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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/23 in all areas

  1. End of the day, z/wagner shit is claiming hundreds+ lives every day, even today, on both sides, & let's not forget that some of those Russians aren't there out of choice, & others may have gone there having been misled by the dictatorships "free" media & state propaganda. On that basis, no site should be allowing these patches to be worn on gamedays, in 30+ years you might get away with them being part of a viable loadout (but I doubt it), but in 2023 they're just symbols of oppression & murder on a massive scale.
    10 points
  2. mightyjebus

    Gun picture thread

    Had a broken tappet plate and since I was in there I fitted a NanoAAB mosfet. It's a Tokyo Marui M14 with a wooden stock and firing at 330 FPS on 0.2g. I'll be using it this weekend as I've got a woodland day. I'm still deciding if I want to S hop it or not. The range on the M14, straight out the box, is pretty impressive so do I need to tinker with it?
    5 points
  3. If you didn't earn it, don't wear it.
    4 points
  4. Seriously - Z patches ?????????? These types are highly attention seeking and pretty much deserve none of it But, if we bear in mind that I live in Salisbury, around the corner from the Skripals, am a friend of the Sturgess family and have interacted with the troll defenders of Putin with their disgusting narratives ………… I would be providing a Z ‘player’ with attention via a considerable sense of humour failure There is a time and a place At least with the SS it was in the region of 80 years ago …… and though taste can be questionable does align with the reenactment element of skirmishing If a player wants any credibility to just playing airsoft re-enacting Russia in the Ukraine war then they ought to be removing all badges and claiming to be 2014 tourists on a trip
    3 points
  5. They are already out. Mostly using T8 parts for the noveski . Similar price to a basic TM MWS but with the nice N4 reciever etc. The double eagle MWS clone is actually nicer and cheaper by quite some margin
    3 points
  6. The winning answer. And given that they could go and sign up to do it for real, it's really rather pitiable that their courage only extends to make-believe. That said... Name and praise the site?
    3 points
  7. Nice - although the skinflint Scot in me would still just use tape 🤣
    3 points
  8. I did some quite extensive data analysis on South African crime rates a few years ago as part of a wider research project into violent crime in South Africa Generally accepted reasons for the high violent crime rates include: A failed policing criminal justice system that is under equipped, ineffective, inefficient, highly politicised and corrupt. Massively unequal wealth distribution. Zero prospects for advancement for a large percentage of the population. Disadvantaged young people being drawn into violent crime through a normalisation of violence, the growth of violent subcultures, poor parenting, poverty etc. Brutalisation of young people growing up in poverty, resulting in the above mentioned normalisation of violence. Large numbers of guns being readily available, often having been sold to gangs by police officers on an almost industrial scale; for example, Colonel Christiaan Prinsloo was convicted in 2016 of selling more than 2000 guns to criminal gangs. As well educated and skilled South Africans, predominantly white, leave the country in ever increasing numbers, with most giving the level of violent crime as their main motivation for doing so, it is unlikely that the situation is going to improve as their departure is negatively impacting business and the economy, leading to further reductions in opportunities for the underprivileged. As with the USA, it does look like South Africa may be well and truly fucked when it comes to violent crime and, in particular, murder.
    3 points
  9. I had an interesting one pop up—a guy shows to my local field wearing full Russion kit and kaboodle. He then starts claiming to have been in the first wave that invaded Ukraine. Speaks Russian, and makes a very convincing claim that he actually was in the first wave. I have no clue on God’s green earth how he would’ve gotten all the way to Texas from Russia… …but the field owner sure did kick him off whether he was pretending or not.
    3 points
  10. The Z/Wagner-patch douches are just edgelord/Rusfor-simping trash. Don't let them get to you... modern-day equivalent of rocking an SS uniform, accoutrements and all. Absolutely a mix of edgelords, trolls, and people severely lacking in critical thinking, common sense, or basic respect. If you're having trouble being around certain tools or Walts, and it's spoiling the fun for you, maybe a different scene is on the cards -- if it's particularly heinous I'd have no qualms calling them out on it, or ensure that they make for a particularly popular target that day, but appreciate that approach isn't for everyone. Definitely spend some time getting games in away from that crowd, keep enjoying your play without the negative elements sullying the mood.
    3 points
  11. Play to play. The "sport" is full of assholes, weekend warriors and wannabes, I just ignore them and wear my "I'M A SPACEMAN" patches, because we're playing cowboys and Indians in the woods (hey, I said bang and you didn't fall down!). Play for the fun and don't let dickheads stop your enjoyment of something.
    3 points
  12. If we get a Labour government next then I do fear all shooting disciplines will have more trouble, I would think that what are toys legally will be far down the list. Most of the RIF’s we use in airsoft or also available as .177 airguns don’t forget, so you couldn’t ban one without the other being affected. Shotguns after Plymouth will face more restrictions I am sure, after all it can’t be the police’s fault that they gave back a seized shotgun to a very sick individual to go out and murder with. At the moment it’s proving very difficult to obtain primers, powders for home -loading ammunition and buying factory ammo even .22 is difficult around my area. Even the NSRA shop at Bisley had little in the way of lead pellets or .22 ammo last weekend. No shops can seem to offer an explanation as to why things are in such short supply, and when you can find them they are often 30% to 40% more expensive. A ban by the back door perhaps. Maybe we will find that shops can’t get hold of gas or bb’s sometime in the future.
    2 points
  13. I'm not sure our esteemed politicians give a flying fornication regarding that. Politics is politics, and faced with hysterical mania its a bandwagon our Internationalist, Interventionist, spend-thrift tax thieves will be all too willing to jump on to virtue-signal and show their peers how they "faced up to" "danger" and "took action". Meanwhile large numbers of perfectly innocent citizens minding their own business have yet another thing taken away from them, and the descent from liberty to totalitarianism quickens. Oops sorry for the rant. Forgot this was AFUK not Guido Fawkes.
    2 points
  14. Pfft nah, Poundland's finest gaffa tape. I'm no made o' pounds...
    2 points
  15. I feel a Charlton Heston quote coming on LOL
    2 points
  16. Z patches may genuinely upset someone and spoil their day. It's an arsehole thing to do. If we're worried about dressing up as a force that has taken part in illegal wars of aggression, we'll have to start using Irish Rangers or Swiss reservist loadouts... A few years ago, I got an ear full from a chap from SA. He was angered by my wearing 'SWAPO' camo. It was East German strichtarn as donated to said terrorists/liberation forces/communist baddies/peoples freedom army. Most kit has the potential to piss someone off. Intentionally offending people trying to enjoy a fun day out is not on though.
    2 points
  17. Agreed, it's astonishing that the professional fun-sponges in Holyrood haven't noticed us enjoying ourselves and put a stop to our nonsense.
    2 points
  18. MrTea

