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  1. You see there are levels of ignorance which I think you have to make some allowance for. I am one of the ignorant. I have never heard of a Keffiyeh. I had no idea whatsoever that the patterns had any symbolism behind them, I just thought they were purely decorative (or in the case of more militaristic ones, sort-of camo) I've been educated today (thank you), but if someone sees a shemagh / Keffiyeh for sale and buys it because they like the pattern... well I certainly couldn't hold them to account for it, because it's something (to borrow a much-mocked phrase) that's "an unknown unknown" to both them and me. Back to the main topic, I've got some personal experience in the Z patch thing. I'm not sure how to, or even whether I should share, but as I'm typing I feel I might as well keep going, see what you guys think... There's a young chap who goes regularly to Spec Ops who has worn a Z patch on several occasions. The first time I saw it my blood boiled. I naturally assumed he was just being a twat, or utterly ignorant. My initial desire was to run up to him, rip it off his arm, verbally abuse him for , and generally put either, or both, of us at risk of getting thrown off the site. Instead I decided to mentally count to 10, and approach it with an opening gambit of "that's a bold thing to wear that today, I can't say I like it". He explained he's Russian, his family back in Russia support the war (presumably brainwashed by Putin etc), and his uncle is actually fighting. He made a comment about the BBC as 'Main Stream Media', fake news about the Russians etc, from which I reached the conclusion that he's in a Pro-Putin environment where they're all soaking up the propaganda. And as he's got at least one family member in the army, it'd be pretty difficult for him to go against that without alienating himself from his close relatives. I kind of put him on my "RL ignore list", but as it turned out he's a nice guy, plays airsoft the right way, didn't push the Z agenda at anyone (though I think he'd defend it when questioned, as he did to me). He became too friendly to ignore, and I've turned a blind eye to his patch, and not talked politics since. He greets me by name, gave me a slice of birthday cake (which some others had turned down - not sure if they were ostracizing him for the patch, worried the cake would have Novichok in it, or just concerned their waist-line would end up like mine... but turning down cake is not something I can do easily). I really don't know if I've dropped my moral compass by not forcefully pointing out that the error of his ways, or being the good person who sees past flaws and make allowance for circumstances. The only thing I can say for sure is I was mightily pleased when he turned up to the last skirmish without the patch, indeed he was wearing British gear I think. Maybe Carlos had had a word with him. So yeah. Slava Ukraini
    5 points
  2. I'm not entirely sure where our super-luxury personal indulgence toys fit into any 5 Year Plans. 🤔
    3 points
  3. We love a good rant here, but I'm not getting enough outrage from that post.
    3 points
  4. 5.11 CAMS Ordered yesterday around 4pm from Tactree Arrived today by8pm Super impressed as I didn’t select express delivery and just accepted the free 10 day service Even got a free cap with my order This thing is flippen HUUUGE, and kinda heavy before it’s got all my shit in it 😂
    2 points
  5. By the time this comes out, I might have the money saved up yo buy one.
    2 points
  6. Rogerborg

    Opinions on UKAPU

    I've joined and rejoined UKAPU over and over, but have never heard a squeak out of them, apart from seeing a very occasional self-congratulatory post on Facebook about some jolly their committee had, three weeks ago. Alternative narratives are doubtless available, and valid, but I can only speak to the truths of my lived experience.
    2 points
  7. I think @RostokMcSpoons ‘s response summed up my feelings pretty nicely. I would be in the ignorant camp for most of these things. Do I know what a Swastika is and why not to wear it? Yeah. Do I know what patterns on shemaghs or keffiyehs mean what? Heck no. Young players are stupid, not always malicious. We’ll change more of their behavior by being friends than we will by alienating/being hostile.
    2 points
  8. The airsoft field shared a car park with the Rangers club?
    2 points
  9. ChatGPT to the rescue! (Bold text added for emphasis.) I also had the AI analyse the communication quality of the original post, for the funny: Gosh. We can all learn.
    2 points
  10. Any chance you could put that in English? Maybe try using a little bit of punctuation too, that way your post might make some sense
    2 points
  11. I am off to Japan in a few weeks and will have a few days in Osaka. I am planning on buying a load of swanky fishing gear when I am over there, as they love fishing over there. However, my hotel in Osaka looks to be a 10 min walk from Gurkha and a few other shops so I will take a look when there. I doubt I will be buying any rifs, but I might try and pick up something Japanesey to show off when I get back home.
    2 points

