hunt the jews... if you do that, then you can fuck off. fortunately i havent seen anyone take things that far, but i have seen many rusfor kits, one SS loadout, 2 regular german ww2 army loadouts and one modern PLA loadout, none of which offended me as none of the wearers took things too far. the one SS kit i saw was at one of my regular sites and the head marshall began the briefing by bringing the loadout to everyones attention and asking if anyone had any objections, and if they did then the wearer would be asked to change loadout. no one had any objections and the games ran smoothly. all that being said, if i see anyone in those uniforms, then i set myself a challenge to hunt them down as priority targets. i have yet to see anyone brave stupid enough to wear a wagner or Z patch yet though
    1 point
  45. If we take that view, any war has its oppos and anyone can take offence at anything. Where do we stop. Germans getting offended at British D-Day kit... Yanks offended at VC loadouts... Jedi offended by Stormtroopers... Covenant airsofters disgusted by Spartan loadouts... Next we'd be banning shemaghs as the wrong colour will offend someone (a genuine cultural fopah in the Gulf but we airsofters tend to ignore it, mainly out of ignorance). Personally, there's good taste to be accounted for, however it's still just a bit of dress-up. My great-grandfather fought in the Somme. Another family relative was a Jew who escaped to Scotland with his bro from Poland in 1939 when they were all getting rounded up and sent to camps. His remaining family were wiped out in the horrors that followed. Whilst I'm fully aware and appreciative of history, I'm afraid I am not offended in the slightest if someone turns up to my local field in SS kit with toy guns. Thats just me, again there's the question of what is good taste, and others may be for good reason more sensitive which regardless of my more Liberal views I do respect.
    1 point
  46. Interesting topic and viewpoints. A big part of our hobby is dress- up, let's face it. A bit like @Skullchewer above I'm into my spaceman patches and am definitely a walty Spartan/ODST/DoomGuy/Space Marine. I've seen all kinds of loadouts on the field, including very accurate RusFor (complete with Zs etc) and SS uniforms. None of which has offended me in the slightest. That kind of thing is not for me - I'm into my own personalised look rather than accurate impressions but that's just me. If someone wants to dress up as a "baddie" that's their bag. I'll just do my thing, they do theirs, and as long as we all play fairly and have fun that's all I care for. Must admit, I do rather like the Space Shuttle Door Gunner patch above... definitely a worthy addition to my Space Marine Beefcake shoulder armour... Eezer G
    1 point
  47. Hi all my gun won't fire but making a grinding noise checked the motor is sound and gears I'm guessing the piston has gone as I found a bit of one of the teeth while taking apart 😞😞 specna arms g series
    0 points
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