    Cyma GBB Rifles

    Looks like they're potentially introducing more variations from CYMA too. I wonder what their price point is going to be.
    2 points
  19. Yup, sadly I’m in agreement Im enjoying it while it lasts, before the spotlight is shone upon our hobby But would I surrender my toys for disposal? probably not but that’s another discussion 🤫
    2 points
  20. Fair enough. I will be near Milton Keynes on Thursday; ask your second to contact mine to make the arrangements.
    2 points
  21. Agreed, I'm enjoying the fun while it lasts. I've also put a lid on buying more toys because I suspect that at some point they'll become a liability rather than an asset. One thing that we don't seem to do in the UK is buy-back schemes. When yet more things are criminalised, you're expected to destroy them, or hand them in to the police. So at that point, if you want to recoup some of what you've spent, the only way left to do that is to flog them to Bad Barry behind the Dog and Duck. Not, I think, the desired outcome.
    2 points
  22. <Steering well away from the politics and arguments>.......... The fact remains many folk don't like guns, whether real or not. That gives ammunition - pun intended - who seek to further regulate or completely cancel our hobby. Fear and ignorance are a dangerous mix. It's a wonder the way things are going in this country that they haven't come for us yet. Eezer G
    2 points
  23. I think they are a mixture of the two. Unfortunately, there will always be a percentage of people in this hobby who like to create controversy or are attracted to authoritarianism. There are also some who lack the intelligence or awareness to understand what wearing such insignia, be it Z, Wagner, SS or whatever, represents.. They are the same group who use the "It's just banter" defence. I have only seen two or three players wearing Z or Wagner patches. One was asked to remove a Z patch by a site owner, refused to do so and was told to leave. Maybe you need to find a different site; however, such people are spread across airsoft and you will encounter them at most sites. The best thing to do is to ignore them as much as possible, play your game and, if you do encounter them in the field, make sure it hurts.
    2 points
  24. Not sure to be honest, although I imagine that the petro industry qualifies it. I know that South Africa is the only 'first world ' nation in Africa. In 2019 I think that I remember that about 10% more people died from criminality in SA than died from the Syrian civil war. 22k v 20k. Worth checking anyhow. It's a very open question.
    2 points
  25. A few months ago a guy turned up in WW2 Nazi Germany soldiers loadout. Full on swastika on his belt and on other parts of his kit just no red armband. Problem for me is that it was a normal every day skirmish. I can understand maybe at a WW2 event but it just seems really odd and strange in my opinion to turn up like that and not feel embarrassed of even question yourself. To be fair I would like to see sites start adding regulations on this sort of thing.
    2 points
  26. Just not taking things seriously. This topic inevitably leads to disagreement, and we're on a forum for big kids. 🤪
    2 points
  27. Kinell The end times are upon us.
    2 points
  28. I'd say both. They know exactly what they're doing and are only doing it for a reaction so can play the internet big man later, complaining about how snowflakes are upset by a bit of cloth. Imo the best way to deal with them is make sure the only attention they get is from a few extra bbs (especially to the more sensitive body parts). They're nothing more than attention whores who thrive on creating drama
    2 points
  29. Can't disagree there @Tackle.
    1 point
  30. The conversation becomes even more interesting when we start counting crimes like rape. Australia is No. 2 in the world! Sweden is on the top ten! I was in Italy recently, and the rate of robbery, (not counting burglary or thievery) is absolutely massive, especially in certain cities. Naples has an unemployment rate of over 30% right now. You could call me a culture tourist—I genuinely enjoy seeing other people’s ways of life and perspectives on things. 