    • For sale
    • Used

    For sale is my Agilite K-Zero Plate carrier, bought this to replace my FCPC for my CQB loadout, great piece of kit however I’m struggling to have any desire to play and it’s a hefty amount of money to be sat around not doing anything. I’ve used it once at the Gaol last month but other than that it’s been sat in a corner of my room. Features an incredible amount of adjustment that can fit almost anyone. The Pincer placard pouch comes with warranty which I’ve not registered, so whoever purchases this will get that. Cost me around £480 as it currently stands from tactical kit. Prices new: K-Zero Multicam Medium - £299.99 Pincer Placard Multicam - £ 74.99 Six Pack Hanger pouch - £69.99 AG1 5.56 single mag pouch - £24.99 Medium Foam plates £12 looking for £380 shipped. Any questions please ask away.


    1 point
  13. 100%, to be clear. I’m not going around starting fights with everyone lmao. I’m just saying, I make as conscious an effort as the specifically malicious players in counter to their views. I understand a lot of it is ignorance and that’s acceptable to a degree, it’s those who are deliberate edge lords or stand by it in the face of confrontation I’m less friendly with… But as @RostokMcSpoonssaid, it’s a small world and I am not in the business of getting kicked off sites so I keep quiet most the time. I was merely giving a granted very specific example, I remember a time when people having “terrorist” kits wearing traditional Afghan dress was somewhat normal and apparently acceptable so it was the first example that popped into head. BlueFor always used to have those offensive infidel patches, and OpFor always dressed super offensive and didn’t understand the cause they were impersonating.
    1 point
  14. Never got my hands on the Begadi rubbers myself, but a lot of very smart fellows I know prefer them fully over Maple Leaf. For more info, ask around over on Airsoft Sniper Forum. To increase accuracy and range, the first thing you should do is get heavier, quality ammunition, then take out your barrel group, clean out any oil or residue, polish the barrel if you feel like it, stabilize everything, and test again. You will get a lot of accuracy increase out of simply stabilizing the barrel and hop unit, without spending any money. If your rubber feels very hard or slick, you should consider replacing. Maple Leaf is a good option, as are Begadi. And then there are simpler options like the PDI W-hold, Krytac blue and Orange, or the G&G blue and green. As a note, the green is not an upgrade, merely a replacement for a bad rubber, and both G&G rubbers can have spec issues in different hop units, as they are designed for the G&G rotary. Shaving of the packing lips may be required.
    1 point
  15. Jacket

    DDPM Bergan

    I’m 99.9% certain there has never been a DDPM bergen. Silvermans used to sell a U.S. Tri desert PLCE style bergen, along with rocket pouches that had built in shoulder straps I think. The only issued DDPM stuff I am aware of is the 40 litre patrol pack and ECM bags
    1 point
  16. Grrrr its an outrage The Highways Act covers the firing within 50’, and covers ‘any firearm or firework’ The 6 & 12 ft lbs covers low powered air weapons in the firearms act, but still treats them within the firearms definition Even though airsoft fires at a much lower power it previously still qualified as a low powered air weapon / firearm But legislation change exempted compliant airsoft guns from being firearms This could arguably mean that airsoft is legal to fire within 50’ of a highway But the best position to be in is to never test that out. Irrespective of what is being shot a police response could occur, which provided there isn’t idiotic escalation or other offences would generally result in ‘advice’. Police advice can be given in many legal situations in order to avoid worrying the public in the first place Be sensible Don’t be overlooked Don’t be overheard Ensure that every BB is stopped and cannot bounce Be friendly and open with neighbours If there’s any concern then don’t do it
    1 point
  17. Awesome, a lefty too so that'll be a big bonus. Looking at yours I realise I don't run plate carries, and only occasionally run a mk5 small chest rig. So that may mean I need to run the rig to help with the routing. More fiddling I think 🤔. P.s nice gun 😉
    1 point
  18. I was brought up on his humour. Met him once when he was filming a scene for a film he was doing in the late 90’s ”The Debt Collector” He was in character, and was incredibly intimidating at the time, then after I got a chat with him for a few seconds. A naturally funny man, with incredible charisma! He was told by one of my Gaffers that he couldn’t smoke his cigar in the building, so he chucked it out the door to the car park, as soon as the coast was clear I rescued it and gave it to my dad, who then whittled a little stand for it and put it on display in his living room cabinet 🙄 My dad is a massive fan of Billy’s Anyway, sorry to threadjack Im away back to scouring the classifieds
    1 point
  19. It was supposed to be a funny 😁
    1 point
  20. Remember it's getting hot and humid over there now.
    1 point
  21. That's my Granddad, the one who refused promotions was an Uncle who had either severe ptsd or was Bipolar. We can't figure out what caused what. We don't have any pictures of him sadly. But I remember him being a bit of a unit despite his age. National archives... https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D7386637
    1 point
  22. OTH21

    DDPM Bergan

    As far as I'm aware the main DDPM regular issued packs are the one above, the Karrimor ECM pack and a mortar carrying variant of the one above, I'd assume there'd be a medic clamshell type pack also. Not seen a bergan, probably just cheaper to issue out a DDPM bergan cover like you've seen and put that over a standard DPM bergan. SF may have had DDPM bergans, if they're out there they'd come up on fleaBay I guess with the appropriate "genuine SF issue, rare, I know what I've got" pricing. Any other kit you're after?
    1 point
  23. Cannonfodder


    They're definitely SR-25/AR-10 mags. As for brand I was thinking ARES, but the feed nozzle is too far forward. The only other brand I can find on Google with the 7.62x51 markings are nuprol. Capacity wise they're high caps so they hold 550 rounds. https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/nuprol-550rnd-n-mag-high-cap-magazine-for-sr25-aeg?pv=20250
    1 point
  24. Speedbird_666

    DDPM Bergan

    By DDPM I assume you are referring to Desert DPM? If so, the side pouches are probably for the 45L Day Sack available here: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/125122762851
    1 point
  25. A stupid amount of Osprey MkIV body armour,including pelvec protection (for Sat nights only). I'll not be buying the hard armour plates for this but did buy front & back body inserts (the extremeties will need to settle for cut up roll mat). I treated myself to a cheapo rifle case too as the bergan I used at my last/first skirmish was a bit bulky & awkward.
    1 point
  26. It comes with age apparently. Unlike maturity
    1 point
  27. EDcase