😁 I actually do have a passport—I’m almost to a dozen countries—so I spend quite a bit of time immersed in other cultures. Nah, not strange that you don’t enjoy real guns. I’m way more of an airsoft nut than I am a real-steel nut. Fair enough—Cold War is a bad example. The point I was trying to make is that us and our police shouldn’t be using knives in hopes that the criminals will use knives as well. Putting yourself at the mercy of a bad guy in hopes he backs up and does the same for you is just stupid. Knives are cheaper, yes, but at least in the USA, a basic rifle or handgun is so cheap pretty much anyone can afford one. A basic rifle can be purchased for less than $100 new, and a basic handgun can be around $100 as well. Private sales can be any price, of course. Two words: threat bubble. Knives have an extremely small threat bubble. It’s also much harder to kill or even hurt someone with a knife than a gun, assuming that is the intent. Imagine any robber trying a bank without a gun… (most are caught, but that doesn’t mean they don’t try) In recent times, there was a knifing at a local school. The perpetrator only injured one victim, despite intent to hurt more. Why? Because a knife is a thousand times less effective of a weapon than a gun. I repeat; firearms are an equalizer. My 80 year old grandmother can shoot someone dead just as well as a highly trained cop, or a a gang boss. Who’s going to win in the knife fight? (Hmm, maybe not quite as well, but you get the picture 😂) My grandfather was a cop for 25 years. He was in gunfights, shot multiple times, was called in for mass shootings, shot criminals, crashed his motorcycle in the middle of a car chase, and was known to the end of his life as “that old guy who always carries three pistols”. Most people are not, and will never have to be my grandfather, encountering threats to his life and the lives of others on a common basis. But as the saying goes: “He who packeth heat be a fool all the days but one.” I found an interesting report from the American FBI that states that in 2019 armed American citizens killed 386 felons during the perpetration of their crimes vs. 340 from the police. This does not include any self-defense shootings, or shootings that weren’t fatal. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/expanded-homicide I first found this page from various media outlets, but I dug up the original report for sale of veracity—if anyone sees anything misleading about the way these numbers are presented, you should let everyone know! In short, it’s not “an exception” for citizens to make use of their firearms in lawful manners. Heck, this report didn’t include anything that was for self-defense, only the stopping of felons (murder, rape, arson, etc). I don’t know the faces behind the avatars, but I’m assuming it’s mostly men on here. In almost all cases, women aren’t capable of overpowering men by physical strength. If you take away weapons, you reduce the fight down to pure physical strength and skill. Who wins in those cases? Note the extremely high rape numbers for Australia… Better yet, ask yourself what you’d like your mother, wife, sister, or daughter to carry in potentially dangerous situations.
    1 point
  31. Aye, same shite, different name. Covid, Climate Change, you name it, bandwagon jumped on, hysteria abounds and we all get shafted. Oops sorry went off on one again. I'll stop now. I promise. *twitch twitch*
    1 point
  32. If we take that view, any war has its oppos and anyone can take offence at anything. Where do we stop. Germans getting offended at British D-Day kit... Yanks offended at VC loadouts... Jedi offended by Stormtroopers... Covenant airsofters disgusted by Spartan loadouts... Next we'd be banning shemaghs as the wrong colour will offend someone (a genuine cultural fopah in the Gulf but we airsofters tend to ignore it, mainly out of ignorance). Personally, there's good taste to be accounted for, however it's still just a bit of dress-up. My great-grandfather fought in the Somme. Another family relative was a Jew who escaped to Scotland with his bro from Poland in 1939 when they were all getting rounded up and sent to camps. His remaining family were wiped out in the horrors that followed. Whilst I'm fully aware and appreciative of history, I'm afraid I am not offended in the slightest if someone turns up to my local field in SS kit with toy guns. Thats just me, again there's the question of what is good taste, and others may be for good reason more sensitive which regardless of my more Liberal views I do respect.
    1 point
  33. I very definitely have an issue boots issue, and I don't care:). I have worn black tie with black issued German boots; nobody seemed to notice.
    1 point
  34. It would have been the traditional way: throwing blancmanges at each other from the baskets of hot air balloons. It is how I repeatedly duel with my mortal foe, Roger the Welshman (that isn't an instruction). I am pleased to hear about the boots. Go and play, and tell him what a brilliant day you had :). Hope he recovers rapidly.
    1 point
  35. You beat me to it (more childish giggles at beat me) I might have some sig high caps in the shed you're welcome to, I'm not sure how many of them work though
    1 point
  36. Enid_Puceflange