    Family history channel

    My mother was living in occupied Brussels/Belgium. She remembers seeing families being marched along the street with yellow star of David patches on their clothing. There was a small lake in a forest near their house which was emptied in 1997 for the first time since the war. I found loads of German bullets (probably from training) and several rusted civilian handguns (handed to Police) People threw them away because they would be shot if found with weapons. This was just at the edge of the lake because it was too muddy further in. There must have been LOADS of stuff in there cleaned out by the council. My father didn't talk about his experience much and he's gone now. What I did get out of him during my interrogations was: As a newly trained pilot in his teens he was sent to North Africa to fly P40 Warhawks but was shot down on his first patrol. He was the only one to survive out of his flight and only because a Bedouin found the crash site and took him to an allied outpost. He then became a reconnaissance photographer in the nose of a B24 Liberator. The only information about that part was he remembered flying over the beaches (duno which) a few days after D-Day to gather intel on progress. He had these two medals (Distinguished Flying Cross & Air Medal) but he never told me the circumstances to attain them. After the war he became a journalist (quite well known at the time in journalist circles) based in the Middle-East. He apparently had a lot of adventures there. Becoming friends with the President of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser. And suspected of being a spy by some other group. Fun times...
    1 point
  28. And this absolute whanger, which is why I'm not blasé about "mid century history enthusiasts" with a very specific interest in lightning bolts and friendship windmills. I draw a distinction here between generic Wehrmacht or Rooshan, versus sporting ᛋᛋ or Z emblems. At an actual historic re-enactment event representing the totality of a conflict you can (but don't have to) make the "Well, someone has to do it" argument. At an airsoft skirmish, or even a milsim, that doesn't apply: it's always a conscious choice to go full fash. And the warning sign for me is not how long ago the events occurred, but whether the ideology behind them is still active now. And especially if it's still actively recruiting. If it is, then I'll always doubt the motives for choosing to display and promote it, regardless of any public protestations to the contrary.
    1 point
  29. chat created... and everyone else is welcome to join as well if they wish
    1 point
  30. End of the day, z/wagner shit is claiming hundreds+ lives every day, even today, on both sides, & let's not forget that some of those Russians aren't there out of choice, & others may have gone there having been misled by the dictatorships "free" media & state propaganda. On that basis, no site should be allowing these patches to be worn on gamedays, in 30+ years you might get away with them being part of a viable loadout (but I doubt it), but in 2023 they're just symbols of oppression & murder on a massive scale.
    1 point
  31. Interesting topic and viewpoints. A big part of our hobby is dress- up, let's face it. A bit like @Skullchewer above I'm into my spaceman patches and am definitely a walty Spartan/ODST/DoomGuy/Space Marine. I've seen all kinds of loadouts on the field, including very accurate RusFor (complete with Zs etc) and SS uniforms. None of which has offended me in the slightest. That kind of thing is not for me - I'm into my own personalised look rather than accurate impressions but that's just me. If someone wants to dress up as a "baddie" that's their bag. I'll just do my thing, they do theirs, and as long as we all play fairly and have fun that's all I care for. Must admit, I do rather like the Space Shuttle Door Gunner patch above... definitely a worthy addition to my Space Marine Beefcake shoulder armour... Eezer G
    1 point
  32. Yeah well I gotta invisdible sheeld an, an, anyway my fingers were crossed so it don't count😋
    1 point
  33. Play to play. The "sport" is full of assholes, weekend warriors and wannabes, I just ignore them and wear my "I'M A SPACEMAN" patches, because we're playing cowboys and Indians in the woods (hey, I said bang and you didn't fall down!). Play for the fun and don't let dickheads stop your enjoyment of something.
    1 point
  34. Doesn't say what weight of BBs. Actually, that's a good point: why do adverts ask for an "fps" rather than a Joule rating. Tonight we're going to chrono like it's 1999.
    1 point
  35. My girlfriend is always finding things to complain about. Yesterday she said when peeing at night I should aim for the side of the bowl to keep the noise down Today she's saying her cornflakes taste funny
    1 point
  36. https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/two-tone-replicas/glock-17-m-o-s-gen-5-in-9mm-like-new_i47256 Seems totally legit and definitely not a scam, trust me bro
    1 point
  37. We did have to have a chat with a lad that turned up to play in a Celtic Football Club tracksuit once. Thats about as daft as you can get 😉
    0 points
  38. I've been looking into the rules and regulations just lately about shooting in the back garden and although there are a set number of rules regarding air rifles of sub 12ft lbs (the legal limit in uk) which relate to not shooting beyound your boundary, having to use a effective back stop, not discharging a air rifle within 50ft of a public rd or foot path and not causing distress to neighbours i can find no information on iether using a air pistol or airsoft gun all airsoft are alot less powerful and even if bb ricoches it is very unlikely to cause injury as the power of most airsoft guns is around 1-1.5 joules energy were as airguns can range from 7 joules for a pistol to up to 16 joules for a sub 12ft lb rifle also its a plastic bb that is 0.2 to 0.2.5 not a steel bb or pellet that even in 177 is about 8.5grms or up to 16grms or more for a. 22 air rifle and this is also the reason that a lot of indoor airgun ranges where people use air pistol to shoot knock down steel plonking targets at a range of 6-10mtrs are now banning the use of metal ammo at this range due to people being hit from ricoches its not to bad with rifles at 25mtrs but you do still get a few also since these airgun ranges are banning metal ammo both lead and steel and not only telling but even providing pistol shooters with airsoft pistols for safety will this ever be a valid form of defence as people won't be able to use a air pistol other than precision target shooting which is only a very small minority of air pistol shooters not to mention you dont use gbbg or co2 pistols to shoot 6mtr precision target sorry for rant gents
    0 points
  39. Lozart

    M3 scope disassembly..

    If you look at the first picture you can see that the end bell is drooping slightly. Which is EXACTLY how I bent mine!
    0 points
  40. It took them about a month to realise the site was down. Wouldn't hold my breath tbh
    0 points
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