    NAF ‘23

    Aww ya big Puff I’ll be taking my gbbr and it’s 40 round mags And my shotgun 😂 (maybe quietly taking my aeg out for when I realise I’m needing to actually hit someone )
    1 point
  37. Gotta love a Sig 55# series I enjoyed my ICS, but was a hefty boi Quietly tempted with a GHK variant one day
    1 point
  38. The cold war is a very bad example of the point you're trying (and failing) to make. Both sides were in an arms race as they both considered the other side to be wanting to wipe them out. As for your question about why wouldn't they use it, why would they go through the extra hassle of getting a gun when a knife can be bought for a fraction of the price and will have the same effect on the victim, whether that's making them comply or putting a hole in them
    1 point
  39. The KWA F90 is a thing of beauty and will now compete with the FAL, the G53, the G3, the MP5, and the L85 for a place on my Xmas list. The bastards.
    1 point
  40. Grow up, child. Either that, or stop posting when drunk.
    1 point
  41. On the odd time I’ve found someone wearing something in poor taste I’ve always made sure they were left with no doubt that they were hit Thankfully it’s been years since I’ve seen anyone being silly. Don’t chuck the sport in. Are there other sites you could try that have a better vibe?
    1 point
  42. This I am discovering.
    1 point
  43. It's a Surefire Redi-Mag. Allows you to hold a spare magazine on the rifle next to the to the one in the magazine well. Saves having to draw a spare from a pouch, and on some AEGs they double up as battery containers.
    1 point
  44. Now that SWMBO has gone.... I can finally get my peg board up and display the new family... Just need a couple more hooks for the Glock collection.
    1 point
  45. Pupa2794

    Gun picture thread

    True. I'll give it it's own thread. I'm working on metal kits for tm Spas 12s too and fancy having a crack at a MAT49. If I can get hands on a deact I can get replica bodies formed from steel. The terminator has been built by a guy called Lee who's a wizard. I'll get it working spot on and do all the finishing and will do a build thread when I can.
    1 point
  46. ak2m4

    airsoft vs paintball

    chatgpt has entered the building
    1 point
  47. Cannonfodder

    airsoft vs paintball

    Same here. This explains what those guys at my old site where doing. They never joined us in games and had guns that looked like they were made from the spare parts bin at B&Q. Now do us all a favour and fuck off and take your spam with you
    1 point
  48. sorry but the law is if you have played 9 years of paintball it gets deducted from your airsoft lives so you have only played for 7 years in airsoft
    1 point
  49. im so glad you posted this in the 19 years ive been playing airsoft i did not know what Paintball was i think im going to sell all of my kit and move hobbies
    1 point
  50. AlgebraMWS

    THE TM MWS thread

    The barrel nut came from a madbull handguard, the seller kept the OEM TM barrel nuts, hence why it doesnt fit, lol fml... I think I figured it out, I will need to buy the TM MK18 GBB barrel nuts and install it on the MWS.
    1 point
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